HomeMy WebLinkAboutWells Road I -- EIVED SEP 2 9 STATE OF NEW YORK--DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: 989602 FILE: 47.37-Nons TROOP: L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 124 ?. 37 SUBDIVISION ( a ) PARAGRAPH ( 2 ) OFTHE DEPARTMENT~ REGULATIONSIS [~]ADDED ['-~AMENDEDtom~ mf~low$: [~]REPEALED (a) 30 MPH within the East Cutchogue, Nassau Point and Indian Neck areas, t~ boundaries of which are described in paragraph (1), exclusive of the town and county highways listed in paragraph (2). (1) Area description: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly rig~ of-way of Route 25 (main road) and the easterly right-of-way of Wells Road;the south along the easterly right-of-way of Wells Road to Richmond Creek; t~nce southerly along the westerly shoreline of Richmond Creek to Hog Neck Ba~ther southerly along the shoreline of Hog Neck Bay to Nassau Point; thenc~ norther] along the shoreline of Cutchogue Harbor and East Creek to the west right-of-w~ of Harbor Lane; thence northerly along the west right-of-way of Harbor Lane tc the intersection of the southerly right-of-way of Route 25 (main road); thencE easterly along the southerly right-of-way of Route 25 (main road) to the point of beginning. (2) The following town and county highways are excluded from the above 30 MPH area speed limit: (i) Eugene's Road, between Route 25 (main road) and Skunk's Lane. (ii) Skunk's Lane, between Route 25 (main road) and Lupen Drive. (iii) Indian Neck Lane, between Route 25 (main road) and Leslie"s Road The e~ve o~er will ~ effective u~n ~e installet~, m~ifi~tion or ~movel ~ ~e necem~ ~ffic ~ntrol dev~ (s) ~quir~ ~ a~ ~ormi~ ~ ~e S~te Manual ~ Un~orm Traffic Control D~ices. ~/(D~AT )~ APPROVEDBY:'''~//~'--'~~ Reqional Traffic Engineer {SIGNATURE) (TITLE) JS:EK DESCRIPTION: This action amends the existing 30 MPH area speed limit to include Leslie Road. COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE LOCALITY: Town of $outhold ~ 1147.37 (~) (Identify) cc: [] CITY [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] TOWN ~ STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT. [~ PERMITTEE Southold POLICE DEPARTMENT [] REGION ~ f~ TRAFFIC ENGINEER [-'1 OTHER (Specify) TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER Study No: File: Troop: 989602 46.36-0NS L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION: 1147.37 SUBDIVISION: (q) PARAGRAPH: OF THE DEPARTMENTS REGULATIONS IS (q) Repealed ADDED ~AMENDED to read as follows: I~ REPEALED JS:EK The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (~EIATE) APPROVED BY: (SIGNATURE) Regional Traffic Engineer (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action repeals the 40 MPH speed limit on Leslie Road in Cutchogue. ~OUNTY: ~)THER RELATED ACTIONS .{3 ,.1 ~3. L3 C~TY ~ °~c~"~ ~ [] VILLAGE [] NONE [] SHERIFF [] STATE POLICE [~ PERMITTEE LOCALITY: Town of Southold ~ 1147.37 (ao) [] Southold [] REGION 10 [~ OTHER -1- (Identify) POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Spade) STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel 438-4521 Area Cede 518 Yie~ld S~s 10 Su£fo~k KI~ - .~24 and 1226 !~r~mmnt to ~uthcrity conferred by the New-scrk T~afflc t~w, ~he S%ate 't~fi~ Cc~miss.ion h~'eby I Designates i.nt~se~tiorm on State t~.~hw~ys in th~ ~w~ of S~t~,, Bre~7 ~Wenue (3ret!on D~L~9~ on SH 8~J~1) with on B~'ay A'ven~:~ - ey~t;ru~e from ~outheast, 2,, F~rlene Drive (Station A'?3~; on SH 8131) vith YIELD sign on ~iene Drive ~ entz~n~e from ;~ou~heast o Z,? L~ion Aven~xe (Station /,83- on S!! 8151) witl~, YIELD sign 6, M~pie Avent~e (Station ,.~- ,:,n .qH 8229) wi~;h YIELD sign .~a,)..~ :-%~'~n',.le n~t~..,,.,c~ ~ron north° Lane ,- eatr:~nc~ :[Y'c:;~ nortm~esto 9, !weu3t Avenue (Station 6.3~ aa SH !~cust Avenue ~- ent~ranc~ from 10~, ~.~illua%e:* A~zer~e {',~,atl.on ."~66~1 on SH ~'~229) with ~IE~D sign on S:~i!l~,at*~' Avenue =. ~nt~a~e from ,~-~uth~ast ~ i.,~ell~] Ro~ (Station 295* on tH 8.229) w~%h YIELD sig~ on Wells Road ~ entrance f~om ~outh,~ 12,, ~in Bay Vi~ Ro~d (Station J60,~ o~_ ~l 8229) ~tth Y!~D sign ,i3~ Sage Brmlevard (~_t~o~ ~ FSC . 3].,,, Albe~-%scn L~e (Station D48-' on SH 8229) ~rlth !IELD sig~ on Albertgon 'L~u~ - entra~ fron north. 15o Moo~s Lame (Station 620-+ ~n SH 8229) with YIELD siga on Mosses Lane - entramce from north%r~t. 16. Glllett~ Drive (Statism 115-+ on SH 8380) with YIELD sigm sa Gillette Drive - entraps fr~ south° 17. Cc~et~ry R~d (Station 33~6~ on SH 8380) with YIELD sig~ on C~m~t~y R~td - emt?a~ce f~ ~ou%ho _1.8. Oyster Ponds Lans (S~ation 272-+ on SH 8380) ~-th YIELD on Oyster P~s L~ne . en%ranc, e from so~th~ I)irec%s the New York State Dep~rt~ent cf Public Works to in. tall amd maintaim YIELD si&mm in con~forma~e~ with %he Manual of Urziform Traffic (',ont~ol Dev$~es of the Stat~ Traffic Commission as ordered in Item I Kindly adz,'ise the Traffic Cc~m~ission ~hen this order has b~en complied with. STATE T~2~!~IC GOI,~ISSION CAS :lp co: ,%e~ of Sta~a Supt, St~?~ Polic,~ Tn. Bdo, Southo!d Suffol'~ Co~ Po!icc Dspto WILLXAM S. HULTS, STATE OF HEW YORK 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel. HOb.rt 2-7511 'JAN 1 51962 Yield Signs 10 Suffolk Coun~ KLI - ~4 ,~.,~1 1226 HOno ~illta~ 8o B~ssette, ~pto Div. of Operat$on& M~tnte~enee Del~rtment of Publf~ ~;erk8 · lbs~U 1, New York ~PAFFIO COM~,ffSSION ORI]EK ~t to authority co~ferred b~r the New York State V~h~cle a~d Traffic Law, the State Traffic Co~!~sion hereby I Designates intersections on State highways in the Town of South~d, Suff'olk 0ounty, ~s YIELD intersections, a~d orders the installation of YIELD signs at entrances to s~ch intorsections, as follows: ao Zntersectio~s of Route 25 ~ith: 1. Bra~ Avenue (Station E-439* on SH 8181) with YIELD sign on Bray Avenue - entrance from southeast. 2. Marlene Drive (Station 473* on SH 8181) with YIELD sign on Marlene Drive - entrance from southeast° Bay Avenue (Station 482* on SH 8181) with YIELD sign on Ba~r Avenue - entrance from southeast o Legion Avenue (Station 483* on SH 8181) with y~n sign ou Legion Avenae - ent~anee from northweeto Reeve Avenue (S~ation 518- on SH 8181) ~ith yre.!~ sign on Reeve Avenue - entrance from southeast. 6o Maple Averse (Station ~1- on SH 8229) with y~ELD sign on Maple Avenue - entranoe from sonthaasto 7. b~m~et Avemae (Station 28* on SH 8229) with Y~AD si~n on Su~et Avenue - ent~ranoe fr~ south. 8. ~zah Lane (Station 59* on ~t 8~9) with YZE~O sign on E1Azah Lane -entranee from northwest° TRA~F~O ¢O~SS~O~ ORn~ (~C 7) 9. ~ceust Avenue (Station 63* on SH ~229) with YIELD -~ on Locust Average - e~ance from southeast. 10. S~ater Avenue (S~atlen 166- on ~! 8229) with YIELD si~n on Stiliwater Avenue - en~rar~e from southeast o 11. ~ell~ Road (Station 295~ on SH 8229) with ~IELD sign on ~ells P~ad - entrance from south. 12. l~n I~F View Road (Station 360* on 3H 8229) ~_th YIELD sign on F~tin Bay View Head - entl~_-_os from south. 13o Sage Boulevard (S~ation §30~ on PSC 41~0) with YIELD sign on Sage Boulevard - entra~e from southeast o ~4. Moere~ Lane ($tatio~ ~0, o~ ~S 822~) with YIELD sign on M~res Lane - entxmmee fre~ northwest. 15o G*~lette Drive (Station 115- on SH 8380) with YIELD sig~ on Gillette D~ive - en~ra~ee from south. 16. Oemet~y Read (S~ation 146- on SH 8380) with YIELD sign on Cemetery Roa~ - entrance from south. 17o Oyster Ponds Lane (Station 2?2" on SH 8380) with YIELD sign on Oyster Ponds Lane - entr-.n~e from south. the I~e~ York State Depa~nt of Publie Works ~ install and m~$ain y~ sig~s in conformance with the l.',a.~ua], of Uniform Traffic Devices of the State Traffi~ Oommissiou as ordered in 1~ ~ Kindl~ advise the Traffio ~.~*-,~ssion when this order has been oomplied with° CAS ~CM /~ ee, Supt. State Police Town Board, Southold i/ Suffslk County Police Department Se~. of State STATE TP~F~IO OO~&LSSION WILLIAM S. HULTS Chairman