HomeMy WebLinkAboutHallock, John & Glover, Oliver r - , ~"T"'.- , ~ - _:,..~ -. ....., Warrantee Deed. Gazette Office. '. ~bi~ ~nIrmtnr~1 ~ac!eI del /~~'//~-~~/ day 0/ ~/u '?z /hiyeaP one ~ada42d e:y~ kdUd and ~"?~~b _ Wm~WIaI:a~ ~A!:!, OY:~"'(; /~J~~?::/~~ >>t/ ~~P-b'4?:::Yr~~ ~~ ,JZ;~7 ~~#A: /NU//' #~~,,:/~ ~Y3,:Y!:72i~Z;-Y:~/fl/:U/ fJ:t~~/ ~~~~ ~~/. ,.#/<.'/v 6'u//n~ .av//~ .,JZ-~;4--, ~~/~".AJ.e/-' ~ ~ decMZd/,af/ WITNESSETH, (i'!7Zxt /.Ie da,d' jItU/U'4 0(/""/ Jitd/ /laU; m ty)~" o//hid",n 0/ C~4~> Y'h/7l/>!h'~x"/ .%~~7.//'~"'/_' ~.~L.- ddf jwd '/~~e de duIvezy hizeo/ k,?/'('j /a'1amcd and dcuf/ and 4- d:.le juMe"fJ ttf, jl"Uln/ emd convey /0 /hi oq.(i!/,ar:f/; o//hi decondI'all/., /P.N/E.. ~ - k:-./. A'a'd andey:;tjndfl?8t,cl, AI~L J1Z~. r':,,->1;;;;;;'Uj!l!;CL ,:;~ ;(" ;?/7~/~f/":// .,y{~;,~/;.~ /Y'V ::4~ fOA~~L ~ C'.a/4CA':_, / ./ ~[e ~ c// _/71' d > / /' A,=/'~ /11/ /;;Q.L//';:;;;/,//C, A ,4L~..#~.-b Z~./4/?4~// v 4.?U~../ "g"?~dL~~~~~u:i~/~' dft4/Mtf; i:4/7,d' ~ '~;:'/~ ~;Z/.) 0~~f:;> ~ 4 7.? k7, ~~/ .#~,f~fiz,~/'~ ~C~;/ ~,p-A'~/, (/~/~'~~A'~-4 ? /J~A-b/~ pn.L! Ly.a..,.-A-e. k ~ ,,/A<#??b L ~c~,) F) ) ./ \ , ? 3 ) J. ....~...:.:'i'lI'.!~ '~~.J: ;' ; ::1 ;"/:' " . ' ) .tJit,! /h ,,/yua/Mla?2CCf, mId Clt1 ,k MIr,le, 41;': emc! tiu'aMI (/ /k dati! jtar//;"p 0/ de fi"'jta~t,.Ie'Ct?z' ~l1b ,.Ie d{((;!jtal/UP c/ /k fiJt ,/'{p!, ttf, k'e41 rovena"t ",nd ';;1ue 10dl/ /.Ie drud/,act;:! 0/ t.le dceMU! ,/'az!, that at't.le /tille ~f /.Ie d:,ti",'Y ;fClCo! de datd/laUUd 0/ ,.Ie f'''' /laH ML t.le /c;1lfr(oMltcJfJ 0/ t.le /,lC?nMM dtUJe Jiiii1.IicCanTdcidU>ftM('iIli"P .limjUi at;o.tI;7e,a?i;n,(a/~_ wtt7~ 1trr1tl1L and ~ifcl1b ,.Ie a/;;vc j'la?zd ,/',CmtdM C12 t.le 1,ud ane( ,/'cac~atk/lCY;:fJ(;," 0/ /.Ie dacd /,a";:t .~~" 0/ /.Ie dCCMtd I'M!, M RC<'d m'da~lId, fP ct'CP'- c . . ~11 ~itl1i$$ m5itiCfj /.Ie dCUd' /,art~ 0/ thi fut /tac'~..vt1' ~ .l'a~u/j1 anddea0 thi d~ ancP' yeaP f:rdt a/;;1/e 481cI6N', . , ./3ealed and delivered in the pre8ence oj. ;;;; . , \. .' w~i '~~;J/f J)""') / ;{;,tt/?tlh JU ~4Y~ 0it(/..~ u{:/;~~A. " . .~ / . '../ r I ! i I i " I I , :1 '-.'- t . ....:.:,~. ;'';''';';;'''' ~:"=~~--'-"--'--- . ~,at\~ -!. , . #~w f;!.,,~/)1M/ :~A%7;;f'_Y#/h'~ 1fll~4; jc7/ ~-v ~4'.h-?7Jb 7P ~~ #>>#b *7Pn~ ~~ ~>>~ #:~#?74 Ci~/' /~ ,-( ./~~ ~-EL> /Ufj~/ ~ r' ff~ ~~ Z;-~~~~~;UJ/4 ~~~ /~~ ~ ~ ~p~Z::~/~o~:n-C//M7~' ffip>~ ~~~~~~ ~;:/~~ bJV~"~ ~ J'/~7--/--J-- ~.d/~ :!:~-d' ~~ A-<,:;l:~<H/ 4:tuL .h<'2- A- fU4/:4 , ~&??>~p~~v Z a>z-b /?n~~/ r~7;A~L/ ~~ kh-~ ~~ Jb r~~uh2 ~J~.d~ CP.?M7h;>7~ /f/:f , ~g,?~ /?7/~~ ~/~/~~~~l-~~/~ ~ L4'&_/L-/' ~i j\ /15 1/~~;V0 ('/f/ / .' .A./ //'./:7 ....._;z~~/C7;J4';/fZJfi~L-C~ V?: r- ~....~~;-~ · 1(' " ;\'r, ,j ".-4"" . . .. .:\ t) 'i} . .,i'. . ~, " ,'" ,"'1 .,. n"\ 'l,~ . .' " --, ;,( ;. \ , . .... "~"" , , . ,\, ',' :"0"~Q:!,'.? ;"" ~ ': I c- ' .~ ~. .. . ... .. " . '\<. '. . - . ....'-- . Coif. :'~ ~~,.' , ,\ "" " , c.' ~.' .1 ,~""'1 , ,[ .~:': -..............'" . ----~,.. --,"!;-----' . . " . (, , . . f'L' , "