HomeMy WebLinkAboutBarrett, Frank F r' - T--- 1r " 'DE~D24,ACI PAGE tin. ," ." 'U 'u. S. 1. R. s. __\a..:.Q,~-.. STATUTO~Y FORM A.-Cbapt~r 681, Lawl of 1917. 66 Stevenson & Marsters. Inc.. Stationers & Printera Deed wltb Pull Covenant..-Individual. 373 Fulton Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. THIS INDENTURE, made the "'th April t nineteen hundred and forty-flve, t between .,,"" PRANK F. BARRIfi'T, of Huntlngton, Suffolk County, New York, residing at 13 Carver Place, tluntington, Suffolk County,N.Y. iii part y of the first: part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD a Ilunlclpal Corporatlon havlng its prlnclpal office and place of business at Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, ; part y of the second part. WITNESSETH. that the part y of the first part, in consideration of ----------FIPTY FIVE HUNDRED '.5600. )_____________))ollars, lawful money of the United States. paid by the part y of the second part, do as hereby grant and release unto the part y of the i second part, I its auccessors and assigns forever f I I ALL that certaln tract, plece or parcel of land sltuate, lying and belng at or I I near Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New york, bounded and I I i descrlbed lOa follo..:- on the North by Laurel Lake; on the Bast by land of Annle S. I I Sllkworth and land of Frank Freyher; on the South by the IIaln Hlghway runnlng between Rlverhead and Greenport, and on the weat by land of Frederlck Hallock. The above descrlbed tract containlng an excess of ten acres. Together wlth all the rlght, tl tIe and interest of the party of the flrst part of, ln and to valn Road, adJolnlng the prem1se8 on the south to the centre l1ne thereo . Subject to the rlght8 of the Long Island Llghting Company and the New York Telephone Company along and over the hlghways adJolning sald prem1ses, lf any. Together with all the rlght, title and lnterest of the party of the flrat part of, ln and to Laurel Lake. Belng and lntended to be the same prem1ses conveyed by Henry L. Fleet, un- marrled, to Frank F. Barrett by deed dated October 5, 1931 and recorded ln the Suffolk County Clerk'S Offlce ln llber 1608 of deeda at page 7 on October 5, 1931. : I I I i I r II ! I .. I The party of the first part covenants that if any improvements, repairs or alterations to the premises have been commenced and have not been completed at least four months before the recording of this deed, the Grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of improvement. and that said Grantor will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. AND said PRANK F. BARRBTT coyenact 8 as follows: First. That said FRANK F. BARRBl'r 1. seized of the said premises in fee simple, and ha S good right to convey the same; Second. That the part y of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; ,; Third. That the said premises are free from incumbrances 8XC8" t r~lS aj'orespi.d. I i Fourth. That the part y of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of tbe title to said premises; . Fifth. That said PBAliK F. BARRETT will forever warrant the title to the said premises. I Sixth. That the grantor. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the , I grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such considera- I tion as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of payiug the cost of the improvement and that the I grantor will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of I the total of the same for any other purpose. , I I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part y cf the first part ha s hereunto set h1s I I band and seal the day and year first above written. i I I In presence of ~~~ I ~~p~ (L.S .) i I i I , State of NEW YORK, } S8.: County of SUPFOLI . On the 6th. day of April t nineteen hundred and forty-five, before me came FRANK P. BAliRBTT, t to me known to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. RECORDED , i: APR 23 1945 ~~~ @/~ 'f.3f? M, otary Public. . Co..N.Y. ~ I R. FORO HUGHES _ Clerk of Suffolk CooaItr I , I ~ State of } County of ss.: On the day of . nineteen hundred and before me came to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instru-' ment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same, State of } 55.: I County of I On the day of . uineteeu hundred and before me came , the subscribin${ witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom [ am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides'in . that he knows to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument; that he , said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he , said witness, 3.t the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto .- \ ui'" I . ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ !...t .. I 1'= '"' , ~ 0 j .9 ~ ! ;:I . l!: ,'fj .~ J e. ~ I :S]Z'",.~ \...... I ~ i .~~; ~........,. ~~\~ I . _.~ " '. 0 .<::l ~ u . ' ~., ... ~ +'1 >'" ., ," I ,nj.o '" _, ~. ~ ~ .. 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