HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing 04/14/1958 -"t~'~:,,"'-:'-"f";'f>~:;tn;-, ,:.,~"~,_;~-';i'~"':'''_':_':'''',,I;''~.'' "; '-:""" ""0~"""...-."W,_,"~.'~;'5'~, '''''';;:'' -'"\-~,:,'r~,'i-l<,~,!-,~:;':?;-::,,.;?jPi"!">'.~",,!Y~'i'.: . PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Greenport, N. Y. April 14, 1958 .. Pre s e n t : HORMAN E. KLIPP, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAREST, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman 'f' ROBERT TASKER, Town Attorney RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. . '-;~f~i'.\;,:':~';;~'o", :,'~~' .'. ~'T:,: :;,:,;-. :-: ,'-t ;:,' ,'::/,'; -,.."....,_,~,-..'.,~"I'~",'i:!m'\l''''r...t};'.i. ;'. 7",.".,,,,,;;;'i:'''.'''.:;'~,'*..',''''';'''''':';;'-',_',''''~';K:-,','.. ',.; '.'" ;', ," ,. "";'i;"'j";,\"i~:"'il:-?;:'i:'!C-::--"::"':-:"~W7.~..<f,;;"f~A1:',..:/'''.,. , . ''':.''', ,,:,",~...' ,'" ":ii;2.:"..~""i;;.';':'J,.~ :'!;!i~"VIf:'.:;i'A'-'~:.~~':,,",:: 2 SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I will read the Notice of the public hearing on the amendment of the Town Ordinance entitled "Southold Ordinance providing for the regulation . of tourist camps, house trailer camps, house trailers, or similar establishments." Notice of Public Hearing. Notice is hereby given that a public: hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, N. Y. on the 14th day of April 1958 at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon of that day upon the question of the amendment of the Town Ordinance entitled "Southold Ordinance providing for the regulation of tourJ.st camps, house trailer camps, house trailers, or ( similar establishments" as follows: 1) By amending Section 2 of said Ordinance to read , ~ \ ! , , ; It shall be unlawful for any person, persons~ as follows: Section 2. firms, associations, corporations or co-partnership, to establish, maintain or operate within the limits of the Town of Southold, any tourist camp on any location or plot . of ground for use of transients by the day, week, month, ~ or season, whether a charge is or is not made, who does not ! \ possess a permit from the Department of Health, and the ~.' 'j; ~~ Town Board of the Town of Southold. Such permit shall not 1 be tran:3ferrable or assignable. ~ All Town Board permitl may be j ! ;,,\:!";';'-"7'~" '~~"T::"C;""''i;:::' -;",~,"I~'", ~~.i'i;'fii"~'~FT"~'>.;'" C "': ,r~; -;'~';' '-',' ' ,': ,'"i ' '<;'Yi-?JIf.:;::: 4". '<'.',?: ':':"t.,"'.,~':F'''',;--:.' '':''':~J:;;f;.'': ,:,' .\'i~ff D ". ,~ ;';~;",9~,:' '~+ ;~""';':""j~,"f "~;:;";" ','; "(,/':;;;""0; 'i' ,J' './l::"'",<:-}~:;:,l-' 3 revoked for cause by such Board after a hearing. 2) By amending Section 19 of such ordinance to read as follows: . Section 19. On every trailer camp, a suitable planting shall be erected and maintained to screen the trailer camp from public lands and public highways. Such planting shall be not less than 5 feet high, the location of which shall be approved by the Town Board. 3) By amending Section 20 of said Ordinance to read as follows: Section 20. Each application for a permit shall be accompanied by a fee of $25. Upon receipt of an application .. for a permit provided in this Ordinance, the Town Clerk , shall ca.use a notice of public hearing thereon, specifying the time and place thereof, to be published once in a newspaper published in the Town at least ten days before the day of the hearing. 4) By amending Section 21 of said Ordinance to read as follows: Section 21. This Ordinance shall not apply to any . territor~ included within the limits of the Incorporated Village of Greenport. fu~ person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified) ! Dated: ~1arch 31, 1958. ,....".-_ "__"_.~"'" '.~. _..~~. '''. -'-' "'~"_~'-.",",",," ,,_""'. ...,..,. "" ..., ....,~,",.. ....".""_~ :'-':;>'l~.":-.~; .-. '....~;,,~~':.~'.,-:"''?'''''''',:'f'' ". .,. ',:-,'."'."m. ~ ,. ; ,"';<,r',-!Y~""'~~;;: ~-'rt.'.'r::;;.""; :~:F,' ,-"'.7' ~ Y"',~{..-:;,;::"-'" -;:;,F,: "'".",jc"H-.t,~':r'\\';':-'~;'~:::.:-'~,~:V;~~iy~r:;.:g~:Y:~;;1~ 4 By Order of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Ralph P. Booth, Town Clerk. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Now at this time is there any person who wishes to be heard in opposition to the amendments? . (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any person who wishes to be heard in favor of the opposed amendments? ~ t; DONALD FREDERICKS: I came down to state for the adoptioI) of it. I think we are in need of it. ~ ; SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes ~ I ~ '. ~ to be heard? \:~ ;t; I,: ('[here was no response.) ~ -'1< 2, .(; SUPERVISOR KLIPP: If there is no other person who (' wishes to be heard we will close the public hearing for :\', -: :; -~, the further deliberation of the Board. ~ On motion of Mr. Albertson, seconded by Mr. Clark, D 0/-,: ~r ,ib ~ ~.f ,:~ ;,'f :u t-~ - ~ ~l~ ~1 ~-l and unanimously carried, all voting "aye" the amendment of the ~.'own Ordinance entitled "Southold Ordinance providing for the regulation of tourist camps, house trailer camps, . House trailers, or similar establishments were approved. ,'i; ;~~: i~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ti ~-; J,';:.. t'" (~ .~;: "',~~ ;-:-' ..,,~::; 3'"r'"'i~,s+C7\i'~~"v;' "::,,, ;~"'.:,'o.:1~~,;:\'~~'$ ~~':~':~T:'-'''-'~~:T :'F'':": -,''' ....,'<>.'l?" ,,~- "-:'-'''i\~~]7':'~.~;0::r.i'K~:''''-c-''~::::' ...., >?,' ,-, ':'h"',(;':~'''''' ,':'f' \',:_,',c--':}!,,;>",'__. " :;:;-:~,~W::':'!.~iW:~'J 5 APPLICA1~ION OF WILLIAMS ESTATE Supervisor Klipp: I will read the lagel notice on the two public hearings for an amendment to the Zoning . Ordinance: Legal Notice, Notice of Hearing on Proposal to Amend Zoning Ordinance. Pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and Article IX c. of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, . . Suffolk County, N. Y., a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, N. Y., in said Town on April 14, 1958 at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, on the following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (lncluding the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N. Y.: 1) By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, the following described property: All that tract ')r parcel of land sltuate, lying and . being at Southold, ln the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded on the north by land of Ovisianik, 48 feet on the East by land now or formerly of Gooding 147.34 ft., on the South by Main Road (State Route 25), 48ft., and on the west by land of Nellie \Villiams, 152.73 ft., containing by estimation l/L> acre , more or less. !~;,',:f$'~"Y_!,:,!\fC:7i_'_<:"'" '7; 'i'::.''l;'';;::~'~'~~";',':';" ',"'- ,. ':-Y",-~~";,',;: r';':'_\",'i' --'~''I:?l''r''~,:''''':','''' :-~":.' ,,-' :-;---,;,y, '.'N",': -,," ,'..:~"Y::-": .,'::::i~-i~.iti ,'!""7".,: -/.: 6 . 2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District, the following described property: ALL that tract or parcel of land s:Ltuate, lying and being at Arshamomaque, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:: Northerly and Westerly by Main Road (Route 25) to a depth of 200 feet; Northerly and Easterly by land of Long Island Railroad; Southerly by other land of Charles S. Sage and B. S. Garde and Westerly by land of Carrol Sledjeski. M1Y person desiring to be heard on the proposed amendments should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: I~arch 31, 1958. By OrdeJ~ of the Southold Town Board, Ralph P. Booth, Town Clerk. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: The affidavit of publication is on file I will take the first application which is the one of 1rl5.11iams. I will read you the report of the Southold Town Planning Board. Report to Southold Town Board, S0uthold, N Y. Gentlemen: . .. This is to certlfy that the followlng actlon was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on March 18, 1958: .- '''''. ".'~;',;""1C~~.~,=",~.:.,-,,-c~~. ':"F':_"~.:," .. '"'-'..~\";' '~"-;olr,.:;''''':,,"'''- ''''-~- ,.-:-:' - c" ','." ...._~.-.;',',-:.....:,:'-,'.':'-,..'J-."" ,.w,:'(W;'''-''f':'{ i':T:'~~~~::'~;<'l 7;'1:': ,. "i',C.,..' ,-"',,'l;1}!,,,~,' 7 In the matter of the petition of Ellsworth and Winifred Grathwohl for a change in zone from "A" R.esidential and Agricultural to "B" Business District of the parcel described . in the attached application, the last parcel of the Williams Estate, North side of Main Road, Southold, N. Y. The Planning Board recommends approval of this applicatio~ and recollunends including the adjoining store property of Nellie! , . . Williams in this "B" District. , This is signed by ,Tohn Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board. At this time is there any person who wishes to be i ,( ~ heard in opposition to the granting of the change of zone? (There was no response.) 'r, ;~ v ~ SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any person who wishes to ~ v be heard in favor of the change in zone? ;, < (There was no response.) \j . C' 'A SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I will close the public hearing on ~ this parcel for the,further deliberations of the Board. t~ ~ .:~ ',~' :~ ~ j: -c. On motion of Mi'. Albertson, seconded by Mr. Tuthill, ~;;, ') 'IIi .tt~ ti '. ~ :'i: t~ ~~ . and unanimously carried, all voting "aye", the petition of Ellsworth and Winifred Grathwohl is held inabeyance until such time as the adjoining properties on the west are -;.... included. in the Business Zone. ;?i: ::~ .~.l,j w ffji .~t'~ ?0 ;',t ~~~',,''!r!fr''';'~;:'f;:'~'~~; .':'7W;i";;'Ii.G"~1\l,~,."_;'" :';'~:I"'\,_~::':i<~'~": 'J; ".:'i,'. ,:',;;y,;i"2'!'-'r:, -fi'yro;.<!\';;::-- >3..~~1:%~if:'iit-.~.-,- . "." -~, ,;' ?" , ;.,:"JJ,',".'j~;:-J,'[;'!f~:::'<~~"'. ':'f;':lji, 8 APPLICATION OF CHARLES S. SAGE and B. S. GARDE SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I will read the report of the Southold . , l I ...: Town Planning BOard: Report to Southold Town Board, Southold, N. Y. Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on March 18, 1958: In the matter of the petition of Charles S. Sage and B. S. Garde for a change in zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District of the parcel described in the attached application at Arshamamoque: The Planning Board recommends approval of this appli- cation to change from "A" to "B" District. This is signed by John Wickham, Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board. STJPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any person who wi shes to be heard in opposition to the granting of this change? .. ('There was no response.) J ~ . SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any person who wishes to be heard in favor of? ('I'here was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Hearing none, I will close the hearing on this petition. ~'"'!i,~*::;7~~0,;r~i't:.':7,<~',*'~::t":~r':':'~~j~,~::'.""',';'!':":)'~"'"~ ~~,,~' ":"':-::~n:'!lrt:5>rr~:;i;.;~-~,:~,:,":>1"7~-.~< :', ::. .'j ,:;..,:.~,,-.,,:.;t':. '. ":"'"..... '~'("W,...~i'~.. ",'..~'.."''!"'._-- P, ',r",..,<_~",..,~.", ,-c,.',,,,,,.<~.,,._-.. _,..._, ,,~.~'" 9 On motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Demarest, and unanimously carried, all voting "aye" the application .' of Charles S. Sage and B. S. Garde for a change in zone from" A" Residential and Agricultural to "B" Business District was granted. . J . , . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chllirman ~lWOlX Jrdl;liilE=~X Harold R. Reeve ~- Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe T. Paul Montgomery December 6, 1957 Southold Town Board Town Clerkl s Office Southold, N. Y. Gentlemen: In conjuncUon with the Board of Appeals we would like to present the attached suggested regulations, covering Tourist Camp, Camp Cottages, Trailers and House Cars, for your approval and adoption. Very truly yours, ~ 1r..P 4.." - -.e ' John Wickham, Chairman SOUTHOLD 'rOWN PLANNING BOAED JVI:gm Ene. cc: Board of Appeals . " ~. . ..A si.ngle trailer or house car requires only the written permission of the owner of the land where the trailer or house car is to bo placed "nd needs only a location permit sUbject to the rules and regulations established by the Town Board. The regulations etc. applicable to Tourist Camps do not apply to a single trailer or house car. " Section 1 Section 2 Section :3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 II ! Suggested for WWN OJ!' SOUTHO.LD REGULA'l'lONS for Tourist Camp Camp Cottages Trailers House Cars In addition to the plan, or a certified copy thereof, required by the Board of Health before the issuance of a Department of Health permit which must accompany the application to the Town Board for a permit to eonduct a Tourist Camp or Camp Cottages the following must accompany the application: A plan drawn to scale showing ! clearly all proposed roadways andlor driveways together with each i proposed location or site for tents, tent houses, camp cottages, andlor trailers or camp cars; location of all proposed sanitary conveniences" laundry buildings and slop sinks; the proposed meth- od of sewage disposal or removal and the plan for water supply I and lighting" A typical plan for proposed celmp cottages, toilet and wash room and laundry shall be filed for future reference. All land used as a tourist camp shall be located on well drained sites of ample size, free from heavy or dense 'growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be free from marsh and shall be graded to I insure rapid drainage during and following rain. I Each site used as a tourist camp shall be provided with an ample I and adequate supoly of water of safe sanitary quality, approved I by the Board o. l' Health. Where water fromOlther sources than that of the municipal supply is proposed to be used, the sources of supply shall first be approved by the Board of Health. Bach tourist camp shall be provided with safe and adequate 1'1'0- 'rision for the collection and removal of garbage and shall pro- vide a proper and acceptable sewer system either by connection to a municipal sewer system, where such is available, or to septic tanks; all of which shall comply fully with all laws, ordinances andlor requirements prescribed by the Board of Health. Each unit in any tourist cmnp upon which a tent, tent house, camp cottage, trailer or house car is erected or placed shall not be less than 40)[50 feet in area clearly defined bJ markers in each corner and no single family costage used for living or sleeping quarters shall be less than 280 square feet or less than 14 feet wide at its narrowest point or less than 7 feet high from floor to plelte or shall have less than 27 square feet of ventilating openi.np: or wi.ndows properly and fully screened. Each cottage site or location shall be well drained and the floor of each cotta.p:e shall be raised not less than four inches above the ground level to permit free and uninterrupted ventilation. 11' floor be of wood it shall be raised not less than 12 inches above the ground level. 'l'he roof cover of each cotta.~e shall extend suffioiently beyond the exterior wa~l line so that all roof water shall fall free of walls. ~o cottage shall be erected or nlaced upon any site at less dis- tanoe than 15 feet from any other building or cottage. No trailer or camp car shall be located on any site where there is less than 15 feet between the trailer or camp car a:J.d other build- ine. trailers, or camp cars inoluded in the camp area cud no cot- tage site or location of trailer or canp car site shall be olaced or erected within less than 20 feet from the ~roperty line sep- arating t;18 camp from adjoining property, measurini' from the near- est noint of the cottare site or location, trailer or camp car ,site. ,10 tourist camp abutting any pUblic street, avenue, boule- ilvarc1., terrac~ court, Dr place.s~all locate a~y.tent, tent house, i,or cottage slte or loc.ate traller oamp car s1.1'I,.beyond the estab- .Iillished line set an.d agreed upon and in no cas"loser than 20 feet "tn such street, avenue, boulevard, terrace, court, or place. 11 II II T r, -;:::-:- . Section li) ROfidways or driveways shall be provided not iess than 25 feet L'1 width, well marked in the daytime a'1d lig,hted at night. Said roadways, or driveways to be so located that each lmit 01' the camp, is easily accessible. 8aid roadways or driveways shall be so con- structed that a dust nuisance will tlot ')e created. hil. entrances and exits from the camp shall b", well merked 8.c'1d so a}~ranged that I they will be easily controlled and supervised. ~ Section 11 l!:ach camp upon 'Nhich tvw or more tents, tent houses, namD cottafes,1 trailers or camp cars are erected or placed and where private conveniences for each site or cottage are not orovided shall 01'0- vide at locatiotls hereirtafter defined, toilets, uri'1als, wash' ! basins, sloD basins, showers, or baths, water faucets or spigots '1,'1' in accordance with the following: (a) One toilet or stool for each lillit. 1['1' (b) Each toilet room provided for men shall hCive in addition urinal stalls. (c) Each toilet room shall be prOVided with Oile lavatory or wash basin for every five toilets or fraction thereof. (d) One shower or bathtub shall be prOVided for each sex for each 10 units or fraction thereof. (e) All toilets, bas ins and showers, shall be placed in pro- [Jerly constructed build,ings conveniently located as to each cottage or tilli t. (f) Buildings shall be well lighted at all tll"es, day or night, well ventilated with screened open itlgs, and constructed of such moisture-proof material as shall permit rapid and satisfactory cleaning, scouring and wl!shing. (g) The floors shall be of wdterproof material elevated not less than fo'ur inches above grade and each floor provided with floor drains. (h) Slop :3inks or basins with water supply over shall be pro- vi.ded to serye each seven units and shall be constructed in accordance with design, size a~d material approved by the Board of Health. Section 12 Each tourist camp shall be under the direct management of the owner or licensee or his agent or representative for whose acts he or they shall be fULly responSible The names of the person entrusted with the direct management of the camp shall be filed for reference with the Board of Health and with the yolice Department of the Town of Southold. Such oerson or oersons must be of good reputation and character and shall satisfy the public authority of their experience and capa- city to supervise, manage, regulate, control and maintain good order in the camp. Section 13 Each tourist canp shall be provided with a building to be known as the office in which shall be kept copies of all records per- taining to the management or supervision of the camp, such re- cords to be available for inspection by the Board of Health or by the 1'01ic'3 Department. Section 14 It shall be the duty of the owner, his agent or manager, to keep a register of 811 persons accomm6d:t'ted in the camp, said register to include tJ:J,e names of all persons, their home addresses, the registration nUmber and description of their automobiles or other vehicles; to. ,..J'...rescribe rules and regulations for the manageme::tt of the camPr~~ make adequate provision for the enforcement of such rules; to. subscribe to and adopt such general rules and reg- ulations '1Ihioh may be hereafter adopted for the management of such camps. Further, it shall be the duty of the oymer, his agent or manager to: (a) Provide for regular ins[lection of the water and the sanitary conveniences. (b) Provide for the collection and removal of garbage or other waste material. (c) Prohibit the placing or storage of unsil".,htly material or vehicles of any kind. .-.3-: Section 15 Section 16 Section 17 II ., (d) Provide for the regular cleaning, painting, renairing, disinfecting of all buildings I and (e) Provide at least one 2~ gallon soda and acid fire ex- tinguisher, or its eQuivalent; for each 5 units, so located that all un.i ts shall be wi thin 200 feet of an extinguisher. (f) Take such other measures as may be deemed to be necessary by the Board of Health to preserve the health, comfort, and safety of all persons residing in the camp and the general public. (g) Cause each dog, cat, or other oet animal to be kept under control at all times, either by being tied up or confined L~ proper enclosure. (h) Report to the Board of Health all cases of co~nunicable disease or suspected cases of communicable disease affecting any occupant of the camp. (i) Report immediately to the public authority all acts of disorderly character committed by any person or persons inside the camp; and (j) See that copies of Standard Rules and Regulations shall be prepared and posted. in conspiCUOUS locations throughout the camp. Each tourist camp shall clearly indicate one or more entrances and exits, the use of which shall be enforced. Where it is es- tablished by complaint of adjoining property owners that their property is being trespassed. upon by inmates of any tourist camp, it shall be the duty of the owners, manager or other person re- sponsible to provide fence or other effective barrier to insure such owners of adjoining property protection against trespassing. The provisions of this regulation shall be in addition to and supplementary to the provisions of all other ordinances and regu- lations of the Town of Southold and where there is any conflict between the provisions of this regulation and any other ordinance or regulation, then the ordinance or regulation providing the stricter regulation shall prevail. On every Trailer Camll a suitable planting not less than five (5) feet high, sufficient to screen the Trailer Camp from view shall be erected along all lines of public lands and public highways and such planting shall be not less than ten (10) feet from such public lands or highway lines.