HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpeed Limits - Various Roads NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION William C. Henna.y, Commi~io~ Region 10 Office: New York State Office Building Veterans Highway, Hauppauge, New York 11787 October 5, 1982 Office of the Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, NY 11971 Attention: RECEIVED~ OCT 198 Town Clerk Southold Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Re: Speed Limits, Town of Southold (various roads) Dear Ms. Terry: Thank you for your letter concerning traffic conditions at the above re- ferenced location. We will conduct an investigation of this location and notify you of our findings at the conclusion of our survey. Regrettably, there may be some delay in concluding our study since this office receives numerous requests for traffic controls in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. These requests are scheduled for survey in the order that they are received and your request will be responded to as promptly as possible. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Very truly yours, ×_ T. C. HOFF~&N Regional Traffic Engineer Region 10 TCH:JL:JS SOUTHOLD, L. I , N. Y. 11971 December 18, 1973 Mr. Rudolph M. Kammerer Commissioner Department of Public Works County of Suffolk Yaphank, New York 11980 Dear Mr. Kammerer: Enclosed herewith are appropriate forms and resolution of the Southold Town Board requesting the Department of Transportation to establish a fifty mile per hour maximum speed on all County roads and Tow~ highways. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Engineering and Safety State Campus 1220 Washington Avenue Albauy, New York 12226 Gentlemen: The Town Board of the Town of Southold , by a resolution adopted December 11 , 1973 , and the County Superintendent of Highways of the County of Suffolk , hereby request the Department of Transportation, pursuant to Section 1622 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, to establish a fifty mile per hour maximum speed at which vehicles may proceed on All County Roads and Town Highways currently subject to the fifty-five miles per hour statutory speed limit. Upon receipt of the notice that the regulation herein requested has been established, the Town of So~thold ., will provide, install and maintain signs in accordance with the Vehicle and Traffic Law and conforming to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the Department of Transportation. Dated: December ll, 1973 Dated: County Superintendent * County or To~n, as the case may be Town of Southold County of Suffolk Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Justice Surer, WHEREAS the President of the United States has requested the adoption of a fifty mile per hour maximum speed limit~ WHEREAS Governor Rockefeller has requested the State snd its municipslities to cooperate in lowerin~ the maximum speed limit to fifty miles per hour NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the Department of Transportation to reduce the maximum speed limit for all town reads, not havin~ a speed limit lower than fifty miles per hour, to fifty miles per hour. Voeeoof the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. December 11, 1973. 1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12226 November 15, 1973 Mr. Rudolph M. K~merer Commissioner Department of Public Works County of Suffolk Yaphank, New York 11980 ~NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT~I~I'RANSPORTATION Raym~l~l T. Schuler, Commissioner Dear Mr. Kammerer: As you undoubtedly are aware, on Saturday, November 10, 1973, the Governor announced that, due to the oil shortage, he had ordered the immediate reduction of the maximum speed limit on state highways to be established at 50 miles per hour for all types of vehicles. In addition, he urged the various subdivisions of the State to take similar action. Enclosed you will find a copy of the substance of the Official Order which the Department of Transportation filed on ~ovember lB, 1973. You will note that all speed limits which have been established or approved by the Department of Transportation for county and town roads above 55 miles per hour have been suspended until further notice. The effect of this action will mean that a maximum 55 miles per hour speed limit will prevail on those roads until further action is taken to reduce this maximum limit to 50 miles per hour. In order to coordinate the efforts to effect the changeover from the statutory 55 miles per hour maximum speed limit to a 50 miles per hour maximum speed limits on highways other than state highways, the Department of Transportation requests your assistance with respect to the following: That you coordinate the activities in your county with respect to the efforts to establish a 50 miles per hour maximum speed limit for county roads and town highways. Enclosed are suggested forms for the requests pursuant to Section 1622 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law and the approvals pursuant to Section 1662-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law. Roads and highways in towns~ other than suburban towns or towns with a population exceeding 50,000, come under the request provisions of Section 1622 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law. Suburban towns and towns with populations of 50,000 come within the approval provisions of Section 1662-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law. Mr. Rudolph M. Kammerer November 15, 1973 Page two 2. That you distribute the appropriate forms to the towns within your county. That you expedite your approval of the request of the towns under Section 1622 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law and forward them immediately to the Department of Transportation. With respect to any action under Section 166~-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, please transmit any forms you receive to the Department of Transportation. With respect to the enforcement of the speed limit, attached is a copy of the State Police instructions to their field personnel. I believe that the same could be utilized by the various police authorities within your county. If you have any legal questions with respect to this program, please contact the Department's Counsel, Darrell W. Harp at Albany, telephone ~57-2411, area code 518. With respect to any transmittals, please foward them to Mr. William G. Galloway, Director, Taffic and Safety Division, pepartment of Transportation, 1220 Washington Avenue, Building ?a, Albany, New York 12226. I appreciate your cooperation in carrying out this very vital program and will make my Department's personnel available for whatever assistance you may require in processing the necessary regulations and ordinances, Sincerely yours, RAYMOND T. SCHULER Commissioner Requested by the County~Ex cutive 7816. ' ' RESOLUTION NO. -1973; REQUESTING THAT THE TOWNS AND VILLAGES OF SUFFOLK COUNTY REDUCE THE SPEED LIMIT ON COUNTY ROADS WITHIN TNEIR JURIS- DICTION TO 50 MILES PER HOUR, EFFECTIVE. IMMEDIATELY WHEREAS, the President of the United States and the Governor of the State of New York have requested that local governments reduce the maximum speed limits for motor vehicles traveling within their Jurisdictions to 50 miles per hour, and WHEREAS, the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law gives the towns and villages of Suffolk County the,authority to set speed limits on County roads within their Jurisdictions, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this County Legislature hereby requests that the Legislative bo~ies of the towns and villages of Buffolk County reduce the maximum speed limits for motor vehicles traveling on County roads within their boundaries to 50 miles per hour, effective immedi~ ately. Dated: A~PROVED: -1 $ By 2'$! JOHN V N County Executive of Suffolk County Date of Approval: NOV ZS ~ FILE TO 14 SP ALBANY_, }/fS~ YORK ALL STATE POLICE STATIONS - CODE SIGNAL 77 DATE 11/13/73 IN RESPONSE TO GOVERNOR NELSON A. ROCKEFELLER'S DIRECTIVE TO REDUCE SPEED LIMITS IN NEW YORK STATE TO FIFTY MILES PER HOUR, 'l'ki~ COmmISSIONER OF THE A~E~q YORK STATE DEPARTb~NT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS PROMLrLGATED RULES AND REGULATIONS TO REDUCE SPEED LIb~TS ALL STATE HIGHWAYS TO FIFTY MILES PER HOUR. THESE REGULATIONS QUOTED VERBATIM BELOWWERE FILED WITE THE SECRETARY OF STATE ON NOVEMBER 12, 1973~ "PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 1180, 1620, 1622 AND 1662-A OF THE VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC LAW, THE COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION DOES IqEREBY · PROMTrLGATE THE FOLLOWING RULES AND REGUI~ATIONS TO BE SECTIONS 1000.4, 1000.5, AND 1000.6 OF TITLE 15 OF THE OFFICIAL COMPILATION OF CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE STATE OF NA~YORK TO READ AS FOLLOWS AND TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY: SECTION 1000.4 - ALL ~AXIMUMLII~EAR SPEED REGULATIONS HERETOFORE PROMULGATED FOR STATE HIGHWAYS ABOVE FIFTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR ARE HEREBY SUSPENDED, EFFECTIVE UPON R~4OVAL OR COVERING OVER OF SPEED SIGNS INDICATING A SPEED LIMIT IN EXCESS OF FIFTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. SECTION 1000.5 - T~E MAXIMUM LINEAR SPEED LIMIT ON ALL STATE HIGHWAYS SHALL BE FIFTY MILES PER HOUR, EXCEPT THAT A~/ LINEAR SPEED LIMIT ON AbVf STATE HIGHWAY I~ERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER ESTABLISHED AT LESS THAN FIFTY MILES PER HOUR SHALL BE EFFECTIVE OR CONTINUE TO BE EFFECTIVE AT SUCH ESTABLISHED SPEED LIMIT. ~ SECTION 1000.6 - AN%~LINEAR SPEED REGULATION HERETOFORE ESTABLISHED OR APPROVED BY THE DEPARTPIENT OF TRANSPORTATION, A REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OR A PREDECESSOR AGENCY OF TNE DEPARTb~NT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR COUNTY AND TO%~ ROADS ABOVE FIFTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR ARE ~KEBY SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHE~ NOTICE." ·.~ T-H~REDUCTION IN SPEED ON STATE HIGHWAYS BECOmeS EFFECTIVE AS SOON AS ~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION }~S EITHER ALTERED CURRENT SIGNS 0R ERECTED A~EW SIGNS ~TH!CH INDICATE A FIFTY MILE PER HOUR SPEED LIMIT. SPEED LIMITS ON HIGHWAYS NOT A PART OF TtIE STATE SYSTEM ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF VARIOUS AGENCIES. OR GOVERNMENTAL BODIES AND SPEED LIMITS ON THESE ~IG~'~AYS WILL BE REDUCED TO F!F%~ MILES PER HOUR AS SOON AS ~ RESPONSIBLE AUT~ORITYI-IAS FILED T~i~ I~ECESSARY REGULATIONS AND ALTERED PRESENT SIGNS OR ERECTED 19555q SIGNS %THICH INDICATE A FIFTY MILE PER HOUR LIMIT. NEW YORK STATE DEPART~'IENTITRANS POI~TA'I'ION 1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12226 leo-? DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER Pursuant to the authority Contained in Section 1680 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, the. Rules and Regulations of the State Department of Transportation with respect to Uniform Traffic Control Devices are hereby amended as follows: Appendix l0 is hereby amended by adding thereto a new authorization to be Number 73-2 to read as follows: ?3-2 Hereby amends paragraph (1) subdivision (b) of section 208.6 of ~art 208 of subchapter B to read as follows: 208.6 (b) (1) R5, RSA or RSB intermediate signs shall be placed %~thin the length of the restriction at distances between signs in accordance with the following table: Numerical LS~r~it TABLE R-1 Maximum Spacing for Intermediate Signs 50 MPH and Over Under 50 MPH first confirmatory sign other intermediate signs 10 miles 1,000 feet 3,000 feet REF:kp cc: Secretary of State All Regional Directors All Regional Traffic Engineers Supt. State Police DATED: Albany, New York November 13, 1973 Pursuant to Section 1180, 1620, 1622 and 1662-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, the Commissioner of Transportation does hereby promulgate the following rules and regulations to be Sections 1000.4, 1OOO.5 and 1000.6 of Title 15 of the official compilation of Codes, Rules and Regu- lations of the State of New York to read as follows and to take effect immediately: Section 1000.4 Ail maximum linear speed regulations heretofore promulgated for state highways above fifty-five miles per hour are hereby suspended, effective upon the removal or covering over of speed signs indicating a speed limit in excess of fifty-five miles per hour, ~ntil further notice. 1000.5 The maximum linear speed ~imit on .all state high- ways shall be fifty miles per hour, except that any linear speed limit on any state highway here- tofore or hereafter established at less t~han fifty miles per hour shall be effective or continue to be effective at such established speed limit. 1000.6 Any linear speed regulation heretofore established or approved by the Department of Transportation, a Regional Director of the Department of Transpor- tation or a predecessor agency of the Department of Transportation for county and town roads above fifty-five miles per hour are hereby suspended until further notice. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPVIANK, NEW YORK, ~i1980 516 924-3451 November 19, 1973 Town Board Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, N.Y. Gentlemen: I have been requested by the New York State Department of Transportation to coordinate the efforts of all the towns in Suffolk County to effect the ehange over from the statutory 55 mile per hour ma×imum speed limit to a 50 mile per hour speed limit. Accordingly, I am enclosing a copy of the Department of Transportation's request to me and also the appropriate forms and informational sheets for your use in this regard. Would you please return two copies of the co-endorsement form and one copy of the resolution when it is finally executed. I would appreciate your earliest attention and cooperation needed to carry oat this mandate. Commissioner of public Works RMK:GWR:tb enclosures ~NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT Old'TRANSPORTATION Region 10 Office: 325 West Main Street, Babylon, Long Island, New York 11702 December 5~ 1972 Town Clerk Town Hall, Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Sir: This is in reference to all speed investigations conducted by this office pursuant to Section 1622 of the State of New York, Vehicle & Traffic Law. Proper speed signs should be installed by the Town when the new order is received. The completion notice, enclosed with the order, mst be returned to our Albany Office with a copy to the Regional Office. This will complete the process of establishing a legal speed limit. TCH:JRL:C~L File: Town of Southold NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 10 Office: 325 West Main Street, Babylon, Long Island, New York 11702 DEPARTMENT 1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12226 December 10, 1969 T~A~YORK STATE OF SPORTATION File: MUTCD All County Superintendents of Highways and All City, Village and Town Clerks SUBJECT: Change in statewide speed limit Gentlemen: You are undoubtedly aware that the statewide speed limit established by Section ll80 (b) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law was changed to 55 MPH by legislation enacted during the last session. The specific enactment is identified as Chapter 83 of the Laws of 1969. It specifies that the speed limit change shall become effective October l, 1970. It is obviously necessary that the entire state be properly re-posted to reflect the new li~t and that such re-posting be accomplished essentially on the effective date itself. Posting ahead of that date can lead to enforcement probl~ns, and possibly other legal difficulties, since any new signs wotuld be improper in terms of the still existing 50 MPH statewide li~it. Failure to post until some time after the effective date would create a similar situation since the "old" signs would be improper in terms of the then existing 55 MPH statewide limit. Changes required on October 1st involve speed limit signs and curve warning signs. The latter are included because posted curves with recommended speeds equal to or greater than the legal limit are posted with curve signs only, while those with recommended speeds below the legal limit must be posted with curve and stated speed signs (see Section 231.1 (c) of the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices)~ Consequently, in areas where the statewide limit applies, curves with recommended speeds of 50 MPH should ~rrentlybe posted with curve signs only. When the legal li~'~t changes to 55 F~H, such curves must be posted with curve signs and 50 MPH stated speed signs. The major change ~ill involve speed limit signs. In addition to the obviously needed numerical clhange, the revision of the statutory limit affords an excellent opportunity to change to the more appropriate area type posting. Consequently the R5 t~e signs (see Section 208.8 of the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices) will no longer be used to post the statutory limit. The signs to be used will read STATE/SPEED/LIMIT/55 and be designated R8, R8A and R8B as follows: Letter Size and Series Sign No. Size Margin Border Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 R8 36"x48" 3/8" 5/8" 5"-E 5"-E 5"-E 14"-E R8A 24"x36" 3/8" 5/8" 4"-E 4"-E 4"-E lO"-E R8B 48"x60" 3/4" 7/8" 6"-E 6"-E 6"-E 16"-E -2- In size and general appearance these signs will be similar to R9, RlO, Rll and R12 types except that the first line will read STATE instead o£ CITY, VILLAGE, AP~EA or TOWN. The existing R8 signs used for posting at State boundaries will be discontinued. Such locations will also be posted with the new R8 type signs. The purpose of this letter is to alert you so that you ~ill be prepared to make the necessary changes on highways under your jurisdiction at the proper time. We suggest that initial efforts be directed to replacing existing R8 signs and R5 type signs reading 50 MPH with the new R8 type signs of equivalent size (i.e. substitute new R8 for existing R5, new R8A for existing R5A, new R8B for existing R5B). While the new R8 may be substituted for the existing R8 signs at State boundaries, it is suggested that the new R8B be considered £or this pur- pose. W~lth respect to state highways, it is our current intent to use the new R8B at State boundary locations wherever practical. Sincerely yours~ CHARLES E. BESANCENEY Director, Traffic Engineering and Safety ROBERT E. FRANK Associate Civil Engineer REF:ec cc: All Regional Transportation Directors All Regional Traffic Engineers Director of Maintenance All Regional Maintenance Engineers ~ Resident Engineers September 3, 1969 Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Engineering and Safety State Campus 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York Attention: Charles E. Besanceney, Director Dear Mr. Besanceney; At a meeting of the Southold Town Board_~eld at 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on August 26, 1969, the following resolution was adopted by the Board: RESOLVED: That a request be made to the State Traffic Commission for a survey to determine the feasability of extending tho present speed zone which establishes a 35 MPH speed ]Limit on Route 25, SH8229, between Station 128+- (7-00+- feet west of Cases Lane) and Station 170+- (500 +- feet east of Stillwater Avenue), a distance of 0.8 miles. Such zone established under Section 1047.37 n'.lbdiv. (b) ~)f th~ I~e~Hllal. lon~ of Lhn State Traffic Commission on l)ecemb(.r 3, 19t,~. Such extension to be made by deleting the reference to StatJorl 170t- and adding t]l(~ [3r(H)or ztatlolt Jrl tll~3 vicinity of NYS ailepoint Marker -2[i,0704, 1b.58, an additional distance of .4q- milos west of its V(,ly truly yourn, Albert W. Richmond ~OLITHOLO~ L. I., N. Y'. 119'7! September 3, 1969 Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Engineering and Safety State Campus 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York Attention: Charles E. Besanceney, Director Dear Mr. Besanceney; At a meeting of the Southold Town Board held at 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on August 26, 1969, the following resolution was adopted by the Board: RESOLVED: That a request be made to the State Traffic Commission for a survey to determine the feasability of extending the present speed zone which establishes a 35 MPH speed limit on Route 25, SH8229, between Station 128+- (~00+- feet west of Cases Lane) and Station 170+- (500 +- feet east of Stillwater Avenue), a distance of 0.8 miles. Such zone established under Section 1047.37 ~ubdiv. (b) of tho Regul~,tions of the State Traffic Commission on December 3, 1965. Such extension to be made by deleting the reference to Station 170-t-- and adding tho proper station in tho vicinity of NYS Milepoint Marker -25,0704,15.58, an additional distance of .4+- miles west of its pr~on~ terminus. Very truly your:], Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Towm Cterk STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION J1220 WASHINGTON AVENUE · STATE CAMPUS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12226 September 18, 1969 File: 8229 ELI- Su.t'folk County Town Board Town of Southold Suffolk County Gentlemen: This wiZ1 acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 3 ~equestiug an extension of the 35 MPH speed limit on Route 25 in the Tow~ of Southold. We are initimti~g an investigation of tra/~fic couditione coneerniag your request. ~hen the investigation is completed, we will ~dvlse you of the results. Very truly yours, AWR/ljc ce: Suffolk County Commissioner of Public Works