HomeMy WebLinkAboutFurst, William F J_r...,...,. , -- "--~ - ~ ,. Deed with Full Covenant. Short Fonn. 314 Williamson Law Book Co., Publishers, Rochester, N. Y. 1-213r mlWi ~ndtnturt, MacIe the ,~. day of (/}~ u...ouummu' in the year One thousand nine hundred and ~., ~ . :e.l:::J:~P~ '"""".mm.... ..'In.m.mm .....4' ('5:'. .. .... , . mmm~<'~~~ _uu_un. ._..__...._n___... ......~...ua--.ummmmmuum.partu.. of the first part, and G I .' uuu uu.::.:::~'u _n._"n --... ..uoumu. u, part Y of the second part, Witn~.$.$~t~. That the said part ~ of the first part, in consideration of uf.1l.M...tunutfU,&.4^Lum~) .u.'c.-LLmr.uu~LmJ?:C.~~~_'''uJ~ .eAJ~~ J.i ~ " ~:~ nnunnnuuumunuUUUUUmmmum.uuuuuuuummUU I ($..l.ul(!!uuommuu), lawful money of the United States, paid by the said part y of the second i of the second part,oJ~u~ I part, do hereby grant and release unto the said part y i I ~-il assigns forever, I , , All t~at "Grad ~arcd of ~ate in theuu~umummmoOf I , I u~:~n~ujy oL .,/ . u 0 m m.U o~mm:u, and State I ! of New York,.u.~~u:""'~<>nc~.mo":o . 'm . ....u4..rltuu , i ; ......im;=.~_...i.il:f'~.-r:~~.:; I I , _.~ O~.,m~nmul~u:....~...uu~....;..... ....u .. ;...n....._. i I _u~u~. .A~nnnu.~...'mm.<<.nn.....':. ......... . n~ , I I _mm0,...,~ul.~um....'.TI,u.m.{:u~~...n...~.....~. '"ju., .C.....~...~'~:~~.~'y , ! 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An~ the saidnn~ ~ 1-4 ... - nmnc._l'.IM.~__nnnm_nn___nn__nnn__ nnnnnn__'nn.... h... .................._. _._.._.....___... .__,0______. __u____ ___ ______________ . U .. 00.. _..__. _________ .....00...__ ... ---.-.----.. da-tlt c~venant with the said part 'I of the second part as follows: Jirst.-That the part,i4 of the first part..n n~n_____nseized of the said premises in fee simple, and halt'( good right to convey the same. S..con~.-That the part y of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises. C;bir~.-That the said premises are free from encumbrances 'n n_n n ____ n_n___n _nnnnn'__ ....._ ..... ..... ...____...._. ._._...___u__..____.. _ _________.. ...... ....__ .... .....__.__ _ ......__...____ _____________ ...un.n' .____ ...____...__n .... _______._.____uu ...______.__n.__.__________._____ ____._ ....._. ..__n.n____ un...__._._ ____n.._..__... ___n...... ______un_ . sourtb.- That the part' t4 of the first pac.t will execute or procure any further neeessary assurance of the title to S~id premis:: .I . .. _ ~.. I Jiftb.-That the smdn_n'lr:..u r nn_" _e._nm~_ n_nnnn' nnnnn n_nnn_n' . u____.___..__....__ ...n .....__...n.__.__.n______ ....__ _______00.___.........__ __ __u__ ...n .......__... ........__ ..____n_ , will forever warrant the title to said pre:nisc3. \ '3 n Witncss W ~c r~o f. The said z;al't u... of U:e first part haJ.<.. H~"'e:mto set .~~___hand,o and scal.4the day and year fint above written. ;;;;;~'~",~~:L< ---tf~t~f~:l4tn[L. s,] ~'!/. /,,'4 n-J~n,mnn(k"'~n--[L. s,] .., ' i , I I ! , r~fll1t 1 , State of )tew York. I I i Coonl, "'__~_......_..)~ I I _mm__m____n_ Of~~--t~im,,_,_:_;:.Jt____::::::__ day OL_m'~------' in the ~'ear One thousand I I I instrument. and rhe-Y-_~_~CknOWICdged to me that tiley c cuted the same. .J , I ___'_______m___________________________________'::,_:::_::::_-________:____::_::--::::_:~__~__I____________________ k.(bCOKDt.:iJ in ~L.",(J,:.~oum, -~fd ~~V~~' Cierk's Office in U~~;rl041 of --' . ~t cI Deeds Page 5' on the 27 D4Y of Maroh 19 22 at 9 o'clock minutes! lrl. and ~ed. ~ G2~. ~ " , . ,f'/./f1/.,. --~--" I . ~ ._~ ..,'" ~ ~ ,~." ~-' . _c..... ,...;:.... -"$,~tfll';~~ . -.".-- ,. ---.. I I i ! "'- J' I r", , l"",'l1b ;1'> ~ . r- -0;:- 'I' .. . .. 'lil ~ ! -~ ~ !I: .~ .. . .... ,Ii... ' .. . .. . .. --"" l: ."';'j: . : -. :.Ii lil~~ ;; tl ell . '~. ~ .~ ~ ! 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