HomeMy WebLinkAboutLeverich, Peter C Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice~President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 25, 2004 Mr. Glenn E. Just J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services P.O. Box 447 ~ Quogue, NY 11959-0447 ~ V RE: PETER C. LEVERICH ~\ "Q; 1200 WEST LANE RD., SOUT 0.0.. SCTM#88-6-17 s~ Dear Mr. Just: The Board of Town Trustees k the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Glenn E. Just on behalf of PETER C. LEVERICH applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated January 7, 2004, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on February 25, 2004, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, 2 WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of PETER C. LEVERICH to reconstruct inkind/inplace 99' of timber bulkhead, a 4'X 5' landing and 4'X 4' stairs. Bulkhead shall be backfilled with 20 cy. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source, and with the condition a 10' non-turf buffer is maintained landward of the bulkhead, and as depicted on the plan prepared by Glenn E. Just last dated December 29, 2003. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $5.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $5.00 Very truly yours, ~..f 9- ~. (jn, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJKllms ~.~..&..........r.,.,..".,,,....,,,,,.,.,,.~ TERMS end CONOmONS The Permittee residing at 1200 West Lane Rd.. Southold N. Y.. as pan of the coosideratioo for the isCo'---e of me Pennit does UI1dentaod and ptescribe to the fol- lowing: Peter C. Leverich 1. TIw che said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and .u damages, or claims for damages, of suits arisiDg directly or inc1irecdy as a result of any oper- ation performed punuaot to chis permit, and me aid Penni_ wl11, lit his or her own expeIIR. defend 8I1Y and .u such .wts initiated by chird parties, and che aid Petmittee ........., fu1I1iobiIif1 with respect thereto, to me complete -A.,.l"" of the Board of Trustees of the Town of ~ 2. That chis PeaDit is valid for a period of 24 mas. wbkh is CXXISidaed to be the estimated time required to complete the work invol..ed, but mould cittIImstoaces worrant, request for ao extension may be IDlUIe to the Board .t a later dace. 3. That this Permit should be retoioed indefinitely. or as loog as the said Permittee wishes to m.;nui" the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to 8I1yooe concerned that aotb- nrization was originally obtained. 4. That me wod< involved will be subject to me inspection and opprovol of the Boord (It its ogents. and non-compliance with the provisions of the orlgin.tl"8 OPpW:atioa, may be couse for revocotion of this Pennit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasonoble interference with navigatioa as a result of the work herein .utborized. 6. TIw there shall be no interference with the right of me public to pass and repass o1oog the beach between high aod low Wlter marks. 7. TIw if futute opeeations of che Town of Soutbold .equire the removal and/or olterotions in the locotion of the work herein and>ori-\, or if, in the opinion of the Board of TtuSteCS, die work shIlll couse unreasooahle OOsttuaIOn to free navigadoo, the aid Permittee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or olter chis work or project herein stated without e..penses to die Town of Soutbold. 8. That the said Bnatd will be notified by the Pennitree ot the "OP'P'HInn of the work aotb- orized. 9. That the Permittee will obtain .u other permits and .......-.. chat may be required sop- plementol to this permit which may be subject to revolce upon faihue to oblain ame. Albert J. Krupski, President ... James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. Lt.OQ nC ~ INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, hay bale line 1 sl day of construction Y:z constructed /' Project complete, compliance inspection. seAL E T"lo.... ...~" .,... ..,~. _.~. ...,,-.--.......--...-... ._~..,.,..-... ,,~ ...,.._".,.. '._....~-. rV'l ./". t!I' '"'-'!~" .( ~,iL~\,,~t~; I N~ 6jW ~ 0 Tn J. ,-...-......."" "'/ " '1':-"" , ~;f,> ~/" ":t" !!~ ' ' }) /' C'5:>f';~ ~.F> /);..i.~' '~t':::'.i; / ltCWAP l"!r." .;;:,), f, .')" :'<,i', !W~I II' '. ,,-< c!;;.......' ( ., '*' ~"')~ 'SI ' ','t....:.' !' '" ." i. J~', ii.if "f1'.Ie>' ! ~r.' lc,','"<;- ';j 'I' "'~: to;).S '.r;".,.' 'I " ". 'I' 'i ~~~.~~_:~.--.:.~.. , I:.'. Suffolk CouPty Hagstrom M:,p 29 Scale J "'0030('0' ~,.."',.).,--_.. ..- --..- Cl 7'1') <:' , 1"11 I J::::::::::::::i--'-- ~-- , // ~" / 0) q) I -"''1'3' ,..... .--- .....-...-...-. --------LEAN . 'illN\) q:otvl 20CYOF~-CtJI'KF 15 BACKFILL UPLAND)),"" r~nlwm~ r:..JLC'l,l.....:-"J"7. _.1-1. /f- ; ,\'x ,) \.At-l DH.l (:l 1 / LX " rf. p~ ",. E X , [i !X,OJ I . .. HE.!" ........,. ~lY:,O_ i~l j~rT.".'..:-.......... ~E-,.= .___ .' . -----...AI.WI .---. llllb=!_ .....--.-. -- .-..--ALW -_... --- w_------..- _._u. ....__....~._._--.._-- AHW & ALW In~llted by G. Just IOOOHRS 29DEC'03 E.. P,OAD WE2J__~~.!~t~.. -- ----. tH(;I~~ 'U (:) Vl -j .P .2: n I.JJ on, I iT-hi --------.l..~ I STY ~,FD _...- ] ~/ ---.-.----- ('IEC1, (<x. BLKD~ .., .'---.- - .- .'1' .------ ...--------.-- .. ~...- -' CON I C 1":-'1,)' l.IT~LE PE . nOOD'~ EO-t::BB ), ('I()..' V1ID1H. )", AppliCl'l1t pn'po~e~ t<, reconstruct ill kind and in p!:wc 99' <,ftilllher hulk hend, 4'x5' Illllding and '1',,4' stairs all daJ}l[1ged during !1 rccen( storm. The hulkhead shall be backfilled with 20 c.y. ofcJc[1I1 sand to he tl11cked in rhUll lHluplnnd site, A t Liftlr~ PccI'"ie BllV, Southold, . . lbwn of SOU1/1OId, Rufli)Jk County, New York. Based 0 '1 a survey by John C. Ehlers Land Surveyor 15AUG'O 1 ....-.-....-. -....--..... J___.. JMO Environr""'!", Co Qt. Y. '. " . .!I? ,)ervlces "1'''''''1#,,.,.,.-cr .j'~ ; ~: .,., IN.! m <: -I I.JJ . ) r.. " Applicant: Peter C. Leverich I,ocation: ] 200 West Lane Rowl. So',thold I )atum: Apparent Low Water Purpose: Bul k head Reconstruction S.C.T.M.No. IOOO-88-6-1~ () Locus: 7'1' 25' 41 02' . , DECEIVE D ~ JAM - 7 2004 ..... SolIlItoId Town Boant of Trustees ,. ". .'~ Hi"t"+':ir sZ~~~i~t~c . ~ ., ~~(G~UW~ '.'.---'...---.-----.....-- ' . JItN-"-m"" .-: " '" 1- ,j .,.J ...'_ ,Lir,1l1 01' (\I~;1\lP,l'lANCE& ~:lll~ ' ."...-... ......",..----} ._~, " ,,- 1111 " r-C\ ,"' "'.vv .r i'{\ \:.- Y" >c?' ,A. , '. ./'/ '~A.DMAN lQ CY o:r CleAN SAND rOOM AN UP LAND SOURCE AS ~3AC\(FI LL Southold TOwn Board of Trustees , "'0;: 2' IlN6 t , ' 4X"I STEP5 , , G X b WALES "~,... ..'=.. -..il . -_. t; --,~AHW .-- -.... - I (---- ---..---.~ALW I\I.L W\fERJA L TO BE CC 1>. TPEATfD TIMBER r l- Id } l.Ll tD :l: L.O (f) , 1.11 0 -' )<' 0: " 'N "J .X ,- 0 u Applicant: Peter C. Leverich Location: 1200 West Lane Road, Southold Datum: Apparent Low Water Purpose: Bulkhead RecolIstmction S.C:r.M.No. 1000-88-6-11. Locus: 72025' 41002' ~ ..~-~~~~ BFAC '-;j '1:1 l:: <l.l ~ ":-l bO .~ <II .. c: 'R"Sl~-o:9 ..;::; ~ Cij GJ fU a 0 ~ ~~ ;g~ -0 .J:l ~ P. ~ c: 'j' = =s . ~ 0 ~ t'l' ~=='>;-f;:04r/':)O ,-::1",.0'.>_3 U '... 0 ~ . ~ Q' .- <I> 0 f :>-.,.:.: g~~!5'"'lci~;g I.. .0 -<= ...... 'I... ClS'r '.~+;U::l "'..0 :< E ~ C:'S crJ ~~ r~ ~ 0 __ ~.- 0 .. u:l "=> _... .... x (,) ""'0 o ~~- (lJ..- 'l.?,:. ~ ~;:~~P,~ f:~ ~1"1 bO ,1'; ~ ;:! ~ ;:$ ('~t d.) Q , I l:J ~ 0 U._ ., (\l ..-. crJ . l t::~~'"'=' _ )..0,,-1, ~ l."~ 0.. c:: to. III 0 ..... '15 ..0 f..-' c:: t'1 ell q ~ lool :~.:; ~'E~; ;;: ~-~ ';;' ~ ->< ;:f 13 S .~ 0 Q) -<" d """ -0 '" .n tIl ~ Z --:.J ~1~~g~'J1,. o. ei,\l ji:r.,i,iie'iltiii Cfmsii7iIil-li.s eI'l'Ji:es---?.IJf.~~ :L?QF 2 f)w1fJW}, New YOI}' -'-~-_.........-. . .-.......---.-.-.-...... - '-- .. FOR ADJOINING lEA SEe "'N' NO.2&. 41 .I . 1197/ ! j; ~ .. ,r 11958 , ~E ~~ ;.- lc- ~ ,~ ~ :~ t~ :~- ,.. ~: ~ ~ c:; ~, ~ ""' ~ ..~ ;;-- CO - =- ;;;:: '- ;;:: - -- - rJl -- -. .... -- _. - - - - ~ SURVEY OF PROF: [ SITUATE: BA'lYIEW TO~: SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY SURVEYED 08..15-01 SUFFOLK COUI, 1 Y TAX # 1000 - t 8 - 6 .. 11 CERTIFIEi/ TO, PETER C LEVERICH DIANE L. LEVeRICH nO~ 'l1B~r'- - 1'A~~-_/--_/ t, ..: o 0.: ~' ~ ~ ~ I (, >- _J,)) QI , ) L/J: .L i QlI 0'" tL.:; l)!2 0" ~--J 00 z!f au z <t "'--J ;. NOTES, fQ o C") ;:.. ~ \0 IV') .Z ?-TY '..... z G!"-~ o 0 UJ :{}-IL ~il!o) llJD ~LZ zG!O <(O-l -lu..~ L \Dl,1O !: lEU \I 10 ~ \~ JAI'l - j 2004 \11JJ (j "- .. O<ll }-I' -If- G!O ~2 G!z o() u_ J) Q' en () .-l '::J ~,n z..J .-l \J) ;f D" z:c <(C: -l(\ I" "- o }- -l Q'z llJ~ LO Q'Q' 2m Q'I oz ~r- OD ZLU cl1 D z <( -l \~ ~\ i X:. '< ~ '~r \ c. -" - 5ou\llokl1o'/IR Board olllUsteel '" Q " Q it Il! <( 11. I () <( :ti Q' <( D llJ }J -- -- ------- .. o o !9 50~ pRrV A 'f1E ROAD II "-'1 (!; I 'HI i 100.00' I I r I.' e.! 200' S67035'20"B I' 300" ....'Hi ~~~n-l' " ,~\J 1 i i el::e5 ~ , C") J Od \) _" _I I-I \ :1 .-.C) \ ,J I.e" 1"'7, ~. r- \\\ ~~y\: \.\ " )\ ',) ) / \ II, I' \ el"'''l.l ~ " 0\ r-.: 00 ..... ..,-'-"1:> y el~C\5 i-;--=-?L,__ "1 llli" ;~' I / I Cu;- I - J.;.~,,:..'.:,,___,__. t'. ..:bhl^;K(. -- .,d . rr;r'-- " _J~ J'O .,.;) II ci ).. J [)~ U101 '5 I, (t ~; () iJ r L1 ~I I!' [ C fl )Iij . VI 5, "' C' ~) ) -..... .?: j o , I '~TORl' fV,AME I lOUSE el;:t>.4 i dl,.lt ~,," ~,- ~ finished ,1 floor'el~II' J --~..__._._-- " o I I I I 61=-1."'t\ d , \ I I I I I I I I I I \ \ 01"8.0,/ 01;1.5 ,- - ",1;'4 ~ b r'1 C'- ~ \0 [;] al"l. Cl ~ .( -I ,:,;,A) j)Ei~~ ",\"e.3 / I ! I rn 1 I dl"P_3 / :"1 -- I / / / el~-I . 1;1.5 csl"f) 4 / / / '--,,~--,------ ~1E.-].~ .._~~.?i Of I "~!~J3- ----. -ul,,-1.2 ~1j.1-.1 fEMA NOTE. fEMA fLOOD. ONE LINE HAS BEEN DET. 'RMINED TO BE THE 8 C JNTOUR AS REfERENCED I J N0VD '2'1 ." 'Ct . _ ~1t:1~::____~-=,::._;=;:::~-:;::;. -=.:.. . ~r:~~~--~~~~;~-- ;-_._~:=~I~~~~~_.~:~ .:~:~'=\nfC:;:;r ~~ ~=:~~___~__._ _' _'_ .-_.-. -=.~."::::=;:::.=.. .. ~_._..--- -- .~: - . in--..- ~ r ~ 'J "'.x ,~_ I'] ;<1:{ ....,,,,.. . "',. ',;:;',;,;',,:',,",'::"' ,....h"..'"., "_', ,'"",. --~-._-- -----------.- -- U E: LINE ALOtK:.. ,A.,HY\ I'U ::';,. .':; ';::: ~.:, :~, "". ,,,-..ho,,,,..,.,.,,,,,,,,., '''1''-'' N6S002'S4"W L1TfLE PECONIC 99.00' BAY ,.....""...'i ~", ',', :', :: ' JOHN C EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR · MONUMENT FOUND fEMA FLOO[) ZONE MAP NUi'1Bt,R 36103C016'1 6 AREA = 18.015 SF OR 0.41 ACR. os GRAFHIC SCAl c: 1"=20' 6 1;.\S1' MAIN ~>IREET RIVUOiEAJJ,1'~.Y.l1901 -,j".""- 3/)'~- C"2bN f!;j :11,') ...~2(')7 N.Y,S u.:, NO. 50202 REF.l\llp server\dIPROS\O [-- 223.'\. ,1m .--.- ------~-~"_._,._~- .~~.".,"'-,.,...~.'"'>,.;,.," 'seAL E n. B~KD ~ ._- " 1'\20' --- -- - - ----- --. '-- ------- "r;';:'; ~5; _ AHW & AL W In.;-:.t~d by G Just IOOOHRS 29DF< "0\ . ' . i,~ f ~~(P J: ':i'I'.Jii.. ~i.:..,) ~ 1" 11 ... ;;.J., 'l!.~.~!. '0- ~. . ~ti I ":'T? ,'~~~, ,l'~ I {~~,.;/ .....~...-." ,(~!'t j .. . '. ~/./ C.'i" ~~(;' fJ .': ~;;: /<:f: P~"'t ;(o ~;J~;" 0 ':':- I . ~ , "." '~[J^r l'.'~{l\': ,. .';;;;')'.Si '" .').' .... !!f.y.! I ' 'ff..... ~4~~~ . ;,iSI. . ;--::.J...:::: f ," i'.:,' '; ! ~' ,. I i';I!id!l'~ it;~~i~~;fj~l; .. S~ffolk'C~untf';!l;!; Hagstrom Map~~t..iJ Scale I "=3000'.~i, ___+___ .1.., j""- ,'------ WI( SJ \..i\h\k.\:~~~~b9._'---'-J'-~)"") -----~. -- .,..,.-... :~) <. I~]J . / '" --- .....~.._, '0 o In j;! Z n Ul ---1 j -- --l._ I STY S.FD ~-;;r- ..--....-.----.--- . ,.. ] I'(e\<. / -....,-..--......-- I J.. ...... .......-J ..e.........-..."... )- a) (I:> I , \:G '0 ~ ...., iN-J .m '< - -I Ul !~:'::,)~j):i!~ i-:"'-l" .. ~:n.', .. ).(\;',::;'tJ " , i<",; ;'c..' +'; ; J J' /\pplicant: Peter C. Leverich location: 1200 West Lane Rond, S()llthold I )atu'm: Apparent Low Water Purpose: Bulkhead Reconstruction S.C.1~M.Nn. 1000..88-6.1~. Locus: " ::5' 41002' ~ --.-.<)':}' ......,.... ~..._.....__...- -y Of (LEAhl :iMf> H~ 20C. . cnlll~r:".s l3i\Cr-FILL UPLAND .~.-I;. - ~:f ~~Cr...~;..fJ\,l...:- ~ 4'" \:>:, .\,x \) LA N DI ~~ (:,> , - " TE P 7." . EiS:.U<~~ .. . ~ ~ ~LKD_ l~~l~I)[~;.H~~~~ =t.~I~-.:: .=-~_.'~~"--'--'--AI-WI lJ,1 ... ,- ....-- --ALW :.---...--.-,.-----... ..-----.. --.-'--'--- ........ .... ...------.......- ~~ - .- ---...-.--.------ - liTTLE PECOf\.IIC.. r"~,l' .. .. \ '\ (\()\l'~ ~-\~5B . '.; .. WID1H) ')uo Applicant proJlo..cs to recomltroct III kind and in place 99' oftitnher hulk head, 4'x5' landing and 4',,4' stairs all dattlllged during !I recent storm... The hulk head shall be backfilled with 20 c.y. of clean sand to he tnIcked in fi'om an upland site. At Liltle Pcconic BIlY, Southokl, 1b\\'n of So 111 hold, Suo;>lk County, New York. Based 01 a survey by John C. Ehlers Land Surveyor 15AUG'OI _._~_..,----- JMO Fnvi, (h . m .lting Services t, . 8 Sou/hOld Tow. oard of T Irustees /y~qO"'(b1'( SHtE T r or z:1~ '" -----,-------- .-... --'.-6_.___. __'..._____...~__.__.... ''-..... 011'1 ~iT\'P,BANCE ~ F:I Lt. ......I';,..---_-} ~)FD ;"f" ;. /' 20. c.y .Of" CtfAN SAND FfK)tv1 AN UP LAND SOURCE AS I3ACI<!=\ LL. I t~". ;11;1- f"f'~ ,., -7'5CAU=.-"-r~ 2' , , 5X r,' WALES ) 4X5 lANDlNGl , ' 4):Jj STEP5 .;.;.... , , ,- -.....---.. ~ , ),I-\HW --"=JALW ; 11-",,-, .- --- '-;:\i :'i\'(J:jlt..-.. '--".'.-.'- r. 1- td " l,) ;" ::r: i.D If) " o HI ._J 0:: hI I\LL f'.1ATERJA L TO BE CCA lHEATE:D TIMBER ,x '<\.I "x o .1. ,.\' Applicant: Peter C. Le1ierich Location: 1200 West Lane Road, Southold Datum: Apparent Low Water Purpose: Bulkhead Reconstruction S.C.T.M.No. 1000.88-6-11- Locus: 12025' 41" 02' ',~ ~ lU >:;J ~ ij _ I~ .",-OQJ-o-o ,~ 'af ~ a:l u ij ] >: t,) l2)~....s:=r""""'_........ +.,,' i~ ;gel =;B ~ g. g ~ ~.,. ~;::l>;>c:v:Jo ,~ r,n..Dut'j U (; .O.=: ll.l 0 ;,:; "" "".a,..c::l"lEi",:"l f~ .g :,,!-< ,P CO ~ ClEJ~t .:S~ OJ;::l hi. ..... J:: e d'- " .!' t: :S:.~ c: v:J <1>'-"'" 0-0-0 0 - "'O-ot;<1>u~:g ~t~ijQ~~~.s "QJOIlQJ..>dS-;::l ;: ~ .S e ~ ll.l .t:! ~ .; 0_-0 .o.o....l ;:; <:fo..g"o ....'00 ~ = .23 00.0 B ~ :>::0 '0.:;- .=--0 . ~ ~ 3:-c~~~!3Hoo "" ~..". -0 7il ~ ',; r.;, Z &- .:z:LPEc'o? SHEJ;J_2 OF 2 {.' -'-J.M.o. Eiwli-:<<iiiiiieJ-jjn; ConsuIHi'ig'Seivlces ()uogue, New Y0I1c -"'_____ ....,.....,...,... ~ ...._k. _...__. __"._4 ___.___ -'".-.-<..-- Fg"__,o\PJQIN1NG "'lU!~_Se:e. MAP NO,28 --"in " ~ 11971 ~'\!l On <~:: 11958 , - .10:._ ~ ~ 'iI if " ~ ~ , 11'11'1 ,:,111 :.i I II ! . , , i ,I ",1 I', .' ~ r_:~ .' ,E I, ;= "" - = ; ! ~ ','1 ';'1 'i"', ..."" ni . .1 !" ,., , !"'''i,j),,; ; I ,(" ~ 1:, I ""'" i'!i ',q',] >~ - c "I - - - Na.ssau. Poi.nt ,~,."::i,:'i~,fI;,;,.-tiir;U'~'_/JI;di.iitUr...l t"_aI .liihr:tltiliiwJ,abi ,j ~'-, 'I"~: ; ~ r,' (, 'iu"II." 'd1,;li.l~IIII~.~jliill;' ii !i - }i ';, ~ dll"'ill,i.lIilila~illi.lI'IJM""jil".,,,~,,lilI;i~l,i, .... SUR'IEY OF PROPERTr SITUATE. BAYVIEH TOffi. SOUTHOU) SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY 5URVEYED 08-15-01 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX # 1000 - to - b - 11 c.ERTlFIE:c) TO, PETER C. LEVEt<lc.H DIANE L LEVcKICH . \.' ,'" D ''N .:.. ,.,~ p... ~!f:~,/' ," ~~//' ( l -.: (. ll.: t:' 7' ~. g ~ ~ fa i_v~ 300'1 "'};;o 1\ " I i 1. ~ " ~ I ? ..., \ 'j- '" - ?{\\ I if:J 0.1'00 ',?Y ." I" I"." .... "jI '( I (I, .- \ . } \ .'/01"'1.<1\ 1~.{1 \ ( I ~ : I I I I I \ r II') >- 'W .,-,: CO ~ C ~ UJ ~ >--1- o u.. a::: 0 Q..~Z Q.. <( .~ .L' ""<("'~~lt"'d ' =1- W I- <( o el~q? \~ .~~~ ~"''\ c --" ---- .,--- ---- 5<<r 1PRlLV f{['1E lrtO AJOl I 1..1 ,) "~I S6103S'20"E el",~.5 ...,1,,-"'1,2 100.00' el"q.l I. (, : . :::':::3"----<--1 Illl "i'~: I .' I (,,,''- I ---1.1..'.'::.1:.. .:------( . ,:6t,,-,~:.r.J ... r'" _"0' . , --- " '" .'0 c .,"":7 ~.,) ,. 'j.~r-- __.nO hribht.~d I F lo(~ f" G I;: II' ~J / __..__...______ GI-f)3 ). _.1 U) fr") lLJ < ~ r fr'1 0'" LL~ fr'2 O<l: 5c5 z!i C)IJ z <( 1'-1 . c' " ; - ~ \ flJ o ~ "- ~ \0 ('I") ,'2; 1;:1.5 " \ . ~--etl;:.J...4____ ___..___ - . --- .'~-.- \f'l(J~~ ~:;;,=-..::;::::.=. ._--.-- BLll!(HLI'-.O. . _ _ -::;::=,;,-.-~----;..--...::;:;:;,,:_~.-.-.-...- .'~._.-... I ',,[01<1 t :f:?./\t~1l:: ,'UI'':,l" Vi()()l) [)EI-f. :' IL[.'~ _::;-~:::.;;:;:;:.::;~:.=.. I [Ill"! -', _ ,-__ NOTEs, N65002'54"W LllILE PECONIC (lie: LI~~E /\IJ)t~() ':'\1-1 Vil'l) 99.00' BAY · MONUMENT FOUND FEMA FLOOD ZONE MAP NUMBER 36103C016<1 6 AREA = 18.015 SF OR OAI ACRE:S GRAPHIC SCALE: , 1"=20' o , c;l ~1~.4 / I / dl"~.3 / / / / / / / t;l ~ .,,~ .:)\"1.' <;11=-1.4 - 01<-12 _ ~I ,,;2 ~--.. .. .... .. " ~. . 1-_- , < c' r :'A,.., "n'r ..{J ~ r , ~ J 01./ ~ : o ('r) t-.. ~ 10 [;J ....._...n -.---- Z ll'LLSl oolli r}-Ii O..J\J Zll'- wD ~Lz zll'O <(O..J ..JLLJ: <( L (j LL~ o III }-I' ..JI- ll'O ~2 ll'z 00 LL'1l ll',n o ..J 'J r,n o Z..l ..J \.I) ;~ D'- Z.:C <( ~: ..J(l IlJ - '... Q ~ Ii ll' <( [L J: \J <( :H ll' <( D w }-l LL o }- ..J Ifj~ Lo ll'll' ~m 1l'J: Oz r'{ OD Zw <J) D z <( ..J '" _-<1'---' 200' I I i ~ r--: CO .... lI, e) ,. I V U J \)) j I, iY ~). (juT 1i'1'\..,1 : r ('f Ii ')/I! < ~) O\i" ~~- ) il " . '{. -1 FEMA N01E FEMA I=LOOD . ONE LINE HAS BEEN DEl eRMINED TO BE TilE B C :JNTOUR AS REFERENCED ":J NoVD '2<1 .~;,-~. .---- . -...-.-- .- ,j,,", ",~, "", ,"t"".."." ""',.,'",..",....,..",., ""''''''''''''''''''''',"" '" :':~'::;,::;,:. :":::;::;;,:_.,. JOHN C EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN SmEET RIYERIlEAII, NY. 1l9IJI 3W-~2~~ Fa., 369-~287 - N.YS 1.1':. NO. 50202 REF.IIHp serverldIPROS\IJI-223A,.ro ,"" ''''v~''_N.".N'', ",,, < . AlJJe~t J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only _Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~Iand Permit Application --Nfajor _ Waiver/ Amendmen Changes I~ceived Applicati eceived Fee:$ . ~mpleted Apphca Ion _Incomplete _SEQRA Classification: Type I_Type II_Unlisted_ Coordination:(date sent) ........CAC Referral sent~ ~ate of Inspection: ~ 0 'f _Receipt ofCAC Report: _Lead Allency Determination: Technical Review: "'Public Hearing Held:~ Resolution: (O)I~ ~ 1 I~ s, Boa Name of Applicant Peter C. Leverich Address 28 Hhistler Road, Manhasset, N.Y.11030 Phone Number:( ) 765-9552 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 _ 88 - 6 -1 7 . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 ,Qep'ANI ,;") ,...,...... DL<-+- -J--p '"" (........-. " ( , ,-- /1 'N 'h.u~+- /"\ !/ .v !"-. \ . irfiJ L- } /,7 I ()/ .~. ~ N.&-- )/' ,\71 Property Location: 1200 \Vest Lane Road, Southold (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: Glenn E. Just-JMO Environmental Consulting (If applicable) Address: P.O. Box 447, Quogue, N.Y. 11959-0447 Phone: 653-0607 ttard of Trustees ApPlicatio~ GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): 18, 015 Area Zoning: R - Previous use of property: Single family dwelling Intended use of property: Sam e Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date .. ~ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? --1L- No_ Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): A pp Ii can t ~ 0 !Jo s@ s to reconstruct in kind in place 99' of timber bulkhead, 4' x 5' landing and 4'x 4' stairs all damaged during a recent storm. Bulkhead shall be backfilled with 20 c.y. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. . . ~ard of Trustees ApPlicati~ WETLANDrrRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Bulkhead recons truc t ion Area of wetlands on lot: --.2..00 square feet Percent coverage of lot: n / a % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 3 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 1 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No x Yes If yes, how lnuch material will be excavated? 10 cubic yards How much material will be filled? 20 cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: 5 feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: I : I Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: backhoe Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): As proposed the project shall have no negative impacts upon the waters or wetlands of the Town of Southold t!ard of Trustees ApPlicati~ COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Bulkhead recons truc t ion Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? No y Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No Yes x If Yes, how much material will be excavated? 10 (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? 20 (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Backhoe :. Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) There are no negative environmental impacts anticipated. ~ ~.. .~i ; 'I " r'l1iITU I!.:W .: 1 I '1: !J 'i$~' 'r 1 I"l' rr-:' -'-'1 W~, :...",~, I.."::"~ '1'11""."'''''''; -.. _W PROJECT 10 NUMBER I_ 617.20 - APPENDIX C STATE ENVI.RONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM for UNLISTED ACTiONs Only ( To be completed by lleant or Project Sponsor) 2. PROJECT NAME Bulkhead reconstructioh SEQR PART 1 . PROJECT INFORMATION 1. APPLICANT I SPONSOR Peter C. Leverich 3.PROJECT LOCATION: Southold MunlclpaHty 4. PRECISE LOCATION: Street Adde'" end Rood 1200 West Lane Road Location map and survey enclosed Suffolk County InterrectJons, J:Itomlnent landmarks ete - or provide map 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: 0 New o !;:xpansion 0 Modlft~tlon I bfteratlOh ; : , 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: i , Applicant proposes to reconstruct In kind and in place 99' of timber bulkhead, 4'x S' landing and 4' x4' steps all damaged during a recent storm. The bulkhead will be backfilled with 20 c.y. of clean saM 10 be IrQcked In from an upland source. T. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED Initially .6' acres Ultlmately.{) acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WI rH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS? ~ Yes 0 No If no, describe brieny: 9. WHAT IS PRESENT lAND USE IN VICINITY o Residential 0 Industrial D Commercial Single family dwellings . OF PROJEct? (Choose as meny 8. apply.) OAgr;,ultute 0 P~rk I Forest I Open SpAce , , Ou' (J' (describe) 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING. NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (Federal. State or local) , I ~Yes 0 No If yes, list agency nama and permit I apprdvsl: Southold TOWn Trustess, NYSOOS & USDOA 11. DOES ANY ASPECT O~ tHE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTlY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? Dyes 0NO If yes, liSt agency "ame and pennlt I approval: i '] AS A R UL T OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT I ApPR6vAl REQUI~E MODIFiCAtiON? ... No I CERTIFY THAT THE~N;. RMATlt PROVID~~ ABOVE IS, TRUE TO THE BESt O~ ~Y KNOWLEDGE Applicant I Sponsor Neme nn .,Just as g,l/ " ,~ ' ' i I Dale: I:J../:Jttlo3 ' {u.( (. , Si nature If the action Is a s Area, lIInd you are . state allency, complete tha Coastal A$sessmelJl Form btfOht proceeding With thl. Il.....menf , , Ii ..i,; , ~'L. , ,I ,j !L" . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD --------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter ofthe Application of __~~~~___~:___~~~JC\~~________________________ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, JlI.Q(\\'"\ E. ""Ju S+- , residing at ld-l J'€SSUP (\0-tY\1j.-J2...- OUO~-Q \ [0.'-C being duly swo , depose and say: That on th~ay of ~--e~ , 20C1--C I personally posted the property known as :pe..-leA ro' Le.J ~ \ c.k. by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held .Lt..k3}\ I k. b. ~~ a.0Dll ' ()""l c:r- ~b 1:)\.1; C):D() In Dated: Sworn to before me this :f 11l--ctay of ~ 200'1 4Jvv""- uk ~ Notary Public ~ oa..,.c[\llll'-' NotIIY NIIIc..."..... 'llR 110. Ollllllll734&4 ec..==~006 LeG QC \ l Ir..- \~ a\..~Dl. . U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) CJ Ir ru Ir FORT LEE, NJ 07024 CJ '" '"" '"" Postage $ Certified Fee CJ Return Receipt Fee 1.75 ru <Eccloc"me" Reqwee" 1_ - - - CJ Restricted Delil,ery ~ee CI (Endorsement ReqUired) _ ----1 4.42 101 c::J Total Postage & Fees $ ~ CJ ~ ~~~!~~e~_;:~:~~~r:YJ ita be CCJjT'r"cteo 1):- I]""'" S-'reet-fi.jX-No, - orPO Box NOs,..\- Ir H1c10~____<_ ___ m ~ ity St. ZIP+4 ~ \.-:J. .~-._- ........--. l<o\;:~e:{4- ~\II4.~ ~lrtO l?O<;;t.se+ Sh-~ ~.r+ l~ ) ~'J. (5IQ:}y · Complete nerns 1, 2, and 3. Also complete nem 4 if Reslrlcted De1iv"'Y I. desired. X · Print your name and address on the ......"., so that we can return the card to you. B. · Attach this card to the back of the maI~ or on the Ironllf space pennn-o 1. Article Addressed to: 2. Article Number (T'8nSferfrom_1sbeI) PS Form 3811, ~2001 ~Mail [J Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted DeJIveIy? (Extra Fee) 0 Ves +oqq,~4o.1 ()Qx) {ifA ~qu """-........ """""" l02595-02-M-l540 l.t;JQ,-rc.k. .e. r, \ ( Le--.:CA \ Ci,"-., _~ C"-t\\"C' r" . , U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) tr n.J .0- tr Cl "" .-'l .-'l GAf.:DEN ClT'G-,l!L1l5~L F"'5'.dUE 0.37 ::;,'rt,l.'''' 2.30 Cl n.J Cl Cl Ret,,,,,, Rncp'pt ~'~'P (E'r,(lurSc,nlnnt Requ.rn<J1 Rr,strlcted (L:ndorsP,nell' 1- Total Postage & Fees !-.!_~:_~~J Cl Cl ~ cg:~~9\m~~~~(~r!~j:,~~o'~-c_or~Cl~/e',' ."JV er .Stf"~' t; N.O ,or PO Box No tr '-l'-' -env.: ad ::: -t-~' S'iit---ZIV:I------ ~--- ";,'1::"': . . I::f"C~ -:m -ce~j ",; -: 1 ~"':.'" ;n~:; ':-,~;'r~1r: t).~~. :'J 2e01 f13:.1jFn p1 ;1'1. ,~~';,'::(-17 ,".:\ rT"'"11 : f"::-r'1~"r."'1' ~ r~ ~ "!~l.tl r.,.'l"-; tfJ. ~~Of\no OF TRUSTEES ArrlJCATIO,",' NJTHOHIZAflON (wl,olm lINlti~nt !os not the 0W0fIr) I, ~&kc.(-.L5v:,:;,:,.d:I.TE'S;dIng at).. ~ 8~J.b!.2Ll!;'.-,1'd- (print o'wflM M pmpf'rty) (m . ng l!Idl1'"......l . banh'J~ e: t.\\!~~L._t:'tl hme':ly liIUlhoriza J.MO EnWonmllntal " (,,""nl) \.:ons\Mng \0 "'rfll'~ fN r~"n,t("f,) from the &.l\JIllold f.1"',r<l of lQWT\ Trustl?!os on 1'1'( "ntl"''' /1 / ." . ' , __J__._~._- ,:.' ." ,.I/.-, .<.~",~:', (Ji'';'iuu'lI ~\;~'l'1t"",~ ::.;,-,":,>-'-' -. --.- ~O/E[J 39\!d ~E... ~~;'3E9(1~ 80:01 C00G/TE/01 . . ,.,f FRQ/1 : r",...~~,i'f':" n~ 5''f:')'nl PIne tfl. Pfo-c. 31 '::m:1 f'lJ: 41l'T1 ,..~ oo:-~ ~3 ._,.:~; . f~il ~ :; _~ : J.t !,., €C'.:;.3-'~18 '~(l.,-Sf ,om r'.2 rtI0ARO or 'RUST~ES AI'PUGA11C1N (~ountv of S\,tffoll~ St~1ll/ of New Yo.I, rd:e.c~~LQ'('l,LdL- "fling dl!ly sworn df>rool"'Il ,",elll RffIffl'\$lhlit M'~M 19 the l!'pr"-"1'IfltFr.>r \It!\ '9b(l~ <<:let("~ ,pemtit:l,") ftnd ~t "II lrt:>t,"'9nt!' Cf,ml,,;lIed ',I",.....illlt~ ~n'" the bMotnf hi,;,!!''>' mowledgfl !lnd ~l\e', and 'hl'll:;lll 'Nfltft ',Mil be Ifone 'n the rrl1ll.,tl~f~<>f, fu,1h In this l'fP\i~1lon end m\ m'l)' 1m ~flPlY.I\II!Id by the Sou~oh~ 'l ","'" Bt~rd of fMlms The "'r.-rIir:RJll PglftP.$ to hold the "town d P"u'hr)ld And the Town Tnlsteer, h~'ml$'l> '!1M frl!'le from any Bnd all (jPII,;>gBllllnd c,~lm'!l ari:'ling l'n~hr Of by.,.;roJtl of l;Aid perrnil(~).lf gr;olWJ. In completing ttli, '1Plllle<'lti;:lll. I Mn!by ~ut"ori7.8 tIle lw-!f>'M. tht'lir SOflrr:($) or mf""l'll~n\l'l'rm"(8). to ent'tf onto my pmr:>"'!V to inllpl!'!l"l the premisl!l$ in ~1l1\ln<;ti"ll with ""viow of tI1ls 1'""IIt:fr1i"tl. /';:)' ,'-;' /," r,( ,,-t srg~.;1iif~""'"'' ,4-<...' "\ Swom to bet(1.L p l(t IN" 01~. n..u oil\IY'(',\ j\ N ...~~ ~ ' ';1 ~ .. r.-__e., .1!1.lJ,l.!I1.. to, ' / ".! '1.1/id7Y' , . :-J, ~" ".I.J:!: DIANE ,,~ fln.sO"l oblry f1ubhc: . / No1lII'Y Publlo. etJll~ 01 N,., '''',I! , No, OlNf"l(131')I" Q'Jlllffilld In S. rf,li: Cn' n''l C' r......"'IMIO/\ Exp"" I,~~~r'\"" II r<<:)I:).,) , , -.- - ---:,.' Sfl/(;13 39\1d gZn:<;9E91<; 813:131 E138(;/1E/(;1 AlbertJ. Krupski, President. James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: fI.4.+4\"" (. . LlutfiC h . Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 Please be advised that your application, dated-1l" loti has b en ev ewed by this Board, at the regular meeting of ~ ~ 0 and the following action was taken: ( ~ Application Approved (see below) (see below) (____) Application Denied (____) Application Tabled (see below) If your application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in the instruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: -tS.CU - +tf'\O.\ ln~,'c.-\i~ .f4~ $.00 tltJ.... .1 ~ ~)~. A.: 9, SIGNED: y. PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOTAL FEES DUE: $ BY: ..~~"."n~~ ~ OF TRUSTEES 4/98 X-e.e.q, (Jc\ Ot~-- l\a ~ ilOlo ~ . . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southo1d. NewYorl:: 11971-0959 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD At the meeting of the South old Town Conservation Advisory Council held Monday, February 23, 2004, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Nicholas Dickerson, seconded by Tom Schlichter, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the South old Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION of the Wetland Permit application of PETER C. LEVERICH to reconstruct inkind/inplace 99' of timber bulkhead, a 4'X 5' landing and 4'X 4' stairs. Bulkhead shall be backfilled with 20 cy. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. Located: 1200 West Lane, Southold. SCTM#88-6-17 The CAC recommends Approval of the application with the Condition no treated lumber is used and recommends the use of vinyl. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried . . ,Albert iI. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 8, 2004 Mr. Glenn E. Just J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services 121 Jessup Ave. P.O. Box 447 Quogue, NY 11959-0447 RE: PETER C. LEVERICH 1200 WEST LANE, SOUTHOLD SCTM#88-6-17 Dear Mr. Just: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees after a field inspection conducted by Trustee James King: The Southold Town Board of Trustees Approve the request of PETER C. LEVERICH for an Emergency Storm Damage Permit to reconstruct inkind/inplace 99' of timber bulkhead, 4'X 5' landing and 4'X4' stairs all damaged during a recent storm. The bulkhead shall be backfilled with 20 cy. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland site. Please be advised that the application for a Wetlands Permit has been scheduled for a Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 25, 2004. This is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions, please call our office at (631) 765-1892. Very truly yours, p~..f 9- ~. '19<1-J... 9>>. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK:lms No. Issued To Address . . c. . Date1lr.JaL. . THIS NOTICE MUST BE DISPLAYED DURING CONSTRUCTION TOWN TRUSTEES OFFICE.TOWNOF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD. N.Y. 11971 TEL.: 765-1892 \ )- ~- , /' r -L-..: ": . .. Peter C. Leverich-I 200 West Lane Road- Southold-1140 HRS 15APR'03 .::0.. ,- t.:,,~ " .... '""""\-'''s .~~~ . . ' >~ ~~.... .;0 '.' . ::- ...~,...;~,_,l,..- . ......~. '":- " " . - - ~.,;' ~~. ,7-"'~.! -~ ..~: .. , , ,,~ / . ~Ir' -.-<;7~ _ .' " : '~.::.... , " -- Peter C. Leverich-I 200 West Lane Road- Southold-1140 HRS I:, , "R'OJ "3 ~~:, I ;;. ~~,'.~;.~~'" "'\;, 1~~.(!'<. ',' '\ ~'.' rl:', r''''", ':~""I ,,' , 'I,," ',' "." ' '... . 'L..., ~ . \ '.. . ';;: --\ ' ". , \ y ?J..15V"./ ~-....a '~~,,~~ "'~ I -.. ... :..~ {:.lI L. .<" ; ra, t tI '~~'-" ,., r'J ." e s ~ ~ Peter C. Lecerich-1200 West Lane Road-Southold-1045 HRS 3IJAN'03 - .... " ~ ~ " ~ '/ : ~ '/ ~ ,L Peter C. Lecerich-1200 West Lane Road-Southold-l 045 HRS 3IJAN'03 . " ....u r:~ r '. I " ... ... q I'U Peter C. Lecerich-1200 West Lane Road-Southold-l 045 HRS 3lJAN'03 seAL E ._----._~_.._"_._---~._.- --_._---,~_...__..., "', ZIY . ro ..~. ._. ~ .... .~'_"_""~___'.._. _ '.._'......"". ..,'.~..__'...._.._ .....,_ _'''~''''_ .......-..-. (~ ~1'~ Ilr~~z~-;:, IrNf- \1;Y' ~J ~.~~ J .J; !;$ r~f/ ,..~>, /1 ) I ~l ,i- .A(~' ~~, I, I ')O~A' '-., ~'{ ,,~}.~~~~.. Ii' ~ .(\~~~: I 'S' "~\'~" r . ." '. " .!~\ 11:-' , l'U'; 1'i!'~~, ! -'~i .. ~+t1l:1J< 1 .,....:t ~ I' .:",_,.un '_, ~, .~ Suffolk County . Hagstrom M,p 29 Scale 1"=3000' . ;\IIW & ALW located by G. Just 1000HRS 29DEC'03 -, -----..)--- CI ~l '< . rTI ....-..---.. 'tJ b VI if z n tIl "=3._. .....\ /, [ 1 _1... .... ..u .., - '] ..- ...r -. -..--'" .." ~~::: ,] 'NI III <: '" "1 (I) . c: 1 I SlY , ,Fi) ...._l ~'7-._m V , , : ,,-.-....----. r DECV, .~ >-r---=i / cg> , , ...~..--_.- , -'3<J .-.... -., .. -lEAN SAt!) FIUM 200 GrCSOU' . R:t A5 BAC~F\L.L Up\J\ND ' -""j .. ~ru ~E..~J1U. ..._-~ / - I EK4X 5lA'-IDltIC" 1{ "t 4 / . STEP')/" EX.13l~2 I S, r r1~' H . Ot __......-r-- 'x . P:lU: r() t::t .. '::'-T "r ~". ",,"' ,-. t: . .. ... .,.,,-'t':....-...TITIr.n~.-.. - ..._J.. ....... q-.----..-A~lW BLKD ~l . ".- ..-:-.........,-. ...;-., UB-- ":;'" U.~ . -(th' . I\l Vi ..- " _..-.__.~ ^ ..~~ ~\:J1 .-..-.--....-.-..--..-- . - . ---.........-. (~-,.~"-",,~-,,,"--'-"'''._-'--. ~...-,. -.",.-----.--.- ::!-J.._-'~ . _ ~.:"'-....i.- Applicant: Peter C. Leverich Location: 1200 West Lane Road, Southold Datum: Apparent Low Water Purpose: Bulkhead Reconstruction S.C. T.M.No. t 000-88-6-1 'f- /' Locus: 7'1> 25' 4 t" 02' ~ .~ . .' - PE C (\1'-11 C EVW LI r ~LE r \ OO\l'~ (-.F~~TH> ~,()(/ Applicant prc'P?ses to reco ruct in kind in place 99' of stoan da aged timber bulkhead and to ba III structure with 20 c.y. of clean Id t~e trucked in from an npl d source. Al~ittle Peconic Bay,," 101d. town ofSolltiloId, Suf1(,lk . '--:. Coun y. New York. ..... ~. vl ~ r ~ f I '0 \ r \ -+-~. p ~ ~Ji ~ 0: o J" if r r1) r.J: . ''- , ". Based 01' a survey by John C. Ehlers Land Surveyor I.5AUG'Ol ._"~_.....,_._-_.... -~...._, ,', "..... ..,..~". ".., ",."---",-,,.-, /Y ::;)'J [)('( ':>'3 SHEET r OJ:' 2 .-.- ....-.-..-.-..... '....~.__...-......_._____.__.u_._.__.._.___ . JMO 1';1\ iJonmenlal Consulting ~('rviCE"; Quogue, N. Y. II Ii :! + + ~I I ~~~ '1' 2~~ In. I ~ I -<>-Z I ------ + 4 _'. I -. I I 1il!1 ~ .,. ~~ I I ) > ! ~, ~ d ~, ~ I ~ 15 !Ii ~ If'~' -. S::~t~-,_. ,,'; .