HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown of Southold Premises at Peconic Lane 1936 1"". . - . ""~ I! \.-..," ~~ ~ ----.- , A B S T RAe T OF THE TITLE OF TOWN OF ::;UUTHOLD I i ! To the real property described in this Caption. 1 ! DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES. ! ALL that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk county, New York, bounded and deBcribed as follows:- BEGINNING at a stake set on the westerly side of ~econic Lane which stake forms the southeasterly corner of the hereinafter described premises and the northeasterly corner of land of - 0 peconic Trucking Company; running thence north 30 00' west along the westerly side of Peconio Lane 112.00 feet to a 0 stake; running thence south 56 10' west along other land of j the D. G. Sase Estate 246.95 feet to a point; running thence ; 0 south 30 10'50. east along other land of D. G. Case Estate . 0 - . 146.42 feet to a point; running thence north 48 17' east along other land of D. G. case Estate and land of Peconio I Trucking Company 251.21 feet to the point or place of beginning. Together with the right, title and interest, if any of D. G. Case Estate in and to peconic Lane in front of and adjaoent to the above described premises. - __ ___ - ____________ _n_ __ _ ____ - - ------ ---- ----,- ~~- ! , ,'l.' ~-- _n _____________m ._~"",..,,_~..__ . __ ._.._ _"'_"'~__ . ."~~.~,..",,....,~.,..c,' ,._,.,._.'...n._"._.___.....__._..~__ HIS TOR I C A L One Samuel sweezey went into possession of a 7 acre traot within which the premises under examination are embraced as early as the year 1879 under the following deed to him. Said Samuel Sweeze7 was in possession of other lands adjoining this 7 acre tract on the north at the time of this oonveyanoe to him and as hereinafter appears he later conveyed a 21 acre tract, the southerly part of which is the 7 aores described in the following deed. 50.1. Betsey Hallo~k and Jesse Warranty Deed Hallock her husband Dated June 6, 1879 Acknowledged June 6, 1879 to Recorded June 9, 1879 @ 8 A.K. In Liber 241 of Deeds at page 114 Samuel Sweezey Consideration: $1550 ' Conveys: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being' in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, Bounded Northerly by the land of the party of the second part; Easterly by the Highway leading to Peconic Depot; Southerly by land of John Korrill and Westerly by land of Charles H. Davids, containing by estimation seven acres more or less. . ------- ---------------- =--.~-.-_.~~~_.~.~_. -~-~--'-'--------"----~"'- ~_.._.._-_._-_._,-_....- - __ _m ..._______ ------ j I I , ~ ....." ...., ..,-=......,""""" ""'="'=~'-,....C'.._~_,."____d_~_., __ .__._~'--..... "~_..._._- ,,---- _",__._.._,..,_._ "om _ .,_",.....__,_~.."',~ 1II0.a. Samuel Sweezey Warranty Deed tated June 9, 1882 Acknowledged June 9, 1882 to Recorded June 13, 1882 @ 10:45 A.K. In Liber 265 of Deeds at page 85 Sa1l1 A. Sweezey Consideration: $2850 Conveys:- Among other parcels - ALSO, ALL that certain farm or tract of land together with the buildings thereon situate lying and being in the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded as follows on the East by the dighway called Depot Roadj on the South partly by the land of John B. Howell and partly by the land of Charles Davidsj on the West partly by the 1 and CIlf' Charles Davids and partly py the lands of Horace Cawej on the Borth by the land of D. G. Perkins, containing by estimation i twenty one acres be the same more or less and being or intended to be all the real estate owned by the said Samuel Sweezey except the piece of woodland and meadow land as above described~ ------------------------- : NO.3. Sally A. sweezey Warranty Deed Dated October 10, 1887 to Acknowledged October 10, 1887 Daniel G. Case Recorded Ootober 11, 1887 @ . P.K. In Liber 306 of Deeds at page 177 Consideration: $1.00 Oonveys: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, at Peconic, and Bounded on the North by the land of the said party of the first part the liae of division to be a straight line continuing in the - -~ - ,"". .",.--~',;-",,-,-,._, ,_...;....., -,,-~---_.~_._._-------_._.~-~._-,..._.,-.,~ - .,....... ....-.~.,.".~--" j~'.~""", direction of the Urchard fence until it meets Peoonic Lane; on the East by Peconio Lane; on the South by the land of John w. lIlorrell; and on the West by the land of Charles H. Davids, i and containin~ by estimation about two aores and a half. ------------------- REFERENCE 110.4. Daniel G. Case Warranty Deed Hettie T. oase, Dated ,ebruary 1, 1889 his wife Rroved~ - lIlarch 11, 1889 Recorded lIlarch 28, 1889 In Liber319 of Deeds at page 34 to Consideration: $1.00 John w. lIlorrell Conveys: All that certain strip of land situate at peconic in the Town of southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded Northerly by land of said parties of the first part as the fence has been set and now stands, Easterly by Peconic Lane, southerly by land of said party of the second part and Westerly by land of said parties of the first part as the fence has been set and now stands. Being a strip taken from the southerly end of the land of said parties of the first part and extending from Peconio L~ nearly aoross the southerly end of said land. ------------------------------- --- -- '--"'=="""~~-"""''''''~='"~'''''''.''''''~~''''"~""",-,-"........."",,,--,,,~-_.._-_._..._-_._."~".__.__.----.~-----_.._--_..._~--,...".~~-""."".'-'<...,---" FOR REFERENCE NO.6. Daniel G. Case,. F. O. & warranty Deed HettJ T. case, his Dated March 28, 1917 wif'e Aoknowledged Maroh 30, 1917 Recorded April 6, 1917 In Liber 946 of' Deeds at page BUO :to Consideration: $1.00 Herbert W. Wells Qonveys: All that traot or paroel of' land situate at Peconio, Town of Southold, county of Suffolk and State of New York, Bounded Easterly by Peoonio Lane 91 feet 2 inches, Southerly by land of Melville A. Morrell 85 feet and also Southerly on the same line by land of Rufus T. Morrell about 100 feet and 8 inches, westerly by land of Daniel ~. Case 91 feet and 2 inches and Northerly by land of Daniel G. Case 185 feet and 8 inches the Northerly and southerly sides thereof being parallel an~ the Easterly and Westerly ends thereof being parallel. -----------------------. NO.6. Daniel Gilbert Case died intestate, sometime before ~gUa\ '14th, 1935. Letters of administration dated september 23, 1935 were issued to Jonathan Gilbert Case in Liber 25 lap 97. He left him surviving - Jonathan Gilbert Case, nephew; Annie L. Newton, niece and Alonzo W. case Jr., nephew; Ruth M. Case, ( who may claim she is adopted daughter of deceased.) All of full age. Oath of Jonathan Gilbert Case as ~nistrator sworn to September 3- 1935, filed september 7, 1935. -~-~----- ---~---- ------------ ----- ~ -~='"""'":=,""~~~-'''*-"=-~''''-"~~I----.'''' _._--,~~~ ------------ I i I Renunication of Annie L, Newton and dlonzo w. Case Jr. to I' Letters of Administration filed september 7, 1935. Citation "f- 1 I I I issued to Ruth M' case on September 7, 1935, ~eturnable september ; 16, 19~5. Personal service of citation upon Ruth M. Case made September 7 ,1935 at peconic. Notice.of appearance of Ruth M. .~ Case by William J. Hattrick, attorney. petition for letters of administration on the Estate of Daniel ~ilbertCase shows that he died seized of the following real estate - unimproved at peconic - North by wells, ~outh by Pontino, East by Creek and West by Indian Neok Road about 8 aores. I Improved at Peconic, N.Y. - On the North by Berkoski, East by I Peconic Lane, South by Trucking Company and West by Davids, I I About 1 acre. i I If-, I, I ------------------------------- I I I I I I NO.7 Jonathan Gilbert Case, F. C. Deed - with L.C. individually and as Administrator Dated January 27,1936' of the Goods, chattels and oredits 4cknowledged January 27,1936 of Daniel Gilbert Case, Deceased; Acknowledged 'ebruary 6,1936 Annie L. Newton and Alonzo W. Case, Acknowledged February 10, 1936 Jr. , Recorded February 25, 1938 at 11 A.M. to In Liber1850 of Deeds at page 20 I Consideration: $10. & O.G.& V.C ! Town of Southold I Conveys: Same premises, same description as described in the Caption. --------------------------- " f" I . - - ,-,~~ . .<oP. , - .....--- BO.S. Ruth Iil. Case Quit Claim Deed Dated February 24, 1936 to Acknowledged February 24,1936 Town of' l;;outhold Recorded February 28,1936 @ 9:10 I A.M. il In Liber 1850 of' Deeds at page 45- consideration: $1.00 i I Conveys: Same premises, same desoription as in L1borr 1850 i of' deeds at page 208. ---------------------- WE have searched f'or Deeds, Iilortgages, and other I encumbrances af'f'ecting the premises described in the Oaption hereof', or any part of' said premises, against all the parties I ;! ij above named during their ownership, and also f'or Judgments f'or ten years last past, and f'ind, except as above recited, I BOT H I B G. Dated April 9,1936. ~~~ Attorneys and counselors at Law, southold, ~ew york. ------ . .......J ~~,~~.~- - /,..- 1T:rLE ~O. :d-'1ltj/~ -~.., ABSTRACT OF THE TITLE OF hh,N vF BUUTHULD TO PREMIBES AT PECUNIC, NEW YURKo DATED APRIL 9-1930. werry & llill >"ltnru.t'gll at ~am ~outqoJll. NEW IOflt -~