HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Info LEGAL NOTICE NQlI'ICE OF PUBLIC RElARLNG NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provis,ions of Sec- tion 16 of the Southold Town 'Or- dinance entitled "Southold Town 'Ordinance Providing for the Reg- 'ulation of Tou,rist. Camps, House Trailer Gamps, House Traile'rs, or . Similar Establishments," a public 'heaTing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of S,outhold, . Suffolk C,ounty, New York, at the Superviso(s 'Office, 16 S,outh Street, Greenpo,rt, New York, on the 28tn day of JUly, 1959 at 2:00 o'clock In the afterno,on of that day, upon ap- plication ,of Arthur C. Buck to es- tablish, maintain, or ,operate a cottage colony on ce,rtalll real prop. erty generally des.cribed as follows: j 1. All that certain tract, piece or i parcel of land situate,. lying and being at Mathtucf In the To,wn of Southold, County of Suff,olk, and State of New York; generally bounded north- erly by land now orJorme,rlY of Husak, easterly and southerly by land now or fo,merly of D. cooper, and westerly by Luth- er's Road. . Any person desiring ,to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear at the time and place above specified. DATElD: July 8, 1959. BY ORDER 'OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOTH TOWN CLERK ItJy17 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY m' SUFFOLK, 1 f ss: J .....uc:r, uj(~'iJ:t;~. ...c:.~~ ....u being duly Sworn, says that m u'~uum is Printer and Publisher of the SUl"l"OLK TIMES, a ncwspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a, printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for uuuuuf~uu uuu...u....... week, successIvcly commencing on the uu-",.gg,.k:V,:y!',,~~u day of "m d~1'~,~:~~~~~\,J'~~'::\:\\~ Sworn to before me this .....1..7.14.<...... , day of .. ..uu. ~.__C::.~.'.~::~2:LuuCu:u4u cnt)~!~LI.a, G. f([OtJH "~)~-;'RY PU!1Ur:. StOlte of f\JewYo!'k I'J.). ,2 ,!'-:) :1890 QI,J<.llitieci in Suffnlk COU'1ty ."lift") E.~p(reS M<Jrch .iO, 1961 JUDITH T. TERRY Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 8, 1987 Ward A. Freese Director of Complaints, East End Division Department of Consumer Affairs Suffolk County Center Riverhead, NE;!w York 11901 Dear Mr. Ward: In reply to your letter of September 28, 1987 received on this date, I am enclosing a copy of our Ordinance on Tourist & Trailer Camps, Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold. There are three (3) trailer parks within the Town of Southold, one of which is the Village of Greenport. The names and locations are as follows: 1. Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Queen Street (off south side of CR #48), Greenport, N. Y. 11944 - Recreational Vehicle Park, number of units is 124. 2. Charles Zahrs, School House Road, Cutchogue, N. Y. 11935 - Recreational Vehicle Park, number of units is 23. 3. McCann Trailer Park, east side of Moores Lane, Greenport, N. Y. 11944 Operated by the Village of Greenport. 236 Third Street, Greenport, N.Y. 11944. Very truly yours, P'~~';;' ~+- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure (1) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK REalVED SEP2 9 1987 South"", T own C'''''' MICHAEL A. l.oGRANDE SUFFOL.K COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS HAROLD J. WITHERS. PH. O. COMMISSIONER Sept. 28, 1987 Judith T. Terry, To'WTI Clerk Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Ms. Terry: Suffolk County and New York State have passed considerable legislation recently of concern to owners of and tenants in Mobile Home Parks & Modular Home Communities. Our Department is the lead agency in the investigation of complaints. When violations are found, and the resolution of the complaint is not attained, we refer the matter to the Suffolk County Attorney or the New York State Attorney General. We are in the process of gathering the Rules and Regulations of all such Mobile Home Parks and Modular Home Communities in Suffolk County for review and request for voluntary compliance with applicable law. We would appreciate the receipt of any Town Law regulating this type of business and the names and addresses of all such parks or communi- ties in your jurisdiction. PQ~k or COWffiuuity. If available, we also would appreciate an inventory of homes in each If there are any incorporated villages in your Town which might contain either Mobile Home Parks or Modular Home Communities, kindly so indi- cate in your response. Thanking you in advance for your kind consideration in the matter, I am, SUFP'OLK COUNTY CEN'TER" RIVERHEAD. N.Y. I I 90 1 U51tn~!56 Sept. 28, 1987 Page 1f2. Very truly yours, HAROLD J. WITHERS, Ph.D. Commissioner UAud).;r~ WARD A. FREESE Director of Complaints East End Division WAF/mt . SOUTHOLD TOWN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGU- LATION OF TOURIST CAMPS, HOUSE TRAILER CAMPS, HOUSE TRAILERS, OR SIMILAR ESTAB- LISHMENTS. As Amended September 24,1958 Section 1 Definitions. (a) A Tourist Camp is hereby de- fined to be any lot, piece or parcel of ground where two or more tent.::., tent houses, camp cottages. house ca,rs, or trailers used as living or sleeping quarters are or may be located. said camp being operated for or without compensation. (b) A unit is hereby defined to be any section or plot of ground, upon which is erected any tent, tent house or camp cottage, and/or for the ac- conunodation of each automobile j,railer or house car. (c) Camp Cottage is defined to 'be any small building of whatever ma- terial constructed having less than 350 square feet of enclosed floor area and used as living or sleeping quarters and constructed and equipped only for seasonal occupancy. (d) Automobile Trailer or House Car shall be defined. to be any vehicle used as living or sleeping quarters and which is or may ibe mounted on wheels and is or may be propelled either ,by its own power or by another power driven vehicle, to which it may be attached. (e) Board or Department of Pub~ lic Health shall mean any such Board or Department established pursuant to the laws of the state of New York and entrusted: with the regulation, control and supervision of matters pertaining to and affecting the public heaJth in the Town of Southold. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firms, associa,tions, corporations or co-partnership to estab- lish, maintain or operate withi.n the limits of the Town of Southoll!, any tourist camp on any location or plot of ground for use of transients by the day, week, month or season, whether a charge is or is not made, who does not possess a permit from the Depart- ment of Health and the Town Board of the Town of SOuthold. The permit issued: by the Town Board sh~lLlI not be transferrable or assignable and may be revoked, for cause by such Board after a hearing. Section 3. Any person or perSOllEi, firm, association, cOl'!pOration or co-partner- ship hereafter a;pplying for a permit and/or a license to establish and op- erate a tourist camp must first file with the Town Clerk a complete plan of the proposed camp. This plan with the legal description of the property shown, shall be drBlWn to scalle and must show clearly the extent and area to be used for camp purposes. All pro- posed roadways and/or driveways, ,-_.,i,~t.1"" ; '- '~'--{ i_l. --.. ,l./'L_.-C'\...--... '--_<___.\.'::... ''''J method of sewage disposal, plan for lWater supply and lighting, and each proposed location or site for tents, tent houses, camp cottages, and! or trailers or camp cars must be shown on such plan. Section 4. All land used as a tourist camp shall be located on well drained sites of ample size, free from heavy or dense growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be free from marsh and shall be graded to insure rapid drain~ age during and following rain. Section 5. Each site used as a tounSL camp shall be provided with an ampl~ and adequate supply of water of safe sanitary quality, approved by the Beard of Health. Where wa.tel tram other sources than that of the muni- dpal supply is proposed to be used, the sources of supply shall first be wpproved by the Board of Health. Section 6. EBiCh tourist camp shall be provided with safe and adequate provision for the collection and re- moval of gar,bage and shall provide a proper and acceptable sewer system either by connection to a municipal sewer system, where such is available, or to septic tan'ks; all of which shall comply fully with all laws, ordinances and/or requirements prescribed by the Board of Health. Section 7. Each unit in any tou1'ist camp upon which a tent, tent house, trailer or housecar is erected and placed and each unit in any tourist 'camp UJPOn which a camp cottage is hereafter erected or placed, shall be not less than 40 x 50 feet in area clear- ly defined by markers in each corner. Section 8. No cottage hereafter erec- ted or placed upon a site shall be less than 15 feet distant from any other ibuilding. Section 9. No trailer or camp car shall be located on any site where there is less than 15 feet between the trailer or camp car and other build- ing, trailers, or camp cars included in the camp. With the exception of cottages previously placed or erected, no cottage, trailer or camp car shall be placed within 20 feet from the property or highway line. Section 10. Adequate roadways or driveways shalllbe provided which shall lbe so located that each unit of the camp is easily accessible thereto. Said roadways or driveways shall be ade- quately lighted while such camp is oc- cUlpied and such roadways or drivewaYE shall be so constructed and maintained that a dust nuisance shall not ,be cre- ated. All entrances and exits from the camp shall be well marked and so arranged that they 'Will be easily con- trolled. and supervised. Section 11. Each tourist camp shall be under the direct management of the owner or licensee or his agent or representative for whose acts he or they shall be fully responsible. for a term not exceeding sD:' months The names of the persons entrusted or by both such fine and unprlson~ with the direct management of the! ment. Each day that a violation Is per- camp shall be filed for reference with I mitted to exist shall constitute a the SOuthold Town Police. separate offense. Sec-tion 12. Each tourist camp shall keep copies of all records pertaining to the management or supervision of the camp rwb.i!ch records shall be available for inspection. Section 13. It shall :be the duty of the owner, his agent or manager, to keep a register of all persons accom- modated in the camp, said register to lllclude the names of all persons, their home addresses, the registration num- ber and descriJption of their automo- bile or other vehicle. It shall also be the duty of the owner, his agent, or manager to provide for the collection and removal of garbage or other waste materials; to prohibit the placing or storage of unsightly material or ve- hicle within the camp; to provide at least one 2% gallon soda and acid fire extinguisher, or its equivalent, for each 5 units, so located that all units shall be within 200 feet of an extinguisher, to report to the Board: of Health all cases of communicable diseases or suspected cases of communicable dis- eases affecting any oocupant of the camp; to report immediately to the public authority all acts of disorderly conduct committed by any person or persons within the camp. Section 14. The prOVISions of this ordinance shall be in addition to and supplementary to the provisions of all other ordinances of the Town of Southold and where there is any con- flict bet-ween the provisions of this ordinance and any other ordinance, then the ordinance providing the stri'cter regulation shall prevail. Section 15. On every Trailer Camp, a suitable planting shall be erected and maintained to screen the Trail- er Camp from public lands and pub- lic highways, Such planting shall be not less than five (5) feet high, the location of which shall be approved by the Town Board. Section 16. Each application for a per- mit shall be accompanied by a fee of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars. Upon re~ ceipt of an application for a permit provided in this ordinance, the Town Clerk shall cause a notice of public hearing thereon. specifying the time and place thereof, to be published once in a newspaper published in the Town at least 10 days before the day of the hearing. Section 17. This Ordinance shall not apply to any territory included within the limits of the incor:porated Village of Greenport. Section 18. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of an offense and shall upon convic- tion be punishRible by a fine of not to exceed $100.00 or by imprisonment SOUTH OLD TOWN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGU- LATION OF TOURIST CAMPS, HOUSE TRAILER CAMPS, HOUSE TRAILERS, OR SIMILAR ESTAB- LISHMENTS. As Amended April 14, 1958 Section 1 Definitions. (a) A Tourist Camp is hereby de~ fined to be any lot, piece or parcel of ground where two or more tents, tent houses, camp cottages, house cars, or trailers used as living or sleeping quarters are or may be located, said camp being operated for or without compensation. tb) A unit is hereby defined to be any section or plot of ground, upon which is erected any tent, tent house or camp cottage, and:! or for the ac- commodation of each automobile trailer or house car. (,c) Camp Cottage is defined to be any small building of whatever ma- terial constructed. having less than 350 square feet of cross section area and used as living or sleeping quarters and constructed and equipped only for seasonal occupancy. (d) Automobile Trailer or House Car shall be defined to be any vehicle used as living or sleeping quarters and which is or may he mounted on wheels and is or may be propelled either by its own power or by another power driven vehicle, to which it may be atta>ched. (e) Board of Department of Pub- lic Health shall mean any such Board or Department established pursuant to the laws of the state of New York and futrusted ,with the regulation, control and supervision of matters pertaining to and effecting the pUblic health in the Town of Southold. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firms, associations, corporations or co-partnership to estab- lish, maintain or operate within the limits of the Town of Southold, any tourist camp on any location or plot of ground for use of transients by the day, week, month or season, whether a charge is or is not made, who does not possess a permit from the Depart- ment of Health and the Town Board of the Town of Southold. Such permit shall not be transferable or assignable. All Town Board permits may be re- voked for cause ,by such Board after a hearing. Section 3. Any person or persons, firm, association, corporation or co-partner~ ship hereafter applying for a permit and/or a license to establish and op- er:ate a tourist camp must first file with the Board of Health and the Town Clerk a complete copy of the plan of the proposed camp. This plan with the legal description of the prop- erty shown, shall be drawn to scale and must show clearly the extent and area to be used for camp purposes. All pro- posed roadways and/or driveways shall be shown together with each proposed location or site for tents, tent houses, camp cottages, and/or trailers or camp cars; location of all proposed sanitary conveniences, laundry buildings and slop sinks; the proposed method of sewage disposal or removal and the plan for water supply and lighting. A typical plan for proposed camp cot- tages, toilet and wash room and laun- dry shall be filed for future reference. Section 4. All land used as a tourist camp shall be located on well drained , "'lk -~ C', ,J (C)-1.. ,L"l-.. ~ c~c d lC l-ff () f - D,ct '<- sites of ample size, free from heavy or dense growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be free from marsh and shall be graded to insure rapid drain- age during and follOWing rain. Section 5. Each site used as a tourist ,camp shall be provided with an ample and adequate supply of water of safe sanitary quality, approved by the Beard of Health. Where wa.ter trom other sources than that of the muni- cipal supply is proposed to be used, the sources of supply shall first be alpproved by the Board of Health. Section 6. Each. tourist camp shall be provided .wi-th safe and adequate provision for the collection and re- moval of garba.ge and shall provide a proper and acceptable sewer system either ;by connection to a municipal sew,er system, where such is available, or to septic tanks; all of which shall comply fully with all laws, ordinances and/or requirements prescribed by the Board of Health. Section 7. Each unit in any tourist camp upon which a tent, tent house, camp cottage, trailer or house car is erected or placed sha.ll not be less than 40x50 feet in area clearly defined by markers in each corner and no single family cottage used. for living or sleep.. ing quarters sllall 'be less than 280 square feet or less than 14 feet wide at its narrowest point or less than 7 feet high from floor to plate or shall have less than 27 square feet of ventilating opening or wind.ows properly and fully screened. Section 8. Each cottage site or lo- cation shall be well drained and the floor of each cottage shall be raised not less than four inches above the ground level to permit free and un- interrupted ventilation. If floor be of wood it shall be raised not less than 12 inches above the ground level. Section 9. The roof cover of each cottage shall extend sUficiently be- yond the exterior wall line so that all roof water shall fall free of walls. Section 10. No cottage shall !be erected or placed upon any site at less distance than 15 feet fmm any other building or cottage. S€ction 11. No trailer or camp car shall be locatecl on any site where there is less than 15 feet between the trailer or camp car and other build~ ing, trailers, or camp cars included in the camp area and no cottage site or location of trailer or camp car site shall be placed. or erected within less than 20 feet from the property line separating the (lamp from adjoining property, measm'ing from the nearest point of the cottage site or location trailer or camp car site. No tourist ,camp abutting any pUblic street, avenue, boulevard, terrace, court, or pl'ace shall locate any tent, tent house, or cottage site or locate trailer camp car site beyond the established line set and agreed upon and in no case closer than 2() feet to such street, avenue, boule- vard, terrace, court, or place. Section 12. Rmtdways or driveways shall he Provided. not less than 25 feet in width, well m.arked in the daytime and lighted at :night. SaId rOadways, or driveways to be so located that each unit of the camp is easily accessible Said roadways or driveways shall b~ so constructed that a dust nuisance will not be created'. All Fntrances and exits from the camp shall be well Section 13. EMh camp upon which two or more tents, tent houses, camp cottages, trailers or camp cars are erected or placed and where private conveniences for each site or cottage are not provided shall provide at lo~ cations hereinafter defined, toilets, urinals, wash basins, slop basins, showers, or baths, water faucets or spigots in accordance with the follow- ing: (a) One toilet or stool for each unit. (b) Each toilet room provided for men shall have in addition urinal stalls. (c) Each toilet room shall be pro- vided with one lavatory or wash basin for every five toilets or fraction there- of, (d) One shower or bathtub shall be provided. for each sex for each 10 units or fraction thereof. (e) All toilets, basins and showers, shall be 'Placed in properly constructed buildings conveniently located as to each cottage or unit. (f) Buildings shall be well llghted at all times, day or night, well venti- lated with screened openings, and constructed of such moisture-proof material as shall permit rapid and satisfactory cleaning, scouring and was~. (g) The floors shall be of water- proof material elevated not less than four inches above grade and each floor provided with floor drains. (h) Slap sinks or hasins with water supply over shall be provided to serve each seven units and shall be con- structed in accordance with design, size and material approved by the Board of Health. Section 14. Each tourist camp shall be under the direct management of the owner or licensee or his agent or representative for whose acts he or they shall be fully responsible. The names of the persons entrusted with the direct management of the camp shall be filed for reference with the Board of Health and with the Police Department of the Town of Southold. Such person or persons must be of good reputation and character and shall satiSfy the public authority of their experience and capacity to supervise" manage, regulate, control and maintain good order in the camp. Section 15. Each tourist camp shall be provided w,ith a building to be known as the office in which shall be kept copies of all records pertaining to the management or supervision of the camp, such records to be available for inspection by the Board of Health or Iby the PoUce Department. Section 16. It shall be the duty of the owner, his agent or manager, to keep a register of all persons accom- modated: in the camp, said register to include the names of all persons, their home addresses, the registration num- ber and description of their automo- biles or other vehicles; to prescribe rules and regulations for the manage- ment of the camp; to make adequate prOvision for the enforcement of such rules; to subscribe to and adopt such general rules and regulations which may be hereafter adopted for the man- agement of such camps. Further, it shall be the duty of the owner, his agent or manager, to: (a) Provide for regular inspection of the water and the sanitary con_ Venif'nces. (b) Provide for the collection and marked and so arranged that they will removal of garbage or other waste ma- be easily controlled and supervised. I teriaI. (c) Prohibit the placing or storage of unsightly material or vehides of any kind. (d) Provide for the regular clean- ing, painting" repairing, disinfecting of all buildings, and (e) Provide at least one 2% gallon soda and, acid fire extinguisher, or its equivalent, for each 5 units, so located that all units shall be within 200 feet of an extinguisher. (f) Take such other measures as may be deemed to be necessary by the Board of Health to preserve the health, comfort, and safety of all persons re- siding in the camp and the general public. (g) Cause each dog, cat, or other pet animal to be kept under control at all times, either by being tied up or confined in proper enclosure. (h) Report to the Board of Health all cases of communicable disease or suspected cases of communicable di~ sease affecting any occupant of the camp. (jJ Report immediateiy to the pub- Hc authority all acts of disorderly character committed by any person or persons inside the camp; and (Ij:) See that copies of Standalrd Rules and Regulations shall be pre- pared and IpOsted in conspicuous lo- cations throughout the camp. Section 17. Each tourist camp shall clearly indicate one or more entrances and exits, the u.se of Which shall be enforced. Where it is established by complaint of adjoining property owners that their property is being trespassed upon rby inmates of any tourist camp, it shall be the duty of the owners, manager or other person responsible to provide fence or other effective barrier to insure such owners of ad. joining property protection against trespassing. Section 18. The proVlsoons of this ordinance shall be in addition to and supplementary to the provisions of all other ordinances of the Town of Southold and where there is any con- flict between the provisions of this ordinance and any other ordinance, then the ordinance providing the stricter regulation shall prevail. Section 19. On every Trailer Camp, a suitable planting shall ,be erected and maintained to screen the Trail- er Camp from pUblic lands and pub- lic highways. Such planting shall be not less than five (5) feet high, the location of Which shall be 8Ipproved by the Town Board. Section 20. Each a;pplication for a per- mit shall be accompanied by a. fee of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars. Upon re- NOTICE OF ADOPTION sites of ample size. free from heavy (c) Each toilet room shall ,be pro- character committed by any person OF ORDINANCE or dense growth of brush or weeds. vided with one lavatory or wash basin or persons inside the. camp; and N<Yl'ICE IS HElREBY GIVEN that The land: shan be free from marsh and for every five toilets or fraction there- '(j) ,see that copies of Standard after a public hearing held pursuant shall be gmded to insure rapid drain- of. Rules and Regulations shall :be pre- to the requirements of law the 101- age during and following rain. (d) One shower or bathtub shall pared! and posted in conspicuous 10- lowing ordinance was duly adopted, Section 5. Each site used as a tourist be provided for each sex for each 10 cations throughout the camp. enacted., and ordained by the Town camp shall ,be provided with an ample I units or fraction thereof. section 17. Each tourist camp shall Board of the Town of SOuthold, Suf- and adequate supply of WIater of safe (e) All toilets, basins and showers, clearly indicate one or more entrances folk County, New York, at a regular sanitary quality, approved by the I shaJI be placed in properly constructed and exits, the use of which shall be meeting of said Board held at the Board of Health. Where water from buildings conveniently located as to enforced. Where it is established :by oiffce of the Supervisor at Greenport, other sources than that of the muni~ each cottage or unit. complaint of adjoining property owners N. Y., on June 30th, 1953: cipal supply is pro!X)Sed to 'be used, (,f) Buildings shall be well lighted that their property is being] trespassed SOUTBOLD TOWN ORDINANCE the sources of supply shall first be at all times, day or night, well venti- upon by inmates of any tourist camp, PROVIDING FOR THE REGU- a.pproved by the Board of Health. lated with screened ope-nings, and it shall be the duty of the owners" LATION OF TOURIST CAMPS Section 6. Each tourist camp shall constructed of such moisture-proof I manager or other person responsible HOUSE TRAILER CAMPS, HOUSE be provided with safe and adequate material as shall permit rapid: and to provide fence or other effective TRAILERS, OR SIMILAR ESTAlt.. provisiCln for the collection and re- satisfactory cleaning, scouring and I barrier to insure such owners of ad- LISHMENTS. moval of 'garhage and shall provide washing. joining property protection against Section 1 Definitions. a proper and acceptable sewer system (g) The floors shall be of water-I trespassing. (a) A Tourist Camp is hereby de- either bycannection to a municipal proof material elevated not less tban Section 18. The provisions of this. fined to be any lot, pIece or parcel of sewer s.ystem. where such is avallable, feur inches above grade and each floor ordinance shall be in addition to and ground where two er mere tents, tent or to septic tanks; all of which shall provided with floor drains. supplementary to the provisions of aU houses, camp cottages, house cars, or comply full~ with all laws, ordinances (h) Slop sinks or basins with water other ardinances af the Town of trailers used as living ar sleeping. and/or reqUIrements prescribed by the supply over shall be provided to serve SOuthold and where there is any con- quarters are or may be located. said Board of Health. each seven units and shall be co.n- flict between the previsions of this camp being ope-rated far or without Section 7. E~ch unit in any tourist struetedt in accordance with design, ordinance and any other ordinance, compensation. camp upon WhICh a tent, tent house, size and material approved by the then the ordinance providing the (b) A unit is hereby defined to be camp cottage, trailer or house car is Board of Health. I stricter regulation shall prevail. any sectien or plot of ground, upon erected or ~Laced shall not ,be less than section .14 :Each tourist (lamp shaul Section 19. on every, Trailer Camp. which is erected any tent, tent house 4OX50 feet m area. clearly defined by be under the direct management of a suitable planting not less than five or camp cottage, and/ar for the ac- markers in each corner. and no. single the owner or licensee or his agent or Hi) feet high, sufficient to screen the ,commodation of each automobile trailer famlly cottage used'for hving or sleeping representative for whose acts he or they I Trailer Camp from view shall be or house Cat. quarters &hall. be less than .280 square shall be fully responsible. erected alang all lines af public lands (c) 'Damp Cottage is defined to be feet or less -:han 14 feet wide at its The names of the persan entrusted I and public' highways and such fence' any small building of whatever tna- narrowest pomt or less than 7 feet with the direct management of the shall be not less than ten (10) feet terml constructed having less than 350 I high from floor to plate or shall h~ve camp shall 'be filed for reference with from such public lands or highway square feet of cross section area. and less tlhan 27 ~qduare feet ofl ventdnaflmllg the Board of Health and with the lines. openngorwmowsproperyan uy . f Ih f . 2 II f used as living or sleeping quarters and d Pohce Department 0 e Town 0 SectIon O. On reee ,p 0 any ap-. oonstructed and equipped only for screen~ . Southold. Such person ar persons must plication for a permit, other than a seasonal occupancy. SectlOn 8. Each cottage site or 10- be of good reputation and character renewal under this article the Town (d) A I obil Tr'1 H i cation shall be well drained and the and shall satisfy the public authority Clerk shall cause a notice of public u om e al er or ouse I fl f h II ge hall be raised Car shall be defined to be any vehicle I oar 0 eae co a s of their experience and capacity to hearing thereon specifying the time used as Sleeping or living quarters, not less than four u:ches above the supervise, manage, regulate, cantrol and place thereof to be published once h. h . he I d h 18 ground level to permIt free and un- and maintain good order in the camp in a newspaper published in the Town W IC 1.5 or may moun e on wee. L d 1'1 ti If fl be f . d i 'be 11 d ith b 1TIterrup~e ven 1 a an. oor 0 Section 15. Eatch tourist camp shall at least 10 days before the day of the an s or may prope e e er y wood it shall be raised not less than . . , . .'. . its awn power or by another power . be prOVided WIth Q. bulldmg to be hearmg. driven vehicle, to which it may be 12 mches $ibove the ground level. knawn a~ the office in which shall. be section 21. This ordinance shall not attached. Section 9. The roof co~e~ of each kept caples of all records pertainmg apply to any territory included within I I [ P b cottage shall extend suffICIently be- to the management or supervision of the limits of the incorporated village (e) Board of Depar men ,ou - d th t. 11 li th t 11 lic Health shall mean any sum Board yon . , Ie ex her110lrfW1al f ne SOf 1a] a the .camp, sucR records to be available of Greenport. This ordinance shall nat I I tabllsh d I I roof ~ a er s a a ree 0 wa s. far mspection by the Board af Health apply to any tourist camp unit camp or nepar men es e pursuan a . I' '" the laws of the State of New York and SectIon 10. No cottage shall be or by the Police Departmen . cottage, or house trailer camp in op- entrusted with the regulation, control e~ected or placed upon any site at less SectiOI~ 16.. It shall be the duty of peration an or before July 1, 1lt53. and supervision of matters pertaining di~ta~ce than 15 feet from any other the owner,. hIS agent or manager, to Section 22. Any person, firm or to and affecting the public health in buildmg or cottage. keep a regIster of all persons accom- corporation who. shall viola.te or faU the Town of Southold. Section 11. No trailer or camp car modated in the camp, said register to to comply with any of the provisions Sectian 2. It shall be unlrawful for shall be located on any site where include the names of all. persons, their of this ordinance, shall be guilty of any person, persons, firm, associatian, there is less than 15 feet between .the home addresses, ~he reglstr~tien num- a misdemeanor and shall upon con- corporation or co-partnership to estab- trailer 0: camp car and othe:: ,bulld- ~r and descriptIon. af .thelr auto~o- victian be punishable by a. fine of not lish, maintain, or operate witWn the ~ng, traIlers, or camp cars 1Dclud~d bIles or other v~hlCles, to prescrIbe less than $50.00 nor to exceed $100.00 r it f the To n of Southold any In the camp areRi and no cottage SIte rules and regulatIOns for the manage- or by imprisonment for a. term not t~~ri:t ocamp on :ny location o~ plot or location of trailer ar cam~ c~r site men~ .of the camp; to make adequate exceeding six months or by both such of ground for use of transients hy the shall be placed or erected wlthm I~SS prOVISIon for th~ enforcement of such fine and imprisonment. Each daj'l that d. week month or season whether than 20 feet from the property lme rules; to subscnbe to and ~dopt- such a: violation is permitted to exist shall ayh, : .' I d' ho does separating the camp from adjoining general rules and regulatIOns which constitute a separaie offense acargelsorlsnomae,w. df . I '1 f Ih De rl property measurmg from the nearest may be hereafter adopte or the man- na possess a perml rom e pa ~ , ment of Health and tlle Town Board point of the cottage site or locati~n, agement of. such camps. of the Town of SOuthold. The permit trailer or camp car site. No tourIst I Furthe~, It shall 'be the duty ~f the f th T Bo. d of the Tawn of camp abutting any public street, avenue, owner, hIS a,gent or manager, to. ~outh:ld ~:~l ex~[re on December 31st boulevard, terrace, -court, or place shall (a) Proviae for regular .inspection following the date of issuance. Such locate any tent, te~t house, or cotta.ge of ~he water and the samtary con- it hall not be transferable or as~ site or ]nl'..Qte traIler camp car SIte vemences. ~r=;bl: All Town Board .permi,ts may beyond the established line set and (b) Provide for the collection and heg k d f b ch Board agreed upon and in no ease closer than removal of garbage or other waste ma- revo e or cause y su . ft hearing 20 feet to such street, avenue, boule- tena!. a er a,. vard, :terrace, court, or place. (c) Prohibit the placing or storage Section 3: :,-ny person or persons, Section 12. Roadways or driveways of unsightly material or vehicles of firm, assOCUttlOn, corporati~ or co- shall be provided not less than 25 feet any kind. partnership hereafter applymg for. a in width, well marked in the daytime (d) Provide for the regular clean- permit and/or a license to estabhsh and lighted at night. said roadways, ing, painting, repairing, disinfecting of and operate Ia. tourist camp must first or driveways to be so located that each all buildings, and file with the Board af Health and unit of the camp is easily a,ccessible. (e) Provide at least ane 2% gallon the Town Clerk a ,complete ,copy ~f Said ro::tdways or driveways shall be soda and acid fire extinguisher, or its the pla.n of the propose~ c~mp. ThIS 50 constructed that a dust nuisance equiv:alent, for each 5 units, so located plan WIth the legal descrIption of t~ will not ,be created. All entrances and that all units shall be within 200 feet property show, shall be drawn exits from the camp shall be well of an extinguisher. scale and must show clearly t.he extent marked and 50 arranged that they will (f) Take such other measures as and area to be used for camp PUT',~s. be easily controlled and superVised. ma~ be deemed to be necessary by the All proposed roadways and/or dr1Ve~ Section 13 Each camp upon which Board! of Health to preserve the health, ways shall be sh~wn to~ther with two or more' tents, tent houses, camp camfort, and safety of all persons re- pach proposed lacatIOn or SIte for ten~; cottages, trailers or camp cars are siding in the camp and the general ten~ houses, camp ~ottag~, and/ I erected or placed and where private public. traIlers or camp cars, locatIOn ~f all conveniences for each site or cottage (g) Cause each dog. cat, or other proposed. sanitary conve~ien~es, aun-I are not provided shall provide at 10- pet animal to be kept under control dry buildmg8 and slop smks. the ,pro~ cations hereinafter defined, tailets, at all times, either by being tied up posed method of sewage disposal or I urinals wash basins slop basins, ar confined in proper enclosure. removal iB.~d ~he plan for water SUP; shower~, or baths, w~ter faucets or (h) Repart to the Board of Health ply and hghtmg. A typical plan fOd I spigots in accordance with the follow- all cases of communicable disease or proposed camp co.ttages, toilet an iIlg: suspected cases of communicable di- wash room and launda-y shall be filed I (a,) One toilet or stoal for each unit. sease affecting any occupant of the for future reference. (.b) Each toilet room provided for camp. 5eQtion 4. All land used! as a, tourist men shall have in addition urinal (D Report immedllately to ~he pub- camp shall be located on well drained' stalls. licauthority !all acts of dIsorderly ... -J /, CC..... i- 1..- ~ .< /'-\,,~ ; lSr<-TT - 0 F LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE I .1 , I .1 I i ! , :! i ~ I I , i I I ( / jct -t C ~/ LEGAL NOTICE EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall take upon publication and posting quired .by law. Dated at Southold, N. Y. June 30, 1953 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOTH, TOWN CLERK effect as re- STATE OF NEW YORK, ) COUNTY OF SUFROLK, ) SS:- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, ) I, RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the Coun- ty of Suffolk a,nd State of New York, do hereby certify tha,t I have com- pared the foregoing orcUmnce duly ap- proved and adopted at a regular meet- ing of the Town Board of the Town of SOuthold duly ,called and held on Ihe 30lh day of Jnne, 1953, wllh Ihe original thereof an file in my office Qud entered in the minutes of the meeting of said Board, and! that the same is a true and correct transcript thereof and of the whole of said ariginal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Town of Southold, Ihls 1st day of July, 1953. (SEAL) Ralph P. Boolh Town Clerk, Town of Soulhold. NOTICE OF AMEND~IENT OF ORDINANCE NOTICE '9 HEREBY GIVEN that .lfter a public hearing held pW'suant .0 the requirements of.la'w. the South- )ld'Town Ordinance entitled "Southold fawn Ordinance providing for the Reg- '-llation of Tourist Camps, House Trailer Camps, House Trailers. or siro..... itar Establishmen.~' was duly amended It a meeting of the Southold Town Board on September 24. 1958. as fol- 10W6:- 1. By amending Section 1, subdivi- sion (c) to read as follows: (e) Camp Cottage is defined to be any small building of whatever ma. terial constructed having less than 350 square feet of enclosed floor area. and used as living or sleepin~ quart- ers and constructed and equipl),ed only for seasonal occupancy. 2. By amending Section 1, subdivi- sion (e) to read as follows: (e) Board or Department of Pub~ lie Health shall mean any such Board or Department eshblished pursuant to the laws of the state of New York and: entrusted with the regulation, control and supel'Vision of matters pertaining to and effect- ing the public health i. the Town o( Southo1d. 3. By amending Section 2 to read as follows: Section 2. It shall be unlaw~ul for any person or persons, firm, associa- tion, corporation or co-partner$hip to establish, maintain or operate within the limits of the Town of Southold, any tourist camp on any location or plot of ground for use of ,transients by the day, week, maRth' or season, whether a cha".-ge is or la, not made, who does no\': pOSSQiS & permit trom the Deparliment." l}f Health and the Town 'Board of the Town of Southold. The ;permit is- sued by the '1"own Board shall not be transferabl.e or as&i~le and may ,be revolted for caUst:, J';ly such Board after a hearing,::,'lilrd~:::f:r,.7 4. By amending Sectioq:~3M rMd as fol1ows:'~.,04 t't~i);' Section 3. Any.persqf.<Lpel'!Ons, firm, association, c~(fn or co~ partnership hereafter applying for a permit_and/or a ltcense:'to estab~ lia:h and operate a tourist camo must first file with the To'\rn Cierk a complete plan of the proposed camp. This plan with the legal descrip~ tion of the property shown, shall be drawn to scale and -must clearly show the extent and area to be used for camp purposes. All pro- posed roadways and/or driveways, method of sewage disposal, plan for water supply and lighting, and each proposed location or site for tents, tent houses, cltmp cottages, and/or trailers or camp cars must he shown on such plan. ' 5. By amending Section 7 to read as follows: Section 7. Each unit in any tour~ ist camp upon which a tent, tent house, trailer or house car is erected and placed and each unit in any tourist camp upon which a camp cottage is hereafter erected or placed shall he not less than 40 x 50 feet in area clearly defined by markers in each corner. 6. By repealing Sections 8 and 9 of said Ordinance. 7. By amending and renumbm-ing Section 10 to be Section 8, to read as follows: Section 8. No cottage hereafter erected or placed upon a site shall be less than 15 feet distant from :lny other building. 13. 1yr renumbering and amending Sectttn 16 to be Section 13. to read 3..;; fo!tpwS: 8. By, amending and renumbering - SectlOn 11 to be section 9, to read as .tollows: section 9. No trailer or camp car shalLbe located on any site where there is less than 15 feet between such trailer or camp car and other buildings, trailers or camp cars In~ eluded in the camp. With the excep- tion of cottages previously placed or erected, no cottage, trailer or camp car shall be placed or erected within 20 feet from the property or highway line. 9. By amending and renumbering Sections 12 to be Section 10, to read as follows: f" SectIon 10. Adequate road'ways or ~ driveways shall be provided which I-- shall be so located that each unit of the camp is easilY accessi-bIe thereto. Said roadways or drive. way shall be adequately lighted while such camp is occupied and such roadways or driveways shall be so constructed and maintained that a dust nuisance will not be created. All entrances and exits from the camp shall be well marked and so I arranged that they will be easily I controlled and supervised. i 10. By repealing Section 13 of said Ordinance. 11. By renumbering and amending Section 14 to be Section 11, to read as follows: Section 11. Each tourist camp shall be under the direct manage- ment of the owner or licensee or his agent or representative for whose ads he or they shall be fully re- spQJUPble. The names of the persons entrusted with the direct manage. ment of the camp shall be filed for reference with the Southold Town Police. 12. By renumbering and amending Section 15 to be Section 12, to read as follows: Sectton 12. Each tourist eamp shall keep copies of all records pertain~ ing to the management or super~ visor of the camp which records shall be available for inspection. Section 13. It shall be the duty of the owner, his agent or manager to keep a register of all persons ac- commodated in the camp, said reg- ister, to include the names of all such persons, their home address and the registration number and description' of their automObile or other vehicle. It shall also be the duty of the owner, his agent or Hon and removal of garbage or manager to prOVide for the coHec- other waste materials; to prohibit the .placing or storage of unsightly material or vehicles within the camp; to provide at least one 2% gallon soda and acid fire extin- guisher, or its equivalent, for each . 5 units, so located that all unit.,,: shall be within 200 feet of an exw tinguisher; to report to the Board of Health all cases of communicable diseases or suspected cases of com- . munica-ble diseases affecting any OC- ,cupant of the camp; to report im. mediately to the public authority all acts of disorderly conduct com- mitted by any person or persons within the camp. 14. By renumbering Section 18 to read Section 14. 15. By renumbering Section 19 to read Section 15. 16. By renumbering Section 20 to read Section 16. 17. By renumbering Section 21 to read Section 17, 18. By renumbering and amendino-: Section 22 to be Section J 8, to react \ as follows: I Section 18. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate or fail I to comply with any of thl'J provisiOns of this ordinance, shall be guilty of an offense and shall upon conviction be punishable by a fine of not to ex- ceed $100.00 or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed six months or by ,both such fine and imprIsonment. Each day that a violation is per~ mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Dated: september 30, 1958 I By Order of the Southold \ Town Board Ralph P. Booth. Town Clerk COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1 STATE OF NEW YORK ISs. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, soys that he is the owner ond publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER _ MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....&.d:Cd::.-<:"..fl./..... weelsi successively, commencin,9 on the ...........J..J-:.~.(,.{........ d I (J( ~<0.h -')-'6 ay of ....~.~:>c.~... 19........ ........2(;.r..d::..::.,.;1...(...!L.~~,.A.:.~';. ' -7,'1 UG Sworn to before me this .......r2............. ( -; -. ......(jJ.L. ...f........... 19.:'),~ day of __ /J Ci _//~. j/ .... . ~.../..a--0'2fd=:.............. Notary Public (I ADELE PAYNE Notary Public. Stale of New Yorl( ReSiUm,( In S~Jf(iJ::CCUiitY No. ~12-3J.i-l0[k) Commission [xr:'iii:, ',':arch 30. 1959 NOTICE OF OF ORDJN i NOTJ:OE ' ' . aIter a ~ hearin&'i to the~nts of Jaw,. old 'l'!llln, ~ entttled old To..,(lIodlnance I>ro Regulation of .TOUrist :I'raller c...,~ Houle ~ar iIIlItal>l.."......,t." d"'" ! amended at',. -.,.- ......J .-- mee the I SouthOld 'tltiIni Board on 14, 1958, 88 toltlWe:_ 1~ By am~ Section Bald 0i"<<\baD0e to _ aa follo Section 2.dt 8hall be for :fY perlperaoPs, f 'Msoela- I ODS, Ilona ~ -"'ner- 6hip teIb1l8h ''''~,7' operate . thin ,'......un or Town of tholJh:",~fca:e on any looallOn ;". plot of ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORI< 55, , Frederick C Hawkins, being duly swam, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Sauthald, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is 0 printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ""C;"+'{'~L",(~j,/, weekrl , I 'h /. ,,,,/ ~c successIve YI commencing on t e .......... .....!.................... //<4:': ' ',/ ~.. V day of "L.-~I "~:':'''''''''' 19",:",.-' , ''''''~..?:~,,':<~:,~'' ~:"'{'C --:,'~t.,~,[',~~ ,~". , l,-?...., Sworn to before me this """,/~~"""'" day of ,,(},4:-('~:.~<.,," 19,,:):, ,C:-- /- . .' ./ "'""""Ll{~t.r~".",/~;(~.I.' , ,:,7::<::'.,";'"" Notary Public .' i ADEi.J ;,,':Nf i\'o!~,v PI" ,I New York ),' c s : ~" ,J ,- ;; : Tt " r:,. .'" ;O':J f<;.mm7c;s:ofJ [X",j;:'5 !,':Jrch.~D ~ ~--~~- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK J STATE OF NEW YORK 55. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher af THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Sauthold, in Suffolk Caunty; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...................';-.................... weeks successively, ~ommencing on the ......................~.:............. \ . :' " j, / ,l, '. day of :...,..3r~.,.,.~. ;>~/J:, t- 6, ;, . .................................................................................... / L( / - Sworn to before me this .........,;:............ day of (\. /. 7.- )' '. ......,.\..J.....ro.:/"'..... ....,'..... 19...-:.....1 ,I -'./ " ......~.... {;..~... ~'.. .(.-.L~.{... .... ~.(.. ..(.. (. .~..-i. .~... ~~... :....,..... ,- ' Notary Public ' ,"i();,:,- Rr:-,,(' r NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a pub- hc hearing will be hel'i by the Town Board of t.he Town of Southcld, Suf- folk County, New York at the Super- visor's Office, 16 South Street, Gl'een- port, N. Y. on t.he 23rd day of spptem- ber, 1958 at 2:00 P. M. on the 'luestion of amending the Bout.hold TO\vn Or- dinance entitled "Southolrl Town Or- dinance providing for th0 rw~u!ation of Tourist Camps, House Tr'1ilel' CP.mps, House Trailers, or Similar Establish- ments" as fo110\''''5: I 1. By amending Section 1, subdivi- sion (c) to read as follows: (c) Cnmp Cotta.ge is d~fjaed to be any small bUilding of whatevei' ma- terial constructed havinf',' less than 350 square feet of enelose('l floot' area and used as living or sle,~ping qmllt- ers and constructed and equipDed only for seasonal OCCUp:1UCy. 2. By amending Sedion 1, subdivi:" sion (eJ to read as follows: (e) Board or Department of Pub- lic Health shall mean any such Board or Department est'lblished pursuant to the laws of the state of New York and entrusted With the regulation, control and supervision " of matters pertaining to m1d effect- ing the public health 'in the Town of Southold. 3, By amending Section 2 to read as "follows: Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons. 'firm, associa- tion, corporation or co-part.nership to establish, maintain or operate within the limits of thc Town of Southold, any tourist camp on any location or plot of ground for use of transients by the day, week, month or season, whether a cha~'ge is or is not made, who docs nor possess a permit. lfrorp. the Department ,:f Health ahtl the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The permit is- sued by the Town Board 'shall not be tra:Qf::ferable or assignable and may be revoked for cause by such Board after a hearing. 4. By amending Section 3 to read as follows: Section 3. Any person 01' persons, firm, association, corporation or 'COw partnership hereafter' applying~()r a permit and/or a .license to eS~b- lish and operate a tourist camp ~st first file with the Tov.n Clerk a complete plan of the proposed _camp. This plan with the legal descrip- tion of the property shown, shall be drawn t.o scale and must clearly sho,~r the extent and area. to be used fo;' camp purpose". Ail pl'O- t >lh)Sed roadways and/or dri.veways, method of sewage disposal, plan for water sup.ply and lighting, and each proposed location or sit~ for tents, tent house.';, camp cottages, and/or trailers or camp cars must he shown on such plan. 5. By amending Section 7 to read as follows: Section 7. Each unit in any' tour- L<;t camp upon which a' t-ent, tent house trailer or house car is ne,::ted and 'placed and each unit in anv towi::-:t camp upon which H ('(u~n c,ALtge is lll:rpnft.er err'ct,ed or l;lac_'d shall be not. lESS thelO 40 x 30 fed. in f\rert c1e8rly defined. by mari-::.eL" in each corner. 6: By repenlin;>: Sedif,ns 8 <-111(1 9 of sRid Ordinancc. 7 By zun'ncUng Scdion 10 to be as follows: Se<:UOl) 8. No cottage hereafter erected or placed upon a site shall be less tha.n 15 fpet. distant from Clny other building. 13. By renumbering and amending Section 16 to be Section 13, to read as follows: 8. By amending Section 11 to be as follows: Section 9. No trailer or camp car shall be located on any site where there if: less than 15 feet betweE"n such trailer or camp car and other buildings, trailers or camp ca.rs in- cluded in the camp. With the excep- tion of cottages previously placed or erected. no cottage, traile~ or i I camp car shall be placed or erected : within 20 feet from the property or ' highway line. 9. By amending and renumbering ,Sections 12 to be Section 10, to read as follows: Section 10. Adequate roadways or driveways shall be provided which shall be so located that each unit of the camp is easily accessible thereto. Said roadways or drive- way shall be adequately lighted while such camp is occupied and such roadways or driveways shall be so constructed and maintained that a dust nuisance will not be created. - All entrances and exits from the camp shall be well marked and so arranged that they ,vill be easily controlled and supervised. 10. By repealing Section 13 of said Ordinance. 11. By renumbering and amending Section 14 to be Section 11, to r(';:\(] as follows: Section 11. Each tourist camp shall be under the direct manage- ment of the owner or licensee or his agent or representative for whose ads he or they shall be fully rc- sponsible. The names of the persons entrusted with the direct manage- ment of the Camp shall be filed for reference with the Southold Town Police. 12. By renumbering and amending Section 15 to be Section 12, to read as follows: Section 12. Each tourist :::amp shall keep copies of all records pert"Jn- ing to the management or super- visor of the camp which records shall 'be available for inspection. Section 13. It shall be the duty of the owner, his agent or manager to keep a register of all persons ac- commodated in the camp, said reg- ister, to include the names of all such persons, their home address I and the registration number and i description of their automolbile or other vehicle. It shall also be the duty of the owner, his agent or tion and removal of garbage or manager to provide for the col~ec- other waste materials; to prohibit I the placing or storage of unsightly i material or vehicles within the camp; to provide at least one 2% gallon soda and acid fire extin- guisher' or its equivalent, for each 5 units, so located that all unit,,: shall be within 200 feet of an ex- tinguisher; to report to the Board of Health all cases of communicable disca.ses or 'suspected cases of com- munica.ble diseases affecting any GC- cupant of the camp; to :report im- mediately to the public authority I all acts of disorderly conduct com- mitted by any person or persons within the camp. I 14. By renumbering Sectioll 18 to I read Section 14. 15. By renumbering Section 19 to read Section 15. 16. By renumbering Section 20 to I read Section 16. ,t 17. By renumbering Section 21 to read Section 17. 18. By renumbering and amending Section 22 to be Section J 3. to read as follows: Section 18. Any person, firm or corporation ,'.'ho shall violate or fail to comply with any of 1,110 provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of I an offense and shall upon conviction be punishable by a fine of not to ex- ceed $100.00 01' by imprisonmellt for a term not to exceed six months or by bot h such fine and imprIsonment. Each day that a violation is per- mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the and renumbering time and place above specified. Section 0, t.o l'P?d I r\"f-....r"l" C:"nt"mhp1' 10 1flf)~ and l"cl1umberin::;' Section 8, to ['cad NOTICE OF OF ORD~N COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORI< 55. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he 'is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island ~raveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....0..4;.C.~L...(./,/..; week1 /. ,/, Lt( 'vely commencing on the .......... ...../.................... success I / I , /'t") .' f ~) .":)' day of ..L~.. "..'c.~,............19.....,.. / ./ /' . ~ /'. / {' '. ',-- ~(c. r<., L' ~ {~..~..-:....~~.~.,:.:<......~.,:~.~... ............................................ ~- I ,> of Sworn to before me this .......1...'.";......... day (~.Lt -',' '// 19..::5.:..<:::-' .. "'j' ..__~,,_4:........ . '..'.. .../ //,->.&-1..i:....../C.L..L.-j.:j-;;:".".;,:... .......... ,,~'_Iv Notary Pub!;c :/ i'\DEi...i I\o!,~ry 1':" ros....,. I:. r8mm;<;s:on [xu! ;~ ;,','N~ ,I i~~f'W Yor~ . ~iTt:' '(':J .'$ i,',::rrch 3(:1 ;~:,( LEG~ NOTICE i NOTIoE OF PtlBLIC IlEAlUNG ! I NOTICE Ill, HEREB.Y GIVEN that i a pubUc hef.rlttg wUl be, hl'id by the ,'l'own Board of the Town of SOuth- old, SUffolk bounty, New Yb~k, at the supervisOr's OfflC;O. 16 SOUth Street,' Gleenp()rt,'N.Y. on the 14th day of ;\prll lil!;Jl, at ':30 0'c16ck In the after- ' noon of that day u~n the question of " the amendment' 1lCilIIbiIIlbwn, ,000~tn8.nce' entitled ''SeuCh~lnance Pro- , v\<IiDg. for th,~ Regulation of 'f!lUrIst ; CamPB,'HQUSe.__TraUer Camps, House I Trailers, Of8lml,ll.t, ,']!lst ..bUshme"ts" as follows:-,' ' 1. B)'amen41ng Seetlon 2 of Il&ld, 'Ordinance to read, as follows:- " I , =tI~n~t~,'~~i,;:~~~ \ tIo..... ."rpc1'll'tldlil< or co-partnership 'w ,,~n or operate I wi a!lllil~ ' of the 'l'own of SOU ,an1~tcamp ,on aDy 10000t at' ~ of!!"<'UUd for use of t " . 'bY)!1e :day, week, month or, " .tIler a charge Ia or Ia ~"does ,not poesess a' frctnl;' tile Department of the Town Bllat<l of the _thOld. SuCh t shall ~_le~ e; , y COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I 55, Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is 0 printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Troveler-Mottituck Watch- man once each week for .... {[..,,,: 4'''c.. (../). wee~ '>-2 j successively, commencing on the ............~..Lr:C..?t:.-:~'....... d f r:-~A; ,'{ .;:,C< oy 0 "''>..'-l~..t:...,,-...t......... 19....1...., , / " -/ ..... ::'::~t,. .0. ...<.~.~'.?. (..f...~ .... .~:. f.:.:.. .':.........., [4.. ,;~\ ,~,I 'eI'llC.tedl the TraI1- I and pub- , $teb <)lWltlng shall: be". ' five (5) feet blgh, ' the lOCa i>f whIeh shall be ap- , pro1e4 bY'1\e Tow\l. Board. '3. By amell1!lng ~6tl 20 of ""Id I OrdInance tO~~ as foUows:- I Sectilon 20:' Each application for a !' !iermit shall. be accompanied by a fee of Twenty-five <..00) ,Dollars. UIlOil. receipt of aD. aPPlIcation for a perio.lt provldl"i In this Ordinance, the Town Clerk shall cause a notice of public hearing thereon, specify- Ing the time ,1UlIi place thereof, to be publlsliecl once In a newspaper ,. pubUshecl,1n the 'l'own at, least 10 <lay", before the day of thll hearing. : l4. By amenddng Section 21 of Il&ld, IOrdinance to read as follows:-. i Seetlon 2l. Tbls Otdlnimce shall not i , apply to any territory Included wlth- I , ' In the Umlts of the }ncorpcrate4 i : Vi\la.geof OrtMmport. : I Any person desiring, to be heard on the proposed amendments should ""- ~i~,~:_:,~:;;-::: :...~, \~.':- - :.,- Ralph P. BOoth, .,'/'" Town Clerk.. I__,_,~,_. Sworn to before me this ...........7........ day of /~ . ,- -'-)y~~ t:.,.j-c-.."...I.......... 19.."...~ > , rJ /, c / 'L. ' ~ ,.- /' - '" ~.~ ... " ..........' ....L..... . /'.rl </......... !...J/,/' / '- "'-_ "'" ~ t,'..... ".... .........y.. ..y.............. Notary Public , ,',;L ~o,,,., ~ " 'I; 1 .,,;'~