HomeMy WebLinkAboutHillenbrand, Alex ERIC J. BRESSLER ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM LYNNE M. GORDON JANET GEASA LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.c. 13015 MAIN ROAD. P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 WILLIAM WICKHAM (06-02) 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD SUITE 111 MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 63 I -298-8353 TELEFAX NO. 631-298-8565 wwblaw@aol.com 63 I -249-9480 TELEFAX NO. 631-249-9484 October 22, 2004 Board of Town Trustees Town of South old Post Office Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Property owned by Alex Hillenbrand 8415 Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York SCTM# 1000-104-3-12 Ladies and Gentlemen: We enclose the following and ask that you assign the permit to the Hillenbrands: I. Consent; 2. Copy of Assignment of Permit; 3. Survey of the property; 4. $50. check for assignment fee. Please advise if you require anything further. }J:J;iJ~ Abigail A. Wickham AA W/dm end 30/shdtrustees g fECEIWlE ~ J NOV - 1 2G04 Southold Town Board of Trustees CONSENT Re: 8415 Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York SCTM#'s 1000-104-3-12 ALEX HILLENBRAND AND SUSAN HILLENBRAND, the owners of property located at 8415 Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York (SCTM# 1000-104-3-12) do hereby consent to Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P.C., and their agents, or their representatives and/or agents, to make application and to file documentation with the Board of South old Town Trustees for the assignment of Permit #1144. Dated: October 20, 2004 ;Uyt~~ Alex Hillenbrand L !-liL~. Susan Hillenbrand V' 2/lconsenhl I ASSIGNMENT OF PERMIT I, RICHARD JERSEY, residing at It.' f t!Ui ~ ~ trire, Riverhead, New York 11901, as "Assignor", hereby assign to ALEX HILLENBRAND AND SUSAN HILLENBRAND, residing at 8415 Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York 11935, as "Assignee", all of my right, title and interest in the following: 1. Town of South old Board of Town Trustees permit number 1144, dated May 17, 1976, issued to Richard Jersey for "Permission to place ramp, dock & float at Little Creek, Cutchogue, N.Y." affecting property at 8415 Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, New York (SCTM# 1000-104-3-12). Dated: Riverhead , New York September ~r. 2004 ~ - . , relassper r- II .if , -~ <. l"'.; If) .'. lit:. f .-(: ."\ .. ,'.. III L1- III 11..: .J III t'J f , C'i _ ,;, ~::"" C..... =: :x , ':< .~ .,... n 0. :'-~ .., fJ. ~_.t _) ('> -;''' 1/) 4 ') ... I') f') Cl. '( f . .~ or ~tJ <( -1 :; ('(. :z 0 . _-= It.. t. ~ 2 u.. t:.... <( ~O::JLU :2 0.. Vl c.J /--- "c::{ UJ :~~ c, ;;E :r II. ....l;: .... U (, <) t- o tu f- o :z: o . .- ,,\..',. . 'I ~'. - '.' >" v o ..",. c ..(j'LI) c,."" r- .~'/> \ ~') ,~~ ". ",,,. 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(l ~u .-, ...-1 '") III ~ u 0'591 , :/.. III :;; . V>-0 ":-' j- ~\ W ;':\\ :lei '1~ ,OZ -1 . .1- .... '). " QJ. ::( to -_.- n ---.- --~'__._ -'_.--~--7 11/15/04 Field Inspection . . ,,"if I\. \ let1 \:,,,,,,! ~ 11115/04 Field Inspection. . : I' , ",I' 1 ' ,f,I\lt, \, .; u,\\ \ ,:' , .\ .I II I - ~- \ \e.r, b n-J. ' . TERMS and CONOmONS a 1 The Permittee residing at part of the . lowing: ; ';'.., ",; N,Y.,a consideration for 1he issuance of the Permit does tmderstand and prescribe to ili~ .tot; t h ", " 1. That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from a:zlY...~ . all damages, or claims for damages, of suits atising directly or indirect1y as a result of any:.op#!;" . ation pedooned. pursuant to this 'pennit, and the said Permittee will, at his or her. own ~.: defend any and all such suits initiated by tbirdparries, and the said Permittee assumes full J~1i~. with respect thereto, tc)the complete exc;lusion o'f the Board of Trustees of the Town of ~o.I~:. '1'- 2. That this Permit is ~d for " period of mos. "Which is ronsidered to ~ ~~ estimated time required to complete the work involved, but should c:ircumstance" warrant, ~~IJ,~' for an extension may be made to the Board at a later date."'; . '.' . . '.... . 3. That this Permit should .be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee . Wish... to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to anyone ooncerned ~:iiin~1 orizatioo was originally obtained. t '! ri t~ ~.~ I- :\ 4. That .the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Boalid or . ,I",",'" its ageots, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application, may be ~e E~ revocation of this Permit by resolution of the .aid BOard. . . II l l 5. Thac there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a resulr of theiwPzk herein authorized. 6. Thar there .hall be no interference with the righr of the public to pass and repass li1""g the beach between high and low water marks. i 7. That if future operations of the Town of Soutl;J?ld require the removal and/or alteratintis in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the. Board of Trust~ # work shall cause unreasonable obsttucnon to free navigation, the said Permittee will be ~. upon due notIce, to. remove or alter this work or project herein stated wi1hout expenses to the ~ of Southold. . 8. Tnar the .aid Board will be notifioo by the Permittee ot the completion of the work '~utb,- orized. I 9. That the Permirtee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be required ,SUp- plemental ro this permit which mar be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. . .." ~;. Telephone 516 - 765.~78~ :j{;/[J,{lLJ-./> ~ \(Y~\\;rULr -v~ BOARD' ~F;:tq~~{$1.JSTEES "fJ $}it,t. . }"-'-~~ Tr+Wl'1 ,pn<SOUU;{\JL ~ -."., .'."...-,...... =!.""'~, ~~"..pJ.~~~'6;~ ~ V""*,~rP" ~ South '?if<l11:~j\ 1971 =1" December 20, 1976 Richard Jersey 54 Amundsen Lane New York City N.Y. 10956 Dear Mr. Jersey: This is to inform you that we have had a complaint on the location of your floating dock at Little Creek, Cutchogue. After inspection, we found that your float has been taken in for the season. When you replace it in the spring, please be sure that you place it exactly as shown in your diagram(straight out from the right~of-way) Also, be sure that the float is secur<ely fastened to the bottom of the creek. Very truly yours, ~cf3~ Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees ABG/bn cc:file Telephone 516 - 765-3783 . rr;-' t--';~. BOARD'O~ ro~t{tROSTEES ~ ~"'.' .. .,' , . ib\i&N OFSOlJTH6ih @ ~ijFFO{icou~ ~ ,> ",,,.', ."".... \/ -,,1,/' '" 'v', ':' .., "",,'" '-fi ~ .', ",'c...,....- 2:>'" 'o-"i:" ,,'" ",\ ~.' ".,'- i....... ;:-"'::'_ ,'\ ('. South6I~'.->-' I."'NJ'y,.,,.11971 -::"''::Q.zazafJ.Y' November 22, 1976 Mr. Rene Le Cren 51-06 63rd Street Woodside, N.Y.C. 11377 Dear Mr. Le Cren: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 13, 1976 regarding the floating dock of Richard Jersey at Little Creek, Cutchogue, N.Y. Please be advised that the Trustees have no regulation or requirement that a dock, float, or mooring be placed a minimum of 3 feet off the property line. I have checked with the Bui.ding Department of the Town of Southold and I find that this would not come under the Zoning Ordinance as an accessory structure, which must be placed at least 3 feet from the property line. Therefore, a dock, float, mooring, etc. may be placed immediately adjacent to a property line. Mr. Philip Horton, the Cutchogue representative for the Trustees, inspected Mr. Jersey's float this past week-end. He found that the float was swinging back and forth in front of your property and that it was not anchored securely. Please be assured that this matter will be discussed by the entire board, once again, at their next meeting on December 6th and that Mr. Jersey will be required to anchor his float securely to the bottom of the creek. Very truly yours, Betty Neville, Secretary Board of Southold Town Trustees cc:file . Al2 ~ Rev. 6/72 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TGWJl Of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION FOR FIXED andlor FLOATING DOCKS 1. Applicant's name and address~JS\C.Hf.tR.D.........J';~l"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''......... ~ .~..A.Cl~~t:lJ..~~...h.e.~:o:.,...r.l..I:!..~..G:.'. .:.]."./Y.'/..:.!. ~~~~............. ........ .............................. ......... 9.>~-?->Ay Av.nltJi:.,C.U1'"<!.lloG"", N.v. /f'f3S" 2. Contractor's name and address: .................................................................................................... ............;....................................................................,.........................................................................n..... 3. Briefly explain the purpose of this application: .~..::D.Cl(;o.k....B...:B..EIrlS'.t./.~If,..73.<:J.s:r: ,.....................................................................................n.......................................................................... ,.......................................................................................................u........................................................ .................................................................................'................................................................................ 4. After issuance of a Permit, I expect to: (mark by an )0 (a) Commence work - AT ONCE ............; ASAP ...A....; UNKNOVVN ............. (b) Complete work in - 1 DAy............; 1 MO. ...X....; 1 YR. ............; FUTURE ............. . 5. Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of this Board, l:md by using an X WITHIN A CI RCLE indicate es closely es possible the location of this dock. On the reverse side of this map, provide 0 SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Weter Mark, the shape end size of the dock and any supplemental pilings which are needed to hold a floating dock. or tie-up e boat. Give all dimensions necessary to determine the area of the dock surface which extends offshore from the O. H. W. M. 6. Will ony portion of this construction extend offshore into Town Waters beyond QI'l imagi~ line or boundery formed by other similor structures along the area's shoreline? YES or 0 If it does extend beyond this so-coiled dock line indicate by how far, approximately,.......... t. 7. Provide the following documents: (e) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. 8. Will this construction require the Filling of any land offshore of the Ordina~gh Water Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water? YES oWQ,llf it does, Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and attached as part of this appl ication. 9. In requesting approval of this opplication, I submit that: the information presented herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I am the person accountable for the performance of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications attached; I hove read or am familiar with the provisions af any Southold Town Ordinance pertin.ent to the work involved; and further, I intend ta adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and if issued to me. -Accepted by: '-8 Il. 1.f-':16 - 76 v.Jf /~J> - S 00 L ..:::.............:..~...h............. Deted: ^ .\ \ \ . . ~ ;1\/-- \ \ \ ~~i./~ . r 1\1 dy/ote. . ._~ 6(00, --'---. cove . (~~--- ~ . /~,,-----. .J /<:<:::~~'>2-> " .'<'."7 -=-___~v;~.~ ~~;~..':: . _.J:f\.\ / /--:' ~ /./ /' -_.-_---~~/ ~......-AI../ ----- ::-\' ..---;<., \ ~---il1 \-/ '--<<::? \ /' O,ef y::/>> . '/I . r.~<;;;: - (iO~colJe (/3;;';;: . .. ~(/ ~10 ~..o'.0.. ..~,~-!.j~ '....<$:f!<<", ',,' ./:;\\'i,---;./ \ . 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