HomeMy WebLinkAboutHerzog, Conrad ------- . I . :"1" " DEED.-FuJI Covenant. 64 CRAS. E. HOUGHTALING, Printer and Publisher, Albany, K. Y. Suooes8or to Avery Herrick. Chis Ind~ntur~, Made this... ..................., ...., .. ...... '''''m. ......... ..m.... day of..~ m......___.....in the year of our Lordll,ne thousand nine hundred and........:t/I::;~......~... u nun u..___ n' BETWEEN .~ "'" ~ ~.' ~ . ,.~..~~. --::::::r~~'!~;; ;~;',;:::; Witness(1JI, That the said part ~....... of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ..~...~.~# .--..... ........ .................. - ..........--..................... ,.....'...mm........m....................................m........m..mmmm' ......, ..~...........Dol1ars to,~:~duly paid, ha""",-nso1d, and By these Presents dq grant and convey tQ the said part",.., ,,__..of the second part, fl.;.. ~. 1(1 d..... All h T P I f L d' . h . ...~..... 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"l ~ :~~~~t:~...~P~h:~:~~:~::' a:~:I~h:h:a~st&;~~~:(d..~in..Of...the..said --- . . ......mm............. ~ __ _ ~~ her~~v;.nant and agree to and with the said part_"1_____u_of the second part, _1-"....__ _ A ~and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents,_~","", . the \awful owner and_~ __._....... _____well seized of the premises above conveyed, free and clear from all encumbrances m____ ----.-- and that the premises thus conveyed in the(9~i~~..a~~a~ossession of the said part_? of the second part, ~ A. ~ and a sIgns, .. k - will forever Warrant and Defend against any person whomsoever lawfully claiming the same, or any part thereof. In Witness Whereof. the part_-""~_:L__of the first part, h~hereunto set~~:"RandA and sealS the day and year first above written. SEALED AND DELIVERED I"'} ~ ~ ~ ,'""'.'"""'"" ',' . ~. ..1L .<>'>~ ~""Y<-I_~(':-~ ~~, ~,~,-t--"<><.....(,,,,"-"6<-''3.e.-....'f_'''-''~ ~ ~ ~"'~~:""'$"ff.:'..~ . r/-' I ~ ~ I Sti1t~ of n~w Vork. _,____________ . ______county Of.________~.'.m-..- 88.: I ~ ~ I On this__ _______ _____ _ ..,.._ ___u_ ______ _________m___________day oL______________________________________________________________________________ _______________in the yt,ar one thousand nine hundred and____~.:i._;.::::~___-._...._.___....___....._____..before me, the subscriber I I ~~--~~?:;:::~~--------.-----: _.n.~mm _ ........... . mum mu..mnmmm mum.....'mm to me known and known to me to be the person.(, described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and..~-":___,,,__..__________________aSknowledged that l:he J executed the same. ~ ~ ~ ..u..., ~ ~~ \-\\... tc-~ ~... ~ -~_.----.- --s--- I -------.-.- ~.._---~ -.. ..,' , -- _._"-~ I RECORDED IN SUFFOLK COlJNTY CLERK'S OFFICE IN LIBER 539 CF Deeds PAGE 580 ON THE 1.9 DAY OF October 1903 AT 9 O'CLOCK MINUTES AM.. AND EXAMINED.. dt-6')y,/F'-" L~t/C//' ~J >-,. . . i..._ L,A \ , , i ,,", .--,. .. .".'C'" '...., . ", .---,.,..-'-c ~\ ,'J! ~ ..~ J , ~ ~ . ~ ]" . :0' 'i'- tj ~ : ......~ ~ ~ :' ;.;~" ~... ~. .~ J""' . <;l .' ..- ~" :....;<< ,,\,,' . . ." \ ........." ... . '" . " ..- r ,.., . ,"',- <5 ~ I - ! : . : .J: 0$ "f? .\~ . .~~ . I~ I :J' ~.~ : ~ ;' : ~~: ~. " Nl ~ Ni - '\ ....; I ~ ~ ~-t ' ~~ ~ c I ., o. '" '" _ ~ . . , --\1 ~ ~.\J. li ~ J~ ~ c \'\) )......' . . '" ,\< ~ . ~~ ' : '>, o. : "g fit <:J 0 . '" ._,le)~! i:~ '-' ~ ~ ~: :.:J 0 .- "-... ,,'Q ~ . ~C : =-t Ili : .s"~_ ::to 11 + bDt '~~~ ~ ,Pi It .~....... 1;; ! !~I : : := g . 5 : : ~ j ~,~0Cl , ""~. . ""'; :\~ g {,() ";" \,~ ! ~I ,~5 C) "~ . ""0 Q.l :, tI; " . "I! ] -n "8' ~.~ '~ ~ ~ . <7" <.~,,-.( il ~I Q.l :.... ~ N-= .0:: ,.,. ...Q ~ ~ : 0-' -.(, o 0 0 O,l : \.) -T" . i""'''-~J\i-'''''-~~'''''''''' .'f......,- ';. .t. ~.. '0' ~ ,.', it ,~. I , I ! '\\1 ! I . , I i