HomeMy WebLinkAboutHorton, Susan B ~ / " DEED.-f'ull Covenant. 64 CHAS. ].~. HOUGHTALINGj J;'rintcr and Pul)lisher, Alban)', N. Y. Suceessor toA very Herrlck. , Chis Ind~ntur~, i I ,) Made thiS=~/~................_...... day of....'~.(:_"''''______ ____..in the year I C ~ of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and_____________________________ ______ _ ________________, BETWEEN _________.______________._._m_.____._._..mm~_ ___________ mmom____ ....m.m_____.__ ___m..........__.......__ ......mm___.._nn_.__...._.....__._.__.._____.. __ _ __ ... "_.___"__m__' _.m__ __ _mmu____________... _ _ __ ______m.......m. _ _______.___ _____.._____ ___..___.___.____________...________.._,__.._.<:..,.~:__=.,~'''_:_::c_:_:_::::::::::::~'''=~~. ... .__ of the second part, Witnesseth, . That the said part~__..of the first part, in consideration of the sum of -~#". ..=..... .......m..................._ ....___..,...__.. ______:______Dollars tojf~,'...~,~_~ _..duly paid, ha,~__sold, and By these Presents do _ grant and convey to the said part~__ __of the second part,_ . . ....c F'!-c..~ -.. ~-=~ and assigns, All that Tract or Parcel of Land situate,.ln the I ~'!~~~:t~~ ___________.. ____ouuu___n_ ______a__nu_n __________n___n__._ _______________ ___________u___________.__ ___________________________ _.___.__ , ----~--------------~ ----- ---------------- ------~- - -------- -------------.- ---~----------------- ___ __________________. ____ _________,__ ________________.n. ___>__ ___.______ _ ________n___________..u_ ________________________ ____________________________.u ---------------------------------------------- ---------.. ------------ ---. ---------- -----------.- ---------------------- ---------------------------_.--- . __________.__ _____________ _____________________ _________u_______ __________._______________________________________________________u>______________ _________ ___________________ ---1--------- ---- --------- ------ --------- ------ ______________ .___ __________n_.____ _____n_______u__________ ________________.._____nu_ ______'.__n_n__ ______ ..un _____ "._____._ ____________________u_ ---__ ------------------------- ------- --- -------------------- u___ ______<___.______n___ ________...._____.______.. _____n__.__ . .--. _ ---< ----------------------------- -------------- --------...------------------ -.-----~ ._n_. ____________________ ________n___n _ ____.______.. _________.___n_ _______________________ ___________________________________________._n__ n____._____. I f I' I - ----- -..---....,-.., ~... I With the Appurtenances, and all the Estate, Title and Interest, therein of the said part.~.~o......of the first part. And the said.....~.....,~...:!lII.......,..r$.......~.. a.~~L'm~..mI1!4.. mm.mmmmmm.mm . _ do - hereby covenant and agree to and with the said part-'d--___of the second part, __~__ ~and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents,~._ the lawful owner4 and_......._~.__:~.._"--...~..well seized of the premises above conveyed, free and clear from all encumbrances___________ .______________mmm .._________________.m.m ______________...... ...______________.__....._____________.___. m.. --.-. ...n___________________.mm...u__________ --------..-- ----- --------.__...... ______________..m.____"__________.m. ..m______________ __________.__... _._________________..._.________~_mm..m ._________________n....n..______________._... _ .m.m_.____ and that the premises thus conveyed in the Quiet and Peaceable Possession of the , said part~____of the second part, ..~..~ and assigns,_.....k~....--m.. will forever Warrant and Defend against any person whomsoever lawfully claiming the same, or any part thereof. ,...... - In Witness Whereof, the part_~___of the first part, ha~ __hereunto set ~hand4 , and sealQ. the day and year first above written. ) - JJ //7 SEALED A"D DELIVERED I" l } / / .'./';0. J/./ ~~i(!tI..:A TH~ PRESENCE OF __ J . .. L._____-~~....L/_____, _, _ <' C"-',,7J. -.. <f o..v- I - e...:- I '-t. ~ .,..{. f> ---.. . J? .:...~ "~~~j::~Q'-':-" 61"'ka 1oI.~ , State of New York, l "b:L~~=='" A .. I nO ( Clf/~ On this___________2-.-_.~~.._._<___~\____.___________________ day of ___________._____m.................m..__......._.______________ in the year one thousand nine hund:ed and,___~~~;~~___~___n ____mnnbefore me, the subscriber, ~V1 ~~ _~~~ , :J ~~ _._un.nun_nun _______________ ______________________ personally came._________u____~_ _____"_"___ .___________....___ _______________<.d. ,'l.. ~_".., .I - - ___ = -<; e:~ ~ '_____~---'-----------------------'----'___--------'----------.. h;t_......._n_~~__~_..____________u__________ .n___. _~__ ~..u._____n_______u____________________________________n __n__________~______n_________. .______________________n_____n____.n_.____.___.____non________. to me known and known to me to be the person"\.,. described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, anL.I!__:!_~~ 6? I(. I .~--_--___.acknowledged that (he '-) executed the same. -"7-,~,~:~:~~J.f2~=zz' ----------1/1;:---7"---------------. -----.:!..... I I __'m_'_.... RECORDED in Su1'1olk County . Clerk's Office In Liber ~o~ of Deeds Page :01 on the 29 Day of Mer'ch 1912 at 9 o'clock minut1 'Y," & Ex2Illined WMN.. .~ ~ I ~ .. ill t<- "" i "" ! j ~ . . ,. c:t:- ~ . . .-U '.!4 . . ' . ~ Z : : : . . . ........ ~ 0- ~' " . . . . " : : : Q I 0 . . ~ " ~ . . . ~ Q =ii .i 0 . . \)j-:::: ..... 1# / 'j ~ +:> ; : r.\ i>< " ...J -..:-. ~,!,oI! .I ~ 0 .... 0 ~~ ~i - " ~ . 0 o . c t:~ '- ~ ~ ; P:< <J-... c ~ 1 = oct-.oJ . Z ,. ' '-- ~ ~ : .... i~ ~~ - 8 '" \0 ,.., " ]~ ~ 1 "" ~ : ; -'> <"", Q ~ 0 '. ~~~ J .... bii~ i"'1 ~ .s 8 f"I" H " 3~ ~ 0 '" .$ 5 11 H "" ~ ~ ,:.;:-:- rn '" .!4^ , 'E LJ 0\,~ ti 8 :] ~."-.\ . ~ : 0 0 ~ "" , o 0 ,:...N" '..,,",~, ~". .... 1ir ".r:, "~-':. , .< :j- f i i , I I