HomeMy WebLinkAboutD.V. Hall , . PEEP WITH FULL COVEN.\.NTS, Pril1'ted and l61d at the ExprMS Office, Sag-Harbor, N. Y. - - (lhis ~ndtnturt, , '. VL made the,..,.,__., """"day of )V.._,.." ~~..m..m....m.. ...............,........,...... " ~ in the year EiJ! teen lumdred (md ninetyp,.....;'P.~:"m".m_ . ~tth1ten ~(~ " . .... ~ Hec.U., ~ __ . 1 ~ . 1 ~~~~l ~~~~ ~...-^ ... tn.. ~, ~ t...- o. . ~ ~'''-I ~,. ~ ~t -t.'~ A .~.,-~" ~t ~ . . . ~.1'~t~~,::)~ i I. ':':'t <\ -.-..A ~. W. ~~ - , \ ~ ~ ~ ~.~~~'.'t1.-~ 1.. ~ ,'I ~ ' . , ./ ' I _~' ! ~~ . ,I I I , 1 I ~itn.esstflJt 'hat the said part ~ of the first part, in consideration of the ! Slf,m of...____ ......~....__.__________mmmm(!,~~~3!:m"m... ..... Dollars, i lawful money 0 the United States, paid by the par~ of the second part, i I do hereby J!rant and release lrnto the said part"';" of the second part, , I'~__~.____............~~.. .: . and assiJ!ns forever,~~'""c~.....(C.__~:<.'\.. , lL--:" IlA ..'~~'. ~ (J' , " II. OIA<~~I-r::'~. ...~.--_. _ ~~~~''''~f~~.~~_ i I . ....~ . , -.... , '- ~ I I1'J.. ~ . . ~ ~~ c..~~- " ~ -rr-f... e. -~-:et c.... -.A I . :: 0" I - -- -'!!1 I , '-jl i. R.~~-f- ~ ~~. ',~~ ~4-.j . I : u::~ ~"6 ~ ~ ! ". '-'. ~- - .~ I ~ 4-cA. ' . r _ j ~ ~"j~"'" 1 .' __. . I ~.. C. 'to.~ ~i I ~uA:-,"-~_' 4'1--~ k- ~ (' . III ~ ~ ~~ '~.(3 ."-n-.... &.: ii. i t-J1...~ ' , 1t:L tf -- :"e~ ~ ~.. ' I , - ! / < "--- - f- _._.""-"'.~ - - , , ". , , i. ,"~ - ' (tlJfldgtr with the appurtena,nces, and all the eiilatt.ttnd rights of the part of the first part in a.nd to said premises. - ~~ ~cno~dn;:r~~l:I~~:~:;~G1{~~:~:,:e;~::nto the seiid parUL4 of , ~1lj) the said.. :;0-., 7J: .............,..~......... .... . do-o,. covenant u!ith the said parlL4 o/the"lecond part, as follows: I . I FIRST---That the partAft of the first part ~ seized of the said prem- , I' ises in fee simple, andhavr- good right to convey the same. I . SECOND---That the part(..k-, of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said prem~ses. II THIRD---That the said premises are free from encumbrances. I " I " I I ~ ..- ,------.- f",r ;_,,"~."".-_..,...,(.'1J:i , - ~ "''''''', ""'.',.':W ", r,""~~",,,.'~,...,.~,,...,,,,:<,,-. y. .'''--'-.~ "~-."~'" -_.< "", " -.". "..," ";....,..,,...... ~~~.'_....M..... . FOURTH---That the partUl of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises, - - -"'\. . 1 FIFTH---That the partUf of the first part will forever warrant the title to I said premises. I - , I ~n ~itmf.lf.l ~[tTe.oft the said partd., of the first part to these presents hall'C. j , hereunto set ~ hand4.. and sealt.. the day and year first above written. ! , ! ! 1 i ! , '< i_~~<_~__ /i ;g THE PRmOF ~iP~,tt . i ,/" , tl. ~ . I I j/: . 'v lid! .. ~.... mmm ...m m.......m.m ,~." ' ""-" ...__..........._.___~..___.. .._._..._m_~_.._....__ __ ~.. ............-..-----...-......- .... .._._..-.._.._-_..._.~-~- j I ! , ~ . + ~ <.uf~ : ~'~ I ----. ' I On thism<<<<,.day ol<<u~ . _ ...~m<' in the, yectr eighteen I hu,ndred andnin~mm'~'m before me, the subsqriber, personally I I a~~~:r~~<_mof_]_~<~,:;~~f~~:::i;;~1 I ..............m......__.._.....____m..-_' mm__~_to me personally known to be the same person(J described I in and w w executed the foregoing instrument, and f..JW) ~ ac- knowledged to me thattJi~ exemded the same. · ,y- 'ZrE.tl. Btu/ . - ~/~ , __~_ mm_mm_m_ I 4v~_~ I i . , / i RECOn;:)SD p' (' COUNTY I " ,:;UPFCLK CUR}(:S OF'F1CE. IN LIBER if '7 7 OP i ?~~~ P /0" AC tjo(; ON THE: . DAY OF' Jn~ 18 '1f AT 9 gn-.oc.- MINUTES a... ANDEXAMINED ~~ - /~ ( ::J --~-'---~-'- _._..----,-~.,- .~ - ,- ",-. ~.'- -. "'~'~''''''''''''''.'''''_~'''''~'''''T .~,. ..-:'T""'''~ f DEED. .;-'" -I':" /. \ l Full Covenants. Laws of 1890. , , I , ,....,.. J ~ C-......(, ,1J,0C.J~ i~. " it- - ~___ -.;! -z;- _ / ~ . , ~, t TO I ~ l.re(..?,~, l cf2....J~....(.... t:3. ~.:;-, ~- . i ~ W.~,~ ! ~.~-k.. . , , , / , // i // f:, f I / , . , " ~ . , 6>,)( ", i 't- ( f' -"'''(':~;!i,;J", 1.;. .' t,-'''-/'\{ >1,~,_t",.A ~.~. \,,~ ",;1,) :- I I "fA~bf/\.,l. ~" . iO""<'"'_''''..-",~ i / , / f I I /B.~L~~Ji~ ~3'~ ~!l.7tt: /YfY, ~~ ! - '~dJ~ ~1~; '- }'/ 'I .. '.- f' -"',' ..:' ':>. f' ".-- '.'", J <' ". ,,/ -'--'-''- ----.---