HomeMy WebLinkAboutHyatt, Sara L f STATUTORY POItM A.-Cbaple:r 68I,:t,a..of 191'. S5 Stevenson & Marsters, Inc., Stationers & Printers OeM wit" P.U Coy....,..-tadIYidual. 373 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. THIS INDENTURE, made the day cf -~ - , tlitleteeu lIundred and, "'l':ll'ty-one . between WI. L. HYATT, of Greenport, Suffolk Ccunty, Hew YON, " part y of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a munieipe.l C:01'Poration with its prineipal office and . place of busineas at Greenport, Town of Sou thold, County of SuffOlk and State of New York. ; part Y of the second part. WITNESSltTH, that the part y of the first part. in consideration of --_____________ONB (ll.OO)_______________________..D!'Ua#. lawful money of the United States, paid by the part y of the second part, do es hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. ALL those tracts or parcels of land situate near HoJ'l;QIl's Point, T01l1 of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Hew York, bCWldecl and described as followa:- P.ARCBL:OHE:- iBGIJIIIDP at . point on ordinary hi&h water 11ne of Lone; Island Sound at the northeasterly line of Horton'. Lane as recently altered (or &bout to be altered) and running thence northeasterly along said ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound, 120.6 feet to land of 5&'1'"8" L. Hyatt; thence on a line parallel to said northeasterly line of Horton'a Lane, S. 66029'40nE.- 360 feet, more or less, to a point on the next to last course of the northerly line of said Horton's Lane as altered; thence along the last described course of Horton's Lane, S. 33030'208 w.- 120.6 feet to a right angle turn in saId line; thence along the northeasterly line of Horton's Lane, N. 660 29' 40" W. - 3110 feet, more or less, to said ordinary high water 11ne of Long Island Sound. Tocether with all ri&ht, title and 1nterest of the party of the first part in and to Long Island Sound 1n front of and adjacent to said preisea. PARCEL TWO:- BEGIIHING at the right aD6le turn in the scutherly line of Horton's Lane as recently altered (or about to be altered) and on the 11ne between land of 5A-1'. L. Hyatt end land now or formerly of Basalie Jonea; ronning theMe along the southeasterly line of Horton's Lane, H. 330 30' 20n E.- 60 feet; thence along other lalid of said Ii>,a I' a ok lyatt. 5. 660 29' 40n E.- about 80 feet to the ~. shore of Little Pond (or Lily Pond); thence scnthwesterly along said I;hore of Little Pond about 60 feet to land now or formerly of Iloaalle Jone.; thence along said land now or formerly of balie Jones, N. 660 29' .0" W. about iO feet to 12:Ie point of beginning. Together with all right, title and interest of Ba1d party of 12:Ie first part 50 feet in will.th i in said Little Pond Itl~/between the direct extension of the side lines of the hereln dee i e , , I I premises into said Little Pond- I I I , SUBJECT to the follOWing restrictions and conditions:. 1. AB to road: Townshlp to receive title from Hyatt to proposed road and Township I to quitclaim and file certificate of abe.ndonment as respects all of the present part of Horton's Lane not included in proposed road. I I 2. Said premises are not to be used for any business purposa whatever but solely I I I for park purposes and that no refreshment stands or other concessions shall be granted I I I or permitted on said premises. 3. The party of the second part shall erect and maintain a fence of at least as good quality, construction and height as that at present employed in winter by the Township of Southold and commonly referred to as snow-fence for a period of six montha annually beginning May 1st and ending on October 1st in each year. ~ course of sald I fencing shall commence at the mean high water mark of Long Island Sa.md i!it the north- . easterly corner of the prem1ses herein described and run continously f~that point ~f,,~' I along the easterly JlfJ'.lWWW'JM edge of said land and along the easterly and northerly . I edge of Horton's Lane as altered to the point where same meets the boundary. lina se- lt~ -I parating land of tIS }It,., I' cS.tllii'J'.i1.:t t fIIIW from the property now or formerly omed . I by Overton. Openings in tile t'encefoX' ingX'eas and egress of owners of land adjacent to proposed road shall be granted,upon application,to any and all owners of record of said land.' I These restrictions and conditions are to apply solely to the premises herein ! conveyed amd are not binding as to any property now or hereafter olllled by the party I of the first part. i The party of the ~iretl part does for herself, her heirs, executors, administrators ~and asslins, reserve the right and privilege of altering BD.d releasing any of the bove-rSlttr i ctiOftlt~ together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part y of the first part in and to said premi~es. TO HA va AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the part y ot the second part, its successors and assigns forever , I I , If ----- The party of the first part covenants that if any improvements, repairs or alterations to the premises have been commenced and have not been completed at least four months before the recording of this deed, the Grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance as a trust fund to be applied first for the I purpose of paying the cost of improvement, and that said Grantor will apply the same first to the payment i I of the cost of improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. I I AND said SARA L. RYATr covenant S as follows : First. That said SARA L. HYATT is seized of the said premises in fee simple, and ha . good right to convey the same; Second. That the part y of the second part shall quietI y enjoy the said premises; Third. That the said premises are free from incumbrances Fourth. That the part y of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assttrance of tbe title to said premises; Fifth. That said SARA L. HYA Tr will forever warrant the title to the said premises. " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part y cf the first part ha II hereunto set her band and seal the day and year first above written. ~ flI~ JfXlvQ~ 1. , 'TiT. (L.S.) i I , i! ! i i I I i State of NEW Y(RK, } sa.: I County of SUFFOLK. I i .~ , fourth I On the day of June, , nineteen hundred and I forty-one, before me came I SARA L. HYATT, --,......c-. --. , to me known to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument, and acknowledRed that she I executed the same. i -,J 1,- . SUrr. Co. i . . ).; r State of } ss.: . C;ounty of On the day of , nineteen hundred and before me came , the subscribing- witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom f am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in ; that he knows to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument; that he I said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he , said witne~st at the same time subscribed h name as wi toess thereto I . ~ I ..... 5 ... ~ 1 '" ~ ... ... ~ '" .S :>< " ~ ~ ~ :E ;Z; ~ .~ - - I P'l Q ~ . 9 ~ II .S ~ ~ ~ I c:l . 0 I ~ "''' E< ~ ~ ~ " "-.... S 8 .c .;: ~ 1l - I U1 ~ Q 0 ~ .... ~ Jj g- . , :::i! ...:l " " I '" .8 '" ~ " ~ " j J1 " o-l id " .e 1l .c " f< ~ ';l '" I " " ~ - Q J . I L (.... , c ('" , ". ., f 1 m r