HomeMy WebLinkAboutCase, Ruth M 1'1" II -----r--~ . " 1l'ORlI /lIlll N. Y. DEED-QUIT OLAIlI TUTBL.ANX REGISTERED U,S,PAT.OFFICE , ;1 II 1 " jLawaOtl rPTP'681'8tatutoQ'...rmD ) Tuttle LawPrmt Pubhshers, Rutland,YI :1 UBH< ~, )( "AG' ,c M. 'l!i ~ Jtuattnbtl1'~ I! 71 i: .,.4- I i! Made the day of February , Nineteen Hundred and , Ii 'l'hirty-UV&. six, jl 'I I: iSttWtttt HUTH M. CASE of Peconic, New York i !i Ii I " II I , party of the first part, and TOlIN OP SOUTHOL0, a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk and state of New York, party of the second part, mlitnt_ttl!, that the part y of the first part, in consideration of I One & nO/100 -------------------- Dollar I (I 1.00 ) lawful money of the United States, i :i paid by the part Y of the second part, ! does hereby remise, release, and quitclaim unto the part y of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, all that pisce or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, suf- folk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: B:~GINlIING at a stake set on the westerly side of Peconic Lane which stake forms the southeasterly corner of the hereinafter described premises and the northeasterly corner of land of Peconic Trucking Company; running thence north 30*00' west along the westerly side of peconic Lane 112.00 f'eet to a stake; running thence south 56*10' west along other land of' the D. G. Case Estate 246.95 feet to a point; running thence south 30;;10 150" east along other land of' D. G. Case Estate 140.42 feet to a point; running thence north 48;~171 east along other land of D. G. Case Estate and land of Peconic Trucking Company 251.21 feet to the point or place of beginning. Together with the right, title and interest, if any, of D. G. Case Estate in and to Peconic Lane in front of and adjacent to the above described premises. I , II I 18/':"0 4t:- , UBER tl PAGE tl~) I , <<g~l!tr with the ~ppurtenances ~nd ~ll the estate ~nd rights of the party of the first p~rt in ~nd to s~id premises, I , ! , I I , m.. 4tt\tt m t..- ~Ja the pr~mises herein Jr~nted unto the p~rt Y I of the second p~rt, its successors ~nd assigns forever. I I I I i I i , i I I 3u ~itnt~ _m.n. I the p~rt y of the first p~rt has I hereunto set her hand ~nd se~l the day ~nd year first above written. 1Iu.JI'fl'l>l'U(1' of O-rllJ P- _ . I ~ .~~i 0.L~ X ~~;, I , I I . I . i I Ii , I i . i I ! I: !I I! . II II il II . II ! I , i I I , i ~ r II I ~ Lil!ER 18rjO PAGf Mjfj ~t~t~ llfN~w!crk (S8.. ([Taunt!; af S\JJ? ~"OLK i , ~:O'in{ 111' SOUTHOLD On this '2. ~ t::!L day of February, Nineteen Hundred and thirty-~ six, before me, the subscriber, personally appeared "- RUTH Iv!. CASE I I to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and B he duly acknowledled to me t1uJ,t s he e~cuted t~m~ ~ &L~ Notal"Y Pllblic, Suf'folk County RECORDED FEB 28 1936 @ , M, F NK MARKVART Clerk ol Sullolk CountJ' ," I - .~ ..-- .._,"", - .".""......'...,0..;...;. ~_.,~,-:..,.-".' .",...."';.~"~-....;,_.._,..."..;.._~:~.~_.'O'__~~.."-'__,.,~.,,~~~_....__.~__..,,~_~,_ =t- I I ',',: , "7"--""';'.~":~."?'~_"'':~'.''"'' :,~"...,.+-,:"..;.--~. .~~.,. , ~"ok'!C:~-""r"_'_ \,) ',. -,~~""",,.. ~ J . ~ I~" ~ lS't '" ~ CIJ .<::: :J "'.-:~ ~ '" '" \'~ . bl~ . ~ ~ " il , ..: :I: J I ~ ~ ::;:<: foe ~ ~ 01. CIl 0: ~~ "",, -fl. 2: ~ 1'1,', = A ~ ~ 0 1,4,.-,_ -0 ~~ H ~. 0 r>f ~ ~ 0 ~ z ,_~ .. "" g:; ~.. bl ~.~ "'I .' \,).. fa" [il iQ 0 Q ""'j Z t'J ::> r"'1 wI,,' ,; '- <~ 0 py t- 0: ~'\j~'1.. , , 0 CI) ~ I O. ).(. 'd~' . (/) ~ 0 "" ~ "" 'j ~.51 III , . "'I . "'" 0 ] ~ ~ ~,c"~h ,,~.-. ~ l=lJ 0:: !l:i" , 0 f' +> ~ f.3 ...... ~ ~ ()~J ~:...; ~~:j :::: ~ ( ,') " :1';: ~ ~ ,~~d"~ ~ 0 8