HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuthill, Florence E --------------- --------- -- P' " STA'fUTOW:V FOR..~ A.-Chapter 681, Law.'! of 1917. 66 Stevenson & Mauters, Inc. Printers & Stati"l.1::r!l Doed with Pult covonar'-SdiV'dUal. 373 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N.Y. U5~~; 15;)6 Mat' 8 ~,/~ THIS INDENTURE. made the __ day of .June, , nineteen hundred and twenty-f'our, J between I, ~'LORENU~ E. TUTHILL and EMELINE La TUTHILL, of' East Marion, Suf'f'olk I , County, NewY~rk, sole heirs at law and next of' kin of' Henry u. Tuthill, , If late of' the Town of' Southold, Suf'f'olk County, New York, deceased, part ies of the firs! part, ! and TOWN OF SOUTHOLll, Suf'f'olk uounty, New York, . party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the part IES of the first part, in consideration of , ----------------ONE ($1.00) ----___________..Dollar'*lawful money of the United States, I i I paid by the part y of the second part, do hereby grant and release unto the part y of the I I s~cond part, 1 i i its successors and assigns forever I I ALL t~t tract or parcel of' land situate in the Village of' East Marion, Town of' Southold, County of' Suf'f'olk and State of' New York, bounded and , ! described as f'ollows: Beginning at a concrete monument set on the northerly line of' land of' Ea,;t Marion Uemetery Association, and being distant along said northerly line about 170 f'eet easterly f'rom the I northwesterly corner of' said Cemetery; running thence along other land I ~he f'irBt part, Na20001'30. W.-129.3 f'eet to a concrete of' parties of' mOn\lmen t ; thence along land of' said parties of' the f'irst part, N.dOo , 35' E.-126.7 f'eet to a oonorete monument and thence on the same I " i " bearing, about 6 f'eet to the westerly shore of' Marion Lake; thence " 1, southerly along said westerly shore of' Marion Lake, about 132 f'eet to ii the northe&Bterly vorner of' land of' above mentioned l:!:aht Marion .j , .1 S.610 15' Uemetery; thence along said East Marion uemetery, 30" W.- I :! I ;i I about 131 f'eet to the point of' beginning (the last described course I 'I I passing through a concrete monument set about 8 f'eet f'rom tile shore " I iI 'I I II of' said Lake), Uontaining 39/100 of' an a0re, be the same a little more :1 ! I or a little loss. 'i , ! I Together with a ~ight of' Way for passage on f'oot and with vehicles \1 and f'or the purpose of carting sand and gravel over, upon and across il I, il I! " i' ,! rr tr- , ~ - uw; 15% ~~GE 489 other lands o~ the parties o~ the ~ir~t part, beginning at the ~ortheQsterly corner o~ the above described premisea and running ~ortherly through lands o~ the partiea o~ the ~irat part to the Main Road, ---- --- -.-. togdher with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part 1es of the first part in and to said pr,=mi~es. ~" -, --T--- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the part y of the II second part, its sUccessors and assigns forever !I il iI I ! , i AND said Ii'LORENCE E. TUTtiILL and EMELINE L. TUTHILL covenant as follows: First. That said FLOREHCE E. TUTHILL and EMELINE L. TUTHILL i are seized of the said premises in fee simple, and ha va good right to I I convey the same; I Second. That the part y of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; Third. That the said premises are free from incumbrances I Fourth. That the parti e s of the first part will execute or proc:ure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises; Fifth. That said t<'LORENCE E. TUTHILL and EMELINE L. TUTHILL will forever warrant the title to the said premises. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part iea cf the first part haVe hereunto set their hand a and seals the day and year first above written. , I I In presence of .. .fl.~&~ r;:~~,. ,... (L.S.) ~' ~ t~o! ~~ ..... ... . . . .. ... . ~ .... .... ... . . . .. (L.S.) State of NEW YORK, } S8,: County of SUFFOLK. Outhe-~ - day of :I ~ ' nineteen hundred and tl.ant, fOl:lr~ ~efore me caDle FLOREN().8 E. TUTHILL and EMELINE L. TUTHILL, I to me known to be the individualS described in, and who executed, tbe foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the ,am~ . ~~ . _ . ~ ~f3()..............~~~..... F~31 Notary lic. 11 . M . '......... /", .E~lW>lQH .~~(~ . r- State of } ss,: County of On the d8yof , nineteen hundred and bef~re..me <;:atn,~ , .. .'" .. f"' . , the subscribing. witness to the foreg-oiilg"instrum"ent; with whom I am personally .acquainted. who,. being, by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in ; that he knows to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument; that he , said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he , said witne~s, 3.t the same time subscribed h name as wi tness thereto . ." . . . " . ,.-_..~_. ---~- ..,,,"-.- ~--_. . ~\ .. . . ~ " 0 " ~ 0- S . "'(~ - " .!ol ... ... ~ 08 w 0 rsJ\ .8 :>< H " .!ol " "..f" .r H " r~ ~ :E " Z j . ~, "1:1' H .. ~ 0 l:l ttl 'd .~ Iii - t.U '" 0 E-< .-l 'i >- c: +' >< 0 0 ~ " 'V' Ol ~ ~ ..::: ~ E-< 0 .c: ~ (J t", ~ ~,.., . ~ +> +> ~ >- ! r' r-I '2; . ;:l " 'd ......; .t:l ..::: , ;il 0 ~ ~:r: . 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