HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppleby, Flora G 1"'""11' I . V 29o.-STATUTORY FORM K. N.",aL.", JULIUS BLUMBERG, INC.. LAW BLANK PUBLISHERS (Chapter 681, Laws of 1917) 71 BROADWAY AND 1 RECTOR ST.. NEW YORK Release of Part of Mortgaged Premises. Individual or Corporation. lIB!:R1622 PAGE 76 1Jnbrnturr1 IDl1ts made the ~ i day of November , nineteen hundred and thirty-one, i.dmrru FLORA G. APPLFDY, or Mattituck, surrolk County, New York, I I ' part y of the first part, . I ! and MAX KULL..atui STEPHANIE KULL, his wire, or Pecb:aic, i I Burrolk Oounty, New YOrk, i I I i i I , par~e filf the second part, I I I , I IlIqrrran, Max Kull and STEPHANIE RULL, his wire, , ! I , , I i I by indenture of mortgage, bearing date the f'irst day of January, I nineteen hundred and twenty , recorded in the office of the Clerk I of the County of Suf'f'olk , in lib er 464 of mortgages, HR~~~ , page 381 , on the 8th day of January , nineteen I hundred and twenty fii 11 AoM, for the consideration therein mentioned, and to secure I the payment of the money therein specified, did convey certain lands and tenements, of I which the lands hereinafter described are part, unto said Flora G. Appleby, I ^tt~ IlIqrrran, ies the party of the first part, at the request of the partfl:of the second part, has agreed to give up and surrender the lands hereinafter described unto the par7e~f , the second part, and to hold and retain the res idue of the mortgaged lands as security for . I I the.money remaining due on said mortgage, ~ I' I . . Num 1Ju~rttturr IlItittrnndq, I tqin that the part y of the first part, in pursu- I ance of said agreement, and in consideration of ------------ I Dol/ars,' lawful money of the United States, paid by the par~ef}f the second part, does grant, release and quitclaim unto the par,1e~f I the second part, all that part of said mortgaged lands described as follows: ALL that tract or parcel or land at Indian Neck, near Peconic, ! Town or Southold, County of' Surrolk and State or New York, described as f'ollows: bein~ a piece of' land on the Easterly and Northerly sides i I , i. I r--- I . ~ ------- - -r - c;iii:R1622 PAGE 77 , I of Indian Neck Lane on the Southwesterly part of the premises of i I i Max Kull, being bounded Westerly by Indian Neck Lane 100 feet; I I i , I Northerly by Indian Neck Lane 100 feet and Kortheasterly by a I I i i I I proposed new line altering the said highway on an arc the center I point of which is 32 feet, more or less, rram the Southwest corner 1 i i of land of the parties of the second part formed by the intersection i of the Easterly and Northerly sides of' Indian Neck Lane' Containing I I about six hundredths (.06) of an acre, as shown on map made by Otto W. Van ~uyl, C.E. and Surveyor, Greenport, N.Y. I , , I I I I I I I I I , I I i , I , I I I I I I i I I I I ---------- r 'f' , I m n g.rtl1.rr with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all' the right, title and interest of the part yof the first part, of, in and to the same, to the intent that the lands hereby conveyed may be discharged from said mortgage, and that the rest of the land in said mortgage specified may remain to the party of the first part as here- tofore, , ! urn 1Iinur null to 1Iiolll the lands and premises hereby released and conveyed to . ies the part of the second part, their heirs and assigns, to them and their own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, free, clear and dis- charged of and from all lien and claim under and by virtue of the indenture of mortgage aforesaid. lIn IIttn.rss IIl1er.rnf1 the part y of the first part has hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year rirst above written. c f' /" J. "".""', of _ il4nv j1' ~. (L.S.) C'a-c.j ~cA L ~ ( , ..--- . i r I I State of I County of \ ss. : On this day of , nineteen hundred and thirty before me came . the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with \vhorn I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in that he knows to be the individual described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present, and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. ~....- - '4>."'- n" . _ _-"- I State of NEW YORK, l ss.: County of SUFFOLK. \ ~ On the IO~ day of )f8Vem:Il8P ,nineteen hundred and thirty -one, before me came FLORA G. APPLEBY, to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed, the fore- going instrument, and acknowledged to me that s he executed the same. e'- ~" ~ ~O~~ RECORDQ[ Notar; Public, Surr-co' !L; ) bEC 12 '1331 . @1/J~4'M State of } VlARRE~. cnEENHA~GH County of ss. : Oler.. 01 SuiloiJ< OOWlty On the day of , nineteen hundred and thirty before me came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in that he is the of the corporation described in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of of said corporation; and that he signed h name thereto by like order. r--) I 1 \. . , i!" " J"" \ f'Il'4, ~ q .. ~ -. .' .,: '\l~; ~ . 1 I ui 6( i:! "\"it'. ""..1 I -. w "; -, . J .. ' I:': "4 I. !!! .5 . ~'" ~ .+>- l E-1 I: ~ " ... 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