HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuthill, E & F ~ ", ,I STATUTORY FORM A-751 Publiahedb,. ~~~~. 1 :hapter681,Lawsl917) H. K. BREWER 6: co. Inc. 42 Exchanlle Place-NE. W YORK -306 MadilOD Ave. J , ~ ~ - ~~:~ JEED WITH FULL COVENANTS-Individual Stationery and Law 81anb I~ ~il \41 :11Jt' /,!. 1 ! '~Wbtf 3Jnbtnturt. made the SEVENTH day of JUNE , nineteen hundred and twenty -four, JittWttn DELIIO: L~ TU'l'HILL AND n.ORENOE E: TUTHILL of Eaat Marion, Town of Southold, Oounty of Suffolk and State of New York, being the I sole surviving heirs at law and nut of kin of Benzy O. TUthill late of the Town of Southold deoeased, , part ies of the nrst part, and THE TOWN OJ' SOUTBOLD, OOUNTY 011' SUFFOLX AND STATE OF m:w YORr.:, residing , part y of the second part, 1Il1!I1 itne~~etb, ~ ~hat the part ies of the nrst part, in consideration of TEN (tlO.OO) Dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other good and valua.ble oonsiderat1ons paid by the part Y of the second part, do hereby grant and release unto' the partY of the second part, its a assigns forever, ~ll that oerte.1n plot, pieoe or paroel of land situate lying and being at lCaat Marion, Town of Southold, Oounty of Suffolk ... State of New York, bounded and desoribed aa follow.:- BEGII'NINO at a oonorete monUlllent set on the northerly line of la.nd of Eaat Marion Oemetezy A.sooiation, and being distant along said northerly line &bout 170 feet easterly from the northwesterly oorner of ~aid Oem'tezy; running thence along other land of parties of the first pa t 5. 300 011 30. 11'.- 139.3 feet to a oonorste monUlllent; thence alongJland of taid partie. of the first part,S. 8,0 351 J:.- la8,.7 feet to a onorete aonUlllent an4 thonoe on the same bearing, about S feet to the westerly shore of )ladon Lake; thence southerly alonf said westerly shore of Ka.rion Lake, about 133 feet to the north....ter '1 oorner of land of abovemenUons4 Ir-t Marion Oemetery; thenoe along said Baat Ka.rion Oemetezy 8. 8,1 15 3011 11'.- about 131 fee'll to the point of beginning (the last described oour.. pus1ng through a oonorete IIOnUllUlnt set &bout 8 ,feet from the sboreof said Lake). Oonta.ining 39/100 of an acre, be the eallle more 01' lese. - - Together with a right of waJ ~... t)8premises &bove described to the Xing. ~hWaJ beginning near ths 50rtheasterl'1 corner of above d..oribed lot ~nlaaf Kortherly through lands of partle. of the first part to the lIa.1n Ro . . f III II n FORM A m:ogetber with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part i.. of the first part in and to said premises. m:O ~abt anb to ~olb the premises herein granted unto the part ., of the second part, 'i it. ad assigns forever -I ~nb said parti., of the first part covenant as follows: First. That saw parties of the firet part are seized of the said premises in fee simple, and ha .... Aood right to convey the same; ~ Second. That the part y of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; Third. That the said premises are free from incumbrances; Fourth. That the part i.. of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises; Fifth. That said part 18, of the fir.t part, will forever warrant the title to the said premises. ,- 3Jn Ditne~~ Dbeteof, the part ie. of the first part haVe hereunto i set their hand' and seal · the day and year first above written. ! In lBresentt of <?tl/ff:;'2r~P4 t · ~ f~ uuuuu~nnuuuu.uuuununnuu ~~.[L, s.] -------- ) __nuu~~6:unr!~'m ~nn[L. S,] ~tatt of NEWYORl } 1i1i.: ~ount!' of SUFFOLK d .nno: , nineteen hundred and twenty -foul' On the -7-- day of before me CBme DELINE L~ 'l'UTHILL AND FLORlCIOE ]C. 'l'UTii,u.L , to me known to be the individual . described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument, and th.y .everaJMnJ\v~Iged that they executed the same. 7f1Id::r~:r.i~l~UV ~.~ II '=':~ .. ',' .. -t ,~. . ~tatt of }'~ ~., ' , lICountn of l>l>.: . : : : i\ 11 .", . "~'! . r: ," 4, ". . \ I I ~ , , On the day of ~ nineteen flU1J~r~ and twenty..\. '. , . "~ ," \ ,...... ... b~remecame ;;;"'".. '..'~,;;,_!'I"... :";. :~_""'q . '; ~ ' ," ..~. '~..' '....,b ... ....' . .,. .J . ,- ,~., JtI"'"' "," . the s bscribing witness to #he foregoing instrument, wlth whom. I am 'perscina/iy acqullinted, who, being b~e duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in " , that he kn~~ I ' "-. to be the individual described in, and , \ who executed, the fOregO~strument; that he, said S~!(ibing witness, was present and saw ", execute the same,. and that " he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. RECORDED in Suffolk Ceunty Clerk's Office in Liber r~3-of ~~ I tJgc';(":L on the /S"Day (.f ~ 19;?'fat '/0' 01 ocj,=, III i tI ~ <I'M. and ~~:~i~,J. ~1V~~ ..1;LJ. ',- ~._. rr-..." -~_.- ~.- -,".....,.-. \ ~ ...... .~::> -:::: ,-" \ ..:' .$ J! ' .... .~ _ J .... ~ .~ ;:..1., "- --..... 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