HomeMy WebLinkAboutCase, Jonathan G & Case A W Jr r II ~-.- Ii I'ORM 581 N. Y. DJIlED--~U OoV8JLaDt with Lien Oovenant TUTBLANX RE.GISTERED U.S.PAT.OP-FICE: .:j Tuttle Law Print. Publishers. li'uf/and,Y/. (Laws of 1917, Ohap. 881, 8taiutory lI'orm A, Chap. 627 Laws of 1982) II . ~+ day of Nineteen Hundred and I ' Made the December I' : Thirty-six I 'i !I 18tthJttn Jonathan G. Case of Shelter Island, N. Y. and ~. . Alonzo W. Case/of 58 Hanover Streey, Bridgeport, Conn. ,i " ii 1.1 il Ii II 'I !, ii part ies of the first part, and ., Town of Southold, a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, party of the seoond part, ~dnt_tth, that the part ies of the first part, in oonsideration of Ten & nO/100 ---------------------------- Dollars I (8 10.00 ) lawfuZ money of the United States, and other good and I I valuable consideration, paid by the part Y of tJ"e second part, , do hereby pant and release unto the part Y of the seoond part, I its successors and (J,8sips forever, aU that piece or parcel of land I I situate, lying and being at Peconic in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument which monument is distant 185.67 feet south 48*17' west from a stake set on the westerly side of Peconic Lane which stake forms the northeast corner of land of Peconic Trucking Company ; run- ning thence south 30*00' east along land of Peconic Trucking Company 91.17 feet to a point; thence south 48*17' west along land of Peconic Trucking Company 65.25 feet to a point; thence south 30-lHO'50" east I along land of Peconic Trucking Company 131.55 feet to the northerly side of Main Road; thence south 48*39'30" west along the northerly sid of Main Road 15.65 feet to a point which forms the southeasterly corne of land of H. Eugene Davids estate; thence north 30*10'50" west along land of H. Eugene Davids estate 371.11 feet to a point; thence north 56*10' east along land late of Daniel G. Case estate 15.38 feet to a point-j thence south 30*10'50" east along land of Town of Southold 146.42 feet to a point; thence north 48*17' east along land of Town of Southold 65.54 feet to the point or place of beginning. i i ; I, ,I I ,1,1 _.,._.._~.~...~_._- J\ub . said parties of the first part covenant as foll;ows: , 1Kir~t. i That said parties of the first part are i seized of said premises in fee simple, and have lood right to convey the samej It~. That the party of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; ~. That the said premises are free from incumbrances; 1(ourtl!. That the part ie s of the first part will execute or procure any fu;rther necessary assurance of the title to said premises; JUtb. That said parties of the first part will forever (mbtn~nt the title to said premises. cSixU,. That the grantor s receive the consideration for this conveyance as a tru,at fUnd to be applied first for the purpose of payinl the coat of any improvement, that has been commenced upon the premises and has not been completed at least four montlui before the making and recording of this deed, a!'td that the grantor. s will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of improvement before u,sinJ any II part of the total of the same for any other purposes. . 11 it , , , 1 , I. 3u ~~ lW!mttf. the part iea of the first part ha ve I hereunto set their hand a and seal a the day and year first above.written. , 1IuJlrt$tu(t of I .--,.. -......-.-. -. .--. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I c:I~Jj~~ Ii ~~ II II i A~ d-~ /~ 71. ~CWS'fr'. .1 II . . I I' I 10-' il 1----- ~----- I ihd~~!~ I Qf<'Untg of FAIRFIELD (...... I ~ tlf ~~ I I On this 3~ day of December Nineteen Hundred and I I I j) lo .,~ Thirty-six before me, the subscriJJer, personally appeared , '{,\'IUG',1 ALONZO W. CASE JR. , rnuo'} to me personally known and known to me to be the same person descriJJed \ in and who executed the within Instrument, and he duly . .. ._A . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . , . acknowledged to me that he executed the same :Public Fair~ I I State of New York, County of Suffolk) ss: I 1~ On thiS~ay of December, ,1936, before me personally I appeared JONATHAN G. CA~E, to me personally known and known to me tOI -I be the same person described in and who executed the within Instru- ment, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. I &S:rY~,*su~<~. V I - "- ,.-- -~.~-.-_.- .-..._...~-"''''''''-'.- .-..' ,,,..- . "~ ,- ,-,- ,---,-,-..', ..,.~..,..,---_. .~.. .. ~. 0" I I ''-_r ,'::'f.' _"_;'_'--~' ,_,.,.c',,_,_', ...C..c._ .. "',,, ,~,,' ....,............ 0 <0 . I ~ I~ 0'1 t<) ~ ~ 0) ~ ~ '" I~ 0 ~ bl ~ ~ ~ -i 1J I- .-i l!) z I:ti <~ I II: :c ~ I ~ ~ III " "d I 01 ~ II: ~ " f-< ~ ~ Z < 0 al a: I :z: . ~ -.J >- '~ ~~ ~ o I ~~ I III <I) "d I I: .. ~ f"t) '" .-i ~ ~ '\ I o < III \" ~~ oj = 0 !.l oJ Ul 0 Z 0 ~ z I . . "- El <I) bl . I III 0 C . +> il .. i o \ ~ iil 0( l- . !.l ::os 0 I z 0 III '.t! 0"" 0 <I) oJ ~. i I z J: ~; '" () ~ I I III ~ II: <I) - 0 III G-i A f- ... ~ 't", r.; I I- U > ~'" l/) Ul - +>al 0 0 >< II: . <( oJ dO ~ ~ .Y p::: ~ ~ ~ ~ :> ~ ~ ..., ~ Ul .. o . 0 S i-;;l> E-< r8 I ~ ~ - 0 ~ ' '~~ ~ I, ~ .stat. ef c-..ctKat } I. HENRY P. LYONS. Clerk of said County and of 1Ile Superior Court COUNTY OF FA.IRPIBLD in IU1d for said ounty. the ~ Court of Record, haYinc by law County Oerk's Office. a H&1 heR T"'" whole __ . to the certi&cate 0 proof, .......~ or ..... of .... :~~'"1 t "L::ia~c- ~t;u.W;Of ."~~Jj-; IIoaed ucI aalIaorlaecI ..,. .... ~ .... ~":.t;y~. , . .J: ..... ... .... tile 11-- .t&" T'" a.d ~f. of deeds << ClOD.._lIHft for ..... t . . II'" .....~. "IS, III .... $we, ucI olber IastrumoDIs to be ......r4od ........ ... ... c:.1I tho _; that faD faItIl ucI credlt are ucI oaeht CO be IiftII to Ids o6:IaI - ti.tSDd . fartIIor ~ that I aft ..........-I the ~ to the orisIaa1 ... ... .. wi* .. poohed la this .....: 1IIdl.J:'":l: SDd:: beIieYe that ""'''' '"'' to tho r- ~ed _t1I..t, is .......l\Ue laid certlliesto Is - :'E"I:' CO be ..... ... SDd the n.i:": ~ IIIdl Certl6c:ate is DOt required ..,. law to la tbls .... aD IAlpn . D 0 Ids alIicW -. ~ I. um..o., wAM",!, I Iuw, AM....,o "'M, ~~,.....,'''' ~_' III BrU,llOf1. .. IfIi4 C.-, GIld Stili" DtI ,''' --." 0 1936. J , elm .~