HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown Highway Improvement PlanTI! I-5I, (7/76) ~:estlon #1. Will S rial No(s). hk~b~m be cons:r~cted in 19767 Ar swer #1. Question #2. If lenqt, of 1976 7z~.!ect(s) mentione~ u~:ve · ',,~ re,'Lr.~d fro:: :L~t sho'~m on original ~pplleation form, when vdli b~an:e g,e ccns~r:c[:d? Arswer #2. Ne~ I1~ i~1~ ' Question //~. ',,'.-nat dlsoc 'ition '_g t.o be made of,.~1°~:~ '" .:-x. for 197'3 ' .ich we . '.':! tL "~ o:' de£erre~t: Answer It~. ~e~tion #&. Give ~ ':~] ~um~,r(s] nn,~ ]on:%h of ?rojcct~. re~rf~ccd ~ ~ 1977; include bt{dEe ~rojects. Ai:~o shared costs u~ng 1977 ?~t~.~,~. ~ Aid Ra~e: :~oundv{ew ~venue State Aid Rate NOTE: ON ROADS WITH-EFICIENT ~RIDr%.'. oTP .oT~ ~.:;o lfU2'~ BE ' ±L~ FI~o~. *Chanties. and new appl'~,a!t'iorsc~ :not be ma'~' ~ft,:r ::e~t¢:~,or ~, !c76 for the 1~77 pro~?'n~ 6 ooples of this fom~ Lo be cop ~letcd as x .m as po~r;ibt< and d'::tribu~.~fl to: 1- N.Y. State Dop . of T,'a: .u;orlalion 1- qoun~:' I[i-k":%' .qu:..r'Tntervlent Municipal Work · I.ur'otl~l 1- Town "~:h'.','~.:,' ,'~;or' State Campus, . IM%y, U. Y. 1223P 1- Town 1- Regional Of fie.., D.O.T. 1- To~;m ,"':rk *wAfter review o£ this form by Municisal Public 7.'orks Bur: , .tho to',;m ',';ill be notified of ttie amount of State aid and to';m's share. In t~_:~ tour. b~;' · t for 1977, the tovm's share shall be financed in accordance with Section 229 o3' ';he i[~ ;i.'.,.'ay La~,'.