HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchlesinger, Alan Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LETTER OF REQUEST FOR A WAIVER DATE FL.\o"'u..~......... :;.. I, 2,003 ~ , 1f1-~3'8'"f4CJ...=t OWNER A \~'^ ~('.,^\eS\Y1~eh PHONE b 3 ( - "2.-'1 g-2X:t. +- ADDRESS ""~y, -P'O.&-~O'lC 4q!> .~u.reJ, ~YMk IL~.4<6 ,2..S"'W II-j- Sf..-e.e::T- >l"-y ;.J.cP.' 100ft AGENT PHONE I 'J ADDRESS PROPERTY LOCATION \;1..'5"" V'V\eSrOb ;a.!I\ l>rr've.., ~L\Te.\ )..J .y. I(q4~ , . I TAX MAP NO. /...;)" - ~ - + I/We j).-u.... '.ck \e ~I"'-C'Q.{' ~ ..) 5-+~x.\J~ 0 ..c, u r 0 \~ lit \ '", requestaWaiverto 6'\~<12.. d ",4:..~ lDO+-+ ~ w~-tr~ , , " "'h ( '\ i" L' '. \) \.j <" , ~.."'\\. ().,. '." _, "~,J" t..' /1)'" " \) ) ~ )(r~ "j'J( f V \ Boa. of 'rrustees Application . County of Suffolk State of New York BEING-DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN ~USTEES ~SS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT (S) OR REPRESENTATIVES ( S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. ~~s2?tur~~ SWORN TOj:IEFORE ME THIS ,;;l / - DAY OF /-63~l!)'I- r 'I ' tl ZO c; S -l(jA Notary Public . ELIZABETH A STATHIS NOTARY PUBLIC, Slale of New Vortc No. 01 ST6008173, Suffolk Coul).ly Tenn Expires June 8. 2O.Q& 7 AlbertJ. Krupski, President ,- James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . Town Hall . 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD t--~ ~ 'W ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) 1,,2003 ~ ----------------------------------- ~ In the Matter of the Application of L- '~'J\hold Tawn , . 1i lfustees AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING . I ,~\av.. ScM\es Wl';)ef , residing at \.;L.", '(Y\esrolo;~\I\ &\~e.1 L""ue\ being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the 1 day of '(Y\...,-a"., 2003, I personally posted the ( n property known as . -,_..J.. l' .~, ._3 he, rk u~a.... ~ ~ by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the .-L1 ~ublic hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held /2IA/f~~~" CtiJ ~ /y, dY Il~ 1 tJffi7:.1-. f'0 . ' Dated: Sworn to before me this /c-' day of Nn,Q.C!./I 2003 q \ ELIZABETH A STATHIS NOTARY PUBLIC, Slate of NewVorll No.01ST6008173,S~~fo~9~ Tenn Expires June 8.~ . . \D) ~ ~ ~ n lJJ IE If\1 lnl MAR 1... 2003 ,lW I Southold Town BOClfd of Trustees PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK A\~.. S"-\"\"~'Y\'1..r ,residing at \;1 r )'\-\esY"o'c"'41\ '"1),.ive I l.oulfe\ N. Y. Ilq of ~ , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the I ;lr~ day of 'fA<>~"^ , 2003 , deponent mailed a true copy ofthe Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of South old; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at L.o..v..-e.l, N. i . , that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail: ' y~~~~ . fi . thi '2-J Sworn to be ore me s Cl . Dayof ~......._ ,20~ tJ~wy~' JAMES J. MAGLIONE NOTARY PNUBLlC, State of New York " o. 31-4755668 QU~"f~ed in New York Count Commission Expires May 31 )~ 10 '- View from SE at house.JPG 3/16/20034:02:25 PM View from 60' note markers.JPG 3/16/20034:08:31 PM ............ -...~. 4..! ~~.. View from SE at Bulkhead.JPG 3/16/20034:01 :55 PM View from 60' note markers.JPG 3/16/2003 4:08:36 PM \D Fit Iii t C- ! '" ... It F .. ~ -;z 3/11103 Field Inspection " ~~r , -- / ~ c 1-, c~ "'" RU~LLS QUICK PRINT 941 549 3516 , P.01 3/18/2ID3 '1Q tte Ibn:d of 'll:uSt:ees. I an wi"",,,,,,uy q:paa1 to tTe h,;lmr-q of Alan ~ fe:x:e. A 6 it pi.d<st fen:e w::uld l:e ~ e;e s:::x:e to rnr I::Eautiful "6ter frmt. ~ in tte reigi:rorl'l:xrl fools this "BY .Pleas::! Cb net: let this ffiH:m. !!!!!!! n""'J1"", S. seth 175 M=..<.bim D::iw Ia.II:el,N.Y. 11952 o lE~lEl~~ D MAR 1 8 2003 Southold TOWft Baanl of Trustees CASE NUMBER ACTlVnv NUMBER INCIDENT REPORT __Town Police ~ Route 25 Peconic, New Yoot< 11958 516-785-2600 FROM ~- 53~ REPORTED. DATE OCCURRED 10 .cx:R1UINAL CASE o NON CRIMINAL OESKOFFICER HOW RECEIVED ~FOR SERVICE o OFFICER INtTlATED D COUNTER REPORT 5 j(' ";'.1 7!t &/<;" /:$.2/ HRS HRS HRS [; fi; .. 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M "'~ I OM OF o White 0 Black 0 Other o HispanIC 0 Unk. 0 light 0 Dark 0 Unk. ::>'" Ou o Indian 0 Asian 0 Unk. o Non-Hispanic 0 Medium 0 Other ~ ",:i " 48. Heigntl 49.Welgnt SO Hair 5 1. Eye~ 51.Gla~ 53 8uild I 54. Employerl5<nool 155 Address N Z o y~o Contacts o Smilll 0 large Vi o No o MedIum - '" ~ 56. Sc:ar'Y Marksrriln~ (Dexribe) 57. Mi~c 0 58. Victim or Property PrQpefty Quontltyl n.M.It~ or SertaINo. Oex:r.ption Value ~ Statu\ T,,,, Me ~ Model I () LI.. '7 - IT~" '" .,. ,~:: ........ X I >- ~ .... f>' '" 59. Vehicle 60. licenseP!ateNo FUll~161.5tate 161 Exp. Yr 163. Plate Type 64. value ~ .. Statu~ 0 Partial 0 '" ~ 167 Model I 68. Style 169 VIN .. ~ 65. Veh. Yr 66. Make 0 \,/ X ~ > 171. Towed By 172 VenicleNotes El 70.Color(i) I To GJ lJ'AJ1 -r:..~ f p (' '''''' e J.- "'''011 J-lnJ ILf 5/1N.:J /nA j-.lJldtulA.. (),c"''''h /51 ' / "'fA 8 r ,,'" f-I.." ~ 'n,,'r inN Ooff c P;/ P r'/J') '" <I' 1. Pi .,I " '<:>4 rl,ve,. -' t "..). "'r <;,'~ n,<7 J.f ..".J. f". 'fc7 AJ^~ {I~/_,.,,.. ..,,,1 '" .:J_ <; .J..,>t"",.I. I-kn ..J- GJ w ~'lL!- ,:l,f)', J'J() f r_ a,l f-t. I: ~ .. ...,.' _... ~ A. b no f"'../Ju.. /..1./1 r ".t-- > GJ . ;= <J~I.L'>_ "f A " c;..j.,., '... ). 1....1. .4- rA -"'<21Yl.h"'l" ",of'. t.o,," ;;t'", "', L", nY'- .. . I '" .f ~f .0 J.. ""r.J /...^".p ~ i ~_ ""A'), ., i. e.. . l. b ' ..;,,).. "'" ~ '" r_ -..j ..... .., .... ~ ,,, ro .E1 .. ;. ~ < n. .. <> 1., ~ ,1--1, Mb. L l """,...,,""... /'.., J:. L k1 z t:;. ,...,~ ...., r. ,P. . A [ ^ r _ -I, .~ I {........::-"f' iJ~' l L ~ (.-! ,{A.. '" ".'1 h ~ /c '" " ' u! .A o'f ..L' A , ;; 13 , /'.'~ e n.-t' tL~ ~., ,.. ,oll"",-l.. ,.~..t fA,,, 15/'of fit e. nrl <1 111 a L ;-€"",,,,i- ~ 74. Inquiries (Ched.. all that apply) , " NY~PIJ...t Message No 76. Complainant Signature ~ > o DMV 0 WantMIarrant o Scofflaw ~ h~J ;: OCri~History 0 Stolen ProPf"lY o Oth('( ('\ ~ "!',!''';';'C'' .... 71. ~~~ 1'7'. ';f:t"!,"nJi/d,p." ' 78 IDNo /0 1:9.~~:') ure {Include Ra r~ Slp\ IBO~11", '" .... Z ~ -1//fN ( .......^ ,,...... -----page--.- i · ~1",", c{;f'n o CI~ (If C10$ed~:k box below) 9,untounded I~;"i';~ P' ~ 83. NOlifiedfTOT 01 0 .. o Viet. Refused to Coop o Arrest Pro~. Declined 0 Warfilnt Advised __ 0 CBlq Juv. .No Cu~tody o Arrest .Juv Offender Dead 0 Exttad Decfm o Unknown Pages DUS-320S [7/971 *FALSE STA TEMENTS ARr! PUNISHABLE AS A CRIME, PURSUANT TO THE NEW YORK $TA TE PENAL LAW Mary Lou Palmer . =tt N~ 'Z:0T)l\il #: 14-s.-7 Al.f\;\J ~l-.tS{Iu;-e11- Page 1 of 1 From: To: Sent: <marlarsmith@earthlink.net> <maryloupalmer@optonline.net> Monday, March 17, 2003 8:51 PM Board of Trustees Town of Southold Southold, New York Dear Members of the Board: We are residents of the Edgemere community in Laurel which is located on the eastern side of Brushes Creek and are unable to attend the March 18th hearing. It has come to our attention that Mr. Alan Schlessinger has applied for a variance to erect a six and one-half foot high fence between his property and that of his neighbor, Mary Lou Palmer. We would like to express our opposition to this project. We, along with many residents of the area feel this is a spiteful act on Mr. Schlessinger's part. Since we live directly across from Mr. Schlessinger and Mrs. Palmer, that type of fence would be an eyesore to us and would detract from the serenity of our waterfront community. In addition, the granting of a variance of this type would set a precedent that would block water views and adversely affect property values. We strongly urge that Mr. Schlessinger's request be denied and thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, Arthur L. and Marilyn S. Smith Edgernere P.O. Box 494 Laurel, New York 11948 3/18/21 ~ . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 . SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town ConserVation Advisory Council held Wednesday, March 12, 2003, the following recommendation was made: Moved by William Cook, Jr., seconded by Bob Ghosio, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of the Waiver Request of ALAN SCHLESINGER to place a 6 W stockade fence within 100' of waterfront. Located: 125 Mesrobian Dr., Laurel. SCTM#145-4-7 The CAC recommends Disapproval of the application because the location of the fence was not indicated on the survey. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried ~':~1\~~{/: :~~~:~. ': .::::~" '.~ ~ . . ~ . . "'_,. _, .- s . . ' ~r"~;~~:.' : -_::'~~ "~~'" ;:. 2~1~..d ~1~..1 . J~.. ,<! 0 ".,2: . f"! vi q:1 V)! >-1 01' ~ ..........-.._'..: '"t..' ...;.. ~: i . . ". ;. t , ,'--. '-.. - . ~.,.., ~ I I I I I , (\ ... a ~ UJ J ::J o en >- ~r \fi \'g . ,'\ ' '.1 '0 \. -J 1~1 11 ~ o . 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