HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlover, William H - - -=- -....- i I I THIS INDENTUm: ll:ade this 27th day of December, 1902, l I I Betweeii V/[Lj,lAj.l Jl GL:)VEH and ,TE:NNIE S. GJ,OVER, his wife. I , r Suffolk county, New York, i: and CAROJ,UiE 1. MAIER, of SO.Qthold, I and ABFIF. H. HF.DGES, of Bridgehampton, Suffolk county, New York, parties of the first part, and GEORGE C. GI, OVl<JR, of cutchogue. SUffolk County, New York. pa:r.ty of the second part; i V/[TNESSETH, that the said parties of the ~irst Part in consideration of the cum of ONE Dollar to them in hand paid by the said party of the 'Second Part, the receipt Whereof is hereby acknowledged. have remised and released, and by these - presents do remise. release and qQit Clall1 unto the said party of the Second Part, his Heirs and Assigns forever. AL1 our Right, Title and Interest in a certain Parcel or Tract of land, with the Buildings thereon. situate in the Village of cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, county of SUffolk, and state of New York. Bounded southerly by the Main South Road; Westerly by the several lands of George V. Moore and Thomas Brown; and Rortherly and Easterly by the land of Leonard Jackman, supposed to contain about one third of an acre, be the same more or less; Together with the APpurtenances and all our Right, Title, ! Interest, Dower and Right of Dower therein. , I !O HAVE and TO HOLD, the same unto the said PartY of the Second Part, his Heirs and Assigns forever. IN V/[TNESS ?HEREOF the said Parties of the First Part ". ~ hereunto set their hands and seals, ~e ~y.ear first 'bO~. ~itt.O. Jf-~ Jf ,?tw, ;fJ / . 'IltThESS. YVV, , J ~W~~ g 6~~ ~/Y7A~U' c/ ,~~ ~'1f, ~~$ ~ IX - <3ffte If, 1f7VOo 4.f , I __ _.._..._.__.,..~_~".... . ...._.__..._ . __ ._..__.__._.._....... i I"" - -------- .,~ .~._.,,-,~,-- ~ "'"_.~"'"-_._---,,_,,- -..---..---.-.--....----..., I/SUffOlk County,) , .J-'1#a ~) )ss: On th~8 ay of .? - ~ Few York. ) 1905 before me PEft'sonalJ.y oame Yd11IA H. IlL 0 VEIl and J"'HIE S. IlL 0 VEIl. h>o ~ i \'life, and CAROIJINE 1. MAlER, of South old, Sui'folk county, New York, perso ally known to me, and known to me to be three of the parsons desoribed in and who exeouted the within instrument, and they duly and severally aoknowledged to me that they exeouted the i same. / g I \......--/ .- I W~ /(;fr:fi~L"?) II I I ~-- 'I-~v{/k... I , ,--. 7 "~/ U " I I Suffolk County, )ss' I New York. )' , I , On this/ day of -+vu- , 190 J> I I I before me personallY oalIle ABBIE H. HEDGES, of Bridgeham:pton, SUffolk County, New York, personallt known to me and known to me to be one of the persons desoribed in and who exeouted the within instrument, and she duly aoknowledged to me that she exeouted the same. ~6I. JVd -----=> I , ! , I I , I I I I I I I , : I I I i , , I I I I , I i I I I I I I I I I /'i"c 2.. /'PeL 'fttI,LIAM H. GLOVER and OTHERS - to - .~ 'i. t GEORGE C. GLOVER. I , 1 ~~~::~~~~~:::::~:~:~::::~:~::~: .i{' , t J-, QUIT CLAIM DEED. if- . .::P, '; :~_~. " 'I II " II 11 'i rr'~;,..+f1Ti !! It " H II II l~ It H !I If !I U " II It H 1I !! n !I 5,..------------------. - -------------- J " :"; 'i' f/ .