HomeMy WebLinkAboutTucker's Lane ~,~CEIVED 'i981 Town ' I;!erl( NOTICE OF ORDER DATE April 23, 1981 THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: '"~'7.37-25 co. Signal 87 SECTION 2147.37 SUBO,V,S,ON (b) PARAGRA.H OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS i'l AODED i-I AMENDED to read as foltows: [~ REPEALED The above or~ler will I~ effective upon the installation, modif~:atlon or removal of the mece~arv traffic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Device. Orders the removal of Signal 87 located at the intersection of Mattituck-Greenport Road, Route 25, SH 8229, with Tucker Lane in the unincorporated community of Cutchogue. (Contract D 96209) COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATEO ACTIONS ~NONE [] CITY [] V, LLAGE :1~ TOWN [] COUNTY SUPT. MBT/in LOCALITY: Town of Southold (Identify} [] SHER;EF [] STATE POLICE [] PERMITTEE ThE DEPARTMENT CF TR;~.~S?CRTATION ~;/~,$ FILED AN ORDER OF TH7- DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS E~]ADDED [] AMENDED tc r~d as follows: ~ REF~.ALED (2?) Aekerly ?ond Road ($~atto= 360+ o~ $~ 8229) w~th sto~ si~ ca Aekerly ?o~d ~oad-en%ra~ee £~om no~th, DP/TG The ' ~' ' · @~ve c,uer will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control ~.~vlce ~s) reqt*;rc~ c~:ormi~g to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic COntrol Devices. APPROVED BY: (DATE) Regional Traffi~ Enginee~ (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action ~mends this Order to correct a street name change (was Bowery .L~ue). COUNTY: Suffolk LOCALITY: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE [] cc: [] CITY [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTER Town of Southold (Identify) ~ Southold POLICE DEPARTi~. [] REGION l0 TRAFFIC ENGINEER [] OTHER __R~F~ion lO h~,e,-,~CO~, {Specify) NOT~CE OF ORDER THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH SECTION 2947.37 SUBDIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS tS F~ADDED [] AMENDED to read ~s follows: [~ !REPEALED (26) Corwtn Lane (statlon 354~ on SH 8229) with stop sign on Corwin ~,m-,-_}~ entrance from south. File O?/T The ;boys order will be effective upon ths inst~r.:~ion, modificetion or removal of the necessary ~affb cDr, irc: ccvic; ~/9,/~'z APPROVED BY: ~ '~'~t.~'~//~ -- ~ ~'eqdired by a,,o Regional Traffic (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action amends thia Order to correct a street name change (was Moores Lans) and to correct the stationing. COUNTY: Suffolk LOCALITY: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS F~ NONE [] cc: ~ CITY [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTEE Town of Southold (Identify) ~[] Southold POLICE OEPARTMI: NT [] REGION 10 TRAFFIC ENGINEER [] OTHER _[~e~iou 10 D~r~ct.n~~ (Specify) T;-,E DT-PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRET A~Y ~ECTiON 2447.37 SUBDIviSIoN (~.) PARAGRA?~ · OFTNE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS ~-'~ADDED [~]AMENDEOtcresdz~foHow~: .~?:2~EA,L~C (24) Tucker Lane (Station 380~ on SH 8229) with yield s±gn on Tucker L~LUe - entrance from the North. Co;ies ~.-T.C. ~-~T.3. DP/?3 T;sa a~ovs or, st will be ~]f~c~ive upon tile in~l~lation, modification or removal of fne necessary ~raffic control device ($) required by an~ ~;ormin~ ~o the State Manual of Un~,~orm Traffic Control Devices. APPROVED _.Re~ional TraCF~ n This action establishes a =~f!eld" control at ~hs i::osrsec?on of Tucker Lane wi~h Eoute 25 in the uninco:?0rat~d cozmu-nity of Southcld. COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS LOCALITY: ~ UONE [] cc: [] CiTY [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT, [] PERM!TTEE Town of Southold [] Southold [] REGION [~]OTHER (identify} POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC E;;GINEER {Specify) POLICE [~AR~ CATALDO DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECON1C, NEW YORK. '11958 February 3, 1981 Mr. Theodore Hoffman Chief Traffic Engineer Region l0 N.Y.State Dept.of Transportation State Office Building Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788 Dear Nr. Hoffman: It is-requested that a no parking zone be established in front of tile St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Main Road, Southold (Rt.25). Said zone is requested for the purpose of permitting an a'¢ea for the dis- charging of passengers directly in front of the church entrance and also to allow adequate sight distance both easterly and westerly for vehicles exiting from the parking area driveway on the west side of the church building. It is suggested that the zone be 70'+- easterly of the driveway and 45'+- westerly of the driveway on the north side of Rt.25. This reco~m~endation is made following a request with the Pastor of the church and a study by this department. . Ve,i~your s, CC/jck ~ Cc;;:s v/T.C. AdB. Date File _ Atty. POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NEW YORK, 11958 Febru~ry 3, 1981 Mr. Theodore Hoffman Regional Traffic Engineer Region l0 N.Y.State Dept.of Transportation State Office Building Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788 Dear Mr. Hoffman: On June 2, 1980 I wrote a letter requesting consideration of a speed zone on Elijah's Lane in the hamlet of Mattituck (copy enclosed). To date, I have not had any response to my request. I would again reinstitute the same request so that the matter may be resolved befcre the summer season starts. I would also like to request that one of your field engineers contact me regarding a severe problem in regard to the parking area for the MAIN STREET SUPERMARKET, Route 25, (100' east of Youngs Ave) Hamlet of Southold. The exiting of supermarket traffic from the one entrance/exit on to Route 25 with limited visibility both east and west is undesirable and hazardous. Perhaps your engineer can come up with a solution which can be implemented and enforced. [ would like to see the field trip combined so that both matters may be looked into before the summer traffic starts. Thank you for any expeditious handling of this request. CC/jck Encl. ly yours, ~taldo if AllY. POLICE DEPARTMENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PECONIC, NEW YORK, 11958 February 3, 1981 Mr. Theodore Hoffman Regional Traffic Engineer Region 10 N.Y.State Department of Transportation State Office Building Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788 Dear Mr. Hoffman: This-past fall a new signalling design was incorporated as a warning system for the sharp curve located on Route 25' and Tuckers Lane in the hamlet of Southold. The installation has a curbside stanchiomwith upper and lower flashing yellow lights mounted thereon. There are two install- ations, one for eastbound traffic and one for westbound traffic. I am concerned about the visibility of both units, most particularly the unit for westbound traffic. The roadside, at both points, contains trees which restrict visibility of the lights. The westbound unit is almost obscured now by a large tree --- and this is before the leaves grow out. The curve has been a source of many accidents for years now and I am concerned that the lack of visible warnings may tend to increase, rather than decrease, the hazard. I would appreciate being advised of your investigation in this matte)' and offer any assistance I can. CC/jck Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. C/l~fef/of Pcl]~ Atty.. STATEONEW 'YORK- DEPARTMENT OF TRAN~TATION NOTICE OF ACTION File 165-8229 Case No. ?00954 KhI- Suffolk County As of May 21, 1970 of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation is It reads as follows: The Dept. of Transportation has filed an Order' with the Secretary of State whereby Section 3047.37 Subdivision (b) Paragraph (2) [[]Added []Amended []Repealed []Unchanged (2) On the south side of Route 25, SH 8229, between Station 379+85~ (170~ feet west of the west curb line of Tucker Lane extended) and Station 383+55~ (200~ feet east of the west curb line of Tucker Lane extended), a distance of 370~ feet. The above action is to be effective [I~nediately [~Upon Completion This action amends an order for a standing prohibition on Route 25 and was taken to extend the existing prohibition 100 feet to the west. The Dept. of Transportation is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, traffic-control devices in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to complete this action. It is essential that this office be promptly advised of the date of completion. Copies of a Completion Notice have been enclosed for this purpose. One copy should be properly executed, showing date of completion, and returned to this office. County: Suffolk Town: Southold Locality: Encl: Completion Notices to .Region 10 TLB:EC cc: Region 10 , Supt. State Police [][]County Supt. ~/~f Suffolk Co. Police Dept. []City ~Town [][]Village E_DM~.ND J. BURKE, DiFe. ctor Traffic Engineering and Safety TE 3-0 (12/67) STATEt YORK - DEPAR~4ENT OF NOTICE OF ACTION As of August 14, 1970 ~ase No. ?01578 KL1- Suffolk Comuty T~e Dept. of Transportation has filed an Order with the Secretary of State whereby Section 30117.37 Subdivision (b) ef the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation is It reads as follows: Paragraph ~Added O Amended O Repealed [~Unchanged (13) On the north side of Route 25~ SH 8229. between Station (381+35~ (wast edrbline of T~cker Lmue) ar.d Station 379"35a (20(% feet west of west eurbline of Tuct:er Lane). a distance of 200~ feet. The above action is to be effective ~Immediately ~Upon Completion This action establishes a standing prohibition on Route 25 as described above and was taken to eliminate parking on the shoulder in the vicinty of a curve. The Dept. of Transportation is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, traffic-control devices in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to complete this action. It is essential that this office be promptly advised of the date of completion. (~opies of a Completion Notice have been enclosed for this purpose. One copy should be ~operly executed, showing date of completion, and returned to this office. County: Suffolk Town: Southold Locality: TLB/LCP Encl: Completion Noticez to Region 10 cc: Region 10~,, Supt. State Police ~County Supt. ~ SCPD []]City ~¥illage EDMUND J. BURKE , Director /-6 Traffic Engineering and Safety TE 3-0 (12/67) STATE INEW YORK - DEPARtmeNT OF TRAN~TATI~N NOTICE OF ACTION 165-$2.29 701506 Suffolk County As of u ust 14, 1970 The Dept. of Transportation has filed an Order with the Secretary of State whereby Section 5347,37 Subdivision (.) (b) of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation is It reads as follows: Paragraph ~Added [[]Amended [~Repealed [~Unehanged 5347.3? To%~I of Southold (a) Northerly ccm~ection between Route 25 aod Tucker L~ne for traffic proc~eding in a w~sterly direction from Route 25 te a point 60~ feet w~sterIy on Tucker Lane. SoUtherly co~mection between Tucker Lone and Route 25, for traffic proceeding in an easterly direction, from a point 60~ feet west of Route 25 on Tucker Dane to Route 25. The above action is to be effective [~]Immediately ~Upon Completion This action designates the above for one-way traffic and is taken in conjunction with signing and traffic control changes at this intersection. The Dept. of Transportation is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, traffic-control devices in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to complete this action. It is essential that this office be promptly advised of the date of completion. Copies of a Completion Notice have been enclosed for this purpose. One copy should be properly executed, showing date of completion, and returned to this office. County: Suffolk Town: Southold Locality: U. C. Southold TLB/LCP Encl: Completion Notices to Region 10 cc: Region lO,~Supt. State Police [[]County Supt. ~City ~ ~Town C_~' ~ EDMUND J. BURKE ~ Director [~Village Traffic Engineering and Safety TE 3-0 (12/67) NEW YORK ~ DEt'~H~'i'MENT OF NOTICE OF ACTION ~I(TAT~ON File No. 8229 KLI-2492 Suffolk County As of October 3, 1968 of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation is It reads as follows: The Dept. of Transportation has filed an Order with the Secretary of State whereby Section 10~7.37 Subdivision s (c) and (g) Paragraph ~Added []Amended [Repealed ~Unchanged (e) 40 MPH on Main Street, Route 25, SH 8229, between Station 353~ (700~ feet west of Bowery Lane) and Station 375± (615± feet west of Tuckers Lane), a distance of 0.4~ miles, in the unincorporated cgmmunity of Southoid. 35 MPH on Main Street, Route 25, SH 8229, between Station 375~ (615~ feet west of Tuckers Lane) and Station 426~ (75~ feet east of Cottage Place), a distance of 1.0~ miles, in the unincorporated community of Southold. []Immediately The above ~ction is to be effective ~Upon Completion This action amends the above speed limits to change the termini between the 35 and 40 MPH zones from a point 550± feet west of Tuckers Lane to a point 615~ feet west of Tuckers Lane. The Dept. of Transportation is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, traffic-contr( devices in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to complete thi~ action. It is essential that this office be promptly advised of the date of completion. Copies of a Completion Notice have been enclosed for this purpose. One copy Should be properly executed, showing date of completion, and returned to this office. County: Suffolk Town~ Southold Locality: AWR: jcln Encl: Completion Notices to District ~10 cc: District -t0 , Supt. State Folice [~County ·Supt./ ~D~ Su~olk County Police Dept. ~City / 5~To~n ~/ CHAt{LES E. BESANCf]~EY, Director Traffic Engineering and Safety STATE OF ~,.,! DEPA2TMENT OFMOTOR VEHICLES File 8229 KLI-IO$~ The State Traffic Commission has filed an order v~th the Secretary of o,.,~,tes as section red,atto...,; dated DEC 3 for the following regulation: Descriotton of Action Establishes a 40 I,[PH speed liuit.on Main Street~ Routa 25~ SH 8229, ~stween Station 353± (700~ feet woet of Bo~eryL~ue) and Station 37~- (300~ feet w~st of Tuckers Lane), a distance of 0.5~- milos. : *Filed as subdivision (c) Establishes a 35 ~.~H speed limit on Main Street, Route 25~ :' J£29~ b~tween Station 379~ (300± foot west of Tuckers Lane) and Station 426~ ~75~ feo~ ¢~st of Cottage Place), a diet,uae of 0.9~ uilee. *Filed as s~adivision (g) Establishes a 40 ~.~H speed limit on Main Stroc';~ Route 25, SH 8229, be~een Station 426~- (75u feet east of Cottage Place) ~_ud Station'~- (800~ feet emst of Town Harbor L~.ue), a distanc~ of 0.3± ~ilos. ~Filed as cubdivi~;ion (h) Tho abdve ac~on is to be effectmve ~zhen L~UOporly posted. The NOW YOrk State Dept. Public Works is to install~ operate and mmintain, or remove, traffic-control devices in conformance tW_tk the Manual of Unlfo~Traffic Cc 'tel Devices of the State Traffic Commission to complete this action, it is essential that this office he promptly advised of the date of completion. Copies of a completion notice haw enclosed for this purpose. C~e copy should he properly executed~ showing date of p!etion, and r~turned to this o±fice. County : Suffolk To?m : Sout~hold Locality : unincorporated ec.%~ity .of Southold Compl~tlon Notice to: ~DPW cc: ~up~. 0 g ~4 SFC/c:; Supt. State Police ,v~Xo~.Town Board- So tho~d' - S'id2C~Z S'~folk Co. Polico Dept. S T.%1'~ TRAFFIC Chairman ~ I~ / LLO%~ N' ~DSR Chief Traffic En,tinoer