HomeMy WebLinkAboutLuce, Alfred N (2) 1 " -- '" '.C,"~____., ~,_.__'"___ -r- FORM 1561 N. Y. DEED-Full Oovenant TUTBLANX RE.GISTER'EO U.S.PAT.OFFICE CLa.ws of Hm. Ohap. 881; Statutory Form A) Tuftle Law Print, Publishers, li'utland,YI: I lffif':!!Jjt'Oit:' Jnambw~ Made the c1/..;y- day of Ootober Nineteen Hundred and thirty-eight iSttbtttn N. ALFRED LUCE residing at Orient, Town of Southold County of Suffolk and State of New York, party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a Munioipal Corporation in the i i County of Suffolk and State of New York, part y of the second part, (ititntMtth . that the party of the first part, in consideration of I Ten and OO/lOOths - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollar s rllO.OO ) lawfUl mone;y of the United States, and other good and valuable considerations paid by the part y of the second part, do es hereby Jrant and release unto the part y of the second part, its successors and assiJns {.--'tttv.:d/x for the purpose of a Highway, ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate at Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, lying between the lines hereinafter described; the westerly line begins at a point on the northerly line of State Street at the southeasterly corner of land , I of Mrs. E. W. Webb, formerly of Eugene Conklin; running thence along the easterly line of said land of Webb and continuing on the same course along the easterly line of land of George H. Cibell and thence 0 through other 1and of said N. Alfred Luce, N. 28 13' E.-1032 feet, I more or less, to the southerly line of Main or State Road. The east- erly line of said proposed highway being 49.5 feet easterly from said I II I westerly line above described, measured at right angles thereto. 1 , II II I I -.--- ---- I ~--_..-- )Olf . ""1 <<ll~tf' with the appurtenances 1I5H:;;;' .) PAGE ;)0 and all the estate and rights of the part y of the first part in and to said premises, m.. ~itUt mtb to I!..J~ the premises herein Jranted unto the part y of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. Ii ,! i: II II Aub said I part~ of the first part I '- I covenants as follows: Ii ~ir~t. That said party of the first part is II II II seized of said premises in fee simple, and ha s good right to convey the same; II ~t_. That the part y 'i of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said I, Ii :i premises; , 'I I il!irb. II That the said premises are free from incumbrances; " " II " " 1fourtl!. II That the party of the first part will execute or procure any II Ii ii further necessary assurance of the title to said premises; I: JUtb. Ii That said party of the first part , i! will forever ilhtn~ut the title to said premises. 'I I' Ii Ii i: 3'u ~itnt~ N!t~m..r. the part y of the first part ha s I !! Ii hereunto set hi s hand and seal the day and year first above written. I, II lIuJrt$eu(l' of \~~~~- 71.~ ~ . li !i I I . I . I . IW' IT ~- T--- ')IJ1f :-"...) I' UBH,;...1 J FA",' )I).~ II ~btt~ tlfN~\u ~(lrk (ss.. , <!!'ouut!; of SUFFOLK On this O:rr- ;r- day of October Nineteen Hundred and I thirty-eight before me, the subscriber, personally appeared N. ALFRED LOCE to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and wlw executed the within Instrument, and he aclcnowledted to me that he executed the same , . ~/~~. Notary Public. Suffolk County RECOnDEV NOV 22 t938 -- @ 53-I'M. FRAN\-': MARKVART (:1erli ot :..iulfQ!.k County I -' --,--'- ,l .' II =1 . ''''''"-''0:- I i t --~-"-'...--< .._-,..,-- "'"' " ->4t,,~.' "...... "'.....",.--,.l;iO.."'..-. ,.-.-. '"..,,,---- '" . . .. .. ..-l co . . CIS,", t') l$l ~ I'" ~ PoO 0':> l$l ~ ~ ~ .... ~ I c>>'l-i ~~ ~~ CI)'~ l<j "'1 ....-10>0 !i-S>l 1Il~ ' s:l ~ "'. /(1 ::il0~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ 0 Z 00) "- " I-< ~ "1 ... Qj li'; It :z: ,', ~ '. = - Q) 'Cr ~ -.s:: '"' o 1 ~gfl..:s,( ;." . ~-Io>O := .,<.( j., ~..b::~ . ~~ e 0=0) l-i w ,::l ~ I I >' lD'" rZ\ z . p ~ ~ . 0 ~ iF!....~ Q) ... III "",.1) '" ":.' 1-0 01 :z; Go l:l .a 0 ~ ~~" ~ '" '<:1 1-0 1$' \~ l:l =-10> 0 o .~:.~ - ,- ~ ~ . ~ 00\1) -10> w ~ 11 I:.:.' '<:1 "" A ')\1).... c> ~ o ," ", I \'<j;:-e lI1o::Jrl "- ~ ... - 0 I- ~.- 'tl 0 rz.Qj~ (/) ..... U ,'..' 1'. l' ~ >>;::: ~ o H..-l ~ Jo,l ~ ~ . O....-+> 00 ~ ~ IJ:: ~~41 ~ 0....01 li'; eo'"' " . Eq " "lDO mo~ s:: '\ '" 1':8", . -9 ;$ , "4 ~ li'; 0\1) ~ ~ ~ 1 '~~