HomeMy WebLinkAboutSigsbee Lane ~ ,, 'E OF NEW YORK--DEPAR M~NT OF TRANSP~TION MAR 2 1 1986 T.^rF,CA.OS^ ETV O,V,S,O. - STUDYNO.: 0860041 T~ ~ ~thokj NOTICE OF ORDER FILE: 47.37-25 TROOP: L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1047.37 SUBDIVISION (m) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS E~ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED (m) 40 MPIt on Route 25, SH 8181 between Station 426+ (mm 1521) and Station 470+ (Factory Avenue/Sigabee Lane), a distance of 0.~_.+ miles in the unincorporated community of Mattituck. DP:BT The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device {s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2/24/86 (DATE) APPROVED BY. Regional Traffic Engineer (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action adjusts this 40 MPH speed limit on Route 25 to begin at mm 1521 (0.25~ miles west of Bray Avenue/Old Main Road) and end at Factory Avenue/ Sigsbee Lane. COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [--¥NONE LOCALITY: Town of Southold [] ~n~,~.w ~ (Identify) cc: [] O(TY [] Southold Town / []/VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] REGION 10 [~yTOWN [] STATE POLICE [] OTHER r-~ COUNTY SUPT. E] PERMITTER POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER {Specify) ~'C~ED ....-~-'-~ ~E OF NEW YORK--DEPARTMENT OF TRAN ATION ' ,, TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION MAR 2, 11986 NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: 0860041 FILE: 47 · 37--2.5 TROOP: b THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1047,37 SUBDIVISION (a) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [~ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED (a) 35 MP~ on Route 25, SH 8181 between Station 470+_ (Factory Avenue/Sigsbee Lane) and Station 518+ (Reeve Avenue/Maple Avenue), a distance of 0.9+ miles in the uuincorporat community o~Mattituck. -- DP:BT The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2/24/86 (DATE) APPROVED BY~ Regional Traffic Engineer (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action adjusts this 35 MPH speed on Route 25 to begin at Factory Lane/Sigsbee Lan and end at Reeve Avenue/Maple Avenue. Suffolk COUNTY: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE LOCALITY: Town of 8outhold (Identify) cc: [] C~'Y [] Southold Town [-~,VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] REGION [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] OTHER [] COUNTY SUPT, [] PERMITTEE POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) TE 3e (8/80) - 1 - STATE OF NEW YORK--DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION STUDY NO.: 084025L · NOTICE OF ORDER FILE: 47.37 - 25 TROOP: L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 3047.37 SUBDIVISION (b) PARAGRAPH (17) OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS ~-'-[ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED (17) On the south side of Route 25, SH8181 between Station 464+00[ (215_+feet west of the west curb line of Sigsbee Lane) and Station 473+45+ (370_+ feet east of the east curb line of Marlene Lane), a distance of 945+ feet in the unincorporated cu~uaunity of Mattituck. DP:.IS The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. _ 3/12/86 APPROVED B Regional Traffic Engineer ,D ATE) , S I G IV/All'UR E, (TITLE, DESCRIPTION: This action establishes-a "No Standin~ - Anytime" restriction on the south side of Route 25 from 215+ feet west of Sigebee Lane (10_+feet west of LIL Pole ~388) to 3707 feet ess! of Harlene~ane (LIL Pole ~396). A bus stop cnn be designated within the area--of this restriction. COUNTY: '; Suffolk LOCALITY: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE [] cc: [] CITY  /{/I LLAG E ]~ TOWN [] COUNTY SUPT. [] SHERIFF [] STATE POLICE [] PERMITTEE Town of Southold {identify) [] Southold Totm [] REGION 10 []OTHER POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REQISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN' OF SOUTHOLD Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 April 4, 1986 Mr. T.C. Hoffman Regional Traffic Engineer NYS DOT Suffolk County Office Building Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Attention: Traffic Dept. 6th Floor Dear Mr. Hoffman: As a follow-up to my telephone conversation with your office this morning, I would like to request a copy of any orders or information that you might have on file in your office regarding traffic signal no. 87.3 located at the intersection of Route 25 and Young's Avenue, Southold, N.Y. I was advised by your office that the original order for same was dated 10/27/61 and the actual connection for operation was on 9/7/62. I would appreciate copies of any information you might have on file. This inquiry is for general information purposes only and to place on file in this office. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. NeVille Deputy Town Clerk 4/9/86 - Mr. Pagel, N.Y.S. DOT called~ said they have nothing else on file. They might have something in their archives, but nothing in their working files. Only copy of the same notice I sent them from my file. I told him~this will suffice. iI r RECEIVED hl AY,Z'g 1981 Iowa Cler~ STATE OF NEW YORK- DEPARTMENT OF TRANS N DIVISION OF TRAFFIC AND SAFETY SIGNAL OPERATION SPECIFICATIONS CASE: FILE:~7. Signal Nh. 87.~ Date April 23, 1981 Page 1 of 2 Pages 'County __Suffolk Locality Southold Department Order dated April 23 , 1981 and filed as Section 2047.37 Subdivision L= None [] Oct. 27, Prior specificat;ons hereby superceded: ~ Specificatinns effective: ~ Immediately ..~* Upon Completion 19 61 I. This Signal shall: A. Disoiay 2 vehicular signal faces visible to traffic on each approach to the intersection B. Ope;ate as a semi-traffic act,uated signal as shown in the sequence table on p~ge3. PURPOSE: Revises the specifications of Signal 87.3 located on Main Street, Route 25, SH 8229 at Youngs Avenue to provide pedestrian push buttons. !1. C. Be equipped with the following, which are more fully described in Item Ih YES NO 1. Pedestrian push-buttons X 2. Push-button extension elimlnator X 3. Pedestrian timer X 4. Pedestrian indications X YES NO 5; Vehicle detectors X 6. Interconnection and/or coordination X 7. Pre-emptor ~ 8- Other (identify) X Descr pt on: ICl : Pedestrian push buttons on the east and west side of Youngs Avenue located north and south of Route 25 associated ~ith Phase B. IC5 .: Vehicle detectors on Youngs Avenue located north and south of Route 25, associated with Phase B. 1-C-3 A pedestrian timer shall be used to provide a separately timed Phase B interval upon actuation of aApush button. orig. Prohibited Turns on ~' C%. Pohce Dept. [] Yes: NYCRR Section Adg. Date Subdivision(s) FJ!e Date r'~ Nn ~X~ Region Director Region ~ Traffic Engineer [] Supt. State Police Direr'or, Traffi'c ~ ' " TE 5~ (6./70) STATEJ~NEW YORK- DEPARTMENT OF TRAN&PO ',ATION DIVISION OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND SAFETY SIGNAL OPERATION SPECIFICATIONS (CONTINUED) CASE: · FILE: 87.3 Suffolk April 23, 1981 SIGNAL NO, COUNTY DATE PAGE 2 OF 2 PAGES Sequence Table Fa'ces Phase 1,2,3,4,'5,6 7,8~9,10 A 'Green Red 1st Cl. to B. Yellow Red B Red Green 1st Cl. to A. Red Yellow Flashing Flashing Flashing Operation Yellow Red STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT O.F TRAN. S,,P,,ORTATION 1220 WASHINGTON AVENUE STATE CAMPUS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12226 J. BURCH McMORRAN TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND SAFETY DIVISION September 18, 1968 Suffolk/Southold Town Board ~' Town of Southold Suffolk County Gentlemen: This is in reference to the joint request from the Towri Board and the Suffolk County Commissioner of Public Works for a lower maximum speed on Sigsbee Road. We have advised our field personnel to conduct an investigation on the above highway. Results of the investigation will be forwarded after the necessary field information is gathered and evaluated. Very truly yours, fcto RVA.jdu cc: Suffolk County, Comm. of Public Works LESTER C. ECKART DEPUTY COMMIS~IONER COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK. l~gao YAPHANK 4-3451 - 3452 August 29, 1968 State of New ~rk Department of Transportatic~ Traffic Engineering and Safety Division 1220Wa~ngton Avenue State Campus Albany, New York 12226 Gentlemen 8 Enclosed herewith is one (1) TC-9 request from ;he Town of Southold for a lower maximum speed limit on Sigebee Road, a town highway in the Ham/et of Mattitucko Very truly yours, Rudolph M. Kaumaerer Commissioner of Public Works Gerard W. Rayni~ Senior Civil Engineer-Traffic RMKsGWRlJlb EnClo cct Albert W. Richmond, To~rn Clerk Tow~of Southold RESOLUTION Office of Supervisor Lester M. Albertson 16 South Street Greenport, L.I.,N.Y. 11944 July 30, 1968 Moved by Councilman Valentine~ seconded by Justice Suter; RESOLVED~ That Supervisor Lester M. Albertson be and he hereby is authorized to contact the State ~raffic Commission and request a 30 MPH speed limit on Sigsbee Road, Mattituck, L.I.,N.Y. Vote of Town Board: Ayes- Supervisor Albertaon Councilman Demarest Councilman Valentine Justice Clark Justice Surer. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town o6 Southold STATE OF NEW YORK--DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER NO.:009208TC 47.37-25 THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 5547,37 SUBDIVISION (b) PARAGRAPH (1) (2) OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS F1ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED (b) (l) (2) Repealed JS:EK The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the ~e~esmry traffic control device (s) required by and ~onforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. APPROVED BY: {SIGNATURE) Traffic Evgine er (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action repeals the "No Turn On Red" restrictions on Route 25 at Factory Avenue/Sigsbee Road in Mattituck. COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE LOCALITy:Town of Southold (Identifv) [] CiTY [] VILLAGE [] TOWN [] COUNTY SUPT. [] SHERIFF [] STATE POLICE [] PERMITTEE ~1 Rn'rrl'hnl ~ ~ REGION lO [] OTHER POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specif~! STATE OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY OIVISlON NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: FILE: 47.37-25 TROOP: L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY SECTION 5547 37 SUBDIVISION (b) PARAGRAPH 1) ( 2 ) OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS ~']ADDED [] AMENDED to reed as follows: [] REPEALED (b) Route 25, SH 8229, at its intersection with Factory Avenue and Sigsbee Road in the unincorporated community of Mattituck. (Signal No. 83.6). (1) Right turns by traffic from the north on Factory Avenue. (2) Right turns by traffic from the south on Sigsbee Road. JS:EK The above order will be effective upon the installatk)n, modification or removal of the neeemry traffic control device (s) required by and cooformtn9 to the State Manual of Un~form Traffic Control Devi~es. 'J'O/~ APPRO¥',,¥: ~ /~ / _Region,l Traffic Engineer (DATE) (SIGNATURE (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action establishes a "No Turn On Red" restriction for Factory Avenue and Sigsbee Road at Route 25 in Mattituck as described above. LOCALITY: [] NONE [] 200" ' SU?ERVISORS OFFICE OTHER RELATED ACTIONS Town of Southold (Identify) [] CITY [] Southold [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] REGION 10 [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] OTHER [] COUNTY SUPT. [~, PERMITTEE POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) ~e ;8,'80) -!-