HomeMy WebLinkAboutMattituck Park Prop. Inc r - -.' ."'.'.;_"J<."".~.,,-,__....",' . """',-", ".'<>',','i."'. ,- .~. ,?- ~ . ,....,....' .^..~..::--- THIS INDENTlIt{E made the V,',~ day of ~ in the year one thousand nine hundred and twent:{..:rive, BE W,EEN lIilATTITUCK PAAl\: mOPERTIES, INC. , a domestic corporation, of Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter designated as party of the first part, and the TOJl, OF SOUTHOLl), a body co rpOt' ate of the County of Suffolk and State of New York,hereinafter designated as par ty of the second part, VTIT:NESSETH: Wl-m:rmAS J the party of the first part is the O\'41er of certain premises si tuate at or near kattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, which land an d premises are more fully shov.n and described upon a rnap en- titled "1[0.]) of Property of Mattituck Park Properties, Inc. . llattituck. 1:. Y.", made by Daniel R. Young. Surveyor, AND ';IHEREJ..S. a street or road has been laid out through said property 49.5 feet Vlide and running from the Main Country Road in a general southerly direction across Peconic Bay Boulevard to Peconic Bay. which sa id s tre e t is now known as Sigsbee Road, AIID WHEREAS. it was the intention of the party of the first part in laying out said road to deed the same to the par ty of the second part for the purpo se s of a public high\~.y upon condition that the said Town of Southold accept the same and forever keep and maintain the salle as a rublic highway. ANTI ~jHEREAS I the To\'41 Board of the said Town of Southold by resolution passed at a meeting thereof duly , I '3J" day of O~ , called and held upon the . I , I --- . -" ------ _.---....- ------ e_._._.~ _ r - -.-._--- ...,"~~ I ~ ~ i i I I i I , I II Ii 1924, duly accepted, sai d road under the condi tions above fl set forth, I NOW, THEREFORE . in consideration of the prem- ises and of the sum of one dollar, (:,pl.00) . pai d by the party of the second part to the party of the first part at or before the ensealing arxi delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements above set forth, the party of the first part does hereby give and grant unto the said Town of Southold and its successors forever, ALL the land arxi premises lying in the bed of said Sigsbee Road as shown upon said map and runninc from the lIa in Road to high water mark of Peconic Bay, said strip of land being 49.5 feet in width through~ut and approximate- ly 2640 feet in depth from said l~in Road to said Peconic Bay. TC HAVE AIID TC HOLD the above granted premise unto the said party of the second part and its successors forever upon condi tion that the said Town of Southold for- ever rraintain said tract as a public highway, and the party of the second part by the acceptance of this deed for itself and its successors hereby agrees that it will forever )[Jain- Ii Ii tain said road as above set forth. Ii AIID the party of t he first part does covenant II I; ii wi th the party of the second part as follows: I' I }I'IRST: That the party of the first part is seized of said premises in fee simple, and has good right to convey the same. 2 ~.'-"~---- -- ----.- -, .- " SECOIID : That the party of the sec ond part shall q uie tly enj oy said premises. TH IP']) : That said premises are free from encumbrances. ~ , IcOURTH: That the party of the first part , will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises. FIFT1I: The party of the first part will forever warrant the title to said premises. IN :;JITNCSS WHEREOF, the party of the first part hath signed and sealed this instrument the day and year first above written. In pre sence of ~, MATTITUCK PARK PROPERTIES, INC. ~~ by I p~' --------------------------------- STATE OF HE','[ YOEK, ) ) S8. COUNTY OF SUB?OUC:. ) On thi s '1" day of ~ in the year One thousand nine hundred and twenty-five, before me personally appeared ~~ ~ to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resided in ~...LL.~ , Suffolk County, New York; tha t he is the yo Y'vCL-- . J. . --~ 3 ~-- ~-"~ ''''-''''. ,.._.'""'"......~ ". ."."~.--"'.",.."'._--,...."-~.,,. ","~,_.......~^"---.-----,_...,...... .,.'_._~..=,_""""'"._.~,. ,..<".'_,~. .co""'."',"'.-.'",......:., _, ..' ._c. _......~__..._'"_.-"'."..'-.,,',_...".. -- ---.."" ,-,~"-~--_..",..._.._..~,....,~ __,,_''-n.'' H i the' corporation I of the Mattituck Park Properties, Inc. , described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knew the seal of sai d corporation; that the seal affixed -. to sa id instrument was such corporate seal; that it was so , " affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed his name the re t 0 by like order. . uotary Public, I Suffolk County, N. y, r- J 4 ~..--..,,-- ---._----,,~-_."~...._- -_.-------------~~- - /9.2-S~ /; S'(J ~, J , i " I: t ~ i DEE D. " oooooooooooooooooooooooovoooooooot MATTlTUCK PARK PROPERTIES, i UTe. i , r- TO TO\~ OF SOUTHOLD. COUNTY OJ? SUFFOLK, STATE OF KE';{ YORK. 000000000000000000000000000000000< Dated February , 1925. March 9, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc /,.. ~ ,;:-?:t'b J-\ Record & Return, ~ to George C. Terry, Southold, N. Y. " -3 ,. ~/.-., . ~, "" ') ./ ~f) (", ; -\0 ~ .. , - ,