HomeMy WebLinkAboutAndros Patent -- ------ , -- ~ A PATENT and Confirmaoon Graunted to the Inhabitans of the Towne of South Hold. EDMOND ANDROS Esq~ &0 WHEREAS there is a Certaine Towne in the East RidiDg of Yorkshire upon Long Island oommonly called : and knowne by the name of South Hold Sci tuate lying and beiDg on ! the North side of the said Island towards the Sound having a cer- taine Tract of Land there unto belonging !!!he Western Bounds where- of extend to a oertaine River or Creeke called the wading Creeke in the Indyan Tongue pauquacunsuok and bounded to the Eastward by Plumb Island Together with the said Island on the North with the Sound or North Sea and on the South Wi th an Arme of the Sea or I River whioh runneth up between Southampton Land and the aforesaid Tract of Land unto a Certaine Creeke which fresh water runneth into called in English the red Creeke by the Indyans Toyoungs Together with the said Creek and Meadowes belonging thereunto (not Contra- dicting the Agreement made between their Towne and the Towne of South ton after their Try-all at the Court of Assizes) so running on a Straight Line from the head of the afore named fresh water to the Head of a Small Brook that runneth into the Creeke called pauqua- cunsuck including all the Necks of Land and Islands _thin the afore described Bounds and Limits NOW for a Confirmaoon unto the prsent ffreeholders Inhabitants of the said Towne and precincts, KNOW YEE That by vertue of his Ma~ies Letters Patents and the eommission and Authority unto mee given by his Royall Highnesse I have Ratifyed Confirmed and Graunted And by these Presents do hereby Ratify Con- firme and Graunt unto Isaack Arnold Justice of the Peace, Capt John Young, Joshua Horton, Constable, Barnabas Horton, Benjamine Young, Samuell Glover and Jacob Corey, Overseers as Patentees for and on ~ -- the behalfe of themselves and their Associates the ffreeholders and Inhabitants of the said Towne their Heires Successors & Assignee - _.--," -..-.- rr - - - f'" 0 . ,~,~,"-., -2- All that afore mentioned '1'ract of Land wi th the Necks and Islands Within the said Bounds sett forth and described as aforesaid '1'0- gether with all Rivers, Lakes, Waters, Quarryes, Timber. Woods, Wood Land, Pla1nes Meadowes. broken pieoes of Meadowes Pastures Marshes ffishing Hawking, Hunting and ffowl1ng And all other Prof- fitts Commodities, Emoluments and Hereditaments to the said Towne T:ract of Land and premisses within y8 limits afsd: Bounds afore . mentioned described belonging or in any wise appertaining TO HAVE AID) TO HOLD all and Singular the said Lands Hereditame'Dts and Premisses with their and every of their Appurtenances and of every Part and Parcell thereof, to the said Patentees and their Associ- ates their He1res Successo~s and Assignes to the proper use and behoofe of the said Patentees and their Associates their Heires Suocessors and Assignes forever. The Tenure of the said Land and Premisses to bee according to the Custome of the Mannor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent in England in free and common Soc- cage and by fealty onel;r PROVIDED allwayes notw'j;hstanding that the extent of the Bounds before reoited do no way prejudice or infringe the Particular Propriety of any Person or Persons who have Right by Patent or. other Lawfull Clayme to any Part or Parcell of Lands or Tenements Within the Limits aforesaid onely that all the said Lands and Plantations within the said Limits or Bounds shall have Rela- tion to the Towne in Gene raIl , for the well Government thereof And if it shall so happen that any Part or paroell of the said Lands within the Bounds and Limits afore described bee not alread;r Pur- chased of ye Ind;rans it may bee PurChased (as oooasion) acoording to Law; I do hereby likewise Confirme and Graunt unto the said Patentees and the Associates their Heirs Successors and Assignes All the Priviledges and Immunityes belonging to a Towne wthin this Governm~ And that the place of their present Habitacon and abode shall Continue and retaine the Name of South Hold by which name and stile it shall bee distinguished and knowne in all Bargaines - and Sales Deeds Records and Writings they making Improvement on the said Land and Conforming themselves according to Law And ye1ld- Ir ... - .- . i __.,~,___""..___"_,_,_~,,,._,~,,'M...,,.,...,,. ",W".~<." -_.._'~..... _...w.'.,._____.__._ .___.',. ~-'-'---_'_"~~W" -3- ing and Paying therefore Yearly and every yeare unto his Royall Highnesse use as a QU1tt Rent one fatt Lamb unto such Officer or I Offioars there in Authority as shall bee Empowered to receive the GIVER under my Hand and Sealed With the Seale of yB Province I same , in New Yorke the one and thirtyeth da;v of October in the twenty Eight Yeare of hiB Ma~ies Reigne Annoq Domini 1676. E. Andross. Examinad by mee M. lVioholls Seor. I do hereby Certify the aforegoing to be a true Cop;r of the Original Record ,Word !2. 54th line word ~ 69th line and word in 70th line all written on Erasures. Compared therewith By Me. Lewis A. Soott, Secretar,.;:; -. :.,.. .' ",i-,,.:, ..._,:_"":~~/ ~e~;[:~ ".- .-,- ';, <:'J ". 'II,' ""~' ~" i! ',1 I have compared the preceding copy of letteI:'s-patent . .... .m.with the record thereof in this office in iBook Number 4 of Patents .. . .....at pagemlO2 _____n'...________ and I do HEtREiBY CEtRTIFY the same to be a correct transcriPt therefrom and of the whole thereof. Wlttness my hand and the seal of office of the Secretary of State, at the City of .Albany, this mmnnnthir.d n... n.mn nnday o/......mnn_m...:R.~~~_!I!~~.._..._m_..m_.__m___one thousand nine hundred and8e~1l".... , m../~~~6m. .mmm. Se n p Secretary at State ------ ~- ~- ---- -- ---- ~ --.-. ~- . - -"',-- - ~ '~~ " rtaLe-1:- ! . f ( i ) ! I ,) '. ! . i Ck-~ 17:~ ~d- I , I I . L'T~L ~ i/ , . i \ . /11 rfd 1 j?t/i~ : ) , ~C~. ! ) , :~1 ,\ , >- -~." , .