HomeMy WebLinkAboutFranklin, Phoebe _.m I ~- ~ I John Polhemus Printing Co., Printers and Mf'~ Stationers, 1:11 :Fulton St., N. Y. Release-Part of Mort. Premises-6J2c - - (tuis ~n)tntnnt ma4 '" ~ ~ ~ U . .,,~~~t~~::.:::l ~ ~. , &0-. J:y_~~ ~~---..z ~ ~~<'h.-:P~)~) ~'7~F~' ~ f7..~L_ u-;- . &y --'''-'' ~ ~ th.-. ~ . vv-. ~. e...-, ~, ~"b~ ~r~ ~ ~~~~~tFJ~~ _htrtas, ~ ~'" ~~ r/ the aeco.nJ I'att : --~ 7 ~dentrtte 0/ e/Iottrr;te~~n, elate ttte ~ Jay o/~. .~ o.ne tl!.o.uaanJ e~l!.t I!.undtd and ~ - te(}()t~J in de #::Ce 0/ ~~ ~ - r tl!.e ~unty O/~ ~ in s&et ILf7 - 0/ eltotitar/I'ar S- - on de '}~ - ~ o/~L 18&-D jot tl!.e co.nau!etalt.on tl!.etein mentronW; anJ to. aecute ttte /ayment 0/ ttte m.oney detein art~ efta' convey cedat~ lanrla anJ tenemeni~dJ ~et deacukl I ate I'at~ unto. kCZ ~ ~ !k~ . - ~ ~ I i ~~.U::;~....,~ -" , '3 I . ~~ S/~_ ~11H~ ~.tn..... I . c<-~,,,"-L~"-i(1--<.~~-' ~~~ - : ~~, ~ ~ ./I"" '1~) fo' ~. ~ -: ~'t~,1"7('~ '"-- ~~cu:.L -~ . 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I ~u 'mlitUtSS wlttXt.O'ft ttf.e aa,a! jlatl? r the fidt /taer 10 thede /tteden0 tf.a~ ~teunto tiet . ~ tf.and and aeal the dety and yeat lluil adove w#!len, ~." .., ""~,, ;. ", 'Om." if rJl. ;t: . f. > e.:... 1. ~'''-''-- ~""'J tJ~ ~ /d . t . ~ '..:.~,'~- ~ - . ~""I << . .. I ~h-,// "?rA .' <t--r~~'f1----4 '.., i I . ! ! i ! ! i ! i I I I I ~ i i ,itate of ~ 1 r _ 55: -I--(]ounty of ~ C ! On this ?;;zf.~ ~ ' dayof ~. in~ I thousand eight Imndred a;nd ~ ~ - b~fore me , ,aJly came ! I - I .n~. ~~.!lt~ ~~ ",-,~ I I ----------- ~~tz...i.. ,~"e/,e.-- --s-(.) " I , -_.- ------ ------------- I to me Icrwwn, and known tome to be the individual desoribed in and who exeouted the fOl'ego'ing i instrument, and Jhe theJ'fupon - ackrwwledged to me that I I .oLIUJ had exeouted the same. ( ~_ ~----7 _ ~~ \ I , Form 1. I lItaU of. -S... Y01'k, I I Cbuntv OfN#IIJ York, 88. I J, WILLl.M 80BIIE~ CIeri of the ~ of New York, ~ CWrk of ilie Supreme Court for \ , ~e~d County, the samebelo.g a CO i't.:~Pf?-LR B ERTJFY, That ;) i I , , ! j. . , C\..~~ i , ! !yb.~1l8D1e ill ~ to the Certlftcate of the proof oracknowledgmeut of the nexed i I L~II1eI1I,'~d ~ereonwritten,-wlUl:. at.the time,of taking8u~'proof or acknowl~P1ent, a l }f<>lar1' Public iu and for the Couuty of New York, 'dwelling lu tbe...k{ County, eom_oued and ~ and duly authorized to lake the same.' And further, that J am well acqualuted with thehandwriling of SUCh N olarj, and verily believe that the .i ure to the ssid cerliftcate of - '", proof or acknowledgment is genuine. IN 'l'E8TlHONT WHEREOF, J hftve h~..t my hand of ~e t Court and County, tbe , . da(J)l1-> I h ~t89, c, ~'^- y '''''-ckrk, I ! .." , ,""" I!: .hJ';CUJ{]}E:U IN :.iUFF'OLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, IN LiBER ),if-I OF ~~ PAGE 37.R.. ON THE /3' DAY OF' ~ 1~?C( AT 7 Q'CL.OCK - M1NUTES V':')(..AND~XAMINED ~~ oJ~. .~ I , ,II II II Ii ("i " .... -, ~ t:~". II I' (, ~ - i. I . " .'," ,'"' ,. .,~ '-." "', . ..... ..., . e..... -:: .'," }~ ."~ '~o~';..~'~;>~' .. .' .::li~,(,..,~i".",.,~""...... . "l:"'~ ') . ,,':".;. ~;"::~f:"":'~~"'~"~" , '.'j .0_' '" 'i , , . ',', "...'1\,; '.,' ~'-~--.._~-;..;:.--- i j '.' I , I I , ,I ~'-'_.:~~~-,- -'~-'-~-'."""~~-' I , t "r!. o ,~, ~; 'c I' I I I I t , t [ ';', _e......, . ,f,' ! : ~~~~:,<='~~ :f~--. ." .-~.- ';c/ . .... -.... .. -. " ' . '0;' c" '<J';I" '~. :, t . . :.", ~1Ict ~~.' l~ ~. ~ " . r~ J5~/ :; Release. , ~: r '.' '. ",-..,.O," . ,,"" .,.3 ~.~ ~p_ Ulf..=:-:mmmmmmmmJ1S97' "'''',; /(~ ,~ )'; .~ ~'!l 'i'" .' I~ , . .f ~ y--ldL~o&.d- ~ ifdc..' J, ~~o;H:lJ!tllff!. " . ~l~' ,7., ~ ~lwtS ;f."" \ . '._.".~",_.- ,