HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Signal R~C~V~D~ Town Cler~ Soufh~ld OEO 1987. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION William C. Hennessy, Commissioner I~ar ~r. Fell: ~h/a concarn~ your letter o£ ~ove;ab~r 18 and t~a ~r 10, I982 ~tte; ~ petlt~a T~ ~k J~i~ T~ s~t ~, reg~ ~e T~ B~rd's I ~ aurprl~ed to hear that you have no record of recaivtns a response to your Septa,~ar ~.~, 1981 taqtmat for a silk,al at ~ lo~tt~. f~ ~te t~t ~tef ~ W~ters o~ the Sou~ ~ ~ft~ ~ J~ 28, 1982 ~t ~ ot~l~ oh~ a J~ttf~d. S~ ~ d~, it ~ ~d~to~ the T~ ~ard June 29, 1982, ~a~ Ippolito, Director of our aauppauge Rational Of£ice, co~tt~ a~ Bo~u Av~. ~ et~y ~ ~r~ ~le~, and ~ s~ ~ ye hava ~ a de~s~n I ~1 let ~a ~. FOr your re~r~ ~ve aC~ a ~py o~ ~, Ippollto's letter. cc: Senator LaVaile I~s. Judith Terry JUDITH T. TERRY TOVCN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL S'I ,%TISTIC$ OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 November 10, 1982 Honorable William ~. Hennessy, Commissioner New York State Department of Transportation 1220 Washington Avenue State Campus Albany, New York 12232 Dear Commissioner Hennessy: The Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on November 9, 1982 adopted the following resolution relative to the need for a traffic control light at Route 25 and Boisseau Avenue, Southold: WHEREAS, the intersection of Route 25 and Boisseau Avenue, Southold has been the site of several accidents in the last few ~ears, and our Chief of Police recommends that there be a traffic control light at that intersection, and WHEREAS, there is a show of general support within the community as evidenced by a petition containing 892 names presented to the Town Board at this Town Board meeting requesting such a traffic control light, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold reaffirms their request for a traffic control light at the intersection of Route 25 and Boisseau Avenue, Southold, and a copy of this resolution and the petition be forwarded to Commissioner Hennessy of the New York State Department of Transportation and New York State Senator Kenneth P. LaValle. Very. truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure. CO: Senator LaValle Regional Director Emery Regional Traffic Engineer Hoffman NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION William C. Hennessy, Commissioner Region 10 Office: New York State Office Building Veterans Highway, Hauppauge. New York 11787 September 15, 1981 Police Department Town of Southold Peconic, NY 11958 Attention: H. Daniel Winters Chief of Police Re: Your letter of September 8, 1981, Traffic Signal at Route 25 at Boisseau Avenue, Southold. Dear Chief Winters: Thank you for your letter concerning traffic conditions at the above re- ferenced location. We will conduct an investigation of this location and notify you of our findings at the conclusion of our survey. Regrettably, there may be some delay in concluding our study since this office receives numerous requests for traffic controls in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. These requests are scheduled for survey in the order that they are received and your request will be responded to as promptly as possible. With reference to timing adjustments for the traffic signal on Route 25 at Youngs Avenue, we have notified our Signal Maintenance personnel to make the necessary adjustments as you requested. If you don't see any improvements in this situation, please contact us again. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Very truly yours,/, T. C. HOF~M~N Regional ~r~ffic Engineer Region 1~ TCH:JL:JS STATE OF NE~v YORK STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 800 NO. PEARL STREET, ALBANY, N. Y. 12206 Ama Code 518 474-7501 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES May 23, 1967 File 8229 Suffolk County Mr. Albert W. Richmond ?own Clerk Town of Southold Southold, Long Island, New York Dear Mr. Richmond: We have your letter of May 16, 1967 requesting a change in operation of the traffic signal located on the corner of Main Road and New Suffolk Avenue in the Unincorporated Community of Cutchogue. As a result of your request, an investigation of traffic conditions has been initiated to determine the feasibility of the requested change from a fixed time signal to an actuated signal. We will let you know of our findings when the necessary field inform- ation is obtained and evaluated. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION VINCENT L. TOFANY chairm~ LLOYD A. ~EDER Chief Traffic Engineer T~B/gs May 16, 1967 The State Traffic Commission 130 Ontario Street Albany 1, New York Gentlemen; The Town Board of the Town of Southold, by resolution adopted on May 15, 1967, hereby requests the State Traffic Commission to consider the poss- ibility of changing the traffic light on the corner of Main Road and New Suffolk Avenue in Cutchogue Village from a time light to a trip light. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk January 27, 1967 Mr. A. T. Clenaghan Babylon, L.I.,N.Y. Traffic Commission Dear Mr. Clenaghan; This is to inform you that Mr. Edward Lademann, Jockey Creek Drive, Southold, L.I. takes care of the lights in the Town of Southold on the traffic County Roads. Very truly ~ours, AWR/mr Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk