HomeMy WebLinkAboutFirst Church Congregation I "" - C a.::-a...'l ';"iJ.. - -" - - ~~_. --~ - -..-- "-~~~._~._- , v&..:....C<...l?:' Mortgage-:-~-- n ~ - --~_._- .- , dated J,'nuary 1", l808, - to - ac~~owle~f,ed February ~", 1908, recorded Februa..ry 18" 1908 4 P M . t ,. ., J69'3'3 L. /lase in J,iber ::;:'.8 of' Mortr:aros at lJ8.[':8 :"94 Secures:- $550.00, due on dEtlland with int. 8 M~. , Jesse L. ease Assignment of above Mortgage. ".) dated JUly 29", 1914, - to - i ac}:nowlec'yecl July ~9" 1914, _ _ J;." r:''ll1 ces J. 'lJase recorded Se}Jtenber :;;", 1914, 10 A.M , /)' in Liber 41," of' Mortr:ei~es e.t par:0 497. Consideration: Good an(~ Valv.able. "'ranees J. ~ase Assignment Of above Mortgage. d.ated Jpri1 1", 1916, -to- aclmowledged ' 51 /1 } (" The First 8hurch oon- recorded ';fI'~~ r)1 I q 16 "r r tN, 'Tn gregation or Society l in sout1101d in Liber 4::;~ of Mo1tgages at pale 149. ;onsideration: ~:>:7;-;.:)0. ... Sarah M. GallR.?,Jler Mertgage. - to - dated APril 1", 1916, The) First Clhurcll lon- acJr.nowl",dged APril 6", 1916, gregation or Society recorded APril 7ft, 19:,6, 8 A.M., in Southold in L:tb~:":' 4;<';?: of 1,lo:"tgai~aR at })8.1;:1 155. ( Secures:- $75..?O due on d"llD.and with int, 8 6 ~IIJU1UallY. THIS IliDlBNTUR1!I, made this 17 s day of July, 1922, between The Fir s t 811ltrell Ion ere cat ion Q r societyin sou tho 1 d , . reli.ious eO~Qra uon organized and acting under the laws Of the state of Jew yor}, , having its location at soutllold., SUffolk QO'UIlty, liew yo , pa:rty of the first pa:rt, and sarah M . Galla - ., \ g 11 e r , of the same place, party of the second part, I ! 1fITNllISSETH, That the said party of the first part , now the hOlder and owner or the mortgages above set forth, in con sideration of the sum of one Dollar, to thElll in hand duly pat by the said party of tbe second part, before the ensea1ing and deli YeJ:"lJ of the~e llre<l",n ts, has remised and released and does - ."....-..... .. ----- ~ ~m .. :-'.='.1-'..,"_,- I'if:;.'" ,c' " .. ~1!iI,~" . t.._.-" .. _<;,~.. ~,."t,~~~":;JY~"""" "",,,,~..n,,,,<..,'"''',...;>;,,",,,,,,''''''~~'.,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,''' ..TO" . -. ., - -.c.....r , _..~"'...""':c.-..,...,......~.c=...".W"..~''"'''''~-___._..-.--.'''~'~_ ~ , ........ - hereby release iran the lien of the said mortgages and qui t-" ", claim and convey unto t~e said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns forever tl\e part of tIte said mortgaged prem ses , eove~ed by said mortgages, and described as follows:- A LL that tract and)arcel of land situate West of the Village Of SoutkOld, in the Town of southold, aounty of Suffo and State of New YQrk, bounded :masterly by the high- way knOlll1 as the Bowery one hundred and ten and seven-tenths (nO.7) feet: S aut her I y by the remaining land o'f I Sarah M. Gallagher four hundred and two and two-tanths (402. ) feet: westerly by land of LUcy r.J. G. Brown sixty-thr e , (63) feet: Nor t ~ 11' est e r 1 y across the corner by ! land of sai d LUC'J i!l. G. BrOlll1 forty-four ( 44 ) feet: and I I Nor the r 1 y by land of said LUcy lJ. G. BrOwn four kun- 'f' dred and eight ( 408) feet, as the stones lIzve been placed. /Reta1ning and hOlding the remainder of the said mortgaged premises as security for the payment of the moneys still due } on the said mortgages, according to the conditions therein con tained. n WITNESS WHmREOF, the said , i r s t Churcll . 0 n g reg a t ion or society in sou t 11 0 d Aas caused 1ts COrlJo!',ate geal to be hereunto affixed and. tlds , instrument to be signed by tlle c~rman ofi ts board of trus"ll I , i tees, the day and year first above 1fritten. ~ " , Tae First OhUrch Cl~(?;regationor society r I in southald, by :7~ If" . , I the Board of T~1stees. . ~ "- .;----""'~ - - - -----~------.------._--- -~---_----_-_- --.-.--_,-. -'-,,",_~r--_" _. . '-' --'-,^-~'- -- --.----~~...~"~--""=""""""""'^.......".'''.,...._-'~ .... , state o~ New yor~, ) , : IS: .ounty of SUffolk.. ) In this ~ day Of July, 1922, before me P8rstmaJ.ly callle JOHN H. LIHR, 1fi'tlicwhl:ll1:.J:, aJIl'.;;'ftson I , ally acqmiin ted; who being by me dUly sworn; deposed and said lie l'eeided at southold, SUf'f'Glk 'Gun ty, Hew york; tllat :&e was the cllaiJ.'illlBn of tlae board of' trustees of' !lIle }l'irst 'lI.urell . ~re!fa\ion Or stei.tv in SoutaOld, the reJ.1,ieus cerplilraUon ., named in and 1t'l11ch executed the foregOing instrument; tlaat II was acquainted with tlla corporate seal of' tlle said eerPoratio that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument w&ssuch eO porata seal of said corporation; and was so affixed by the or "1:' der of the board of trustees Of said corporation and tllat lie I , ii sillled l11s name thereto as cl18irman of said board of trustees by t:he like order. ~.J.4.~.. , , ,I " >>otaxy PUblic, SUffOlk. ~ounty, Nl;lw Y02'k.. , " \ i') '. .:' \ \ , : I : " , I I r .._--~-^ I I " '-\ 1?;~1!'~ r I,...;t ii RECORDED in Suffol'kCM1O. L ;j Clerk's Office in Liber I lJt-(7 €I ~ Pagef.;t \ 011 the 1 I '"...~ "', ." I ~, Day of 19 .1~ '~{. ',:J , ~~IOCk n .nut Ij-M. arid ~1 ( . '~)f;-.. ~.;I' EX~J. ~~, ~,;~~~ ~ __,_____'___ ________--------u,---n-u--u--CL~ -' \:;" ~~' ~f~ ::.;':]$ , . - - ,- - """-..:,-.......0.- " "li ,.. < +---.~--~~.... -- ,,,,,,",,-'':'~: ':",'" J: ' ."'1;,.'..:....,. ----.-.,.-'-'..,... ."- -"" -l r,', r ~ ~J. /CfoJ? "/ (1., \..1,1'" t. , ,. , l . , . J J'-~' . '. ,'" loo Ie ,-" First Church Gon- I, ?-1.~ gregatlon or Societyin Soutllold % - to - ~_\of\ SaTah M. Gallagher 7w:CJ .. - .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " -' . TIele'3se o:f Eortgnged 2rerr,iaeF '. , . ' ,......... .. H ':1-1 :..... _' ~ I " /V'''",""