HomeMy WebLinkAboutSilvermere RoadWILLIAM C. EIASSETTE ARTHUR CORNELIU$~ JR. STATE OF NEW YORK --~ RTME STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSI~._~ 95 WASHIHGTON AVE., ALBANY 1, H. Y. Albany Tel. HObmt 2-7511 Stop S~ 10 Su,'ETolk County lion. ~illi~Oo Basaette, Supt. Div. of Operation & }i~in%erance Department of Public %Iorke Albany l, Be~York T~IO COmmISSION OR~ P~rsua~t to authority conferred by the Ne~ Y~rk State Vehicle a~ T~a£flc Law, the ~tate T~affio Oommission hereby Designates intersections on S~ate high~ys in the Tcn~a of Southo~, b~Affo~k Cou~ty~ as S~OP intersections, a~ orders the installation of STOP sigms at entrances to s~ch intersections as follows: ac Int~seetions of Route 25 ~ith: 1o ~aurel Lake Road (Station 4~4' on S~ 8181) with STOP sig~ on La~rel ~_~e Road - emtramme frr~ s~theast. Oases ~a~e (Station 135- on SH 8229) with STOP on Oases lane - entrance from southeast. Schoolhouse P~oad (Station ~4- on SH 8229) with STOP sig~ on Schoolhouae Road - entrance fr~. ~a~o 4. Mooers T,,,~e (Station 351- on SH 8229) with STOP sigm on }~ooers ~a~e - e~tr~ce from ~orth. 5. ~el~s Avenue (S~ation 395~ on SH 822~) with STOP sign o~ Wells Avenue - entraz~e from southeast. 6, ¥~ple Avenue (Station 416* on SH 8229) with STOP sig~ on }~ple Avenu~ - e~trar~e from north~esto 7. Locust Lane (Station 128~ on SH 8~29) with STOP signori Locust T~nn - entrance from southeast o 8. Ni~kles I~u~e (Station 456- on 5H 8229) ~ith STOP sigmon ~ic~les Ia~e- entrances from sout~east. 7) c~ ~mmonaq~ Avenue (Station 4~6- on SH 8220) with S~IOP s:f~n on ~r~naque Avenue - entrance ~om southwest. 1~, I~urel Avenue (Station 458* on ~t 8229) with STOP sign on !_entel Avenne - entrance fi'c~ northwest° 1~o S~lver~ere Road (Station 5c~3~ on ~I ~29) vith STOP si~n on SL[ver~ere Road - ent~'anee :~ro~ south. 12. F~ghth ~eet (Station 62~ on SH 822~) with STOP s~n on E~hth Street - entrance fi'om south, parley. Avenue (Station ~ on SII 8380) ~th STOP alan on B~it~y Avenue - entrance fi'om north. ~4o Rocky Point Road (Station ]23* on SH 8380) with STOP sign on Rocky Point Road - ent~anoe from north~esto 15o Stevenson Road (Station ~8, on SH 8380) with SIDP s~gn on Ste~on Ro~d - ont.'ante ffrom northwest. Tabor Road (Stetion 281, on SH 8380) with S~0P sign ~n ~bor Road - entrarme ~rma sou~h. platt Road (Station 292~ on $tl 8380) with STOp sign on platt Road - entrance from southeast. Direots the New York State Depart~en~ of Public ¥lorks to install and maintaiu STOP signs in conformance with the ~anual o£ Unifor~ ~ffio Control Devices of the State ~rafi'ic Commission as o~dere~ in Item with. advise the T~affie Cc~mission *then this order has been STATE T~AFFIC COMMISSION CAS ~C~ os: Supt. state polioe Suffolk County Poliee Depto See. of State Wrt.L?al4 S. IIII/,115