HomeMy WebLinkAboutReeve, Florence B \ DEED.-FulI Covenant. 64 CfL\:,;. E. 1I0lJ(Jlfl'ALI~l~, l'rillt~r and Publisher, Albany. ~. Y. - SucelJssor tu Avery Herrick. --'------------ ---- ----- Cbia Ind~ntur~, Made thiS7.~~~~~~ day of ~..~... =---=c.~...in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and~u u~ unnnm' BETWEEN 7h~rj. ..~~\cr-1~~~1....~..~ ~ ~--------- ~ ----.. iT; S /, ~ t? A", ....~..~. ~.r .-~_n....d=-tr~"'-.~ n"'...-1 .. . ... ..... ..."I~AL. ..,......1 /L...........~. .. .. ...... ""'.~ '--a"~'---~_"':' . . r---c-o---""'....".-o....----)--------........". 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And the said <'Jt ~ . ~ ...........mm....._m. .... _. ... mnomnom... do";:) hereby covenant, and agree to and with the said parL')~pnuof the second part, ~~m~~mm. fteitog and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, a.t.... ~ . the lawful owner ~ and~~~.."-<) ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~u~~~well seized of the premises above conveyed, free .and clear from all encumbrances~_~ . _______________...._m ...nmm...m ------- _____mun m~...lm , , .-------- \ __..__m.______________________________......__ . ... _.__ ____________ ___m_m__m._mo...____......._ __mm____m__..___nm ..U.___m__mm__mm__m__m_ .and that the premises thus conveyed in the Quiet an Peaceable Possession of the said part-~I:-_~of the second part, ~m~ and assigns,~~~~~~m.~ will forever Warrant and Defend against any person whomsoever lawfully claiming the same, or any part thereof. /'), In Witness Whereof, the partuJ,m--of the first part, haO... hereunto set ~ ~ hand .and seal the day and year first a ove written. SEALED AND DELIVERED Il"O 1 THE PRESENCE OF r ~~7 fi1~~c P-t!:~<<._ 1.. ~. Sti1t~ of Il~w York. jOL' County of-.~- On this~u~~_..........~ay of ~ ~ ~ -------... in the i year one thousand n~ndred and.____.~~....------~ me, the subscriber. personally came____...__...__u~__.. .~---.-..--.-..- ___~......--~---.~.~.~~....- ---.-...---..-.-------..---......-.-----.--.....................~.._,-".-"~-,."".".".....,.. ._._.........-............-......_..-..-........-.-----.---.-_...- _.................................___....................__..........___....................................................______..........................................................................___....h._______......__.........u to me known and known to me to be the person .:. described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and mm(J-~~ --- ~ _acknowledged that j-i!.e executed the same, ae6r-<--'~" ~rp; . r~~ f1-..., <;s tlr\, }-ui{ I I , I I I -_.-.,~_...- ,,;,',-~ORDL~D IN SUFFOLK COUNTY CU~RK'S OfFICE IN LIBER 572 C, Deeds PAGE 231 ON T~ ~ 10 DAY OF August 190 5 AT12 I . O'Cl.OCK M~~TE$. M.. AND ~"A~INFJ)J I '-V~mn~7d/~1 J , I . ,41. . \, \" J a \ ,.;<0, L.'-' .1 t I >.: '"C " '" 'II :, ',.1; ill ~," '.....) <'L " '" I' ~.... ~ ..~ >< (_-. . "OJ'';; c4" .~z ^ " , ~ :t" "'... ~ 1tcr;j ... = ':. _ ;... . . ~ , , _ ~ " ..... ,~ .0 ~ ..... w ."' ~ 8"", ~:' ~. (l . V I - f ) ~. "\~ ~ ..oi cs......, ~ ~ \ . ~ ~ ~ i,'~ , ", ~~~' . w ~ ~ ~~ <J) c , 'I"'< . ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ 0,: Z : ~ ~.s! ~;! ~ \J-- ... ~ · ( ~ S II,' '. . '" "'" ^. . Ji< ( '""- ~ " ,~i."J' . "" . ,~ . .. s .~ Q ~ ~.l...~\". 0 . Jl', ~ J i ~I ..... I c-ll ~. o"! 1 . g , /, ", . 11' = ~ 'Yt"s ';"" .~ \ '11111.00 -g. 8-' ~ ';), .~// '." g. '0 16 Irt: 0 ~ '" " <:;<' "lil~' -''< .~,,,..,._..,,,,.......~.,.~' ""';'~;:"""1',~,''''''::i'"~~.,,".;~.c:;..-,....::..- ;.,. I