HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarold, Price Supt. of Highways \ , , c. , 293-S'rATUTORY FORM D. V.DG.FIIl.G. JULIUS BLUMBERG, INC.. LAW BLANK PUBLISHERS i Quitclaim Deed.--Individual. 71 BROADWAY AND 1 RECTOR ST.. NEW YORK , , . , I il~r'~' tlCbis }Jnbenture, I ! Made the /~ - day of Mar ch , nineteen hundred and 'orty-six, Jjttween HAROLD PRICE, as Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, of Peconic, Suffolk County, New York, 'I' I , part y of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal Corporation, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, , part y of the second part, _itnt~~ttb, that the part y of the first part, in consideration of ---------------------ONE ($1.00 )___________ ______poIlar;' lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the part y of the second part, its sucoeasors and assigns forever, ~ll that tract or parcel of land situate at peconic, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded easterly by Peconic Lane, ninety-one (91) feet, two inches; Southerly by land of Melville A. Morrell, eighty-five (85) feet and also southerly on the same line by land fonnerly of Rufus T. Morrell about one , " I: hundred feet (100) and eight (8) inches; westerly by land of Daniel G. Case, ninety- I; one (91) feet and two (2) inches, and northerly by land formerly of Daniel G. Case, i' " one hundred eighty-five (185) feet and eight (8) inches, the northerly and southerly 'j ,- sides thereof being parallel and the easterly end westerly ends thereof being parallel. T ALSO, ALL that tract or parcel of land situate near the above at Peconic, afore- i: 11( il; said, bounded southerly by the Main- Sooth Road, sixty-five and seventy-five hundredtbJI " ',' ifl I :1 (65.76) feet; westerly by land of Daniel G. Case, about one hundred thirty (130) feet; I ii' northerly by land of Daniel G. Case, about Sixty-five and seventy-five hundredthe " I (66.76) feet and easterly by land of Rufus T. Morrell, about one hundred twenty-eight 'I I " (128) feet, being part of the premises of which John I. Morrell died seized and possessed. ALSO, ALL that tract or parcel of land at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, COWlty of SUffolk and State of New YOrk, bounded and described as follows:- Northerly by other land formerly of Peconic Trucking Caapany, thirty (30) feet, 1 I I " ~T six (6) inches; southeasterly by other> lands of Rufua T. Morrell, thirty-nine (39) feet and westerly by land of Peconic Trucking COIIIpllIly, eighteen (18) feet nine (9) , inches, being tr>ianguler in shape. I Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed by FeUx J. DzlelIlbowski and wife to The Town of Southold and Har>old Pr>ice as Superintendent of Highway of the 'I Town' of Soutrold, dated March 15th, 1946. iI , ! , i I I I :j ! , , I ! I ,I I I i I I i I I I I I , I i: r ')I I I j I , I I i m:ogetf)er with the appurtenances and a1/ the estate and rights of the part y of the first part i in and to said premises, m:O babt anb to lJolb the premises herein granted unto the part y of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. In Witntss WbtrtOf, the part y of the first part haa hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above writt en. In presence of: I /.:=~.~~Lr:e..0..........n.-L. S. I All Superintendent of Highways of the , Town of Southold. , ..n___.'.nnn'n,nnn___n..n.,___nn_____ ___.h.h___n___n..nhn......__...n...L. S. ---.-- __no -----.n.....hh__n.'..............n__'.........hnn......n......n______nL. S. .......__.h__.h....__.h...__n....h.....h.'n..n...n.n..hn__..h.......h..h.....L. S. .tate of NBW YORK, \ llll.: (:oulttp of SUFFOLK. ~ On the /0 CA day of March , nineteen hundred and forty-six, before me came HAROLD PRICE as Sup"r1ntendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing in- strument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. BB such Superintendent. ~~~ ~~.~ ------- Not y Public, Surf. Co. --, .tate of ( llll.: (:ount!' of On the day of , nineteen hundred and before me came to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing in- strument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ."!'-~l J ,. '~"..-;-" ,.., ,..., r["'1-nt~;} ('<.....L..:.'t.. 'J .;" 1 :... . ~_ "~ ,~>" '.' ~ !l ~---f ...} e s;~ :" ;I (~ ;) ,_ :r02. y' ~o ok' r.'~...... 1", ~ "'--".i . s<Y IJJrI <1 .; 'f '1 "- '- ,'. 5- r "i I '!I~- " ' .:_ ,..._1.],,- / 'S" 'to-. !r"- h -- o ?naA y ) '16 C" U j -- . 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