HomeMy WebLinkAboutWickham, C H rl" II ~}~:{~?",'(~' -"'r'~ '..~"fi _~'1! I.I'ORllliIl N. Y. DJIlBD-Jl'aU Oovenant TUTBLA~~U;~;A ~(r6~ -rl'_s.~f\)d':Ff~E -- (Laws of 1911, Ohap. 681, Statutory Form. A) Tuttle Law Print. Pub/Jshws, Rutlaqd,JI!. I I I .m~i~ JuattutUttlt, Made the Eleventh day of October Nineteen Hundred and Forty-nine 18ttiwttt CEDKIC H, WICKHN~ and CLARETTA ~ WICKHA!', ~i his wife, both of kattituck, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, part ies of the first part, and TIm 'fOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Suffolk County, New York, Wftlf'flrmfH'fIil'9ffl#YfMtrMWM'ffIJ# part y of the second part, ~ttl!_that the part ies of the first part, in consideration of ONE----------------------------------------Dollar (11,00 ) lawful money of the United States, I paid by the party of the second part, do hereby frant and release unto the part y of the second part, its successors and assi~s forever, all thBt certain piece, or parcel of land, situRte, lying and being at a place known as Laughing, Water, near Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New iork, commencing for location at a monur;ent set at a point formed by the intersection of the Easterly line of Nakomis Hoad and I the Northerly line of Hiawatha's Path, thence Easterly 100,4 feet to I a monillnent and Easterly again along the Northerly line of Hiawatha's I f'ath to the South Easterly corner of property of John Verity as a I I point and place of beginning thence Northerly along property of John II Verity, John Schimlich ano Peter Sarkus 545 feet more or less to the I I South West corner of property formerly Agnes Korn thence North 810 08 I , I' ! II East 163.80 feet by and along St. f'atrick Cemetery to a point thence , i! II i i I South 60 34' East by and along St. Patrick Cemetery in a straight i I I line to a point in the Norther! y line of Hiawatba I s Patb, thence .soutt Ii II 840 Gl' West by and along tbe Northerl;f line of Hiawatba 's Pr. th to th~ II , I , point and pla~e of beginning. I 'I i I' , , ': r I i: I I. I ~ i, r II -- -~-',~-,-=7~'. ,"_. ~~/-~i~-nn ,,',\.1 ~n IJRf:R!JV4\) PAGEt.Jij4 , " [D~4tr with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part ies of the first part in and to said premises, ~.. t,aut ~ ht tr..lb' the premises herein granted unto the part y of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. I I cAub $aid part~es of the first part covenant as follows: 1Jrir~t. That said parties of the first part seized of said premises in fee simple, and ha ve good right to convey the same; "jtmW. That the part y of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said . premises; , iltW. That the said premises are free from incumbrances; 1fourt~. That the part ies of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises; Jifth. That said parties of the first part will forever m~t't'Mt the title to said premises, 3Ju ~ibtt~ amJrmM. the parties of the first part ha ve hereunto set their hands and seal s the day and year fi1'st Move written, ]UJrt$fU(f of --~" ---- rr- II~ --- -- ---- -- -, r<:''':'!\::'~ l) .' f ''1, Ii in Ilml'r)' '('.~ PI\Gl 'j '0 . . ~.' ",.' .....'v ,~".J I citltte tlf~e\u !llrk lss.. i; <!rouutg of Suffolk i ii of ii I On this 13th day of Ootober Nineteen Hundred and I' I! Forty-nine before me, the sUbscriber, personally appeared " I: Ii CEDRIC H, WICKHllM and CLARETTA S. WICKHAM, his wife, . II 11 'I to me pt'Jl'sonall;y known and known to me to be the same person II s described , II in and who executed the within Instrument, and 1he y severally i I! " 1 I' , II acknowledAed to me that the Y executed the same I' I! ! \ I d)/).(J.(,~IL II ! I' M, LORRAINE S ELZE I :I W(11.4IlY HIRIIC ~~TE o~ Ntw Rk , fr8t<'fll" I SuffOlk Gounty CI,,*,S No. 1953 I I, ii (;ommlhllor. ."'f."..... Mqt'd:l 301 1950 I' RECORDED i! . 11 , i ll:~ , 1\ ~ Ii ND'I 25 1949 i: . )/t13/?... ii I, R. roRt> wue~_ l' :1 OLlRK OF llUFfOLIl- I iI " i Ii II ! il 'I ., ! il 'I Ii "t -"~'~-" II .~ Ii I CT'. ,''I ct;1 ":I' j' - ::E: '-,> >- >- c:. CI.... 'u :z: '''--.I.....') UJ <'"1 ;r: u.. ~ co 000 c:: 0 => :-::: ~ t_ co - a~:.c " UJ a::: J::' a: ..., o (:1 :=: '" lL lL ~ 1.-: => V' 1/ "f ~ { , _ ~_H I ~~ ,_~ .~.~~~.........";,~,,,_.....,__~.." _;;.'.'c' _ ..............'_.. ',"-,:~cl~:/;.-O__ , ,.-);.~,";- .' , 0> . J ~ ~ '<l' lrl 1,< 0':> >St I~ ~ ~~ tJ) ,;:: ~ ~ N I" I:t . 1Il~ ' ~ ~ I 0 :e I ~ ~ ~ '0 " ,-l ~ ,~~ "~ II: H '; 0 fl I ~ {-~ >t!-1 i~ .~~ 'iJ .s:1 : o ~ rlJ I-~ I.' ;:; +' ,-l i ~.pJ ''K ;;: , ~ ~, Qj ;:l ,-l ~~ = 0 w m~ '> S (/) H Z Cl Ul ~ ~ 11 ~ <D .. III I' G-; ,n 0 Q I ~ 08 ~.:%: . fa" ,;.: 0 0 W O2, () 4~ ~ ~. I I f>-I ~ :j ~ 'M !:i () m H~." ;;; " 0 I- ..... U ~ I ~ 01' , 0 l/l P:1.p _'.':; .; 8 '.::l J;&l ~"" E< +> '.' c ~, :i:: "3 ,,& p::~~~~ < _:_'" ~," t,/ c-.~--; (.".' Q) .... . .s:1 ; ",' ~ ~ C) 8 .~ I -:. i l::: "" ". ~ '\ ~ ! I i ~ ~ \ -