HomeMy WebLinkAboutGallagher, Sarah II I -- ~.._._--- , 0 II""-'-'-~.~~"~ 66 Stevenson & Marsters, Inc. Printers & StaHnn~n ;)eed wltb PuJl Covenaota.-Individual. 373 Fulton St.. Brooklyn, N,Y. , ~_.: . '. ,~ , THIS INDENTURE, made the tweJ,f'th day of November, ~Jjj) ~JMJ~ ' , nineteen hundred and twenty-f'ive, . between . "". . .A' M. SARAH GALLAGHER, of the Village and Town of Southold, Oounty of ^ ' Suffolk and State of New York, . H part y of the firsl part, and The TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Suff'olk Oounty, New york, , part y of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the part '1 of the first part, in consideration of -------------ONE ($1.00) ------------------ Dollari' lawful money of the United States, paid by the part y of the second part, do as hereby grant and release unto the part ., of the second part, its suooessors and assigns forever', ALL tha.t tract or paroel of' land eituate at Southold, in the Town of Southold, uounty of ~uffolk and State of' New ~ork, boupded and des- oribed as follows: Beginning at a cement monument set on the Westerly side of' ~owery Lane a distance of Twenty (20) f'eet Southerly of other land of the said Town of' Southold, and running thence Westerly a distance of One hundred, .lI.ghty-s~ven and three tenths (187.3) feet to a monument; thence Southerly along other land of the party of the f'irst part a distance of One hundred f'if'ty-two and eight tenths i (152.8) feet to land late of John Diller; thence Westerly along land !i ii late of John Diller a distance of One hundred fifty-four (154.) feet I I i II to the oorner post of the fence; thence Northerly along land la.te of II John Diller a dietance of One hundred fifty-five and one tenth (155.1) :1 i! feet to a cement monument set at the Southwesterly corner of' other r: I' II Ii la.nd of' the Town of' Southold; thence Easterly a dietance of ~our 'I 'i "i hundred two and two tenths (402.2) feet to the Westerly side of' Bowery :1 'I II Lane; thence southerly along the Westerly side of Bowery Lan. ~ distance :: " !! Ii of' Twenty (:ao) feet to the point or place of beginning. " i ii II II i h I . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the part y of the second part, 1ts suooessors and assigns forever M. AND said ::;ARAH GALLAGHER ^ M. covenant S as follows: First. That said SARAH GALLAGHER ^ 1s seized of the said premises in fee simple, and haS good right to convey the same; Second. That the part y of the secoud part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; Third. That the said premises are free from incumbrances Fourth. That the party \f the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises; M. Fifth. That said SARAH' GALLAGHER ^ will forever warrant the title to the said premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part y of the first part has hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above writt;:;[~ ~ 0. ~ In presence of . . . .. ............... . . . . (L. S. ) ~.~~ State of NEW YORK. } ss.: ., Couuty of SUFFOLK. On the twelfth day of ~ve!llbe~ J nineteen hundred and twenty-f1ve. before me came SARAHLf GALLAGHl!;R. ^ I to me known to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. ~ ,. Notary pUb l1 0 . F -, . . State of County of . nineteen hundred and . ,.'i'>,~F'" .beforeme came J the subscribing- 1; ness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally "nted, who, being by me dilly sworn, d depose and say that he resides in , that he knows to be the individual described in, and who executed, e foregoing instrument; that he J said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; nd that he , said witness, at the same time subscribed h ame as witness thereto " ,- I .. . _"_. .~___~__ ._._ _'~_~'_ .",... ~..,...., ~. ......,~._,L.> _~"~ ,..~.." ~,.,~_.".::..~...."'._ -v--- .~,.- '.._~ . ~ ~ il I '" '" Il : . ~......~ ""'" ;:I '..b4 . \ ' .... ..... ! ~ 0 ~ ~ . j.S >t . . _ ~ I 1l.>4!: _>-111 ..n ...:l I'~ <.> ~ 1: '" o _ i ..soZ 0 _ en = ~ j... - "" ~ Gl 'Cl ' "\ - "' e-o .,..~"" 'lI' 1"1 0 .. rot ....~ ~ 1:)0 ~... ~ -~ .!l .9 ~ ~ Q"'" n'" J ~ - ':l'~ ',QI, tQ till () 0 ~ . ,.1 ~... t!:I ~... rotl. ,,~ 'p '.d" Oil<. ..... " :' .' ~ Gl . ,.0 i" ~ ....;. '1) "" P; ~ .(13' \":"'1 ....., ~ ~ III ,.,.,.. ~~!ll.; " ~ '... ~. ~""J"''M., ~. 'Cl~ t!:I ~~ t';! . 0") ~] ,...-e- tij' ..- 6 0 i" " ::;l ~ ~ o~, '~ 0 '1:l'p'1:l 'tl ""'1 ==-, [ CIl .' ~ <.> ~ ~ ..- J ~ ! .....rJi..... 0 E-I "t:l Q) ;:l Q) 0 tQ ,,~ _ ~ Gl ~ 8 ~ - ~ A ~ ~ \~"t-'-1oi.:;'h""""~~l''''',w,' ,....""",.,-'".-.' ,.1'"'' 'd, r~"'...oJ.,,'. --', "'.'J -I iii '~ '1",.," '~,;':~-,,,-~,," ~_". ~ _ :;~."_~,\;" _.l!!tln.~,,>-<\i!i"!t_,, _~ .",..,,;,,~~;::r __;~. __.. - ",~, .,,.. _ _'.....~ ""....M-;~ ~.,;.J"_...:~,;."'- " .J l I L uffo\k Count~ I RE Liber / /.!>-3 ot , Cl <1 tl~", '. <:J 'c S;'.3 0", ~ ,\y ""j ri /J a-1J . 19.z S- ~'H"ute::0? 1\1. . Ex I ~