HomeMy WebLinkAboutBubany, John J . October 28, 2004 Town of South old 53095 Route 25 Po Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 To whom it may concern: John & Margaret Bubany 2350 Beebe Drive Cutchogue, NY 11935 . rofJJO\l.~ \6u l)O rL1 -- lvJ'r ''5\'" I / I) o'-S~~" LD ({\ c ic.-' (\0' J-.qy" ~\~<l We are requesting a pre-submission inspection for extending a dock at 2350 Beebe Drive in Cutchogue (Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-103-3-10). We want to know if it is possible to have a 30-40' walkway with pilings and a ramp to a 20' floating dock. .~' Please fmd a check enclosed in the amount of$50.00. Sincerely, John.& Margaret Bubany I 7rr~ ~ E O~T ~ ,I :, E 0 l.=J Southold Town Board of Trustees \ I I I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARO OF TOWN TRUSTEES MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD. NY 11971 1325 Oct. 13 1~004 PAY ~~ri~~OF EdwMd Solomon, M.D. $150.00 F~6ty and 00/100--------___________________________________________________ 50-4461214 -'j i -.l . DOLLARS ~ NORSTAR BANK 51300 Maln Roed, SouthhoJd,N'(l1971 FOR Re6und - lru,pec.t.{.on Fee 11'00 ~:I 2511' + 1:02 U.o I, I, b 51: . ~/'/~7 II' 7 ~ ~11l00 2:10 :III' r;;t r ? <-c;:. 'A-r , 't; r.>> ~.~ r> ~. ~ r --::?' . . . Edward M. Solomon, M.D. 508 Hartung Drive Wyckoff, N.J. 07481 September 22, 2004 Town ofSouthhold 53095 Route 25 P.O. 1179 Southhold, New York 11971 r<o~ it may concern; We are requesting a presubmission inspection for extending a dock at 2350 Beebe Drive in Cutchogue (Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-103-3-10). We want to know ifit is possible to have a 30-40" walkway with pilings and a ramp to a 20' floating dock. We are interested in this property which we have seen with Bea Huntington from Prudential Realty. Please find enclosed our check for the swn of $50.00. S, in, ,cerelY, j? . /Ccl~~ Adrienne Solomon & Edward Solomon ('" " :.:;; CC~ &C ~ IEfCfElWIE D SEP 2 0 2004 ...... Seatllold TowtI 80lnt of TnstMI . September 22, 2004 Board of Town Trustees Town of South old POBox 1179 Southold, NY 11971 To whom it may concern: The potential purchaser of my premises has requested permission fur a pre submission inspection by the Trustees. This letter will conflllIl the permission for that inspection. . (\j'1 0'1 """ i i L. ';j' II,. ", Ill, i)) ii + 'v I! j "I I /j, ~ II' I I I "II /j t " I _z---...-+i "' I! ll.'1l II ~ ~ tv) ~ ~ ~ i g 5l ~ . . i Ii ,k; ir~J B"'" -. . . 9i ~<~ ....J8.... 0,.. !;.llI-' Vl r:i ~ ~ili 5d::~ uJ1" CD .;1;1 ll"ll ~ I.: , " "ill Ihll II~ 1//) jhllli i;@1 M'llI . 'i i III., .., ' I iill, "'Iii 1111 Iii iii il . . ~ L ~ i ii iil !!!!!!, I !III. I Ill! iell! I Iii '" J j j II II I a. I ~ a . I 'I ' . JI'l' 1111. Iii! ~! ~ II IhJ Iii if ...."'.,"'zc <'~~,.", , . .. . _._~... ..,.-.....-..0 \. , , . , _. ,. '..........'''-..:( AL~MOORINGS AND STAKES MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE ALL'DOCKS AND ,IilUL1<HEADS MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE Name, o:fCreek: 1;:ast (') . ,.-* I"j' ~,.I 1 , \. ......., .. c_"; ... I (N9 , e0 BOARD OF TOWN TRVSTEES TOWNOF$OurHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 728 Southold, NewY()Tk 1}971 " ",' GRANDFATHER APPLICATION TELEPHONE (516) 76H1l92 "'ocks 3. 4. Telephone Number: ' ',C4,tr etfa G-tA.'E ($/&) 30JolN J.~ueAN y 235'0 -et.~B'E J>Jtlv'E ., N"1 Ii 935" 731.}- 5'5"1/.,8 1971/- ~ ..... 1. Name of Applicant: Address of Applicant: 2. Year of:Construction: 5. - Sketch of the work including sizes: e~r ~e-~_ ' fIJf- . f...-i.""" ,...,..'f.D. ~.:' , , {1> 11' t'_-U . '.'~ " ~*S'N 6. Mark of:f on the map attache4. where your property is located using an X. ".,",=", ~- 7 Please note that th~iS a $5.00 filing fee, which is a one time fee, for thisapplicatioh. "4 ",;/".,-- Mooring Applications- $5.00 Application Fee and a $5.00 annual renewal" fee each year. . ,.'".. '" - 'f3"t!O( '~.. -', .., ',. ~ ", ~. q: '. o ~'. A.....':.....',"-'~ .- ALL NOORn,GS AND STAKES l-1[JST DISPLAY VISIBLE !':OORWG NUNBERS . . ALL POCKS AND BULKHEADS MUST DISPLAY VISIBLE PEP~'iIT NuHBERS.. . . :.~": -4~.~~-~. ~~ff'::~~:;;~~~ ('~"'~"'-~"'-. ~~. ,::;::. .~-, '-"::~---'~<""""~->'-"".~''''''''~;;o. --_..",,"~~/.o,.,c'~~, . ~=""-.... ~,,,~- --........., '-&' - ->J...-'.'-: '~'"'--i",-.._" ";,-,W~'>". . .:.4;;r:YV'..lo~_" .~r-.. '-....-f;ljo..,.,.'. . ~<":",,-,y,,,",. .0>::..,1''''''..,.,.,,...... - .~..t"~"""",,, ..,.,..".., .,/'...'..-=-... 'If:'=c 'i, .... '.'. ~~.~,;'"' ) ; . :-~:~~. .~-l<~-. . ;"~~~';""o.,.. ~~,.. ~-?:~;-;~ .~tr ~~ -.!~;. ~'~-~~~"f. .:!..~~:.~t;:T "'.!'~~;'S~~ ''!":t. .~''" ,.... " E...~_,,",.,.. 1":",-.... .. ':':;. . ,." - '.;>.... ..' '"v'-'''i'-''''~..;r "~'."'J .~. ..../r"'., "", ';-.:... .'::;'-h<>" ". ~"<';'J"";'>' 4"h~'..""'~ fi;' -s""~;~ -~~,....J,...~.4Q-~..... ",;.~ ...,~'.">-. '" "':<@b .~, ',<,~"":;,.;i .~'Ii:'..~I~,...~", .~,~ ...:. -10'::- ).,") ,,(.~ ..~:':;.;"'., ,';r::,";;::;2~~.:..iVJ~ ;;:.'"."'~'.':f~'!..",~dr..z.t?' E '~;b ((~'<<~~"t~:~~~t~~$;::;~-;;~o'i;~~"7;~'::~~:c~11~)1 ~\" /: ~ ~~ ?!('j .~~,~~ ;.2:~1. n'~"''''~l.-I L .WYORK ..1 ..(~_" ~'::;,....,,)~;';,..,::. 50UTHO D. N!: i'igi,j' .~~ 1 "/Ii' ~~"!':': N,.I.A l~j!'1 =;,;1;., I~t.. :)f':i.~N HOORING NO '1580 DATE.' ..' ...Ma.......r...c.. h......3....,... 198tl~ '. c~ '~\~;,w, '\::ii,'," PERMiT NO. ............ ......-..... 1,'Jft,'f di'J";#, ~'."c;;',,"'~ /0",'" l~~!s""" "~..,#. .",7'..,".':. ._~...~l....\ 55' ED TO . '" C' ':1:. ."""-l-.... i.,.' ,..y:'/"~ .;z.~ ......'.:Oi,i'iJ'... J U'. .....J.ohn...B.ul:ian~~...."'_....n:::.._QnsJ.1... il.......,................._.._........ . ""'\'.,. -'~, .-- -""'''''''' I, Efl!'" __,~ 1A,,'<c: '!:''''~:; "'ifj""" -. ';""\ ~-i-"~ '~~-;.1..~, ..... . J..l . ~ . '.J :~ '.~\~ Ir/fF: J..'1 ...~r:. ','.'. ;;':;;''';<i1\~ (fft;'.\'!,f;;;;,} l\Ui 1,nn;-;UItDn :"i~~. '.'l"'~~;>; L.: '1<:';. ~".,.'.j -i_"""w' .-re"!, .~.< ,H.,' "X" ';;,;..} ..... ~~ .'X.....",'. II',;',.. '<c., :'''" "]r~'.../t' \~;t.<.r?"-;:,.s~~ Pursu"nf to the p,ovisions of Ch"pter 615 of the .L"ws of l:'i8j~;::'/{h . \\;~i~1:0~!; the Stale of New York. 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the J::'e"ho.~Y/ ~l.(~ -~~:'!:"-!..,l St." N Y k I -2 d h S 'fd TO d~ 3'tj!:;::~~. _~'!;'\ Il,-:'- . ~;7,.:~,i,' . aTe or I ew or ,9:>; an I,e outno. Own. r lnllnCe en. '~;"""~' .,~\~ ~.t;g.",.,,: ;.9~..\ tl'T'led "R~GU'ATII.IC. AN' D' THE PLACING O.~ 0.P5-1 RurTI0NS ~F' """-,,:,;:,, "'~''''''~\.'' d11'., ~ _ ,~ _ _ .. @, ""~ "~\ \\Z(t.~;..~/::; IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUELlC LANDS and the ~~~..:J{J ~i \\:;;~.::~ ~i1:'! RElvfOVAl OF SAt..JD. GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM ~i)g:.,;--iI If..i ")i\;':~L:fi'i'J{') LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accbrd"nce with the -l.:l~'.~ '-'<"r' ,';:::...-J,!"....,;.. ;.1-.i."'.~~\ j,;friJ': ~.':j;. ~'f,~.;(; Resolution of The Board "oopted at d meeting held. on ....MaJ:ch....l., 19a~g,~"<;,<: ,~\\, <.~..,,">. .', '" ~".......\ "".,. ....~, r.S;.~ l'.~. ~ ''''f'\. !I{t;;. .to;' '.~yl 19..83.., and in consideration. of the sum of L5....Q.Q .. paid by ~,~ ,'f,,~ 'j, \h;c" ,'/.c ;tt..:.. , '..i~" . &.". 'J: ,4"L~~ :;';"; .. ......,....J-0hl'l....Buban"'_....En...Cons.u~ta.nts..._...Inc............................... j'''!~ ~L_~ i'ifii ~;~,:r ..;~~?,~~~~(~t ,~f' .:-;. ...{~, .. .t.s...... t N Y d b t t th "'-tr,....... '-~f"" !~Jt; .~'" .~;). \,:;:'-r o. ...,.-. ~l.I.....,amp 00.,..............:....................... . . an 'u fee 0 e j""'" "".,':: N!fF. \\...;;il~.r.",r:: Terms. "nd Conditions Hsted On the reverse side hereof, .~Is....,~~-?~;:~9..~.~ '.,';;;".;;.,0t:.; of Soutnold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: :';l~:z.:-:""",.W ~~:" :;':::~;t.; 1,'l~tJ!~~f~ /2t:i.<;:",.~t.~l With the provision that this is a one time .1.~1~ ~:'~\ '~"";''>-'.~!"""" .o-e'dging, ana' I:lot 10 years, as per application. 1"'E0.~< %" ,<~>:;~:-i'. ,,>--c.:::.. u..L' ...J'~'l%:C ;~,,< ',~~c..'--;.~." .....::... I",;". . . .",-> ';".""J' ~':i",,&,:, .,.~.." ~,.,~ :$;:j,..t?;):~" ).:~~,..- .l~.F~~~1 ai,' ,'n aeeor~ance ~,.,th t'ne deta',!eol .to t' t d . 1'~e'1~: ,.~ftr ,~~'- ,.,:;~iJ)\l - ~ Spec,..ea lonses preseo e In fA~i~. ~. .-.- '..I' ..... .h 0 t a I t ..,1,: <<___ J:,;;f':-"';.~:~!;i ' e rigin" ing pp iea ;00. ;t~~~~"'\;~ l'fft/:~ft<j:q.',i iN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- ~:!tl'j~t\.;~~ .ni.\:...~:\.~.,.' . by !:auses its Co. rMorate Seal to be affixed, and the,~ pres'~nts to '':'I~M ;;;'11 ~~-';t::?~~,'~E;' be subscribed b/'a maiority of t id Soard as of this dwota. i~l~~,sf'~r ]f,f~iH~i); ~ ~ ~f~f:~~<i\ " ,'}>>" J[:"'~'~" Ij~ S'0rr-OLr '%.. ..... ... .... " .........'""'. '>."""'''R ,i~1'';'\ ({]:f.;~. .~i-~~.~l.~~~1: ,~~~~ ca 'S. ~. _ ~ ~:l:~h \i;;";~~~)" r~"t." ~.-: ~:":::i"~ c........... -"T8-.lo,~::%;'o.. ~ . ~~ ~'1'::,::"'" ~~..:." \~~{, }~~ ~l;i ~ ~{1f;[ftr;i0.~\ ~ ):( ~... " .... .....f. . . ....... . 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'II '~. - ;..-=------~""". .37______..""', .~. ~. .-"k~"--=.""'~~..--" ~"""''''''.,' ''''~__',,' . ~ ---~~"~-----~:~----~-~~__T~=~~~f_~nn_sen~z~~:rrus~~~~~~__~__~_____~__~" -'-- -~- ~ I( '~;1 ,.;v.ji'.:.:....~ ,-~ or,"~ ",' ,~ '.'''-, f,',",. i , '''.'ii' r",. ; -~\'. ,;~;,}, ... ',' ','i' .. I: iii :J 4IC ....', f' ~:t1t: : .,..",:;~, '::F:::;.F'<' ., ~ .p'" ,.'.' / ~.-- ~~~l I', I". \ (' ,. ~,:\,.:,ji .' ;~'.':r;' ~- "j:: ',' .; ,~:l~/) ~~,~< ! 6 i 8 I I It ; I Q == t; :t 2 r: = o Z en - i!: ,;:'~ .~~:,;~ ".i :! o i5 8 'en a i z = . >=,....:' o ...t" D. :" :; ~,: ='~" ~ o .9',......'", i.!\f:~c I ~r~';;; :s I! I 2 ,0 ,.J":' .'_~, . 1;~ ' " " . ~/-~ J.N::. ~ 28~-6360 '" : .' ~ EN-C1.NSUIJl'ANI'S . "I.. '-: " A/4 .. Rev. 6/72 ~'S CREE;K b0 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Main Road . Southold, New York 11971 APPLICATION TO DREDGE and or FILL 1. Does this pr?~volve the use of WETLANDS as defined in the SauthoJd TownOrdinance in Wetlands?~r NO. Ifit does, your application must he filed through the Town Clerk's Office. .. . . 2. Applicant's name and address:. ......~::-~JT,Ir.~mS~..:m;;^.....,.......fRX'......g~:~....... 64'Nbrth.~.street P.O. BOx 4'1. ,.........................................~...m...'.'..,.........~Ol'r;..NY'.1:In'B'.....................~~1~~..+ll:!.;H9'71 3. Contractor's name and address: ...................................m.............m............................................. ...........~p...~~..~.t...Wf:.,.f..A3.~;'..~r...~~r..~.X~..g~~~.....;.....m......... 4 c., I' b' .fl th . f thO . f" Maint-=,;noo dredrn> an area aonrox:i.rrately .' =p Om rI", y . e purpose 0 IS app .catlOn: ...m....'==t...........m:.>.-,-...........,..,....:-......,........ 25'; X 5Q' to depth. 4f 'below- Mrn within existing fuq.t slip. Ai=f>roxiIrately lOOt. ....Ci:il:JW..yardS:of.iiB:f;;;if.r,;,'..wfII.Iie:~~..atid. ~tEa"OO"UP'l:<ln~''POrtion:'o:f'iot where ......i.t..w.Ul.no.t~~t#.:r..:@~,.....'P.!m.~.~~~..~f!::J'..~!;..~. . . ....~.~~..~:::..??.~!:~~~:'!..~..?.~.I.'~.:!:!-..~:.~~~.t.~.................;............................. 5. After issuance of Permit, I expect to: (mark With an X) (a) Commencework-ATONCE ............; ASAP ...m~....; UNKNOWN TIME ............, (b) Complete work in - 1 DAY ..~..~ 1 MO. ............; 1 YR ............; FUTURE .;........... 6. Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of this Boord, and by using an X WITHIN A CIRCLE as a mork, indicate as closely as possible the location of this work. On the reverse side of this map, provide a SCAlE DRAWING which wiU show the Ordinary High .Water Mark and the size ond shape of the structure or work. All dimensions offshore. of the O. H. W. M. should also he shown and include any free standing pilings which will remain at completion.. 7. Provide the foll~wing documents: (a) A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans and Specifications. 8. Has any previous application for l11is. work been denied by any other local government agency? YES or NO. I f it has been, name the agency. .....u................................................u................. Date of denial........................................ 9. If dredging is contemplated, give your estimate of the fal.lowing.. (0) Average depth of water at M. L. W.where dredging, .....9.:........................................ ft (h) MaximUm depth of dredging below the bottom, .....:~:!:::..~.~~.~..:(~~.l":'?~f...p.~~. (cJ Maximum length of dredged area ......29.:':.............................................................. ft. (dJ Maximum width of dredged area ......~?:':.~.................................................h....... ft. (e) Maximum amount of material to be dredged .......J9.~+ ........................... c. yds. 10. If filling is expected, give your estimate of the follOWing: (a) Maximum amount of material required,.................................................................... C. yds. (h) Explain how fill will be ohto';ned and where it will be placed. ..................................................................................,................................................................................ ,::~: . ..: [1<' . iff. J",. :,f,9' ,!:t :p~. :~ .~~ - ;Pz i~ D i~ c; b'" : (l ~ l~l: .~~ .~i(H ~,~,,-~~;, I''''~,J'' .",j..t '.-:-'-". :>~~~, t;:., ~. , 'i~. 69 tI) .. n ~E;> X%;f: C~ IJ ~.:; . Zo;~ "'1 0 q -T . , ? ::~i .~:--- ~ ,~,sp ..... &'\ !.~ l,nC~eC 1 'i~~~" r<8~Z~~' ! r )D~~~Z ! Q,p~~ ;J ~'6fi~~ fl;~q@j2 ~~-~~ .~.,. :..... ;j.&.!e" ..c;1I11!Q r~.:I ~ i ~'g~i ,-~ ~I j . . . ~_v!i~::f9 I:{~~ -..- ,'. J~)l;:;lt ,.. m:s.A g:l\,oi . tapi5~ ;~~c:->-..;:t~ r.,~"p.-" ~""O 3~"" , :1 ~ ;~~: ~ ~~: ~';:-- z.;; ~,~ ~=~>':'r' D). :..:! >1:l!C;:; ~ ~ r;. ~ ~ ~': :-' '": ~..., , "" ...~. , fi 0 ~ 0 ~ ~;".\ ,,;.,' (j ,.." ~ e :: )0; . .. ~ ~< ;2 _ ~,~ ~" ~ ~ f, ... .... ;; :!i.::!'-~ :1"""0 n.'....< a;>.... "'iI;~, t,;{'- T~:=~ ',!:- Z_~~t:I"';': ':;"~;- ~5~ il i E U ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~.' H ;; j>-t ~ UF-.... !;2' .. ~O~'_ ~2!!C ~-~~ -. - ~L . ,0 :I '.,;2 iL d ..I~, .."- U : 'r':.'Q. .?" t< .'. y zo:::--... oIl>U '1 C J11~ C :. -i"1~j Ij! 0 .!l.() C ." - $ ','~ .' Ijl JI .-:1-4"< j 0 If,[/) .~-u ti ''']>1 ;;<1 ....n~, n . r '-.1 . '"';lU ."J.... .AJ Qll ?: .,. m.'.jI..~~ -< . /'J . ..~ ? -< fJJ OJ. D> fz ~ ..t : I:~ ...,. ..,~ n."'1 !: ., ~vr .. "'11 i"l ... V "'oIl-i Cr Z - . ..l- -<1 ?'< roll "'- ;:~ j>v ..,;;0 Zij. 10' \l1 '. . ...,,: . ~.~: , . -' .;... l5~_9S to ~oi'c;, .,. ~t...J.'..l.i.::'."J.':'.'''''. -' La ~ ,,(..r~\::l:l~ ". ,.' ..... ./ ""f\,e.. ~'p..4 '. iI.' ~ .",2-~::~?'~~-' 1~;::",-"'.OYd \1.'01'0 . r- ..'. "',.j ....0. - ~.,. ii'll" l'i '" -.. .-' 4. II '"' . . i) -: IJ. 0 u: ,.. ;'.'1)' -,','r.~-';'.". ;..J I. -,' ~l.- . I, S :j: - .. !X< .:l ... v il ., '. : 'i ., 'I . ' i =1 01 . .", -.~ >:l () (', ,- ~- .!II .... ill. ., " r. . ():.' ~ .:l -It. ,t. o In fj. : ~ .t ..j. ~~ < .- ~ :;l .;!<j!. ;>4:.;:": , riLl r'--'.... - .~m: ~ . il' ~ ~. l ~~,.( J tl L Ie'" I I..,.~.k'" 1 L I <14-':1: i -, I ~ ' ~ t~, 0: " .~. .-, '.~ -" 1-<'",,;0' '3. t1'~~"1'~O~~...; \~,q.o r-3 E" t:; 1"5 e- 01'\ ve ~-'--- ...~ I z .., .... . .It ..0 III' e . III .r " ;I . ~ tv .\11 . '\11 o . ,.-,. 1~>ugAfrr ---...- . ~e. .ot:i,: . ~.o\ ~\ ....~ G to- , .' January 14,1983 Ja~es H. Rambo, Inc. 'Bl'shop's Lane Southampton, N.Y. Gentlemen: As requested during our recent tele~h~ne "con,ve,rsa t ion, enclo sed a recopies of ,'our mo's t rec~nt property surveys. As agreed. we hereby give permission for E.N. Consultants to pursue the permits necessa,ry for dredging our basins. We understand that the charges for this wo.rk. in the amount of $250.00, will'be billed to,us through you. Any efforts On our behalfi would be appre- ciated. Very truly yours, ~~ , , .- (ii~d~J!~' A ? j- t1 '3eeie D l~i J; &;z.fu;,~,.tY '/ '.-'~ I / C? )j .:To ItN 'B.I.(IA N ~ 2! 5'0 'Beebe 'br;\IC Cl4t~,~e . N. '1. 11'!lS .A .. . '.$' 1'1.00" p,66. ,. CtliElll[( tu6GJ(E. S ..;.r.o ;; I1L,*, 1.. <'1. r -.-.-' '-':\~~"t! f'lH'" ., '.~.;t,. 'II I :Iloao~. . ",rr. I '"i\ ! Kt>:~:ll ; ~. ~ I II il, I '" ~ ~ '17~ l;l ~i ~ " "i II" ~ O:"J . 1 "'l~ ... t't, i..~...... .l.~. .'. . ,Ill 0 '~" '" ~:JI " ,. '".. ..' .... .' . ~~ _'C;" ,.' .._.........-'- .. . , " . . t~. -So!"'" , ,. .", .~ .II SPOIL. S,TE' :.l) ,,2f/1.. ",. , $.,.,,11)'" Hf/lUSG Isa' 70 E'Mblf'r' Ro. -"- - o~e&~ Olt~ -.- -' Sl.JF~OLIi Co. UA~ST~t!:J"1 NAP J3 SC-"t..E '.....2000. B. If 30' M4Ir.,J~.1'-' .. I'1LIJ.(}~O. tI 7. -,s. -a' .,.".,;. .r ... P<<.hurlJ 8.TT""'.~'" '!If 20 ) , C(f46- SeCT,." ""Jt~u PIt./Ooseo I1A"'/TiUflfNcF '. OIt40tS/N~ () ~ l S". 10 ~i~s: 011, TtJI1: /"fLU f'URf'O sE: /'1l1t"'Ti!lJItIU~e FCJ4/.'1G$$ of 60tlfT$L/P,' .' ' ADJACeNT OGJH,EI<S: A. CHlli~"cPII_ ~z>;s a.CHESTER ~Ot..O$1<1 PlioFbseD /'1JfINTEN I4NC~ ()REOGI"I6 "" l.3olf7 SLIP , . (a>- J 0 /.'IN I?J.., 6A........... l... CCJT<.lioG(,UE, $UFf#Ol..i.;Q:J:) 1/.t 0.. EUGeNe'S CReelC. 0, E,I{- COI>{ SUI... TAlfTS,IH<.. . S'He~T '.f' 1/,;)'/83 ~. , \" .. APPE;NDIJ; 5 JOHN BUBANY NAME OF PROJECT SHORT ENVIllOllMElITAI. ASSESSMEllT FORI~ UlSTRUCTIONSI (,.) In order to. answer the questions in thieshort SAF is is assumed that the Prepare", ...iUuse. Cl'ri-ently Q.Vli.ilable Wonuation ooncern.:!-l1& tlte p:t'.Oject.and. the likely illlpacts.of: .the 8.otion. It ia not elq)ectscl tlJat .sdditionalst:udies, reeuroll . or other 1lt'J'S.9t1i>&t1ons will be .undertaken. (b) U .anY qu.etion haebee", "n_erad~es. thepZ'Ojeotmay be s:1gzti.i'ica.nt and a OOlllpletad EllVirormlentaJ. Aaseum.mt Form is neC'eeaary. (c) li'all. qu..etiollll have l><ien an......red No it ialikely. that this project is nOt signU'1cant. (d) Environmental'Aa!~s8ment 1. lIIill prQjeot ....sul t in a la;oge I'hys:1;cal challge to tba~jectsite. or. phraicallY alter mora than. lOacr$s of ];.al3id-? . . , " . . " lit . .. , .. 2. WUl there. be .a major c/1anp to any unique or unusual landtormi'ound. On the.site? . . . . . Will project alter Or have a la.rge ei'.f'eot. On an axistine bOdy of w& tar?" , ., . . . , . . . . 3. 4. \11':114- firojeotl",aV8 a pptent:l.aJ.ly large impaC'b on gr'oundw.:tar quality? ,..""..,.".".. 5. W111 project sign.1ricantly at1'eot drainses r.1cw ona.ct.jacen1i sit.l!!l? .". ,,'. "._ .,. . . .' . . 6. Will proj"ctaf:feot anythreataned O:t endangered p.la.nt or animal. species,? . . . , . . '. . . . . 7. . 11'111 project result in a major adverse ei'i'Sct On a.ir quality? . . . . .. . . . . ..' . S. 1'1111 project have a majO:t eftect on vieual o~r- acter of tne c~1ty or ecenic views or vistas known t.o be important to the COilllllllnity? ... 9. 11'111 project adversely imp<lct any site or atr1/.ct.. ure of histot-ic" pre-historic, .01' pal.eontological importance o~ any sitedssignated a8 a critical environmental area by a local aeency? ... 10. W:111 projecthavs 4 major. ef1'ect on. "xiatini or future reCrUtional oPportWlit1ea1 . . . 11. Will project:."..ult in major' trai"!1c problelDS Or . cau.. a me J<n-e:t'1'ect 1::0 elC1stini transportation SY8~m.S'? . . , . .. . . . t. . .' . . 12. Will project :regularly cause objectionable odors, lIoi&6, glare, vibration, Or electrical disturb- anceas a result. 01' the project's Operation? . 13. Will project have any inIpact On public health Or safety? . t . . . . '. . . . .. 14. W111 prOj"c.~ ~feot tn" exi,sting COllllllunity by dti'ectly causing a growth in permanent popula_ tion of' mO~e -than $ percen~ over a: one-year per10dsr have e major .negative errec~ On the oharact;sr of th ommuni" Or nai~hborhood?' 11 PREPARER'S SIGNATURS: ilEPRESEN'!'INGr 9/l/78 the projeCt? _ Yas _ No TITLE: PrE'",iriE'nt of En-consultants DATE. Februcu:y 10, 1983 15'. Is there pUb,l . Ye;, X No - - _ Yea lIo - Yea No - Yes 110 - Yes 110 _ Yes. No - tu 110 _In lIo - res . No - tell No - Yes No - res lIo - Yea No - Yes l No