HomeMy WebLinkAboutBarrett, Frank F (2) -- IW~~;'r'. p; ,I 0 ,. ST4TUTOlty POQ.M A.-Cbapl~f 6J',I, L.IIII'~ of 1917 65 Stevenson & Manten. lac., Stationers i_ r::lten Deed ..,tb P.U eo...nant..-{a.Jivl..-:lu'll J7J Fulton Street, Bn)oklyD, :-0. . THIS INDENTURE, made the {~ t~l day of I Aprll . nineteen hundred and fortY-five, , between PRANK F. BARRl!l'T, of Huntington, Surfolk County, New YOl'k, " ; ~ ~,.' + (-,' 'Y.\rf~.r Pl' (:'> , n"Jl..+-;n,.ton, ~ufrolk Gounty,G.~ III I part Y of the firsl ['art, i I and TOlIN OF SOUTlIOLD a llunlcipal Corporation haVing 1te principe.! office and r place of business at Greenpol t, Suffolk County, Ne. York, ,part Y of th~ second part, WITNRSSBTH, that the part y of the fint part, in consideration of ----------FIPTy FIVll HUlWIiJlD ('6600. }_____________.Pollars, lawful money of the United Stllltes, paid by the part y of the second part, do ea hereby grant and release unto the part y of the i I leCond part, I ita auccesaora and asslens fOftftl', ALL that certain tract, piece or parcsl of land situate, lying IIIId being at or near Laurel, Town of Soutixlld, County of Suffolk and Stats ot ... York, bouDded 8Jnd described as follo..:- on the North by Laurel Lake; on the last by land ot Anni. 8. --.-- SllkllOrth and land of Prank Freyher; on ths South by ths ..in Hi&h_y 1'''....lng betllean - - .--.. --- Riverhesd Blld Greenport, and on the "st by land of Prederick Balloclt. '1'b8 &bo',. described tract containing an .xeesa of ten aCNa. Together .lth all the right, tl tle and inteNat of the party of the tirat ..LJ't I of, in aDd to )(ain Road, adjoining the prlllliaea on the IIOIlth to the centre line ttl8J'eot. Subject to the rIghta of the Long Ialand Lighting CoIIIpeny and the ... York i Telephone Company along and over the high_ya adjoining said prea1a.., It a.. I Together with all the right, title and Intereet of the ~rty of the tlrat part I I ;-Cj.. of, in and to Laurel Lake. I Being and intended to be the sllllle premiaes conveyed by Henry L. nHt, un- ; married, to Frank F. BaITett by deed dated October 5, llla! and recol'd.ed in the surtoUt I County Clerk'a Office in liber 1608 of deeds at page T on October 6, 11131. ~ -~Soo. _..__ _ .. ~_. [ ...- ..~., , '-"':"~ .'f flr ':J:T ;n ~111g.ether with the appurtenances and all the l'state'and tig'hb "f the part y ot the :Ir-., f':lrl ill and t() I said pr~mj~es. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grantt:d I Unto the 1-'3rt y of the second part, its SUcCeB80rs and assigns forever The party of the first part covenants that if any improvements, repairs or alterations to the premises have been commenced and have not been completed at least four months before the recording of this deed, the Grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of improvement, and that said Grantor will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. AND said PRANK F. lWlRiTT co'"enar.t 8 as follows: First. That said FhANK F. bAhR.li'l'l' is seized of the said premises in fee simple, and ba S good right to convey the same; Second. That the part y of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; Third. That the said premises are free from incumbrances . Fourth. That the part y of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises; Fifth. That said PRAJij( P. BARRETT will forever warrant the title to the said Dremises. Sixth. That the grantor, in compliance with :"ection 13 oi the Lien Law. cO\'enants that the grantor will receive the consideration for this COll\'cY'::lIlce and will htdd the rig:lt tll rec(>i\'e sllch consIdera- tion as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the ill1pro"ell1ent and that the grantor will apply the same first to the payment uf the cost (If the imprOn'I1l(,llt h('torc llsmg- any part of the total of the same for any uther purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part y cf the first part ha Eo hereunto set his band and seal the day and year first ahove written. In presence of ~~~-~~ ~~~~F~ (L.S. ) .... i ;J State of NilP/ YO~, } ss.: ' , , I. County of SUPFOLl. .., On the + day 0; April t nineteen hundred and . rorty -t1 ve, before me came FIWIK P. BAlUUiTT, I to me known to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument, and acknowle(h:ed that he ~ ""ecnted the same. RECORDED --... . APR ~3 1945 .r: ',/;/ ~ /' ~T '- ~/:2-c, ~,,.-t!-;k ..~,--,,.....~'!--;r., '~'~J~ f(!d~ 'I~f?M. ~otery PublIc. sutr. CO..N.Y. R. FORO I-IUC:HE.! !*. "" ,..... 01 Suffolk ~ r . r - - ~' I I I I STATE OF NEW YORK, } County of &dfollc, ...: I, NORMAN E. KLIPP, Clerk of the County of Sutfollc and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in and for said County (said Court being a Court of Record) DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the annexed copy of Deed: Frank F. Barrett to Town of Southold with the original recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office, Riverhead, N.Y. on Apr. 23, 19~5 @ l2:~5 p.m. in Deed Liber 2440 page 90 and that it is a just and true copy of such original Record and of the whole thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af. -" .... doe ...t of .... Co~.,. ~.~~ ~ ~ 2t:~ 11. Clerk. 1--- ---- , , , I ': , /1</:5--- FRANK F. BARRETT TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (C Opy) DEE D ~ a1 c{~L> X-c~ S.ff.lk C...ly Clerk's Olll,e Norman E. KlIpp, County Clerk R1verhead, N. Y. Ponn 131 . /<