HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5119 Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson ) . ) J Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765.1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 25,2002 Mr. Rob Herrmann En-Consultants, Inc. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 RE: SCTM#123-3-19 Kimberly Mueller 1445 Bungalow Lane Mattituck, NY Dear MI. Herrmann: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, January 23,2002. RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees grant an Amendment to Permit #5119 to shorten proposed catwalk in its seaward extent and lengthen in its landward extent (to completely traverse the high marsh area). If you have any questions, please call our office at 765-1892. ~P:/~9v Albert J. Knipski, JI. President, Board of Trustees AJKjcjc CC DEC Department of State Army Corp. of Engineer , , . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 M&in Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town ConserVation Advisory Council held Wednesday, January 16, 2002, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Melvyn Morris, seconded by Bill McDermott, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the Amendment Request of KIMBERLY MUELLER to Amend Permit #5119 to shorten the proposed catwalk in its seaward extend and lengthen in its landward extend (to completely traverse the high marsh area). Located: 1445 Bungalow Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#123-3-19 Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried ~.f Field Inspection 1/16/02 . . Field Inspection 1/16/02 ., . ~ . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hsll 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765.1892 Fax (516) 765.1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: limlm~ ~j) Please be advised that your application, dated lOIS-faD has beep reviewed by this Board, at the regular meeting of . jn~s.7g,n and the following,action was taken: (~) Application Approved (see below) (____) Application Denied (see below) (____) Application Tabled (see below) If your application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule . of rates as set forth in the instruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days o~ re-application fees will be necessary. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: ~ 4' A Nt l'a+wo.\.K : 5b ')( <i.3 - = / (p ~ "Ot) 'I' ,f 7' step S -:: d-J',f .t.3... .k 8Y..Cf) c51~ d.., 00 TOTAL FEES DUE: $ ~...I ~ ,v.,. ~,..A.: 9., SIGNED: ~. . PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY: (;{ ~ () J1tAfl::Jb.o G CLERK, BOARD OF TRUSTEES 4/98 -- . e. ~ EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 631-283-6360 Fax: 631-283-6136 E-mail: encon@peconic.net www.enconsultants.com ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES May 15, 2000 Albert Krupski, Chairman Board of Trustees Town of South old 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ["1 'li~-' " M' .~), l! Jr..- . , , 111!, L/J ; MAY I 72000 Re: Kimber Mueller Permit No. 511 L T' f~.':....:_.._~" Dear Mr. Krupski: Please be advised that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation required as a condition of their approval that the proposed low-sill bulkhead be placed 2' farther landward so as to minimize the amount of fill to be placed in the existing "shoals and mudflats" area. Although this revision reflects only a minor change and in effect a minor reduction in the scope of the project approved by the Board, I trust that you would want for your file the revised plan approved by the DEC and a copy of their permit, both of which are enclosed herewith. As I am unsure whether this change warrants a formal amendment to the Trustees' permit, however, I ask only that the Board acts as it sees fit at your next regular meeting and forward me any amended permit or resolution issued. I thank you for your cooperation with this project. Respectflly yl,)urs, .', /\1 , ~: /I} G:f.J\7 ~ "!1(rJU~ Robert E. Herrmann Coastal Management Specialist cc: Kimberly Mueller II!II /l-W '--'" ."" ..... PWw.o I. ',"; ~ _~ ~~J~ ~ ~~ '~J I~'~ ~--\-- ' e~~, ,~?, ~n.v.e1\.AW5~AI1l' eXl511NU 17' Rl'11liN ro lll' f,NaD ~Y eN-caISU- f.\Nf5.I~.. ~(NWIWRl'f\.IaD(W) UNWafAlWlfl-fWAlieA 22JLYI999 W/I,' ,000-SH VN\I. ~ rolll'eXCAYAfI'Df~Ill:AS \ ~'Q:n, IW f\.ANfI'D I'Mt S. n.fI'ltJlfWI?A(6" O.c.> ~ ~ ,- -:.....\b~' '- ... ~ &fr Ha.f CliffK AlieAro~'aIUW. \W:fAfI'D. IWI~Rl'WafAIWAS~aS5Al.'{ WIS. n.reltJi't-aA& S. PAfI'NS(6"O.C.J PI?OP05tD~' ,O/o/-Sl, YUrt. rJlL~N7 W Of eXl511NU fiMlll'R DLAPI?AreD rJlL~N7rolle Rl'MOJW Rl'MANS Of WI)(%) rJoJN' I. ::'172' I r . , I I" =40' ~ --~- ~ .., . c c.... '. ;f ".f~"'-,"'. .:..,,:.:(~i'" '. " '~. ,.~ . -' ._ "' V '"...'.,'" ......0 . """G~\J ~ "~C~ ~:' ;.....0\)"- 'WI' ,~'). '. " V fMc. "..i'.~ 'j..~, .", .8 .. ~ ~ \. \ . 5utT'dK ~,trom ~ 27 I' - ~5<XJO' I j:- . M~Y I 7 IUUO ~ . , I ; Ir L.__.,.,__"~__ :2 ~ 8 '", N N ~ Note.: I) PUo'J?05": erosl<>1 contrd a1d wetlaJ, ernaxement 2) t/abJm: Pl-W ?) hl5l;rq dll~ldai:ed t;rnber h.,nllll.Jlkhead to "" r~ a1d r""laced wtth 1",...111 vln41l.Jlkhead 4) A,>prOl(lmatel4 10 cubic 4a-ds of UI1\/~d upla1d mater" to "" excavated from b.hind oortJ.Jem functloM patl<>1 of exl,t;r1:i l.JIKhead a1d used fa- bad.f111 wtth 10 cubic LliTd, of cleal 5a'd to "" trucked In fmll '" upla1d 5CU'ce. 7) excavated a-ea ( see Note 4) a1d dl9lu-id v~etated a-eas to "" pkr1ted a1d/ or r""I"""d wtth 5, altemltTora (1M) a1d 5. patens (HM) (6"o.c.J 6) Pr~ 1ocat.1<>1: 1447 Burqaow La1e. Mattllud.; SCfM llIOOO-I2?-?-19 1) Adjacent. ow"",,: I. SaM-, 2. 'M1e1", EN-CONStI.1M1I ftC. 1329 NORTMSfA RD. S01JTHAMl'YON. N. 't 11968 631-283-<<380 \ PROP05Et7 L.OW-SIL.L. VINYl.. i?UL.Kl-fAt7 & V'v1::11..ANt7 PL.AN1lNuS fOR KIMI?fRL. Y MUIUE:R ON t7E:E:P HOL.E: CRe:E:K. MAI~fUCK. SUffOL.K. NY 5I-fE:f10f2 12/16/99 4/2'7/00 \. ,.. to>: ~ ;;t ~ ~ 'L Ilt~~~~ _0 S! <::l= -a ~ll!tJj~ ~~~~ ~~:i:~ ~il: id~::e~ ~I ~ ~ .. ~ i !!l ~ idl g 1 ~ ili . . . ~ - ~ ll! - v ~ -; ~ g I! ;~ I ~ ! ~~~ ~ - ~~>< .= 0 ~ = \() "' "t: ~ ~ ---..l. ---..l. ~b ---..l. , ~= ~L:~ ~~ ~ ~ G ~ V:i ... .... ., '" - ... ~ '" ~ l!; ... .... EN-CONSUlTANTS INC. 1329 NORTH SEA RD. SOUTHAMPTON,N.Y. 11968 631-283-6360 PROPoseD L.0vV-51L.L. tm.Kl-fAII fOR KIM M~L.L.eR ON Deep HOL.e CReeK, MAf11fl..tX, 5LffOL.K CO" N.Y., 5Heef2 Of 2, 12//6/99, 4/2~/OO , . . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NEW YORK DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS JACOB K. JA VITS FEDERAL BUILDING NEW YORK, N.Y. 10278-0090 October 16, 2000 ocr , 9 2000 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Eastern Permits Section SUBJECT: Application No. 2000-00008-1-Ll by Kimberly Mueller To Whom It May Concern: The New York District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has received a request for Department of the Army authorization for the following activity: APPLICANT: Kimberly Mueller 1445 Bungalow Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 ACTIVITY: Install a 4 foot by 6 foot fixed inclined access ramp, a 4 foot by 14 foot fixed timber walkway, and a 4 foot by 7 foot set of steps. The applicant has previously been authorized under the Department of the Army nationwide general permit program to construct bulkheading and plant wetland vegetation. The purpose of this project is to provide pedestrian access to the waterway. WATERWAY: Deep Hole Creek, Great peconic Bay LOCATION: Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY .~ As this is minor in nature, authorization may be by Letter of Permission. This is in accordance with current Federal Reg~lations governing work in navigable waters of the United Staces. To accomplish the coordination required, prior to the issuance of a Letter of Permission, your review of the enclosed drawings is requested. Pursuant to Section 307 (c) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 as amended (16 U.S.C. 1465 (c) (3) (A)), the applicant has certified that the activity complies with and will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved state coastal zone management program. To allow for the timely processing of the subject application, your comments are requested within 15 days of the date of this letter. ., ~'; -.' N Sincerely, Enclosures !\Ai, ~\/)~ ~ es W. Haggert-/l!""U C ief, Eastern Permits Section /'/fA fO ~IafLlW, veafAfW. PROP05W 4' X 7' 5fNRS fW ,AWlmlf>tarAre~A5~a55ffl' 4' X14' frxt~fiIlel:RCA1WAlK WI 5, Alrel(NflORA& 5, PAreN5(6"0.C.J PROP~D 'P.>' lOW-5ll VIN'1l.I3lLKlfND . I?I::fP HCtE Cta:fK - -- ........:.... IfMAN5 Of woev IWN' "" 0, ~ 1"/ "' E~5IN<:<17'lf11>>Iro~ ~MO>tD ,AWIfPl.'a~ (IPJ IJN\fa1'Are~ 1ft,AW /'/fA W7T5' lcW-5Ll VIN'1l.1f11>>I ro~ EXCAVAre~fmU5f A5 \ ~IafU,AW PlANreD_ 5 Alre!NIflmA(6" DC) >I ~ ~\b1: SMdk I1a:1stran Ma;> 2'7 I' - :':.'0:::0' I. 15 ~ 2 1 I " , , :!:J72' " Notes: I) PI.f)>>5e: erO>k:in CaJtr" aJ wet:Ws erI1axerrmo 2) lIaWn: li-W ~) eXl5i;J"l dll~rdated t;mber hk:/1-sll1 bulkhead to be removed aJ repla::ed with 1",,-sllI Vlrt/ bulkhead 4) f;>pro<lmatd4 10 CUbic ~ds of unveqetated L4'laJ material to be excavated fran behrncl rmhem f~ pai,k:in of "'I~ bulJ1ead aJ used fa" ba::kfrll with 10 cub" ~ds of deal saJ to be trucked In fran al uplaJ _ce, '7) bCallated a-ea ( see Note 4) aJ dl5iu'bed veqetated a-eas to be plalled aJ/ a" r<plalled with 5, al!emrfrcr-a (1M) aJ 5, Patens (HM) (6"od 6) Propertq locatIoo: 144'7 Bu"lalow !-ale, Mattltock; 5CfM "1000-12Y?-19 7) MJa;ent; own=: I. 5aMers 2, VV\,~'" B) 5OJncll"I' re","ded durl"llow tide U:IO PM, 1/20/00) I" =40' ~ -_:It... -- -", ~ ...... , , o o 0, N N ~ '" !I. '2: '.. ., '~~-:'., . . . ....~~'t.>' . ,'. ~" V ." '." '0" ,. ,'. . r'I>-V !I ," "':""" ':2<v '. o':o~. , ,. .-o.v _. '0', , V .....t.;;: '..~ '"i~ ,," - .' : ., i:2 .-:L., ~ ~' " EN-CONSULTANTS INC. 1329 NORTH SEA RD, SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y. 11968 631-283-6360 ~ , \ PROPOSft7 WW-5tl BUlKH~AD mt7 CAfWliK fOR KIM MU~ll~R ON D~~P HOl: C~~K, MAI1l'fUCK, 5UffOlK CO" N.Y" 51-JEff! OF 2,12/16/99, 4/20/00,10/:;,/C . . . ~ ~ ~ "" -< ~ " '--l ",,' , x ~ "-' 0 N "-' <;::,. -" -" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,., ~""E """ l.L ~~ '1 ~ ~ "" ~~~~ ~ """ ~ o<l ~_c:, '^ ~ c:, l:l- "'os: '" i'- \It <~ .-....' llS ~ ~~i~ T T ~ Q- - c:, ~;:;:~Cl> ~"" ~ '" ~o '\l "-'~~ ~ ~ ~- '"~~... II ~"" a .,. ~ -" ~ --' ~~d ~;ih~ --'- -.:\i!tj , '-S::ltt U-===:::J__ \J\ =-- = >~!:::::.. \ ""'o-'~Ct) s~ o;=~ >< - '-C - N~ - 0 X '0- idos::!:'~ --c- -x< C)<: """ - !;;;, i'b!l:: ~0-\ -" is ~ x "-' C) l:L C) I:>L l:L .... ::::; ~ I:>L ~ ~ ... . '" :z ~ C) ~ ~ idl 0;= '--l ~ ~ 0 C:: ~ . J >i w EN-CONSULTANTS INC. 1329 NORTH SEA RD, SOUTHAMPTON, N,y' 11968 631-283-6360 ~ .P" #fIf/F' PROPOseD L-OW-51U.. BUl..KHt:A17 AND CAfWfJ...K fOR KIM MUt:l..l..t:R ON Dt:t:P HOl..t: CRt: t: K, MAf1lIUCK, 5UffOl..K CO" N.Y" 5ti~~f2 Of 2,12/16/99,4/2:>/00,10/5/ oc . -I Figure 1. Looking north along subject shoreline at location of proposed catwalk. Figure 1. Looking south over location of proposed catwalk and along subject shoreline. ./ = ~ 1 c ,,-, r' . . KIM MUELLER. 1445 BUNGALOW LANE. MATTITUCK r-- . I I Figure 3. Looking east from upland over location of proposed caJwalk and across Deep Hole Creek. r ~ '-1' "l~ri"r'n~,1 fj ::! ~~ I , ',' \,,'; OCT I 02000 t. . . . New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Permits, Region One Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Pllone: (631) 444-0365 . FAX: (631) 444-0360 Webslte: www.dec.state.ny.us 8,,\81 co~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ John P. Cahill Commissioner May 9, 2000 : " MAY I "7 LJrJO ! Ms. Kimberly Mueller 1445 Bungalow Lane Mattituck, NY 11934 h- ' t j. ,,~~ ~ RE: 1-4738-02521/00001 Dear Permittee: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing regulations (6NYCRR, Part 621) we are enclosing your permit. Please read all conditions care- fully. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please contact us at the above address. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site and protected from the weather. Very truly yours, ~ c. &- Maril~terson Environmental Analyst I MEP:cg enclosure C...~..su.ft _.2GOO ,. ~.. 09 ... "" .. .. PAIn' Of' nil COIIIft' ,......M'II'..&A_.. . NEW YOR1IIIJTE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATI~ DEC PERMIO NUMBER" 1-4738-02521/00001 FACILITY/PROGRAM NUMBER(S, . PERMIT EFFECTIVE DATE May 10 2000 EXPIRATION DATE(S) May 31, 2003 Under the Environmental Conservation Law II TYPE OF PERMIT . New 0 Renewal 0 Modification 0 Permit to Construct o Article 15, Title 5: Protection 0 6NYCRR 608: Water Quality of Waters Certification o Perm; t to Operate o Article 27, Title 7; 6NYCRR 360: Solid Waste Management o Article 15, Title 15: Water Supply o Article 17, TitLes 7, 8: SPOES o Article 19: Air PolLution Control o Article 27, Title 9; 6NYCRR 373: Hazardous Waste Management o Article 15, Title 15: Water Transport o Article 34: Coastal Erosion Management o Article 15, TitLe 15: Long Island Wells o ArticLe 23, Title 27: Mined Land Reclamation o Article 36: FLoodplain Management o Article 24: Freshwater Wetlands o Article 15, Title 27: Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers . Article 25: Tidal Wetlands o Articles 1, 3, 17, 19, 27, 37; 6NYCRR 380: Radiation Cohtrol PERMIT ISSUED TO . TELEPHONE NUMBER KimberLv Mueller (631) 29B-1385 ADORESS OF PERMITTEE 1445 Bungalow Lane MBttituck NY 11934 CONTACT PERSON FOR PERMITTED WORK TELEPHONE NUMBER EnConsultants, Inc. 1329 North Sea Road Southamcton NY 11968 (631' 283-6360 NAME AND AODRESS OF PROJECT/FACILITY Mueller Property 1445 Bungalow lane LOCATION OF PROJECT/FACILITY Matt i tuck COUNTY TOWN WATERCOURSE NYTM COORDINATES Suffolk Southold Deep Hole Creek DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY: Remove 95' delapidated bulkhead. Instali 93' of low sili bulkhead, a 17' return on west to be reconstructed to 15 feet. Construct a 14' return on east side. Place 20 cubic yards of clean fili landward of low sili bulkhead and plant with S. Alterniflora on 6" centers. . By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the Eel, alL applicabLe regulations, the General Conditions specified (see page 2 & 3) and any Special Conditions included as part of th i s permi t. PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR: ADDRESS Roger Evans MEP Bldg. #40, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 AUTHORI2ED SIGNATURE {- 'k ~n. DATE ..... Page 1 of 4 May 9 2000 "- NEW YORK E DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONM-E~~~L :O-N~ - --------- NOTIFICA N OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIO Item A: Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The permittee expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation . of the State of New York, its representatives, employees, agents, and assigns for all claims, suits, actions, damages, and costs of every name and description, arising out of or resulting from the permittee's undertaking of activities or operation and maintenance of the facility or facilities authorized by the penmit in compliance or non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this penmit, including all special conditions while acting as the penmittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation law as those prescribed for the permittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-of-way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This penmit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the penmitted work nor does it authorize the impainment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. GENERAL CONDITIONS General Condition 1: Facility Inspection by the Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and Intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation (the Department) to determine whether the penmittee is complying with this permit and the ECL. Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECl 71-0301 and SAPA 401(3). The penmittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the penmit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawing,s and speciai conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the penmit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. General Condition 2: Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the tenms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. General Condition 3: Applications for Permit Renewals or Modifications The permittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for renewal, modification or transfer of this penmit. Such application must include any forms or supplemental information the Department requires. Any renewal, modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. The permittee must submit a renewai application at least: a) 180 days before expiration of permits for State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES), Hazardous Waste Management Faciiities (HWMF), major Air Pollution Control (APC) and Solid Waste Management Facilities (SWMF); and b) 30 days before expiration of all other permit types. Submission of applications for permit renewal or modification are to be submitted to: NYSDEC Regional Permit Administrator, Region 1, SUNY Bldg #40, Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 General Condition 4: Permit Modifications, Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to modify, suspend or revoke this permit. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a) the scope of the permitted activity is exceeded or a violation of any condition Df the permit or provisions of the ECl and pertinent regulations is found; b) the permit was obtained by misrepresentation or failure to disclose relevant facts; c) new material information is discovered; or d) environmental conditions, relevant technology, or applicable law or regulation have materially changed since the permit was issued. DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1-4738-02521/00001 PAGE 2 OF 4 .--- NEWYOR.TE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATe ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ARTICLES 15 (TITLE 5), 24, 25, 34 AND 6NYCRR PART 608 ( TIDAL WETLANDS) 1. If future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the heaith, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or aiter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be compieted, the owners, shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 2. The State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 3. Granting of this permit does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility of obtaining any other permission, consent or approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, New York State Office of General Services or local government which may be required. 4. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. 5. Any material dredged in the conduct of the work herein permitted shall be removed evenly, without leaving large . refuse piles, ridges across the bed of a waterway or floodplain or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause damage to navigable channels or to the banks of a waterway. 6. There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the work herein authorized. 7. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 8. If granted under 6NYCRR Part 608, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation hereby certifies that the subject project will not contravene effluent limitations or other limitations or standards under Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (PL 95-217) provided that all of the conditions listed herein are met. 9. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project, the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work and, if required, a survey. 10. All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or his agent as part of the permit application. Such approved plans were prepared by: EnConsultants on 4/25/00 (2 sheets) DEe PERMIT NUMBER 1-4738-02521/00001 I I PAGE 3 OF 4 NEWYOR - .- :rE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATI SPECIAL: CONDITIONS 1. Any debris or excess material from construction of this project shall be completely removed from the adjacent area (upland) and removed to an approved upland area for disposal. No debris is permitted in tidal wetlands and or protected buffer areas. 2. There shall be no disturbance to vegetated tidal wetlands or protected buffer areas as a result of the permitted activity . 3. All areas of soil disturbance resulting from this project shall be stabilized immediately following project completion or prior to permit expiration, whichever comes first. The approved methodologies are as follows: a. as per specifications identified on approved plans. 4. The storage of construction equipment and materials shall be confined to within the project work site and or upland areas greater than 75 linear feet from the tidal wetland boundary. 5. All fill shall consist of "clean" sand, gravel, or soil (not asphalt, flyash, broken concrete or demolition debris). 6. No excavation of the beach is authorized for the purpose of obtaining fill or stone materials. 7. All peripheral berms, cofferdams, rock revetments, seawalls, gabions, bulkheads etc. shall be completed prior to placement of any fill material behind such structures. 8. Bulkhead constructed directly adjacent to vegetated tidal wetlands shall be jetted in with no disturbance to the tidal wetland. Trenching is strictly prohibited. DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1-4738-02521/00001 PAGE 4 OF 4 / .~p HCI..f CIX~K . Ml'AW~fQ(JUW. WafAlfO. /WI Of( Il:VI'afAreD A"i fJ:aSSMY WI 5. x.mNf\.a?A. 5. PAreN5(6"OO PROI'OOtD 9~' lOW-5U. VI~ ['[HI-I'AI? 95' Gf eXI5fNU flMIJI'R DlAPIDAreD eu.mAl? W ~ Il:M(MD I. _- IIl/I N.-W ..-:::: .......~ .;;.;..,; - . '+ .~ PROP~17 ~. .; '" ,'" "'~Ji ~ "'~ ~ 114' 1l:1IDI ~-'~X'1l\\ ,C-./l ;' ... "Ii x. \It:1\.fW5~awfJ1'( eXI~ 17'Il:1IDI Wile fl-NaD 13HN-CGN5lI.ffNf5. U.. Il:MOWD /W Il:F\.ACW (f) I.MI'afAreDlI'I./W Ml'A 22 JJ-V 1999 W/r~'lOW-5U VJ.M.1l:1IDI W~ eXCAVf<reDfOf(U5e AS , \ ~la:lUIWF\.fNfeDIII1H , $, X-1fNl~(61l o.C) ~ ~ ~ I' -!-\b1-' 5uffJk I-Ia,.vm ~ 2~ I" - ~XXXl' 1l:MAN5 Gf WOO;; RNII' '" 2, NYSDEC Af'PHOV}:~) i\SVf::n TEH.;\iS 1\:-;:0 C(J:~Dl'rlOl'iS OF I'E;nfr;t6?r/()jS~:/~ DATE.__ .)-/0 -z:r;)L!L~ :!/72' ~ , r . , , ...-.:,: j~~.tf .~~{~~ .:<~ ~ '0 o .. N " .. VI Notes: I) PUI'J'O"': ErOS." coolrJ ad wet/m;b er/,,,,,etreni; 2) 1Jai:Lm: II-W "?) bl%i"'! dll",ldat.ed tI""",," hlc/1'5111 ""Ikhea:l to be r"""",d ad replaced wtlh 1"',.-,111 vIt1j ""lkhea:I 4) Awr"'-lmatel4 10 cubic 4'Tds of u",eqelaled If'lad materia to be elCaval:ed rrm behll1d trrfhem rtrd."a patkJn of ""Istl",! hMlea:l ad used ra bad.fIII wtlh 10 cubic 4'Tds of c1e", sad to be trucked " rrm '" up/ad ",,"ce. 7) ~lCaJated ire<! (see Note 4) ad disturbed veqeW.ed ireas to be pla:1led ad/ a replmed wtlh 5, atemtflora <IIA) ad :S~eal:er]:; (HM)( 6"o,c,) 6) Prope!t4 locaI;.,,: 144~ fu..,aow La:le. MaWluc);.; 5GfM 1I1(X)()-12?-"?-19 1) Mjacent owners: I. 5.....k:r. 2, V\\1eI'" \ I" =40' ~ --~ -- ~ Ehj i>,I! ~( .; 11",1)(' l~!r " ..1, ],~ /1' i I, 'j:' 11\, I ! 1 ,,; ~"'() II i I :' ~, J (1 ; i;. J " t,I1'. ; l()r,~ '~J: ~ .'2.:'.... .' '<~::":'"-::,},:';" I_....:,..,.~-<f> , ..,,~ ""O~ \J" 'C.. ....'G~V ~ .... .0';;- "': . ;.~.'D..\J~ .....':t'l- .,' . .V liol.Utl, 'f~ fj.,"" .' " ." ..'"- , " ,1 .8 .. o k \ PROPOSfI? L-OW-5IL.L- VINYl- 1?11K1-EAJ? & wr:1l-ANI? Pl-AN11NCi5 fOR KIMI?E:RL- Y MUE:U..E:R ON I?E:E:P HOl.f CRElK. NV\f11fUCK. SUffOLK. NY 5l-UflOf2 12/16/99 4/2'7/00 :z: . . . . . t:l '" !- ~ .g, ~~'g~ ~ - ~~~I.j !:l ~Cl 0 '" t:l= \\l - "" ~ -' ~g ~\\lvi" i~~~ S! , ~ ~ i ~~ I~ ~~I~ I ~~ tJ] ~I ~ ~~ ~ ~~ _ <xl ~~~ 0 i:i>< " ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~l- ~ ~ .. ~ '" l!l ~l " g tIj .d " III - ... i: ~ il; .d -l -l \J'\ \ - ~O -l , D= ~L~~ ~~ ~ ~ G ~ APi"..,' ,A' V S lJ E: C ,.....",J..., I' .......' '"., In:H 'j.E ~..~.";j) L9~..:'" - '. _, '- ,ItMS , /- y_ /~l,1 iUl'iS OF 1''''''llT ~O~ g- -ClyC ~ D!'"'T 5-~"" ~/ ~'/ .'._2'0_ i7Var~ L){ ('lit,!",! Ii i I\l,! I r lr,lr~. ].( jiLt! i i i : In, pn. I[WI"I! 'J t,\ 11(jr;R ~Hl'{T, I', {(,['f PROPose!? L.OW~51L.L. r;Ll-KHeAl? fOR KIM M~L.L.eR ON oeep HCl.-e C~eK, MAffl11XK. 5LffO\..K CO.. N.Y., ~eef20f2, 12/16/99,4/217/00 ..~.....r ~ ,-" 1/_ IJ'Jrl A I...,~ ,,............ D (1' l' . Telephone (516) 765-1GQ2. . Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Monday, October 23, 2000, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Melvyn Morris, seconded by Bret Hedges, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of the Amendment Request of KIMBERLY MUELLER 123-3-19 to Amend Permit #5119 to construct a 4'X 14' fixed timber catwalk with 4'X 6' access ramp at its landward end and 4'X 7' steps to grade at its seaward end. 1445 Bungalow Lane, Mattituck The CAC recommends Disapproval because there is no need shown and request that a 20' non- turf/non-fertilization buffer be placed behind the bulkhead. Vote of Co unci I: Ayes: All Motion Carried Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 26, 2000 Mr. Robert E. Herrmann En-Consultants, Inc. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 Re: KIMBERLY MUELLER SCTM#123-3-l9 Dear Mr. Herrmann: The following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of Trustees Meeting held on Wednesday, October 25, 2000: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees grant the request for an Amendment to Permit #5119 to include the construction of a 4'X 14' fixed timber catwalk with a 4'X 6' access ramp at its landward end and 4'X 7' steps to grade at its seaward end. This is not an approval from any other agency. If you have any questions, please call our office at 765-1892. Sincerely, t2a.--I ~ /~'!h. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK : Ims DEC Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda .. . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD May 25, 2000 Mr. Robert E. Herrmann En-Consultants, Inc. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 RE: KIMBERLY MUELLER SCTMiH23-3-19 Dear Mr. Herrmann: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, May 24, 2000: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees grant an Amendment to Permit #5119 that the proposed low-sill bulkhead be placed 2' further landward as to minimize the amount of fill to be placed in the existing "shoals and mudflats" area, as per the request of the DEC. However, this permit does not constitute any other permits from other agencies. If you have any questions, please call our office at 765-1892. Sincerely, Ott.,.1 ~ ~. !h. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/cjc . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 2, 2000 Ms. Kimberly Mueller 1445 Bungalow Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: SCTM#l23-3-19 Dear Ms. Mueller: As part of your Permit #5119 to restore the wetland fringe in front of your property. The Southold Town Board of Trustees requests that you remove the old ramp at the end of your property. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, tla-.-I9. /~~.~. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK:cjc . . TERMS and CONDITIONS The Permittee Kimberly Mueller residing at part of the lowing: 1445 Bungalow Lane, Mattituck N. Y ~ as consideratioa far the issuance of the Permit doeo understand and prescribe to the fol- 1. That the said Board of Trosrees and th. Town of Southold "'" released from any and aU damages, or claims for damages, of suits arising directly or indirecdy as . result of any oper' .tion performed pursuant to this permit, a:td the said Permitcee wi11, at his or her own expense, defend any lUId all such suits initiated by third p.tties, and the said Permittee assumes fu111iabi1ity with respect thereto, to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold 2. That this Permit ls valid for . period of __~ mos. which ls considered to he the estim.ted time required to complete the work in~'olved, but should circ:umstanceS warrant, request for an extension m.y be made to the Board .t . l.ter d.te. 3. TI,.t this Permit should he retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maint.in the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to anyone concerned that .uth. oriz.tion was originally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or its .gents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating .pplication, may he cause for revocation of thls Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. lb..t there will be no unteas"".bl. iateri.,...ce ..oith navigation as . result of the work herein ....thorized. 6. Th.t there sh.1I he no lotederen,"" with the ...gbl of tit~ public to pass ~nd repass aloog the be.ch between high and low ....ter marh. 7. Th.t if future operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorlzed, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free n.vigation, the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or .Iter this work or project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold 8. That the said Bo.rd will he notified by the Permirtee Ot the completion of the work auth. orized. 9. Th.t the Permittee wiU obtain .11 other permits and consents that may he required sup- plemental to this permit which may he subject to revoke upon fallure to obllIio wne. . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-18ft2 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 1, 2000 Mr. Robert E. Herrmann En-Consultants, Inc. 1329 North Sea Rd. Southampton, NY 11968 Re: KIMBERLY MUELLER SCTM#123-3-l9 Dear Mr. Herrmann: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during its regular meeting held on February 24, 2000 regarding the above ma-tter: WHEREAS, En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of KIMBERLY !~ELLER applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the 'l'own of SO"Ilthold, application dated January 3, 2000, a~d, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southo1d ~own Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on February 24, 2000 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standard set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, . . WHEREAS, the Board has determined that will not affect the health, safety and people of the town, the project as proposed general welfare of the NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of KIMBERLY MUELLER to remove approx. 95' of bulkhead, and replace with 93' of vinyl low sill bulkhead, 10 cy. of upland material will be excavated from behind northern portion of bulkhead and used for backfill with approx. 10 cy. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source, excavated area will be planted with spartina alternaflora and patens 6" on center and remove and replace inkind/inplace 17' northern return with low sill vinyl return and construct a 14' southerly low sill vinyl return, with the condition that photographs be taken, north and south, before and after construction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date it is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. Fees: None Very truly yours, att .../ 0 /&..--f'~';h. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK!1ms cc: DEC ACE Dept. of State . New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application ...-:;--r- , U....-:: Date FEBRUARY 01, 2000 KIMBERLY MUELLER 1445 BUNGALOW LN MATTITUCK NY 11952 1-4738-02521/00001 1 . ARTICLE 25: TIDAL WETLANDS 1 . ARTICLE 15, TITLE 5: EXCAVATION & FILL IN NAVIGABLE WATERS 1 . SECTION 401 - CLEAN WATER ACT: WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION /cJ.J- .3 -(, ~ -... ~ Applicant Application /0 Permit(s) Applied Project is located in SOUTHOLD in SUFFOLK COUNTY. Project Description APPLICANT PROPOSES TO REMOVE 95 OF FAILED TIMBER BULKHEAD AND RECONST 93 FEET OF LOW-SILL VINYL BULKHEAD BELOW AVERAGE HIGH WATER. 10 CU YDS OF UPLAND MATERIAL WILL BE EXCAVATED FROM BEHIND THE NORTHERN FUNCTIONAL PORTION OF EXISTING BULKHEAD AND USE FOR BACKFILL WITH AN ADDITIONAL 10 CUYDS OF CLEAN SAND BROUGHT TO THE SITE. THE AREA LANDWARD OF THE PROPOSED NEW BULKHEAD WILL BE FILLED AND PLANTED WITH s. AL TERNIFLORA AND S. PATENS ON 6" CENTERS. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON BUNGALOW LANE, DEEP HOLE CREEK, MATTITUCK. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. SCTM# 1000-123-3-19. - \ JU~ ~'fWrr~~l r--__H 'fi ljJ11l fEE 3 3Il1Jr SUPERVISORS or!=''''e State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination . TC.'\V~': OF SOUTHC/I.~O SEQR - 3B Project is an Unlisted Action and will not have a significant impact on t e 'eniiiro'nm-enr.--" A Negative Declaration is on file. A coordinated review was not performed. SEQR Lead Agency None Designated State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination SHPA - 1 Cultural resource lists and map have been checked. No registered, eligible or inventoried archaeological sites or historic structures were identified at the projecllocation. No further review in accordance with SHPA is required. Availability For Public Comment Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than 02/25/00, Contact Person MARILYN E PETERSON, NYSDEC SUNY @ STONY BROOK BUILDING 40 STONY BROOK NY 11790-2356 "'"If (631) 444-0365 . . Telephone (516) 765-18'12. Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southo1d. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, January 18, 2000, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Richard Smith, seconded by Abby Cochran, it was RESOL VED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the Wetland Permit Application ofIGMBERLYMUELLER 123-3-19 to remove approx. 95' of existing dilapidated timber bulkhead and construct approx. 93' of low-sill bulkhead. Approx. 10 cy. of un vegetated upland material will be excavated from behind northern functional portion of existing bulkhead and used for backfill with approx. 10 cy. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. The excavated area and other disturbed vegetated areas will be planted and/or replanted with Spartina alterniflora and Spartina patens (6" on center). Remove and replace (in- place) 17' northerly return and low-sill vinyl return and construct 14' southerly low-sill vinyl return. ] 445 Bungalow Lane, Mattituck Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried "' r_ _ -_N~ . " . .i! 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 . 516-283-6360 ~ ~. ;- L ,. I 1', Fax: 516-283-6136 -~l....~ "L, E-mail: encon@peconic.net "--"-.,,~' ~ , ' EN- CONSULTANTS, IN-C.~' ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES December 29, ] 999 Town of South old Board of Trustees Post Office Box 1 179 Southold, New York 1 ]97] Attn.: Diane Herbert Re: Kimberly Mueller ] 445 Bunga]ow Lane, Mattituck SCTM #1000-123-3-]9 Dear Ms. Herber1: ]n regard to the above referenced property, enclosed are the following for the Board of Trustees review: ]. Three (3) Wetland Applications, ( including Notice and Proof of Mailing to adjacent owners). 2. Three (3) Short Environmental Assessment Forms. 3. Three (3) copies of authorization & disclosure forms. 4. Three (3) work plans. 5. Three (3) copies of survey. 6. One (]) set of site photographs. 7. Application fee of$]50.00. ] trust this information shall allow you to process our permit request. Should any additional information be required, please do not hesitate to contact our office. /khs Ene. " t?ffP Haf CKffK /'ffAro~IiJ(JUW. V1:afA11'P, tw lOR JfV1:afA11'P /6l\l:aSS'N W/S, 1L11'l<Nfl-ORA& S, PA11'NS(6"OO PRQPOOl'P 'r.>' ,oo-5It., VINYL BlLKII'AP -- ~ ....w.:.... JfWJNS Cf WOOP RNN' I. eXI9ffi:< 17' Jf1UN ro ~ I1iMQ\-l:P MIl? Jfl'!-,'Q'p (W) lINVtafAlW IPL.fW /'ffA WI I,,' LoW-,U VI>M, Jf1IDJ roflH)((I;/I<11!PfORU~/6 \ flll:l:fUfWl'!-l'NlfP\\I111 S 1L11'1iUfl-0RA(6" OC) ~ ~ ..\'\61' M arrat Doh fl-N<Ufp flyeN-cGNSl1.fANf5, INC" 22 JLYI999 5uffol, ~$\rom Ma;o 20 I' - ~xo:J' ,. .:!:./72' I , . I I I" =40' ~ --~ -- II "' ,is . o ~ , c.... -' '. a ,.H:... . '-:~d:,"': . . ...:.,~~. "'~ .1>.' . ..... -"0 V' c. . . ... ~\G~\! .' ....i;0\' \. \ 'Z , .. "', . ::j' 0:: ", _' ..'};./;t1.. ~ .....~....-~ ~~.'. . ~ 2, ~ 'g ;" N N '" '" \ OCT I 0 No\e,;: I) P~: fr05kJn cmlrol mJ wetla1d. em"1<;"m"li 2) Datum: ItW ?) f,I5tI"1 dilapidated t.lmber h.,,-.llIl:.Jlkhead to '" rem?Ved mJ replaced wttn Iow-'II! vl"4ll:.Jlkhea:l 4) Approxlmatel4 10 cubiqa-d. of unveqetated ",lmJ material 10 '" excavated from h,hlnd rrrthm> furrlkJna patkJn of exl5tI"1l:.Jlkhead mJ u5ed fa- backfill with 10 cubic 4"'d. of deal .mJ to '" lruckd ~ from '" uplmJ _ee, 0) f",avated a-ea ( 5ee Note 4) mJ dl5turf<:d ve<jclal:ed a-ea5 to '" pknted mJ/ or replated with 5, ,&mlflora <1M) mJ 5, paten!. (HM) ( 6" o,c,) 6) Properi4 kx:atl"': 1440 ~ON 1-1I'Ie. MattJl:uc,; 5CfM lIl000-I2?-?-19 1) Adjacent """""': I. 5aunder. 2, Whel", B) 5o.mdl"1' recorded durl"1ION tide CI:IOPM.1/20/00) EN-CONSUlTANTS INC. 1329 NORTH SEA RD. SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y. 11968 631-283-6360 PROPOsetl LOW-5H ~U~KHfAt7 ANti CAfiN/1.K fOR KIM MUf~~fR ON tlffP HO~f CRffK. MAf1lruCK. 5UffO~K CO,. NY,. 5Hfffl Of 2. 12/16/99.4/2'7/00. 10!?/00 '-"nn" ~~>A:\ ""~':::IC) -\ "':<: " N?"~C) ~~7"~ N'-\"'3 ~:::'iC), ~~ ~ A:\ C) 'n7":;E ",-7"$:' ," \J\ ~\J\$:' ~C:C:' " ""''\JJ 42)~c: ',,,,, N7"7<:'l~ ~nC)'" O~z:~ "Oz:~3: O,-<"'~ ,0 "" '" I , C) o ' o '" rx.HC\.ff ,X.R>"'P'itu 0')(1.)......"' WOW2 "'S~6 ~:r20 W>02 J..3::o(l) w-o-iC= Cl>-I:Z:~ CO(l):>>O 2m2 z>(ri . :0 :<o;;! ....... P ... ~ co . . rx. llt11i \\fll,ANtl !f!tA fa ~ [;KKfII-l-W. vUHA1W,ANtI! OR I<l'V1"CHAlW A5~a55A'(Y\V1lH S. alterniftora OR S. patens (6" on 6" X 6" wlir 10' Pr~fRAllON 4" xt~CtW\\fR 10' V1N\t. :<<'AlHINU 8" X 12'P11-f5 rx. t1Il-N'It1A1ft1 I3lLKftAl? fa ~ I<l'MOVW 170' (WiX.J I rx. HM -1'-811 -l 7' 5fllJRS - mN~2'- II rx.URM SfC1l0N 1l1RU PROPOSft7 WW-51~~ BlLKH~m & flxet7 CAfWli-K 5C1i-~ : I" ~ 10' ............. ........... ..... - . KIMBERLY MUF;.LLER DEEP HOLE CREEK, MATTITUCK Figure I. uHlking northwo1 at ..ubject ..horeline from adjacent property to south, where ~'horeline .\1abilization initiative ctJnceptualt)' similar to ..ubject prtlJHlsal hu.. been effected l Figure 2. uHlking Iwrthw<!.\.t along .\'Object shoreline; Iwte pre.ence of intertidal marsh landward of exi.\.ting dilapidated bulklread to be renllll'ed . . KIMBERLY MUELLER DEEP HOLE CREEK, MA TITfUCK Figure 3. uJOking southeau over upland area to be excavated and planted landward of 10W-o~ill bulkhead. Figure 4. umking oWJuthl'a~t along subject shoreline and location (ifPNJpoo,oed IOW-o~ill bulklll'UlL . . KIMBERLY MUELLER DEEP HOLE CREEK, MA TfITUCK Figure 5. Looking ea.\1 over project .dte and toward Deep Hole Creek. Figure 6. LtHJking nor/llea.'t (JI'er project site from upland. , :i il !,; 'I' , , I' 1; tlltls CFl(F:~ OIl ~,,' t" ;;~ ~::. :I! ~ ,-i' j;:r.. I,.c.: ,,~\ -- ~ I ~..., ~ ""'j ,""" ~ M ~ I I J ~ + iii I " ~I I' ""- co '-' z % (L ~ , .,p<t, '<t w '" '" "" ~ '~e Ii " < " .'"' ., ^ "" 'i '. 0_ I ~;g "'-' , Albert J. Krupski, preSidt James King, Vice-Presiden Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York I 197. Telephone (631) 765-185 Fex (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEe I 7 LEITER OF REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT DATE DECEMBER 13,2001 OWNER KIMBERLY MUELLER PHONE 631-298-1385 ADDRESS 1445BUNGALOWLANE,MATIITUCK,NY 11952 AGENT EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. PHONE 631-283-6360 ADDRESS 1329 NORlH SEA ROAD, SOUlHAMPTON, NY 11968 PROPERTY LOCATION 1445 BUNGALOW LANE, MATTllUCK TAX MAP NO. 1000-123-3-19 lIWe EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. requat an AlDeDclmeat to Permit 1# 5119 TO SHORTEN PROPOSED CATWALK IN ITS SEAWARD EXTENT AND LENGlHEN IN ITS LANDWARD EXTENT (TO COMPLETELY TRAVERSE THE HIGH MARSH AREA). SIped By: ROB ,OOASTALMGMT"""'AUST ~" ~~ . I . "' ~ EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 631-283-6360 Fax: 631-283-6136 E-mail: encon@peconic.net www.enconsultants.com ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES December 4,2001 Lauren Standish Office of the Board of Trustees Town of South old 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 DEe I 7 Re: Kimberlv Mueller. Permit No. 5119 L Dear Mrs. Standish: The captioned permit for construction of a low-sill bulkhead was issued I March 2000 and amended on 26 October 2000 to include construction of a fixed catwalk and steps. Because the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) requested that the proposed catwalk be shortened in its seaward extent and lengthened in its landward extent (to completely traverse the high marsh area), however, we must again request that the Town Wetland Permit be amended accordingly. Attached are (3) copies of the revised project plan that was approved by the DEC and a check for $40. Should you require any additional information to process this request, please let me know, and I thank you for your attention to this matter. Robert E. Herrmann Coastal Management Specialist cc: Kimberly Mueller [ FROM ENCONSULT8NTS, INC. . RHONE NO. 6312836136 ~ Oct. 05 2000 11:538M P2 ~ EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York '1968 631-283-6360 Fax: 63'-283-6136 E-mail: encon@peconic.net www.enconsultants.com ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES October 4, 2000 Marilyn Peterson Division of Environmental Permits NYSDEC SUNy, Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 OCT - s RE: KIMBERLY MUELLER, #1-4738-02521/00001 Dear Mrs. Peterson: The captioned permit was issued 9 May 2000 for installation of a low-sill bulkhead and associated wetland plantings. As Ms. Mueller now also wishes to construct a small catwalk to provide water access for canoes, etc., we hereby request an amendment to the wetland permit so that her marine contractor could ultimately undertake both projects at one time. Specifically, we are requesting that the permit be modified to include construction of a 4' x 14' fixed timber catwalk with a 4' x 6' access ramp at its landward end and 4' X 7' steps to grade at its seaward end. Four (4) copies of revised project plans indicating water depths recorded during low tide are attached hereto. By copy of this letter and revised plans, I am requesting that the other involved agencies similarly amend their approvals. Respectfully' yours, I' ____.0_. Robert E. He Coastal Management Specialist Attachments cc: Albert Krupski, Chairman, SOllthold Town Trustees, #5114 Denise Butts, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, #2000-00008-LI William Feldhusen, Coastal Resources Division, NYSDOS, #F-OO-OIO Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . . Town Hall , 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In tne Matter of the Application of __~~(~~_f!\~~___________ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING , l , ~ I/t!I.I ,/~I'MJ /1J..Q A) Sc,+ Pp., ~~TfJN being duly sworn, depose and say: oA- That on the n day of &. , 200'::>' I personally posted the property blOwn as flJ"/s----6';.:i/"'''''' /-Iv, tv1~ by placing the Board of Trus ees offic'ial poster where it can easily b8 seen, ar.d ~hat I have checked to be sure the poster has ~emained ;.., place for eight days prior to the date 0f t.h..; p,:blic hearir.]. Dat.ll.._of hearinG noted thereon to be held Ct-tcbtr c:llS Clt\01) ~~~~~~~. - , I , ,....c:C!~r;:Jg ~~ €,w ~ntNl">. tJ1t I~ 16 <t' I tV(... , ' Datea: Sworn to befsne ~e this ...:JSf>.- day of (Uc/f>6<- 2000 ~ " ~,~.o~ No ar Public L KIM H. STEPHENS l @ Notary Publlc-S1at8 of NO''' York \)')l;!" Commi.slon No. 5015911 IW. Quz.lmed In.' , ~i.:;f~l~ ~~. Countios , CO"."':,;"" E,~lr". A'~u" 2, U. ....... v'~"" ~ . . . 9 . _ _ _. _ . .f . ~- ~.V\\~t'O~;'" l~t ~, ~ ~ ~. ~ rttO./ + ~~t::S . Alben 1.. Krups](j, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD uffice Use Onl D If" ! ~) Coastal Erosion Permit AP,Plicatio' G'A I,! ~Wet1and Permit Application N -. 3 i Ii: ___Grandfather Permit Application i-~ --,- Wai ver / AJ:1en~en t/ Changes TO Wi:\!;'-\c', c " ; i I:;:; Rece~ved Apphcat~on: /- ~ - ~ 0 ~ ' v v, '::.'."'::::,!j', A Received Fee:$~O Completed Application 1- :r -" c) Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination: (date sent) ---- CAC Referral Sent: I-J - (j 11 Date of Inspection: 1-(,;1. - 0 0 Receipt of CAe Report: ~ 0 Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: Public Hearing Held: 1-.2.'-~o .M3-2OO:l Resolution: N~ne of Applicant Kimberly Mue er 1445 Bungalow Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Address Phone Nwnber: (631 ) 298-1385 Suffolk County Tax Map Nwnber: 1000 - 123-3-19 Property Location: 1445 Bunqlow Lane, Mattituck (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: (If appliCable) En-Consultants, Inc. Address: 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 Phone:631-283-6360 FAX#:631-283-6136 1 ~ard of Trustees APPlicati'" ... l GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning: 34,001.96 R-40 Previous use of property: Residential Intended use of property: No Chanqe Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency 'Date X No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? x No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): SEE ATTACHED 2 . . - PROJECT DESCRIPTION KIMBERLY MUELLER 1445 BUNGALOW LANE MATI1TUCK, NY SCTM #1000-123-3-19 Remove approximately 95' of existing dilapidated timber bulkhead and construct approximately 93' oflow-sill vinyl bulkhead. Approximately 10 cubic yards of un vegetated upland material will be excavated from behind northern functional portion of existing bulkhead and used for backfill with approximately 10 cubic yards of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. The excavated area and other disturbed vegetated areas will be planted and/or replanted with Soartma alternitlora and Soartma patens (6" on center). Remove and replace (in-place) IT northerly return with low-sill vinyl return and construct 14' southerly low-sill vinyl return. " ., eXl5f'lt<I7' IffiJiNfOllf IifMOIW,ow IifFVaD (fl _ WN-';u VN\I. . titep I-U-e c~eK 9,' Of eXl5f'lt< 1lMIlf~ DLN'VA1t:D fU~AD fO Ilf IifMOleD ~D9'>' WN-'7Lc Vt-M- ~AD 1ifWJN5 Of I/KJ(}() RNIi' 5uff'Jk ~wGm ~ 2? I. - .:'::."XXX)' I. \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.Jb~' 2, :!:J72' ~ 1'1==401 , t . , , \~\ \ ~ \ ~ \ ;' \ ~ \ -<\ \ '\' \ ~ \; \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ ; \ \ ' \ ;0 8 -.. " N '" V> Note.: I) PUI'J'O"': ~r.,..., Cl>1i:rJ .... wetW. ~""""" 2) l?abJm: Jl-W !;) ~x"'l\::t d~1<:I.ted thrber hi<:fnlll WlJ.eaJ to be r""."",; .... repiacr-d wtth IOl'r.,1I1'IrIji Wkhead ,,) Appr""imaI;e~ 10 cubic ,..-d. of ~d upIa-d mal:erlai to be """"ai;ed frGm behk'd rorthem f~ pat.., of ""15~fl1 bul<head .... used fa Imfdl wtth 10 cubic ,..-d. of cleal ..... to be trucked ~ frGm a1 upi.... _ce, ?) ~xca;ated;;rea ( see Note ,,) .... d,.w'oed ~d ;;r_ to be pia1ted ..../ or rep\a1l;ed with S, atemlflora (1M>.... S, pal;en,; (HM) (6"o,c,) 6) Pr~ kxai;..,: WI? ~ 1-_, MaWlud.; SCfM #IOOO-I2!J-!;-19 1) AdjacenL 0'NM5: I. 5an:ler. 2, 'M1""" ~ --~ --- ~ "' ~. ~'. .., FN-rn!\!SI\I1 n~ITS INC. 13?9 W'PTH sr~ RD. sn!'THAM"liVoJ, N Y_ 11968 5115-28363fjlJ CCd .,. '. \. ~.;..;-. " .,;~:', .:.. ; \ ,....' ":';a'J;,:,:~,'~%"" . ":y II'!'CJ I. " ~ '. "",', '~"<\",G~ 'W' 11' ;; ,! .. ',,"~'l-~O~: .' : ~v JAN - 3 ' :I: d ~ .,.. ~.. . _'__'" ,,_ _._J ..J I TO\fi;~.1 un;:: "n; iTU, ",I n.; li.j\J ~ V\../~";":~,J~::.:.~' .8 .. o ~ I I \ z PROPOSE!? L-0vV-5IL-L. VINYL- I?UL-KffAJ? & V\t1l.AN!? PL-AN11NCi5 fOR KIMl?fRL- Y Ml..ElL-fR ON I?E:fP Haf CRffK, NV\f~fUCK, 5UffOL-K,NY 5rfffl Of 2 12/16/99 . ! ~I C,llC ~~~~I~ = ~ ~~llC~ ~ ~~I Q ~ 1 ~~~ 9 =t101 f ',1:~ J~I~ ~I L_ ~ : f:: <0 ::'l et -=- ~~r ",] ~ 01---- I~ .. ~r----- I ~ ~ ... ~-------~ '" i!! E ~=======~ ~ ~l ~[_______J ~ '" " - ... j; 1 ,d . I ~ ~b .....l , !>::::.= ~-:: ~~ ~ ~ G ~ EN.CONSUl1A~TS INC. 1329 NOfl1 H SUI RD, S~:.;nfP,~i1;~.'-i N.Y. 119B8 5162836~"O . j , PROPoseD I..ovV-511.1 VINY1- I?ULKl-fp.J? & Wf11..AND Pt..ANf1Nu5 fOR KIMl?eRt.. y Ml1UfR ON tlffP HOl-f CRffK, MAf~fUCK, SUffOLK, NY 5ffU2 Of 2 12/ /6/ 99 -._ ".0-'- ~ jPN - 3 ---.1 ""1""' ~rd of Trustees APPlicatiJlt WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Erosion control and wetlands enhancement. , Area of wetlands on lot: :1:1,000 square feet Percent coverage of lot: :I: 2.94 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: n/a feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: n/a feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No x Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? 10 cubic yards How much material will be filled? 20 cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: :1:2' feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: 1:3 Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: SEE PROJECT DESCRIPTION Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations ,(use attachments if appropriate): The proposed low-sill bulkhead will stabilize the subject shoreline and increase the area of wetlands at the site, thereby protecting against further loss of the owner's upland while providing beneficial impacts to the tidal wetlands and Town waters. 3 61 7.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) . I . 14-16-4 (2187)-Text 12 . L"OJECT 1.0. NUMBER SEQR 1 . APPLICANT ISPONSORKIMBERL Y MUELLER BY EN-CONSULTANTS, INe. 3. PROJECT lOCATION: Municipality MATTlTUCK County SUFFOLK 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc., or provide map) I 2. PROJECT NAME 1445 BUNGALOW LANE, MATTTUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NY; SCTM #1000-123-3-19; MAP PROVIDED 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: ~ New 0 Expansion 0 Modification/alteration 6_ DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: SEE ATTACHED 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: 0.78 Initially acres Ultimately 0.78 acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ~ Yes 0 No If No, describe briefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? I:8J Residential D Industrial 0 Commercial Describe: o Agriculture o Park/Forest/Open space o Other 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR Ul TIMATEl Y FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE OR lOCAL)? ~Yes D No If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals IDEC, COE, DOS 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? DYes ~ No If yes, list agency name and penniUapproval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION Will EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? DYes ~No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ApphcanUsponsor name, ROBERt' E. HERRMANN, COASTAL MGMT. SPECIALIST ';// ()/k~> Date: DEe. 29, 1999 Signature: \J If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment nVFR . . NOTICE TO ~~JACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of Kimberly Mueller SCTM#lOOO- 123-3-19 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: SEE ATTACHED 2. That the property which is the subject Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: 1445 Bunqalow Lane, Mattituck 3. That the property which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32,37,or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. Open to Public Comment 1/26/00 The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and dose not reference any other adjacent that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: Kimberly Mueller MAILING ADDRESS: 1445 Bunqalow Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 PHONE #: 631-298-1385 Ene.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: Joan Saunders 1375 Bungalow Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Harold & Joan Whelan 1645 Bungalow Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK doing business Robert E. Herrmann , ~esx~~ at 1329 North Sea Road Southampton , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 29thday of December ,19 99 , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Southampton , that said Notices were mailed to each of said' persons by (cert' 'ed) (~~~<<~~) mail. rmann Sworn to before me this day of December ,19 29th 99 ~, J~~ vI. ~ j, Notary P lic i It. "". /~,.. " " 'J 1<1:.1 H. STEPHENS , '>-~:::':::; (f rJew Yerk ~ . :...,. e)'i '::;~I-il C:.::':}!!< , .; L_" ;,..~ ~ -~.-.:U 2.0' 6 . ~ 11/ IA-LLU '- Z 218 040 039 Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee "' m Return Receipt Showing 10 Whom & Date Delivered ~ Return A~ Showing to Whool, c( Date,&Ackiessee'sAddress Q i TOTAL Postage & Fees $ M Postmark or Date E <; u- rn "- . ~ f ~. '7 N'-I'!It,~ Z 218 040 040 Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee "' m Return Receipt Showing to t '( .... Whom & Date Delivered ~ tr )- .~ RetumReceiptSlxlwingtoWhom, <C Dale,&Adckessee'sAddress Q C, ~ TOTAL Postage & Fees $ ~. I ('l) Postmark or Date E o u- rn "- . . ttard 0= ~r~stees APPlicatitj county of Suffolk State of New York vi ~ BEING DULY SWORN HE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE STATEMENTs CONTAINED HEREIN ARE OWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEEs. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT ( S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPI.ETING THIS J..PPT"ICl'.TION, I I:..t:t>.EBY AUTHORIZE TdE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT ( S) OR REPRESENTATIVES ( S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE P~1ISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. SWORN ~O BEFORE ME THIS ~~ DAY OF ~&)- .19.!i!) ~~~ 'd~ No-:ary ?u.bl.:..c MElANIE V. BROWN NolIry NIle, SIIIe 01 New YOlk No. 49D8712 0uaIIIied In &1M County ga Contmisslon Expires OCI.19. 19 -j ........ ) .. ~rd of Trustees APPlicat~ AUTHORIZATION I, K' V'1 krl0J V\il ~0LC( (pr~nt owner of property) residing at f L{4Q GUv1 q cJ&c.J ~ (mailing addreSs) ,- "t v\;\_a_hhA-u~ do hereby authorize [Vl- (~SLJ-+~( ~ (Agent) to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. ----- / ........ . . . . APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FOIlH The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the art of town officers and em 10 ees. The Q!!f. ose of this form is to rovide information wh ch cal~ alert the town of pass ble conflicts of nterest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAHB. VVl L.Jt.e' L.LE Q. .k l !MiS UCLY' I :::r-: (Last name, firht name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NATURB OP APPLICATION, (CheCk a11 ~hal: apply.) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone ^P.p~oval Of ~lal: . Exe~pl:ion from pIal: or official map Other (If "Other," name the acl:ivil:y.) Do you personally (or through your company, opouoe, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship vith any officer or employee of the Tovn of Southold? .nelatlonshlp" includee by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Ouoiness interest" meano a businens, inclUding a partnernhlp, In vhich the tovn officer or employee han even a "3rtlal ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee ownR more than 5% of the RhareR. YBS NO ~ If you anBwered .YES,. complete the balance of thiB form and dats and sign wliers Lldic,,;!;ed. Hame of person employed by I:he Town of Soul:hold Til:le or position of that person Describe the rel;1td nnqh4 no hn......__... ..._u___4 ~ ,..._ Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-18f12 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TRUSTEES: BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of K1J!J1S-~~-(1--jYJ-'d~~ f_~1f- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) 1,>>-1- ~H'" AFFIDAVIT OF fOS'1:Pi'h"s'l! ln~'TS I"e ~~ ]~~n~',w1"<::'I" . , r91ZJJ.al.Fl~ at ,)/.1)",,,;[(,IJ,I"\0. S,IITH~yrTO~';. NY. 11968 ~ Hi 2g2 63€8 being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the IZr- day of j " ' lWO, property known as by placing the Boar of Tr tees 0 ficial poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the ~~lie hearing. (date of hearing noted thereon to be held~A1.olb IL IMocAT 7: IJ-f""" ' posted the rJ..OCi ( Dated: {si Swo~n to before me this 0:;0> ^--day of 9c7.. ~ 1~ ';:;"v2TiJ ~.~~ !lI.A . '. L . 'ry Pu lie Kill H. STEPHENS . NllIllry Publlc-81a1t of New YodI Commission No. 5015931 " Qualified In' . Suffolk "'" r; Counties f Cc.."mission Ex'lr.s Auauol 2. a:..