HomeMy WebLinkAboutSwahn, Peter Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 17, 2001 Mr. Peter Swahn P.O. Box 729 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: 2100 Park Ave., Mattituck SCTM#1000-123-8-8.1&8.2 Dear Mr. Swahn: The Southold Town Board of Trustees reviewed the survey dated October 11, 1999 and last revised May 17, 2001, and determined the proposed porch located on the seaward side of the existing dwelling, proposed addition, garage, and porch on the landward side of the existing dwelling, to be out ofthe Wetland jurisdiction under Chapter 97 of the Town Wetland Code. However, any activity within 100' of the Wetland line would require permits from this office. This determination is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, aut.. I ~ /~~ ~ Albert J. Krupski, J r. President, Board of Trustees AJK:lms N W+E S . tlon V'llth the BQ6' to thef l~~:f~~~tefl~ side of e><tenS'O(;o<;'rotookO Rood NOTES, . MONUMENT o PIPE AREA = 58,460 SF OR 1.34 ACRES GRAPHIC. SCALE 1"= 50' 1:'-<- " '3. , QQ"\'- ~1~05~ /// \1e ~~ e 1\ 6' -----, \QQ.O//_____ \ _//- \ \ z ..... ..... o ..... ~ ~ ~ , 9, " .(~ "'0 ;" 00 5, Cl'~ .0 CI" ~3 ,'" c , G- ee '1 " " " , 'I ~\ ,"', , , , , , , , , , , , , , , u.f' --{)- '\ U\ '. 'i ~ '0 ..-: / C;. loft '.' ,fitt:"'.... '."io. /") - - \ ! !~', / \, 0_ ",' ! ~.:"",f' _ \'\" \, \ , \ 21--~" \, , , , , \ , , \ , \ rJl ..... ..... o ..... ~ ~ tiI \ S / , o 05 75" ,,05 (j)~0 -~''1 00 -' 0 "-n, (j)- 7\'" 50, 0<;'3 " -' '" _5, ",0- ~ ee ~'1 , , , , , . . , . .' , , , \ \, . l ~o ...;;o.u:>' r ~ , I',? .i'> " 1\3" ;~;\-)( ,- I, ~~2~_ '(" 9 \"9-- SURVEY OF PROPER1Y 51lUA TE: MA TTIl1JC,K TOWN: 5OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY SURVEYED 10-11-<1<1 AMENDED 05-04-00,11-03-00 PROP. ADD. 02-26-01 NEH BLKD. 02-28-01 AMENDED 04-25-01, 05-11-01 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX #'S 1000 - 123 - 8 - 8.1 1000 - 123 - 8 - 8.2 CERTIFIED TO, SHAHN APr''"'~!\fED "V BOARD OF TRUSi ~ES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE <6- \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, , \ \ \ Vl ~ ..... 00 ..-: \ , \ \ \ ~t;,~C~,/, ~- -oi~OI .c l'e c 0 1\ 1 ~'3.~ """'""'.".,.......,"'",,,"" 0''''''''",00 ~".""'.~ m"P....<r"'9""o_<lI".,.."""'.'I"'"~.~lr~., vla",t_ <>I '8~11"" "~0<1. _....''''' ~. <>I ~... ""..Ta",5l<l",,,,,..,,,,(I,,,,Loo." "Oel~ <-Cf".. from 10. o.-lg'O<I' <of 'hl. ....-vel ........d ~rth "" "'''l'''''' of "'_ I""," .........'1"'"" s"""'.d_",",,<>" ""G"""........."'........,,,. t.ru.. "'1'''''- -"""'ffOo".",,," '''''00''..........'''''' 'lq>"~ ""'. "'.. ........~"".P'"ep............=~"""'....u- """9Codoo ,,'Pr"""""'O'L<>nds..,.""1jlI """"..... "'J_""~y.,..."""'......><>~'''.,'''''''",.'''....'''''''' 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Southampton, NY 11968 RE: PETER SWAHN SCTM#123-8-8.l&8.2 Dear Mr. Herrmann: The Southold Town Board of Trustees reviewed the survey dated October 11, 1999, last amended May 4, 2000 and received in our office on May 17, 2000 and determined that the demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a new dwelling and detached garage, to be out of land jurisdiction, under Chapter 97 of the Town Wetla Cod~. of e Wetland line would However, any activity with n require permits from this 0 / This determination is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ~~ /4~.~. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms N W~./. E /~ S r\(. V ~ '0Cl"~ ~1~o,SO ue ~'J e t\ \ 0Cl.06' ---------\ Bq~' to the lnterseC~lonl w~~~:h~f ext.enslon of the eos",~o~ t Horrotooko I'L' ~ \ , 1 - -;~_;~;J '-' :~.; ~ ~ :...;-:p) I -J :.-'-"] ~ NOTES, . MONUMENT o PIPE AREA = 58,460 SF OR 1.34 ACRES GRAPHIC SCALE ~---- 1"= 50' I ~"" -1>.\ , 22.4' , l \ (fl 0 \ ...... " ...... . 0 0 ". ...... , v>. 't.. ~ ti\ ...... ...... 0' 0 ...... , v>. , ~ ' ~" ~ , a 0" )>"a. a.()" ",-() _J..1- 00 , -' () a a." -, " "'. a. J'.\Q "'" ,,()-, "'() a~3 3J. 1- -'(0) ()() ~6~ " -, ~ ee (j; .. ~~ . () \5'-' c"3 -,'" c-, G- ee So \.,i""'-" U\ ~ '0 >-: SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATE: MATTI TUCK TOHN: SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY SURVEYED 10-11-<1<1 AMENDED 05-04-00 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX #'S 1000 - 123 - B - B.I 1000 - 123 - B - B.2 CERTIFIED TO, PETER SWAHN U\ \0 ...... 00 ,>-: i \ \ \ , , , r l \ 'j ~l_ .; ( i-" ~,~."", '~- -'_.-." .'." r" ,', ~ '," ':X::::"o...\"', on_ ..?~. . .,' ."";""" " ,;;~;". "':1io5~ ~9 - - - --. \~?--99S3' "":;'~ ,- (t.\e \\I\e) "'.. . . I 'I .1 ., 'c -pe C 0 1\1 B~~ u.;."tI"".',ed <I1t....~U"" Q' add'~IO" t~ Q "'"""~! ""'P be<ring a I"'......... 1.:nj"""""'P"~ ...." r. c ~ro',,"lon <>I' ""~I"" T.~, 0,",-<1"'<0.''''' ~, of _ IY.. "ar" 5l<lt. Ed.<.<>~I"" l.,.... ~~';:'~~I~d't:~'=~ s~_"'''''''''be~''"''''''',...''.''''''''''''lId''''''' <opr_' ",-"l"'~~""",, In"',au..""""",, ~1q1"~ "'''' "". ~""'""'..p<re<J"'O<:.<<<>rdano~..""_..~_ l.t"9<;cde"'....=~l<..F....I..a>d_!I"oclopl4>.. "J...._....<>r~5t<>I4>"-<><:"'''''''o'....'''~..,'"'''J L.,..,..~""'.5ald<...-t'FI<otk>no_II""'"..,~ ~~"" p....".. r.,.. """"'_.........~ b"'''''''''...., ~.;...:~~~"9......;:.:~~r==:..; to..... "".."....... of..... .~"'O'''9 ""tlkut"'"'. ,-..rl:'Floa_ '.......".~ oat .,~,....<>bI~ to """'~i<w><ll ""'11M""'. JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369 8288 Fax 369 8287 N.Y.S. Lie. NO. 50202 REF. TIGERIPROS\99 278A ~ EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 631-283-6360 Fax: 631-283-6136 E-mail: encon@peconic.net www.enconsultants.com ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Albert Krupski, Chairman Board of Trustees Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 r-,,-, ... " I: 1 L' Ii" I: D ~ r,,5.., ,_'I~ Ii n I: LJ~! MAY I 72000 I L IT:'" ..... '. p " ,( May 16,2000 Re: Peter Swabn. 2100 Park Avenue. Mattituck. SCTM No. 1000-123-8-8.1 & 8.2 Dear Mr, Krupski: We represent Peter Swaim, who is in contract to purchase the captioned property from his brother and sister, George Swahn and Dorothy Williams, Executors of the Estate of Donald Swahn. Mr. Swahn wishes to demolish the existing dwelling and construct a new dwelling and detached garage, as depicted on the attached survey/site plan prepared by John C. Ehlers, L.S., last dated 4 May 2000. At its closest point, the proposed dwelling and attached porch will be located approximately 87' from the primary bulkhead and adjacent high water line along Great Peconic Bay; there are no vegetated wetlands present on-site. As all work will thus occur beyond the jurisdiction of the Southold Trustees pursuant to Southold Town Code Chapter 97, would you kindly issue a letter of non-jurisdiction for the project. The following items are also attached hereto for your reference: 1. A copy of Suffolk County Hagstrom Map #25, indicating the approximate location of the subject property. 2. Letters of authorization signed by George Swahn and Dorothy Williams, authorizing Peter Swahn and En-Consultants, Inc. to make this application. 3. A letter of signed by Peter Swaim, authorizing En-Consultants, Inc. to act as his agent. Please do not hesitate to call should you require any further information. ---~ Robert E. Herrmann Coastal Management Specialist Attachments ~ EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 631-283-6360 Fax: 631-283-6136 E-mail: encon@peconic.net www.enconsultants.com ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES To Whom It May Concern: I, CEo~9ii D. Sev;J1'i am the owner of property located at ;:);<10 M /liH'. J );117l7ii../J 1'/. 7- SCTM# . I hereby authorize "A=7b2. ,~wlI/lf'I as contract vendee and En-Consultants, Inc. as his/her agent to apply for all necessary permits. ~/P~ Ignature Sworn to before me, This ~day of I<t> ,2000 ~/Io ~()fW --hlli)/ Notary public JOANN MARIE RIOS Notary Pubic, SlatI 01 New Yolk No.01RI4818439 QIlIilfled In SufIoIk County Commlhlon Expires FebrulllY 1, ~ ~ ~ EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 631-283-6360 Fax: 631-283-6136 E-mail: encon@peconic.net www.enconsultants.com ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES To Whom It May Concern: I, am the owner of propel:!)' located at "Pa,yk -Ap'l.. ~c k tv. '1. SCTM# . I hereby authorize.p~-a(" t;. Swal1l11 as contract I vendee and En-Consultants, Inc. as his/her agent to apply for all necessary permits. ~1e\k~' Lt~(tlCt\Mh 19nature Sworn to before me, This ~4'''''day of FeI?v.3? , 20~ " ~~ d.. __<-,f/ , . otary public . ..\t't'.11r"" __ fllllllJa,a"c I - ..,--.._.~"....,.....,.~ - - ..- '0~/ \ ~ ~ -' -* - - - -' ..... ..... ~ .... - --- ".. ".. - ,... ,... ....... ,"" ,... ,... ... ".. ".. ,"" ".. ...,. .~ _.,~ "" '. ,. .. .. , , , , , , , , , , G R E A T p E C 0 N I C , , , , , NORTH RACE , , , B! A Y , , , , , , , , , " V ROBINS , ISL\AND ~7 ftft .. .. .. .. .. - - - - ~ EN- CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 516-283-8360 Fax: 516-283.6136 E-mail: encon@peconic.net ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This letter will authorize En-Consultants, Inc. to represent me and act on my behalf with regard to environmental matters and/or permits, if. >- ~9 ( Ignature fh~ S~HN Print Signature Print Dated: '~~/O()