HomeMy WebLinkAboutCase, Jonathan G IF ]1 .._~-"., -~.-.',~ .., ,,,.... .- ""=':"""-",.~.-.-~. """'r -- .~, FORM 581 N. Y. DEED-Full Covenant with Lien Covenant TUTBLANX REGISTERED U,S.PAT.OFFICE ! I,...! (lfLf 8 ~1 ~91)fm' 681, Statutory Form A, Cha.p. 627 Laws of 1982) TuttJeLawPrmtPubffshersRuf/andVl I . :'~4i~ Jhtamtutt~ I , I I I I "E>< I . "7 7 ~'- ! I Made the "'-" day of January Nineteen Hundred and ! I .. . Thirty-six 18tthtttU Jonathan Gilbert Case, individually and as Administra- tor of the Goods, Chattels and Credits of Daniel Gilbert Oase, Deceased, of Shelter Island, New York, Annie L. Newton of Calvert on, New York, and Alonzo W. Oase, Jr. of 58 Hanover Street, Bridgeport, ! Conn., . part ies of the first part, and Town of Southold, a municipal corporation in the l' Oounty of Suffolk and State of New York, II i: 'I I, party of the second part, Ii Ii (!(!fdnt~tth, that the part ies of the first part, in contJideratWn of " " I II , Ten & no/100 ------------------ ,I Dollars I I (I 10.00 ) lawful rrwn6fl of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration, paid by the part Y of the second part, do hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, its i successors and aBsi~ forever, all that piece or parcel of land I situate, lying and be~:,at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, Suf- folk Oounty, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake set on the westerly side of Peconic Lane ]1 which stake forms the southeasterly corner of the hereinafter des- cribed premises and the northeasterly corner of land of Peconic I Trucking Oompany; running thence north 30~01 west along the wes- II terly side of Peconic Lane 112.00 feet to a stake; running thence 'I south 56*101 west along other land of the parties of the first part 246.95 feet to a point; running thence south 3~10150" east along Ii other land of the parties of the first part 146.42 feet to a point; I " , running thence north 4~171 east along other land of the parties .! of the first part and land of Peconic Trucking Oompany 251.21 feet , Ii I II to the point or place of beginning. Together with the right, title and interest, if any, of the par- ties of the first part in and to Peconic Lane in front of and adja-I II cent to the above described premises. 'I - . .~ f ," --,----- , 'I I II II ,I II I I , i,i ~ I'; said parties of the first part 'I I, covenant as follows: II ]Jfir~t. That said parties of the first part are ;1 II , 'I seized of said premises in fee simple, and have good right to convey the same,' ,I \1 ci't~. ThQ,t the party I', of the second part shall quietly enJuy the said 'I II premises,' I: I ~. That the said premises are free from incumbrances,' I! II 1(ourtJ". \1 That the part ies of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises,' II ]Nth. I That said parties of the first part I I will forever l~htt't'~ltt the title to said premises. . (I > c8ixt~. That the grant01s receive the consideration for this conveyance as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of arw improvement, that has been oommenced upon the premises and has not been completed at least, , , four months before the making and recording of this deed, and that the granto1fJ will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of improvement before using any . Ii part of the total of the same for any other purposes. I f - _ , I . I ; . i I II 3u ~itUtH am~ttrttf. the part ies of the first part lutJTe I , ,I Ii hereunto set their handS and seal s the day and year first above written. I 1.1. Jlu:JIIu5eu(e of I I 'I ~l~i!fil/i3P Jr~~--6~ ndividually and as Adm1nistrat t e Goods,Chattels and Credits of Gll~ C.~.. Ile,..~ed",- . . ,H-E/,;<f %/./~__ . , ~ '/~A 71t~~~-. , . i I , l I I' .1 i'"" liBfR 1850 PAGf2iO ~t~t~ tlfN~\u 1!llrk !SS.. ,~ <!rtluutg of SUFFOLK I TOWN of RIV.c:RHEAD I On this b~ day of ~~ Nineteen Hundred and I I Thirty-six before me, the subscriber, personally appeared , , !I JONATHAN GILBERT CASE, individually and as Administrator of the I Goods, Chattels and Credits of Daniel Gilbert Case, Deceased, . to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described , in and who executed the within Instrument, and he duly acknowledJed to me that he executed the same ~- ..--.--...---- I I Notary Public, Suffolk County i state of New y~, County o~ Suffolk, ss: :1 i On this 10 ~ day of ~'1936,before me, the subscriber. I; Ii personally appeared ANNIE L. NEWTON, to me known and known to me to be I ~e same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, '" 11 d she duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. · lI.~~~ty. state of Connecticut, County ofliJ;~ ss: J.. " On this '7 day of January, 1936, before me, the SUbscriber, [SOnallY appear.d ALO~O. W. CASE JR., to me known and known to me .'to e the same person described in anA who executed the within Instrument, . d he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ~~f6!~ ~ County. , ,"1' ----,. I I I I I """-':.1>~.",\i.:~.!>;-"_';:" i .,..~' ;''''.i, .~':';":~',.i"""_,;;,;,>,_"""",:,;",,,;^, \. ::l4-' '.. i',< ,,~"~....,., - -; '-~'-,~'), ., \ 'd .....'1:1. CD' \Sr' I ~ I~ r>: tt:l ~ .,;..... 0 <II:;: 0) ~ ~ I'" . > 0 III . 1ft ">:~ CI) ,;:: <:J ~ .,; """0 ~ '. ~ 'd~+>CDt'I ~ '" ' ~~ dO.,;Od III ~ ' ~ ~ z ";+>'d~0 III '" ctf CD M ~ Ji ~ J ~ CD~~ "'l .t " u CQ-PQ.. .il: Z ,,~ .. j ~z ell02 CD'd .J- ~ . !! O";'d02~ roo o ~ ~c.o:E oJ d d 01 bl ~ ,,'\ ~ 4-'.,;ellO ='d w Q , ~ \1-.. t.t.. ~~ d .-f t;> Z . ~~ ~.,~ " i CD ""+>o~ 0 ~ Q I"" 01 .. ,o-<ll.-f~+> ~ ell ~. ~ .0' e ::s w (t I 'v ~ .,;1II4-',oCD ::s ~ I- o .' 0 co" '* t' ~ eal4-'.-f"" 0 ~ > as ..... . tI) "" '- 0 ~,~ JiA .., B ~'d~e.~ l/) oJ ~~o ...:I"" ..... . tl III ~ <N &:t ~ ~M 0 :] .a' 0:: ~ ~ ~' :."'" COQ)Q)--. .. ell l>a'd.,; ..-i CD ~ = 'i'. ~ ~ drlO~~"" 3~ O.-fg oJ 0 ~ I,~ ~ ""ell 0 8 ~. ~-_.. --~-- ..--..---,-- -- --."-.- -~.._._~.- .'_'_"__'_' ._'_'m ......._ I , ,ate of Connecticut } I, MICHAEL J. FLANAGAN, Clerk of said County and of the Superior COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD Court in, a 0 said County, the crt of Record, having by " County Clerk's Office, law a seal y certify That.......__.,.. .--.--....--...-,--..,-..'.----.. / , tifi~~t~....~Tp;~~f:.~~~~~i~dg~;~~t:..;;~-.;Jfi~;it..~f. the whose name is subscribed to the c annexed instrument, and thereon written. was, at the time of taking such proof, acknow- ledgement Of affidavit, a Notary Public, CSHU.M.J5isRlIr <;;If th... S"p"'rigr Cel1~l. JI1~t:..... vf tht PiUl!I, within and for said County, residing in said County, duly appointed, commis- sioned and sworn, and authorized by the laws of said State, to administer oaths, and taY'" tbe acknowledgements and proofs of deed~. or conveyances for lands, tenements r hered.it~~", ~ sai4State,arul,~ iagum_~ts to be recorded therein, and to cerL~" the .ame; that fulnalth"'....eftl'lIt 'ifr 'olItllr't,l"be'llven-to his ..~ acts; and . further certify that I have compared the signature to the original certificate with that de- posited in this office by such person and verily believe that the signature to the attached certificate is his genuine signature and said certificate is not required to be under seal, and the person signing such certificate is not required by law to file in this office an impression of his official seal. I\. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my h-:11.aJii:red the s I of said Court, at REC'OgDED Bridgeport, in said County and State, on the - .. ..........m......day .................m..-.;.....1936, ~~-----~'". '\)0 FEE 2~) 19a& @ tt.A-'k FRAt' K .,.f<<<WII('( Clerk 01 Suflolk CcluIIQ'