HomeMy WebLinkAboutZebroski, Julius r ," . (V)ct;.- <'1-',", ..' UBEP. /.:)"1)0 PAGU) ( ~ 295-STATUTvHl' FORM A. .JULIU. BLU.....G. INC.. LAw BLANK PU.L18HER8 Warranty De<>d with Full CovenanUl. Individual. 1,1 (J 7t .ROADWAY AND 1 RECTOR ST.. NIEW YORK ~_!I\ m S; Ii 'it\);. , .,.. m;J.aiti 3Jttbtnturt, : ~~ 1 Made tile ,;( 8' -- day 01 June, nineteen hundred I i and forty-n:ln.e, I Jiltftuttn JULIUS ZEBROSKI, residing at southold, Suffolk County, New York, I I I i I i i i i \ ' part Y 01 the first part, I and TOW~_yJ;' SOUl'HOL1.1. a municipal Corporation of Suffolk County, New York, : , I I,i '!. I'i "l, I!I ! !;I i I. i ,!I I Iii, ! 1'\ part y 01 the second part, 'I Iii Iii 'IIlitnt'*tf.J, that the part y 01 the first part, in consideration 01 ! iil I '1.1 I I, I! - ------..- ..-..---ONE ($1.00)---- _n_U____ -_________ __Dollarllllaw/ul money 01 the United States, I II Ii and otl1er good and valuable consideration, I 11 paid by the part y 01 the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the part y 01 the second I Ii part, its suecessors and assigns lorever, I 'I I L mu I i' .a that tract 01' parcel of land at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County I " I I. i, of i:iuffl)ll, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- I I: I i i i' BEGINNING at a point on land of the party of the first part, which point is I I i' I Ii . ~I U located SE; follows: From a point on the soutneasterly line of Sound View Avenue at . iill ! the tlOr~hwel;terly cornel' of said land of the party of the first part and the northeast- I II , I i'l : erly cornEll' of land of Howard TerI'Y and others, running along said scutheasterly line of ! 1,1 ! Sound Vlew "venue N. 420 14' 10" E.- 447.70 feet to the scuthwesterly line of a 50 foot : !'I' : right of nay, hereinafter deseribed; thence along said southwesterly line S. 440 48' 201l! I:. I I iil I E.- 250,2~> {eet to said point of beginning. From said point of beginning running along I I, , I ,:1 i said sOIlt.hWl,sterly line of sald EO foot right of way, hereinafter described, S. 440 48' 'I 1'1 ! : I I I; 20'1 E.-, f1ll2 ,42 feet to the northwesterly Une of an easement of the Long Island Lighting I 'Iii i ! ~ Co.: thsnclS along said northwesterly Une of said easement S. 530 41' 40" W.- 236.51 I II I i , I . Ii : feet; UHflce along sai d land of the party of the first part 2 courses, as foUows:- i , I ! !I \ (1) ons line parallel to SaId southwesterly Une of said EO foot right of way N. 440 :, II I ' II ! . i i .48' 20" W.- 535.39 feet; thence i " ! II i (2) on E. Une parallel to said southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue N. 420 14' 10" E, II ;..\; I, 234.22 {'SIlt to the point Of beginn1ng, I ~. . I I I Contaln:lng 3.00 acres, by survey. c' I ! TO@;Elther with a right of way 50 feet in width, the southwesterly line of whichruna I 1:1 I 'I i , r,ll Ll8ER2968 PAGE373 from the southeasterly corner of the premises herei! described along said premises and along said land of the party of the first part N. 440 48' 20" Vi.- 832.76 feet to said southeas'cerly Une of ~ound View "'venue. . '" , . I I I i I I I j , i I I i 1 i ! , I I I I ! ,I II' : i , I I, I II ! !, I Ii I I, II 'I I' I I i II II i II I I' I I , I I I' I ' , , I " I I !: I 1:,1' i I , I I 1 ' I , I ~, I I I i , I I ' I " I ii, I i I I 1.,1,11 I : I . I ' I 'I I ' Iii I ! 1:1 1 I' il 11: olletber with the appurtenances and a// the estate and rights of the part y of the first part in and to said I I I premises. I I I I tI:o babt aRb to bolb the premises herein granted unto the part y of the second part, ' I I 1 ts successors and ass/gm forever, Ii ; II I 111 i r 111 I ~, , . LlBER2968 PAGE 376 . aRb the said part y of the first part covenant s as follows: , :tir~, -That the part y of the first part 1s seized of the said premises in fee simpl~, iii and ha s good right to convey the same, , I i!i 6ttottb. -That the part y of the second part shall quietly en;oy the said premises; I I" I ,I, , 1:1 , I'i ttbirb.-That the said premises are free from incumbrances; ,I! I': ,I , "1 ~ I I' 'I f iL jil :tourtb.-That the part y ill of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance I II of the title to said premises; il' " II :tiftfJ. -That the part y II! of the first part will forever warrant the title to said premises. " Iii 6ixtb. -That the grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the grantor Ii I ,I i will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such cOlJ8ideration as f III , I II I a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and that the grantor! II I will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total, II I of the same for any other purpose. Ii i " I 1" II Iii , , I Ii, I I I, 1 Iii Iii I I 'I , ! I, I In _ttllt~~ _btrtof, the part y '1 II of the first part ha s hereunto set h1s I, Iii Iii I hand and seal the day and year first above written ,I! I Iii I', I !I i In prdmtt of: .il.':~J.}.~...~....~.~~........L' $. r II I , II , . I ,I ....................................~~......--~...................____.__.......................L, s, 'I I _.....................~........................................................................L, s, Ii i ................................................................................................L, S, I Ii I 1'1 I I I I II: I I III I I i I, , III i \, i I I I 1'1 i I " III I 6tate of NEW YORK, f _s.: I II, I III I~of SUFFO~ I I Iii i On the ~8"- day of June, nineteen hundred and forty-n1ne, I I I III I before me came I JULIUS ZiBROSKI. , I Iii I to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instru- ! , I:, I ment, and acknowledged to me that he I II' executed the same, I I Ii RECORDED ~A'.~ 9->. I III I "''''' Pub11o, ,- - - I I JUL 11 1949 !il I ~:J5-J.J M, ""RLlIssr~~rtf (. 7'i.IU!J;T.i. Iii ~~A'l ;>v,!I./' / s;rprE "r #~w' fr,l(~ 1/1: I i .11 i R, FORD HUGHES ~'S/tI',;V? l,v .s:./r-.."tt' GvN'?;: ctEA'K.r .c:'.n~ ~ III I CLERK OF SUFFOLK couNTY />1)1 C"""/If/.fFI'p,y' "E,t~/,f''': ~7o/I1.f1 I Ii I r 6tate of } 55.: (;outltp of \ On the day of nineteen hundred and I before me came to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and wbo executed, the foregoing instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same, 6tate of } 51.: Itountp of On the day of nineteen bundred and before me came ' tbe subscribinJ witness to the foregoing instrument, witb wbom I am personally acquainted, wbo, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in that be knows to be tbe individual described in, and wbo , ) () executed tbe foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present, and saw \ execute tbe same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed b name as witness tbereto. J I I, ., 1\ , , , I E ., "" .q<! ~ ,~ 0; '~ ... 1:1 ~ > '~ 'Cl . ':3 04..14 /:I 'i OJ< 0 ~~ ~ .....13:. ~ . ~ e ~ C\1:>i ~ H A (;W Jl ;j Ia .. [1)...:1 ~ l1i 0 ~ S ar ~ .. ~+" . 0 I (;W ~ .t' q.., z ... oj'" "-', ~ 0 Il:: oo! 'l::l ~"' - +> NI 0 1:1 I ~Il:: il ~ "'-. N ~ ~~ 08 :>, 'Cl ~ C1)rl U) " .. 0 ::> It: ~., ~ ><E..r:: H 0): ..:I <::: .. 8 . Il:: gjo~ :::> ::1 ~ 1:1 ~ IZl+"O .... Eo< ~l ,~ r-.+"tI.I .!l! .,..14 < .~ r-I ..; .. ... 0 .. ~ ..q.., ~ ~q.., .. l:l a6.l ~ I j 0 .. ) ,A ~ 0- 0 "='" .~ " ~ , .. ~ ~.' j II: 0 'll w": -=:I: -" --', 1.,'J'':'':'-'--''> co '" _. LI i~1 .. c:: t~-.; . ~ (.) II co 0-:' :; u _~~~i ... bJ ~--1(::.J .. ~ - " - '--./(..)', .~ ~ .. l1.... L-;: e- ~ ,- => ~, ," . -5 . , I I II: . ~~ 0-_, . ~ ...__.~.._.-~---- -- I-'^- "I =: . " -'J \ ,;;;- l J \ --~. .------ ':.-- Co f..... ...t'" \4' ,0(')11 E- i' ~~o..O-rr ...;'T.~O . 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