HomeMy WebLinkAboutStevenson RoadARTHUR CORNELIUS, JR, STATE OF NEW YORK 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel. HObart 2-7511 Stop S~ms 10 Suffolk County g-:1225 Hon. ~illiam C. Bassette~ Supt, Div. of Operation & Maintenance Department of ]:)ablie Works Alban~ 1, New York TRAFFIC COMMISSION ORE~R pursuant to authority conferred by the New York State Vehicle Traffic Law, the State Traffic Cow~f ~sion hereby I Designates intersections on State highways in the Town of Southcld, ~ffolk County, as STOP i~tersections, and orders the t~st-~l.tian of STOP signs at entrances to such intersections as follows: ac Intersections of Route 25 with: 1. Ia~rel Lake Road (Station 4~4- on ~] 8181) with STOP sign on Laurel Lake Road - entrance from s~utheast. Cases Lane (Station 135* on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Cases lane - entrance from'southeast. 3. Schoolhouse Road (Station ~4- on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Schoolhouse Road - entrance frc~ 4. Mooer~ lane (Station 351* on SH ~29) with STOP sign on Mooers Lane - entrance from north. 5~ Well- Average (Station 395~ on SH 822~) with sTOP sign on Wells Avenue - entmanee from southeast. Maple Avenue (Station Z16* on SH 8229) with STOP sign on }~ple Avenue - entrance from northwest. 7. Locust Lane (Station 428* on SH 8~29) with STOP sign on Locttst T,~,'m - entrance from southeast° 8. Niekles Lane (Station 456~ on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Nickles ~e - entrar~e from southeast. ~0 O0~S~Or~ ORDE~ (~ ?) 9, ~mmo~aque Avenue (Station 436* on SH 8229) ~ith STOP on ArzhamOl~lUe Avenue - entrance fi-om southeast, 10o Laurel Avenue (Station 458* on ~ 8229) with STOP sign on Laurel Avemue - antram~e from northwest. Llo Silvsrmere Ro~d (Station 593~ on SH 8229) ~Ith STOP sign on Silvermere Road - entrance from south. 12, Eighth S~rest (Station 62~ on SH ~229) with STOP sign on E~ghth Otrset - entranoe from south. 13o Bailey Avenue (station 5~* on SIt 8380) ~ith STOP aign on Bailey Avenue - entrance from north. 14. Rooky point Road (Station 123, on SH 8380) with STOP sign on Rocky Point Road - entrance from northwest o 15o Stevenson Road (Station 248* on SH 8380) with S1DP sign on S'tever~on Ro~l - entrance from northwest. Tabor ~ (Station 281, on ~ 8380) with STOP sign on Talx~ Road - en~a'an~e from south. 17. platt Road (Station 292* on SH 8380) with STOP sign on Platt Road - entrano® from southeast. Direets the New York state Department of Public l.$orks to install and maintain STOP signs in sonformaeee with the ~nual of Unifor~ ~raffio Control Devioe~ of the State ~raffic Cnw~sion as ~rdered in Item I above° ~ advise the .~a£fie oommission vhen this order has been eompl~ed with° CAS:C~ Supt. State polioe To~n B~rd. Southold S~ffo/k County poliee D®pto See. of Stats ~TTT,T~I/~I~ S. IIULT8 Cha/rm--