HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown of Southold - DOTNEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT with TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To Perform a Safer Roads Demonstration Project and/or a Pavement Marking Demonstration Project on the :~m~2~:ffRK Town,:eK~g~g~Road Identified ~ Town Hiqhways desiqnated her, ein Suffolk County in Connection With the New York State and Federal Safer Roads Demonstration Program and/or Pave- ment Marking Demonstration Program (Pursuant to Sections 405 and 151 of Title 23 U.S. Code and Sections 10 and 80 of New York State Highway Law and Chapter 460 of the Laws of 1975) THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of 19 76 by and between the PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (hereinafter referred t~ as "STATE") acting by and through Raymond T. Schuler as COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION (hereinafter referred to as "COMMISSIONER") having his principal office in the Administration and Engineering Building, 1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, in the City and Cou~nty. pf .Albany and State of New York, and the >O~ll~xl~ Town ~ra'g~ of ~oca~no~.a (hereinafter referred at as "MUNICIPALITY") acting by and through the Superintendent of Highways of the Town Of Southold. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has in the Highway Safety Act of 1973 declared it to be in the National interest for Federal funds to be expended for a "Safer Roads Demonstration Program" as defined in Section 230 of such Act (§405, Title 23, U.S.C.), and for a "Pavement Marking Demonstration Program" as defined in Section 205 of such Act (§ 151, Title 23, U.S.C.), as amended; and WHEREAS, the above-mentioned sections provide for the apportionment of Federal-aid funds to the State for the purposes of carrying out the above-identified demonstration projects; and WHEREAS, Section 405 of Title 23, United States Code authorizes the State to enter into a formal agreement for such construction with the appropriate local officials of the county or municipality in which such project is located; and WHEREAS, subsection 1 of section 2 of chapter 8 of volume 6 of the Federal-Aid Highway Manual provides that federal funds al6 available for the above-subject projects through the State to the county or municipality; and WHEREAS, Section 80 of the Highway Law authorizes the Commissioner to use moneys of the Federal Government available under Federal-Aid Highway Acts; and WHEREAS, Chapter 460 of the Laws of 1975 (Supplemental Budget) appropriates 1st instance funds for the Federal share of the cost, including the acquisition of property, of other Federal-aid highway capital projects, which include the Safer Roads Demonstration Program and the Pavement Marking Demonstration Program;and WHEREAS, the STATE is desirous of designating the MUNICIPALITY to undertake a Safer Roads and/or Pavement Marking Demonstration project within such municipality; and WHEREAS, the COMMISSIONER deems it to be in the best interest of the STATE that the MUNICIPALITY perform the above-identified demonstration project on behalf of the State; and CONR 301b-1 (4/76) WHEREAS, the Legislative Body of the MUNICIPALITY by Resolution ~ adopted at Meeting held on June 22, 3.976 , approved the per- formance of the above-identified project by the MUN~ICIPALIT. Y anal the terms ~ad, provisions of this Agreement and has further authorized the ~uperxnuenaenu of H~.qnwaYSof the MUNICIPALITY to execute this Agreement on behalf of the MUNICIPALITY (copy of such Resolution is attached to and made a part of this Agreement). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits moving to each of the parties hereto, and in pursuance of Sections 405 and 151 of Title 23 U.S. Code and Sections 10 and 80 of the Highway Law and Chapter 460 of the Laws of 1975 (Supplemental Budget), it is agreed as follows viz: 1. General Description of Work. Such work herein contemplated consists generally of the work program attached hereto as Schedule A, and any additions or deletions made thereto by the New York State Department of Transportation subsequent to the execution of this Agreement for the purposes of conforming to the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices or to Federal Highway Administration requirements. 2. Method of Performance of Work. Such work shall be performed by contract as provided in the General Municipal Law or by the forces of the Munic. ipality. Work under this AGREEMENT shall not be started until the MUNICIPALITY has been officially notified by the COMMISSIONER that the Work has been authorized, and the MUNICIPALITY'S schedule for the conduct of the Work has been approved by the Regional Director of Transportation. 3. Reimbursement of Costs. Upon written notice from the MUNICIPALITY to the COMMISSIONER that such work has been completed, and upon final inspection thereof to the satisfaction of the STATE and the Federal Highway Administration, the STATE will reimburse the MUNICIPALITY the costs incurred by the MUNICIPALITY in connection with the work on the basis of the number of units of work satisfactorily completed according to the Work Program attached hereto as Schedule A and hereby made a part hereof, as amended by the Department of Transportation as stated in paragraph 1 above, at the price agreed to and listed in the Agreed Unit Price for Work It~en)s attached h~rq.t~ as ~S~t~dule B a~d hereby mad~ a part. hereof; or in case the MUNICIPALITY finds it desirable to have reimbursement made intermediately between the start of such work and the final STATE and Federal Highway Administration inspection thereof by the STATE and the Federal Highway Administration, the STATE shall reimburse the MUNICIPALITY the costs of such work as such costs are disclosed by the records thereof with final adjustments to be made after audit by the STATE and the Federal High,ray Administration. These costs shall include the expenses for construction but in any event the STATE shall not be obligated for an estimated sum in excess of $19,612.22 , unless a Supplemental Agreement is made therefor. All items included by the MUNICIPALITY in said record of costs shall be in conformity with standard accounting procedure. Such items shall be subject to audit by the STATE and the Federal Highway Administration. 4. Reimbursable Items. The STATE shall reimburse the MUNICIPALITY for only that work and those items that are eligible for federal reimbursement under Sections 151 and 405 of Title 23, United States Code, and the State shall be entitled to recover from the MUNICIPALITY any moneys which it pays to the MUNICIPALITY under this Agreement which are subsequently determined to be ineligible for such federal reimbursement. Items that are reimbursable are as follows: Item 640.01 Yellow Reflectorized Pavement Strips Item 640.02 White Reflectorized Pavement Stripes 5. Maintenance of Project. For the Safer Roads Demonstration Program the POLITICAL JURISDICTION having normal maintenance responsibility for the facility shall of its own expense properly maintain the completed physical and operational improvements. The JURISDICTION agrees to conform to the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to the extent required by Section 1680 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law. All traffic ordinances and regulations necessary to authorize the installation of the traffic control devices proposed under this Agreement shall be enacted and maintained by the JURISDICTION and properly enforced. For the Safer Roads Demonstration Program the MUNICIPALITY hereby agrees to provide the same level of accident data supplied on the project application for at least two years after construction is completed. For the Pavement Marking Demonstration Program, the MUNICIPALITY agrees to schedule any highway resurfacing so that it will not obliterate newly painted markings, except as necessitated by emergency situatiofis whereby resurfacing is essential to maintaining proper traffic operations. 6. Access to and Coutrol of Work. The STATE and the Federal Highway Administration shall have access to all phases of such work during its prosecution and to records pertaining thereto, including time records, payrolls, invoices, work orders and other similar records. 7. Unsatisfactory Work; Ambiguity of Plans. Should work at any time be unsatisfactory to the STATE, that fact shall, without unnecessary delay,~ be brought to the attention of the MUNICIPALITY who shall take remedial action promptly. CONR 301b-2 (4/76) In case of any ambiguity in the plans, specifications, or maps, or conflict between them, the matter shall be immediately submitted to the STATE which shall adjust the same, and its decision in relation thereto shall be final and conclusive upon the parties. The STATE shall participate in any additional costs incurred as a result of said decision. 8. Audit and Inspection. The MUNICIPALITY shall permit and shall require its contractors to permit the COMMISSIONER'S and the STATE Comptroller's and the Federal Highway Administration's authorized representatives to inspect all work, materials, payrolls, records of personnel, invoices of materials and other relevant construction, equipment, data and records; and to audit the books, records and accounts of the MUNICIPALITY pertaining to the work. If the work is to be performed by contract: 9. Contract Approval. The MUNICIPALITY agrees that all proposed contract awards and proposed contracts, based on competitive bidding, require approval of both the COMMISSIONER and the STATE Comptroller in the following manner: A. At least sixty (60) days before advertising for bids, one copy each of the proposed contract, plans, specifications and all related bidding documents shall be submitted to the COMMISSIONER for approval. The bid invitation and the contract to be let shall contain a statement that the contract will be awarded by the MUNICIPALITY subject to the approval of both the COMMISSIONER and the STATE Comptroller. Upon the failure or omission of the COMMISSIONER to act within seventy-five (75) days with respect to approving, disapproving or recommending modifications, the plans shall be deemed to be approved so far as the COMMISSIONER is concerned. B. After the bid opening and before award, the following shall be submitted to the COMMISSIONER: 1. Proof of publication of advertising for bids. 2. Certified tabulation of bids. 3. Copy of the proposal by the bidder selected for the award of the contract. 4. If the award is not to be made to the lowest bidder, a statement of explanation. If the work is to be performed by contract: 10. Contract Clauses Required. The MUNICIPALITY shall comply with all the applicable provisions of the State and Federal Laws and of the Civil Rights Act of 1974, attached hereto as Schedules C and D, and made a part hereof. In connection with any contract let by the MUNICIPALITY for all or any part of such work, it is understood between the parties hereto: A. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 222 of the Labor Law, the Contract shall be void unless the Contractor in employing persons upon the work embraced in the contract gives preference to citizens of the State of New York who have been residents for at least six consecutive month immediately prior to the commencement of their employment. Each person so employed shall furnish satisfactory proof of residence, in accordance with rules adopted by the Industrial Commissioner; the Contractor shall keep a list of their respective employees, stating whether they are citizens and, in case of naturalization, the date thereof and the name of the court in which granted. In accordance with the authorization in Section 85 of the New York State Highway Law the provisions of the New York State Labor Law, as amended, as referred to above, are applicable only to projects financed without Federal Aid. B. The contractor shall comply with all of the applicable provisions of the Labor Law of the State of New York in the performance of this agreement. C. The MUNICIPALITY hereby agrees to include in any writing for the purposes of Paragraph "2" herein, entitled, "Method of Performance of Work", the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury, head of a city department, or other city agency, or the organized crime task force in the Department of Law, which is empowered to compel the attendance of witnesses and examine them under oath, to testify in an investigation concerning any transaction or contract had with the STATE any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the STATE or any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract. (1) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or fire district, or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work, or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and CONR 301b~3 (4/76) (2) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or fire district or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the respective effective dates of this law, by such person and by any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation or fire district without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any moneys owing by the municipal corporation or fire district for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. D. The MUNICIPALITY hereby agrees to include in any writing for the purposes of the said Paragraph "2" herein entitled "Method of Performance of Work", the provisions of Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law containing the following statement subscribed by the bidder and affirmed by such bidder as true under the penalties of perjury: NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION (I) By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief: (a) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; (b) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingiy disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any competitor; and (c) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. (2) Any bid made by a corporate bidder shall be deemed to have been authorized by the Board of Directors of the bidder, and such authorization shall be deemed to include the signing and submission of the bid and the inclusion therein of the certificate as to non-collusion as the act and deed of the corporation. ll. During the performance of this Agreement the Municipality's contractor shall agree as follows: (a) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, sex, color or national origin, and will take affmnative action to insure that they are afforded equal employment opportunities without descrimination because of race, creed, sex, color or national origin. Such action shall be taken with reference, but not be fimited, to: recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training or retraining, including apprenticeship and on-the-job training. (b) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has or is bound by a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the State Division of Human Rights, advising such labor union or representative of the contractor's agreement nnder clauses (a) through (g) (hereinafter called "nondiscrimination clauses"). If the contractnr was directed to do so by the contracting agency as part of the bid or negotiation of this contract, the contractor shall request such labor union or representative to furnish him with a written statement that such labor union or representative will not discriminate because of race, creed, sex, 6olor or national origin and that such labor union or representative either will affirmatively cooperate, within the limits of its legal and contractural authority, in the implementation of the policy and provisions of these non-discrimination clauses or that it consents and agrees that recruitment, employment and the terms and conditions of employment under this contract shall be in accordance with the purposes and provisions of these nondiscrimination clauses. If such labor union or representative fails or refuses to comply with such a request that it furnish such a statement, the contractor shall promptly notify the State Division of Human Rights of such failure or refusal. (c) The contractor will post and keep posted in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the State Division of Human Rights, setting forth the substance of the provisions of clauses (a) and (b) and such provisions of the State's laws against discrimination as the State Commissioner of Human Rights shall determine. (d) The contractor will state, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, that all qualified applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, sex, color or national origin. CONR 301b-4 (4/76) (e) The contractor will comply with the provisions of Sections 291-299 of the Executive Law and the Civil Rights Law, will furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the State Commissioner of Human Rights under these nondiscrimination clauses and such sections of the Executive Law and will permit access to his books, records and accounts by the State Commissioner of Human Rights, the Attorney General and the Industrial Commissioner for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with these non-discrimination clauses and such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. (f) This contract may be forthwith canceled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding marly by the State Commissioner of Human Rights that the contractor has not complied with these nondiscrimination clauses, and the contractor may be declared ineligible for future contracts made by or on behalf of the State or a public authority or agency of the State, until he satisfies the State Commissioner of Human Rights that he has established and is carrying out a program in conformity with the provisions of these non-discrimination clauses. Such finding shall be made by the State Commissioner of Human Rights after conciliation efforts by the State Division of Human Rights hav~ failed to achieve compliance with these nondiscrimination clauses and after a verified complaint has been filed with the State Division of Human Rights, notice thereof has been given to the contractor and an opportunity has been afforded him to be heard publicly before the State Commissioner of Human Rights or his designee. Such sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked independently of or in addition to sanctions and remedies otherwise provided by law. (g) The contractor will include the provisions of clauses (a) through (f) in every sub-contract or purchase order in such a manner that such provisions will be binding upon each sub-contractor or vendor as to operations to be performed within the State of New York. The Contractor will take such action in enforcing such provisions of such sub-contract or' purchase order as the contracting agency may direct, including sanctions or remedies for non-compliance. If the contractor becomes involved in or is threatened with litigation with a sub-contractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the contractor shall promptly so notify the Attorney General requesting him to intervene and protect the interests of the State of New York. 12. Workman's Compensation Insurance. The MUNICIPALITY shall require its contractor to procure and maintain, until final acceptance by the STATE of the work covered by this Agreement, a policy, which shall be delivered to the STATE, covering the obligations of the contractor in accordance with the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Law, and the Disability Benefits Law, covering all operations under this Agreement. 13. Liability Insurance. The MUNICIPALITY shall, if the work is to be performed by Municipal forces, for itself procure, and maintain, or, if the work is to be performed by Contract, cause its Contractor to procure and maintain, until final acceptance by the STATE of the work covered by this Agreement, insurance for liability for damages imposed by law, of the kinds and in the amounts hereinafter provided, in insurance companies authorized to do such business in the STATE, covering all operations under this Agreement whether performed by the Municipality, the contractor or by subcontractors. Before commencing the work the MUNICIPALITY shall furnish to the COMMISSIONER a certificate or certificates of such insurance in form satisfactory to the COMMISSIONER showing that it has complied wilh tliis paragraph, which certificate or certificates shall provide that the policies shall not be changed or cancelled until thirty (30) days written notice has been given to the COMMISSIONER. The kinds and minimum amounts of insurance are as follows: Bodily Injury Liability Each Person Each Accident $250,000 $500,000 Property Damage Liability Each Accident Aggregate $250,000 $500,000 for all damages arising during the policy period, shall be furnished in the types specified, viz: A. Liability insurance issued to and covering the liability for damages imposed by law upon the STATE and the MUNICIPALITY with respect to all work performed by it under this Agreement. B. Contractor's Liability insurance issued to and covering the liability for damages imposed by law upon (1) each contractor with respect to all work performed by said contractor under this Agreement and (2) each subcontractor with respect to all work performed by said subcontractor for or with the said contractor. C. Protective Liability insurance issued to and covering the liability for damages imposed by law upon the MUNICIPALITY, the STATE, the COMMISSIONER and all employees or other representatives of each of them, both officially and personally with respect to all operations under the Agreement performed for the MUNICIPALITY, by itself, by its contractors of their subcontractors, including omissions and supervisory acts of the MUNICIPALITY, the STATE, the COMMISSIONER and their employees or other representatives. D. Completed Operations' Liability insurance issued to and covering the liability for damages imposed by law upon the STATE, the MUNICIPALITY and its contractors or their subcontractors arising between the date of final cessation of work and the date of final acceptance thereof out of that part of the work performed by each. 14. Funds Available. It is understood by and between the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be deemed executory only to the extent of the moneys available to the STATE and no liability on account thereof shall be incurred by the STATE beyond moneys available for the purposes hereof. 15. Assignment or Other Disposition of Agreement. The MUNICIPALITY agrees not to assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of this Agreement or any part thereof, or of its fight, title or interest therein, or its power to execute such agreement to any person, company or corporation without previous consent in writing of the COMMISSIONER. 16. Independent Contractor, The MUNICIPALITY agrees to include in its contracts, that in accordance with the MUNICIPALITY'S contractor's status as an independent contractor, that the contractor will conduct itself in accordance with such status, that it will neither hold itself out as nor claim to be an officer or employee of the STATE by reason hereof, and that it will not be reason hereof, make any claim, demand 9f, application to, ~r for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the STATE, including, but not limited to, Workmen's Compensation coverage, Unemployment Insurance Benefits, Social Security coverage or Retirement membership or Credit. 17. Code of Ethics. The MUNICIPALITY agrees to include in its contract that the contract may be cancelled or terminated by the MUNICIPALITY if any work under the contract is in conflict with the provisions of Section 74 of the Public Officers Law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the STATE has caused this Instrument to be signed by the said COMMISSIONER of Tran~sportation, who has affixed the seal of his department hereto and the MUNICIPALITY has caused this Instrument to be signed by its MUN~TY Town~f~ ~o~thold~ /bl~/iS~rlntenoent o2 Rlghways THEq'EOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK BY: RECOMMENDED: Commissioner of Transportation APPROVED AS TO FORM: Louis J. Lefkowitz, Attorney General BY: Assistant Attorney General RECOMMENDED: Assistant Commissioner Legal Affairs Department of Transportation APPROVED: Date BY: For the New York State Comp- troller Pursuant to Section 1 12, State Finance Law APPROVED: Date Director Division of the Budget STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OF Suffolk ) On this 22nd day of June in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Six before me personally came Raymond C. Dean to me known, who, being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he resides at Ma in Road East l~arion, New York ; that he is t~e~e~i~x~t~[e Municipal Corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the Seal of said Municipal Corporation; th&t the S:al afl, ed to said instrument is such Corporate Seal; that it was affixed by .town Soaro order of the :l~51ffit~f~l~r~)gOl~of said Municipal Corporation pursuant to a resolution which duly adopted on June 22, 1976 and to which a certified copy is attached and made a part hereof; and' that he signed his name thereto by like order. STATE OFNEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OFALBANY ) JUDITH T. Ccmm!ssion [x~ires /~arch On this . day of in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy before me, the subscriber, personally came to me known and known to me to be the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of New York and the same person described in and who executed the same as Commissioner pursuant to the statute in such case provided. Notary Public CONR 301{o-7 (4/76) SCHEnULE A (s) F. A. No. (s) Contract No. (S) Program Project Location PROJECT ~TIFICATION SHEET · Safer Roads Demonstration P~ogram TOWN OF sOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COL~T~ Project Description PAVEMENT MARKINGS ON VARIOUS TOWN ROADS Construction cost Local share Completion Date $22,036.20 $2,423.98 NOV. 30, 1976 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SAFER ROADS DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS page ESTIMATE OF CENTERLINE SHEET ESTIMATED COST SPEC IF ICAT IONS MAP OF THE TOWN "CENTERL INE QUANTITIES AND EDGELINE OF AND QUANTITY SOUTHOLD EDGELINE" 1 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SAFER ROADS DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES Item 640.0 ~ 640.0 ~.' ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Description White reflectorlzed pavement stripes (Type n) Yellow reflectorized pavement stripes (Type II) Unit mi. mi. Estimated 24.90 168.50 b b b b o o ;:::, ;::, b *>0 *m~ *~7 ,0 *[7 * 0 0 ~0 *0 *© ~. ~>. 0 0 C C o o ~ ~ o ~ ¼ ¼ ¼- ~ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ "o 0 m ~ ::o 3> u~ 0 0 r- 0 0 0 "o -~ ~ ~ W c .c - ~ <>c ~0 * 0 ~, 0 ',,Or'- ~0 m rtl jT©WN OF SOUTHOLD SAFER ROADS DEMONSTRATION PR©GRAM 7 ESTIMATED COST Based on Force Account Agreement, the following is a cost analysis for the Town of Southold Safer Road Demonstration Program. Description Quantity Agreed Price Cost / Centerline Striping 68.5 miles $ 207.00 $14,179.50 / Engineering Layout 68.5 miles $ 30.00 $ 2,055.00 Edgellne Striping 24.9 miles $23 3D0 $ ~,801,20 Total: $22,036.20 Construction Cost 10% State Inspection Total Project Cost $22,036.20 2,203.~2 2~,239.62 10% Local Share 2,423.9~ Construction Cost Less Local Share Reimbursable Amount $22,036.20 2,$23.98 $19,612.22 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SAFER ROADS DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM ******************************************* SPECIFICATIONS **************** ITEM .640.01 WHITE REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT STRIPES (TYPE II) ITEM 640 ,~" YELLOW REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT STRIPES (TYPE II) All the provisions of Section 640 - Reflectorized Pavement Marking Paints of the New York State Standard Specifications shall apply with the follow- ing modifications: 1. Materials. Only Type II Marking Paints will be used. Item PM 640.015 Reflective Pavement Stripes All proviaions of Section 6k0. Reflective Pavement Mark!r~ n~a.n~ ~= .... '~ the modifications: Description. Under this work the locality shall furnish a~d apply by the Engineer. This =~*~=~=-- to be used f~*r ~__Li..f lines and channe![zatlon i[nes used as Special markings tn the == Markir~ Denonszratlonrro~r~.~ - M~terials. The Icca![ty SPECIAL NO~E Time Limitation on Placement of Reflectorized Paint This agreement provides for two (2) applications of Item PM 640.01 ( white r~flectorized pavement stripes) and or Item PM 640.02 ( yellow reflectorized pavement stripes) at locations indicated on the Agreement Plans. The first application will be completed before October 1, 1976. The second application shall be completed by October 1, 1977 and shall be~-ade uo s~oner than 10 months, nor later than 14 ~onths, al:er the first application. SPECL&L NOTE Width of Ref!ectcrized Pavement S:ri~s Centerline amd Edgeline stripes will be four (4) inches in ~dth. All special markings will be as indicated on the plans. Item: PM 1563.30 Layout & Coding of No Passing Zone Description: Under this item the .municipality shall determine by' field survey and measurement, the location and ex'cent of all nc-passing zones and sha)] apply codinE to the pavement to facilitate the striping of the hiEl~m~ay within the boundaries specified. ' ~ ~ shall be determined in accordance Construction Detail: No-pass~n~ zones with the current edition of the' New York o~a~-~ ~ i,~nual of Un__o_..~ ~ ~ Traffic Control 2evices. Peter~inations shall be based on +~= ~= .... m ...... n ..... 1 be ~ae posted spe~d. -_ un~os~e~, '~ statutory soeed, ~.,, ~.~H) sh~ll ~=~ used as the $5 percentile =~==i up_less another s~eei is determined tc be more appropriate and con- ctLrrent on ~; the ~n_~ineer. The m'~nicipa!ity shall provide any and all devices ngcessary to maintain traffi~ and protect the travelinE public and %he municipalities workmen. All devices used sha%l be .in accordance with the current edition of the l~ew York State l~nuai of Uniform Traffic Control get. cas. Method of >feasure~ent: The quantity to be paid for under this item shall be the actual n,&~ber of miles of roadway, measured alonE the centerline, surveyed and coded, as indicated in the plans or determ, ined by the LnEineer. Basis of Pay~..~ent: The unit price bid shall include all materials, labor and tools, including mmintaininE and protecting traffic iurlr~ the operation, required to satisfactorily complete the work. Schedule B Agreed Unit Prices These agreed ur~t prices are to be used on projects beinE done by municipal £crces. ~n_~_ orices w;!l ~rn!v for the demonstration period startir~ "i~u %ne 1.,w const~ac%icn season. R{ 640.01 .,ei_e..or ........... nt ~trlpes, ~$ s~. ~.'~' Yello'-' Reflector±zed_ ~._~..~="-~-=~" .... ~'~-res, PM ~0.0] Spe:!al (for Special iarkinzs Cold - $2~3 OD ~er rc~i .... ~, per rca/ ml~e ~uT.O. ~er rca/ 173.33 -=~ rc~i ~ 0.022 per lineal