HomeMy WebLinkAboutSilver Eel Cove/.~,office: Suffolk State Office Building Veterans Memorial Highway, F~auppau§e, New York 11787 STATE TRANS~'0RTATION November ?~ 1995 Mr. W. C. Sinclair. . . Manager .... Fishers Island Ferry Distrlct .... . Fishers Island~ New York 06390 · Dear Mr. Sinclair: ~ - : ' " I am forwarding h~rewith a copy of a draft agreement to facilitate a grant to Fishers Island Ferry District for improvements to the: harbor at Silver Eel Cove. Please review the attached proposed . agreement and proKide me with any comments you may have. After the agreement has been approved as to form and language, o~r Department will secure the necessary approval from the Director the Budget. The document would then be executed after receivingi Town and Ferry District resolutions of approval. Attachment L NEW YORK STATE DEPARTM£~ OF TRANSPORTATION Raymond T. Schuler, Cornmiss~or~er Region 10 Office: New York State Office Building Veterans Highway, Hauppauge, New York 11787 November 7, 1975 Hon. Albert Martocchia Supe~cisor Towu of Southold Torch Hall, ~ain Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sir: am forwarding herewith a copy of a draft agreement to facilitate grant to Fishers Island Ferry District for improvements to the harbor at Silver Eel Cove. Please review the attached proposed agreement and provide me with any comments you may have. After the agreement has been approved as to form and language, our Depaz~tment will secure the necessary approval from the Director of the Budget. The document would then be executed after receiving Tov~ and Ferry District resolutions of approval. Please accept ~ sincere congratulations on your re-election to another term. I look forward to continuing our good working relationship. . ly yours, Regional Director Attachment  NEW YO STATE DEPART T OF TRANSPORTATION Raymond T. ~chuler. Commissioner April 30, 1975 Mr, W. C. Sinclair Manager Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island, New York 06390 Dear Mr. Sinclair: I have contacted the Corps of Engineers, New York District, to see what application forms would be needed for the work proposed at Fishers Island. They advise ma that a permit was definitely necessary and are mailing the booklet and forms to this office. I have assigned Mr. Sherman Glass to work with you in getting the application submitted as expeditiously as possible. It was n~fhope that the work of driving piling would not require a permit b~t a permit is required. The Corps of Engineers will also have to pre- pare an environmental assessment which I am sure will be expedited by Mr. Carl Boutilier who visited the site on April 14. It may also be necessary to apply for a dredging permit for harbor maintenance if you have not already done so. I believe that the two permits should be kept separate and distinct so that the dredging need not slow down the pro- ceasing of the harbor protection work. We will proceed with both the Orient Point and Fishers Island applications since it now appears that sufficient funds are available to cover the proposed work at both locations. We will still attempt to get the Corps~ of Engineers to remove the obstructions, however, should that error fail, we may be able to include this work with the harbor protection. Very truly yours, Regional Director cc: Hon. Perry Duryea, Jr. Mr. S. Glass