HomeMy WebLinkAboutTyler, Clifford & Edwina tl. .... .".,4.. -,;:{'~W,. I \ SOUTHOLl> TOWN dRDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF TOURIST CAMPS HOUSE TRAlCLERS, OR SIMILAR ESTABLISHMENTS 9 PERMIT NO. THIS IS TO CERTlCFY THAT PURSUANT TO 'lUU:1LmMl'l!J<mtWina Tyler of OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED ORDINANCE, School St CutchoguE1t N.Y. IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND PER- MITTED TO ESTAB]~ISH, MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE A Transient travel trailer park N/S School House noad, Cu~cnogue ~.x. AT FROM THE DATE m~REOF, UNLESS THIS PERMIT IS SOONER REVOKED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. March 10, 1970 DATED: Greenpor~, fi.r. AT: ~W)I OJiQ6~HOLb NEW Y~ {.UJ~1A/ f/7 /7L-?L 2-4 tft--t:. BY Supervisor ~::~:: L~t"(1 Nora Of IIIIAJWrGc- 2 Pul'IIltoitt ~ ',.s.eCtton 20 of the SOlltho1d~'1'own 'OnIlnance pro- WIIDll for th<l regulatIaD of 'tiiurlst C&IIIIJ8, . House '1'IaIIer Oamps, H~ ''1'raI1ers or Il\IDIIar estAbliilihmAntlJ, . pubUc' bearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the ojl!ceof the ~, 16 South street, Greenport, New York, In saki Town on November 25, 1969 at 8:00 .o'clock p, M" of said day upon the &p\>llcatlon of C1Ilford and Edwlna Tyler fOr the est..b- lishment and operation of .. transient travel traDer camP on proPerty located ..t north side of SchOOlhoUBe Roa.d, cutchogue, , gene-"y bounded and described' ....,... ., I as follOws: I , Beginning ..t .. polnt on the northerly llne of Schoo\ .,j;;":!' . . . , . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: . ailwle . . weste" ' Of land;' c..ffery; running southw..~- Iy . ~ong sa;ld north~,., side of . School I:Ibuse '.:SOlld 2 oouriles: .80"'460 57' 3Ofto"'Y'~~ 1.~ feet; th!tnce S. ~' 46" W' I W.~.16;feet to a Dl,O'!u- ..,t .: ..n'J . the land of, . ,jibe 1\im of SoUthold; ~ --'~~ Town of jlo\1thold and ., of :aaxter~.' 37' Q5' 50~'" 373.Ga 1ee~ tp .. point; th. . alon~.I,,"'.()f B~r N.' .0 17' 10" Jl:,~.87 feet to Iaml., of .Kur....skI; 11'" thence S,'~' 41' 10"E,' land. ofl\8Pli~; ~. along !..ndilt ~ur~w~ N. 46' 57'j30" II to j~d of'Mc- c..ffery; thel!ce ~~ Iatld of McCafferf& 41~: ,~I50~ to the polnt of be~g. With- in this \l!lol'ce!'....the private I dwelllng and bualnes$ b<ii\dlng I (public gOlr_l of the. owne'1".1 Any person des!rJl1ll to be I heard on the above matter should appeOlr..t the time and plllee ..bove specified. DATED: OC'l'OBJ$ 21, 1~ BY ORDER 01&TEu:,' ' SOUTHOLI> Td'mi BOAAD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN. CJI..ERK I IT-13 C. Whitney Booth, Jr" being duly sworn, says thot he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news. paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in soid Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Wotch. man once each week for .......&~<i..,..(.I./... wee~ successively, commencing on the ............../.:;),..!.~......... day of .........'::::(j.--e:::7.:......;j/:'iJ; / . d!:{If1~ Sworn to before me this .....;)11.......... doy of ......74.~.........., 19&..7 ...........rJ..{Le~;(......&.~.(; .. ...,c,............. NotMy Publlc 11 ADELE P!i.Vm:- No!]r D.'>. -" V , i , :.JI"N 'fork' J';!\' Crrn,11fS-;:UJ1 l\-:;;;,- u; 1971 ~ ~ --l c. f'I :f' r C) "' " ( ,~ ;r \-.., ::w '-' r:::;J \....1,) -J:: ,;,~ -} o " iii ~-<; ". 't ~ [;" --'i\" v) ~'" ~r.. Q f\.,. f'"''"'l ~()n' ";) rf'i r; ..~II' fJ ~ - (""\ r._ v S!! , "- " ~ rj ....') H " ~ " ~I ;) T '" 5> (' f?I~ v? z:, ",-. L; v ~ . <i' .. "" ... o r> ^ (,.'~ lotI<, ~.- r,IU'S, i J (q;~ ' 2;~ fi; e',) \ P,..: U"-I.{'_S' Ii'v"'GH.'-'~ 5 ff!~'6tt:C) (0 <-, ~, j " ~ lJ "'~J -, ""( ~ ~ ~ ':( " "(, ~ . CL.e<.1Jo<.lT S-O~I oW ." :-;./ l;.l' a.~, I~ 't) () S :: (?~ I. D .~.-:.,,, y -~ p't.. ~ ~ "- \<,,) I ~k I _ 'S'J I ,i- n - (res 'r T?'0'~' t",,5 i-Au'jOI2'( C:TC / ,) ,N>., "b'. DC c,ifLCR:...- pu \31-1 C- r~ C (? ~,\.?' A'" , c,' , 13 L- v', r0.9 .... '-J e---. :l ~ , "- III 'lI. '" --,.. 'n \J -. <;> 0 rr, c! ~ c> " "0 IS ~ ,. ~{ 0 "I "-\.:S "11 "'/' u.. " VOJ ~ IV (' lr) ('\ ['13 ~ ~ ((--, c?! Ii;;) ~ t) l' 'Q13 I \) ",L 'If.l \.,J Ff..AJC:1& ~ t SeT (He. Jr::. l---~- !! I!! QI.!>..2. SOUTHOLD 'r(~JN BOAIID N'oveJllber 2S. 1969 P R B S E N T: SUPERVISOR ALlItRT MARTOCCHIA .JUSTICB MARTIN Stl'1'8R COQCILMAN Ha<IARD VAlENTINE COtlCILMAN LOlJIS DEMAREST T_ A'f'IORNaY ROImRT ~I. TASI(8R TOlIN CLRRK. ALSBRT w. ~ICHMOHD Goldrich ) Tyler ) Taca ) change of zonea . " property of Tyler.. "n :,' T : \IE '.JIll open the hearing on the Councilman Demarest will read the legal notice of hearing. COUNCIUlI'.N Dm,'lAI<EST: "Pursuant to Section 20 of the Southold Tovn1 Ordinance providing for the regulation of Tourists Camps, House Trailer Camps, House Trailers or similar establishments, a public hearing will be held by the SoutholdTovm Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, NeVi York, in said Town on November 25, 1969, at 8:00 P.I'l. of said day upon the application of Clifford and Edwina Tyler for the establishment and operation of a transient travel trailer camp on property located at north side of Schoolhouse Eoad, Cutchogue, New York, generally bounded and described as follows:. "Beginning at a point on the northerly line of School House Road which is 551.7 feet t from Depot Lane on said northerly side of School House Road and the southwesterly cornerof land of 1,'/cCaffery; running southwesterly along said northerly side of School House Road 2 courses: S. 460 57' 30" V;.- 150 feet; thence S. 490 46' 50" \;.- 209.16 feet to a monument and the land of the Tovm of Southold; running thence along the lands of Town of Southold and land of Baxter, H. 370 05' 50" \'c.- 373.63 feet to a point; thence along landof Baxter N. 330 17' 10" E.- 205.87 feet to land of Kurczewski; running thence S. 390 44' 10" E. to land of applicant; thence along land of Kurczevlski N. 460 57' 30" E to land of ['lcCaff erty; the nce along land of I:IcCaffery S.. 41032' 50" Eo to the point of beginning. ~)ithin this parcel are the private dwelling and business building (public garage) of the owners. fi~y person desiring to be hearm on the above matter should appear at the time and placed above specificC. JAY. NOVlEMBER .14. 1969 LEGAL !NOTICE ""OTllCE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 20 of the Southo~d, 'Town Ordinance providing for the reguLation of Tourists CaIIljps, House Trailer Camps, House Trail- e.rs or similar esta.blishments, a pub- he hearing will be held by the Southold ~rown Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, I Greel\Port, New Y'ork, in said Town I on November 25, 196.9 at 8:00 o'clock t P,M., of said day upon t'he' appli- , 'Cation of Clifford ap.d Edwina Tyler I for the establishment and operation f of a transient' travel trailer camp , on prQPerrty located a,t north side I of Schoolhouse Road, Cutchogue, ~ New York, generally bounded and I described as follows: I (Beginning art a point on the l northerly line of School House . Road which is 551.7 feet (plus or minus) from Depot Lane on said northerly side of School House Road and the southlWesterly cor- her of land of McCaffery; running southwesterly along said north- erly siide of School House Road 2 courses: S. 460 57' 30" W. - 150 feet; thence S. 490 46' 50" W. _ 209.1'6 feet to a monument and the land of the Town of Southold; Running thence along the lands of Town of Southold and land of Baxtat' .N. 370 05' 50" W. - 373.68 feet to a point; thence along land of Baxter N. 330 17' 10" E. - 21l5.87 feet to land of Kurczeski; running thence S. 390 44' 10" E. to land of aPlPlicant; thence along land of Kurczewski IN. 460 57' 3'0 'E to land of Mc- Caffery; thence alond land of Mc- Caffery S. 410 32' 50" E. to the point of beginning. Within fuis parcel are the pri,vate dwelling and business building (public garage) of the, owners. Any- persmt desiring to be heard on the: above matter should appear at the time and 1P1ace above speci- fied. DA'I1EID: OCTOBER ZI, 196.9, BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AUliI!:RT W.. RllCHMOND TOWN CLERK 1""14 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF nEW YORK. 1 f ss: J ... ,;-J.~..;t. ~.,.~~..... being duly Sworn. says that .. ~ . . is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said cou,nty; and Nlat thE' notice. of which the ,annexed is a printed copy. has been published in the said Suffolk WeekJiy Times once in E'oc::h week, for. . .... .t::.":'-!':-:--. . . . . . . . . . . . .. week, k~__u.-<.:f..~ successiv&ly oommencingon the .. '{j . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day ,of ..r~~>19"-r. ,_<...//c:. ::,.~. .~~--:'. ::..~. :":':'::~:........... Sworn to b;ore me this . 1.-1. ~l. : . . 1 "'{..,au.f}. bY. ~ day of ..f.~~~~~:t:.. 19.. .. J 1-. -< _~. .":;:. Cc ,'-'....'-,_;,,~ . . \. .':h\"'''~~/~1-:>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -'~'.' . .'\":<,;; . . "l.\:..\;~V\'':-<..:,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- [ \N(;TON COR\V1N. .. '. .1 , _ _ 't' ( Nl'\\' tOl" '-..]ntn ry I' \I t \1\, ~.:- ,.:1 ~'- r : :C.' _')i7();'j\,O I-I" (0 (1): 1.:,1' ~<l. --.-' \" L"'\ .-1\\.:) t~ " ,',_,,, '_-, :vh1rcn -Ai, l}..ic' _~; 1;" ~,l \ :, L (ill '-_ A I" L -. -11- ''DATED: October ill, 1969, BY ORDER (F nm SOUTHOLl) TOWN BOARD, ALBERT w. R<ECHMOND. TO/VN CLERK. " Councilman Demarest stated that the affidavits at publication were present in the file. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: You have hee.rd the legal notice of. hearing and the description of. the property. Is thee auyOlle present who wishes to speak in favor of. this application? MR. CLIFFORD TYLER: 1 all the IIW1 that is briDgiDg the applica'tion f or that. I hope that I get it. SUPBRVISOR MARTOCCHIA: AnyOlle else wilJh to be beard in favor of this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is there any_ present who Wishes to speak against this application? (~ was no response.) SUPERVISOR ~l'ARTOCCHIA: Is thet' e any discussion one way or the other? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHlA: Hearing nOlle. 11'8 will C10H the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of. the Board. * * * * * * * NOTICE OF BEARING Pursuant to Bectlon 20 of the Southolcl Town ordinance pro- WIllIg for the regulation of Tourist ca.mps, House '1'raI1Il' Camps, House TraIlers or slmUar estab\lsbments, a public hearing. 1l'IIl be he1cl by the Southolcl Town Board at the omce of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Qreenport, New York, In said Town on November 25, 1969 at 8:00 o'clock P. Moo of said ds.y upon the applicatIon of CII1ford and Edwina Tyler for the estab- lishment and operat1oll of a transient travel traller camp on I property located at north side of Schoolhouse Road, CUtchogue, genera1ly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the .nOl;therly line of SChool house Road which Is 551.7 feet i :!:: from Depot Lane on said, northerly side of SChool, House Road and the south- westerly corner of land of Mc- Caffery; running southwester- i Iy along saId northerly sIde of School House Road 2 courses: S. 460 57' 30" W. - 150 feet; thence S. 490 46' 50" W.-209.16 feet to a monu- ment and the land of the Town of Southold; Running thence along the lands of Town of Southo1d and land of Baxter N. 370 06' 50" W.- 373.68 feet to a. point; thence along land of Baxter N. 330 17' 10" E.-205.87 feet to land of Iturczewski; running thence S. 39'. 44' 10" E. to land of alll/llcant; thence along land. of' Kurczewski N. 460 57' 30".,.1;0 land of Mc- Caffery; t~.'.:along land. Of,. McCaffery . .~c~ ." 32' 50" to: the point 0 . WIth- In this pa.rcei-'..... the private dwelling and business building (public garage) of the owners. Any person desIring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DA!u~~~~~J D: ALBER;tf~ ! TOWN CLE!IK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } 55: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....([)A.<.d...(!.../..... .."eely{ successively, commencing on the .............../.,:?..~....... do> O''#47:tlftt . ..........................................?!.:..~.f1~ ;:r, Sworn to before me this .............!;:....... day of ......~.~......, 19t:::..? /' oJ ,/j .............lL~dJ:..../~pc.L......... Notary Public t/ t"'. ';?'iI Yor1( ',:1~1 NO~B"V r;c '.. 30 lS7l C.::. h',.",L-.l r. COr:1misS',O;! l-)'~'i 1T-13 , __u_~~.~_ OAY. NOVEMBER ,14. 1969 LEGAL iNOTICE cNOT!ICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 20 of the Southo~d Town Ordinance providing for the regulation of Tourists, Call1lPs, House 'Trailer Camps, House Trail- ers or similar establishments, a pub- lic hearing will be held by the Southald Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Green;port, New York, in said Town on November 25, 196,9 at 8:00 o'clock P.M., of said day upon f'ne appli- ;oation of Clifford and Edwina Tyler for the establishment and operation of a transient tra'vel trailer camp on prQperlty located at north side of iSchoolhouse Road, Cutchogue, New York, generally bounded and described as follows: ;BegJnning a1l; a point on the northerly line of School House Road whi,ch is 551.7 feet (plus or minus) from Depot Lane on said northerly side of School House Road and the south~esterly cor- ner of land of McCaffery; running southwesterly along said noI"th- er ly' slide of School House Road 2 courses,: S. 460 57' 30" W. -' 150 feet; thence S. 490 46' 50" W. _ 209.16 ieet to a monument and the land of the Town of Southold' Running 'fuence along the lanJd~ of Town of Southold and land of Baxter N. 370 05' 50" W. - 373-.68 feet to a point; thence along land of Baxter N. 330 17' 10" E., - 205.87 feet to land of Kurczeski; running thence S. 390 44' 10" E. to land of awlicant; thence along land of Kurczewski N. 460 57' 3'0 'E to land of :Mc- Caffery; thence alond land of Mc- Caffery S. 410 32' 50" E. to the point of beginning. Within this parcel are ,the private dwellin.g and business building (public garage) of the owners. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and 1P1ace above speci- fied. 'DA'l1ED: OCTOBER 21, 1969, BY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF NEW YORI(, 1 f ss: J . . . .S .-(:i~ . .4:.. ~~~'.'+: . . . .. being duly Sworn. says that .. A-i.,.... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKL Y TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that thE'notiCt:. ,of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times o,nce in E'ach week, for ... ..... .(:!.~. . . . , . . . . . .. week" . 1 I th r'. <.-.i/t..:.-<!/.dtL successIve; y !lomm._ enc n. g on. e.......................... day ,of . .7L.<:-Jtbd:~~~~ .~. ~.".-: ._: .';-........... S t bef thO / ;/<!;i 1 worn,:) ore' me IS. . . .'. . . l '. . . . . day of .. J.i,...;~,,!-!::,.,.,-:(,:,:,,;,. 19~1.. r .:t. h~~~\.:.:.~~:--;-~~-;-................ . . .\:"0-', . . l--'j' \':--\->\~~ \.... . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,-...; C< 'P\\ 11\l 1< \.A)"\;(,I(, J r--.,: \, YOl\( '3nt'H;' \'ctilh ~,1.\\~.\ ;:",'.()771);,l;U , , . ( ',1' 1",1. H_ 911 .:UCil1IL Cu. '" _ ..:':.\l.n~-l'L,JJ.l .... ::\'ni ~"IU:\ ._:~\'L.~" c ~ tr . NOTICE OF HEARING Pursua,nt to Section 20 of the Southold Town Ordinance providing f:or the regulation of Tourists Camps. House Trailer Camps, Hous'e Trailers or similar establishments, a pW:llic of the Supe:rvisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in hearing wil.l be held by the South old Town Board at the: office said Town oln November 25, 1969 at 8: 00 o'clock P.M.. of said day upon the application of Clifford and Edwina Tyler for the establishment and operation of a transient travel trailer camp on property located at north side of Schoolhouse Road, Cutchogue, New York, generally bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of School House Road which is 551.7 feet t from Depot Lane on said northerly side of School House Road and the southwesterly corner of land of MCCaffery: running southwesterly along said northerly side of School House Road 2 courses: S. 460 57' 30" W. - 150 feet: thence S. 490 46' 50" W. - 209.16 feet to a monument and the land of the Town of Southold: Runnin'!:J thence along the lands of Town of South old and land of Baxter N. 370 05' 50" W. - 373.68 feet o to a p,oint: thence along land of Baxter N. 33 17' 10" E. - 205.87 feet to land of Kurczewski: running thence S. 390 44' 10" B. to land of applicant: thence along land of Kurczewski N. 460 57' 30" E to land of MCCaff"ary: thence along land of MCCaffery S. 410 32' .. Legal NotWI Page -2- ~, . 50" E. to the point of beginning. Within this parcel are thl! private dwelling and business building (public garage I of the owners. Any pe::l:son desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: OCTO:iBER 21, 1969# BY ORDER OF THE SOtn'HOLD TCMN BOlUlD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TCMN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE. NOVEMBER 13. 1969. AND FORWARD THREE (3) A:1n'IDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOtn'HOLD TOWN CLERK. MAIN RMD, SOtn'HOLD, NEW YORK. Copies mailed. to the following on November 6. 1969: The LOlng Island '1'raveler-Mattituck Watchman The Suffolk Weekly Times Clifford Tyler . ~~ . " /7"T,IC TICN FnR -"SRMIT ,"UTHCLD TC'W'N ('RDmiNe:I: ~'Rr'T~W\JG FnH TH;;: REGUL fT~'-::'N (iF' T0URlfT CPlvi--:'=-. H(')USi;' T~~ LdT T'F..:: ~y!---'8 HOUSr_ TE! ILSRS, CR SIMIL l{ :CST ^ BLIC:HM' 'NT" Cutchog,:e, N.Y. (' la,'e) June_ 61 _1~6_9 , (f' ,'- )' , -~\,-~ To the Town Bo;ud of the Town of Southold C'ffic~ of the ru')ervisor 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: I'n:,lication is hereby made by the undersigned for a permit to establish cmd operate a transient travel trailer camp and in connection therewith the following information is submitted: Clifford and Edwina Tyler NCime of Own'2r: P,ddress of Owner: Schoolhouse Hoad Cllt~hne:llp. N _ Y _ Name of person to he' entrusted with direct management Clifford Tyler Location of 'COroperty: NjS Schoolhouse Hoad, Cutchogue N.Y. LEG!t'L DESCRPTION: Beginning at a point on the northerly Hne of School House Road which is 551.7 feet.:!: from Depot lallll./i on said northerly sid.e of school house road and the southwesterly cornEr of land of HcCaffery; running southwesterlJ' along saic: northerly sid.e of school house road 2 c,';rl-lJ1:.."ECFSC~~..,?7'-30" w 150 feet; thence S.49046'-50'' W 209.16 feet to a ~monUlDent and the land of Town of Southold; Hunning thence along the lands of Town of Southold and land of Baxter N.37c-05'-50" w. 373.68 to a point. thence along,),<!-pd of Laxter N. 330-17'-10" E. 205.87 feet to land .~ of KurCZe\'lski; running thence S. 390-44'-10" E. to le,nd of Applicant; thence along land of Kurcze\vski N.460-;'7'-30" E to land. of McCaffery; Thence along land o:!' HcCaffery S .41 0-32 '- ~,O" E. to the point of beggJhnJhlhgj 'dithin this "aracel are the private dwelling and business building (public Garage) of the owners. (Signature of ';'p!icant See page 2. attached. .. . PAGE 2, appl.ication continued Plan of camp: See attached plan of proDosed camp layout. Additional information: The owners plan to accomodate traLsient travel trailers a:nd campers for overnight stops and short term stopovers. The plan is to adhere to the travel trailer association rules of conduct, length of stopover etc. A watE:'r su"pl)' and sewerage disposal plan has been anproved by tLe Suffolk County Health Department, a copy of tteir anproval is attached to this a,-plication. We do not want any long term occu11and,es in thlU trailer camp as it will be for only the smaller "travel trailers and campers". Adequate waSh room, toilet, and laundry facilities will be provided in the westerly side of th(, main (public)garage building where hot water and sewreage is already pr~vided. The owners live on the premises and ,vil:l nrovise supervision and controll of t~e entire premises. State of New York County of Suffolk X~{'JJlf.j/. '~, Signature of Anplcant __(~iillj)~~_!/l-_WP.Jr ..1______ that he is the al'~-:bove named, herein are true and correct Being duly sworn, deposes and says and the statements contained 6#r- day of -r----- 1969 Notary PUbliJ.1 ,3uffolk _ County, fiA:O/lJuTh (J/lv>'U ~ ~r~--;'lI7'8tTH AN~i NEVILLE JWOTM?Y PUPI ie, Sti]tl! Df I~ew York ~\.), 52-R!252SiI. Sultolk COll.Q} hrll1 1:XpifCS Malch 3D, 19~ N.Y. ....--. . , .' , " ::) -0 ~ " '~) , .') }. , , \/) \) 1"-....... ,. J f, ,'... '- 'r ~ ., 0 , , L " " " ..... "- ~ \, I , ,,( " " \- , I ) , , .:> '. V ~ ~ l.c-;<'____ ... r __m.. 4~ ~ \'-, If' \, (.; , " . Q. h ',) () ~.i /'(;'.::.::./~ \.'\ \.;. ., i) ~ I:'\L (0'\--(--'\ I I\j ..j I -~'-'I , I I I .; \ ., l' r I ,.... I;> 'Ii , I I. i ,'< I J I .~ I' , ' ,-t'- I.,,) < ." '.!) ."J'<";/:r- -: {7",//_.:.~S' '-J ...;-S , . ~I -.._-t , , " , ~ , ., :j .0 , >- -, ~ I '-, '\ ':t- \ ,- ? ....__._J8) ,'.' , I \ ~ I", I \ , \..J '''''- I I (J I r-'---- '-~\ , [' ~'I .;;; I ,_.J 1,'--.... 1\ \..? r/J < '~J C, l ::-0 -" b l\~ ~~ y -, ,) r:::' i) ( -'.:-" "-'~ :; .j -~.~ ~ ^ v ., , '."'i. L~', '. r' , :"".... ,t ~ ';.} ! ,{J "-~ " I -z- I L( ,- " i- ~ ," i ..~ ,~ ," ... "1 ~) ;>/i ' r p r:- ~. I < '''' .. " , 1\) i -- -\- I ' , , , 'l ',~...." , \ ) , '\ I ~ '.) 'c': , " I~" 0 '0. >.' , ", " '" .. ) ,> ., . , v " " '.> , , ...] .; 't ~:) , I. e ., '. , n .;,,' " \ " .:; ( '. - I' 1>':0., : i'\.,_. m___ ""1 , j I J m 1 Ii' I .1> I \,' ~', 'cc."....J ."i, I- -,:.1:: ,...) . . 5UFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEhL _No..f~? ~. - 1he provoz"j 8rr~ngements for sewage d1sposal --- -<, for ;;dfUJ.~N[ffit!IL6e?,4,e/( - in the %J ;[!,o'f""'!.-_'- ----. .'c. "' ., ,'c, c>. 0,"0 """ ,. 0000' "'0" ., '" "'" ", ,,'0 ..... ph"'" '" 0'" CO '" oU ,.. ., ". '0""'" '''''','' ,,,,,,,.. of .~ '.'. --' S:-/L-(P'i.. c()~.':' ...':; ,ive.n for the riling of t;,n~0 rC"'; r '.' '. thi'. ." ' ,.'f'p<c"rs in the office "r -.-............ ___../Jl.~~/!:::!'.!..':!.fL '7E/";<" - ~....-.., 'IbjS ..":. .' .'.'~' n~t inolude structural f"3tl"':'; .",,' , or. ~CC .' )t 1,he proposed facilitieS are ).".tl 1 ... ", .,., '","'" "," , "","'CJ<, ,',,,~," (" U~(l"M' '" 0"'-' ,'" lV'g"F-9-~-" .ZfCr~ ~ Die.trict En';_I ~ SeR€ ,,-WI /Jr... f{ f'f-ITNTi fJ 6 S As Ire(1lJll1.ED ,1.0s.<c:l: PICICN1CI( " TAljl.-~.s \ E'rc... ,~ ~ ~.,-.....,.~," -<<,....."---- \ ~~ , '''- it' !. ,) 0-" , r -- ::" L] _~..:[9.~_~____ r t" - , .r: c ,('l"' ~ / ,-~----'- J t, a! "0\ .fe' ( '" <> .. ~-. ,., """ \: , - " H :l I r o "" -j " cS'f-IS.\I"'~ TRclO> GJtn<<> FOQ SC"<il./II fOr I it 10 L" .x: o ., .t! 0:.; / <J) I i -I / 1 J '" o. S' u_ _.:: // I j , .t'! o 'i k , .. \~ " '" I' ,-- .E:~'S11 iJG" Fveu~ GAR\'.<iE W '-J "" .. ,,, .... ~~'-ll''''' I}." lb'Co;'T-(1 tAu>,O"'! f"ell.tTiL'"Jol i:rc.. -I I ' -+ 35.'] - ~uK e' :> .(' o ~ " ::J ,I '- ,.' "'- .,- ~ R\ '\ 1\\ \ I" !~ ;...___~ i\ R~G."IRtO;~\ ,~o\,r'7 ! , ,.- " .' ' ~poO:; ~,q. " ~_..'~O~~ ,$" . DW'~ '4 I" \ 'J r- '" ~! ~ :1 , ~I " '^ - 1+ _ ( 0 <(- Sov1no\.j) l 0(,.>"" Di<r>o\~ A(,~ SJ .....-? . , ~ (11.<;. Po,,",p.$. rfj]J ....i ~\ --- /50' 1: --) ;l 0 1.1 i SChOOL House /'20 A 5> ------------,.,----- PI-_lIo16 ~ Sc. R.e~'" I N (, "-".'tv"-Rl1:Q~\y r , r , tJ'~~'It11 Sf. -~--,_....__. ~-- -----... ,,-- -"_..._~~-.--^" -------....---- _. .', <j > .>.. 0" ~ Vi ~i .C)~ Ii'll Ill, 9i I~I I 2/ I I . ~ 5.49"4<; SOW " + X ~ . L,f_"' r::.'~;':''''''"'T ~ I ~I COH<~ ~. '.v....:... , gU(';.<,..;" { t,,~ ). . "iJ ~l , " It ~ :;. . ;; t ,. " 'J"j ,.y: ""h .. ~~- ;' "3':' 6.', -'0' 1.3$'. 9'z ,j rLJ '(;,.6!r{, ,-i ( L , i ,;. <Q~ " f ..I~Q~ -<2~.tG" "5.4(;o,""r:fCt- W; ~ '0 5 :: n-:"-c ,I., """"ou.'Sii& ~O,A.C> SeA.:.... r : /co ~ / .-, l:!J .c<"'-<",!'.-:,.VU,Uf'~- "~. r CJ'" ;;:. E'PAJ:f' PCS"T I.i \ o ." '" ~ '\. " ,_2-;'>,"; rR. ." ~N ., . " vi , '. '-to ~l t " lJ v ~ ~ 14AP or P~o.oER-r,.-. $V':::;-VL;:VcO FO.q CLIFFORD R. #- IE: 0 vv'/ Iv,..a, /'~ --.,- y~:.... ~. """\' . . AT c ~. rc.I--; C ,;. (,./ F~ tv. 'r:'" SS/~-70TO DePOT kANe -.-.... RO. A/ V ,/ /' "II ~~/ // // // // ./ /f/ // I I . .! S~HOQ..... ,~ow'.sc !-: ~) r'" ~ Il' () ~ ~VA,~-4NreJ!:"O TO "Y"--~/,~: I'NTCR -Co'-.-,. ."--,,, T/TL.E, C;UA R.... .'v ~r )...,' ,'" ,.~.,.. -r.;;. A ce; ~.- ,~ <:~. .~...... C'.. -'-,-'"lo 7'....."E 1'~O,oe;."'H ;:::::-OJ:iC.~ EA.'. .~_. .....1/'j'L; ;,'-"lI-:--r ......-t>.f'-!fp-_.~ .,... A...~ ':'~IURvs.Y'e-J:) -'=-t.;;;,'S.. ;2!.5'I',Jg~4- O""--"""c V\-'. V:.4\,rq( -r~(./ \o<L f! ~';O^' 12"-. \! "'.~ (~"f (; ... \ ~/(--€,~SeO J... AND su..v....c.::' v-,="Ef:"~ G;REt"CIVPO~-,-,; jV'8:k-V ',-ORX' SOUTHOLD TOWN ORDI&CEI method of sewage disposal, plan for_tion 12. Each tourist camp shall Iwater supply and lighting, and each I keep copies of all records pertaining to PROVIDING FOR THE REGU- proposed location or site for tents, tent: the management or supervision of the LATION OF TOURIST CAMPS, houses, camp cottages, and/or trailers : camp which records shall be available HOUSE TRAILER CAMPS, H~)USE or camp cars must be shown on such I for illSilOCtion. plan. ~ Section 13. It shall be the duty of Section 4. All land used as a to'7rist I the owner. his agent or manager, to camp shall be located on well dramed . keep a register of all persons aocom- sites of ample size, free from heavy: modated in the camp. said register to or dense growth of brush or weeds. I meIude the names of all persons, their The land shall be free from marsh and I home addresses, the registration num- shall be graded to insure rapid drain- I ber and descriJption of their automo- age during and following ram. bile or other vehicle. It shall also be Section 5. Each site used as a touriSlJ the duty of the owner, his agent, or .camp shall be provided with an ample manager to provide for the collection and adequate supply of water of saie and removal of garbage or other waste sanitary quality, approved by the materials; to prohibit the placing or Board of Health. Where W&tet tram storage of unsightly material or ve- other sour.ces than that of the muni- hide within the camp; to provide at cipal supply is proposed to be used, least one 2Ih gallon soda and acid {ire the sources of supply shall first be extinguisher, or its eqUivalent, for each 81pproved by the Board of Health. 5 uni,ts, so located that all units shall Section 6. Each tourist camp shall be within 200 feet of an extinguisher, be provided with safe and adequate to report to the Board of Health all provision for the collection and re- cases of communicable diseases or moval of gal\bage and shall provide suspected cases of communicable dis- a proper and acceptable sewer system eases affecting any occupant of the either by connection to a municipal caInlP; to report immediately to the sewer system, where such is available, public authority all acts of disorderly or to septic tanks; all of which shall conduct committed "by: any person or comply fully with all laws, ordinances persons within the camp. and/or requirements prescribed by the Section 14. The provlSlons of this Board of Health. ordinance shall ,be in addition to and Section 7. Each unit in any tourist supplementary to the provisions of all camp upon which a tent, tent house, other ordinances of the Town of trailer or housecar is erected and SOuthold and where there is any con- placed and each unit in any tourist fl.ict between the provisions of this camp upon which a camp cottage is ordinance and any other ordinance, hereafter erected or placed, shall be then the ordinance providing the not less than 40 x 50 feet in area clear- stricter regulation shall prevall. ly d~fined by markers in each corner. Section 15. On every Trailer Camp, SectIon 8. No cottage hereafter erec- a suitable planting shall be erected. ted or placed u~n a site shall be less and maintained to screen the Trail- th~n. 15 feet dIstant from any other er Camp from public lands and pub- bUIlding. lle highways. Such planting shall be Section 9. No trailer or camp car not less than five (5) feet high, the shall be located, on any site where location of which shall be wpproved there is less than 15 feet between the by the Town Board. trailer or camp car and other build- ' . ing, trailers, or camp cars included SectIOn 16. Each application for a per- in the camp. With the exception of mit shall be accompanied by a fee of cottages previously placed or erected, Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars. Upon re- no cottage, trailer or camp car shall be ceipt of ~n application for a. permit plaCed within 20 feet from the property provided m this Ordinance, the TO'WIl or highway line. Clerk shall cause a notice of public Section 10. Adequate roadways or hearing thereon, specifying the time driveways shall be provided which shall and place thereof, to be published once lbe so located that each unit of the in a newspaper published in the Town camp, is easily accessible thereto. Said at least 10 days before the day of the roadways or driveways shall be ade- hearing. quately lighted while such camp is 00- Section 17. This Ordinance shall not cupied and such rOadways or driveway~ apply to any territory included within shall be so constructed and maintained the limits of the incorporated Village that a dust nuisance shall not be cre- of Greenport. ated'. All entrances and exits from the sec,ti n 18 An Jl'V>rson, fl'rm, or camp shall be well marked and so 0 . Y '1-''-' arranged that they will be easily con- corporation who shall violate or fail trolled and supervised. to co~plY with any of the provisions Section 11. Each tourist camp shall of this ordinance, shall be guilty .of be under the direct management of a:n offense and shall upon conVlC- the owner or licensee or his agent or hon be punishaible by a fine of not representative for whose acts he or to exceed $100.00 or by im~risonment they shall be fully responsible. for a term not exceeding SIX months The names of the persons entrusted or by both such fine ~nd imprlson- 'With the direct management of the I ment. Each day that a VIolation is per- camp shall be filed for reference with : mitted to exIst shall constitute a the Southoldo Town Police. i separate offense. TRAILERS, OR SIMILAR ESTAB- LISHMENTS. As Amended September 24, 195B Section 1 Definitions. (a) A Tourist Camp is hereby de- fined to be any lot, piece or parcel of ground where two or more tents, tent houses, camp cottages, house ca,rs, or trailers used as living or Sleeping quarters are or may be located, said camp being operated for or without compensation. (b) A unit is hereby defined to be any section or !plot of ground, upon which is erected any tent, tent house or camp cottage, and/ or for the ac- commodation of each automobile I~railer or house car. (c) camP Cottage is defined to 'be any small build:i.ng of whatever ma- terial constructed having less thun 350 square feet of enclosed floor area and used as living or sleeping quarteJ~s and constructed and equipped only for seasonal occupancy. (d) Automobile Trailer or House Car shall be defined to be any vehicle used as living or sleeping quarters and which is or may be mounted on wheels and is or may be propelled either by its own power or ,by another power driven vehicle, to which it may be attached. (e) Board or Department of Pub- lic Health shall mean any such Board or Department established pursuant to the laws of the state of New York and entrusted with the regulation, control and supervision of matters pertaining to and affecting the public health in the Town of Southold. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firms, associa,tions, corporations or co-partnership to estab- lish, maintain or operate withIn the limits of the Town of Southold, any tourist camp on any location or plot of ground for use of transients 'oy the day, week, month or season, whether a charge is or is not made, who does not possess a permit from the Depart- ment of Health and the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The permit issued: by the Town Board sha.ll not be transferrable or assignable and may be revoked for cause by such Board after a hearing. Section 3. Any person or IPerSOllf!, firm, association, covporation or co-partner- ship hereafter applying for a :permit and/or a license to establish and op- erate a tourist camp must first fUe with the Town Clerk a complete plan of the proposed call1lp. This plan with the legal description of the property shown, shall be drawn to scale and must show clearly the extent and area to 'be used for camp purposes. All pro- posed roadways and/or driveways, . . . i' A ?7LIC " T ION F0R ")ERMIT _._- fOUTHOLD TCW'N ORDnTlNGS "'RCIT:->llJG FC,R Th:~ REGUL'I~C;'J OF TOURlf,T C.AM-oS, HC'USF: TR ^>.ILFR C \;yF'8 HOUSe TRPIL~RS. OR SIMIL\R FS T ^ BLI"HME'NTS Cutchogue. Ii. Y . ( ~lace) June 6. ~~9__ (D_,-te\ To the Town Board of the Town of Southo1d Office of the ,"urervisor 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: Ap;:>lication is hereby made by the undersigned for a permit to establish and operate a t.Nln,.1Ani: t.,....v.., t"aj19r ~.llIp and in connection therewith the following information is submitted: Name of Owner: Clifford and Edv1na ~,~", Address of Owner: 3choolh01]He HORn Cliten.egue 'l.~. Name of person to be entrusted with direct management Clifford Tyl et' Location of ?roperty: N/S Schoolhouse HORn I C"tl"hl"lg)'" tJ . Y. LEGl'IL DESCRPTION: Beginning at a point on the northf.rly line of School House Road which is 551.7 feet ~ from De~ot Lane. on said northerly side of school house road and the southwesterly cornor of land of McCaffery, running southwesterly along said northprly side of school house road 2 QIit~~p3t!~.p7'.30" w 150 feet, thence s.49046'-50'' W 209.16 feet to amonuaent and the land of Town of Southoldi Running thence along the lands of Town of Jouthold a.nd land of Baxter N.370-05'-50" w. 373.68 to a oint he ,qJlg"J,w.d of Baxter N. 330-17'-10" E. 205.87 feet to land '~ of Kurczewski; rULQOing thence 8. 390.44'-10" E. to land of Applicant; thence along land of Kurczewsk1 N.46o-57'-30" E to land ot McCarferylThence along land of McCaffery 8.410_32'_50" E. to the point of ber"ft~.1I Within this paracel are the private dwelling and business building-{pUblic Garage) of the owners. (fignature of . pplicant See page 2. attached. , . . PAB 2, appUoat1on oont1l1ue4 Plu ot oaap. ke attaohed plan ot pJ'Opo.ed oup la7OU\. A4cllt1onal 1D1'01'llll1tionl the GWa8n plan \0 aocoaodate trandet tra"el traller. and ouper. tor o"erDiCht .top. and .hort te~ '\o)l8'l'en. the plan i. \0 adhere to the tra"el traUer assooiation rule. ofoOl1Cluo'. ~Lencth of .topoYer ete. A water 11U:ib and .."eftce d1.posal plan has been appro"ed b7 the Sutfolk COUll Ilealth Department, a oopy of thelr approval 1. attaelle4 \0 tbl. tlpp loaUolle We do 1lO1~ want aD1 10111 te~ oocupano1e. 111 thM traUel' cup .. lt wUl be for 0Dl7 the ...l1el' "tra"e1 trailer. and ouper.ll'. Adequate wala 1'0011, tollet, and laundl'7 facUltle. w111 be pJ'O\'ided 111 the ....ter17 dde ot the _111 (publ10)cuace bu11d1nC where hot vater and '8Wl~eace 11 alread,. pr*,14ed. the OWDel~' 11ve on the pral.e. and wl11 pro"i.. .upervldon and contJ'Oll of the entlre preal.e.. ltate of J." York K h'J4hP Q. G .0. Count7 ot lutfolk 81pature of App1;;f;; r~1.u/~ >f ~h"j Be1nC du1J nOrD depo.e. and that 11 the applt ant .bove named, and the statellen{s cOIlta1l1ed here1l1 are true aDd correct 6* 4&7 or fj'ung ~ 1969 .ays ~~S~UDty, WZABETH ANN NEVILLE NOTARY PUBLIC, Stale 01 New '(~ No. 52-8125850, Suffolk Cfl!~T1ty Term Expires March 3 ':. 70 I.Y. ... . .. e" . ~ ""~>,'-;.'"'"<l":';:,.....",...,,,,,,,,,,..;..-, "...., -- , "- ,J' ; '1 j~1 \ () ~ ~ '\..j, R ",. I \/) ll.,/~ __I ......; '" .. " ..... ~ :l~ ~ ~ . ~ '-; 1..) :, 'C <) ~- . \J l ..., '-.J ,- " " , jJ ~ L " ;..... 1:'J l~ t "J ;) Ci:.p ~ .j _ 3 \) .... ~ C ~.J... _ il "" 7'. " . :,:-.... <t !~ ";<r \..; -. .-.... - ---.:;...------.-. .~ ^ f. ...--.----;-.;;--;----.'" -... . ~ " -&' "" .., '^ t. \- .." .~ - I - ~, I .' . . \ ~ I I '? I :'A,.<' r -r <<J " q- , I' J.( .~.\. . ..J ... " :j +- c ~ ~ - 'I" ~ - ~ ~, i ....... ~ .....:i~~------- ~(/r !1 (!i I., I'"", ~ r!' -..---- \ i/l ' 'I I ' [, , I /p' -...._.. I / ~{.. ) -'n~--. . > r"s J;'o.o ,\.- . J" I. <2 \.. V" :: I.. " ~ ,; " \-. Q. "J _._-~ It; /. 6~ .,--..---1 I " '" ' , ,'" '" '" 'l'- < l: .~ ~ I ~ o ~ r , (':>i I \. I ' d-O~ i CD , , O! .,. ~ 100-' q"IPc::?~ .~].....-;>~ '"7P,,/....;tS .._--_._.__.~....._'...,.-~... .-- " <;; 0," "':. ~ '-l ::<:. '.S.. " "; ....::.J I. ) '1 ) " . " , - \_, , , \ " , , < - ~- ~ / / / I f, 'l'he prol''')'''':> .oI"r~r,g8I11ents for sewage disposal ......, for Zi!.{h'i~Ji$,&?,#~/I - in the ..P sd,~----' , ..ere ~\ p,avec "n lhe above date in accord>>nco ..j 1011 1',1'".''' "nil aM rlc,' ",0<1 em file in the office of the suffoll< G<,.mty f:."ort""nti (\f ~ c... '.\',. - C('t""".: thi' - 'I\>] 5 OT. l' , .. '.' . . . .-r ~\WFOI..K COUNT'! DEPARTMENT OF HEJlL · (!- f 1'10.-'" ...., .,r-Il.. -<.. Cj t ,., ," I ?"''''' for the filing of tl;\f,'''''', rlrtn'1 r; ,'~,;d:i ," ,:" .,."er'd'S in the office of -..-.-..'-" ,. . /J ,. I ~ """ t.7'",,,1f' _./~,., ,0" _...-- -.. ,-""'''' ',>"g not include ",tructutal f"atur.,' '1110 i.- ,',-"r' ,."t the proposod facilities are i'; ,t,\V', '. .,^', C";' " ,I ,)(.sa Plan~K ;/ Ie.- /.' " ,'- Q' (; U;\ V~. L) ..)..>4-.\ ) ~)fJ _ Jil' a"'-' -'; lIlPl"'--- -" l- -. Distrlc.... ~,~:. :..... ._;l "