HomeMy WebLinkAboutKull, Max i"- II ,. ~ ~ --------~ c STATUTOR:Y FORM A.-Chapter 681, I,&W8 of 1917. 65 Stevenscn & Marsters, Iue, Printers & Stati!)n~rll Deed with Pull Coven.nt..-Individual. 373 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N.Y. ;iDtR 1622 PAGE 526 THIS INDENTURE, made the Second day of Oc'tQb,_r , nineteen hundred and thirty-one , between i MAX KULL and Fannie KULL, his wif'e, of' Peconic, SUf'""0 11{ ! County, New York, f part fes of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOm, County of' Suf'f'olk and State of' New York, ; part y of the secoud part, WITNESSETH, that the part ies of the first part, in consideration of -----------ONE (81.00)________________Dollarilawful mouey of the United States, paid by the part y of the second part, do hereby grant and release unto the part y of the second part, its successors and assigns foreveI', . ALL that tract or parcel of' land situate at Peconic, TOlm of' !Southold, County of' Suf'f'olk and State of' New York, bounded and de8cribed :as f'ollows:- Beginning at the intersection of' the easterly line of' Indian NecIc Lane with the northerly line of' Indian Neck Road, being the southwesterly corner or lQnd of' said Max Kull; runnin~ thence along said northerly line of' Indian Neck Ro~l, N. 790 15' E.-lnO f'eet; thence westerly, northwesterly and northerly on a curve which begins tangent to saicl northerly line of' Indian Neck Road and whose radius is 70.40 f'eet, a distance on the arc of' said CUTTe of' 134.80 f'eet to a point on the easterly line of' said Indian Neck Lane; thence along said easterly line of' Indian Neck Lane, s. 80117'30" E.- 100 f'eet to the point of' beginning. Containing ~if'ty-three thousandths (53/1000) of' an acre by survey made by Otto W. Van iUyl, surveyor, of' Greenport, N. y. < TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the its successors second part, and assigns forever AND said M.A.'\C KULL covenant S as follows: First. That said MAX KULL is seized of the said premises in fee simple, and ha s good right to convey the same; Second. That the part y of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; Third. That the said premises are free from incumbrances \ Fourth. That the part ieSof the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises; Fifth. That said HA."IC KULL will forever warrant the title to the said premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par1:.l.es cf the first part haVe hereunto set their band S and seal S the day and year first above written. In presence of ~ (, (L.S. ) \,1~ ~~ (L.S.) (: State of NEW YORK, t County of SUFFOLK. I ss.: On the Second day of Q'ctil'Qer , nineteen hundred and thirty-one, before me came MAX KULL and Fannie KULL, his wif'e, t k t b h - . , 0 me nown 0 e t e iudividual S described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. . " ~ ~ . eJ -L RECORDED 0_ ,r W,J - I DEe 17 1931 I Rotary PUblic. Su:f'f'. Co. 8,'.' r'\ M. WAIIIII!NF. GREENHALGH ;CIlII:IlIlf 81dJo\11: Oounty I . GEORGE C. TERRY SOUTHOL.O TOWN COUNSEL. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK June 7, 1933 ( \ ) Joseph W. Hallock, Esq, ( Town Clerk , ! southold, New York Dear Mr. HalloCk: Enclosed find deed of Max Kull and wife to Town of Southold, dated October 2nd, 1931 and recorded December 17, 1931 in Liber 1622 of Deeds at page 526, together w:l:l;h Release of Mortgage, Flora G. Appleby to Max Kull and wife, dated November loth, 1931 and recorded December 12th, 1931 in Liber 1622 at page 76. \ Yours very truly, GOT/L ~.~. Encls. . ~ .,~, r"- " State of } (' f -: ~ounty 0 On the day of , nineteen hundred and before me came , the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in . that he knows to he the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument; that he , said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he , said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto .-. ."."t-. -- , ,.I) ",J . _, , . , ,~ ''w--~ ~ -= ! ------- .~ -: C":J l1.I . 0\ l3. ~ " ". . b ~ ! rn 0 : ,=::>< 0' I " ' " ~i,\ ' .... ,.bid l1.I, ~: .;:gZC 1'1 \ i .... - . I' I : " I'Q '0 ,\( 13 ~.' ~ . ~! 4);:1 l>.i,'~" +=' t>t ~ . .cS .d.....~\.-, 0)" '- ~ S ~ ... I u .J...... .1 ~ >., . ' '0 .... 121, ft') ~ 0 s "'^' .. ~ .0 i II r::, '(j ..-l , \i' ~ ilo'-~ ...-r! I .... ,;-'\ -...... ~ ~ ... ...... ol:J ~ ~ F-j' ] I 'O";~"~) ---,' ., ,1\1 all ~i o QI U o...JL. ~ u.; '" , :j UJ",,t;l ~ l .:l;,j: "4'~: ~l>>,g e ~ as = ... ~J :<<;' 10 ~ ~ ... Ii. ; '0 '0 0 '0 .", I () ~ ~ [ )000< 0 d ;:lti~ C)(})O , ~ ~ ' ~ Jl H ~1Xi"'rI.l ::s - I "0' ~ = G.I I' ", 0 '[ " -= .~ -= ~ tJ 8 ~ -; Q ~ 0 .J I I L , \..'" "--- ~--- - l j ~ I I