HomeMy WebLinkAboutWells, Benjamin fT" . --.. -~. ............_-~~ -- I, W ARB.ANTBE DEED. W, Reid Gould, La.. Blank Publloher and BlaH_.lliS N....u 81,. N, Y. - - j + C_r. . 11 ~n tttlm~ -""' ~~ .~~ 0/' dl f < ~ ".'r 6?t d1 rtone ~ ai"'~ an! 4", ,~c~ <L;-. ~t:tiuttn (h,~i-<'<-"~~ ~ ~ ~ ./~ Itn;/<- ~ IFl /:S '/:~. ~ 7' I ~ ~ 7'/p-z~ ~ /~ ~ '(/ ~u( L~~P( J' &7;. "* ,J'z<~ 'P-I. /h< /~[.4-/-'~~ (/~~ 7:1. Y<A~"2..:J. ~-a~ ~.~ ,_~~-t /ff~-; /".~~ er;f/d...o--e' ,g..L~~_ i ~ :79 ~<.. t7;/' ~~.......---... ct../.ru. ,"-~ 1 : Qm' R 1 0. de tJeco71d JaM, . itmssd t e7lat tie tJaUl fuzt' ~ 0/ tie rt It&t" ft and 6?t contJUleuttt~n vi I ~damo//~~~~~-/~ ~ ~7:t&ve~-~p 1 ! 77lOne? i tl'e GMztied WtateJ, t{),.:.k.~ m land jlaed 7 tl'e tJ.aUI fatk~ 0/ . .Jecond/Ultt, a,c' 0.1- l/efne tie f>>lJcaIe~ anti riedwt:f 0/ .tk .t!::::~~d; C<.~a"}f::!eJ:i ,j Iew7 adno.~ea; and ~ , i , tJaUI fad~ 0/ tl/e dcmnd IUltt?mi....L,:,... ~<r~<<"I""1 ~-<I ~:t:..U;'UAh~/M.., ~ ~ and' ~ , I fom de dt17lW, 7 t4e ~M, 1a&L ?iantea; Ia'rmed, 4 akned, ~ ~ co~ and c{Ynfi~eri, an~ 7 deM fWcnM d; ?ia~ la~eitJ~ a~, te~, tdeaM, conv7 and Zilm, a~ . ,~ tJa6d fat'<-4. 0/ tie !!A:o.7!d fat" ant( '" .,tA~<A- z:;: and ~ /o.~, ~11 f~-. -"': jJ~ , 1..L..---.L...~.~~~.{<. .~ ~ ~4y- l>'14p-lA_'{;~'.c~ ~.d.. %~ ~/.qL.Cfi........r.-e{. ~ ~---...:.c'C'A a., ~ d.,./-p-~_d..L...(. .",-< /q~; C;',-...~~,. ~. a:;:;;. ~~ I ~ ct' ~ /-1'- a.-/.- a.. f>-...r<-......A-'.~ ~ ~-....t'~ 7 ~- i a!'~ h-v-o/~ ~-~ ~~~~-C. p'(p;:;", z...~ 7~~' .I~ ~~ ~'" - J.. a.....~ ./l~''''~ 1 ~ /~ /I~ , j , Jv/~ /h..~ i~7~ u-T/"'~~,(. ~~ ~d~ ~?r,~_~ ) /~/3of/~./-~.~ L~ <7~' ~~/(",/~., , , ! "A...~..J:/.t:~.:..../~ _Cd~~ /tr<<--CZ<: /3~ ~-L..r- ~~~- ~< Z ze:-~- /4,../'4. ~/~~ ~/ h~.~ r-; c.-,..~.e-<.. /....- ", ftA~""'-'0.. 4' e",4/"'-~~~.. .c>f.~~d rf-:l.~ - ,~/~.Ii ~- ~ ,~ jt..r'1..t/h /....A.... trj' ~ nL-A...-L......... ./ ~ 577 AA-- ~~ f~ / J' ~ #--u4' a-4-..."'j ~'/.. ~~4. "i h~' - '.~ .. ~ ? ~ - ..' '" ~ /3 ~< _ a-~ k~ 70 ~~~ ~ .../.:.. d. <7''= oL~ )'J,...&....-..-4:. ~ &-..... . ," .z. . ~ _. .. of <'" ~ ..<:. ;J z ~ . .~. ~ ~ C-~f~~--<- L"'~~r~ ~~ ~ ~, . . /~ c;.z..A..... ft~ ~_ . . "::,(...",C<' a,.: ^-. r~"C~ ~~~:--- of ~ ~ ~~~ ~ .vC- <--<i. J+hf.t'-ULLJ;;::;,.d,. ~, ""--<. A-- ~~-<-.~~/ ~,~ ~'0- ijr-....L4~.? <""";::c"-<"!~ /7i'/<(-t?7~ /'~~ cY-/ ~~ ,~Hd... J'~~~ ~1 ,~<" ~ ~V'-""< ~.-.-.....d.. ~,~ /~=-a ~~ ~....~ ~ ~- .?l./'L, ~........<-<< ,.,~ /~~~ ,/~ ~ ~ c.<.... ~d....-- . i a-~~4--<..~/r~~- ~~<.. /~-V-~ ,L46.. ~ ,~ 7 .~ ~ ~~.....e- ~,.~ ~_ ~-&G~-::-' - I: .tggdRu wit' all anti ;jt~a/tt de ~n , 'tanum& and aj'fuilenancc.; tlewan/o leI'onj't~) O. I j, ....~ _ ~~, -i "" ~ -i ~_: _affldd and ..~i.d.u, .,.;" ~ -i · !I ,~".,' , dneo./, ~nd alsot all ttf'e edale~ tej~ ~, /;zle4cdl . Itio.f!etI?, f7f~on i ck:m anti rlemanri ~oevet, a.) we1l6?t /tit' a.) m~, 0/ d& ;jaUlIUlU~ 0/ tie fid (tau, oJ en, I i I I ! i i - , , .--- .. A,.~~ ' __~__...._ ___ __~_J_ ,~ ~..- r '~ .:/ I ~. ,m ,~ I'''/~' and to de. ,;ame, and evety' jiaU {{1ld jiuicel ttf'eteol wet,{ de. ojijiuitenattCeJ, OCo ~ahe an~ to ~olb j ttf'e ad'ove ?tanteel, k'ffaej:~';:sd cIe.;cu'/ed jitemede.J, wed de uj'/tattenance.J, anto ttf'e ,;aed fatt~ 0/ ttf'e tJecond jiaU /~~ ~ @::J (UlJejw, to d.-.- c<-~dui own. fujzet we, ~t andlet'oO/fievet. I I ! ~nh the saili ~ ~. ~ ddr-~ L ~ # 16-..., (*<:.~ ~ I e=catofd. and aehlUnedttatobJ, ~ /~"/'~ COVCl<<utt, ?tant and ('j1iee to and wet,{ t~ tkUd . "'~ J. }aU~ o/t~ tJeeOndluzU, ./.~ .... andaJdftlUl, t"at de daed /h..;#"-'~ t'm-t4 ?,A..-.......-L ~~ ~ ~ at de te?ne o/t~ JC4d'fff and eMvcty' 0/ ~ jiteJentJ, ~ k~/f; JUue( en /~~~... z~p~ .(- 0/ a rocl, .~te and eitclelCtlJt& e.%ato 0/ Jetttance ~n r J~, oj mul en alt andJ(ri de alove ;uantecl and ckcteleeljiienuje,;, wet" de uj'/taUenance.; ~-o-o.. . andliaerc... ?ood u~ laII jiOwei mId hwrl auttfotdl' to ?tant., ~n, J alul ~ de dame, en mannet ofbieJaed: ~ud tliat t~ Jatel jiaU~ 0/ de JCCond lUlU. /~ ~ aJdtjnJ, ,;tfa/1 and nza;!' at alt teme.J . ~iealet, jieaccat'1l and ?tttct~, ,{avc, tfo&, C/.H3, ocvttf';1)jitWtW and e* ttf'e alove ?tanledjiie17~edeJ, and I evet;f jiail andjiatal t~ieo;: {M-(,{ Itf'e uj'/ttdttma?i?eJ, wtttfoat any 1/,1, Jaet., Itoa"', mohtatt'on, evtdeO?t,ot eledtatknce 0/ I~ datd jiaU~ o/t~ fMt ;tatt., ~ k:u. ot ~, ot 0/ an}/ ol~t jiekJon ot I" i~1<Jtm;) dtwp/f; dunu?t;t 01 :0 c/o~ t~ dame: ~d dat t~ tkinie .?WW aa jiee, c/e.at., dtdelia'ffd and " ttnencamletecl, 0/ and JOin (fir ftmet and od'et ?tantf., at~;), cI'~, e~,/iu{?mmtIJ, hze.1., a1JtWn'ze.nH and encttmdtance.J 0/ wtfat naeaie 01 .lencl Joevei. . ~nh als.o, t"at t~ daedjtatl~ 0/ t~ fMt jiaM, and ~ ~t';u, and {{It and eve.." jieiJon ot jiebJOll.J tt>tfonUloevet, dtuf/f; ot 6fttdal'1l clettVt~ any tiJtatc, trj,ft, atl/, 01 enleieJt, 0/ el~ ot to ttf'e tfetanlcjbtrJ ?tanled jiienuJe.J, t7' ;olil, unclet ot tn Itwt 101 dent, .d'alt and well: at an}/ ttme ot . I a?ne.1 ~iea/tet, ajiO?t Itf'e ieaJona~ iJiJe:!.'- and at de ftojie-t c(J.jtf. and dl4;te,; en t~ dtw, 0/ t~ ,;aed I ;tat~ 0/ de ;)ccond jiaU ~ ...' . and a1Jtjw, nzalt'e, ~ and e=ute ot cawe to Ie made, ~ne, mId \, execated, all and cz'M;f JUc,{ Itdt~t and ot~i ktfdand u{Monall:o actf., L'onv~nce.J and a1JtI~ en de ~,rt ~~ tfdtet and "Wie. ~ct.aa/f; V&1a~ and con/itntf:t~.t/C?n~ ,{~ ?Uwtted 01 tJO tnteiicledlo . Ie, en and to de ,;aedjiattL<-f.. ~~,~~ndjiaU .~ ~ and aJJtjn,; ftCV6i aJ t7 t~ Jatd jiaML~ : o.lllt'e Jecond jiait., .~~ '" A' ot a1J(qnJ, o1~. dut coanJd' kind en de dtw, rJlialtle icatJOn. II' c/.." rz.' h' .aIf ar.lveded 01 i6ftteuci.: ~ud de datd .A'.?-7";~ ~A~~ /~ t:-i-o~ ~~ ~. -,-- ~ ~ ~~ ,{au, de a/';'ve c/e..;ettleel and ~i~ jltanterl and t6bed jitC?J2ede.J, and ~ andjiaicd deteo/ 2t'et,{ I~ (Y:/'ttttenancc,;, ttnlo I~ rJaedji(2tt~ o/I~ Jecondjait,~~"V : ~and a1Jtj?M, e;tatll<J1 Itf'e Jatd jiat~ 0/ I~ rut jiatt, and ~-t. ~t4.;, {{?zcl t'j1mn.Jt alland evet;f ! jiebJO?t fwd jieitJOw wtfollUloevet, dt~ rJdum~ ot 10 cdztm t~ dame, .d'al/ and {Nil ~.arr~ut iMtd I t7 ttf'edtO jiede?ttf. fie.vet Idtnd. , ~n OOtitlttSS in~ertm, I~ ,'aed jiuit~ 7 ~fr+:;fE(~d~~to tJet u~<-~: Ia~ and Jca4- de cIez.}/ and }/"4i ldit alove~.. . . . , . SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF 4;J7' , /h., 11.1, . ~ /.~ u::;. 1P?:-~ I.p-a::::. ~.~ 7..,....".."i.t'.~- (/dJ f.</ryVJ)VV6~ _.. , . ~.r-/,g "/ . 0 ;~. _ , I Jw....v~ "'," H Ij .. 'I /~--~,,~---,c~~~ ~~~~~~ // " ~; 'U...... ~ "I,-<~"~ ~ ~7.u-tr'>..d..:~ ALA..r,t-~ ~"~ ...:.... U';::;.. /~-$.e-:....... 0;(' ~ /. ~ u;;;.:l~ .,;~ /2.~ L'J#-, 2..~~ Z.?&p'~ u-fi! , ~if~L ,J. . ' . . : L_ ~7I7~__u____ _ __ 1___ ~_ d ~u..~_ ___ _ ____ r ---- -T--------.---- 1 ,I I S t atr nf ;:Jf:cw./2/r~,/c 1 , ,I _,i ~ ~ss. County of . .;;.. L' '//r-?/i:. I I ) i I ty" l(e ~ ~ da;f 0/ 5}r~,*,/ en tie }leal. one ~~nd . I e':i" ~ed and ~.;L.c.u.t!.zv(> . . I~e me ,fielJona/~ came , , /J -b,t1/ a.-J'/U.~ /(/-CL4 a4C c::(. C~~ &d4.k !/~ I " l' ", t:Y I' I: ~.;~.-/C-z..~/~--v-~ 1 I \ to Ie tie e~vUlual<. ae.lehled en, and wfo erucated tie /o~oen" (~j(fament, and ~~ I ! ,I I Ii I aeLno1U&rfted tlat 4(7 erueated.tle Q.amel./A..~ ..?It< ~. &d~<A- . V''J.-L a-. /~:;,,~2 o/CL--~' ~~/ /.l-L~~~ ~. ~~/- ~~~ 11 I' ~ ~--lA..z-h./L........c ",~.",/k L L <~.v.t'<..d/~e'.{ //ca.T ~L <"-Y.e:~~ ~ ~ ~ I' , " ;fa/,?, , ,x-2---.....A ~~ff'<~~7 r<<r...-t. ~L ~~~.~ ?f'/~t...-- : , ! I ' ~ j(ttM -~ I ~:;~~~~ I I I ! I i , , , I i , I I (. .~ -, . ~_..~ . ' 1 , , l ~ I . , .. i - - . ~t . " , I ' -I ~. . - .-t,-.j r'" .....- -, . ".". ,.".. ~_.. ~ _.- . ..- _____.._....._ - __ _..___._____ "_n__ '-,. .r'.,_ -~ I ,"",' . ~ ~a-euL e~~~~, --- TO .L2!s ;; ~ /::1 7~/f,/ ii12- tica~~-<- \ ~ . /~r~- I :;(~ ~/~k_ 'A~~~cr~~ ~?~7~~ . ----._-. 1 t1v. f ',', ~ I , . ._{.,,~~, f "',' '''b- ....'.' ',,', ,,-..:.,' Ii t t + , 1 ~". @fated L J -::- 7~~-f cY l t) ! ,gc~P:'~ do~ . i cC,~15~'!f~~of~ . /iJ' ~, /##r;v~ " . /9" ' /1,7~4/1:3'~. · ;'~':~.l ~ l~/~ {]-- /27~ /- ~ . d~c/2.u ;.;:~.~--<- ~~...~~a.-ro2'.......... ~/~~ - - ~u_ ~...:;;;_=:.::_,.." . ~-<',l::'.~"'" ~~. ~ " . '" .." __...._ ,. . ;~ -_._-~-_..- . , r 'r -~-- -.., - --------.--------- / W ARRANTEJIl DEED. W. Reid Gould, Law Blank Publilher and StatiOlle1', 168 Nuaau St., N. Y. - - ii ~n tuftm, -"~ ~'rL<= ~ ,~~ en' d.rat one ~ eej""~ and ~c:__,,-<C-~~ ~tt1utttt ~;...-~"--- /~ ------L ~ ~ ~r<- ~ ---tf Uc: ~ rf/V-1..../C'k--eo<.. ~ - v-1' /~ ~/~ ~ ~ ';7v-'/~ '7 d~ ~-~ ~ /~ /1. 7~/,2. ~-bu-~~ ~~~~-~<7f- /~~ .#u~- h~~ r~ ~ a:::. ~ ~ ! 0/ de tJecondfu~M, ~itnesstt~t f?7//at de tJaUI fath~ 0/ tie f~t flaM, f! and en ~ialto?ll. tktJttnl 0/ ?'.h.A..---'----'-'c...;L ~ ~ '" d.. ~ ~- ~ k# : ~nr~~~Zta~~ffl~~~~f.:~~/!~d!1~ . ~'fle the .cntJcad?ft and cleltvetr :;.~e t..~M, ~ ~I:~.~u:o~~. ~~ed;~ ancI tte Jad ,/tail--v~ 0/ de Jer'O?ld ,/taM ~ t:;c~<,'l-::":;;Z;,r g,,;! gri-,'nr"lfriflH.', fUwd ~ and ~ jIOnl tie tJanW, 1f tke jtteJenM, //a~ ~td; ~enecl, ~ ad'enecl, iemMed, tekuecl, converd and co?tfi~ an~ 1f tlf'oe ,/tk'.JenM ~ ?iant, ~efz::;5; ':..den, ~mMe, i~atJe, conve}l and confim, a~ lie Ptled ~.~ 0/ t~ tH'~ond ~ and to ~ II '~ loievet, ~ll ~ ~..;.=~ k-t- ?~..,.( ~..u.. ~ ~ ~~ ?,~ "'A--<' 7~, ~- i ~-<--<A.... ~o-.~,-<", ~ ~ ?Li'~, k--~; ~~~ I -<"-''7 ~-o-~-~ ~ ~~ 7~ '7h___~~- p~~- r~ ~ /-~--. C>--<.r1.~~-"- '7 L~~4.. "1'l'-v-:;--- 91~t. ~ ~ ,d-<':ZZ~ ~ /I~~~---.......} k?<~ ..d'__~~?1 ~- ~ -<-) ~ ~-~. I-v-~'\. FL-'L-~'~ ~"J ~ 'h~ ~, ~~"- ~ 11 ~ TIAf'<. , ~-v a~ f~ ~~ ~ ?C. /~ ? n.~.~ t~, ~ i /1---~ ,/3" ~A- th-.--<.. ~~ ~ ~; .e..:..........( ~ .~ ~ ~----..~ ~ cr--~ ~ /:1" ~...........--(- r~ ",..L. . d ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ .' ~'~ /~~, ~- ~ .~~ d.,.-c-..-t..-....... ~ u-1f ~'--~ I ~~----:......~.:~"'} 7_-"". ~ a..-.-.d.. ~ ~ CL ~ _ ?i....--L a...4 "'- ~j <'Jf. u=-.. r~~-A.- ,tA.- ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~. ~ 4.~ .k~ ? cc... ~_~~ ?~/~~ ~ ~..,-~--.u... ~~~~~ (!.~~",,-~~--<...~-~. ~~'m~ci.~ ;'~~ ",-.~ ~~~~ .~ irtf: ~ ~ ~~- ~ /~-_ k-~/ c..._ ~ ~ ~~.. ev-~ ,4~ <'L .L.d-..~ ~ ~,~ <h... =-~ ;1...~r-,/r-~<, ~~~7 ~'< ~~L_/'~Z.~.A~ ! . ~ ~ 2J-c.......e<. ~..>-t.A....~..d- ~ ~ ;t:;, .&c.. ~~ ~ ~. ~ P-; vr:::.:... ~~ ~~- /f..-.~ ~ ~ - - ~. ..--.. ~i- ~~ '7'~ ~ ~~; ~ ~ '7 ..;~-~........., ~z~~ v;l'~ --;;f--v-~ C-<--..--~~~--~ ~ eL<..._ ~ ~/--,r-~ 4,,-~..A'J e,..~~~-~-~~ <~'- ~~ <AA.-......~ ~.,~~ ~-~ ~ ~ cr;1.A:< 7A~ .r~ u........ ~ rf ~~ ~ ~ ~ , 7 .? ~ .~ 4... . :...~ ~~_-L-4- ~ /,0 z.:...-.-r ~ ~ a...~-4I! ~ ~ ;"-. ~ /--.--..-L. 7~-<--<>L ~~_ .(..:Z:::Z~ /~/F~.......,.... r-~ ~ a-~~ ~~__ ~ ......-"-<.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-./.. - 'u="'<--C.-< /~~ ?:1" ~-<- ~ ~ ~ ~::&-~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~>-<rC ~~.....,f- ~~<--\. ~~/ /~~ ~/J"~7'7"~' ~.:~~ ~~ ~ L~ ~~J- /~ :? ~~r~""";"'" ~...Lr~ ..~~ ,<.-."--)- ~ ~.--....~ b. -<.. ~.. eo<.. ~ /L-~- ! , . , i i ' t::Dgethcr it'dif' all ancI J~Udu tie ~,' ,(i~menM and af'ltttlenancCtJ ttf'e1ettnlo d'elon?tn,,' 'Of. 1 : "'inan;r it'Mt3 cf~entn,,' and tie ievt3iJtOn ancI t~(On.J, it3ntat?ulet and te?Jttlendt3iJ, JenM, (jtJttCtJ and : '.. 'i.~leIJ ~/' ~tld ai.$i~t elll tie edale, tft"" led.. /llle4CtJt, d< _' , ~-"if ~ ,/tw,/teM}I' ,/t~':It'(}n : ["'ckm ancI cIemand ~oevd, {l(j wdI en dzw {l(j en ~J 0/ tie tJdcIftitM';'" 0/ de f~' ,/taM, ~ en, ' , I I I r~':... .._- ~- ....-... ',,__~-->1 ~ _____~.._ ___. __ _..~___ - u_____ .________ /" ! - - I L , I '. I andto de MMne, ~devei;t jzaU and jzaicel t,feteo/ wet(.de ajzjzuUenancm,'., ~~, hahe .ltnb' tg garb I j t,fe atfove ?wntet!, /ai;t.a..~~z:'! '!~.~&~frf.c( jzt.emiJed, wed de o/~utte?uznceJ, tt?lto,ttf'e tJa~{/ jzatt~b/ t4e tJecond jzaU ~. ~ am( eUJJt,?n.;, to~-~. thai own I:~ We, len~t and "0/ /oteva, I \ ~nb the saib /4~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ /oP~~~ .~=tdoiJ andtld~ni;tiat<JiJ, th ~~'. . otWe?uJ,nt, ?tant wuI Uftee to and ZMt;: t,fe ,okUd ... }aU~ o/t,feJccond'jzaU, ~,~;;Z!u..~'n.;, clktt,feua<<1 ~. <>r- ~~- ~- cd~ c~;me o/t,fe JUlht? a?td~vei;f o/t~ jzt&1e?d;, ~ kttJtlflJ6~zed In ~ ~~ ~- 0/ a ?oot!, a~to and~1ukIet:kJl:& eJtate o/ln,feutance en /ee J~, 0/ and lit aIIa?td Jl'n;ttd!tt t,fe atfove ?wnted and de.JcUled jzumiJeJ, wit:! de ajtjzuMena?'lc&:J ~ '7 -~ ,~ ~ ~---<-<. ~ wullk,,-,,<-?ooditf:li, lull jzOZl/et (vnd dzwjtl audotJ" ~ ?tant, ~n, uef!,,::~td ~ Jante, In ntannct {fbtedcu'd: ~nd t:!at t,fe daf'd jzaM"';'" 0/ de decond jUdt. ~ ~, wuI ~nJ, dlk./l and ~ at all cemed ,feteaJlet, jteacealfl and 1UlC~, Ikve, tfodl, t/J6, oeouj,?' jUVJe,j,j wuI e70" c,fe atfove ?l.a?ttedj4eme:w, and ~ jzail wuljUlicel t,fe/.a!j Zt'f.t:! ttfo oftjzutlenanc.eJ, w~dotd (NtJl id, J~u't, cioulle, ??whtatfon, eVtd~01t, oJ ~Mtutl!:zncc 0/ de Jafd jUlil....:.. 0/ t,fe IMt jail, ~~1.. ~M ot ~, ot 0/ {(4lJl ot,fet je/Jon ot ' jteiJon.; dzuftlff cl!umf>>:? 01 to cduJm de MMne: jud du t,fe Jante now aic -;ee.. c/k"l, a;;;c~ed and ftnencUnt&ter/, o/and j10m alY/otntet wuI ottf'et, ?ta?d;, utleJ, c~, OJtaleJ'ltuftmenlJ, laa:eJ, ~ and encum~ 0/ wlat naCftU ot :!MuI ~. ~nb alsa, tlkt ttf'e tHud jzait<.~ t/'t,fe fMt jzail, and ~ ,felM, andalland eP6i;t/te4Jon ot jzeiJon,) wtfomJoevet, dzuft/(y 01 ,,!uda&; dettVMz? a~ edtale, tft''', title ot lnteteJt, oj In ot to t,fe tfeietnle/ote ?tanted jztemfdeJ, ~,j1om, ftntkt ot ~n ttwt jot ~ '" ~ '1f dent, .dall and we/!; at anJl ttme ot tt?ne.; ,feUa/lel, ujon t,fe ua.Jo~. ~{.(:!..t,6_~<-ac de jziojtei CoJ6J and olaf/OJ In t,fe law, 0/ t,fe Jal'd jatt"';' 0/ de Jecond}aU ~ ~ and~nJ, matfe, th and eZCCftfe ot cafMe to tie -matk, thne, and eze(}{(tet!, all and eve,? dU(}:!/~ and otkt ktfJand t8aJona/1:, ac&, cO?w7a~ced and adJftwnceJ e?t de ~w, /01 de tfdtei and ??wie #ctuallf Vedte?t? wuI conl.am~ de ~u??~ tfcteif, ,ytanled ot .Jo ent'ended to 10, fit and to de tkU'djzail~ti,fe J~onc( /taU ~~. " ;t' ~~nJ /oUP6t ad ~ c,fe dae'd jzail~ . 0/ de Jecond jzait, ~ ...' "";t~, ot ~ dui coINtJd /k"tned In de dzw, Jlkll 10 it3aJtm, i ~adt<U:edoture'ted.. ~tuil deJa~'d /f~~~ ~ ~ ~.A.::,~~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ JU-~ tfaM, de aloz-e dedcUled and ~ ,ytanted and tkedjie~lMed, and ~a~ a,;/tatcelt,feleoJ wettf t,fe o/tuil:nanc~, fmto ttfc daf'djz(d~~ o/~,fe decO?ldj~lll, ~ : and adJ':f?tJ, Ufamj( t,fe Jeu'd j"tI-t.4. <I t,fe Ildt j(ltl, and ~ tf'eliJ, and (;}ItltlMt. alland cvo'J , jzeiJOlt (l1ld jeiJonJ wtfonUJocvel, ~uft/(y cdz,m~ ot to cdz,nt de Jante, Jlkll "nd we:ll ~artJnt (tnd ~ Ctf,;JI' jluentd /oWI'Ot !Jdtnd. ~lt mitness iu~eitnf, t,fe ,fad jzaU~ v-f ~-~ tf'eteanto Jet L~~ ',. ~ and dC<t4, de dttJl and jl"a fMC atfove wUthe. ' ' Po " ~ AND D~IVIliJU!D IN TH~E8I1NOIIi OF ' ~~. ~ u::../'''''''''J''~ ~.a....A.~~ . , Oh~ . ~... duI.. ~...<....d. D> ,>.....:.L n.-...., "1: t-.i..... ~ 1t::;.~J;.!.L<A. _ /f~ ~~II"'~ ' turn..vw , I<'~ ~.~~.:.....~~........"'. , ' .,.... ~ t;t:;.../V.. ~...c..../~~ a=::c." ~ ~'~~eL_ . -ed?:-~~ ~ 42.. 7.1..... ~ 'I.- ~~<A-1-<M-t"":'" ~6 '~..' ~~." ....h._ ~~ I/t::... 1.. ';:-tc-....l. ~~, tc.... ~ ~ ~iif =... /1 /fFa......( /<.~ ~~""" ..... -= '= ' " .-.....-< /-., -r.-, cc::;.. 2., "'" ~ l.,....., l:r::... l. (, '?"~ J 1... 7. e .L t.=:;.. 3 v "*' =--...(. 'i' ~~ _ . }i i I ~~vcz.--~'~ , - ----- ~ , ...__._-~ I - ~---._".- -. , r -.. ~'-" I , I I I I j 1 ~tnte of /~~ }-ss. County of /~#r.(!/C 1 J &ntl'e ~ r/a}l 0/ ~L en t~ }leat one t~uJa?Ja' , e':fM ~ttna'tea' and ~A/""'''''U[~- 'eJbte me fze1iJtmal7 came /L--.7~---l-~'7.- ~?'~ a.~_ C ~ Cr./U~-L- #C-&, h~ ~<- 1 ~/~ to Ie t~ endevef.laa/..z- d~e4elea' en, ana' 1U~ eZi!cutea' tl'e rte;'oe~ tn;/tument, ana' /~~~ aJ."oV:'&1feel tlat de7 eue~tea' de. iJ~me; ~~ ,4--.-.~ ~~ ~ ~ ""- -1~~--..--<.:::;:: ~.e.....~_~_~:;::;;'______ ~ r-z-............/ ~-tf-v-- ~Jl ~ ~L_.~...----~...L.~ _~~- ~ ~.A'~ ~ ,<7 - - _ '-- ~_ C'</L~ ~~~~- ~ ~--->.- V"L ~oc~ ~ ~ _ ~~ ~.... ~ - > ~-77~ , I i , j, i . . ,...,. . ~ .' , , il #-,- i ! ~ . ~ . . _I I , ~............., - ~---~ -~-~-------_._-_._~~..-- -- ---- ~-........---'- . ,-~ ~..,,- . ...-.>_~ _~.,,___ ,__..u_~..."""..,.--.,.----,----.._. u._____".__ "... I ! I '.'~'~ ~~ , :1 C---~ ~ ~ I t , TO ~, ;;~ /5', .7~_ ' ; ;t~~~ I i ~'/~_ , ~~ . ,. 7- ~~-k-o.~ I 7~1 I , ':, 7~7/~~ :1 ,,'/I ," ,~,'" - rt_J' t : . ~ t t / ,7 Ji ~ .J.I . '.... ,; ! ,,!!, :i, .,/ /~/ " l, .) dC'/-J ,0') . ~ --,- , . ~. cY I d @fated?~' ~~- ~ /,.0 j ~t '; ., ~ ~. ~: A. . " 'I ~~j~, ~~ I 't. ~ ~ 1 ~ ~7fA~P'-- ! 1 /6f~'/:r/~;:~ '. ~ IL /c;;f71 ~ /f7t'-d- ) t / .til...~- '\,. tl" f ,lk;L~. (V~ /2,?P..J~ .. ~c-..L,-L-~;;:.~"1... V~<'-<-- .. ~~,~~.-.. a.A~' .'~. . ': /~~,.y~ U-9. & .~ - , ,