HomeMy WebLinkAboutLidico Corporation --c30 ~ , I'j "," ,.. 1 X CD .H.g../ JULIUS BLUMllI!RG, ..usE S8u~'j8__ 292--=l{~~:X~~:~e~~._Wlth Covenant against Grantor.- . 71 BROADWAY AND I RECTOR ST.. NEW YORK Corporation. athis ~ndtnturt, Made the c2 g ~ day of Maroh ' nineteen hundred and .:J\N1f11' f1 fty , ieweeu LlJ)ICO CORPORATION, a corporation organi~ed under the laws of the I State of Jlew York, with its principal office and place of business at 80 1l8.11 Street, " New York 5, New York, I I I I II //IJ)j\lW;t~'J'l.YlJlII''':I;'WWIA'911m'JilDJJWI' , party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOIJrHOLD, a Municipal Corporation now existing under end by virtue of the Constitution end Laws of the State of New York, and having its principal offices in Southold and in the Village of Greenport, in the Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, and State of New York, , part y of the second part, .itnt.9.9rt~. that the party of the first part, in consideration of --_______________.-____________ONE <ll.OO)------------------------------------Donar' and other good and valuable consideration, lawful money of the United States, , paid by the part y of the second part ! does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, I I J( All those certS1n tracts or parcels of land situate, 4ring end being at Southold, 1n the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Rew York, bounded and desaribed sa follows:- PARCKL NUIIBER ClIE:- ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Tom of Southold, County of Surrolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- The point of beginning 16 ascerta1neA.aa fQllowsl- BEGINNING at a concrete monument, marking the corner formed by the intersection of , the northerly side of North sea Drive with the easterly side of Kenney's Road, as shown i on a certain survey made Februery 23, 1950 by William L. IU11er, Licensed Surveyor, " ',vtll,Q.,j n'allLvet'. New York, and guaranteed to the Inter-County Title Guaranty end Yortga Company as of the s8llle date; thence running South 39 degrees, 24 m1nutes, 00 seconds I west 60.22 feet to the w, esterly side of Kenney's Road at the point or place, of beginning I of the premises hereby described. i BiGINNING at said laSt-mentioned point of beginning, thEllce running North 40 degrees, I 53 minutes 00' seconds West along said westerly side of Kenney's Road l43.2G feet to a I point therein where the southerly side of the proposed Leeton Drive int'ersElete same; I I thence running South 45 degrees, 35 minutes, 30 seconds West along said southerly side I I of the proposed Leeton Drive 400 feet; thence running South 40 degreea, 53 m1nutes 00 , i seconds Bast 200.38 feet; thence running North 45 degreea, 35 m1nutes, 30 seconds East I , 450 feet to the ..sterly side of KIIlDey's Road; thence running North 40 degrees, 53 , I m1nutes 00 seconds \'lest 57 .09 feet to the point or place of beginning; alNTAIRDIJ: 2.066 I I acres of land. ' I I I PARCEL NUJlBBR TWO:- &LL that certain piece or parcel of lend situate, lying and being i , in the Tom of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded snd descr1bed i as follows:- i The point Of beginning is ascertained as follows: ' BEGINNIY< at a concrete IJDnument, JIIIlrklng the corner formed by the intel'section of i the northerly side of North S.. Drive with the easterly side of Itenney's Road, as shown \-1 I I ~]I'" q ~ , - ;_',_~rt.,.~. __,,-",'~ tl\3fr3058 PAGE582 on a certain survey made Febraary 23, 1960, by W11liam L. Miller, Licensed Surveyor, \'lading River, New York, end guaranteed to the Inter-County Title Guaranty end Mortgage Company as of the same date; thence running South 39_ degrees, 24 m1nutes, 00 seconds West 60:22 feet to the westerly side of Kenney's Road; thence running North 40 degrees, 53 minutes, 00 seconds West 193.38 feet along the westerly side of Kenney's Road to the point or place of beginning of the premises hereby described, being the s8llle point where the northerly side or-the proposed Leeton Drive Intersects said westerly sl'de of Kenney's Road. BEGINNING at said last-mentioned pOint of beginning, thence running South 45 degrees, 35 minutes, 30 seconds West 460 feet along said northerly side of the proposed Leaton Drive; thence running North 40 degrees, 53 minutes, 00 seconds West 200.38+ feet to the mean highwater line of Long Island Sound; thence running eastwardly along said mean hIghwater line of Long Island Sound 455 feet, more or less, to a poInt therein where the westerly side of .K8l111ey'S Road or the extension thereof intersecta same; thence running South 40 degrees, 53 minutes, 00 seccnds West 244 feet, more or leas, along said westerly side of Kenney's Road to the point or place of beginning; COOTAINIllG 2.3 acres of land, more or less. PARCEL NUMBER TIIRBB:- ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying end being ii1the Town of Southold, County of ~ur1'olk, and State of New York, bounded end described as follows:- The point of beginning is ascertained as follows: I BEGINNING at a concrete DlOnument, marking the comer formed by the intersection of the northerly side of North Sea Drive with the easterly side of Kenney's Road, as shown on a cerwin survey IIBde February 23, 1950, by .lI1lliam L. M1ller, Licensed Surveyor, I i . WadIng River, New York, and guaranteed to the Inter-County Title Guaranty 8lld IIGIrtgage I . Company, as of the SIDe date; thence running South 39 degrees, 94 minutes, 00 seconds weat'.50..22 feet to the wasterly side of Kenney' a Road; thence running North 40 degrees, I 53 minutes, 00 seconds West 143.29 feet alcng the westerly side of Kenney's ROad to the I pOint or place of beginning Of the premises hIlreby described, being the sBllle point where I the southerly side of thep~5~~DriVe intersects said westerly side of Kenney's Road. I BEGINNING at said last-mention d point of beginning; thence running along said i southerly side of the proposed Leeton Drive South 45 degrees, 35 minutes, &l aeconds West 2,151.32 feet; thence running North 38 degrees, 32 m1nutes, 40 sscend West 60.26 feet to the northerly side of the proposed Leeton Dri ve; thence running along said northerly side of the proposed Leeton Drive North 45 degrees, 35 minutes, &l seconds I Bast 2,149.26 feet to the westerly side of Kenney's Road; thence running South 40 degreesj 53 m1nutes, 00 seconds East 60 .09 feet to the point or place of beginning; CONTAINING i I 2.468 acres of land. I i i I I - - . --~--~ - -- I , , , I , , , i I I I I I ! I i I I I II I I Ii; ! , ,I !I 't '[: ~ I f I I I i I. I OJugt1!Jrr with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and , il to said premises. .1 I OJu !JIlt., lUUl. to Ipaa t6e pftfmises herein granted u.eo the part y of the second part, I its successors II and assigns forever. I II ' -, ~ '. r 1'1 ' umr.3058 PAGE5'S3 I I II II "nil the pa~ty of the first part covenants that it has not done or suffered anything whereby the . said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever. 1,1 AND this oonveyance is made subject to the following cond1tlons:- 1'1 1. That parcels Numbered One and Two are to become 8. Town Park to 1H known a6 , LEiTCN PARK and are to be i~roved by the Town for automobile parking a:1d bathing 1 beach purposes; but there shall be no eoa....101l stands, hot dog stands, restaurants, , II bath houses or amuaement enterprises of any kind. .. ,. . III I': '. 2. That parcel numbered Three shall become a public highw811 to be &'10., as I I T.RRTQN DRIVE. ,I I II I ,I !I I fl I I I ! ,: I i ! Ii ,I Ii The grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of tbe Lien Law, covenants tbat the grantor will ;' i receive the consideration for this conveyance as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of pay- ing the cost of the improvement and that tbe grantor will apply the same first to tbe payment of the 1;1 cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of tbe same for any other purpose. II I I . I, 11" JlIIttutss JlII4rrrnf. the party of the first part has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto afIixed, and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized ofIicer the day and year first above written. , .Ju pnsrm nf: ) , I' ,.,,""""~.~. ... I. .,.......,..'" (J 0>, 'i, .' . ... il---- , \.~ .L'. ~'.I' (') ) I I. ' II '. (j,t, \' 0 "'..,~ ,/..", IT ~"")" . .. \J ,... ".c,:'..;. ...... ~ " . ;i-..:~ SF: A.! .~~ :.2:' .~ t. ". . )..,.., . -'. '.-c. 'f- .'..--"0,;;"'":1'.--..-'.......'.....". ; "I ,:-.:t' ~,- A<:::~ '...~,'- ,..-',.,_920'--:('" ' ,.l' r':" ~- ". ., : j' "{'I/' y'J '0.,' -::' " .... h~:,:..' ,', _~ , '. I f",-..,.., . - I 1 i '-"'~"'-' ..,,:... . ... . :.;..:~........'..\\\....."'~ . ; I 'f~A!i'" i j~. I I I I I I I I I I i ! I ""." "'--. "'~""'''''''''..J ""'".......,,. ,;:'. i:(_<......~~E~,~.": ""'1 ~ ----- -- --...- l16HlS058 PAliE584 &tlttt nf Ni>W YORK, ~ ss.: Cllnuuty nf ~ On the ~2W day of March , nineteen hundred and JfIII f1rty, before me came P. M. LBBSTOH-SMITli, to me known, wbo, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Candlewood Path, Dix Hills, Huntington, N.Y. that he is the President of LIDlCO CORPORATION, the corporation described in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal aiIixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so aiIixed by order of the board of Directors of said corporation; and that he signed h is name thereto by like order. &~~ JOSBPB A. KRUPSKI . _AllY PUBLIC In THE STATE of NEW vtJlIIl Residing In fh,ffolk Co"nt:/' 8alfolk COUll t, (;lerk'. No. 113' II,CoItImlsIlenasplw"QU,"<t:i'. I~/ " . , 21 ::I ... "!i' ~ l':l ... .~ , r:: 0 i .~ )11 "" !o< . ~ ~ .~ II: :z: ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~'-i H I " , !;l ~I 'S !o< ~ ~: Irl r IS- ~ .to II:: I "- ~ 0 ~ l:l t, ..., i 1: t-;" or. , I , 0 I ~ "Il ~j ;<'I"'~ fit) ; II l:l (, 0 ,.c:i It: II:: ~ 1-1:; 0 V! 0 fi ~/, ~d e ~I .. ~ .S u =-j iii kl~ u ~ ~ ;! II:: t:-i ~:;;.) i ... .~ I ... ~ " " "" ~ ~ h ~ .. .. l:l a >,;.-_....,~:...~.,,' , - 1: ~ RECORDED .. R .~ 'l! 0 ~ \ ... MAR :?ll96O .. w >- f~ III I.: w ... /F>fP M ... (;:) :;r;: Z 0 l: w I ~lI..:o ............. Q :oOQ R Q:; ::lCCJ FORD HUGHES ... (;:) ~QF liUFf'OUC COUNTY ~ - QClelo;; (.~ .. W C1eW-I ... 0.....0 .. 0: J:::; i1 ....CJ.... .... .. ~ ci ::. :s tn ~ ~ .. .. III