HomeMy WebLinkAboutHamilton, Braddin F --- -- ------- ," " STATUTORY FORM A-7St H. K. BREWER & Co.. IncoTJXlrated 58 Liberty Street-NEW YORK-JOb Madison Ave. (Chapter 68], Laws 191i) Stationers & Law Blank Publishers Dl;E;D WITH FULL COVENANTS-Individual ~b(1) Jnbenture. made the Fifteenth day of .'lUgllSt , nineteen hundred and Eighteen , i jSdWttn unmarried man of the Borough of Manhattan I BRnDDIlJ IbllILTON, I in the c i+:y, County and state of New York II ,~,~ ' partY of the first part, qJ- , and " " , ' ~')!h~ "~J~ --,<' if.u::r~ , part i e s of the second part, gttne~~etfJ, that the part y of the first part, in consideration of Six Hundred I ($600) , Dollars, , i I lawful money of the United States, I paid hy the part i e s of the second part, d<8S hereby grant and release unto the part i e s of the second part, and assigns forever, i ~U That piece. parcel ar tract of land lying between tile Highway and Long Island Sound in the Town of Southold about equal distanoeB from the Villages of Greenport and Southold. Bounded "'" follows: Northerly, by Long Island Sound; South,erly, by the Public or Old Kings Highway; ':/esterly, by the land of Dr.Wenzel; Easterly, by land of Tise or ~oodworth; being about 750 Feet on the HighwElY and Sound and about 300 feet fl70m the Highway to the water containing about four and three qu~er Acres more or less. ii The Parcil of l~nd herein conveyed to these purchasers is tne !, " same parcel " was conveyed to the party of the first l'lIJ.rt by a I 'I :' l: , deed d/j. ted the fifteenth day of May, llineteen Thirteen, from il David C.~7atts, and W',lS recol'ded at Riverhead in the County Clerk'.s office in Liber 9~2 on Conveyances at page B' on the 10th day of II II February, 1916 at 11 o'clmck. ;1 !: " " i Ii i Ii 1 i , I I, It --- FORM A , iIogttbtr with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part y Lof the first part in and to said premises, II ~o babt anb to bolb the premises herein granted unto the part ies of the second part, I and assigns forever I I i ! I anb said B.:LJDIli H"lU1':'01l covenant as follows: ;i II FIRST. That said Bil~iDD II~ IT ;~~,:IJ./~OlJ II seized of the said premises in fee simple, and ha S good right to convey the same; SECOND. That the part i e S of the sHend part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; I' THIRD. That the said premises are free from incumbrances FOURTH. That the part y of the first part will execute Or procure any further necessary a"uranc~ I of the title to said premises; I I ,I F,FTH. That said Bl{"DDIlI 11,;;11 ':011 I, will forever warrant the title to the said premises I " !I i to the full a.mount o~~p1.irChaSe price herein stated 3Jn mitne~~ bereot, the part Y of the first part haS hereunto set I his hand and seal the day and year first above written. i 1 I In prt~tnct of . I , /~d~ ~ I -- ~ - I , , i$ltate of 1m,," YOJK }~~: I COUNTY OF NI~r' YO.:lK DlI the fifteenth day of A~gU8t , nineteen hundred and !i:ighteen I , lefore me came BlLDDIlI H.,:lIlJ10IJ I: I to me known j: i o be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument, and acknow!edgf'd that I] ,he ."~"..d <h. -= 7\ i'A 1 (~/8., J~ - ~j 72-/ / - '::2)' ! Notary Public, ~ingS Call ., ~. 0 o. I Certificate flied in Suffolk Co J.ny, to ..__.. _.___. ,--_ __. .W___ .____ ~- - -,_.._.-...,~ .' ~.. 77803 . Form 2 BIa/I of N... fort, }.. . Cow"'" of N... fort, .. N..., ......" ....' ,.',.' ,Senes B .0 I, WILLUU F. SCHNEIDER, Clerk of the County of New York, and aleo Clerk 01 the Supreme Court lor the I said County, th~eing a :OUrl~ Roc~ HER;ttiRTIFY, That who.. nome is sUh'c~e depo,ition nr corti~ 01 the prool or ecknowledgment 01 the ~ annexed instrument, and thereon written, WU, at e time of taking Buch deposition or proof and acknowledgment, a NotarY Public, acting in and Cor the aaid County, duly commissioned and sworn, e.nd authorized by the law! of said State to ta.ke depositions and also a.cknowledgments and proofa of Deeds. or conveyances for land, tenements or hereditaments in . State of New York. That there ill on file in the Clerk's office of the County of New York ed copy of his appoint.. ment and qualifica.tion as Notary Public of the County of ,r~ with his autograph signature. And furtber, that IIWl well acqu tad with t e ha.ndwriting of sucb . N ot&ry Public, and verily believe that the .ignature to said deposition, or certificate of proof or acknowledgment iI pnuiue. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and ~he 8e~tbe said ~ Court and County this ?--6 da~L'7 191 , ~~~~~ Cltrt. PEl ----' , I ,I _ - i'- ' ----- ~tate of } llll.: COUNTY OF I On the day of , nineteen hundred and before me came , the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in ; that he knows to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he , said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. i i I , . ....".,_........_ 'c-C"-,_C..'_ ___.-_ -- ,..'.- .. -,-; ..-.~~_~."~""'-_.,..>.i!rc_ j..,---"~<;o,~,,,",-,,"',."'..,;;.L~,",,,".c~<,,,,,,_,___,""____~,.:.-_. ~'O-;-" '""':'<-'"~'.~__""""""",_, ..".........-.....; 't , , " -, " ~_~ ,',d II " " I I ( 11 '~ :5 .... " ,!4 ~ ,l:! " ~; \ 'l:l "" , rom - '" S- ~ -~' C ,,' " ..-l 0 I ;:l,..-l 17:r~ +, ~::s:-.. .. 0 >; 11 Ql)O' ," t .0: " ;:l..-l '5: ~ .p ~ " 'll, " " '" ,'"' ~, ;:l " ~ -<.- ii 'H " j '\ C'O 0 Z . " ~ .~ Z trJ il &I 0 0 . " " ,: '~ ~J ~ E~ 'H :>. :5 "" ~ 8r ... " I~l 0 +' .s ... H 0 8 ~ .oj .s "5 I: ~ E-< so: " lil:l '~. ,...... fa .0:] :5 ~ .-~ '. 0 '" ~; p.; 0 0 .pi S " ',- , >1: .~ .p c 3 ""," ~ ~,-~ ,hi m: .", oJ " H ~ " " H < ..-l , , (1): "" :5 ll:: 0 I ~: " ~ ,~ (', [ 'H , 'Hi ~ ~cP 'H ..-i: ",' ~ ~'" ;:l 'Hi .", Pl ...s:>' t'l " ~ :;;; II ' E "'" oS 5 .", ..!l .~ '{"" I Sr ~ " ~ " I '" e:; cl5 '" '.( , ~ ~ en ~", en .. .. .-,:.,~,c_",.;.~...:.__.~"",,::;,..<o'~'::'.~;,","';'" -~, "',' .... .. Co> It nECO' ... l~ t KD.t:',L..o,"> ... .,.' CD of - Clerk's Office in Liber 969 is l!5 '" Deeds 336 on the .... Page .. ... ... 1918 at .... 7 Day of Sept ~ minutes A:t1. and ~ }/ ... ... ... '" ltRlC ;;; .... .~....- .... - .. .... , ... .... .. . ! i - - - ! I f'~ 1-" " i ! ' " Ii , I , '-' I ! II ($1.00 U SIR SCAN.) ,I , TinS INDENTlJRI, made the fifteenth day of August 1'1 ';1 I !i II nineteen hundred and eighteen BJ."t"1iJIiII IlWJDIN IWlIL'!'OB ,.j :', Ii " I !lunmarried man of the 'Borough of lIanbatten in the City, County i 'i II [iand State of New York, party of the :tint part and THIE '!'OIN I , liOF S)tmI)LD A municipal Corporation in the County of SUffolk ~ i Iland State of llIew York parties of the secoM part WITNlSSJ:'1'H , I I IIThat the party of the flnt part, in ooD8ideraUon of Six I ! " Ilmmdred (1600) dollars law:tu\ !IOney of the Uni te<l States paid IlbY the parties of the second. par t does hereby grant and re- Illease unto the parties of the seooM pa and ..signs forever. I ALL tbat piece parcel or tract of land lying be- tween the Highway and Long Islan:! Soum in the Town of South- i old about equal distances from the villages of Greenport and Southold, Boun:led as follows northerly by Long Island Sound; southerly by the Public or Old Kings Highway; westerly by the land of Dr. Wenzel; easterly by land of Tise or Woodworth; being about 750 feet on the Highway and Sound and about 300 feet frOlll the H1glnray to the water containing about four and three Quarter acres more or less. TIB parell of land herein oonveyed to these purchasers is the 881118 parcel as was con- veyed to the party of the tirst part by a deed dated the fifteenth day of Yay nineteen thirteen, from David C. Watts and was recorded at Riverhead in the County Clerk's Oftice in Liber 922 ita conveyances at page 80 on the loth <la1 of 'ebruary 1916 at 11 o'clock. 'fOG!;T!1I!ll with the eppurtenancel and all the estate and rights of the party of the tiret part in ao1 to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO H>LD the II' emUes herein granted unto the par ties of the seooo1 part and ..signs for- ever. And said Braddin Hamilton covenants as follOWS: I -.-..- ----- '---.'. ........ - -",.. I i I First. That sa1d Braddin Hamil ton seized. of the sald premisel I I in fee limple and bas IJ)cd right to convey the lame. Second. 'l'bat the pa- ties of the second pat shall quietly en30y the said premisel. Third. That the Ia.1d premlles are free from incUlllbrancel. Fourth. That the Pa'ty of the nut part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the ti tle to 8ald prem18el. rUth. That sa1d Braddin HarIIil ton w11l forever warrant the t1 tle to the 8ald premises to the full 8JlK)unt of the purcbase price herein stated. IN WI'l'NESS wm:RBOr the party of t he first part bas hereunto let his han1 and 8eal the dQ' am year first above written. In presence of i Sophie Barr~. BRADDIN HAMILTON L. S. ,I state of New York, County of New York, 8S: On 1 the fifteenth day of August nineteen hundred and eighteen before me came Braddin Hamil ton to me known to be the in- -jl . div1dual described in, and who executed the forelJ)ing 'I instrument and acknowledged that he executed the 88111e. I ii 11 L. S. Ralph C. Beaze11, Notary Public, I1ng8 County, N. Y. I Certificate fUed in Suffolk County and New York CountY,N. Y. State of New York, County of New York, ss: I, William F. Schneider, Clerk of the County of New York, and also Clerk of the Supreme Court for thelaid County. the same being a Court of Record, do hereby certify tbat Balph C. Beazell whose Il8IIle 18 subscribed to the deposi t10n or certi:t1cllte of the proof or acknowledgment of the annexed instrument, and thereon written, was at the time of taking su deposition or proof and aCknowledgment a Notary PUblic acting in and for the sald County duly coJDlllissioned and sworn and authori zed by the laws of aa1d State to take depoSitions and. allO acknowledgments and proofs of deeds or conveyances for land, tenements or baredi taments in said State of .liIew York, That there is on file in tba Clerk'S office of the County --"--- ---------- ..- _.~--- ---- .-. .........- -- -'--..., -' . - ----.--..."-__._~..'m._..__.___.....'...T__~ ----, of New York. a certified copy of his appointment and qualifi- cation as NOTARY PUBLIC of tbe County of Kings. wi tb bis autograph signature. And furtber tbat lam well acquainted. Wi tb the harldwri ting of sucb Notary PubUc. and. verily beU.. tbat tbe sigrature to said. deposition or certifi'-'eof proof or acknow1ed.gment is genuine. In Testimony Whereof, I have bereunto set my ham and. affixed the seal of the said. Court and County this 26 <1., of August, 1918. L. S. I'm. r. Schneider, Clerk. Record.ed 7 September 1918 . 11 A. )4. in Libdr 963 of Deeds. page 336. Jame. r. Richardson. Clerk. I STATE OF NEW 'ltORK, } County of Suffolk, SS. : I, FRANK MARKV ART, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and Clerk of the Supreme ''''1 Court of the State of New York in and for said County (said Court being a Court f RecQrd) DO HEREBY CERT1FY that I have compared the annexed copy of Deed, Brad.d1n Hamil ton to The Town of Southo1d., Wi tb original, Recorded Sept. 7, 1918 . 11 A. M. in Liber . . 963 of Deeds, page 336. James r. Richardson, elk. that It is a just and true copy of such original record . and the whole thereof 'N ,""ST'MONY WHEREOF, , ""~ h'~ ~, my h~d ~d """d <h. I seal of said County and Court _t~: ~__nl_~3_~_.____ Clerk. -' " ._-----~- ---- _.______ _____~_.__~_____.____m_ - --.-.-- ---- ..--....-..... f -- -..-.------- y-' -- - --- - /9. , ,.~,.. _Im._ -to- J . ,,. 'l"OD or IOUTIUJ) -(~ " DIID ., t ~ ~;tb I f${' I , 'f 'f?'(~ , " ~, ~ ~a.Jv , SUFI'OI.K CoUNTY CLERK'S OI'I'ICE FRANK MARKVAIIT, COuNTY CUtMl Rlv._MaloD. N. Y. ,.