HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-122.-5-4 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 1 Southold. New York 119 71 TELEPHONE (5 16)7 65-19 3 8 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 1 , 1989 John J. Hart: Pelletreau St Pelletreau 20 Church Stireet Patchogue, NY 11772 RE: Norris/Carr-Wanat SCTM #1000-122-5-4 Dear Mr. Hart: In response to your letter of October 26, 1989; a copy of which is attached for your convenience, enclosed please find copies of outstanding bills for review of the draft environmental impact statements for the Norris/Carr-Wanat subdivision plan. In response to your letter of August 24, 1989, we attempted to obtain the information requested. Szepatowski Associates will provide the information you requested upon the drafting of a contract and deposit for half of the work. If you wish to pursue this option, please contact us. Also in response to your letter of August 24, 1989 , the payment that your client had made was to the Town Board for review of the change of zone. The amount due to the Planning Board is for review of Norris subdivision not the change of zone application I-or Carr-Wanat. Prompt payment of $5,420. 00 would be appreciated. This is the amount that was mentioned in our June 19, 1989 correspondence (copy enclosed along with the supporting documentation) . Enclosed please find receipts for monies paid to the Town Board for review of the Change of Zone for this project. 1� e,r-5( truly your,9',? B�unett Orlowski , Jr. Chairman enc. cc; Richard Carr VOICE SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIAYES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 01 EEC 3 SOUTHOLD TOWN NNING BOARD VPLA DATE 12/29/88 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Planning Board Chairman NUMBER Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 DESCRirTiON AMOUNT Cedarfields/Mooresland $ 35.00 Cliffside/Tidemar� $ 35.00 Cove Beach Estates $ 315.00 Marina Bay Club $ 175.00 Norris Property:Carr-Wanat $ 315.00 Hamlet at Cutchogue $ 590.00 DBM Subdivision $ 35.00 Angel Shores $ 280.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1780.00 Payment Due Upon Receipt. Thank You. INVOICE S41 SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS SAI DATE November 28 , 1988 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. NUMBER Planning Board Chairman Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 DESCRIrTION AMOUNT Angel Shores 70.00 Cedarfields/Mooresland $ 170.00 Cliffside $ 710.00 Cove Beach Estates $ 800.00 Marina Bay Club $ 100 .00 Norris Property/Ca.rr-Wanat $ 1185. 00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 3035 .00 Pavment Due U�Do- Recci--t Tftan'w ........49.14thQ.W................................ ......... TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, N. Y., Dr. To..��ppa.to.,A,Rki.As aoc.ia.te.s...?��'S;,.....................................Claimant Address?�. R.1...0.28.35................ . .................4.�......... or Soc. Security No. ........................ Review of the Following DEIS as per the resolution of the Planning Board: Norris Property/Carr–Wanat: —Principal Planner 3.0/hrs S 70. 1 00 $ 210- 0-0 Environmental Plarmer ... .. 19.5/hrs @ $ 50. 00 $ 975. 00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1,85. 00 The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of above named Claimant) does hereby certify that the (Crom out one) foregoing claim is true and correct and that no part thereof 7mLbeen Paid, except as therein stated, and that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing. November 28 �8 I Dated ............................................. 19.. ........ ............................. .j........................................ Signature SAI INVOICE SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSUUTA FQ5 OCT 3 DATE Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. October 25 , 1988 Planning Board Chairman Southold Town Hall NUMBER 53095 Main Road Southold, Ny 11971 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Angel Shores $ 35.00 Cliffside $ 70.00 Cove Beach Estates $ 70 . 00 Marina Bay Club $ 35 .00 Norris Property/Carr-Wanat $ 700.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 910. 00 PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT THANK YOU 9 R U Vy R U VOICE SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES-INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS -C M �Lp 3 �4C 1 11M SOUTHOLD TOWN— PLANNING BOARD DATE September 29, 198 Mr. Bennet Orlowski, Jr. NUMBER Planning Board Chairman Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11S171 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Angel Shores $ 70.00 Cove Beach Estates $ 455.00 Norris Property/Carr-Wanat $ 435 .00 Tidemark/Cliffside $ 100 .00 Hanauer & Bagley $ 425.00 Gazza/Lettieri $ 35 .00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1520 .00 PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT THANK YOU S41 VfC0 SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS TOWN BOARD DATE Mr. Bennet Orlowski, Jr. 8/26/88 Planning Board Chairman Southold Town Hall NUMBER 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11,371 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Angel Shores $ 905 . 00- August Acres $ 615 .00 Harold Reese/Cove Beach $ 885.00 Norris Property/Carr-Wanat $ 900. 00 Marina Bay Club $ 70. 00 Cedarfields $ 35 . 00 Gazza/Lettieri $ 35 . 00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $3445. 00 PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT THANK YOU Soiathold Itgust 88 ...................................................) MY.............................19...... TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, N. Y., Dr. Inc. ...................................................Claimant ' Fed. 1. D. No. ................................ or Soc. Security No. .................... Review of the following DEIS as per the rp-,n1ntinn nf t-hp Planning Roard, Norris Property/Carr-Wanat: - Principal Planner . . . . . . . . . 2.5/hr� @I $ 70.00 $ 175.00 Envi rr)nTnpnt-.ql Pl ;;nnL-r - . . - . 14 . 1;/hrs @ $ 5 .00 $ 725a00 TOTAL AMO UNT DUE $ 900. 00 The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of above named ClaimanO does hereby certify that the (Cross out one) foregoing claim is true and correct and that no part thereof has been paid, except as therein stated, and that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing. Dated ..... .................. 119--�§...... INVOICE SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 4ZAI XG - 1 %-W-v az? I DATE Mr. Bennett Orlowski , Jr. 7/29/88 Planning Board Chairman NUMBER Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Harold Reese/Cove Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . $ 35.00 August Acres . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100.00 Costello . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 430 .00 Norris Property/Carr-Wanat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1200.00 $ 1765.00 Payment Due Upon Receipt. Thank You. .......Southol.d................................. N. Y.........�Hly.............. .......... . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, N. Y., Dr. ......................................Claimant Address..�?..N.ar.ra.ga.nset.t.Avenue.,..Jame.s.town,..RI....02.83.5............. . .. .. .. ..... . ......... ...... ....... Fed. 1. D. No. .............................. or Soc. Security No. .................. Review of the following DEIS as per the resolution of the Planning Board: Norris Property/Carr-Wanat Principal Planner . ... ... .. 10.0/hrs @ $ '70. 00 $ 700. 00 Environrnental Planner in-n/hr-q (a gn nn $ 500- on TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 1200. 00 The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of above named Claimant) does hereby certify that the (Cross out one) foregoing claim is true and correct and that no part thereof has been paid, except as therein stated, and that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing Dated .......Ju.ly..29........................ 19.....8 .... ... .... .......bau Jul. s6az. .......... Si nature SAI INVOICE SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS SAI DATE 7/5/88 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road NUMBER Southold, New York 11971 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Angel Shores $ 1515.00 August Acres $ 85.00 Harold Reese/Cove Beach $ 620.00 Marina Bay Club $ 790.00 Tidemark/Cliffside $ 690.00 Cedarfields/moorela.nd $ 35.00 Norris Property/ Carr-Wanat $ 685.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 4420.00 Payment Due Upon Receipt. Thank You. SAI INVOICE SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 4QAJ DATE 2/1/88 Southold Planning Board Southold Town Hall NUMBER Main Road Southold, NY 11.971 DESCRIP11ON AMOUNT Professional Planning Services: Tidemark DEIS review . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. $ 420.00 Angel Shores DEIS review .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . $ 35.00 Marina Bay Club DEIS review .. .. .. . . .. . ... .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. $ 140.00 Carr-Wanat Change of Zone . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . $ -2-1� $ 865.00 RECEIVED BY jE8 jjo DAil PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S.PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX I 10 (1891-1943) JOHN J,ROE.III RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGU E, N EN YO RK 11 7 7 2_ BRUCE T.WALLACE KEVIN A.SEAMAN TEL. 516 447-8900 ROBERT H.PE:LLETREAU VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' OF COUNSEL BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG FAX 516 475-56SI 447-8906 DOUGLASJ LEROSE BRIAN M�CAFFREY- JAMES G.HYLANO 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA "ALSO ADMITTED IN ILLINOIS 1; August 24 . 1989 Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road p.0. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Planning Department Bennett Orlowski , Chairman Re: Norris/Carr/Wanat - DEIS Review Dear Chairman Orlowski : We have rechecked our records regarding SEQR Review payments made by our client for the above parcels . Mr . Carr made two (2) separate payments in 1988 . The first was for $350. 00 on May 13 , 1988 , and the second was for $1, 650 . 00 on June 15, 1988 . 1 have enclosed copies of those checks for your review. Kindly deduct that amount from the $5, 420.00 you list as his balance. Thank you. Very truly yours, PF FTREAU & F Jan F. HaebV Leda�l Assistant JFH: Iyn Enclosure cc : Mr . Richard Carr Mr . Henry Raynor Mr . James A. Schondebare, Esq . 02U( 34) 0 CIO cr) a: I LD 64 In 0 :orll 0 0 C� Ln Ln rm 0 IL 0 cc w 'n ! "2 0 0 P: 0 L� cc 0 0 0 uj m w CL U; z 0. n 0 z 0 z > 0 z C3 CL > 0 I CO3 CLn, cc Lo 0 o 00 0 oe ox 0 cr M 0. 0 ----vmpffim� ij Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 19, 1989 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, ITY 11952 RE: Norris/Carr/Wanat S C11TM 1�1000-122-5-4 Dear Mr. Raynor: A review of our books indicates that the fees for the environmental review of the above-referenced project subject to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act have oxceeded the initial monies you have paid to the Planning Board to cover the environmental review. Enclosed you will find a copy of the bills that were sent to the Planning Board by its environmental consultant, Szepatowski Associates, Inc. for the review of the above-named project. It would be appreciated if you would submit the balance, which is $5 , 420. 00, to this office by July 3 , 1989. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Ve Y­T.-ruly yours 13ENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN CC: James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney John A. Cushman, Town Accountant Town Hall, 53095 Main Roa P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 1]971 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR 01�VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MAY 31, 1988: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in accordance with Chapter 44, Section 20 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and Part 617 NYCRR, hereby determines that a deposit of $2,000.00 shall be paid for scoping session and review of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement with irespect to the Carr/Wanat petition for a change of zone. � �'ry Juditih ��T er-'�� Southold Town Cler June 3, 1988 Town Hall, 53095 Main h P.O. Box 1179 ilk Southold, New York I I,, JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR Of VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 3, 1988 John J. Hart, Esq. Pelletreau & Pelletreau 20 Church St. - Box 110 Patchogue, New York 11772 Re: Carr-Wanat Petition for Change of Zone Dear Mr. Hart: Transmitted herewith is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board, adopted at their regular meeting held on May 31, 1988, determining that a deposit of $2,000.00 shall be paid for scoping session and review of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement with respect to the Carr/Wanat petition for a change of zone. This deposit shall be paid prior to the scoping session. Whereas the scoping session has been held, and the petitioner has paid $350.00 for the session, $1,650.00 is still due the Town at this time. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETERV SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSCILLORS AT LAW ROBERTS PELLETREA JOHN J HART (1891-1943) JOH,J ROE.111 20 CHURCH STREET-E30X Ito RICHARDA SCHOENFEL FREDCRICL ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11772 (�950-1980) J.TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T WALLACE TEL 516447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREA KEVIN A SEAMAN VANESSA M SHEEHAN' FAX 516 475-5651 OF COUNSEL BENJAMIN L HERZWEIG DIRECT DIAL RUSSELL C.BURCHERIO DOUG1-ASJ LEROSE 447-8906 VENNISD ODOHERTY.JR. 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA OALSO ADMITTED IN NEW JERSEY May 13 , 1988 Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Attention: Judith Terry. Town Clerk Re: Carr-Wanat Change of Zone Dear Mrs . Terry: As per your letter of May 10, 1988 regarding the additional $350. 00 charge by David Emilita for the scoping session, etc . , enclosed please find our client ' s check for that amount. Very truly yours , PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU Janet F. Haeberle Legal Assistant for John J . Hart JFH: Iyn TOWN CLERK TOWN OF sojaijoi.D Suffulk C.,unty. Niou )'i)rk 516 765-1801 XT 26492 Qoldhold. N. Y. 1197 .9 RLCFI�Tj) ro -Dolh s 8 6�� J11( i I I T.-Ter -n Cl Olk . -rk RV. �-j Town Hall. 53095 Main Ro� �J P.0, Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 7 TELEPHONE JUDITH T.TERRY (516)765-1801 T01;N CLERK RMASTRAR01 MALSTATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 10, 1983 John J. Hart, Esq. Pelletreau & Pelletreau 20 Church St. - Box 110 Patchogue, New York 11772 Dear Mr. Hart: Please be advised that an additional $350.00 has been incurred with respect to the Carr-Wanat petition for a change of zone. This amount is the charge by David Emilita for the scoping session, preparation, etc. Please remit a check payable to the Southold Town Clerk at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETERV SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROSERTS.Pf.LLETREAU (1891-1943) JOHN J.HART 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 RICHARDA.SCHOENFEL JOHN J.ROE.111 (1950-1980) FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK H772 J.TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T WALLACE TEL. 516 447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREAU KEVIN A SEAMAN FAX 516 476-5651 OF COUNSEL VANESSAM SHEEHAN' BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG RUSSELL C.BURCHER!0 DOUGLAS-1,LEROSE 447-8906 DENNIS D.0 DOHERTY,JR. -ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA OALSO ADMITTED IN NCWJERSEY June 15. 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL RRR Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road 1L_ P.O. BOX 1179 npa Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Tl�um rf�,,k RE: CARR-WANAT Change of Zone Dear Mrs . Terry: As per your letter dated June 3 , 1988 , enclosed please find the applicant ' s c,heck for $1, 650 . 00 covering the balance owed on the DEIS review. very truly yours, rfkKf,r,ETREAU & PELLETREAU 0 et F. Haeberle 29al Assistant JFH: hmm Encl . cc: Richard T. Carr IU/45 Gl� Ol 6, < Ld J 12: Wi 1 0 g) ru ru z In 0 cr Li 0 0 :) LO z C3 d < so z 0 OL Town Hall, 53095 m P.O. SO-A 117 southold, New Yor' FAX(5 16) 765-18 TELEPHONP(616) 76 jUDiTHT�TfR1kY TOWN CLER9 Rf(ASTRAR O�VITAL 5TA713TICS OF THE TOIIiN CLERK TOWN Op SOUTHOLD JanLIary 12, 1989 John J. Hart, Fsq. Pelletredu & Pelletreau 20 Church Street, Box 110 patchogue, New -York 11772 Re.. Carr/Wanat ()ear Mr. Hart; Of the Southold Town Transmitted herewith are recent resolutions Board With respect to the CarrjWZnat rhange of zone petition. Very truly yours, Judith T, Terry Southold Town r-lerk Enc TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD sfl(folk c"Unty. New y0lb, 516 765-1801 IN? ' 26860 S<jjjffio�j, . 1 71 14�/ RLI'zi3OA) 40 iditb-T. Terry, Town Clerk "rm." PELUETREAU PELLETREAU OPIAN McCA�f N� DAT9 TO FROM r), t Us, NOTFS 41 j PELLETREAU PELLETREAU BRIAN MCCAFf RV.y DATE TO CTTY/STATF FROM I IA.'t NOTPG Ile 7`7, f I kA qk JM)Wary 12, 19V John J. Hart, Esq. Pellalredu & Pelletreau 20 Church Street, Box 710 Patchogue, New York 11772, Re: Carr/Wanat Dear Mr. Hdrt: Transnjitted herewoh Ver y truly yours, buclith T. Terty 5,'wthOd T-,wu C'ierk En( ' 26860 - 4 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S.PELLETREAU 943) JOHN J.HART 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX I 10 CISS"" JOHN J.ROE,III RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEWYORK 11772 �1930 I Sao) BRUCE T.WALLACE KEVIN A.SEAMAN TEL. S16 447-15900 ROBEK H.PELLETREAU VANESSAM.SHEEHAN- OF COUNSEL BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG FAX 516 475-5651 DOUGLAS J. LEROSE 447-8906 AUG 2 5 108a BRIAN M�CAFFREY- JAMES G.HYLAND 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA "ALSO ADMITTED IN ILLINOIS L.LPELOoJ,14,; �Po August 24, 1989 Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Planning Department Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Re: Norris/Carr/Wanat - DEIS Review Dear Chairman Orlowski: We have rechecked our records regarding SEQR Review payments made by our client for the above parcels . Mr . Carr made two (2) separate payments in 1988. The first was for $350.00 on May 13 , 1988, and the second was for $1. 650.00 on June 15, 1988 . 1 have enclosed copies of those checks for your review. Kindly deduct that amount from the $5,420.00 you list as his balance. Thank you. Very truly yours, PE TREAU & PELLETREAU Ja F. Haeberle Le al Assistant JFH: lyn Enclosure cc: Mr. Richard Carr Mr . Henry Raynor Mr. James A. Schondebare. Esq. 02U(34) CF) LO (0 rf4 0 0 Ln rm 0 cr 0 CO 0 LLI !R 0 IVA L13 IL w Z o i �d = W 'or :� Lao C) oq 0 U) LL, 0 rm 0 0 Ln rm 0 cc cc 0 LU 0 C� P 8 2 cc w 0 w . � i 4 IL w z OD z cc 0 IL 9 coo- 0 a: gz Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 26, 1939 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NTY 11952 RE: Norr-4s/Carr/Wanat SCTM #1000-122-5-4 Dear Mr. Raynor: On June 19, 1989 a letter was sent to you in regard to outstanding bills for environmental reviews. It is understood that the above mentioned letter has been sent to the applicant, however to date the Planning Board office has not received payment. Please submit the balance, which is $5,420 . 00 , to this office by August 4, 1989 . If this payment is not received by August 4, 1989, this matter will have to be turned over to the Town Attorney' s office. Thank you for your -cooperation. Very truly you r ill�,,BENNETT ORLOWSKI ,JR. CHAIRMAN CC: James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney John A. Cushman, Town Accountant John Hart, Pelletreau & Pelletreau. December 14, 19se MTH Inc. 649 Commack Road Commack N.Y. 3.1746 (516) Z92-9580 I am the property owner adjacent to the north western portion of the Wanat property in Mattituck. Attached are a ferw of my general comments regarding the Norris—Wanat proposal. My business address and phone are listed as the most convient location to contact me in the event that any documents that I have referenced might be of interest by either the Planning Board or Town Board. Respectfully S�bmitted, William C. Hess WCH/J1h 9 0 In the early 1970 ' s I founded the North Fork Preservation Society. "Preservation Society" sounded as if it could be an organization devoted to collecting antiques so we deemed the name North Fork Environmental Council more appropriate to the overall goal and scope of what I thought might be achieved in making people responsible in the development of the fragile North-Eastern peninsula of Long Island. I have not been active or a member of the organization since the mid-seventies but it is gratifying to see that my original vision has resulted in an ongoing organization which is addressing the quality of environmental life in the Town of Southold. as well as Eastern Riverhead. Recent problems with Temix, the red tide, and medical waste washing up on beaches highlight the that we must observe diligence in using our land and water resources and also in policing our garbage and sewage wastes . The catalyst that prompted me to start the North Fork Preservation Society was the massive erosion of the bluffs and beaches in the Mattituck Hills area, between the Riverhead town line and Mattituck inlet, caused by the Levon project and the jetties constructed because of it. The Levon project in the Town of Riverhead on the Southold border was allowed as a result of their Town Board not properly evaluating the effects of such an alien project to an agricultural area, to a fragile shoreline and to a limited aquifier. My 'work along with others and in conjunction with then Attorney General Louis Lefkowitz in New York State ' g first, e-nvironmental case resulted in the removal of the jetties , and in a limited way corrected some of the rape of the land. A few years later LILCO purchased the Levon site and attempted to construct two 1150 megawatt nuclear power plants. Again I became involved, as New York State ' s first and only individual intervenor against a nuclear power station. During my time opposing their project I was introduced to many environmental impact reports and learned that one can get so engrossed in the reports as to pre-suppose that the project has already been accepted. You start making corrections , additions and deletions to the report -- nuts and bolts type thinking -- rather than sit back and look at the big picture and ask "Is this project compatible with what we want for the area? A generation from now can we face our children or grandchildren and say we made the right decision for the use of this land, or will we have to hang our heads in shame and tell them that we squandered their heritage , polluted their water, poisoned their land; that we overbuilt and overpopulated the land to such an extent that there is no open space and no natural habitat ; that we took the major industry of the area , agriculture, which was an honorable profession and way of life , and we fragmented it so badly that it died in two generations . " that case. About two years ago Mr. Lenz subdivided the Rothmayer property 1000 feet to the west into three 2 acre parcels (with a slight variance on one of the parcels which was close to but not quite 2 acres) . My neighbors and I strongly object and may take legal means to block the Sound front parcels from being downzoned to I acre as that violates for no reason the Town Master Plan (see 5 . 36 figure A7 JAC Planning Corp. of the Environmental Impact Statement) . This violation of the Town Master Plan in the Coastal Zone has an impact from the New York State level . Adequate discussion and input has been conducted from New York State on this matter and the proposed situation of 1 acre parcels adjacent to the Sound is illecal . Page 5. 43 of the proposal addresses "communal use of the site ' s waterfront" . The land as now deeded runs from the mean high water line upland. Does this mean that there will be a common beach from the mean high water line to the base of the bluff? The bluff erodes at an average of 1 foot per year in the area. This is from my measurements as well as LILCO' s geological work which I could supply to the Board. In a report commissioned by and paid for by the Town of Southold (as an ally with me) against the LILCO project, Dr. Douglas Glaser, an expert geologist from Duke University, states that the bluffs must be allowed to erode naturally to provide beach nourishment in conjunction with the west-to-east litoral drift. The comment on page A47 proposes building a stone wall at the base of the bluff . This is naive and obvivusly written by someone who is not an expert. One only has to look to the east near Mattituck Inlet to notice the railroad tie structure built at great expense by Dr. McCoy which was supposed to accomplish the same function. The wall caused the beach level to drop in front of it , causing collapse and further instability and erosion from the bluff side as well as the ends . Since my property is adjacent to the Wanat beach I would have to file a legal objection to the construction of such a seawall because the same natural phenomenon would occur. Another naive proposal is to vegetate the bluff with crownvetch to prevent erosion. I personally have attempted to grow various species of vegetation on the bluff since 1946. It is extremely difficult, as the clay and sand strata get to be brick-like in summer. The wind coming across the Sound dries vegetation with intense force and a high degree of salt spray. Native bay berry , beach plums and poison ivy do moderately well . Crownvetch does not . My family is associated with expert landscapers (the owners of Atlantic Nurseries in Dix Hills) . We have tried crownvetch and it does not last . A basic problem is trying to water any vegetation on the bluff . Updraft renders watering from the top ineffective . The deck that is proposed would not last as designed. There are winters where the beach level drops 3 feet. The proposed 4 foot deep cement piles below beach level would be precariously inadequate . Swirling and wave action would scour the final foot. Ice forms on the beach and outward for several hundred feet in winter. Frost, and ice heaves would do quick work on the pilings of this structure. I doubt whether the structure would last 1 year . Furthermore , any man made structure of this size would constitute a groin which would cause erosion to the east. Extensive documentation exists from the Levon project, the LILCO proposal and Dr. Glaser ' s work to substantiate this statement. The New York State Coastal Zone Management as well as residents of the area would have serious verbal and legal objections to such a structure . The proposal of such a structure in light of the recent history of the area is again very naive and does not present a professional or expert view. A contradiction exists between pages 5. 54 and 5. 55. On page 5 . 54 a projection of 294 residents is stated. On page 5. 55 the number is 401 residents . The number of automobiles would certainly exceed 160 and I again find it naive to say that there would be no impact on air quality. Let us look at the population density on the common beach. On a hot day we can project a beach population of 400 to 500 residents and guests. The beach width at high tide is about 50 feet. A rough, calcu'lation of useable beach is 30 , 000 square feet, or 60 square feet per person. That is a beach person density higher than at Jones Beach. Remember that the adjacent beac ,,has arp private property above the high water mark , so these residents and guests must be confined to the Wanat beach. If the roads in the proposed development were to be dedicated to the Town of Southold, they would be public roads . This means the beach might be accessible to any Southold resident. Even with only the residents using the beach, the Town of Southold would be creating a densely populated Public beach. Are lifeguards to be employed? Will safety swimming areas be roped off? Will this beach be chained off? What about refuse? It would be hard to believe that 300 to 500 people would not create waste. Can the Sound support that many bathers in a very small beach area? Can the shower area proposed in page 5. 55 and inadequately addressed support this population? Where would the shower water runoff? There is no mention of rest rooms -- 100 , 200 , 300 , 400 , 500 people on the beach with no restrooms -- this is naive ! Coastal Zone Management would certainly require much more detail on this . What is being proposed is essentially a public beach! There is no plan proposed -- I object and my neighbors object . Would the Mattituck Park District be involved? From newspaper reports , they seem to be having problems running the Mattituck beach. In summary, I think that Joe Wanat should be allowed to submit a subdivision plan of 2 acre parcels compatible with the R-80 Master Plan Zoning for his Sound front property. Sale of those parcels would surely generate enough capital to keep the remainder of his land in agricultural use. Perhaps 1 or 2 parcels could also be subdivided along Bergen Avenue for residential use. With the remainder of the land for agricultural. use , a coffin nail would not be put in the area ' s main industry -- agriculture. I personally feel that Joe Wanat and his family would be comfortable with this approach. Let the New York City developers find a more suitable location to build their high density housing. As a father of three sons in their twenties with one granddaughter I am acutely aware of the need for affordable housing for the next generation. However, there are still a number of parcels in Mattituck for this purpose without having to break up a major "keystone" farm, which could very well spell the death knoll for agriculture in the North Western Mattituck area. ALTEMATIV SITE A—C cz, R—80 m Ir R-8o A�C MATTMJC R R480 LIO R-80 40 B R -�7 Data Figure A7 —7Shoot of ITULY, 1988 NORRIS ESTATES DEVELOPMENT DEIS Scale In Foot ICU ZONING Source: Master Plan Update, last revised 21000' 1 VE SITE May 1, 1987 5.36 AC PLA.i- If. f Our Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Vs P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 71 fUDITH T.TERRY FAX(516)765-1823 TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(5 16)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 13, 1989 j:U, 3 1989 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen : Transmitted herewith is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board whereby they propose, on their own motion, to change the zone on the property owned by Richard Carr at New Suffolk Avenue and Camp Mineola Road, Mattituck, from Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District to Low Density Residential R-40 District. Please prepare an official report defining the conditions described in said petition and determine the area so affected by your recommendation, and transmit the same to me. Thank you. Very truly yours, ry �±dlth T.' erry Southold Town Clerk Attachment cc: John J. Hart, Esq. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 71 FAX(516)765-1823 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE(516) 765-1801 TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOwN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JULY 5, 1989: WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest and in the promotion of the health, safety, morals or general welfare of the Town of Southold that certain premises at New Suffolk Avenue and Camp Mineola Road (also known as Reeve Avenue) , Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000- 122-5-4, owned by Richard Carr, hereinafter more fully described, be rezoned from Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District to Low Density Residential R-40 District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Zoning Code of the Town of Southold, including the Zoning Map forming a part thereof, be amended by the Town Board on its own motion by changing from Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District to Low Density Residential R-40 District, the following described premises: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of a twenty-five (25) foot right-of-way sometimes known as Reeve Avenue, distant thereon South 17 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds West 220.51 feet from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue and the easterly side of said right-of-way; RUNNING THENCE along the east- erly side of said right-of-way the following three (3) courses and distances: (1) South 16 degrees 7 minutes 00 seconds West 550.85 feet; (2) South 7 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West 519.57 feet; and (3) South 7 degrees 7 minutes 00 seconds West 667.65 feet to land now or formerly of Reeve; THENCE along said land, North 86 degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds East 300. 00 feet; THENCE South 8 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds East 98. 19 feet; THENCE North 86 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West 509.00 feet to land now or formerly of Norris; THENCE along said land'the following two (2) courses and distances : (1) North 7 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds West 523 feet; (2) North 7 degrees 30 minutes 20 seconds East 1195.61 feet, more or less, to other land of Bruce A. Norris; THENCE along said land the following four (4) courses and distances: (1) North 73 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds West 121.88 feet; (2) North 77 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds West 96. 70 feet; (3) North 77 degees 45 minutes 30 seconds West 91 .78 feet; and (4) North 76 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds West 312.78 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to transmit this Resolution to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning all in accordance with the Code of the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Charter. �udit �f���rry Southold Town Clerk July 10, 1989 F Out Town Hall, 53095 Main Road run P.O. Box 1179 Southold, Now York 119 71 JUDITH T.TERRY FAX(516)765-1823 TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JULY 5, 1989: RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review Act, and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617. 10, and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, in conducting an uncoordinated review of this unlisted action, has determined that there will be no significant effect on the environment. Description of Action.: Proposed change of zone, on the Town Board's own motion, on the parcel ot land owned by Richard Carr, under tax map No. 1000-122-5-4, from Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District to Low Density Residential R-40 District. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment because an Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and the Town Board has concluded that no significant adverse effect to the environment is likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned, inasmuch as the density allowed in the Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District is greater than the density allowed under the Low Density Residential R-40 District, therefore the change of zone will not have a detrimental effect on the environment, but rather will be an improvement thereon. Judith T. e y Southold Town Cler July 10, 1989 ............... SIT LOCATION MAP SCALE: 7":'600 NI "i IL SOUTHOL6!V.'H P. 0. Drawer A Jamesport, NY 11947 June 29, 1989 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Marina Bay Club 1000-117-8-18 and Norris/Carr/Wanat 1000-122-5-4 Cliffside/Tidemark Dear Mr. Orlowski : Please be advised that I have notified by clients with regard to your letter of June 19t 1989 requesting additional fees for environmental review. These clients are reviewing these requests at this time. Sincerely, YnVJ HER:ml CC : Richard Carr PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S.PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART JOHN J.ROE.111 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX I 10 (1891-1943) RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 1177 2 1195��9801 BRUCE T.WALLACE KEVIN A.SEAMAN TEL. S16 447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREAU VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' OF COUNSEL BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG FAX 5 16 47 5-5651 ,DOUGLAS J.LEROSE 447-8906 BRIAN McCAFFREY- JAMES G.HYLAND 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA - 3 VWV% "ALSO ADMITTED IN ILLINOIS mw August 2, 1989 Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Planning Department Bennett Orlowski, Jr. . Chairman RE: MARINA BAY CLUB (SCTM #1000-117-8-18) - and - NORRIS/CARR/WANAT (SCTM #1000-122-5-4) Dear Mr . Orlowski : We are in receipt of copies of your letters to Mr . Raynor dated July 26, 1989. regarding our client ' s outstanding bills for environmental reviews . Your prior letter to him of June 19th, 1989 . listed the various dates and fees submitted to your department by David Emilita for services rendered. However, many of the dates submitted by Mr. Emilita for the Marina Bay Club review have no explanation of the charges and none of the dates for the Norris/Carr/Wanat review have any explanation whatsoever . They are listed as follows : Marina Bay Club Date Fee Explanation 2/l/88 $ 140. DEIS Review 5/3/88 125. DEIS 7/5/88 790. ---- 8/26/88 70. ---- 10/25/88 35. ---- 11/88 100. ---- 12/88 175. ---- PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU Page 2 . August 2. 1989 Town of Southold Marina Bay Club - Cont ' d Date Fee Explanation 1/30/89 150. DEIS 3/l/89 2, 915 . FEIS 3/28/89 1. 310. ---- 4/27/89 160. FEIS TOTAL: $5. 670. Norris/Carr/Wanat Date Fee Explanation 7/88 $ 685 . ---- 7/88 1, 200. ---- 8/88 900. ---- 9/88 435. ---- 10/88 700. ---- 11/88 1. 185 . ---- 12/88 315 . ---- TOTAL: $5, 420. Your letter states that a total of $3 , 970.00 is owed on the Marina project. Our records regarding payments submitted to the town are as follows: 1. On 8/17/87 a check for $2,000 was submitted along with the DEIS. This check was to cover the review of the DEIS. 2 . An "augmentation" fee of $2.000 was paid on 2/19/88 . 3 . Supplement #1 was delivered to the town on 3/11/88 . 4 . Supplement #2 was delivered to the town on 5/18/88 . Therefore. the total paid to the town on the Marina project was $4. 000. Has this amount been credited to the applicant and are these charges of $3, 970 in addition to the $4, 000 already paid? As to Norris/Carr/Wanat, our records indicate that the DEIS was submitted on June 1, 1988, and then again on 8/12/08 . The addendum was received by the town on 10/17/88 . We have no record of any checks being sent to the town from our office to cover review fees on Norris/Carr/Wanat . The amount listed PELLETREAU & PELLETPEAU Page 3 . August 2 . 1989 Town of Southold above of $5, 420 coincides with the figure in your letter. however . no indication is given as to the services rendered . Before payment is issued, we would appreciate an explanation and documentation of each charge listed for each project . Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours. "LLETREAU & PELLETREAU In J - 4!�r I :hmm cc: Richard Carr Henry Raynor James A. Schondebare. Esq. IU/51-53 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 119 71 TELEPHONE (5 16)7 65-19 38 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 19, 1989 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Norris/Carr/Wanat SCTM #1000-122-5-4 Dear Mr. Raynor: A review of our books indicates that the fees for the environmental. review of the above-referenced project subject to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act have exceeded the initial monies you have paid to the Planning Board to cover the environmental review. Enclosed you will find a copy of the bills that were sent to the Planning Board by its environmental consultant, Szepatowski Associates, Inc. for the review of the above-named project. It would be appreciated if you would submit the balance, which is $5 ,420. 00, to this office by July 3 , 1989. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. uly yours, BENNETT ORLOIRSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN CC: James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney John A. Cushman, Town Accountant F 2 o 0 AR 0 10 TOWN COVENANTS AND RESTRICITIONSPSLOAUNTNHIONLGDBOARD The undersigned, RICHARD T. CARR, residing at c/o Shamrock Properties, 350 5th Avenue, New York, New York. 10118 (hereinafter "CARR"), having filed a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for premises owned by him at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as shown in Exhibit "A", Dist. I attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Norris 1000 Property"), in connection with the development of such property zoned Sect. I'M" Light-Multiple Residence District (presently Hamlet Density) . 122 And in connection with such DEIS, having shown as an alternative Block proposal use of the premises as amended by the owners to include a 5 reduction in the number of residential units to be built on the Norris Lot Property from Hamlet Density to that in accordance with Article IIIA 4 (Low Density Residential R-40 District) of-the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southold combined with a rezoning of premises owned by the undersigned, JOSEPH A. WANAT, residing at Bergen Avenue. Mattituck, New York (hereinafter "WANATII) such property, containing approximately . 107.6 acres, being bounded and described as shown in Exhibit 111311 attached hereto and made a.part hereof (hereinafter the "Wanat Property") : said rezoning, which was, joined in by CARR as contract vendee, requested 6 change of zone fr:om "A" Residential Agricultural District (now Agricultural Conservation A-C District) to I'M" Light Multiple-Residence District (now Hamlet Density) and thereafter voluntarily amended to Low Residential R-40 District AND the petition for Change of Zone having come on to be heard before the Town Board of the Town of Southold (hereinafter "Town Board") on March 14, 1989, and the Town Board having determined after due deliberation that the public health, safety and welfare of the Town of Southold and its residents, would be best served by the Wanat Property (described in Exhibit "B") be rezoned to R-40 in accordance with Article IIIA (Low Density Residential R-40 District) of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southold upon the condition that the undersigned covenant to restrict the number of residential units to be erected on the Norris Property: Such covenants and restrictions to run with the land and to be binding upon the undersigned his heirs, successors and assigns: NOW THEREFORE the undersigned does covenant as follows: 1. That the Norris Property, as described in Schedule "All, attached hereto and made a part hereof, be developed in accordance with Article IIIA Low Density Residential District. 2. That this covenant shall run with theAand -and shaii be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns Qf the declarant hereto and may not be changed, except by a further agreement in writing executed by the then owners of the premises affecte� -and by the Town Board of the Town of Southold. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the cleclarant have executed the foregoing covenants and restrictions thi day of April, 1989. 4 A R1fH—AltD-4T. �CAZRR STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ,or- On this day of April, 1989, before me personally came RICHARD T. -6�RR,—to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 15;o s -�'S-Aone Aar AIM Ihst"MORMY04 - In Exhibit A PARCEL I : - -J%j:L-jhxr-V'Art1in plot, piece or ;arcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, bin and being i;bft at Hattituck, Tom of Southold, County of Suf folk and State of New York, bmi-Oad and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of a twenty-five (25) foot right- o f--vay scrnetirres known as Reeve Avenue, distant thereon South 17* 41' 20" Wiest 220.51. feet fran the comer fonned by the intersection of the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue and the easterly side of said right-of-way; RUNNING TFOKE along the easterly side of said right-of-way the following three (3) courses and distances: (1) South 16- 7' 00" West 550.85 feet; (2) South 70 32' 00" West, 519.57 feet; and (3) South 7- 71 00" West 667.65 feet to land now or forrmrly of Reeve; 1- WENCE along said land, South 860 471 40" rast 809.45 feet to other land n--,v7 or forrerlNr of Norris, THENcE along said land the following two (2) courses and distances; (1) North 7* 31' 10" West 423 feet; (2) North 70 30' 20" East 1195.61 feet, more or less, to other land of Bruce A. Norris; IM2XE along said land the following four (4) courses and distances: (1) North 73* -)C', 30" West 121.88 feet; (2) North 77- 531 20" West 96.70 feet; North 77' 45' 30" West 91.78 feet; and (3) (4) North 76- 27, 30" West 312.78 feet to the point or place of BEGINMING. 7OGF-= with a non-exclusive riaht-of-wav 50 feet in width running frcin the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue sotitherly along lands formerly of George Brooks and along land being conveyed herein, a total distance of 400 feet for ingress and egress and installation of underground utilities, which right-of-way is mre particularly bouriied and described as follows: BEGM.INC at a point on the southerly side of New Suf folk Avenue at a rmnument at the northeasterly corner of land rxy., of Norris, fonmrly of Brooks; RUMI-M3 TMKE the fcllcFAang two (2) courses and distanoes: (1) Soi-ith 7* 421 West 224.34 feet; (2) South 7* 301 20" West 175.66 feet; RUNNING TH= in an easterly direction on a line drawn perpendicular to the aforesaid course a distance of 50 feet; RUNNING TFlENCE northerly a-long a line which is 50 feet easterly of the first two courses above mentioned approximatply 420 feet to the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue; RUNNING THENCE westerly along the southprly side of New Suffolk A�vanue approxi.Tmtely 50 feet to the point or place of BBGM1ING. fog, piece or PZ;;x ��tiwt certain plot, of land, situate, lying and beingIt Ton Of Southold, County of-Suffolk and State of New York, boun and deacribg am3miNG at the northwesterly corner of the premises Abc� t to be described, vt of beginning is distant South 06- 47' 40" zast 300.00 feet as unasured aLIcng th rx,rtherly side of a 20 foot right-of—Any, from a moniment located in the.seater of a Private Road knOm &a "Qwp Mineola Road" also known as "Faeve Avenue", Vh monument is located 1,958.58 feet southerly as measured along the easterly side Private Poad known as mC=p Mineola Fbad" from the southerly side of New Suff0l. RLMIm THENCE from said point or place of beginning, along land now or formerl Norris, the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) South 860 47' 40" East, 509.45 feet to a monument; and 42) South 70 32' 10" Fast, 100.00 feet to a montrcent and land now or formerl) Maloney; RLmnz THa= along said last mentioned land and along land now or formerly of Jaquillard and along land now or formerly of Johanna M. Siegman, North 86- 341 201- w-st, 509.00 feet to land now or formerly of Laurence P. Fceeve; xj-zr,,jNG THDxE aLicng said last mentioned land, North B- DW 20- %est, 99.19 feet land now or formerly of Norris at the point or place of BEGINN32C. TOGL7,EER with a right of ingress and egress to the party of the second part, his and assigns, in, to and over a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width extendin the northwesterly comer of the above described premises in a.westerly direction the southerly side of land now or formerly of Bruce A. Norris to the easterly sic a Private F�oad, also krx� as "Camp Mineola Fbad", also knan as "Reeve Avenue". northerly line of said right-of�y bears North 860 47' 40" West and has a lenge 300.00 feet; and the south line is parallel thereto. BEM14G AND 1=,DED W BE a portion of the same pr�dses conveyed to Bruce A. Norx dead dated 9/23/83, recorded 9/30/83 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Libe 9434, page 169. 70GETHM with an easement over other land of Norris as dewribed below in favor c premises described herein for the party of the second part) his heirs, siccessors assigns, to drill, install and maintain a well and water sipply system and to lay maintain and replace underground pipes and p-u,.p and to enter upon the premises desc�ribed below to do such otJher things as my be nwessiry to install and mainta such system, together with the right to Construct and use four well points within easement herein granted. The party of the first part, for themselves, their beir� successors and assigns, agree that no cesspools, septic tanks, or se,�-rage treacm facilities of any type shall be constructed or installed within a two hundred (20L foot radius of �ch well points, �cept those that current-1,1 �ist. In the event becomes necessary for the party of the �nd pirt or his assigns to enter upon tl' premises de�ribed below for the parpose of maintenance or repairing the well and water system, the party of the �zorcd part agrees t� praVUY restore the premises disturbed to their prior candition- The party of the second part shall give five days' notice of intent to enter the premises for the above Purposes unless an energency requiring earlier entry upon the pramises is nec�essary. in t;�L event th, such Water supply system is not installed within five, (5) years from the date herac this ea�t shall be terminated and shall no longer be a burden upon the preTdsej described below. The premises sabject to the aforesaid zasem�nt is described as follms: BMDVM at a point distant the following two (2) courses and distances from a monumec�t on the south sidc of New Suffolk Aven�e at the mrt�],ast,,jy corner other land of Norris, formerly of Brooks: (1) South 7- 421 West 224.34 feet; (2) 7* 30' 20" West 110 feet; from said poinV of beginning, RLMUNG THENCE along the easterly boundary of the premises conveyed above South 7- 301 20-1 V�est B()0 feet; FUMM 7,M%KE in an easterly direction Uumugh other land of Norris in a ine perpendicular to the aforesaid course approximately 555 feet to the easterly bounda: of land of Norris and to land now or formerly of the Matti"ck Air Base; RLM]NG THENCE in a northerly dirwtion along the ast,,ly boundary of land of Norris Boo f MMD4G TfUNCE in a westerly direction across land of Norris approccimatcly 535 feet the point or place of BWDeMC. Rh ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being at Mattituck. Town of Southold . County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which connects the northerly side of Bergen Avenue with the westerly side of' land now or formerly of Joseph T_ Macari and Louis F. Simeone and from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Bergen Avenue. South 670 101 4011 West. 685 . 93 feet to an angle point in Bergen Avenue. CONTINUING THENCE along the westerly side of' Bergen Avenue. on a course bearing South 200 49 , 5011 East . 61 .62 feet - CONTINUING THENCE along land now or formerly of William and Tompkins D. Entenmann: 1 . South 590 491 30" West. 200 feet : 2. NortbA20* 421 3011 West, 49 . 99 feet: 3 . South 560 131 5011 West, 258 . 98 feet ; 4 . North 210 501 20" West. 429 .45 feet : 5. North 220 291 50" West, 819.71 feet: 6. North 210 141 4011 West , 643 .02 feet ; 7 . North 22� 111 5011 West, 392. 02 feet to a point and land now or formerly of John and Rose Koroleski . CONTINUING THENCE along said land of John and Rose Koroleski : 1 . North 710 231 10" East . 95 . 00 feet ., 2. North 210 171 5011 West . 773 . 70 feet ; 3 . North 220 031 50*1 West . 305 .71 feet to a point and land now or formerly of William Charles Hees . CONTINUING THENCE along said land of William Charles Hees. North 220 27j 5011 West . 925 feet to a tie-line along the approximate high-water mark of the Long Island Sound . CONTINUING THENCE along said tie-line of the Long Island Sound . - North 690 431 .1811 East . 651 . 62 feet to a point and other land now or formerly of Joseph A. Wanat. CONTINUING THENCE along said other land of Joseph A. Wanat. South 220 31 , 10" East . 770. 38 feet . RUNNING THENCE partially along said other land of Joseph A. Wanat . and land now or formerly of Doris K. Brown and land now or formerly of Patri-ck Carrig and' Mark S. McDonald. North 840 101 3011 East . 574 .20 feet to a point and land now or formerly of Joseph T. Macari and Louis F. Simeone. th.ence South 220 311 1011 East . 2. 228 . 31 feet . CONTINUING THENCE along said land of Joseph T. Macari and Louis F. Simeone. South 650 451 50" West. 139 . 16 feet . THENCE South IBO 031 10" East. 522.42 feet . CONTINUING THENCE along said land of Joseph T. Macari and Louis F. Simeone. South 200 101 lOu East. 475. 61 feet to the north side of Bergen Avenue and the point or place of BEGINNING- 0080U/1-2 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART, 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX i 10 II091-10�31 JOHN J ROE,III RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L ATWOOD PATCHOGUE. NEW YORK 11 7 7 2 110SO-1980) BRUCE T.WALLACE KEVIN A SEAMAN TEL, 5 16 447-8900 ROBERT W PELLETREAU VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' OF COUNSEL BENJAMIN L HERZWEIG FAX 516 475-5651 DOUGI-A5 J LEROSE 447-8906 BRIAN McCAFFREY JAMES G.HYLAND 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA 11 1 April 4. 1989 5 N Town of Southold P'LOAUNTNINT BTOOAWR D Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Hon. Francis J . Murphy and Town Board Members RE: NORRIS ESTATES and CARR/WANAT Change of Zone Dear Supervisor Murphy - Town Board Members: Enclosed please find proposed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions covering both the Norris Estates and Carr/Wanat parcels . If there is anything further you require or which you wish to discuss - please let me know. Thank you. Very truly yours . kES,�LE /�TREAU & PELL�ETREAU i h J . Har6 JFH:hmm Encl . cc: See annexed Rider. IU/94 PELLETREAU & PE:LLETREAU Rider April 4. 1989 Hon. Bennett Orlowski, Jr . Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Ellen Larsen James Schondebare, Esq. Town Attorney Richard Ward, member of the Planning Board Richard Latham. member of the Planning Board William Mullen. member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards. member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry. Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher. McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten. Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att : Sol Viego Dunn Engineering. P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young Valerie Scopaz . Town Planner Robert Berntsson. Esq. 1U/95 COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS The undersigned. RICHARD T. CARR, residing at c/o Shamrock Properties. 350 Sth Avenue. New York. New York 10118 (hereinafter NCARR") . having filed a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEls)for premises owned by him at MattitUCk. Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and described as shown in Exhibit uAH . attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Norris Property") . in connection with the development of such property zoned "NO Light-Multiple Residence District (presently Hamlet density) with a permitted density of 132 residential units; with 108 units being proposed. And in connection with such DEIS, having shown as an alternative proposal use of the premises to include a reduction in the number of residential units to be built on the Morris Property from 108 to 25 combined with a rezoning of premises owned by the undersigned. JOSEPH A. WANAT. residing at Bergen Avenue. Mattituck. New York (hereinafter "KANAT") such property being bounded and described as shown in Exhibit "B" . attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Wanat Property") ; said rezoning. which was joined in by CARR as contract vendee. requested a change of zone from "A" Residential Agricultural District to "N" Light Multiple-Residence District (now Hamlet Density) for the erection of 107 single family residential units and said number having been reduced to 88 by the petitioner. AND the Petition for Change of Zone having come on to be heard before the Town Board of the Town of Southold (hereinafter "Town Board") on March 14 . 1989. and the Town Board having determined after due deliberation that the proposed alternative. as set forth in the Morris Property DEIS. was the best use of the premises as described in Schedule& "A" and NBm and in the best interests of the Town of Southold and its residents. and that the premises known as the Wanat Property (described in Exhibit "B") be rezoned to Hamlet density permitting the erection on said premises of 88 single family residential units upon the condition that the undersigned. and both of them. covenant to restrict the number of residential units to be erected on the Norris and Manat Properties: Such covenants and restrictions to run with the land and to be binding upon the undersigned their heirs. successors and assigns: NON. THEREFORE. the undersigned do covenant as follows: 1. That the number of units to be erected on the premises known as the Norris Property. as described in Schedule uA". attached hereto and made a part hereof. be reduced from 108 to 25 single family residential units and such garages and such other appurtenant out buildings as are common to single family residential units. all in accordance with SlOO of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southold: and 2. That the number of units to be erected upon the Wanat Property. as described in Schedule "B". be reduced from 107 units to 88 single family residential units to be built on lots having at least 40.000 sguare feet and such garages and other appurtenant out buildings as are common to single family residential units. all in accordance with 5100 of the Zoning Ordinance; and 3. That this covenant shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the heirs. successors and assigns of the parties - 2 - hereto and may not be changed. except by a further agreement in writing executed by the then owners of the premises affected and by the Town Board of the Town of Southold. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed the foregoing covenants and restrictions this day of 1989. RICHARD T. CARR JOSEPH A. WANAT STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On 1989, before me personally came RICHARD T. CARR. to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On 1989. before me personally came JOSEPH A. KANAT. to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary 2244C/1-3 3 plot, piect or puc:tl of lmd, with the b6iildings Lnd in. prmvnenu thtreon trecied, sirwte, IYirL9 4nd bd-�g I)bft at �Sat timck, Town of Sout1w1d, County of Suf folk and State of New Yorkt kx­undod ar&4 descrJ, .)od as follvws: RWn-=%YG at a point on the easterly side of a twenty-five (25) foot right- of-way 5crrz-tip�zs known as Reeve Avenue, distant thereon South 171 41' 20" West 220.51, feet from The corner fomed by Lhe intersectio.t of the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue and the easterly sida of said right-of-way. TrI.7VI"N,3 74M�Z along ths. easterly side of raid rigbt-of-way the following three (3) courses and distances: (1) South 160 71 00" West 550,85 feet, (2) South 71' 321 00" West, 519.57 feet; and (3) South 70 7' 00" West 667.65 feet to land w4 or formrly of Reeve; TKE2\x= along said land, South 860 471 40" rast 809.45 feet to other I&nd n--Il or form-rly of Norris, TMXE along said land the following two (2) courses and distances; (1) North. 70 311 10" West 423 feet, (2) Nort1h 70 301 20" East 1195.61 feet, mre or lessi to other land of Bruce A. Norris; TM,= along said laM t?,e fcjll'0�6.nq four (4) courses and distances: (1) Nort,�, 73' 3V 30" West 121.88 feet; (2) North 77* 531 20" West 96.70 feet; (3) North 771' 4SI 30" West 91. 78 feetj and (4) Nor--h 760 271 30" weA-t 312. 78 feet to the roint or place of BEGM4ING. ALX.e-4 - " With a non-exclu�.4ve rjqh.t—_!-wav 50 feet :�n width r."jirg fran the southerly side of tlew Av,�.n.,:P alon; ia-rids, fnmerly of Georce Brooks and &Iong I�e.;.rl; 00,111je'yed haiei-n, a total distance of 400 feet for i.,Vra'ss and e.Tress and of underq,-ound. 1_itil�tios, which ­ight-of-w-ay is mre particularly bounied amd descrLzed as follv6,�s! at a POL-It on the souiherly side of New Suffolk r.venue ;�t a at cc.-ner of land now of Norris, fo,7rerI7 of Srooks; RLI"�P4 "17Z)CF, the -, n (2) courses and distarces: (1) South 70 42' �Iest 224. 34 feet; (2) Sout_h 70 50' 20" West 175.66 feet; WNVINGS in an easterly 4irec.-t'Cr' on a 14-'e drawr tc -he &foresaid course a distance, of So f;;t; �ZMD-'G 1-n=)= northerly c-long a !L--.e wh�Ch is 50 feet easterly of the first two .��urses jhcve mention'_�- appmx"_-rob�,Iy 420 feet to the southerly side of Ne�y Suffolk .Z'venue; R'.j-"zN.TNG I%C'CE %Neste-Zly along r_he southerly sidp of New -Izuffolk A,,��r.ue 4;prox.irnately 50 feet to the point or plaoe of BX:�V.r,%4, Towt, of 604thOld, Oo�tW Of'Suffolk And StAW at Now Yo&*, bDArAN4 and dowribw awzNNM ot the north-vsterly comer of the Pmrdwz A4*Jt to be descriDod, %h)". Of begiftn" is distant South 06* 471 40- F;Nat 300.00 feet at. matur&d Along U, norther1l, sida of a 20 foot ri9ht--qoj-,wsy, frr" & nm.,Vmtnt located in the eastef!., of A Private Road krr�n as OC&V XLneolh Road" also knomn as 4Rew Avenje,-, =u�-t is 1(w-ateO 1,958.$B feet southerly tie Masured along the easterly 51d, Private hodd knO� A% -CaJYP Mineola Road" frM the southerly side of New SvlfoL� Ru,m-4 TtMqCX fror. said point or place of beginnuq, along land how or fortt=ly �0: Norris, the follo.%ng r.0 J2) courses and distarces, (1) Socuth $60 471 400 East, 509.45 feet to a M�puftht; (2) SW%h 7' 32' 10" FAbtl 100-00 feet to & MXKVWt and land roopw or fcyivrly ot Mlacheyl R�W= -�M�4 a " said 2"t "'antiOnOd land " &long land now or formrly of ,JAcf"il&rd " "JON I" now Of fo�erl)` Of JQnln� M, SIOWran, North 86- 34' 20" wdst, $09-00 f"t W land nod Or fOn�rly of Laurence P. Reeve; RIM'ING THNa �ICMO said last MgntiMed land, North 81 00' 20" West, 9S,19 feet t�, land now of foxft&rly of Norris at the point or place of BMZNNDC. IrMlIM with a right of ingress and egress to the party of the second p&rt, his nc; and AssWns, 14, to and over a fitzip Of land twenty (20) feet In width extending (rt the nOrtn-QVTkXlY Comer Of the above described prem"s in a westerly direction A- tr�a scutharly tide of land now or !Or"'�--IY Of Bruce A. NOMS to the eaStarly t;d� r 0 prlv3t* Road, also klo�n as "Cattp MiA&OU Road", Als,5 kvQ�M 35 "ReeW Avtnwv". !�, riorvlerly linst of said right-of-way ba&rs North 060 47' 40" Wa5t and has 4 1,,,qtn 0! 300,OC feet; AM tne South I Lne is Para-'I&I thetath, BEL\* AM VMCED TO BE h portion of the satte prarrases cor,�eyed to Druce .4. Norr,$ Ydew dlat6d 9/23/83, recorded 9/30/83 in r." WffoLk Ovunty Clerk's Office in Liter 9434, page 169. TO=M with an easawt Over Other land of Norris as doscribed balcu, 1A fa,,Or of pren�ises eascrz4ed ieg�cin for the pany of the second part, his heirs, gjccc-sv,)rs e. OLSSITIA, t* dZU1, instal! and Mintain a wnll and watatr r�pjAy "Lar, and u. ja�. "Intain and re?.Acet underqrn�d pi- As And and tz 4nrAr opon u,t pre-L�s*� dawr�c44 lx;.I� w do such other things As ttay ba nacec;4r,, � Lristaull and mint.Ir Tjzh rystgr, tcqe�her w1th the rignt to constrict and wee foir �-jl pointp. w;Q�L� V,e Odscn--nt ?)efein g-dr.Led. The parry of the fi�rot ;4m, for thar"vvs, their hjxs. wccetsors av;d assigns, agree thAt no cesspools, $*Ptl-- tanks, Or $&,mrago t-r6atr*r.1 focilities of &r), type aWl oe constructed or installed within a cwo h,-ndroc (Mq fc--,t radius of such w:tl! Points, ;.Xc,-pt thOw that OurrQnLl? exist. In the event it bec,O-es nect,8"-/ for the parr/ of t.,)o tiecond pan or rj. . ass�qn$ 0 Crier upce, U, pmra�s descrihe� rA!*., for the PX-7:nst? Of ?1)a1rW=c0 or re;;4i.rinq rj.c wtl] And W�Iizr vystgr.' tho Of tie sbccrd Wt. agreaE tt, restoro t.,,o pr".sc-r d4st"r,�d tD Vo.. prior con(Ltion, -pi�, parr/ of tAA 6wo,! rAL,t anal, givC, f:%,C dal's' nc��Ace of ir"�L tjO mter tne prerds�v for the &ozvo pr�.Qzas un.!a5z 4, &1041amc-V r0q4ix-',q e"lier enLr), upon, Lhe premistts is ntcossa-ry. in the a,)*rt tna,. W�Cn �zw so;vpl? sigtar, is no, installed within fivo (5) Yaars frW, the dav neroof, d t"s ear�`snt WWI' b& and 1rall no longer W 6 bi.-den upon the prvas" oscrioc� be-;0— 7be- prwuse5 subjePot to the Aforcmid Is eescrLtc4 at fO'10": =W-ZG at a Point dilrAnt the f0l',04,1-nq tw (2) courses and dist&,.T,�F :r�. a Or' tndt scuth &idC 0! N."w SkifOlA Avenut at t,��c, nor%heas=r2y cioic-, ol olze�r lar-� Of Nor"Is, !Clmerly 0.1 brookot 11', ScWth 7. W Wes, 4 V 30' 20" Welt 110 feet; frur, said point, of >oginning, 224.3, fect; 12) T� along v,c Zftste:ly O�airy of tt�e prerr,;s�s convcyed aoave ULn 7- 3�' 20" �k�st 800 leeL, in &P eJ��tlY d--act'01 tnrMqn otner lwJ of Sorris in a �ine tc, -,;a aforesaid Coirso 55' fact LC the eastarl�- o�,-Idar, of land of Norr�-. and to lard no� or fQ.—&rly Of the llwttlt�ch A� Base,, ='Cr i� r4rtn I Ion A-ION the &&41ZrlY boundAry Of l&nd Of Ncrr4s 800 feet. =-*�L�rl i-r� a wste�r* �1-rectiOn across land of Norris apprcxj�jLcly ;�L fwt tc, the point or place o! aMl;,tmqC. a y "I"ect VCHEDULE-"Aw ALL that certain Plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being at Mattituck . Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and described as follows- BEGINNING at a point which connects the northerly side of Bergen Avenue with the westerly side of land now or formerly of Joseph T. Macari and Louis F. Simeone and from said point of beginning: RuNNINc THENCE along the northerly side of Bergen Avenue. South 67* 20' 40" West. 685.93 feet to an angle point in Bergen Avenue. CONTINUING THENCE along the westerly side of Bergen Avenue. on a course bearing South 200 491 500 East. 61.62 feet . CONTINUING THENCE along land now or formerly of William and Tompkins D. Entenmann: 1 . South 590 491 300 West. 200 feet; 2. North 200 421 300 West. 49.99 feet; 3. South 560 131 500 West. 258 . 98 feet: 4 . North 210 501 200 Nest. 429.45 feet: S. North 220 291 500 Nest. 819.71 feet; 6. North 210 141 400 Nest. 643 .02 feet: 7. North 220 111 500 West. 392 .02 feet to a point and land now or formerly of John and Rose Koroleski . CONTINUING THENCE along said land of John and Rose Koroleski : 1 . North 710 231 low East. 95 .00 feet: 2. North 210 171 500 Kest. 773.70 feet ; 3. North 220 031 500 Nest. 305.71 feet to a point and land now or formerly of William Charles Hees . CONTINUING THENCE along said land of William Charles Hees. Worth 220 271 500 Nest . 925 feet to a tie-line along the approximate high-water mark of the Long Island Sound . CONTINUING THENCE along said tie-line of the Long Island Sound. North 690 431 180 East. 651 .62 feet to a point and other land now or formerly of Joseph A. Wanat . CONTINUING THENCE along said other land of Joseph A. Wanat . South 220 311 low East. 770. 38 feet . RUNNING THENCE partially along said other land of Joseph A. Wanat . and land now or formerly of Doris K. Brown and land now or formerly of Patrick carrig and Mark S. McDonald. North 840 101 300 East. 574 .20 feet to a point and land now or formerly of Joseph T. Macari and Louis F. Simeone. thence South 220 311 low East. 2.228. 31 feet . SCHEDULE "A" - Cont 'd. CONTINUING THENCE along said land - of Joseph T. Macari and Louis F. Simeone. South 650 45 , SOO West. 139. 16 feet . THENCE South 180 031 100 EaSt.—t22.42 feet . CONTINUING THENCE along said land of Joseph T. Macari and Louis F. Simeone. South 200 101 100 East. 475.61 feet to the north side of Bergen Avenue and the point or place of BEGINNING. EXCLUDING THEREFROM the Homestead premises of Joseph Wanat consisting of a house and out-buildings and ten (10) acres more or less, situate on the southwest corner of the premises as shown on the Subdivision Sketch Plan prepared for Richard T. Carr dated September S. 1987 and prepared by Howard Young. Surveyor . SOU/3-4 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516)76$-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 18, 1989 John J. Hart Pelletreau & Pelletreau 20 Church Street Patchouge, NY 11772 RE: Your January 13th, 1989 letter regarding Norris Estates and Carr/Wanat Dear Mr. Hart: Your letter did not indicate what material you feel comprises "all of the information provided by the developer" . In order to ensure that a complete packet is provided to the Suffolk County Planning Commission as per your instructions is is requested that you office send two sets of same to the Planning Board office as soon as possible. One set will be sent to the Suffolk County Planning commission under separate cove. The second set will be placed in our file for the public record. ZVe uly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI ,JR. CHAIRMAN cc: Artur Kunz, Director, SCDP Charles Lind, SCPC Town Board James A. Schodebare, Town Attorney Dave Emilita, Environmental Consultant jt Henry Raynor PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V SNYDER ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELLORS AT LAW JOHN J HART ROBERT S.PELLETREAU JOHN J.ROE,III 2o CHURCH STREET-BOX I 10 (1891-1943) FREDERIC L.ATWOOD RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD BRUCE T.WALLACE PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK It 77 2 �1950-1960� KEVIN A SEAMAN TEL. 516 447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREAU VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' OF COUNSEL BENJAMIN L.HERMEIG FAX 5 16 47 5-S651 DOUGLAS J.LEROSE 447-0906 BRIAN McCAFFREY JAMES G.HYLAND -89 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA 7 January 13 , 1989 L Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Bennett Orlowski. Jr . Chairman. Planning Board Re: Carr/Wanat Change of Zone Dear Mr . Orlowski : We are in receipt of the Planning Board ' s January 9 , 1989 Resolution recommending denial of the Change of Zone Application. Please provide us with an explanation for the basis of the Board ' s decision. Thank you. Very truly yours, ,,RKLLETREAU & PELLETREAU 4te Q J . rtd- �o JFH: lyn cc: See additional rider 03U(14) PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU Rider January 13. 1989 Ron. Francis J . Murphy Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran James Schondebare, Esq. Town Attorney Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Richard Ward, member of the Planning Board Richard Latham, member of the Planning Board William Mullen. member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards, member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry, Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher. McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten, Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering, P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young 03U(15) PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW JOHN J.HART ROBERT S.PELLETREAU JOHN J.ROE, III 2o CHURCH STREET-BOX I 10 41691-1943) FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEWYORK 11 772 RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD BRUCE T.WALLACE I 1930-190W KEVIN A.SEAMAN TEL. S 16 447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREAU VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG FAX 516 47S-5651 OF COUNSEL DOUGI-AS J.LEROSE 447-8906 BRIAN M�CAFFREY JAMES G. HYLAND 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA JA4 IV089 January 13, 1989 SOUTHOLD TOW PLANN114 BOAND Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Valerie Scopaz Town Planner Re: Norris Estates and Carr/Wanat Dear Ms . Scopaz : On behalf of our client, we are requesting that when the Planning Board submits the DEIS to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for its review, that all of the information provided by the developer to the Planning ioard be submitted as well. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours. P) 0 KTR /LLETREAU J J . JFH: lyn cc: See additional rider 01U(61) PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU Rider January 13 , 1989 Hon. Bennett Orlowski, Jr . Hon. Francis Murphy Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran James Schondebare, Esq. Town Attorney Richard Ward, member of the Planning Board Richard Latham, member of the Planning Board William Mullen. !member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards. member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry, Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten, Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering. P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young 01U(62) f ULI( SOUTHOLD TOWN "29 E;MANNING BOARD LIM Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 71 JUDITH T.TERRY FAX(5 16)765-1823 TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STA71STICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 10, 1989: Resolution No. 27b: RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review, and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617. 10, and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice Is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the action described below, has determined that the project, which is a Type I action, will not have a significant effect on the environment. Description of Action: Petition of Carr/Wanat for a change of zone from "All Residential and Agricultural District to I'M" Light Multiple Residence District on certain property located on the northerly side of Bergen Avenue, Mattituck, New York. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment based upon mitigation measures identifed in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. ��Z J�d I�h T7 y udit f. Southold Town Clerk January 11, 1989 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 71 JUDITH T.TERRY FAX(516)765-1823 TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(516)765-1901 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 10, 1989: Resolution No. 27a: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rescinds their Resolution No. 20, adopted on December 27, 1988 with respect to a negative declaration concerning the petition of Carr/Wanat for a change of zone. -;rry udlt�. Yj�. Te�r Southold Town Clerk(�' January 11, 1989 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT 5 PEILLETREAU JOHN J HART 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX I 10 11491-10431 JOHN J ROE,III RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK it 77 2 BRUCE T WALLACE KEVIN A SEAMAN TEL. 516 447 ROBERT H PELLETREAU VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' BENJAMIN L HERZWEIG FAX 516 47S OF COUNSEL DOUGLAS J LEROSE 447-8906 BRIAN McCAPFREY JAMES G HYLAND 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA January 6. 1989 r n��Ah�k Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 main Road Southold. New York 11971 Attn: Hon. Francis J . Murphy. Supervisor RE: NORRIS ESTATES/CARR/WANAT Dear Supervisor Murphy. Members of the Town Board. Chairman Orlowski and Members of the Planning Board: This letter is being sent as a clarification of a section of our letter dated January 4. 1989 . In paragraph two of that letter, we stated: "The developer intends to go forward with the maximum number of zoning units on the Norris parcel provided by law. " In order that no one misunderstands that statement, we offer the following clarification. The developer will only proceed with the maximum number of zoning units allowable on the Norris parcel 1L the alternative proposal of the Norris Estates Draft Environmental Impact Statement is not acceptable to the Town. We hope that this explanation will be helpful to all concerned. and look forward to a favorable response from the Planning Board at their meeting on January 9 . 1989 . Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours. PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU I I J046,ij . Haft A i-// I JFH:hmm cc: See additional Rider IU/84 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road -iF P.O. Box 1179 Southold, Now York 11971 TELEPHONE (516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 10, 1989 Judith Terry Town Clerk Southold, NY 11971 RE: Carr/Wanat Change of Zone SCTM #1000-112-1-16 Dear Mrs. Terry: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, January 9, 1989. RESOLVED that the Southold TownPlanning Board recommend to the Town Board that the Change of Zone be denied. The Change of Zone is not in keeping with the proposed Master Plan that the Planning Board adopted with regard to density in the Bergen Avenue area. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very t uly yours, CHAIRMAN cc: John Hart Henry Raynor it STATE OF NEW YORK JAN 1989 DEPARTMENT OF STATE souTHOL 1 4 ALBANY, N.Y. 1223 1-0001 N1 BOA"') GAIL S.SHAFFER SECRETARY OF STATE December 19, 1988 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Town of Southold Planning Board Main Street Southold, NY 11971 Re: S-88-04T Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Norris Estates Development Town of Southold Dear Ms. Scopaz: Thank you for sending us a copy of the above-referenced document for our review and comments. According to 6 NYCRR 61T.g(e) of the regulations which implement the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), the actions of involved state agencies occurring in the State's coastal area must be consistent with New York State's coastal policies. Because this proposal will require approvals from a state agency (and possibly a federal agency) and is located within the coastal area, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) should, pursuant to 6 NYCRR 61T.14(f) (10) of SEQRA, include the identification and analysis of coastal policies which may be applicable to this proposal. A copy of this Department's regulations (19 NYCRR 600) containing these coastal policies is enclosed for your information and use. Based upon our review of the DEIS and its addendum, the following policies are applicable and should be addressed in this proposal's DEIS: 600.5 (a) (2) -- Facilitate the siting of water-dependent uses and facilities on or adjacent to coastal waters. The construction of private residences on or adjacent to coastal waters is not a water dependent activity. This issue of conflicting land uses should be discussed in the DEIS. 600.5(c) -- To conserve and protect agricultural lands in the State's coastal area, an action shall not result in a loss nor impair the productivity of important agricultural lands as identified on the coastal area map, if that loss or impairment would adversely affect the 0 0 viability of agriculture in an agricultural district or, if there is no axricultural district, in the area surroundinx such lands. The DEIS should provide a discussion concerning the cumulative loss of important agricultural lands due to this and similarly designed developments. The loss of approximately 120 acres of actively farmed land is substantial. The mitigation of this loss is a subject that deserves investigation. 600.5(e)(2) -- Access to the publicly owned foreshore and to lands immediately adJacent to the foreshore or the water's edge that are publicly owned shall be provided, and it should be provided in a manner compatible with adJoining uses. Such lands shall be retained in public ownership. The northernmost portion of the Heather Hills alternative lies adjacent to Long Island Sound according to the subdivision sketch plan dated May 25, 1988. The DEIS should examine the potential for providing general public access to this and the 28 acre Norris site. Although the 107-lot subdivision sketch plan for Heather Hills shows 27 acres to be left as open space, the standard (without zoning change) plan indicates that only 9.5 acres is to remain as open space. The standard plan should include a much greater open space area, especially on the bluff and beach area adjacent to the Sound. How will these open space areas be managed and maintained? 600.5(g)(5) -- Activities and development, including the construction or reconstruction of erosion protection structures, shall be undertaken so that there will be no measurable increase in erosion or flooding at the site of such activities or development or at other locations. The DEIS should provide a discussion of the effects the proposed gabion structure (as described on pp.5-43-5-47) will have on coastal processes. How will its installation affect erosion rates of the immediate and nearby shoreline properties? More information is needed to describe the adequacy of the minimum 6w-diameter stone bluff toe protection. The plan and cross section drawings (pp-5.45-5-46) should be revised to show the lines of spring high, mean high, and mean low water. The deck, gabion, and bluff protection may be out of U.S. Corps of Engineers jurisdiction if these structures and fill are placed above spring highwater. 600.5 (n)(5) -- Best management practices will be utilized to minimize the non-point discharge of excess nutrients, organics and eroded soils into coastal waters. Despite the nearly level character of the Norris site and most of the Heather Hills site, best management practices should be utilized to minimize water quality and erosion impacts during construction. A management plan intended to handle these potential impacts should be incorporated into the DEIS. Two plans involving the use of the Norris and Wanat properties are briefly outlined on page 5.67 of the DEIS. A third plan should be added to this short list, and its feasibility should be investigated: Norris 25 single-family residences 24 single-family residences Wanat 41 single-family residences TO residential units The standard subdivision sketch plan should be the main planning instrument for the Heather Hills (Wanat) property. This low density option would not require a zoning change, and the approximately 2-acre lots would be more compatible with the sensitivity of the parcel. Article 7 of the Groundwater Management Zone Map of the Suffolk County Health Code shows that both Norris and Wanat properties are located outside of Hydrogeologic Zone IV, which has a substantially limited water supply. However, the sites are located between the shoreline and this zone, within an area where water supplies are even further limited. The DEIS should include an expanded discussion of this groundwater limitation; Article T defines the proposed subdivision locations as water supply sensitive sites. Page 5.2T of the DEIS accurately indicates that Article 24 of the Environmental Conservation Law protects freshwater wetlands over 5 hectares in size. However, it should be mentioned that the regulations also cover wetlands less than 5 hectares in size that are of unusual local importance, as indicated by the NYSDEC or a local municipality charged with implementing the law. The lowest density option should be completely explored for each site to ensure that the impact of development on ground water quality and quantity is minimized and to ensure the integrity of existing wetland areas. Lowering of the water table through over-pumpage of ground water supplies from moderate to high density residential development could induce saltwater intrusion, lead to increased nitrate contamination, and adversely impact the salinity and water levels of freshwater and tidal wetlands. We hope the above comments will be of assistance to the Town of Southold and to involved state agencies in the review of this DEIS. If there are any questions about these comments, please call me at (518) 4T4-3642. Sincerely, Michael Corey Senior Environmental Analyst Coastal Management Program MC:ak Enclosure cc: NYSDEC Region 1 - Robert Greene 9NYS Department of State 1vislon of Coastal Resources Waterfront Revitalization and and Waterfront Revitalization 162 Washington Avenue Coastal Resources (I#N rCRR Part 600) Albany,NY 12231 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES are shown on the coastal area map on file in the office of the Secretary, as required by section 914 (2) of the Executive Section 600.1 Authority, intent and purpose. (a) This Law. A copy of the coastal area map has been provided to Part is adopted pursuant to section 913 of the Executive Law each State agency with jurisdiction over programs identified to implement the provisions of the Waterfront Revitalization by the Secretary pursuant to Executive Law, article 42, as and Coastal Resources Act. having the potential to affect coastal resources. (b) This Part is intended to provide for State agencies (d) Direct action or directly undertaken action means an acting in the coastal area the necessary framework for the action planned and proposed for implementation by a State consideration and application of the State's policies with agency. Direct actions include but are not limited to capital respect to waterfront revitalization and coastal resources, as projects, procedure making and policy making. contained in article 42 of the Executive Law. (e) Funding means any financial support given by a State (c) It was the intention of the Legislature that the preser. agency, including contracts, grants, subsidies, loans or other vation, enhancement and utilization of the natural and man- forms of direct or indirect financial assistance, in connection made resources of the State's unique coastal area take place in with a proposed action. a coordinated and comprehensive manner to insure the (f) Involved agency means a State agency that has juris- proper balance between those natural resources and the need diction by law to fund, approve or directly undertake a given to accommodate the needs of population growth and eco- action. nomic development. Accordingly, it is the intention of this (g) Permit means a permit, lease, license, certificate or Part to achieve a balance between economic development and other entitlement for use or permission to act that may be preservation that will permit the beneficial use of coastal granted or issued by a State agency. resources while preventing the loss of living marine resources (h) Secretary means the Secretary of State. and wildlife, diminution of open space areas or public access (i) State agency means any department, bureau, board, to the waterfront, shoreline erosion, impairment of scenic commission, public authority or other agency of the State, beauty, or permanent adverse changes,to ecological systems. including any public benefit corporation, any member of (d) In adopting the Waterfront Revitalization and which is appointed by the Governor. Coastal Resources Act, it was the Legislature's intention that review by State agencies required purs�uant to article 42 of the 6M.3 Genersl rules. (a) No State agency involved in Executive Law, to determine the consistency of proposed an action shall carry out, fund or approve the action until it actions with the policies of article 42 and with any applicable has complied with the provisions of article 42 of the Executive approved local Waterfront Revitalization Program, be coor- Law. dinated with and made a part of each agency's existing proce. (b) In accordance with Executive Law, article 42, actions dures, including reviews conducted under the State Environ� directly undertaken by State agencies within the coastal area, mental Quality RevieA Act (SEQR) (Environmental Conser. including grants, loans or other funding assistance, land use vation Law, article 8). Accordingly, in compliance with arti. and development, planning and land transactions, shall be cle 42, this Part provides a framework which is compatible consistent with the applicable coastal policies set forth in with and capable of coordination with a State agency's exist- section 600.5 of this Part so as to achieve a balance between ing review responsibilities under SEQR (6 NYCRR Part 20). the protection of natural resources and the need to accommo- date the needs of population growth and economic develop- 6M.2 Definitions. (a) Actions mean either type I or ment, as provided in Executive Law, sections 910 and 912(l). unlisted actions as defined in SEQR(6 NYCRR 617.2), which It is intended that this balancing occur in the manner specified are undertaken by State agencies; the term shall not include in section 600.4 of this Part. excluded actions as defined in SEQR (6 NYCRR 617.2) or (c) In accordance with Executive Law article 42, when the actions not subject to SEQR pursuant to other provisions of Secretary has approved a local Government Waterfront Revi- law. talization Program, and has identified State agency program (b) Certification means a notice prepared and filed by a actions which are likely to affect the achievement of the State agency with the Secretary at 162 Washington Avenue, policies and purposes of such approved local Waterfront Albany, N.Y. 1223 1, which notice shall: Revitalization Program, the State agency program actions so (1) contain a statement that is a certification for pur. identified shall be undertaken in a manner which is consistent poses of article 42 of the Executive Law, the name and to the maximum extent practicable with the approved local address of the State agency and the name and telephone Waterfront Revitalization Program. number of a person who can provide further information; (d) This Part shall not apply to action for which a final (2) briefly state and precisely describe the nature,extent environmental impact statement has been prepared or for and location of the action; and which a determination has been made that the action will not (3) briefly state the reasons supporting certification. have a significant effect on the environment, pursuant to 6 (c) Coastal area means the State's coastal waters and the NYCRR Part 617 prior to the effective date of this Part. adjacent shorelands, as defined in article 42 of the Executive (e) Nothing in the Part shall be construed to authorize or Law. It includes Lakes Erie and Ontario, the St. Lawrence require the issuance of any permit, license, certification, or and Niagara Rivers, the Hudson River south of the Federal other approval or the approval of any grant, loan or other dam at Troy, the East River, the Harlem River, the Kill van funding assistance which is denied by the State agency having Kull and Arthur Kill, Long Island Sound and the Atlantic jurisdiction, pursuant to other provisions of law or which is Ocean, and their connecting waterbodies, bays,harbors' shal. conditioned by such agency pursuant to other provisions of lows and marshes. The specific boundaries of the coastal area law until such conditions are met. Mario M. Cuomo Gall$.Shelter Governor Secretary of Stele 600.4 hitial revie% of actions. As early as pos, in a decision on the action, file with t retary a certification toul *r ,State agency's formulation of an action it proposes t nder- that the action will not substantia der the achievement take, or as soon as a State agency receives an application for a of any of the policies and purposes of the applicable approved funding or approval action, it shall determine whether the local Waterfront Revitalization Program and whenever prac- action is located within the coastal area. For purposes of this ticable will advance one or more of such policies. If the action Part, planning or rulemaking actions which affect land or will substantially hinder the achievement of any policy or water in the coastal area shall be deemed to be located purpose of the applicable approved local Waterfront Revitali- therein. At the time it is determined that the action is located zation Program, the State agency shall instead certify that the within the coastal area the State agency shall follow the following three requirements are satisfied: review procedures set forth in this Part, including the comple- (1) no reasonable alternatives exist which would permit tion of a coastal assessment form (CAF)in a form prescribed the action to be taken in a manner which would not sub- by the Secretary. The CAF shall be completed prior to the stantially hinder the achievement of such policy or purpose; agency's determination of significance pursuant to SEQR (6 (2) the action taken will minimize all adverse effects on NYCRR Part 617)so that it can then supplement other infor- the local policy and purpose to the maximum extent practi- mation used by State agencies in making determinations of cable;and significance pursuant to such Part 617. If it is determined that (3) the action will result in an overriding regional or an action will not have a significant effect on the environ. statewide public benefit. ment, the CAT is intended to assist State agencies in arriving Such certification shall constitute a determination that the at their decision as to certification if required by this section. action is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with Where any question on the CAF is answered yes, a brief and the approved local Waterfront Revitalization Program as precise description of the nature and extent of the action shall required by Executive Law article 42. be provided on the CAF,and a copy of the CAF forwarded to the Secretary; provided, however, this requirement does not 600.5 Coastal policies. In evaluating proposed actions apply to permit actions unless such actions involve Federal against the following policies, State agencies are strongly review, funding, Or approval. For the purposes of complying encouraged to consider the coastal policy explanations and with the requirements of Executive Law article 42, State guidelines contained in the approved New York State Coastal agencies shall meet the requirements of either subdivision (a), Management Program document. (b)or(c)of this section,whichever applies. (a) Development policies. (1) Restore, revitalize and (a) Where a determination is made pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617 that an action may have a signif icant ef I ect on the redevelop deteriorated and underutilized waterfront areas environment, the agency shall comply with the requirements for commercial and industrial, cultural, recreational and of 6 NYCRR 617.9(c). Fulfilling such requirements consti- other compatible uses. tutes a determination of consistency as required by Executi%e (2) Facilitate the siting of water-dependent uses and Law article 42. facilities on or adjacent to coastal waters. (b) Where a determination is made pursuant to 6 NYCRR (3) Encourage the development of the State's existing Part 617, that an action will not have a significant effect on major ports of Albany, Buffalo, New York, Ogdensburg the environment, and where a State agency is undertaking a and Oswego as centers of commerce and industry, and direct or funding action, other than rulemaking, the State encourage the siting, in these port areas, including those I agency, at the time of making its decision on the action shall under the jurisdiction of State public authorities, of land file with the Secretary a certification that such action will not use and development which is essential to or in support of substantially hinder the achievement of any of the coastal waterborne transportation of cargo and people. policies set forth in section 600.5 of this Part and whenever (4), Strengthen the economic base of smaller harbor ar- practicable will advance one or more of such policies. If the eas by encouraging the development and enhancement of action will substantially hinder the achievement of any pol icy, those traditional uses and activities which have provided the agency shall instead certify that the following four re- such areas with their unique maritime identity. quirements are satisfied: (5) Encourage the location of development in areas where public services and facilities essential to such de%el� (1) no reasonable alternatives exist which would permit dequate, except when such development has the action to be taken in a manner which would not sub- opment are a stantially hinder the achievement of such policy; special functional requirements or other characteristics (2) the action taken wilt minimize all adverse effects on which necessitate its location in other coastal areas. such policies to the maximum extent practicable; (b) Fish and wildlife policies. (1) Significant coastal (3) the action will advance one or more of the other fish and wildlife habitats, as identified on the coastal area coastal policies;and map, shall be protected, preserved and, where practical, (4) the action will result in an overriding regional or restored so as to maintain their viability as habitats. statewide public benefit. (2) Expand recreational use of fish and wildlife re- Such certification shall constitute a determination of consis- sources in coastal areas by increasing access to existing tencY as required by Executive Law article 42. resources, supplementing existing stocks and developing (c) Where a determination is made pursuant to 6 NYCRR new resources. Such efforts shall be made in a manner Part 617 that an action will not have a significant effect on the which ensures the protection of renewable fish and wildlife environment, and where the action is in the coastal area resources and considers other activities dependent on them. within the boundaries of an approved local Waterfront Revi- (3) Further develop commercial finfish, shellfish and Wization Program area, and the action is one identified by crustacean resources in the coastal area by: the Secretary pursuant to section 916(l)(a) of the Executive (i) encouraging the construction of new or improve- Law, a State agency shall submit, through appropriate exist- ment of existing onshore commercial fishing facilities; ing clearing house procedures, information on the proposed (ii) increasing marketing of the State's seafood prod- action to the local government and, at the time of making its ucts;and (iii) maintaining adequate stocks When- and expanding (g) Flooding and erosion hazards policies. (1) aquaculture facilities. Such efforts shall be made in a ever possible, use nonstructur-al measures to minimize manner which ensures the protection of such renewable damage to natural resources and property from flooding fish resources and considers other activities dependent on and erosion.Such measures shall include: them. (i) the setback of buildings and structures; (4) Ice managment practices shall not damage signifi- (ii) the planting of vegetation and the installation of cant fish and wildlife and their habitats, increase shoreline sand fencing and drainage systems; erosion or flooding, or interfere with the production of (iii) the reshaping of bluffs;and hydroelectric power. (iv) the flood-proofing of buildings or their elevation (c) Agricultural lands policy. To conserve and protect above the base flood level. agricultural lands in the State's coastal area, an action shall (2) Mining, excavation or dredging in coastal waters not result in a loss nor impair the productjvty of important shall not significantly interfere with the natural coastal agriculture lands as identified on the coastal area map, if that processes which supply beach materials to land adjacent to loss or impairment would adverse], affect the viability of such waters and shall be undertaken in a manner which will Y agriculture in an agricultural district or, if there is no not cause an increase in erosion of such land. agricultural district, in the area surrounding such lands. (3) The construction or reconstruction of erosion pro- (d) Scenic quality policies. (1) Prevent impairment of tection structures shall be undertaken only if they have a scenic resources of state-wide significance, as identified on reasonable probability of controlling erosion for at least 30 the coastal area map. Impairment shall include: years as demonstrated in design and construction standards (i) the irreversible modification of geological forms, and/or assured maintenance or replacement programs. the destruction or removal of vegetation, the destruction (4) Activities or development in the coastal area will be or removal of structures, wherever the geologic forms, undertaken so as to minimize damage to natural resources vegetation or structures are significant to the scenic and property from flooding and erosion by protecting quality of an identified resource;and natural protective features, including beaches, dunes, bar- (ii) the addition of structures which because of siting rier islands and bluffs. Primary dunes will be protected or scale will reduce identified views or which because of from all encroachments that could impair their natural scale, form or materials will diminish the scenic quality of protective capacity. an identified resource. (5) Activities and development, including the construc- (2) Protect, restore and enhance natural and man-made tion or reconstruction of erosion protection structures, shall resources which are not identified as being of statewide be undertaken so that there will be no measurable increase significance, but which contribute to the scenic quality of in erosion or flooding at the site of such activities or the coastal area. development or at other locations. (C) Public access policies. (1) Protect, maintain and (6) Public funds shall only be used for erosion protec- increase the levels and types of access to public water- tive structures where necessary to protect human life, and related recreation resources and facilities so that these new development which requires a location within or resources and facilities may be fully utilized by all the public adjacent to an erosion hazard area to be able to function, or in accordance with reasonably anticipated public recreation existing development; and only where the public benefits needs and the protection of historic and natural resources. outweigh the long-term monetary and other costs, including In providing such access, priority shall be given to public the potential for increasing erosion and adverse effects on beaches, boating facilities, fishing areas and waterfront natural protective features. parks. (h) Water resources policies. (1) State coastal area (2) Access to the publicly owned foreshore and to lands policies and purposes of approved local waterfront revitali- immediately adjacent to the foreshore or the water's edge zation programs will be considered while reviewing coastal that are pu6licly owned shall be provided, and it should be water classifications and while modifying water quality pro%ided in a manner compatible with adjoining uses. Such standards; however, those waters already overburdened lands shall be retained in public ownership. with contaminants will be recognized as being a develop- (f) Recreation poficies. (1) Water dependent and wa- ment constraint. ter-enhanced recreation shall be encouraged and facilitated (2) Encourage the use of alternative or innovative and shall be given priority-over nonwater-related uses along sanitary waste systems in small communities where the costs the coast, provided it is consistent with the preservation and of conventional facilities are unreasonably high, given the enhancement of other coastal resources and takes into size of the existing tax base of these communities. account demand for such facilities. In facilitating such (3) Best management practices will be used to ensure the activities, priority shall be given to areas where access to the control of stormwater runoff and combined sewer over- recreation Opportunities of the coast can be provided by flows draining into coastal waters. new or existing public transportation services and to those (4) Discharge of waste materials from vessels into areas where the use of the shore is severely restricted by coastal waters will be limited so as to protect significant fish existing development. and wildlife habitats, recreational areas and water supply (2) Development, when located adjacent to the shore, areas. shall provide for water-related recreation, as a multiple use. (5) Best management practices will be utilized to mini- whenever such recreational use is appropriate in light of mize the non-point discharge of excess nutrients, organics reasonably anticipated demand for such activities and the and eroded soils into coastal waters. primary purpose of the dcveolpment. (i) To safeguard the vital economic, social and environ- (3) Protect, enhance and restore structures, districts, mental interests of the State and of its citizens, proposed areas or sites that are of significance in the history. major actions in the coastal area must give full consideration architecture, archeology or culture of the State, its commu- to those interests, and to the safeguards which the State has nities or the nation. established to protect valuable coastal resource areas. 0 NYS Department of State ision ot Coastal Resources �Vatorfront Revitalization and and Waterilont Revitalization 162 Washington Avenue Coastal Resources (10 NYCRR Part 600) Albany,NY 12231 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES are shown on the coastal area map on file in the office of the Secretary, as required by section 914 (2) of the Executive Section 600.1 Authority, intent and purpose. (a) This Law. A copy of the coastal area map has been provided to Part is adopted pursuant to section 913 of the Executive Law each State agency with jurisdiction over programs identified to implement the provisions of the Waterfront Revitalization by the Secretary pursuant to Executive Law, article 42, as and Coastal Resources Act. having the potential to affect coastal resources. (b) This Part is intended to provide for State agencies (d) Direct action or directly undertaken action means an acting in the coastal area the necessary framework for the action planned and proposed for implementation by a State consideration and application of the State's policies with agency. Direct actions include but are not limited to capital respect to waterfront revitalization and coastal resources, as projects, procedure making and policy making. contained in article 42 of the Executive Law. (e) Funding means any financial support given by a State (c) It was the intention of the Legislature that the preser. agency, including contracts, grants, subsidies, loans or other vation, enhancement and utilization of the natural and man- forms of direct or indirect financial assistance, in connection made resources of the State's unique coastal area take place in with a proposed action. a coordinated and comprehensive manner to insure the (f) Involved agency means a State agency that has juris- proper balance between those natural resources and the need diction by law to fund, approve or directly undertake a given to accommodate the needs of population growth and eco- action. nomic development. Accordingly, it is the intention of this (g) Permit means a permit, lease, license, certificate or Part to achieve a balance between economic development and other entitlement for use or permission to act that may be preservation that will permit the beneficial use of coastal granted or issued by a State agency. resources while preventing the loss of living marine resources (h) Secretary means the Secretary of State. and wildlife, diminution of open space areas or public access (i) State agency means any department, bureau, board, to the waterfront, shoreline erosion, impairment of scenic commission, public authOTily or other agency of the State, beauty,or permanent adverse changes to ecological systems. including any public benefit corporation, any member of (d) In adopting the Waterfront Revitalization and which is appointed by the Governor. Coastal Resources Act, it was the Legislature's intention that review by State agencies required pursuant to article 42 of the 6003 General roles. (a) No State agency involved in Executive Lav�, to determine the consistency of proposed an action shall carry out, fund or approve the action until it actions with the policies of article 42 and with any applicable has complied with the provisions of article 42 of the Executive approved local Waterfront Revitalization Program, be coor- Law. dinated with and made a part of each agency's existing proce- (b) In accordance with Executive Law, article 42, actions dures, including reviews conducted under the State Emiron- directly undertaken by State agencies within the coastal area, mental Quality Revie%% Act (SEQR) (Environmental Conser. including grants, loans or other funding assistance, land use vation Law, article 8). Accordingly, in compliance with arti. and development, planning and land transactions, shall be cle 42, this Part provides a framework which is compatible consistent with the applicable coastal policies set forth in with and capable of coordination with a State agency's exist- section 600.5 of this Part so as to achieve a balance between ing review responsibilities under SEQR(6 NYCRR Part 20). the protection of natural resources and the need to accommo- date the needs of population growth and economic develop- 600.2 Definitions. (a) Actions mean either type I or ment, as provided in Executive Law, sections 910 and 912(l). unlisted actions as defined in SEQR(05 NYCRR 617.2), which It is intended that this balancing occur in the manner specified are undertaken by State agencies; the term shall not include in section 600.4 of this Part. excluded actions as defined in SEQR (6 NYCRR 617.2) or (c) In accordance with Executive Law article 42, when the actions not subject to SEQR pursuant to other provisions of Secretary has approved a local Government Waterfront Revi- law. talization Program, and has identified State agency program (b) Certification means a notice prepared and filed by a actions which are likely to affect the achievement of the State agency with the Secretary at 162 Washington Avenue, policies and purposes of such approved local Waterfront Albany, N.Y. 1223 1, which notice shall: Revitalization Program, the State agency program actions so (1) contain a statement that is a certification for pur- identified shall be undertaken in a manner which is consistent poses of article 42 of the Executive Law, the name and to the maximum "tent practicable with the approved local address of the State agency and the name and telephone Waterfront Revitalization Program. number of a person who can provide further information; (d) This Part shall not apply to action for which a final (2) briefly state and precisely describe the nature, extent environmental impact statement has been prepared or for and location of the action; and which a determination has been made that the action will not (3) briefly state the reasons supporting certification. have a significant effect on the environment, pursuant to 6 (c) Coastal area means the State's coastal waters and the NYCRR Part 617 prior to the effective date of this Part. adjacent shorelands, as defined in article 42 of the Executive (e) Nothing in the Part shall be construed to authorize or Law. It includes Lakes Erie and Ontario, the St. Lawrence require the issuance of any permit, license, certification, or and Niagara Rivers, the Hudson River south of the Federal other approval or the approval of any grant, loan or other dam at Troy, the East River, the Harlem River, the Kill van funding assistance which is denied by the State agency having Kull and Arthur Kill, Long Island Sound and the Atlantic jurisdiction, pursuant to other provisions of law or which is Ocean, and their connecting waterbodies, bays, harbors, shal. conditioned by such agency pursuant to other provisions of lows and marshes. The specific boundaries of the coastal area law until such conditions are met. Mario M.Cuomo Gail S.Shaffer Governor secretary of State (iii) maintaining adequate stocks and Vanding (g) Flooding and erosion haz'a#s policies. (1) When- aquaculture facilities. Such efforts shall be made in a ever possible, use nonstructur-al measures to minimize manner which ensures the protection of such renewable damage to natural resources and property from flooding fish resources and considers other activities dependent on and erosion. Such measures shall include: them. (i) the setback of buildings and structures; (4) Ice managment practices shall not damage signifi- (ii) the planting of vegetation and the installation of cant fish and wildlife and their habitats, increase shoreline sand fencing and drainage systems; erosion or flooding, or interfere with the production of (iii) the reshaping of bluffs;and hydroelectric power. (iv) the flood-proofing of buildings or their elevation (c) Agricultural lands policy. To conserve and protect above the base flood level. agricultural lands in the State's coastal area, an action shall (2) Mining, excavation or dredging in coastal waters not result in a loss nor impair the productivty of important shall not significantly interfere with the natural coastal agriculture lands as identified on the coastal area map, if that processes which supply beach materials to land adjacent to loss or impairment would adversely affect the viability of such waters and shall be undertaken in a manner which will agriculture in an agricultural district or, if there is no not cause an increase in erosion of such land. agricultural district, in the area surrounding such lands. (3) The construction or reconstruction of erosion pro- (d) Scenic quality policies. (1) Prevent impairment of tection structures shall be undertaken only if they have a scenic resources of state-wide significance, as identified on reasonable probability of controlling erosion for at least 30 the coastal area map. Impairment shall include: years as demonstrated in design and construction standards (i) the irreversible modification of geological forms, and/or assured maintenance or replacement programs. the destruction or removal of vegetation, the destruction (4) Activities or development in the coastal area will be or removal of structures, wherever the geologic forms, undertaken so as to minimize damage to natural resources vegetation or structures are significant to the scenic and property from flooding and erosion by Protecting quality of an identified resource;and natural protective features, including beaches, dunes, bar- (ii) the addition of structures which because of siting rier islands and bluffs. Primary dunes will be protected or scale will reduce identified views or which because of from all encroachments that could impair their natural scale, form or materials will diminish the scenic quality of protecti%e capacity. an identified resource. (5) Activities and development, including the construc- (2) Protect, restore and enhance natural and man-made tion or reconstruction of erosion protection structures, shall resources which are not identified as being of statewide be undertaken so that there will be no measurable increase significance, but which contribute to the scenic quality of in erosion or flooding at the site of such activities or the coastal area. development or at other locations. (e) Public access policies. (1) Protect, maintain and (6) Public funds shall only be used for erosion protec- increase the levels and types of access to public water- tive structures where necessary to protect human life, and related recreation resources and facilities so that these new development which requires a location within or resources and facilities may be fully utilized by all the public adjacent to an erosion hazard area to be able to function, or in accordance w ith reasonably anticipated public recreation existing development; and only where the public benefits needs and the protection of historic and natural resources. outweigh the long-term monetary and other costs, including In providing such access, priority shall be given to public the potential for increasing erosion and adverse effects on beaches, boating facilities, fishing areas and waterfront natural protective features. parks. (h) Water resources policies. (1) State coastal area (2) Access to the publicly owned foreshore and to lands policies and purposes of approved local waterfront revitali- immediately adjacent to the foreshore or the water's edge zation programs will be considered while reviewing coastal that are pu6licly owned shall be provided, and it should be water classifications and while modifying water quality pro%ided in a manner compatible with adjoining uses. Such standards; however, those waters already overburdened lands shall be retained in public ownership. with contaminants will be recognized as being a develop- (f) Recreation policies. (1) Water dependent and wa- merit constraint. tcr-enhanced recreation shall be encouraged and facilitated (2) Encourage the use of alternative or innovative and shall be given priority over nonwater-related uses along sanitary waste systems in small communities where the costs the coast, provided it is consistent with the preservation and of conventional facilities are unreasonably high, given the enhancement of other coastal resources and takes into size of the existing tax base of these communities. account demand for such facilities. In facilitating such (3) Best management practices will be used to ensure the activities, priority shall be given to areas where access to the control of stormwater runoff and combined sewer over- recreation opportunities of the coast can be Provided by flows draining into coastal waters. new or existing public transportation services and to those (4) Discharge of waste materials from vessels into areas where the use of the shore is severely restricted by coastal waters will be limited so as to protect significant fish existing development. and wildlife habitats, recreational areas and water supply (2) Development, when located adjacent to the shore, areas. shall provide for water-related recreation, as a multiple use, (5) Best management practices will be utilized to mini- whenever such recreational use is appropriate in light of mize the non-point discharge of excess nutrients, organics reasonably anticipated demand for such activities and the and eroded soils into coastal waters. primary purpose of the deveolpment. (i) To safeguard the vital economic, social and environ- (3) Protect, enhance and restore Structures, districts, mental interests of the State and of its citizens, proposed areas or sites that are of significance in the history, major actions in the coastal area must give full consideration architecture, archeology or culture of the State, its commu- to those interests, and to the safeguards which the State has nities or the nation. established to protect valuable coastal resource areas. JAN 1989 P. 0. Drawer A Jamesport, NY 11947 SOUTHO G TOWN January 2, 1989 N1 D Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Main Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Dear Mr. Orlowski : After reading the Long Island Traveler Watchman report from the Town Board meeting, there still appears to be a question pertaining to the quantity of water available at the Carr-Norris site. I have taken the liberty of sending the synopsis of data pertaining to this issue. I believe in reading this section of the report by H2M the solution is self evident. There is more water recharged into the property than is being proposed to be withdrawn. These comments were forwarded to Dave Emilita last October and I believe the possibility exists that the Board may not have received copies of the enclosed. I would hope this would clarify the situation. Should you have any questions, please don' t hesitate to contact me. Best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year. Sincerely, I &tHenryj� ay r, -� HER:mi Enc. CC: Valerie Scopaz, Town Plann6t WRMP report referred to the 1983 report estimates. Recharge rates shown in all reports approximate 0.9 - 1.1 mgd per square mile. Figure 7-1 ,in'-'YFWSP , shows a broad brush typ�,e representation of the water-bludget 'area and is not intended Wil to be site specific. A �close�� amination of the f igure shows some inlet (salt water areas) 4s included but excludes other areas such as Mattituck Hills where they are already public supply, wells. There is no question that most of Norris site is a recharge area, that a reasonable permissive yield is available but large municipal wells would not be appropriate. The most recent plan WRMP uses a recharge rate in the insular areas of 1 .1 million gallons per day per square mile. The annual preciptation in Zone 3 is apparently 3.3 - million gallons per day of which WRMP would estimate 16.5 mgd .asOavailable for recharge. ! I ta I sed on these figures which calculate to 1562 gallons per �-day-��per acre, there would be *40- if charge infiltrating ' 4;oabout �415,000 -��OaI16 i ode, a t es �4- . the aquifer under -the ,74 ,acres� n'�-- mq& The 'permis'sivLe sustaiiiddNield "Is the maximum rate at ,Z, �� which water can be consumed without bringing "�UK -: 3-7 about adverse effects such as salt water intrusion to the water supply. A permissive sustained yield of 0 .35 mgd/sq mile of water budget area was recommended in the CPWS-24 and NFWSP for this water budget general area. using a conservative recharge area of 50 acres of the 74-acre site provides a permissi ve sustained yield of 27, 350 gpd. of the 4-AS_r S rr4 24 acres remaining, if 15 acres newok of Mopmhownwois used at 0.25 mgd/sq. mile and the southerly 9 acres is reserved for the Main Norris building, this would provide an added excess of 5859 gpd to provide a 50 percent excess with 33, 209 gpd available.-t A- In the Town of Southold, irrigation is the most influential factor regarding consumptive water use. Existing on the eastern parcel (B) of land is a 10-inch well which has been used for irrigation over the entire Norris estate. It has been estimated that this well pumps an average of 1.6 mg throughout the duration of the irrigation season. In calculating consumptive use, we have increased .3�_'P -estimate 'use _to ;� 2, 1 d 7 _k'jii11ion7, .ga1 ons per year i , equivalent to 2 inches of irrigation on 40 acres . or 5,9 51 gallons per day average. ye- 4. v.);xo cRk-%1E 161 ft-Irk 3-8 During the course of investigations by H2M, a pump test was performed on the underlying aquifer. A pump test is made by pumping a well for a period of time, and observing the change in hydraulic head (water surface elevation) in the aquifer. With careful planning, the pump test yields pertinent data which allows the computation of certain aquifer characteristics. To obtain this data, the six-inch test well,#1 located on the western edge of the eastern parcel of land, was pumped for 12 hours at a rate averaging 90 gpm. Water surface elevations were observed at various time intervals in the two-inch well located 5 feet south of the pumping well . Within this time interval , a maximum drawdown of 0.14 feet was observed. From this data and experience on another nearby project the transmissivity of the aquifer has been determined to be approximately 160, 000 gpd/foot, along with a storativity of 0.3, and a permeability of approximately 3, 555 gpd/square foot or 475 ft/day. This compares with average value �shown in WRMP of 270 for Suffolk County. After test pumping had ceased, measurements of the water surface elevations continued in the same two-inch monitoring well for approximately one-half hour. Af ter this time, recovery of the well was 87 percent complete. This rate of recovery is equivalent to the rate at which the aquifer fills. While running a pump test on the aquifer, groundwater elevations were monitored. The elevation of the water surface was determined at each well, and contour lines (lines of equal elevation) were drawn. Groundwater flow perpendicular to these lines, provided the aquifer is isotropic . It has been determined that this aquifer is isotropic up to the clay lens. From the data collected, the contours which were drawn indicate that the groundwater should flow radially towards adjacent salt water bodies (see figure 6) . The following material was abstracted from the North Fork Water Supply Plant (page 4-8) relative to salt water intrusion. Z! "The- position of the nterfi:6e ' ,has been determined' :"��,"". during exploratory drilling on various projects by SCDHS, test well installations associated with the 208 Program and 3-8b JAII 4 1989 SOUTW� PLANI J— 2, 1989 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road, Southold New York 1197J. Gentlemen: If you were listening on December 19, 1988 when the proposed Carr development in New Suffolk was addressed, you heard a group of reasonable people asking you to limit the development to a reasonable size. If you were listening you also heard sound reasons for limiting the size of the development, New Suffolk cannot reasonably support a 350 seat restaurant, it is not reasonable to destroy a scallop bed and to limit access to the harbor because of an outflow pipe that has highly questionable legal grounds for its placement, it is not reasonable to try to fit a gallon size development into a quart size area. If you were listening we will know it by a decision from you to scale back this development to a size that reasonable people, working with a reasonable developer, can coexist ing7ih7i-,&)b�i)tajblW-he-LYmony. Sincerely yours, WLity k5l:'�� Bayview Road Southold, NY 11971 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V SNYDER ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S PELLETREAU JOHNJ.HART JOHN J ROE. 111 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 .,as._68431 FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE. NEW YORK 1177 2 RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD BRUCE T.WALLACE ..950-,980, KEVIN A.SEAMAN TEL. 516 447-8900 RT H PELLETREAU VANESSA M SHEEHAN* F COUNSEL BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG FAX $16 475-5651 DOUGLAS J LEROSE 447-8925 BRIAN M�CAPFREY JAMES G HYLAND 'AL50 ADMITTED IN FLORIDA January 4, 1989 s6oi,101 BOW,,) N, tl! Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Att: Hon. Francis J . Murphy. Supervisor Re: Norris Estates/Carr/Wanat Dear Supervisor Murphy. Members of the Town Board. Chairman Orlowski and Members of the Planning Board: From the article appearing in the Long Island Traveler-Watchman on December 29 . 1988 , it appears that Members of the Planning Board are opposed to the development of the Norris Estates and Caxr/Wanat parcels as proposed. It is our contention that the proposal which is an alternative to the condominium development at Norris offers a practical and desirable solution. It will not set a precedent for any other proposal. The developer intends to go forward with the maximum number of zoning units on the Norris parcel provided by law. There is sufficient water using a reverse osmosis system and providing for a tertiary sanitary system. It is hoped. as we said initially when this process was started, that it would not be necessary to take legal action to enforce the landowner ' s property rights which are guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment . However, such action. if it becomes necessary. will be coupled with an action under §1983 to insure that the property owner is made whole. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours. PKLLETREAU & PELLETREAU CV- J . H JFH:ma cc: See attached Rider 0001U/75 PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU Rider January 4. 1989 Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Ruth oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran James Schondebare. Esq. Town Attorney Valerie Scopaz. Town Planner Richard Ward. Member of the Planning Board Richard Latham. Member of the Planning Board William Mullen, Member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards, Member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry. Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher. McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten, Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering, P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young IU/77 Anson Environmental Enti��wl Audin 78 Dewey Street Hazard�Wwce Huntington, N.Y. 11743 Asbews SuTwys Impaa S�u 516-549-4015 Waland ln�tigwi� December 16, 1988 Town of Southold Frank Murphy, Supervisor Town Board Bennett Orlowski, Chairman .14 Planning Board Town Hal I 53095 Main Road C' P.O. Box 728 Southold, N.Y. 1 1971 Dear Messrs. Murphy and Orlowski: Anson Environmental, Ltd., the environmental consultant for Committee Against Norris Downzoning Organization, has completed its review of the DEIS for the Norris Estates Development, New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, New York, prepared for the Southold Town Planning Board. Three major areas of concern have surfaced during our review - accuracy of the traffic study, adequacy of the local water supply and absence of traf f Ic and other environmental Impacts from other projects ahead of Norris Estates in the development process. The Town needs reasonable assurance that the information presented in the DEIS is accurate and complete so they can make an informed decision regarding the application. We believe that the information presented does not provide that assurance. The following comments explain why we have this belief. TRAFFIC The statement that the development of the Norris Estate will not have significant impacto,n the traffic in the area cannot be logical. The area south of New Suf folk Avenue and adjacent to the site between Ole Jule Lane and Marratooka Road has about 100 houses. The primary proposed development will have 108 condominiums. Therefore, traffic In the immediate project area will approximately double. This is a significant impact. Anson Environmental Page 2 The accuracy of the traffic study Is subject to question for several reasons including the following. Numerous local residents noted that the hoses connected to the traffic counting machines were not across the road during the entire counting period. In fact, there were long periods of time when counts were not being taken. Obviously, the traffic counts are not accurate. It is reasonable and customary for a traffic engineer to inspect the location of these hoses on at least a daily basis. The intersections of Marratooka Avenue/Marratooka Road and New Suffolk Avenue had vehicle volume counts and intersection turning movements on 9/ 17/86 not during July to August as stated on page C. 18. According to the DEIS these counts were not updated. These counts are probably low as the majority of the summer residents and visitors have left the area following the Labor Day holiday. Since the traff I(. counts were taken during 1986, are there any plans to update these counts to make them current? We believe that to obtain accurate traffic information, all the traffic counts Should be repeated next summer or at least updated. LOCAL WATER SUPPLY If the underground reservior of freshwater is pictured as a "bowl of water", it is easy to understand what the impact of its use is on the quantity and quality of the water, If water is pumped from the bowl, the water level decreases. Water is replaced when it rains or when water entera the ground through cesspools. Of course, water introduced via cesspools is not clean and pure. Therefore, as the concentration of the cesspool water increases relative to the volume oflainfall, the quality of the water in the "bowl" is adversely affected. The q''-uality of the water is also adversely affected by the replacement of the freshwater by salt water intrusion. Local residents curr*ently use groundwater as a source of potable water. These residents have been experiencing, at an increasing rate, salt water intrusion into their wells. This intrusion has been increasing in both area affected and rate of occurance. The reasons for this intrusion are that the delicate balance between fresh and salt water is being changed because Anson Environmental Page 3 fresh water is pumped from the ground. As the freshwater is pumped from the ground, the fresh/salt water interface moves both inland and nearer the ground surface. This is substantiated because new wells in the project area are being Installed further inland. This will continue to occur as the freshwater is depleted because of the development of the project. Who will replace the current local residents' wells once they have experienced salt water intrusion as a result of the increased pumpage because of project development? To prevent salt water intrusion, the groundwater table must be maintained at a high level. This will occur if the drawdown, which is calculated using the Ghyben-Herzberg analysis, is kept to a minimum and the groundwater is replaced with freshwater from the surface. This balance is critical to keeping the fresh/salt water interface from advancing toward the land. This advance is what makes the existing wells go "bad". Once the salt water is allowed to advance into the existing wells, it Is unclear whether that advance can be reversed by increased rainfall. As Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrel pointout in the "Comprehensive Public Water Supply Study, Suffolk County", CPWS-24, Volume 11, pages 276-277, the ratio of tidal coast line to total land area as well as the low level of groundwater make the North Fork of Suffolk County one of the most susceptible to salt water intrusion. This means that since we do not have any control over the ratio of tidal coast line to total land, every effort should b� made to maintain the level of groundwater in Mattituck. This car) best be done by putting strict limitations on development of open land on the North Fork and particularly in areas like the Wrris Estate where salt water intrusion has been documented. Obviously, the quality of the groundwater should also be maintained. Limiting the amount of cesspools wastes that are introduced into this fragile groundwater environmental will be very important to maintaining high quality groundwater. 0 Anson Environmental Page 4 When the calculation of the amount of groundwater that can be pumped from the onsite aquifer was made, it would have been more conservative to use the amount. of rainfall during a drought condition instead of a year with average rainfall. IMPACT ON SURFACE WATERBODIES The DEIS states that the project will not have any impact on surface waterbodies. This Is hard to believe because of the proximity of Lake Marratooka to the proposed location of the water supply wells. The aquifer that Lake Marratooka recharges Is the same one proposed for use as a source of drinking water for the project. As water is pumped from this aquifer, the level of the lake will be lowered. OTHER PROJECTS SEOR and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) both require projects planned prior to the Norris Estates project to have their traffic and water consumption calculations added to the existing condition and thereby for the baseline condition. This addition was not made to determine the baseline condition, The Apple subdivision project located between Ole Jule Lane and Camp Mineola Road plans to build 7 houses. The Kreh/Al len subdivision plans the construction of 6 houses. When these 13 houses are added to the existing 100 houses in the immediate area bounding the Norris Estate you have the existing condition to which you should add the proposed 108 condominiums. Therefore, the true impacts of the N�qrris Estates project have not been calculated. Anson Environmental Page 5 SUMMARY The addition of either 108 condominiums to the project area with 100 existing houses, as well as other housing projects currently planned, will have significant Impacts on local traffic, surface water and groundwater. These additions will have 5ignificant adverse Impacts which the Board cannot allow to occur. Thank you for your time. Very truly yours, Dean Anson I I 1988 .--1 p 1-A RECEIVED 14'EC 14 1,988 A3� Soufhold T��, M.A I q q MA DEC 1 4 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOAnRD U 645 Wickham Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 December 12, 1988 To Whom It May Concern: As concerned residents of Southold Town, we ask that you do not down-zone Bergen Avenue for the Carr/Wanat project. We feel that it should stay at the present zoning regulation of two acres. Respectfully submitted, Barbara S. Brigha gha Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (S16)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTTIOLD December 20, 1988 John J. Hart 20 church street Patchogue, NY 11772 RE: Norris/Carr/Wanat SCTM #1000-122-5-4 Dear Mr. Hart: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, December 19, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board close the public comment period for the review of the Environmental Impact Statement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Ve ly yours-, BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN jt A W 0 W DEC 19 W SOUTHOLD TOWN Wew, 9�aIVS2 PLANNING BOARD Southold Town Board December 17 , 1988 Southold Planning Board Atts Frank Murphy, Supervisor Res Carr-Wanat Downzoning Dear Frankj I have enclosed a copy of the Newsday Article of Dec. 16th on the "Southold Town Water Studies" . The article mentions the IDEAL 10 acre zoning for the Water Protection Zone, this zone includes the Carr-Wanat property on Bergen Ave. that is presently being considered for down zoning to 3/4 acre. At the Public Hearing on Nov. 14th, I stated the future water supply as a reason for my objecting to the down- zoning, along with setting a precedent for the adjoining0500 -Ae. Everyone, I have spoken to that has any roots in Southold, Is concerned about the orderly and planned growth of the area, the water supply and the Real Estate Tax burden. I sincerely hope that you and the members of both boards, will not permit down zoning in the "Water Protection Zone"-specifioally the Carr-Wanat property. I chose to live In Southold for the past 23 years and I have travelled the North Fork In the course of my business for 50 years. My concerns are valid, Stneerely yours J, o r2- CD I Im rrz 0 on 54 0 5:0 Soo, CD CD CW*. Jl (MD 0 CD 1= co U`04 0 aq CD cr (10,VD, Em�ql OR I I ok Er Ow 8 iD tr "ID (D 0"a,q Z(D r,jq (D 0Q 9 CP.9 to t2 a.rr r � m 9 0 ps.0' (D CD aq -1 :M CD (D 'I, D 10, 10 to rr 8l, Ak dk!- '0 to CD 9 t� g r ;L ro 5 4 * 4 n 0 5-(D m gs =.—Oo EA f 10 RID :4 M4 09 PO 0 P 1,1rQ IL CD 0, 5'.0, CA C'. .0 qz T (p (D 1p R-q 0 aq 0 P, cm & . p . ., 54 Ell, I -,�CD M1 Pa. to CD MCD CD all" ID aq Cal '0 C"D 0 --ft CD 0 CD -t :4 Cg 5. g0 5- = R glg W I I CD Er M CD go 'r 0 0 r CD 0 - C-D. go (D 0 "Ell 'D V CD $0 tj 0 IDY (D (D -1 w CD A .CD 0) ID COD. 5; 0 !4 0 CD CD :CD CMD 'nl VIIOJWJ�71n 'AvnlH-i 'AV(ISI U ;F/V/-/l 'a VX-WZ,ov1 F LI ULU I V W L S THOLD TOW OU PI ANNINC nnADft December 17, 1988 Town Board Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Planning Board Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Members of the Town Board and the Town Planning Board: The undersigned are residents of the Hamlet of Mattituck in the Town of Southold and each of us lives immediately adjacent or in close proximity to the 100 acre parcel of land owned by the Wanat family. The purpose of this letter is to state our objections to the substance of the change of zone application, which would substantially increase the density of development on the Wanat parcel (presently zoned for two acre development) as well as to the procedures which have been followed by both Boards in handling the review of this application. The procedures which have been followed by both the Town Board and the Planning Board in their reviews of the Wanat change of zone proposal and the Norris Estates condominium project have caused a good deal of confusion among affected members of the public. They have certainly not been designed to produce a full and fair disclosure of the various issues involved in those developments and the resulting confusion has restricted the opportunity of affected residents of the Town to voice their concerns about one or both of these projects. To begin with, it has become increasingly clear that the developer of both the Norris Estate and Wanat properties, Mr. Carr, would prefer to have the Town Board change the zoning classification of the Wanat property to something less than one unit per acre so that he can more than double the number of houses on the Wanat property (which he does not yet own, but apparently has a right to buy) . In exchange for this change in zoning classification, Mr. Carr has allegedly offered to build a fever number of units than would be permitted under hamlet density zoning for the Norris Estates property. In other words, his greferred project is the dovnzoning of the Wanat property, although the DEIS suggests that the proposed project is 108 condominiums on the Norris Estate. We understand that several months ago, the Town Board realized that the request to change the zoning for the Wanat property was a separate action that required a full-blown review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act. However, for no apparent reason, the Town Board has informally permitted the applicant to examine the potential impacts of the Wanat change of zone in the context of a draft environmental impact statement on an unrelated project, the Norris Estates development. We have difficulty believing that the potentially significant impacts on our property from the Wanat change of zone can be properly evaluated as a minor part of the environmental review on a separate project. All of this is very unclear and confusing to us and in hardly fostering the kind of full and open debate that should occur on a development of this magnitude. In November of this year, there was a hearing convened by both the Town Board and the Planning Board, apparently on the Norris Estates' draft environmental impact statement. However, there is some indication that at least some of the parties to the Norris Estates' application intended that hearing to address only the alternative project of the Wanat change of zone. It seems to us to be highly improper to conduct a public hearing on one project an part of an environmental review on a separate project. Did the November hearing constitute the SEQRA hearing on the Wanat project? Are we to assume that the "Joint hearing" on the Wanat change of zone "alternative" to the Norris Estates' project was both the SEQRk review for the Wanat project and, perhaps, the legislative hearing on the change of zone application itself? Was the purpose of the hearing in November simply to decide whether the Town Board should proceed to have Mr. Carr prepare a draft EIS on the Wanat project as originally intended, so that we will have a full and thorough review of that project? The Town and Planning Boards, actions in reviewing these projects are raising more questions than they are answering, and local residents who will be affected by one or both of these developments need to have a clear explanation of what the Town thinks it's reviewing. It should also be kept in mind that at least some residents and public officials question whether Mr. Carr will ultimately obtain approval to build all of the units that he claims he can build on the Norris Estates property. To our knowledge, the Department of Health has not issued the approvals necessary for that project to proceed. Given the concern about water consumption and water quality all over the North Fork, we would not be DEC 9 FA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD 0 0 LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, P.c. MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND WILLIAM WICKHAM NEW YORK 11952 MORTGAGE OFFICE ERIC J.BRE55LER - ABIGAIL A WICKHAM - 516-296-5300 516-298-8353 DAN ILL C.ROSS KARENJ HAGEN HUBERT F SULLIVAN December 19, 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 NING BOARD Re: Carr Draft Environmental Impact Statement Gentlemen: We are the attorneys for Wendy Norris, the beneficial owner of the property to the East of the proposed Carr condominium project. She has asked us to submit the following comments on the draft Environmental Impact Statement submitted by Mr. Carr. 1 . The DEIS presents two alternatives for discharge of treated water: a) into two 300' deep recharge wells; or, in the alternative, b) via a discharge pipe into Peconic Bay in an easement over the Norris parcel . Please be advised that as to alternative (b) , no such easement exists, nor has Mr. Carr negotiated or discussed same with the Norris family. It should therefore not be listed as an alternative means of discharge. This leaves alternative (a) as the only possibility for discharge. 2. Given that treated water must be discharged into two 300' deep recharge wells, we have the following comments: a) The impact of this discharge on the Marratooka Lake system does not appear to be discussed. b) There is apparently no alternative available to this discharge method, and it may therefore require greater scrutiny. 3. We note that the location of the sewer treatment plant has been proposed where it has the most negative impact on the Norris parcel , namely, directly adjoining the area where clustered lots would be located in the event of subdivision of the Norris farm. The impact of this location, particularly from olfactory and aesthetic perspectives, has not been addressed , nor have alternatives to its location been provided. We note that the prevailing wind direction is southwest during the warmer months, resulting in the possibility of odors directly on to the portion of the Norris farm, which would be developed into single family residences. 0 9 This is to confirm the statement made at the public hearing and agreed to by Mr. Carr' s attorney that there would be another public hearing in the event that no transfer of development rights is made and the Carr parcel is to be developed as a condominium project. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, 4bI a i I JA /Wickham AAW:amm Anson Environmental Envi��wl Audin 78 Dewey Street Ffaz"d�www Huntington, N.Y. 11743 Asb�Surt"s lmp�sw�" 516-549-4015 waland ln�eigmi� 1 9 1988 December 16, 1988 SOUTHOLD TOWN J KPLANNINGBOARD Town of Southo�d Frank Murphy, Supervisor # go Town Board Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Planning Board Town Hal I 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, N.Y. I '1971 Dear Messrs. Murphy and Orlowski: Anson Environmental, Ltd., the environmental consultant for Committee Against Norris Downzoning Organization, has completed its review of the DEIS for the Norris Estates Development, New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, New York, prepared for the Southold Town Planning Board. Three major areas of concern have surf aced durl ng our rev 1 ew - accuracy of the traf f i c study, adequacy of the local water supply and absence of traf f Ic and other environmental impacts from other projects ahead of Norris Estates in the development process. The Town needs reasonable assurance that the information presented in the DEIS is accurate and complete so they can make an informed decision regarding the application. We believe that the information presented does not provide that assurance. The following comments explain why we have this belief. TRAFFIC The statement that the development of the Norris Estate will not have significant impact on the traffic in the area cannot be logical. The area south of New Suffolk Avenue and adjacent to the site between Ole Jule Lane and Marratooka Road has about 100 houses. The primary proposed development will have 108 condominiums. Therefore, traffic in the immediate project area will approximately double This is a significant impact. Anson Environmental Page 2 The accuracy of the traffic study is subject to question for several reasons including the following. Numerous local residents noted that the hoses connected to the traffic counting machines were not across the road during the entire counting period. In fact, there were long periods of time when counts were not being taken. Obviously, the traffic counts are not accurate. It is reasonable and customary for a traffic engineer to inspect the location of these hoses on at least a daily basis. The intersections of Marratooka Avenue/Marratooka Road and New Suffolk Avenue had vehicle volume counts and intersection turning movements on 9/ 17/86 not during July to August as stated on page C. 18. According to the DEIS these counts were not updated. These counts are probably low as the majority of the summer residents and visitors have left the area following the Labor Day holiday. Since the traf f ic counts were taken during 1986, are there any plans to update these counts to make them current? We believe that to obtain accurate traffic 'Information, all the traffic counts should be repeated next summer or at least updated. LOCAL WATER SUPPLY If the underground reservior of freshwater is pictured as a "bowl of water", It is easy to understand what the impact of its use is on the quantity and quality of the water. If water is pumped from the bowl, the water level decreases. Water is replaced when it rains or when water enters the ground through cesspools. Of course, water introduced via cesspools is not clean and pure. Therefore, as the concentration of the cesspool water increases relative to the volume of rainfall, the quality of the water in the "bowl" is adversely affected. The quality of the water is also adversely affected by the replacement of the freshwater by salt water intrusion. Local residents currently use groundwater as a source of potable water. These residents have been experiencing, at an increasing rate, salt water intrusion into their wells. This intrusion has been increasing in both area affected and rate of occurance. The reasons for this intrusion are that the delicate balance between fresh and salt water is being changed because Anson Environmental Page 3 fresh water is pumped from the ground. As the freshwater is pumped from the ground, the fresh/salt water interface moves both inland and nearer the ground surface. This Is substantiated because new wells in the project area are being installed further inland. This will continue to occur as the freshwater is depleted because of the development of the project. Who will replace the current local residents' wells once they have experienced salt water intrusion as a result of the Increased pumpage because of project development? To prevent salt water intrusion, the groundwater table must be maintained at a high level. This will occur if the drawdown, which is calculated using the Ghyben-Herzberg analysis, is kept to a minimum and the groundwater is replaced with freshwater from the surface. This balance is critical to keeping the fresh/salt water interface from advancing toward the land. This advance Is what makes the existing wells go "bad". Once the salt water is allowed to advance into the existing wells, it is unclear whether that advance can be reversed by increased rainfall. As Holzmacher, NcLendon & Murrel pointout in the "Comprehensive Public Water Supply Study, Suffolk County", CPWS-24, Volume 11, pages 276-277, the ratio of tidal coast line to total land area as well as the low level of groundwater make the North Fork of Suffolk County one of the most susceptible to salt water intrusion. This means that since we do not have any control over the ratio of tidal coast line to total land, every effort should be made to maintain the level of groundwater in Mattituck. This can best be done by putting strict limitations on development of open land on the North Fork and particularly in areas like the Norris Estate where salt water Intrusion has been documented. Obviously, the quality of the groundwater should also be maintained. Limiting the amount of cesspools wastes that are introduced into this fragile groundwater environmental Will be very important to maintaining high quality groundwater. Anson Environmental Page 4 When the calculation of the amount of groundwater that can be pumped from the onsite aquifer was made, it would have been more conservative to use the amount of rainfall during a drought condition instead of a year with average rainfall. IMPACT ON SURFACE WATERBODIES The DEIS states that the project will not have any impact on surface waterbodies. This Is hard to believe because of the proximity of Lake Marratooka to the proposed location of the water supply wells. The aquifer that Lake Marratooka recharges Is the same one proposed for use as a source of drinking water for the project. As water is pumped from this aquifer, the level of the lake will be lowered. OTHER PROJECTS SEOR and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) both require projects planned prior to the Norris Estates project to have their traf f ic and water consumption calculations added to the existing condition and thereby for the baseline condition, This addition was not made to determine the baseline condition. The Apple subdivision project located between Ole Jule Lane and Camp Mineola Road plans to build 7 houses. The Kreh/Allen subdivision plans the construction of 6 houses. When these 13 houses are added to the existing 100 houses in the immediate area bounding the Norris Estate you have the existing condition to which you should add the proposed 108 condominiums. Therefore, the true impacts of the Norris Estates project have not been calculated. Anson Environmental Page 5 SUMMARY The addition of either 108 condominiums to the project area with 100 existing houses, as well as other housing projects currently planned, will have significant Impacts on local traffic, surface water and groundwater. These additions will have significant adverse Jmoacts which the Board cannot allow to occur. Thank you for your time. Very truly yours, Dean Anson I I PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW JOHN J HART ROBERT S PELLETREAL JOHN J POE 111 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 41891-1943) FREDERIC L ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11 772 RICHAROA SCHOENFELC J TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE 7 WALLACE TEL, 5 16 447-8900 ROBERT H PE-LLETREAU KEVIN A SEAMAN VANESSA M SHEEHAN' FAX 516 475-5651 SEL BENJAMIN L HEAZWEIG RUSSELL C SURCHERI 0 DOUGI-ASJ LEROSE BRIAN McCAFFREY 447-8906 JAMES G HYLAND T�r DEC 3 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA ALSO ADMITTED IN NEW JERSEY TH01 D NG December 9 . 1988 Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Attn: Supervisor Murphy RE: NORRIS ESTATES and CARR/WANAT Dear Supervisor Murphy, Members of the Town Board, Chairman Orlowski and Members of the Planning Board : As we stated in our letter dated November 15. 1988 , we would address the various comments made at the public hearing on November 14 , 1988 . This letter and its attendant memos from Holzmacher , McLendon & Murrell and Dunn Engineering constitute our reponses to those comments . We shall address as many individual comments as specifically as possible . The main issues of concern appear to be water quality and traffic . As a representative of the North Fork Environmental Council . Ronnie Wacker stated her belief that the water found on the Norris site was of poor quality due to its iron content . However , we have two (2) well sites that fully meet the health standards of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services . If iron were found to be present, there are readily available treatment systems which will solve this problem. Councilwoman Ellen Larsen relayed the concerns of the Norris Estates ' neighbors regarding both traffic and water . We believe a review of the memos attached to this letter will allay any fears they might have . PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU December 9 . 19BEI Page 2 . Dean Anson' s questions regarding the traffic counts taken on the Norris property have been answered thoroughly in the memo by Dunn Engineering and we direct you there for an appropriate response . Several comments and concerns about water and development were mentioned regarding the Wanat parcel . Warren Brady. a resident of Bergen Avenue. questioned whether there would be sufficient water . If the alternative site is accepted, the developer will install a private water system built to County standards . Councilwoman Ruth Oliva ' s questions regarding water on the Wanat site are best answered by H2M' s memo . A question was raised by Kathryn Simichick regarding the "down zoning" of the Wanat parcel . This does not establish a precedent as it is a unique transfer for density purposes only. Planning Board member Richard Ward expressed concern over the possibility of "'clustering" on Wanat . In our letter dated November 17, 1988 , to Valerie Scopaz, we referred to those same concerns . We would, again, ask for the opportunity to meet with the Planning Board in order to discuss this element of the site planning. The clustering aspect will be worked out with the Planning Board rather than the Town Board . We thank you for the opportunity to address these matters which concern us all. Very truly yours. 'L XTREAU & PELLETREAU t 16,) 3ohn J . Hart JFH: hmm Fncl . cc: See additional Rider 3U/13-14 PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU Rider December 9 , 1988 Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran James Schondebare. Esq. Town Attorney Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Richard Ward, Member of the Planning Board Richard Latham, Member of the Planning Board William Mullen, Member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards. Member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry, Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher . McLendon & Murrell Att : Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten, Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering, P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att : Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att : David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young 3U/15 -'V�tGRCAP Hoiznlachcr, McLendon &nd Murrell, P.C. * HolxffL2cher, MclAndon and Murrell, Inc. * 112M Labk, In Engineers,ArchileCLN, Planners, %cientists 575 Broad Hollou Road, N10011c, N V 11747-5076 (516) '156 BOW 0 (201) 575 S400 1&\ 9,16694 ,022 November 16, 1988 Councilwoman Ru�th Oliva Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Councilwoman Oliva: I am responding to your cruestions and comments expressed at the November 14 , 1988 joint meeting of the Southold Town Board and- Planning Board relative to the Norris/Wanat DEIS. 1. There were 2 additional test wells constructed which were sampled and found satisfactory by the Suffolk County Health Department at Norris. These results are shown on Appendix A page 9 in the Addendum to the D.E. I . S. There is no assurance that all 25 plots would have the same quality, probably not, but treatment systems are readily available for iron. we believe we have shown in theengineering report and D.E.I.S. that there is sufficient water recharged on Norris property for the - 132 condo/single family project 1, so there should be more than enough for 25 single family homes. 2 . The proposed well field (3 wells) at Wanat is situated near existing perched water ponds and wetland . Apparently there is sufficient hardpan and/or clay in the immediate vicinity to retard downward flow to the water table at these locations . They would tend to dry up during drought and high evaporation periods but since they are not hydraulically interconnected with the water table, pvmping from the water table aquifer should have no affect or their water levels. 3 . The water quality is expected to be acceptable from the 3 wells proposed, based on a vertical profile test well which was constructed and sampled at several depths. Mel,fflv,N 0 Rnerhead.N) o Fairr.eld,NJ councilwoman oliva November 16, 19E & Town of Southold Page Two 4 . The potential brine disposal system shown adjacent to or near the shoreline of the Long Island Sound should present no problems. it will only be constructed and used if denitrification is required. It would be mixed with the natural fresh water underflow to the Sound. 5. Your concerns about the operation reliability of another small water system are valid. The Developer prefers to own and operate the system as a private water company until such time as an expanded other system is near. A second alternative is to have the system operate as an additional satellite system of -the Suffolk County Water Authority. It could also be operated as a Town Water District. With the other nearby properties in need of potable water , it appears that the Suffolk County Water Authority should expand their Captain Kidd system to the area and include this Wanat system therein. There were a few other statements made by others at the meeting which need addressing. a. It is not true that development reduces recharge of watg-r—. Except in areas where the runoff is piped to saltwater creeks etc, the recharge is increased. The increase in recharge is readily demonstrated by the fact that even minor preciptation on paved surfaces or roofs will find its way into leaching basins where evapotranspiration is only a small fraction of what it is for a wooded area or even a vegetated area . Unless rainfall exceeds 1 /4 to 1 /2 inch in a short time or occurs on consecutive days or periods it is lost to the vegetation and near surface evaporation. b . if reverse osmosis were used as a treatment system fox a brackish (salty) well supply at Norris, the tertiary treated waste water returned to the ground would represent a sizeable increase in fresh water in the area. It could replace much of the freshwater underflow now wasting to Peconic Bay. Awl 14 C-Roup Councilwoman Oliva November 16, 1988 Town of Southold Page Three C. The statements about cost savings to the developer by the transfer are not correct. Please refer to Appendix D page 58 for a comparative water and sewer costs for Plan I or Plan 11 . I trust the above comments and responses are adequate for your needs. Very truly yours, HOLZMACHER, McLENDON MURRELL, P.C. 7 SCM:mo Z4 ?CA4te ��P.E. cc: Supv. F. Murphy Members of the Town Board Bennett Orlowski, Jr . , Chairman of the Planning Board & Members of the Planning Board R. Carr J. Hart H. Raynor J.A.C. Corp RECEWEV Nov 1719a PAWREAU a PELLETREALI Dunn Engineering Assocites Consulting Engineers 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, N.Y. 11978 516-288-2480 December 5, 1988 Ms. Janet F. Haeberle Pelletreau & Pelletreau Attorneys and Counsellors at Law 20 Church Street box 110 Patchorue, NY 11772 Re: Norris Estates and Wanat Public Hearing Comments/Responses Dear Ms. Haeberle: We have reviewed the comments on the Traffic Impact Study prepared for the Norris Estates project submitted by Mr. Dean Anson and Ms. Ellen Larsen at the November 14, 1988 public hearing. We offer the following responses to those comments: 1. Mr. Anson suggested that In order to find the "true traffic 'count" it would be necessary to add traffic from other subdivision projects that were accepted prior to the Norris Estates Projecti namely the Appel and Kreh subdivisions. The effects of these subdivisions has been accounted for in the impact study. In the analysis of traffic conditions in the "1989 Build Year", the existing traffic counts were increased by a factor of 3% per year to account for traffic growth. This adjustment will account for increases in traffic generated by the Appel and Kreh subdivisions. The use of a steady growth factor more realistically accounts for changes in traffic patterns than focusing on specific nearby projects. For instance, in the case of the Kreh subdivision, which was approved many years ago, no new traffic has been generated and the site may not generate new traffic in the foreseeable future. The use of a steady growth factor smooths out the inconsistency in site specific data and is therefore more reliable. 2. Ms. Ellen Larsen commented that traffic was one of the concerns of the Norris Estates neighbors and that the traffic issues should be addressed further. We have prepared on extensive Traffic Impact Study that analyzes traffic conditions at all of the key intersections in the vicinity of the Norris Property. The study showed that the proposed development will generate a minimal amount of traffic and that this traffic can readily be accommodated by the existing road network. All traffic related issues were fully addressed in the Traffic Impact Study. December 5, 1988 Page 2 If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, al 0 600� AMES W. O'CALLAGHAN, P.E. Vice President JOC/lam L880436 P860051 JAMES A.SCHONDEBARE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN ATTORNEY P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York It 9 71 ROBERT H.BERNTSSON TELEPHONE ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY (516)765-1939 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 28, 1988 Pelletreau & Pelletreau 20 Church Street, Box 110 Patchogue, New York 11772 Boom 10 N pLANN11 G BOARD Attention: John J. Hart, Esq. Ref: DEIS, Norris and Carr/Wanat Dear Mr. Hart: I have reviewed the minutes of the public hearing together with your letters of November 17, 1988, to the Town Clerk, Town Planner and Planning Board. I must disagree with your opinion that the additional thirty day public comment period is limited to the Office of Coastal Zoning Management. A reading of the minutes indicate to me that the additional thirty days for comments is open to the public. Very truly yours, James A. Schondebare Town Attorney JAS:rbw cc: Town Board Planning Board PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S.PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART (1891-1943) JOHN J.ROE,111 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 RICHARD A SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE,NEW YORK 11772 (1950-191510) J TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL. 516 447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREAU KEVIN A.SEAMAN FAX 516 475-5651 EL VANESSAM.SHEEHAN' BENJAMIN L,HERZWEIG RUSSELL C.BURCHERI 0 DOUGLASJ LEROSE DENNIS D.OOOHERTY,-R. 447-8925 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA OALSO ADMITTED IN NEW JERSEY SOUT D8 N HFAL EP'UNN G TOGAM November 17, 1988 Honorable Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Planning Board Chairman 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Planning Board Chairman Orlowski: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 15th. it is our understanding that the comment extension to December 19th was for the specific purpose of giving Coastal Zone Management an opportunity to respond to the proposal. We do not consent to nor have we waived any of our rights under S&QRA. Specifically, we would strenuously object to any attempt by anyone other than a Governmental body which would attempt to use this extended period for the purpose of introducing new material or attempting to Influence the decision of the Board. We will, of course, respond to those comments which were raised at the November 14th meeting. it is my understanding from Mr. Onufrak, by letter dated November 14, 1988 a copy of which is enclosed, that his opposition is to the "condominiumization" of the Norris property. it is my understanding that in the event the change of zone was denied that there would be further site plan discussions with the Planning Board concerning Norris. We would, of course, submit a plan which was based on the original proposal which the Courts have approved. Thank you for your attention. Very truly yours, PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU 1��Q — J� J. Hart JJH:mw *See Rider Attached IC/45-7 PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU *Rider October 17. 1988 Hon. Francis J . Murphy Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran James Schondebare. Esq. Town Attorney Valerie Scopaz. Town Planner Richard Ward. member of the Planning Board Richard Latham, member of the Planning Board William Mullen, member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards, member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry. Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten, Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering, P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERTS PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART 0891-1943) JOHN J.ROE,III aoCHURCH STREET-BOX In RICHARDA SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEWYORK 11772 (1950-1980) J TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE TWALLACE TEL. 516 447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREAU KEVIN A.SEAMAN VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' FAX 516 475-5651 SEL BENJAMIN L HERZWEIG RUSSELL C.BURCHERIO DOUGLASJ.LEROSE I DENNIS D.O'DOHERTY,JR� 447-8925 ? 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA OALSO ADMITTED IN NEWJERSEY sou LD low" BoNt November 17, 1988 Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 ATTN: MS. VALERIE SCOPAZ, TOWN PLANNER Dear Ms. Scopaz : At Monday' s meeting there appeared to be some question raised by some Board members concerning clustering on the Wanat parcel . We would appreciarte an opportunity to discuss these elements of the site plan further with the Planning Board. It is our understanding that there is a Planning Board meeting set for November 30th. We would request an appointment at that meeting to clarify this situation. Thank you. Very truly yours, 3 LLETREAU & PELLETREAU ��jn Aa r t JJH:mw IC/44 * See rider attached. PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU *Rider October 17 . 1988 Hon. Francis J . Murphy Hon. Bennett Orlowski. Jr . Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran James Schondebare, Esq. Town Attorney Richard Ward, member of the Planning Board Richard Latham, member of the Planning Board William Mullen. member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards, member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry, Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher. McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten, Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering, P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S.PELI.ETREAU JOHN J.HART 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD JOHN J.ROE.III FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11772 �.00-19001 J.TIMOTHY SHEA ROBERT H.PELLETREAU BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL, 516 447-8900 KEVIN A.SEAMAN S I VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' FAX 516 475-5651 BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG RUSSELL C.BURCHER10 DOUGLAS J.LEROSE JAMES G.HYLAND 447-8925 ffNov2 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA OALSO ADMITTED IN NEW JERSEY SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BO �ARD November 17, 1988 Mo . Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Town Hall 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Terry: I am in receipt of your letter dated November 17th transmitting the certified resolution of the Southold Town Board . It is the position of the applicant that the Town Board is concerned only with the change of zone portion of the alternative set forth in the DEIS. We. therefore, wish to go on record as opposing any extention of the period for comment by any person. persons or agencies other than the Office of Coastal Zoning Management. The applicant will respond during the period of time allotted to any and all inquiries . We do not, nor have we, waived any of our rights under any applicable law or resolution and would strenuously object to any new material being introduced in opposition to the application and to any attempt to limit the rights of the property owner . Very truly yours. ,RELLETREAU & PELLETREAU ct,k4 -- dt-J . rt JJH:mw 1C/49 *See rider attached. PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU Rider November 17 . 1988 Hon. Francis J . Murphy ,,/Hon. Bennett Orlowski. Jr . Hon. Ellen Larsen, Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran James Schondebare, Esq. Town Attorney Valerie Scopaz. Town Planner Richard Ward, member of the Planning Board Richard Latham, member of the Planning Board William Mullen. member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards, member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry, Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher , McLendon & Murrell Art: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten, Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Art: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering, P.C. Att : Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Art: David Saland Young & Young Art: Howard Young IU/11 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX I 10 11691�.OA31 JOHN J.ROE.III RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEWYORK 1177 2 J.TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL. 516 447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREAU KEVIN A.SEAMAN VANE55A M.SHEEHAN' FAX 516 475-5651 OF COUNSEL BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG RUSSELL C.BURCHERI 0 DOUGLAS J.LEROSE BRIAN McCAFFREY 447-8906 JAMES G.HYLAND 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA 0 ALSO ADMITTED IN NEW JERSEY T JT1 iOLD November 15, 1988 .. Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Attention: Hon. Francis J. Murphy. Chairman, Town Board RE: Norris Estates and Carr/Wanat Dear Chairman Murphy. Members of the Town Board. Chairman Orlowski and Members of the Planning Board: We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the time given to our group at last evening' s joint Planning Board/Town Board public hearing on the DEIS for the above properties . We are presently drafting our responses to the questions raised at last night ' s hearing and shall forward same to you shortly. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation. Very truly yours . PE��LETREAU & PELLETRFAU Jdhn HAr JJH: jlm cc: *See Attached Rider 3U(10) k� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 17, 1988 FNW I SOUTHOLD TOWN— PLANNING BOARD John J . Hart, Esq. Pelletreau & �Pelletreau 20 Church Street, P. 0. Box 110 Patchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Hart: Transmitted herewith is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board, adopted at their regular meeting held on November 15, 1988, extending the comment period with respect to the Norris/Carr/Wanat Draft Environmental Impact Statement an additional 30 days. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure cc: Planning Board/ Henry E. Raynor David J.S. Emilita Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 71 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR O�VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 15, 1988: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby extends the comment period with respect to the Norris/Carr/Wanat Draft Environ- mental Impact Statement for an additional 30 days to December 19, 1988. �eAudith WT _ rr�,� Southold Town Clerk November 17, 1988 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Un P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (5 16)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 15, 1988 John J. Hart Pelletreau & Pelletreau. P.O. Box 110 Patchogue, NY 11772 RE: Norris/Carr/Wanat DEIS SCTM #1000-122-5-4 SCTM #1000-112-1-16 Dear Mr. Hart: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, November 14, 1988 . RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board extend the comment period thirty days from November 19, 1988 to December 19 , 1988 . It is understood that there is an agreement with yourself and Joseph J. Onufrak, Attorney for Cando Committee, that, if the change of zone does not take place, another public hearing will be scheduled in regards to the Norris site. The public hearing on the DEIS of the above noted proposal was opened and closed at the meeting of Monday, November 14, 1988. 6 0 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Ve tx y yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN cc: Town Board David Emilita Mike Corey, NYS Coastal Management Program j t November 14, 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board We the undersigned reside in an area that is slated for development, a projected 300 homes or more . Examples of development, Thorton Smith project, Farmveu, and Long Meadows Estates, to name a few. All these developments will be built on two acres or more. The Carr/Wanat pro- ect on Bergen Avenue proposes to build 107 houses on 107 acres. This project will build homes on one acre parcels. We oppose spot down zoning on this parcel and feel it is not conducive to the area where a two acre zoning restriction exists. Our concern is if Carr/Wanat is allowed to proceed with this development, future developers on large tracts of land will demand the same considerations . We are not opposed to the present zoning regulations in our area of two acres. Thank you. November 14 , 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board We the undersigned reside in an area that is slated for development, a projected 300 homes or more . Examples of development, Thorton Smith project, Farmveu, and Long Meadows Estates , to narae a few. All these developments will be built on two acres or more. The Carr/Wanat project on Bergen Avenue proposes to build 107 houses on 107 acres. This project will build homes on one acre parcels . We oppose spot (down zoning on this parcel and feel it is not conducive to the area where a two acre zoning restriction exists . Our concern is if Carr/Wanat is allowed to proceed with this development, future developers on large tracts of land will demand the same considerations . We are not opposed to the present zoning regulations in our area of two acres. Thank you. November 14 , 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board We the undersigned reside in an area that is slated for development, a projected 300 homes or more Examples of development, Thorton Smith project, Farmveu, and Long Meadows Estates, to name a few. All these developments will be built on two acres or more. The Carr/Wanat project on Bergen Avenue proposes to build 107 houses on 107 acres. This project will build homes on one acre parcels. We oppose spot down zoning on this parcel and feel it is not conducive to the area where a two acre zoning restriction exists . Our concern is if Carr/Wanat is allowed to proceed with this development, future developers on large tracts of land will demand the same considerations . We are not opposed to the present zoning regulations in our area of two acres. Thank you. ( 0 Y- November 14 , 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board We the undersigned reside in an area that is slated for development, a projected 300 homes or more Examples of development, Thorton Smith project, Farmveu, and Long Meadows Estates, to name a few. All these developments will be built on two acres or more. The Carr/Wanat project on Bergen Avenue proposes to build 107 houses on 107 acres. This project will build homes on one acre parcels . We oppose spot down zoning on this parcel and feel it is not conducive to the area where a two acre zoning restriction exists . Our concern is if Carr/Wanat is allowed to proceed with this development, future developers on large tracts of land will demand the same considerations. We are not opposed to the present zoning regulations in our area of two acres. Thank you. QkQ November 14 , 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board We the undersigned reside in an area that is slated for development, a projected 300 homes or more . Examples of development, Thorton Smith project, Farmveu, and Long Meadows Estates, to name a few. All these developments will be built on two acres or more. The Carr/Wanat project on Bergen Avenue proposes to build 107 houses on 107 acres . This project will build homes on one acre parcels. We oppose spot down zoning on this parcel and feel it is not conducive to the area where a two acre zoning restriction exists . Our concern is if Carr/Wanat is allowed to proceed with this development, future developers on large tracts of land will demand the same considerations . We are not opposed to the present zoning regulations in our area of two acres. Thank you. November 14 , 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board We the undersigned reside in an area that is slated for development, a projected 300 homes or more . Examples of development, Thorton Smith project, Farmveu, and Long meadows Estates, to name a few. All these developments will be built on two acres or more. The Carr/Wanat project on Bergen Avenue proposes to build 107 houses on 107 acres . This project will build homes on one acre parcels. We oppose spot down zoning on this parcel and feel it is not conducive to the area where a two acre zoning restriction exists . Our concern is if Carr/Wanat is allowed to proceed with this development, future developers on large tracts of land will demand the same considerations . We are not opposed to the present zoning regulations in our area of two acres. Thank you. 2-- November 14 , 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board We the undersigned reside in an area that is slated for development, a projected 300 homes or more Examples of development, Thorton Smith project, Farmveu, and Long Meadows Estates, to name a few. All these developments will be built on two acres or more. The Carr/Wanat project on Bergen Avenue proposes to build 107 houses on 107 acres. This project will build homes on one acre parcels . We oppose spot down zoning on this parcel and feel it is not conducive to the area where a two acre zoning restriction exists . Our concern is if Carr/Wanat is allowed to proceed with this development, fulture developers on large tracts of land will demand the same considerations . We are not opposed to the present zoning regulations in our area of two acres. Thank you. November 14 , 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board we the undersigned reside in an area that is slated for development, a projected 300 homes or more . Examples of development, Thorton Smith project, Farmveu, and Long Meadows Estates, to name a few. All these developments will be built on two acres or more. The Carr/Wanat project on Bergen Avenue proposes to build 107 houses on 107 acres . This project will build homes on one acre parcels. We oppose spot down zoning on this parcel and feel it is not conducive to the area where a two acre zoning restriction exists . Our concern is if Carr/Wanat is allowed to proceed with this development, future developers on large tracts of land will demand the same considerations. We are not opposed to the present zoning regulations in our area of two acres. Thank you. November 14 , 1988 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board We the undersigned reside in an area that is slated for development, a projected 300 homes or more Examples of development, Thorton Smith project, Farmveu, and Long Meadows Estates , to name a few. All these developments will be built on two acres or more. The Carr/Wanat project on Bergen Avenue proposes to build 107 houses on 107 acres. This project will build homes on one acre parcels. We oppose spot down zoning on this parcel and feel it is not conducive to the area where a two acre zoning restriction exists. Our concern is if Carr/Wanat is allowed to proceed with this development, future developers on large tracts of land will demand the same considerations . We are not opposed to the present zoning regulations in our area of two acres. Thank you. `4)v 1988 SOUTHOW TOWN PLANNING BOARD November 14, 1988 Town Supervisor Members of the Town Council Chairman of the Planning Board Members of the Planning Board Southold Township Town Hall Southold, New York Re: DEIS Norris Estates/Wanat Propert Gentlemen: on behalf of the Committee Against Norris Downzoning Organization, the community group which, as you know, has been a major opponent of' condominiumization of the Norris Estates . I write to confirm for the record our understanding that the public hearing scheduled for November 14 , 1988 is limited in scope to a discussion of Richard Carr's plan B, in his DEIS statement, that is, an alternate proposal to build single family houses on the Norris site and to approve a yield transfer of zoning to the Wanat site at Bergen Avenue. In the event the Town undertakes to consider Mr. Carr's plan A, calling for condominiumization of the Norris Estates, I respectfully request the opportunity to be heard on behalf of the Committee at a public hearing to renew our opposition to the latter proposal . Very truly yours , Joseph J. Onufrak JJO:pak (NOY I A so TOWN �NJNGNU W November 14, 1988 Town Supervisor Members of the Town Council Chairman of the Planning Board Members of the Planning Board Southold Township Town Hall Southold, New York Re: DEIS Norris Estates/Wanat Propert Gentlemen: On behalf of the Committee Against Norris Downzoning organization, the community group which, as you know, has been a major opponent of condominiumization of the Norris Estates . I write to confirm for the record our understanding that the public hearing scheduled for November 14, 1988 is limited in scope to a discussion of Richard Carr's plan B, in his DEIS statement, that is, an alternate proposal to build single family houses on the Norris site and to approve a yield transfer of zoning to the Wanat site at Bergen Avenue. In the event. the Town undertakes to consider Mr. Carr's plan A, calling for condominiumization of the Norris Estates, I respectfully request the opportunity to be heard on behalf of the Committee at a public hearing to renew our opposition to the latter proposal. Very truly yours, Joseph J. Onufrak JJO:pak RECEIM NOV 9 1988 SouiWd Town awk PLANNING BUARD November 1. 1988 Town Hall Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Attn: Town Board RE: NORRIS ESTATES and CARR/WANAT CHANGE OF ZONE Dear Supervisor Murphy and Town Board Members: We. the undersigned, are residents of Bergen Avenue. the area involved in the proposed Carr/Wanat Change of Zone application that has been before the board since October 22, 1987. We have examined the application and do not oppose the proposed development into one acre lots. We ask that you set a date for the Change of Zone hearing. Hopefully. this could be on the 14th of November . 1988, simultaneously with the public hearing on the Norris project. Thank you for your attention. Very truly yours. 1U/84 LEGAL N()TICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss 276 of the Tbwn Law, a public STATE OF NEW YORK hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Tbwn Hall, Main Road, Southold, New -York in said Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Town on the 14th day of November, 1988 on the question Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, of the following: a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; 7:30 p.m. A joint Planning and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, Board/Town Board public hear- ing on the Draft Environmental has been published in said Long Island Itaveler-Watchman Impact Statement with respect once each week for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ./. . . . weeks to Norris Estates and the Carr/ Wanat Change of Zone�located at the Tbwn of Southold,Coun- successively, commencing on the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ty of Suffolk, State of New York.Suffolk County Tkx Map No. 1000-122-5-4. day of J 19 . . . . SEQR lead agency for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement is the Southold Plan- �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ning Board. SEQR lead agency for the change of zone is the Southold Town Board. Copies of the Draft Environmental Im- C4 pact Statement are on file at the Sworn to before me this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of Office of the Southold Town Planning Board, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New . . . . . . . 19 York,and may be reviewed dur- ing regular business hours. 8:00 p.m. Public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement with respect to Cliff- side/Tidemark, located at the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Town of Southold, County of Notary Public Suffolk,and State of New York. Suffolk County TbLx Map No. BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER 1000-45-1-1. NOTARY pUBLIC, State of New York SEQR lead agency is the No. 4806846 Southold Tbwn Planning Board. Quakfied in Suffolk CountY Copies of theLDraft Environ- 8:30 p.m. Preliminary ap- C.,rf,missioll Expires mental Impact Statement are on proval of the major subdivision file at the Office of the Southold of Long Meadow Estates, rown Planning Board, Tbwn located at the Town of Hall, Main Road, Southold. Southold, County of Suffolk, New York, and may be review- and State of New York.Suffolk ed during regular business Count), Tax Map No. hours. 1000-113-7-19.2. The property is bordered on 8:15 p.m. Preliminary ap- The property is bordered on the North by Hiawatha's Path; proval of the major subdivision the north by Sound Avenue;on on the East by land now or of Farmveu Associates,located the East by land now or former- formerly of Helen Verity, by at the Town of Southold,Coun- ly of Joseph and Lte Pufahl,by land now or formerly of Theo- ty of Suffolk;imil State of New land now or formerly of John dore and Bridget Shimlick, by York. Suffolk County Tix,Map and Cal herine Simicich;on the land now or formerly of Sarkus, No. 1000-121-3-2. South by land no*or formerly on the South by land now or The property is bordered on of John and Catherine Simicich, formerly of Whittington;on the the North by Sound Avenue,by by land now or formerly of West by land now or formerly of land now or formerly of H. Kevin and Lesley Milowski, by St. Patrick', Church, by land Denys;on the East by land now land now or formerly of Chu- now or formerly of Thomas and or formerly of E. Davison, by diak- oil the west by Cox Neck Erika Iliggart. land now or formerly of 1. RoZ, Any person desiring to be Matzger; on the South-East by 8:45 p.m. Final approval of heard on the above matters land now or formerly of L. the minor subdivision on Town should appear at the time and Matzger, by land now or owned property at Hiawatha's place specified. formerly of Aldrich Land Real- Path with respect to affordable BY ORDER OF ty Association;on the South by housing,located at the Town of THE SOUTHOLD TOWN land now or formerly of J. Southold, County of Suffolk, PLANNING BOARD Kuj awski;on the West by Ald- and State of New York.Suffolk BENNETT ORLOWSKI JR. rich Land, by land now or County Thx Map No. 1000-78.3- CHAIRMAN formerly of J. Dioreraon. 51. IX. 11/3/88 (21) LEGAL NOTICE S:15 p.m.Preliminary approval of Notice of Public Hearing the major subdivision of Famveu NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN du Associates, located at the Town of Pimmant to Section 276 of Lh,,!VM Southold, County of Suffolk, and Law,a public hearing will be he) State of New York.Sqfolk County STATE OF NEW YORK) d b Tax Map No-10W-f2l-3-2. the Southold Town Planning Heard at the Town H-11, Main Road The property is bordered on the SS: Southold,New York in aid Town ' North by Sound Avenue, by land COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) the 14th day Of November 1988 'n now or formerly of H.Denys;on the the qu"tion of the followin I g: m Ent by land now or formerly of E. 7:30 p.m. A joint pl,nn- Davism,by land now in formerly of r B in ciard/Town Board public hearing ms L Matzger;ell the somli-East by land sold Coun Of Mattittlek, In the Draft Environmental impact now or formerly of L. Mauger, by tYs being duty sworn,says that helahs is principal Statement with respect to Norris Es- Land now or formerly of Aldrich Land Clerk Of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, tates and the Carr/W ..t Change of Really Association;ont the South by Zone, located at the Town of land now in formerly of J.Kujawski� Published at Mallituck, in the Town of So thOld, County of Southold,County of Suffolk,scale of �the West by Aldrich Land,by land Suffolk and State of NOW York and that thu New York.Suffolk Comty'r,,Map now or formerly of J.Dimmer. a Notice of which No.i000-122-5-4. 8:30 p.m.Preliminary approval of the StInOXed Is a Printed copy,I,been regularly Published in SEQR lead agency fo,the Draft the major subdivision of Long said Newspaper ones each Week for I Environmental Impact Statement is Meadow Estates,located at the To" weeks the Southold Naming Board.SEQR of Southold,County of Suffolk,and Successively, Commencing on the 3 day of lead agency for the change of one is State of New York. Suffolk County tile Southold Town Board.copies of Tax Map No.1000-113-7-19.2. the Draft Envi.rcinniental impse, The property is bordered on the Statement are on file at the Office of north by Sound Avenue;m the East the Southold Town Planning Board by land now or formerly of Joseph Town Hall, Main Read, Southold' and Lee Pufahl,by land now or for- New Yolk,and may be reviewed d,' merly of John and Catherine Sum- ing regulat business Jim,. cich;on the South by land now or 8:00 P-17), Public hearing on the formerly of John and Catherine Draft Environmental Impact State- Simicick by land now or formerly of Principal Clark men' with respect to Cliff_ Kevin and Lesley Milewski,by land sidefridemark,located at the To"of now or formerly of Chudiak;on the Southold, County Of Suffolk, and west by Cox Neck Road� 0 or@ State of New Sworn to b r York.Suffolk Courtly Tal(MapNo.100OA5-1-1. 9:45 p.m. Final approval of the day of SEQR lead agency is the Southold minor subdivision on Town owned %F,RY K,DrGNA?: TO"Planning Board.Copies of be property at Hiawatha's Path Ry PUBi ic stat� qo, Q with re- , i Draft Enviromimml Impact slate sped to affordable housing,located at d" 4 '60 ment am m file at the Office of lhe the To" of Southold, County of Southold Town planning To" Hall, Heard Suffolk, and State of New York. Main Road, Southold' Suffolk County Tas�Map No. IOM- New York,and may be reviewed dur-' 78-3-51. 1119 regular business hours- Ile property is bordered on the North by Hiawatha's Path; on the East by land new or formerly of He- lm Verity,by land now or formerly of Thatidore and Bridge Shurdick,by land now or formerly of Sarkus; on the South by land now or formerly of Whittington; on the West by land now or formerly of St. Patrick's Church,by land now or formerly of Thormis and Erika Taggart. Any person desiring to be heard cat the above maters should appeal at the firne and place spcifia BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD BENNETT ORLOWSYL JIL CHAIRMAN 6112,11N3 41 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 1, 1988 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Norris Estates SCTM #1000-122-5-4 Dear Mr. Raynor: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, October 31, 1988 . RESOLVED that: the Southold Town Planning Board set a joint Planning Board/Town Board public hearing on the DEIS for Norris Estates and the DEIS for Carr/Wanat change of zone to be held on Monday, November 14, 1988 at 7 :30 p.m. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, BENNETT 'bRLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN cc: David Emilita John J. Hart, Felletreau & Pelletreau Suffolk County De .partment of Health Services Suffolk county Planning Commission NYS Departme3qt of Environmental Conservation Thomas C. Jorling, DEC Commissioner Town Board Judith Terry, Town Clerk Building Department Board of Appeals; Board of Trustees Applicant Planning Board 601Y-11-- LEGALS NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road Southold, New York in said Town on the 14th day of November, 1988 on the question of the following: 7: 30 p.m. A joint Planning Board/Town Board public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement with respect to Norris Estates and the Carr/Wanat Change of Zone, located at the Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-122-5-4. SEQR lead agency for the Draf t Environmental Impact Statement is the Southold Planning Board. SEQR lead agency for the change of zone is the Southold Town Board. Copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement are on file at the office of the Southold Town Planning Board, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be reviewed during regular business hours. 8 : 00 p.m. public hearing on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement with respect to Cliffside/Tidemark, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-45-1-1. SEQR lead agency is the Southold Town Planning Board. Copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement are on- file at the Office Of the Southold-. Town Planning Board, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be reviewed during regular business hours. 8 : 15 p.m. Preliminary approval of the major subdivision of Farmveu Associates, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New- York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-121-3-2. The property is bordered on the North by Sound Avenv;e, by land now or formerly of H. Denys; on the East by land now or formerly of E. Davison, by land now or formerly of 1 . Matzger; on the South-East by land now or formerly of L. Matzger, by Land now or formerly of Aldrich Land Realty Association; on the South by land now or formerly of J. Kujawski; on the West by Aldrich Land, by land now or formerly of J. Dioreraon. 8:30 Preliminary approval of the major subdivision of Long Meadow Estates, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-113-7-1.9. 2. The property is bordered on the north by Sound Avenue; on the East by land now or formerly of Joseph and Lee Pufahl, by land now or formerly of John and Catherine Simicich; on the South by land now or formerly of John and Catherine Simicich, by land now or formerly of Kevin and Lesley Milowski, by land now or formerly of Chudiak; on the west by Cox Neck Road. 8: 45 p.m. Final approval of the minor subidivision on Town owned property at Hiawatha' s Path with respect to affordable housing, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-78-3-51. The property is bordered on the North by Hiawatha' s Path; on the East by lnad now or formerly of Helen Verity, by land now or formerly of Theodore and Bridget Shimlick, by land now or formerly of sarkus; on the South by land now or formerly of Whittington; on the West by land now or formerly of St. Patricks Church, by land now or formerly of Thomas and Erika Taggart. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters should appear at the time and place specified. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD BENNETT ORLOWSKI ,JR. CHAIRMAN PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3rd AND FORWARD five (5) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFTCE, THANK YOU. COPIES SF14T TO: Long Island Travler/Watchman Suffolk Times LEGALS NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE :IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road Southold, New York in said Town on the 14th day of November, 1988 on the question of the following: 7: 30 p.m. A joint Planning Board/Town Board public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement with respect to Norris Estates and the Carr/Wanat Change of Zone, located at the Town of Southold, county of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-122-5-4. SEQR lead agency for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement is the Southold Planning Board. SEQR lead agency for the change of zone is the Southold Town Board. Copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement are on file at the office of the Southold Town Planning Board, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be reviewed during regular business hours. %.- 8: 00 p.rv.i. public hearing on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement with respect to Cliffside/Tidemark, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-45-1-1 . SEQR lead agency is the Southold Town Planning Board. Copies of the! Draft Environmental Impact Statement are on. file at the Office! of the Southold Town Planning Board, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be reviewed during regular business hours. 8 :15 p.m. Preliminary approval of the major subdivision of Farmveu Associates, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-121-3-2. The property is bordered on the North by Sound Avenue, by land now or formerly of H. Denys; on the East by land now or formerly of E. Davison, by land now or formerly of I. Matzger; on the South-East by land now or formerly of L. Matzger, by Land now or formerly of Aldrich Land Realty Association; on the South by land now or formerly of J. Kujawski; on the West by Aldrich Land, by land now or formerly of J. Dioreraon� 8: 30 Preliminary approval of the major subdivision of Long Meadow Estates, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-113-7-19. 2. The property is bordered on the north by Sound Avenue; on the East by land now or formerly of Joseph and Lee Pufahl, by land now or formerly of John and Catherine Simicich; on the South by land now or formerly of John and Catherine Simicich, by land now or formerly of Kevin and Lesley Milowski, by land now or formerly of Chudiak; on the west by Cox Neck Road. 8: 45 p.m. Final approval of the minor subidivision on Town owned property at Hiawatha' s Path with respect to affordable housing, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-78-3-51. The property is bordered on the North by Hiawatha's Path; on the East by lnad now or formerly of Helen Verity, by land now or formerly of Theodore and Bridget Shimlick, by land now or formerly of Sarkus; on the South by land now or formerly of Whittington; on the West by land now or formerly of St. Patricks Church, by land now or formerly of Thomas and Erika Taggart. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters should appear at the time and place specified. %.1 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3rd AND FORWARD five ( 5) AFFIDAVIT TO TAIS OFFICE, THANK YOU. COPIES SENT TO: Long Island Travler/Watchman Suffolk Times rim October 31, 1988 Re : D E I S for Norris Estate submittet by Richard Carr d/b/a Shamrock Holdings Dear Mrs . Scopaz We are the residents of the northerly side of Alois Lane in Mattituck, bordering on the southerly side of the Norris Estates project. We have examined the Subdivision Sketch Plan, Norris Estates, dated June 2, 1988 submitted by Mr. Carr, and prepared by Young and Young, which was received by the Southold Town Planning Board on August 12, 1988. That plan indicated thst Mr. Carr has designated acreage in the south- easterly portion of the site for "Open Space and drainage. " The location of the sump area concerns us . In each case, our wells are located within 50 feet of the purposed drainage area.. The close proximity of the runoff collec- tion area on Mr. Carrs ' s property to our drinking water is objectionable . We ask you to require Mr. Carr to reposition his drain- age area so that it burdens us no more than he would have It burden those to whom he purposes to sell his subdivided lots. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, Mr. & rs Edward Siegmann Mrs . & Mrs Harry Jaqu�llard �ra o n e y Mr. & Mrs Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: All involved agencies From: The Planning Board office Re: Draft Envionmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Norris Estates Date: October 24, 1988 Enclosed please find a copy of the addendum to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Norris Estates. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement was mailed to you on August 12, 1988. On Monday, October 17, 1988 the Planning Board deemed the DEIS complete upon receipt of all information bound into one document. The thirty day comment period will end on November 19, 1988. A public hearing will be held within this thirty day comment period. cc: David Emilita Suffolk County Department of Health services Suffolk County Planning Commission NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Thomas C. Jorling, DEC Commissioner Judith Terry, Town Clerk Building Department Board of Appeals Board of Trustees jt Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516)765�1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: All involved agencies From: The Planning Board office Re: Draft Envionmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Norris Estates -4 Date: October 24, 1988 Enclosed please find a copy of the addendum to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Norris Estates. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement was mailed to you on August 12, 1988. On Monday, October 17, 1988 the Planning Board deemed the DEIS complete upon receipt of all information bound into one document. The thirty day comment period will end on November 19, 1988. A public: hearing will be held within this thirty day comment period. cc: David Emilita Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk County Planning Commission NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Thomas C. �Jorling, DEC Commissioner Judith Terry, Town Clerk Building Department ' Board of Appeals Board of Trustees jt 0 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW JOHN J.HART ROBERTS JOHN J.ROE.111 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 PELLETREAU "69 -10431 FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE. NEWYORK 11772 RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD J.TIMOTHY SHEA I t950_19801 BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL, 516 447-8900 KEVIN A.SEAMAN ROBERT H.PELLETREAU VANESSA M.SHEEHAN* FAX 516 47S-5651 BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG OF COUNSEL RUSSELL C.BURCHERI 0 DOUGLAS J.LEROSE BRIAN McCAFFREY 447-8906 JAMES G.HYLAND E 77 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA 0 ALSO ADMITTED IN NEWJERSEY 2 October 18. 1988 E WTHOID T� S 1i FRILOALN N I Nj Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Bennett Orlowski. Jr . Chairman. Planning Board RE: NORRIS ESTATES Dear Chairman Orlowski : Pursuant to the meeting held by your Board on October 17. 1988. enclosed please find the Addendum to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement as requested. Very truly yours. PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU n J . 4jt�Lkl JFH: jlm Enclosure cc: **See Attached Rider** IU(74) PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU Rider October 18. 1988 Hon. Francis J. Murphy Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran James Schondebare. Esq. Town Attorney Valerie Scopaz. Town Planner Richard Ward, member of the Planning Board Richard Latham, member of the Planning Board William Mullen. member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards, member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry, Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher. McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten. Inc Art: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering. P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att : Howard Young 1U/75 AU & PELLETREAU 09FIT s,PELLFTREAU PELLF-TRE R5 AT LAW (tG91,19431 ATTORNEYS AND CC)UNSELLO 0 A, DER Zo CHURC�.j STRECT-BOX ' "0.1900, C,.4 0 TA - PEAU _R V S�Y OGUF T H.PELLET PETE _, NEWYORK 1177 jOHN J.HART PATCH jOHN J.ROF'111 447-8900 �,F coUNSEL FpEDEpjC L.ATWOOD TEL.Ste J�TIMOTHY SHrA 516 47 5-5"' SpUCE 7.WALLACE FAX KEVIN A SEAMAN VANESSA N SHCEHAN* BENJAMIN L.0ERZWE'G ,,U�SELL C 9URCHERI 0 447-8906 DOUGLA5 J LEROSE ,3PAN M,CAF77REY jAMES G.HYLAND *ALSO ADM TTED IN FLOR10A 0 ALSO AD 177ED IN NEW JERSEY October 13 . 1988 ,rown of, Southampton 53095 main Road Southold. NeW YorX 11971 Attention: valerie Scopaz planning Department ,rown Pianner . IS ESTATES/WANhT RE, NORR ress mall senr_-.__E­Xks�� Dear ?4s- ScopaL, iestiOns posed by you and the it is DUE understanding that the qi the Planning Board Will are answered and e that to be held on 14onday, planning Board at tne me ting MaXe a recommendat'.On October 17 - 1986 - ,jerY truly You"& ETRE�Ij a pELLETREAU P ETR',111� 4_0%� J jor, 4!_r) oh , m ,to , Attached Rider" cc*. **see IU(63) PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU Rider October 14, 1988 Hon. Francis J . Murphy Hon. Bennett Orlowski. Jr . Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran James Schondebare. Esq, Town Attorney Richard Ward, member of the Planning Board Richard Latham, member of the Planning Board William Mullen, member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards, member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry. Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher. McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten. Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering. P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young IU/08 ff Ile" 0a 24 My Ac Town Hall, 53095 Main Road sou P.O. Box 1179 u luwr rt%T�NHIONGRTOARIII Southold, New York 119 71 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 24, 1988 John J. Hart, Esq. Pelletreau & Pelletreau 20 Church Street, P. 0. Box 110 Patchogue, New York 11772 Dear Mr. Hart: Transmitted herewith is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board, adopted at their regular meeting held on October 18, 1988, with respect to the Carr/Wanat/Norris Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure cc: Planning Boardtl� Henry E. Raynor David J . S. Emilita Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Ln P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 71 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE rowN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 18, 1988: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the Draft Environmental Impact Statement with respect to the Carr/Wanat change of zone petition, said acceptance to be upon receipt of a completed DEIS which shall include certain supplemental information which was received and approved by the Planning Board on October 17, 1988; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes the Planning Board to publish notice of a joint Planning Board/Town Board public hearing on the aforesaid DEIS to be held on Monday, November 14, 1988, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. ,���Judith .r-'T'erry Southold Town Cler October 21, 1988 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW JOHN J.HART ROBERT S.PELLETREAU JOHN J.ROE,111 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX I 10 4 1891-1943) FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11 77 2 RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD J.TIMOTHY SHEA (1990-1980, BRUCE T.WALI-ACE TEL. 516 447-8900 KEVIN A.SEAMAN ROBERT H.PELLETREAU VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' FAX S16 47S-SSSI BENJAMIN L.HER�EIG OF COUNSEL RUSSELL C.BURCHER) 0 DOUGI-AS J.LEROSE BRIAN M�CAFFREY 447-8906 JAMESG HYLAN D rT- 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA 0 ALSO ADMITTED IN NEW JERSEY L FIRM October 18, 1988 16 BOARD Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Bennett Orlowski, Jr . Chairman, Planning Board RE: NORRIS ESTATES Dear Chairman Orlowski: Pursuant to the meeting held by your Board on October 17. 1988. enclosed please find the Addendum to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement as requested. Very truly yours, PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU akn J . alt JFH: jlm Enclosure cc: **See Attached Rider** IU(74) PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU Rider October 18 . 1988 Hon. Francis J . Murphy Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean w. Cochran James Schondebare. Esq. Town Attorney Valerie Scopaz. Town Planner Richard Ward. member of the Planning Board Richard Latham. member of the Planning Board William Mullen, member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards, member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry. Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher. McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten, Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering. P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young 1U/75 % ? 0 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW JOHN J.HART ROBERT S.PELLETREAU JOHN J.ROE,111 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX I 10 (1891-10431 FREDERIC �.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEWYORK 11772 RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD J TIMOTHY SHEA (1950-19eo) BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL. 516 447-8900 KEVIN A.SEAMAN ROBERT H.PELLETREAU VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' FAX 516 475-5651 BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG OF COUNSEL RUSSELL C.BURCHERI 0 DOUGLAS J.LEROSE BRIAN McCAFFREY 447-8906 JAMES G.HYLAND 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA 0a OALSOADMITTED IN NEW-ERSEY SOUTHOI D TOWN October 14, 198EI PLAWM9 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Attention: Bennett Orlowski, Planning Board Chairman RE: NORRIS ESTATES Dear Chairman Orlowski : It is our understanding that as a condition precedent. the Suffolk County Department of Health Services will not act upon their Board of Review decision with respect to any variance application until the SEQR process is completed by the Town. Very truly yours , ,,-�ELLETREAU & PELLETREAU 4 1 n AJH rt H. ilm : jlM cc : **See Attached Rider** IU(66) PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU Rider October 14. 1988 Hon. Francis J. Murphy Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon George L. Penny IV Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Jean W. Cochran James Schondebare, Esq, Town Attorney Richard Ward, member of the Planning Board Richard Latham. member of the Planning Board William Mullen, member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards. member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry, Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher. McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten. Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering. P.C. Art: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Art: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young 1U/67 01 An Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (S16)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 18 , 1988 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Norris Estates SCTM #1000-122-5-4 Dear Mr. Raynor: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, October 17, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board deem the Draft Environmental Impact Statement complete upon receipt of all information bound into one document. The thirty day comment period will start upon receipt of the above. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN cc: David Emilita Jol�n J. Hart, Att. Judith Terry, Town Clerk it MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner RE: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Norris Estates. DATE: October 17 , 1988 Pursuant to your request at the October 3rd meeting, the applicant has submitted additional information. The JAC Planning Corp answered the concerns other than water. The H2M Group responded to the water concerns by providing two things: a copy of the water supply easement over the adjoining parcel which is otherwise not a part of the development proposal; and a discussion of the reverse osmosis system which the appli- cant is willing to install, should he need to. Dave Emilita has recommended the acceptance of these additional pieces of information upon the binding of these additional pages into one document. I refer you to his memorandum of Ocotber 17 , 1988. S41 ; 4 SZrPATOWSK1 ASSOCIATES INIC. LN"RONN&KTAL CONSLItTANTS Q 141 %J"m MORYWOPIN TO: So h Id P1 Aing Board FROM: Da! Szopatowski Associates, I= BE: Draft FIS Carr/Wanat/Morris Zatate Development (Addenfts and Additional Information) PATO: 17 October 19aB We have received several pieces of information froD JAC Plaan.oq Corporation ioctober 7kh and Iltbi and ILUM U2,M Group (Octok 7th, 10th, end 12tA) on the above captioned KIS. These have Veen tiansmActd directly to us im response to out Memo of 32 September and to alno address the concerns of Valerie Scopuz. Upon revxev of the items cited above agaiPst the comments made in our Memo of 12 Sepcembes, we f0a that the points in that Memo bavc been responded to and when assembled, and Incorporated obetween two covers', the two volume DSIS can be deemed complete and adequate to review under SBQR. We make this finding in order for the Board to make a response to the applicant at kNe Plarmil, Board Meeting today. Due to the presently onattacbed pieces of suppJamenta, information, the DRIS in sot 6complete' as of today-s date, but could be deemed so when received as a forvally bound document. Yo deem the document complete today wool- start too ieviev clock prematurely amd invite confumem among the involved agencies, and chaos among the public parties trying to review what admittedly is already a complicated project. As always we will with to make substantive comments an the OWIS when you have finally declared it to be complete. P102835 [40k.421�30 S41 SUPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. FAMONMENTAL CONSULTANTS TO: Sout))oId Pi Lann.ing Board FROM. Day Xa�a, szepatowski Aussociates, Inc. RE: Draft CIS - Carx)Vanatlftrris Estate Development (Addeadus and Additional Information) 01 DATE: 17 October 1980 N We have received several pieces of information fro.1 jAC planning M COfPOratiOA iOctober 7th bed lltb� and I[Ou H2m rroup. (October T 7tb, Ifth, and 12th) an the above captioned CIS. These have ceeD transm'tced di[ectly to us Im response to our Memo Of 12 September and to also address the concerns of Valerie Scepax. UPOO review of the items cited above agaipst the comments made in Out Memo of 12 September, we fiad that the points in that Memo have been responded to and when assembled, and Incorporated H "between Vwo covers", the two volume DEIS can be deemed complete and adequate to review under SEQR. Me make this finding in order 9�r the Board to make a response to the applicant at, the Planning Board Meeting today. Due to the presently unattached pieces of supplementary information, the DEIS 3& not 0complete' as of today's date, but could be deemed so when received as a formally bound document. To deem the document complete today would start the review clock prematurely and invite confusion 0 ambODS the involved agencies, and chaos among the public parties trying to review what admittedly is already a complicated project. AS always we will wish to make substantive cements on the DEIS z wherb you have finally declared it to be complete. 0 23H�r&SpnsezqA�. IAW-�T�AU02.8351401�42)-0430 P. 0. Drawer A Jamesport, NY 11947 October 7, 1988 L; Bennett Orlowski, Jr. , Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11.971 RE: Carr/Wanat Deac Mr. Orlowski : Pursuant to my conversation with Melissa, I am forwarding separately the responses requested by your Board to Szepatowski Associates as well as to your office. By routing these answers in this direction we hope to enable the Board to reach a satisfactory decision on the 17th with regard to the DEIS. After speaking with Mr. Emilita, he feels this is the fastest method for him to allow a review from his office to the Board. He has indicated this will be a verbal response from his office if the October 17 date is to be met. If you have any questions, please don' t hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, L'�I J� "enry tft- vn HER:ml CC: Szepatowski Associates Richard Carr John J. Hart., Esq. Sol Niego J.A. C. Planning Holzmacher, Murrell and McLendon Walter Dunn, P. E. JAC PLANNING CORP* 8 Bond Street, Suite 301) Great Neck, NY 11021 0 516-487-4549 October 7 , 1988 0 Ca7T I SOUTHOLD TOWN ARD Dave Emilita Szepatowsky Associates 23 Narragansett Avenue Jamestown, RT 02835 RF : DEIS Norris Estates/Wariat Development Dear Mr . Emilita: Enclosed is an Addendum to the DEIS that includes JAC Planning Corp. 's response to your comments contained in a September 12 , 1988 memorandum from you to the Southold Planning Board . H2M is responding to your comments regarding water quality and supply issues under seperate cover . However, as noted in the attached addendum, in response to your comments regarding the Mitigation Section, we have enclosed H2M's schematic of the proposed water supply systems for both sites . We hope that these responses clarify the issues you raised. if we could be of further assistance in your review of this document don' t hesitate to call . Very truly yours , JAC PLANNING CORP. Jean A. Celender, President JAC : bj CC : A'outhold Planning Board (without H2M' s schematic,, Dick Carr Jack Hart , Esq. Sol Niego Sam McLendon Henry Raynor OCT 1 1 1988 ADDENDUM TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN I PLANNING BOARD DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT NORRIS ESTATES DEVELOPMENT NEw SuFfolk AVENUE MATTiTuck, NEw Yordt JAC PLANNING CORP. Prepared for Southold Town Planning Board 0 ADDENDUM TO THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT NORRIS ESTATES RESIDENTIAr, DEVELOPMENT NEW SUFFOLK AVENUE MATTITUCK, NEW YORK Location 28-acre site on south side of New Suffolk Avenue, east of Reeve/Camp Mineola Road, between Marratooka Lake and Peconic Bay in the Mattituck-Cutchogue #9 School District in the Town of Southold, Suffolk COunty, New York Lead Agency Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall 53095 Main Road, P. O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Applicant Shamrock Properties Corp. 350 Fifth Avenue , Room 1826 New York, New York 10118 Richard T . Carr, President ( 212 ) 868-4777 Principal Prepare JAC Planning Corp. 8 Bond Street , Suite 300 Great Neck, New York 11021 Jean A. Celender, President (516) 487-4549 with : Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell , P . C . , water supply, wastewater and site engineers Dunn Engineering, P.. C . , traffic engineers Niego Associates , architects B .Laing Associates , ecology and permits Henry E . Raynor, Jr . , planning consultant John J. Hart , Esq. , Pelletreau and Pelletreau, attorney Young & Young, surveyors and site planners Archaeological Services Inc . , Cultural Resources Survey Contact Person Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Road, P . O . Box 728 Southold, New York 1.1971 Secr . to Planning Board ( 516 ) 765-1938 Q;6 Preparation Date : Octabor, 1988 Acceptance Date : 1988 Deadline Date for Comments : 1988 INTRODUCTION Environmental Tmpact Statement (BETS ) for the proposed construction of 108 condominium un.its on a 28-acre site south of New Suffolk Avenue, east of Reeve/Camp Mineola Road called "Norris Estates Residential Development" was prepared by JAC Planning Corp. This DEIS was submitted to the Southold Planning Board which on August 15 , 1988 sent the DEIS to David Emilita, Planning Consultant , for his review. This addendum to the DEIS has been prepared to respond to September 12 , 1988 comments received from David Emilita (Appendix A) . As in this memorandum, comments are keyed to page numbers in the DEIS . Responses to Comments Page 2 . 13 There are other approvals required (NYSDEC - LI Well Permit , Wetlands Permits , NYSDOS CZM Consistency Review) and the Suffolk County Planning Commission would also review the zone change . Response : The above is noted and will be added to the list of approvals needed . Page 3 . 5 to 3 . 8 CPWS-24 has been superceded by the Suffolk County ater Resources Management Plan and the North Fork Comprehensive Water Supply Plan, and should not be iitilized as a primary infitzg-mation source . The concept of water budget area and permissive sustained y.ield miist be iipdatc�d with today 's data . The North Fork Water Supply Stiidy shows that most of the Norris site is outside of the water budget area . The text needs to be modifled arid detailed to include the two more recent repnrts . 0 Response: From 112M under seperate rnver . Pages 3 . 7 and 3 . 11 Allusions to other data are made without specific citations or copies of the other data . (e . g. "other research" , second paragraph on p. 3 . 7 references to well 'togs , random samples of wells , etc . ) Conclusions are drawn without showing the data. Response : From 1-12M under spperate cover. Page 3 . 12 arid 3 . 13 The discussion does not correlate with the tabular data . The easterly well appears to have the worst - water quality , The central well testing is incomplete. What are "aesthetic reasons"? What are " . . . a limited number of aneilysi�; from other studies in the area . . . "? A much more rigorous discussion of groundwater quality impacts is necessary. The discussion on pages 3 . 8 through 3 . 13 is totally unconvincing that there is sufficient water quantity that would cause no significant adverse impacts on groundwater in surrounding areas . Response: From I42M under seperate cover . Page 3 . 25 The discussion of the comprehensive plan should be brought up to date . The Southold Planning Board adopted an updated Master Plan in December of 1985 and amended it in August of 1987 . The Zoning Ordinance Amendments have been and continue to be identified as the "Master Plan" . This is a misnomer and should be correr.ted for the draft . Response : st:,�ara raph an pac7e 3 . 25 is chan 0 Lead : I ster PInn w.3.,; adonter] �Iin Ed7e'mre r of z 1.94b_.=id amended -in Anryu� of 1987 . Zonina Ordinanc Ami-ndilinits , (3pyeloned for the niirnn�� nf implAmpntinn the Ma ;t�r PlAr, llnrl;�lte. were oresented to the rnilt-hold T(-,)Iln TInard _LQ_U,2y, 1938 . Although previou 21,�rmin" RnAr Mast6— P �an t, !'on recommen- 3e , tL d a t i o n es t-f�(d In a� two-acre re�iden�t� or 0, t e 7nnin" man whij;h ninpnjment., 4jjaj&LUtes the --thiect r)rnr)erty as HD or Hamlet Density_ Re -J&, i , I FEUM7�2-8 -� 2 Page 3 . 31 The discussion on water supply needs to be more detailed and maps of the salinity problem areas and Health Department waivers need to be shown. Response : From H2M under seperate cover . Page 4 . 2 The discussion on groundwater impacts needs to be rewritten entirely. The one paragraph conclusion presented can not be drawn from the earlier text statements . There needs to be a discussion on the groundwater quality recharged in the zones of concentration of all proposed well sites to begin to determine the long term viability of the wells . Response : It must be noted that all of the groundwater and water use discussions included in the DEIS were summarized from the "Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Systems" prepared by the H2M Group and presented in Appendix B of Volume 2 of the DEIS . This should have been stated on Page 4 . 2 . The discussion in the DEIS was intentionally brief . For Ifurther discussion and support data the reader should refer to Appendix B . Page 4 . 15 The communication with the Mattituck Fire District needs to be shown. Response : This letter was inclMed in Appendix A in Volume 2 of this report on page A . 7 ind is included in the Appendix of this adderidum for reference . In addition, also included in this Addendum is a September 6, 1988 letter from the Mattituck Fire District regarding the Heather Hills Subdivision. In this letter found in Appendix A, three wells were recommended : 1- On the Property Line between lots 6 and 7 2- On the Property Line between lots 23 and 24 3- On the South Side of the road opposite. thp Row between lots 36 and 37 These wells would be in addition to the hydrants installed with the proposed water system as long as there was a minimum 6" main. Page 4 . 16 Why was 70 gpd selected? 100 TO 110 is a normal planning figure . The location of the proposed well and distribution system nepds to be shown. Response : From H2M under seperatp rover . 3 Page 4 . 18 to 4 . 21 Where is the recharge for the treatment plant? Where is it in relation to the well recharge zone? Response: From H2M under seperate cover . Pages 4 . 24 to 4 . 26 Surely a more accurate depiction of the municipal cost/benefit of multi -family developments can be found than a quote from the. 1967 Comprehensive Plan. The impact on the school , fire, police systems should be detailed and verified with the local authorities . Response : The following cost/benefits for the proposed development have been calculated: 3 ) School District : The cost per student can be estimated at $5 , 300 per a telephone conversation with Roger Burns , school superintendent , on December 8 , 1987 . C,11M.Ilating 4 school age children generated by the proposed development (p. 4 . 16-DEIS ) annual cost would be $21 , 200 as oppo��ed to $427 , 820 projected tax reVeTILAE. r.nntribution to the school district . 2 ) Fire District� According to the Town of Southold December 1 , 1986 - November 30 , 1987 budget the Mattituck Fire District budget is $264 , 000 . The LILCO population e'stimate for Mattituck (p . 3 . 28--DEIS) is 4 , 270 . This figure gives a per capita fire district cost of $61 . 83 . Assuming a population increa!3e of 201. persons for the proposed Project as explained on page. 4 . 13 of the DEIS , firt� protection per capita costs WMM 1w by $12 , 428 . When tn projected tax revenues of $24 , 574 the proposed project would have a beneficial economic impact to the fire district . Pages 5 . 5 and 5 . 56 The proposed water treatment plant appear to impact on Wetlands B , C , and D yet the text st—jates that there will be no impact . This appears to be contradictory. In torins of environmental impact , the water plant could be placed in a better location. 4 Response : From 112M undpr reparatf� (�over . Page 5 . 57 to 5 . 58 The water analysis to justify the equipment proposed is not included in the text . Response: This analysis is included in Appendix B, page B. 58 . Again the body of the DETS , as stated an Page 5 . 55 , was a summary of Appendix B. Page 5 . 8 & rear pocket Which plan is being advocated, Niego Assoicates or Yound and Young, for the Heather Hills site? Response: At this time, subject to regulatory review, the Niego Assocjatp-� n1nn J� the preferred plan. Page 5 . 59 Evidence as to sufficiency of the storage and distribution systems from the Mattituck Fire District needs to be shown. Response : This has been responded to previously in the discussion for Page 4 . 15 . Pages 6 . 1 to 6 . 6 The impacts need to be shown on the site plan. There is no coordination between the plan and the impacts cited nor are mitigation measures shown. Response : In order to clarify the mitigations discussed in Section 6 . 0 enclosed are : A. Two site maps which describe Aternatives 1 and 2 of the traffic mi tigations . B. Three plans from H2M which show sewerage and water systems siting for both the Norris and Wariat Parcels J . SeweraUe & Water System Siting (Norris) 2 . Floor Plan and Well Details (Warlat ) 3 . Plan IT , Proposed Water Layout Appendix B Reference is made tn thp CPWS -- 24 which is outdated information . This shotild be updated with current information, as stated in olir second comment . Response : From H2M under separate rover . 5 APPENDIX A CORRESPONDENCE AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AVE. SUFFOLK onstruct a Dedication 25-foot roadwa, south for 200 .' f est. Widen to 28- feet to acces .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . oadway rash Gate--- . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . Ro 8h u 0 . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ... grade for Lu z emergency . . . . . . vehicle arce . . . . . . . . . . . . only :. . . . . . . . . . . . *.-.. ..,., X '. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...X.. X X X X: Crash Gate---- KRAUS RD. E ALTERNATIVE I SITE MAP SCALE: l'-500' A.1 AVE. 7 SUrj:OLK rr% Dedication opt Mication of .5 f:eet r:o 200 feet so f to 25 feet south w Suffolk venue to c as point for 50 feet then Dedication o5 t mp Mineola Road as a Reconstru 12.5 feet to 28-foot o way centered on 50-foot access right o w Crash Gate-- . . . Rough VO 3 i: -:. . .:. Grade Z . .. . . ... . . . . CL Crash Gate X X KRAUS R Ilk Q) E ALTERNATIVE 2 A.2 SITE MAP SCALE: l'-500' SAO SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & PLANNERS 88 SAI V 1619] 0 MEMORANDUM LO TO N ING BOARD. TO: Southold Town Planning Board FROM: David J.S. Emilita, Szepatowski Associates, Inc. RE: Draft EIS - Norris Estate Development DATE: 12 September 1988 Apparently without benefit of our memo of 22 July, a draft DEIS was submitted to you on 12 August. Should you move to ' accept this DEISF many flaws will have to be corrected, in our opinion. Rather than delay the SEQR process further, we would advise accepting it for public review at this time. Our comments are keyed to the page numbers in the DEIS. Page 2.13 There are other approvals required (NYSDEC - LI Well Permit, Wetlands Permitsf NYSDOS CZM Consistency Review) and the Suffolk County Planning Commission would also review the zone change. Page 3. 5 to 3 . 8 CPWS-24 has been superseded by the Suffolk County Water Resources Management Plan and the North Fork- Comprehensive Water Sup-plV Plan, and should not be utilized as a primary information source. The concept of water budget area and permissive sustained yield must be updated with today' s data. The North Fork Water Supply Study shows that most of the Norris site is outside of the water budget area. The text needs to be modified and detailed to include the two more recent reports. Pages 3.7 and 3 .11 Allusions to other data are made without specific citations or copies of the other data. (e.g. "other research", second paragraph on p. 3 .7 references to well logs, random samples of wellse etc. ) Conclusions are drawn without showing the data. A.3 23 Narragansett Ave. RI 02835, (401) 423-0430 Pages 3.12 and 3 .13 The discussion does not correlate with the tabular data. The easterly well appears to have the worst water quality. The central well testing is incomplete. What are "aesthetic reasons"? What are " . . .a limited number of analysis from other studies in the area. . . "? A much more rigorous discussion of groundwater quality impacts is necessary. The discussion on pages 3. 8 through 3.13 is totally unconvincing that there is sufficient water quantity of a quality that would cause no significant adverse impacts on groundwater in surrounding areas. Page 3.25 The discussion of the comprehensive plan should be brought up to date. The Southold Planning Board adopted an updated Master Plan in December of 1985. and amended it in August of 1987. The Zoning - Ordinance Amendments have been and continue to be identified as the "Master Plan" . This is a misnomer and should be corrected for the draft. Page 3.31 The discussion on water supply needs to be more detailed and maps of the salinity problem areas and Health Department waivers need to be shown. Page 4. 2 The discussion on groundwater impacts needs to be rewritten entirely. The one paragraph conclusion pnesented can not be drawn from the earlier text statements. There needs to be a discussion on the groundwater quality recharged in the zones of concentration of all proposed well sites to begin to determine the long term viability of the wells. Page 4. 15 The communication with the Mattituck Fire District needs to be shown. Page 4.lG Why was 70 gpd selected? 100 to 110 is a normal planning figure. The location of the proposed well and distribution system needs to be shown. Page 4. 18 to 4 .21 Where is the recharge for the treatment plant? Where is it in relation to the well recharge zone? Pages 4 .24- to 4 .26 Surely a more accurate depiction of the municipal cost/benefit of multi-family developments can be found than a quote from the 1967 Comprehensive Plan. The impact on the school, fire, police systems should be det!6?iled and verified with .the SALtd. local authorities. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & PLANNERS A.4 Pages 5. 5 and 5.56 The proposed water treatment plant appear to impact on Wetlands B, C, and D yet the text states that there will be no impact. This appears to be contradictory. In terms of environmental impact, the water plant could be placed in a better location. Page 5.57 to 5.58 The water analysis to justify the equipment proposed is not included in the text. Page 5.8 & rear pocket Which plan is being advocated, Niego Associates or Young and Young, for the Heather Hills site? Page 5. 59 Evidence as to sufficiency of the storage and distribution systems from the Mattituck Fire District needs to be shown. Pages 6.1 to 6.6 The impacts need to be shown on the site plan. There is no coordination between the plan and the impacts cited nor are mitigation measures shown. Appendix B Reference is made to the CPWS - 24 which is outdated information. This should be updated with current information, as stated in our second comment. S R 111 1 Ltd. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & PLANNERS R A.5 SAM Phone 298-8833 MATTITUCK FIRE EoISTRIL-.f' MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. 11952 Seutember 6, 19e' Mr. Henry E. Raynor Jr. PC Drawer A Jamesport, N. 'f. 11947 Re : Heather -1- cods �-;ubdivisicn Dear Henry: The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire District have reviewed the Heather 7,400ds. Subdivision MaD that you nrovided. 11,e Board has taken into consideration the proposed water system that you explained was being considered and with this in mind have placed three wells on the map and are as follows : 1 - On the ?ropert7 Line between lots 6 and 7 2 - Or. the Property Line between lots 23 and 24 3 - On the South side of the road opposite the ROW between lots 36 and 37 . tion ro the wo�ld be i1j,,.addi the pl: nnW Tmi-.P� q .7n 3L minimum of 6" mall . If there is a d2c�jj2L ja"PIIIIIEWto install the water system, thea_-9,Q a-dditio-n-al-number iLstalled minimum of three. Please contact the undersigned, or one of th,�) Commissioners if you need furth-er information. Cordially, John A. t tT it cV id g J�i, S h, S ct. ir _ji tat t i tuc V Fir i-list. A.6 Phone 208-8833 MATTITUCK FIRE E)iSTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. 11952 November 12p 1986 Mr. Richard Carr C/o Shamrock Properties Corp. 350 Fifth Ave. Room 1826 New York, N.Y. 103.18 Dear.Sir: After reviewing the proposed Norris Estates condominium project with Mrs Henry Raynor the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire District have only the recommendations put forth to Mr. Raynor regarding the five�fire welis� as noted on the map Mrs Raynor retains, and the full paving to the West access and rough grading to the intersection of Kraus Road, to finalize this projectIs fire protection. With these recommendations the Board considers this project well protected With the equipmenton hand and the water access provided by the project. it would be appreciated if a revised copy of the joint project map be sent to the Board as soon as it is completed. Cordiallyt A.7 GROUP HoUniacher, McLendon and Murrell, P.C. * Holzrnacher, Mc Engineers, Architects, Planners, Scientists 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, N.Y. 11747-5076 (516) 756-8000 0 (201) 575-5400 FAX: 516-694-4122 y -761 October 10, Ms Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Reference: Norris Estates Wanat Dear Ms. Scopaz: We enclose A copy of the deed and easement from U2LLLs to Richard Carr which as tollows: MI �p Parcel I is the main condo parcel which together with Parcel II constitute Parcel A with respect to the application pending. The water supply easement over part of Parcel B is described beginning in the middle of page 2 (after a description of Parcel II) . Schedule A elaborates on the easement terms. The area covered by the easement is for the full width of Parcel B starting about 334 feet south of New Suffolk Avenue and extending 800 feet southerly. The area is 10 acres . The terms of the easement appear to be complete, including construction, operation and maintenance of up to 4 wells and appurtenant facilities. With regard to the easement effect on density of development of parcel B, we presume a clustered development should be designed leaving at least the 10 acres as open space. This does noLt seem to present any problem. The location of the easement and the water and waste- water system facilities proposed are shown on the drawing. The test and monitoring well locations are also shown on the plan. We do not have the verti2a 1 rofile of the test wells Ue but to the best�ofour Knowiect Ede tormation was sandy all the way to about elevation - 50 when the confining clay was encountered. MeMile,N.Y.6 Fjverhead, NY.0 Fairfield,NJ. GROUP Ms Valerie Scopaz October 10, 1988 Town Planner Page Two I also sent you a copy of the material and Mr. Emilita late on Friday. Another is enclosed in case the mails went astray. I also enclose a reverse osmosis optional water supply for Norris condos which Mr. Carr is willing to do if necessary. Also enclosed are 3 copies of the revised Norris Estates Condo Water & Service Plan and a possible revision to the Wanat (Heatherwood) water plant. We would appreciate a prompt and favorable response to the proposed project. if you need anything else, please advise. Very truly yours, HO�ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. �c 2�, P.E. SCM:m0 cc : R. Carr H. Raynor J. Hart, Esq. David Emilita J. Celender NORRIS ESTATE OPTIONAL WATER SUPPLY & TREATMENT SYSTEM The Developer/Owner has committed to an optional water supply and treatment system using reverse osmosis (RO) under two (2) conditions. (a) if it is required by the Town as a condition of �'tea approval for the water supply for the 132 units at Norris, or (b) If it is determined at a future date that consumptive water use is greater than calculated and a reduction in fresh water with drawn from the project site is necessary. The optional water system would consist of the following. Reverse osmosis has been a proven, even though expensive, technology for many years. Additional demands and research have resulted in improved membranes, including those better designed to convert saline water to fresh. The saline supply source is proposed to be two (2) 811 wells (WSAI and WSA2 on site plan) approximately 250 feet deep with 8 inch casing and 6 inch diameter stainless steel screen 20 feet long. The proposed capacity, depending on final design of reverse osmosis components, will approximate 300 gallons per minute such that a 150 g-p-m product will be available at a 50 percent rejection rate. The other 150 gpm, ,as waste water, will be disnosed of eithRLkX'.�i�ne�ction into the deener acruifer at 300 -feet or by piping to or near Peconic Bay. Piping to the Bay would be more economical but will be subject to the availability of easements for pumping and dispersion system. Either method of disposal would be subject to a- discharge permit (SPDES) by the New York State Department- of Environmental Conservation. The proposed deep wells for reject water injection would consist of two (2) 300 feet deep wells, 8" in diameter each with 40 feet of 6 inch screen. Under normal operation one well will be used for recharge, with twice the screen length as the supply well and with only one half the flow. When the first well develops excessive back pressure due to clogging, the second will be placed in service. The first well would be then treated, restored to capacity and placed in a standby mode. The standby wells and the injection wells would be constructed by cable tool method or by rotary -2- method with a cement grout seal between the drilled hole and the outside of the well casing to prevent any communication or hydraulic conductivity between the saline to brackish water below the clay and the reservoir of fresh water above the clay. A monitoring well will be installed just above the clay n the vicinity of each supply well and near each injection ell so that water levels and quality samples can be ollected to show there is no negative effect on water level r quality in the fresh aquifer. If easements can be obtained to direct the reverse osmosis reject to Peconic Bay, the simplest method of disposal would be through a pipe submerged at a bulkhead. If this is not available, it may be necessary to construct a dispersion pipe just below bay bottom. T_he_quality of the wastewater would be less saline than the bay water, only twice that pumped from the brackish wel Multistage units, probably' 3 stage, with 6 module rated at 30 gpm product water each will provide 150 gpm normal plus one reserve 30 gpm unit. They will be designed for saline well water anticipating about 50% the concentration of sea water or some 10, 000 mgl of sodium carbide and 14, 000 mg0l total needs. -3- The brackish well water will be chemically treated to provide pH adjustment and scale control and then pass through a 5 micron mesh prefilter. High pressure pumps will deliver water to the membranes at about 800 - 900 psi. The schematic diagram of the treatment plant is attached. Should higher solinities be experienced in the future, higher pressures would be required. A typical RO membrane is designed and constructed with a production rating measured by flux of water through it - 2 i.e. gal/day ft The flux of a membrane depends on membrane physical characteristics and system condition (temperature, differential pressure across the membrane and salt concentration) . The flux value will gradually decrease during the lifetime of a membrane due to a slow densification of the membrane structure, which results in a decrease in the membrane pore diameters. This gradual flux reduction occurs in all membranes and it is permanent, not reversible. The membrane must be replaced when the flux has reached a minimal acceptable value. The flux versus time duration will plot as a straight line on log-log paper. The life span of a membrane may range from two months to two years, depending on flow and water conditions. -4- The most common membrane used is made of cellulose acetate. These membranes have low water permeability and can, reject over 99 percent of the salts. The water flux is very low. The main types of mounting hardware employed in reverse osmosis equipment modules are classified as 1 ) tubular, 2) hollow fiber and 3) spiral wound. The most common saltwater/brine membrane type are made in the spiral would fashion. In the spiral-would mounting, a porous hollow tube is spirally wrapped with a porous sheet for the feed flow, and a membrane sheet and a porous sheet for the product water flow to give a spiral sandwich type wrapping. The spiral module is encased in a pressure vessel , and the feed flow through the porous sheet is in an axial direction to the porous tube. As the - feed flow passes through the porous sheet., a portion of the flow passes through the membrane into the porous sheet annular space for the product water. From there the product water flows spirally to the porous center tube and is discharged from the conduit in the tube. The brine is discharged from the down stream end of the porous sheet for the feed flow. The modular RO system will have a production capacity of 150 gpm (reject 150 gpm) for a daily maximum flow capacity of 216, 000 gallons (a sixth 30 gpm unit will be in reserve) . In this way the unit will be able to produce the required 171 , 000 gpd of flow (0 .9 gpm. per dwelling unit) in roughly 19 hours of operation with 5 of the 6 modules in service. The units will be skid mounted for flexible installation. Thirty (30) gpm from each module will permit one of these units to be held in reserve in order to facilitate routine maintenance on one of the five operational units and will act as a spare should one operational unit break down. The flow through the units is divided into stages. Each 30 gpm unit has 8 permeators which are staged 5-2-1 . In each module or unit the first stage has 60 gpm of raw water flow to it and the membranes allow 45 gpm to pass while rejecting 15 gpm. The second stage receives the 45 gpm and allows 35 gpm to pass while rejecting 10 gpm. The third stage allows 30 gpm of the 35 gpm to pass while rejecting 5 gpm. In each stage the product water has less and less total solids and the reject water has greater solids concentrations. Approximately 50 -6- percent of the flow will pass the series of membranes and 50 percent will be rejected. Both inlet and outlet water will be equipped with a conductivity meter to indicate raw water total solids but with an arrangement to alternately test the reject water for increase in conductivity. The product water will be pH adjusted then chlorinated, using automatic chemical solution pumps to deliver caustic or soda ash and sodium hypochlorite to the demineralized water. After final treatment the water will flow to the storage tanks . c C: -D 4 rn -4 M -4 -q > F 4 M m > z 7� H 0 ri) z 3 C<o z rq c M Ln m > C-) > >m r- (A M 0 M :E r., rn z C) < m rri C: C: 0 < z m > U) U) m M m 0 z U*) --A c 0 m (A K: -< O '� i� 0 m m 0 K < 0 M Z C-) C/) 0 > --( -4 U) M m X M 0 FM c -4 S. > M L 0 0 > Lf) z H 4 -4 > 0 (4 L CC) 0 > — H m Ln -< �l m C) c: -M z a L- > z z 0 Lr) fn --j m :< r m K rn > m m z 0 z Z M > M 0 z 0 m 0 m > -0 Z Z o M Fq 0 En --I 0 � 48 Z > 0 f4 > -0 0 > z -4 m ;o L L4 > --q U>M > r- z m I 6nou 10 W 1 1 CT E-]DI =�I� 0. R�WM JamespoDc-tawer A October 71' My 11947 1988 Benne tt Orl ISIOuthOld Owski ain Road Town PlInjr. , chairman Southold, t4jr a n'ng Board '1-077 0, Dear �j -sePar ursuant to m Assoc �'Oly the Y convev lates as w responses sation with Me, . ell as to requested by your -1-ssa, I am f enable By routi Your Office. Board Orwa wi the B ag these to 32 rding th Oard to answers epatowsk . tL rO9ard t h reach 'e this 0 a 3n this t e DE'TS sati'sf direction fro is Of he f After actory de we hope I astest to ver fice methodsPeaking c"sion on met. response f 00.the Boa f w! th tj the Cd. Or him t, r. 17th his 0 He has . 0 allow Emillta, e ffice Indicated a review h me. if the Octobe thi's Will be a If You have any questio r 17 date is to be na'' Please do, , , hesitate to Contact Inc rely, ZR 'M 7 cc: A S�epatowsk - enrz IR'chard . I Associ John J arr ates Sol Hart, J- A.c. 90 planning Rojzm acher, Walte'- Dunn, P. S. d JAC PLANNING CORP. 8 Bond Street, Suite 300 Great Neck, NY 11021 * 516-487-4549 October 7 , 1988 SOUTHOLD TOWN NNI BOARD Dave Emilita Szepatowsky Associates 23 Narragansett Avenue Jamestown, RI 02835 RE : DEIS Norris Estates/Wanat Development Dear Mr . Emilita: Enclosed is an Addendum to the DEIS that includes JAC Planning Corp. 's response to your comments contained in a September 12 , 1968 memorandum from you to the Southold Planning Board . H2M is responding to your comments regarding water quality and supply issues under seperate cover . However, as noted in the attached addendum, in response to your comments regarding the Mitigation Section, we have enclosed H2M's schematic of the proposed water supply systems for both sites . We hope that these responses clarify the issues you raised. if we could be of further assistance in your review of this document don' t hesitate to call . Very truly yours, JAC PLANNING CORP . -'Jekok /� Jean A. Celender, President JAC : bj CC : eb-outhold Planning Board (without H2M' s schematic) Dick Carr Jack Hart , Esq. Sol Niego Sam McLendon Henry Raynor 0 T ADDENDUM TO THE WWN RD DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT NORRIS ESTATES DEVELOPMENT NEw Suffolk AVENur: MATTi-ruck, NEWYonk JAC PLANNING CORP. Prepared for Southold Town Planning Board ADDENDUM TO THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT NORRIS ESTATES RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT NEW SUFFOLK AVENUE MATTITUCK, NEW YORK Location 28-acre site on south side of New Suffolk Avenue, east of Reeve/Camp Mineola Road, between Marratooka Lake and Peconic Bay in the Mattituck-Cutchogue #9 School District in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Lead Agency Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall 53095 Main Road, P. O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Applicant Shamrock Properties Corp. 350 Fifth Avenue, Room 1826 New York, New York 10118 Richard I . Carr, President ( 212 ) 868-4777 Principal Preparer JAC Planning Corp. 8 Bond Street, Suite 300 Great Neck, New York 11021 Jean A. Celender, President (516) 487-4549 with: Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell , P. C. , water supply, wastewater and site engineers Dunn Engineering, P . C. , traffic engineers Niego Associates , architects B.Laing Associates, ecology and permits Henry E . Raynor, Jr . , planning consultant John J. Hart , Esq. , Pelletreau and Pelletreau, attorney Young & Young, surveyors and site planners Archaeological Services Inc . , Cultural Resources Survey Contact Person Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Road, P .O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Secr . to Planning Board ( 516 ) 765-1938 Preparation Date : October , 1988 Acceptance Date : 1988 Deadline Date for Comments : 1988 INTRODUCTION Environmental Tmpart Statement (T)ETS) for the proposed construction of 108 condominium units on a 28-acre site south of New Suffolk Avenue, east of Reeve/Camp Mineola Road called "Norris Estates Residential Development" was prepared by JAC Planning Corp. This DEIS was submitted to the Southold Planning Board which on August 15, 1988 sent the DEIS to David Emilita, Planning Consultant , for his review. This addendum to the DEIS has been prepared to respond to September 12 , 1988 comments received from David Emilita (Appendix A) . As in this memorandum, comments are keyed to page numbers in the DEIS . Responses to Comments Page 2 . 13 There are other apprOvals required (NYSDEC - LI Well Permit , Wetlands Permits , NYSDOS CZM Consistency Review) and the Suffolk County Planning Commission would also review the zone change. Response : The above is noted and will be added to the list of approvals needed . Page 3 . 5 to 3 . 8 CPWS-24 has been superceded by the Suffolk County ater Resources Management Plan and the North Fork Comprehensive Water Supply Plan, and should not be utilized as a primary information source. The concept of water budg�.-,.t area and permissive sustained yield must be i)pdated with today' s data. The North Fork Water Supply Study shows that most of the Norris site is outside of the water budget area . The text needs to be modified and detailed to include the two more recent reports . I Response: From H2M under seperate cover . Pages 3 . 7 and 3 . 11 Allusions to other data are made without specific citations or copie of the other data. (e.g. "other research" , second paragraph on p. 3 . 7 references to well logs , random samples of wells , etc. ) Conclusions are drawn without showing the data. Response: From H2M under seperate cover. Page 3 . 12 and 3 . 13 The discussion does not correlate with the tabular data . The easterly well appears to have the worst water quality . The central well testing is incomplete. What are "aesthetic reasons"'? What are limitc a �d number of analysis from other studies in the area. . . "? A much more rigorous discussion of groundwater quality impacts is necessary. The discussion an pages 3 . 8 through 3 . 13 is totally unconvincing that there is sufficient water quantity that would cause no significant adverse impacts on groundwater in surrounding areas . Response: From H2M under seperate cover . Page 3 . 25 The discussion of the comprehensive plan should be brought up to date . The Southold Planning Board adopted an updated Master Plan in December of 1985 and amended it in August of 1987 . The Zoning Ordinance Amendments have been and continue to be identified as the "Master Plan" . This is a misnomer and should be corrected for the draft . Response : The last paragraph on page 3 . 25 is changed to read: "An updated Master Plan was adopted in December of 1985 and amended in August of 1987 . Zoning Ordinance Amendments, developed for the purpose of implementing the Master Plan update , were presented to the Southold Town Board in May, 1988 . Although previous Planning Board Master Plan implementation recommen- dations suggested that the sito be designated two-acre residential , or A-80, the zoning map which accompanied the zoning ordinance amendments designates the subject property as HD or Hamlet Density Residential District (f,,e-e Figure 8 ) " . 2 Page 3 . 31 The discussion on water supply needs to be more detailed and maps of the salinity problem areas and Health Department waivers need to be shown. Response : From H2M under seperate cover . Page 4 . 2 The discussion on groundwater impacts needs to be rewritten entirely. The one paragraph conclusion presented can not be drawn from the earlier text statements . There needs to be a discussion on the groundwater quality recharged in the zones of concentration of all proposed well sites to begin to determine the long term viability of the wells . Response : It must be noted that all of the groundwater and water use discussions included in the DEIS were summarized from the "Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Systems" prepared by the H2M Group and presented in Appendix B of Volume 2 of the DEIS. This should have been stated on Page 4 . 2 . The discussion in the DEIS was intentionally brief . For further discussion and support data the reader should refer to Appendix B . Page 4 . 15 The communication with the Mattituck Fire District needs -to be shown, Response: This letter was included in Appendix A in Volume 2 of this report on page A . 7 and is included in the AppendJx of this addendum for reference . In addition, also included in thit; Addendum is a September 6 , 1988 letter from �he Mattituck Fire District regarding the Hpather Hills Subdivision. In this letter found in Appendix A, three wells were recommended : 1- On the Property Line between lots 6 and 7 2- On the Property Line between lots 23 and 24 3- On the South Side of the road opposite the Row between lots 36 and 37 These wells would be in addition to the hydrants installed with the proposed water system as long as there was a minimum 6" main. Page 4 . 16 Why was 70 gpd selected? 100 TO 110 is a normal planning figure. The location of the proposed well and distribution system needs �o be shown. Response ; From H2'M under, seperate cover . 3 Page 4 . 18 to 4 . 21 Where is the recharge for the treatment plant? Where is it in relation to the well recharge zone? Response : From H2M under seperate cover. Pages 4 . 24 to 4 . 26 Surely a more accurate depiction of the municipal cost/benefit of multi-family developments can be found than a quote from the 1967 Comprehensive Plan. The impact on the school , fire, police systems should be detailed and verified with the local authorities . Response : The following cost/benefits for the proposed development have been calculated : 1 ) School District : The cost per student can be estimated at $5 , 300 per a telephone conversation with Roger Burns , school superintendent , on December 8 , 1987 . Calculating 4 school age children generated by the proposed development (p. 4 . 16-DEIS) annual cost would be $21 , 200 as opposed to $427 , 820 projected tax revenue contribution to the school district . 2 ) Fire District . According to the Town of Southold December 1 , 1986 - November 30, 1987 budget the Mattituck Fire District budget is $264,000 . The LILCO population estimate for Mattituck (p. 3 . 28--DEIS) is 4, 270. This figure gives a per capita fire district cost of $61 . 83 . Assuming a population increase of 201 persons for the proposed project as explained on page 4 . 13 of the DEIS , fire protection per capita costs would bF- increased by $12 , 428 . When compared to projected tax revenues of $24 , 574 the proposed project would have a beneficial economic impact to the fire district . Pages 5 . 5 and 5 . 56 The proposed water treatment plant appear to impact on Wetlands B, C, and D yet the text states that there will be no impact . This appears to be contradictory. In terms of environmental impact , the water plant could be placed in a better location. 4 Response : From H2M under separate (�nver . Page 5 . 57 to 5 . 58 The water analysis to justify the equipment proposed is not included in the text . Response : This analysis is included in Appendix B, page B. 58 . Again the body of the DEIS, as stated an Page 5 . 55, was a summary of Appendix B. Page 5 . 8 & rear pocket Which plan is being advocated, Niego Assoicates or Yound and Young, for the Heather Hills site? Response: At this time, subject to regulatory review, the Niego Associates plan is the preferred plan. Page 5 . 59 Evidence as to sufficiency of the storage and distribution systems from the Mattituck Fire District needs to be shown. Response : This has been responded to previously in the discussion for Page 4 . 15 . Pages 6 . 1 to 6 . 6 The impacts need to be shown on the site plan. There is no coordination between the plan and the impacts cited nor are mitigation measures shown. Response : In order to clarify the mitigations discussed in Section 6. 0 enclosed are : A. Two site maps which describe Aternatives 1 and 2 of the traffic mitigations . B . Three plans from H2M which show sewerage and water systems siting for both the Norris and Wanat Parcels 1 . Sewerage & Water System Siting (Norris) 2 . Floor Plan and Well Details (Wanat) 3 . Plan IT , Proposed Water Layout (Wanat) Appendix B Reference is made to the rPWS - 24 which is outdated information. This sbould be updated with current information, as statod in our second comment . Response : From H2Jq under separate cover . 5 APPENDIX A CORRESPONDENCE AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AVE. SUFFOLK < onstruct a Dedication 25-fOOt roadwa IN south for 200 ,' feet EU Widen to 28- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . feet to acceS4 oadway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rash Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rough 0 w grade for Z emergency veh cle aqce onl" . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crash Gate---- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KRAUS RD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . X ALTEIRNATIVE I SITE MAP SCALE: l'-500' A.1 A-A 74 AVE. *1� SUFrOLK rn -lication of .5 Dedication orW D f:ett. ro 200 feet so 25 feet south Suffolk ve.. c as point u, for 513 feet Z EU then Dedication ofC Reconstru t mp Mineola Roadas a 12.5 feet to* 28-foot o way centered on 50-foot access right o w Crash Gate Rough LLI Grade z LZ—Lj 0. Crash Gate--- E Z15 W ALTERNATIVE 2 SITE MAP A.2 SCALE: l'-500' SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & PLANNERS J I R Q A %A1 SP 1 61988 MEMORANDUM HOLD TOWN ING BOARD 0 TO: Southold Town Planning Board FROM: David J.S. Emilita, Szepatowski Associates, Inc. RE: Draft EIS -- Norris Estate Development DATE: 12 September 1988 Apparently without benefit of our memo of 22 July, a draft DEIS was submitted to you on 12 August. Should you move to accept this DEISf many flaws will have to be corrected, in our opinion. Rather than delay the SEQR process further, we would advise accepting it for public review at this time. Our comments are keyed to the page numbers in the DEIS. Page 2.13 There are other approvals required (NYSDEC - LI Well. Permit, Wetlands Permits, NYSDOS CZM Consistency Review) and the Suffolk County Planning Commission would also review the zone change. Page 3.5 to 3.8 CPWS-24 has been superseded by the Suffolk County Watgr Resources Management Plan and the North Fork Comi)rehensive Water Supply Plan, and should not be utilized as a primary information source. The concept of water budget area and permissive sustained yield must be updated with today' s data. The North Fork Water Supply Study shows that most of the Norris site is outside of the water budget area. The text needs to be modified and detailed to include the two more recent reports. Pages 3.7 and 3.11 Allusions to other data are made without specific citations or copies of the other data. (e.g. n other research" , second paragraph on p. 3.7 references to well logs, random samples of wells, etc. ) Conclusions are drawn without showing the data.. A.3 23 Narragarisett Ave. R1 02835 (401) 423-0430 Phone 298-8833 OTTITUCK FIREDISTRIL-,-' MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. 11952 September 6, 198� Mr. Henry E. Raynor Jr. PC Drawer A Jamesport, N. f. 11947 Re : Heather 'doods Subdivision Dear Henry: The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire District have I reviewed the Heather ','�Ioods Subdivision Map that you provided. T� "ne Board has taken into consideration the pro-Dosed water system that you explained was being considered and with this in mind have placed three wells on the map and are as follows : 1 - On the ?roperty Line between lots 6 and 7 2 - Or. the Property Line between lots 23 and 24 3 - On the South side of the road opposite the ROW between lots 36 and 37. Wells 1, 2, and 3 would be in addition to the hydrants installed with the pro-Dosed water system provided this system had a minimum of 6" main. if there is a decision made not to install the water system, then an additional number of wells should be installed, minimum of three. Please contact the undersigned, or one of the Commissioners if you need further information. Cordially, John A. KVel( ghs S at. tt tuc Og'flsjSist. tatti t a�VIF i r i A.6 Phone 298-8833 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRirT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. 11052 November 129 1986 Mr. Richard Carr Wo Shamrock Properties Corp. 350 Fifth Ave. Room 1826 Now Yorkp N.Y. 10118 Dear Sir: After reviewing the proposed Norris Estates condominium project with Mro Henry Raynor the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire District have only the recommendations put forth to Mr. Raynor regarding the five�fire wellas as noted on the map Mr. Raynor ret4insw and the full paving to the West access and rough grading to the intersection of Kraus Road, to finalize this projectIs fire protection* With these recommendations the Board considers this project well protected with the equipment on band and the water access provided by the project. it would be appreciated if a revised copy of the joint project map be sent to the Board as soon as it is completed. Cordially,, LQa.S-t- -k. eLogrIL:essard r. ha FL tt uo Fire Dist. A.7 0 UZ4GR )U Holzniacher, McLendon and Mu"ell, P.C. 0 Holzmacher, McLendon and Muffell, Inc. 0 H2M Labs, Inc. Engineers, Architects, Planners, Scientists 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, MY 11747-5076 (516) 756-8000 0 (201) 575-5400 - FAX:516-694-4122 y T October 10, 1988 WT 1 190 Ms Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Town of Southold J Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Reference: Norris Estates Wanat Dear Ms. Scopaz: We enclose a copy of the deed and easement from Norris to Richard Carr which is summarized as follows: Parcel I is the main condo parcel which together with Parcel II constitute Parcel A with respect to the application pending. The water supply easement over part of Parcel B is described beginning in the middle of page 2 (after a description of Parcel II) . Schedule A elaborates on the easement terms. The area covered by the easement is for the full width of Parcel B starting about 334 feet south of New Suffolk Avenue and extending 800 feet southerly. The area is 10 acres . The terms of the easement appear to be complete, including construction, operation and maintenance of up to 4 wells and appurtenant facilities. with regard to the easement effect on density of development of parcel B, we presume a clustered development should be designed leaving at least the 10 acres as open space. This does not seem to present any problem. The location of the easement and the water and waste- water system facilities proposed are shown on the drawing. The test and monitoring well locations are also shown on the plan. We do not have the vertical profile of the test wells but to the best of our knowledge the formation was sandy all the way to about elevation - 50 when the confining clay was encountered. Melville,N.Y.0 Riverhead,N.Y.*Fairfield,Nj. f 1AGROUP Ms Valerie Scopaz October 10, 1988 Town Planner Page Two I also sent you a copy of the material and Mr. Emilita late on Friday. Another is enclosed in case the mails went astray. I also enclose a reverse osmosis optional water supply for Norris condos which Mr. Carr is willing to do if necessary. Also enclosed are 3 copies of the revised Norris Estates Condo Water & Service Plan and a possible revision to the Wanat (Heatherwood) water plant. We would appreciate a prompt and favorable response to the proposed. project. If you need anything else, please advise. Very truly yours, HO�ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. SCM:m0 S. McLen P.E. cc: R. Carr H. Raynor J. Hart, Esq. David Emilita J. Celender NORRIS ESTATE OPTIONAL WATER SUPPLY & TREATMENT SYSTEM The Developer/Owner has committed to an optional water supply and treatment system using reverse osmosis (RO) under two (2) conditions. (a) If it is required by the Town as a condition of approval for the water supply for the 132 units at Norris, or (b) If it is determined at a future date that consumptive water use is greater than calculated and a reduction in fresh water with drawn from the project site is necessary. The optional water system would consist of the following. Reverse osmosis has been a proven, even though expensive, technology for many years. Additional demands and research have resulted in improved membranes, including those better designed to convert saline water to fresh. The saline supply source is proposed to be two (2) 811 wells (WSA1 and WSA2 on site plan) approximately 250 feet deep with 8 inch casing and 6 inch diameter stainless steel screen 20 feet long. The proposed capacity, depending on final design of reverse osmosis components, will approximate 300 gallons per minute such that a 150 g-p-m product will be available at a 50 percent rejection rate. The other 150 gpm, as waste water, will be disposed of either by injection into the deeper aquifer at 300 feet or by piping to or near PeconiC Bay. Piping to the Bay would be more economical but will be subject to the availability of easements for pumping and dispersion system. Either method of disposal would be subject to a discharge permit (SPDES) by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The proposed deep wells for reject water injection would consist of two (2) 300 feet deep wells, 811 in diameter each with 40 feet of 6 inch screen. Under normal operation one well will be used for recharge, with twice the screen length as the supply well and with only one half the flow. When the first well develops excessive back pressure due to clogging, the second will be placed in service. The first well would be then treated, restored to capacity and placed in a standby Mode. The standby wells and the injection wells would be constructed by cable tool method or by rotary method with a cement grout seal between the drilled hole and the outside of the well casing to prevent any communication or hydraulic conductivity between the saline to brackish water below the clay and the reservoir of fresh water above the clay. A monitoring well will be installed just above the clay in the vicinity of each supply well and near each injection well so that water levels and quality samples can be collected to show there is no negative effect on water level or quality in the fresh aquifer. If easements can be obtained to direct the reverse osmosis reject to Peconic Bay, the simplest method of disposal would be through a pipe submerged at a bulkhead. If this is not. available, it may be necessary to construct a dispersion pipe just below bay bottom. The quality of the wastewater would be less saline than the bay water, only twice that pumped from the brackish well . Multistage units, probably' 3 stage, with 6 module rated at 30 gpm product water each will provide 150 gpm normal plus one reserve 30 gpm unit. They will be designed for saline well water anticipating about 50% the concentration of sea water or some 10, 000 mgl of sodium carbide and 14, 000 mg6l total needs. -3- The brackish well water will be chemically treated to provide pH adjustment and scale control and then pass through a 5 micron mesh prefilter. gigh pressure pumps will deliver water to the membranes at about 800 - 900 psi. The schematic diagram of the treatment plant is attached. Should higher solinities be experienced in the future, higher pressures would be required. A typical RO membrane is designed and constructed with a production rating measured by flux of water through it - i.e. gal/day ft 2. The flux of a membrane depends on membrane physical characteristics and system condition (temperature, differential pressure across the membrane and salt concentration) . The flux value will gradually decrease during the lifetime of a membrane due to a slow densification of the membrane structure, which results in a decrease in the membrane pore diameters. This gradual flux reduction occurs in all membranes and it is permanent, not reversible. The membrane must be replaced when the flux has reached a minimal acceptable value. The flux versus time duration will plot as a straight line on log-log paper. The life span of a membrane may range from two months to two years, depending on flow and water conditions. The most. common membrane used is made of cellulose acetate. These membranes have low water permeability and can, reject over 99 percent of the salts. The water flux is very low. The main types of mounting hardware employed in reverse osmosis equipment modules are classified as 1 ) tubular, 2) 'hollow fiber and 3) spiral wound. The most common saltwater/brine membrane type are made in the spiral would fashion. In the spiral-would mounting, a porous hollow tube is spirally wrapped with a porous sheet for the feed flow, and a membrane sheet and a porous sheet for the product water flow to give a spiral sandwich type wrapping. The spiral module is encased in a pressure vessel , and the feed flow through the porous sheet is in an axial direction to the porous tube. As the ' feed flow passes through the porous sheet, a portion of the flow passes through the membrane into the porous sheet annular space for the product water. From there the product water flows spirally to the porous center tube and is discharged from the conduit in the tube. The brine is discharged from the down stream end of the porous sheet for the feed flow. The modular RO system will have a production capacity of 150 gpm freject 150 gpm) for a daily maximum flow capacity of 216, 000 gallons (a sixth 30 gpm unit will be in reserve) . In this way the unit will be able to produce the required 171 , 000 gpd of flow (0.9 gpm per dwelling unit) in roughly 19 hours of operation with 5 of the 6 modules in service. The units will be skid mounted for flexible installation. Thirty (30) gpm from each module will permit one of these units to be held in reserve in order to facilitate routine maintenance on one of the five operational units and will act as a spare should one operational unit break down. The flow through the units is divided into stages. Each 30 gpm unit has 8 permeators which are staged 5-2-1 . In each module or unit the first stage has 60 gpm of raw water flow to it and the membranes allow 45 gpm to pass while rejecting 15 gpm. The second stage receives the 45 gpm and allows 35 gpm to pass while rejecting 10 gpm. The third stage allows 30 gpm of the 35 gpm to pass while rejecting 5 gpm. In each stage the product water has less and less total solids and the reject water has greater solids concentrations. Approximately 50 percent of the flow will pass the series of membranes and 50 percent will be rejected. Both inlet and outlet water will be equipped with a conductivity meter to indicate raw water total solids but with an arrangement to alternately test the reject water for increase in conductivity. The product water will be pH adjusted then chlorinated, using automatic chemical solution pumps to deliver caustic or soda ash and sodium hypochlorite to the demineralized water. After final treatment the water will flow to the storage tanks. c a -0 4 rn --4 M -4 CA > m rn -n > F -4 1 9: ;o m > z 0 in z o Z- m M (A m > C.) i :E C- -4 > >M K r- M F11 z M C) m < m a 0 P z m > M V) m z m X com M z u) rn M U) 0 K A 0 cn ;u Z m W > -4 m M C) E6 C: U) 0 2 -4 > > z 0 04 NA 4 U) CD 0 W �A — > 0 > C: 0 c 0 rn ?c z C 0 > (.n 2 :r r rri rn > m z z Z -40 rn > 3 0 &I m -40 rn > -0 LAI Z Z o X M c 0 U) Z X -4 > 00 co 0 > -D 0 0 > i- IA rvi M > C U)m > r- I z rn 27 '�__ 1-1:23 PEILLETRb�U StAlt 00/NMC=ft COVIM Of L#& W $TATI 40 NIM TWA 0% tbt YY day *I Febrtmiry 1986 beforretme Oct ft day of 19 befove me P"60020Y came RMER VMIM aid WsonAy am IDM J. W mme known to be the in4vidu%18 4escisbcd in and who to aw known to be the individual described 4L and who c*ccuacd 614 foretoing instrument. and acknowledged *9 vmcuted the fore ing butnuneut, md ackoowledged *0 gom th" mamed the samme. "*caw the am& Nbtay Atlic 140?W K4L)C STATE OF ROMA My COMMISSION EXPIAES 0Cf 17 )W jorQW TAW GWA wsutAw f um STA" 60 HIM TOOK COVIM 00 01k SfATI OP SM YOM "WM OP $1 CAM tho 4by of 1.19 befw*vA 0% do dq of 19 . 0 parmaWy on* ;'�ampr comms to we known, Wbe, Mby we My svwi� M deppa and w1ham to the fwvg*g lambumemk wit at say dw be resides t IL wbm 180 404NOW24=M me dd of he bmmv ; in am W" dn� *A toftloing laativ&w. 6d- %a "�&e "WWAi kw" the -bed af said ept�_ - . U * sd affix4d &Wr%" im 4" W10 "wited Abe forcgGing taftruMben tD M" bk*rUV*U IS OU ;1W k was W MA fi% MW Was peam WA sa affimW by dtdor of the bwd *I dkeduvot aM awpom- saw V4% W that Ut dVW k am* 0 1 by 10m o"W. it *0 WMA tWW W620661 Dun ftuatafroft *gob TITLI, NO. IlLou L4*T AF C"NTY OIL TOWN to CKWAGO MU INIMIUMM COMANY IM T. %omm by hW a umm No 9 to"a a"0 Inu 0MICIA" WIT06M I qrs"m 20 CHURCH SMW - P.O. WX 110 Ip PATCHDOW. WY me. 1177, _1_7 1_'7 I:� PELL E T r�E�41U C. I Fl:�F I P.2 Fw�4" 11 111- ONLY I YOUR LAWVU iNCIL 'VMS UUD SY LAWTUS nineteenbus" and eighty-six Firm dayof February Rix$ pDOR 1XIeno and IWIS J, qpm&� JR. , both residing at 12100 WE. 16 1'Avenue, N-Or-M-9i�aM. � 33161, Ancillary Co- *a Ust wM=4 ted"Ust of ilia as/bwadors of A A, NCpjo, deceased. who died a resident of Dade County, Florida. on "WK 31, 1985 " whose Will -*as admitted v� probate by the Dade Count.a0gyA ircuit court of Florida on 1/3J$6 and whose Will was admitted to smillal/9'" t on /86�e *6i"KgR by the Surrogate's court of the County of Suffolk On of the irst ��Ca* M. esiding at 444 East 86 Street, New Yorko NY 10023. C arty' RICHOW of the somad put# WrMUSEM that the party of the first part,by virm i)f the power sod mdbo*y gim in Ind by said 109 wiA and testamoi, and in mW4eration of ------------------ ------------ ....... --------400ars, tawful M"ey of the UnitId SWA, paid by the party of the *econd park don hereby gmt and relean unto the Party of the SOOWd Part, tha bdrs Or sue'emn Ind aw4w at die party of the second pan fornw, MON P loop .2-00 1'",ot.*Ve or Posed of knd. 118—mw�l *1 H r Ausse. jj IPA bcft*odK at Mattituck, lb�n of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Ycxk, boundod and described as follms: MGM= at a point an the easterly side of a twenty-five (25) foot right- Z-000 -way scinatims known as Pumve Avenue. distant thereon South 170 411 W1 West 220.5: t framt the cornier fomed by the intersection of the southerly side of Nw Suffolk and the easterly side of said rW-of-my, way t f RIUM TWNM alcng the easterly side of said r4z-of-iay the folloSting three (M RW=T (1y Owth 16* 71 W1 West 550.85 Usti (2) South 7*' 32' 0011 West, 51,9.57'feets and J-Or 4 (m swath r r-00" Watt 667.,65 feet to land-nm or F ly of 7HOM alcn& said land, South 86* 47' W East $09-45 feet to other land now fotvwly of Norgul 000 7�12�.along said I" the follwir;& tw (2) amwou 4nd dixtwma: (2) North 71 311 1W*14est 423 feeti '(2) VlorthT *30" 2W1 East 1195-61 fasts more or lessi to other land of &-me A. Norris I rMU4Lxe said Lod the following four (4).-COWWA and distances, (1) N" 73* '38' 30" West 121.88 feetj (2) North 770 531 2(V Wat %.70 feet; (S) ,:V=,th 'r1* 45" 31YI West 91.78 feet, and (4) North 76* 27' W West 312.78 feet to the point or place of BEGMING. TOQMW,with is right-*f-W 50 feet in width running,fran the ly of Now Suffolk Avenue southerly along lands formerly of George Brook �-& be:L-Z =n1eyed hereein, a total distance of 400 feet for ingress and sr"s installation of underground uLUILAUZZ", *H-ch Iright-of-way is are partieL y 'g ide ly k and described as follows: 1WDV='at i point to the' soudwly side Near Saffolk Avenue at a monument at the northeasterly corner of Lind now of Norr: f Jr ly of bro*As RUNING TWCH the followrIng two (2) courses and distances: (1% or tl 7' 42' West 224.34 feet; (2) South 76 301 201, West 175.66 feet; RUWING IN= r ran O"terly direction on a line drawn perpendicular to the aforesaid course a ce ist-ance of 50 fe-r, RIMING THENa northerly along a line which is 50 feet easterl, ft - the first two courses abow mentioned approximiately 420 feet to the souc*1y t u ids of Now Suftolk Averm, RLftM.TRM a I armw the awt1grly side of �-T [J� �'�Z -I - 'E- 14: -'0 PELLETFUAIJ Ec 'E, S I E—47c� i P. 3 SCHEDULE A SUBJECT TO the right of the party of the first part , their successor* and assigns, to us* , maintain and replace the existing well locatted near the northeast corner of the premises described herein as Parcel 3, and the pipes running from said well to the residence located northerly of said well (Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-115-9-3) until such time as the party of the second part , his successors and assigns , connects said residence to the water supply system described in the aforesaid easement. RESERVING to the party of the first part, their successors and &&signs, a right-of-way for ingress and egress .and underground utilities over the roads now existing or hereafter constructed on the premises described herein and a right-of-way over Reeve Avenue , such right-of-way to continue notwithstanding the subdivision of the premises owned by the party of the first part , and reserving to the party of the second part the right to relocate any of the roads now existing or hereafter constructed on the premises described herein. 1111 U. 'Vt 1,4:--LI FIELLLIIOLHU F'.4 iew Suffolk Avemie i., ;roy-i*ly 50 feet to the point or p* of HMMIPG. ALL that: certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Utticuck, Town of &-Yuthold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and lescribed as follows: BEGMW at the. northwesterly corner of the premises about to be described, point of beonning is disrant South 86* 47' 4W' East 300.00 feet as measured long the northerly side of a 20 foot right-of-way, 'from a monument located in the 1� uxly side of a Private Road known as "Camp Mineola Road's also IwAown as Meave vo -oil which =rAzmt is located 1,958.58 feet soutberlv an measured alot the ox ter :ly side of the Private Road known as "Camp Minwla from the southerly ide of Now Suffolk Avenue; RUN= 1*= frcm said point or place of beginning, along land now or formerly "orrial the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) South 860 471 4011 East, 509-45 feet to a mxA=mt; and (2) South 7* 32' 10" East, 100.00 feet to a mxwment ad land now or formerly RUMMG THM 141 said last meuL�'—,�-d 11=Ad wA slow land now or formerly n,f Jaquillard and a]L(4cr= now or formerly of Johanna M. kopm, North 96* 341 120`1 Westo 509.00 feet to land now or formerly of Laurence P. Reevel KRUNG I%= alang said last mentioned land. North 90 001 2011 Viestj 98.19 feet to 1" now or fcwmarly of Norris at the point or place of BEGINNING. TO%Mn with a riglit of ingress and egress to the paM of the. second part, 4a heirs and ass4ps, In, to and over a strip of lend twenty (20) fact In width, bxtending am the northwesterly corner of the above described premis* in a westerly irecticn along the southerly side of Iand now or formerly of Bruce A. Norris to easterly side of a Private Road, also known as "Camp Mineola Road', also known, 'Iteeve Avenuee". The northerly line of said right-of-way bears North 86' 47' 4W Jest and has a length of 300.00 feet; and the mouth line is parallel thereto. MUNG AND DM*M TO BF a portion of the same premises conveyed to Bruce A. is by dead dated 9/23/83, recorded 9/30/83 In the Suffolk County Clark's Office 9434, pop 169. TOOMM with an easement over other Le-id of Norris as describ.ed below in fwjCW the premises described herein for the party of the seooM part, his heirs, saars and asai&jts, to drill, install and maintain a well and water supply stem and to lay, maintain and replace uriderground pipes and pump and to enter upon promises described below to do mich other things as may be necessary to install maintain such system, topther with the right to construct and use four well Ints within the easement herein granted. The party of the first part, for themselvel Ir heirs. m ssors and asslans, agree that no cesspools, septic tMks. ar I tment Jacilities",of any shall be contructed or installed within A.p&,o huridre, 200). foot ridLus of x6cfi well points, those that armway*ixist. - In the t it becomes zweasary for the e the seewd part or-bis &"IV& tii 4nter the premises daWribod balF .0 purpose of m0ntenave or repairing ow iM inter system. the party of the second part.Mprees to Y leastare:*the abdo"lftiob� *kr10"M=M*1 parteshat five (5) dqo' notice of intent to enter the p'r*mL-ns for the above purposes less an emergency requiring earlier entry upon the premisea is necessewy. In the ent that ouch water supp lm?14tdM is not installed within five (5) yews from the te here, of, this assament WaU be terminated and abaU no loner be a burden upm a' &"a&1be4b0UW. V* prMj"8sUbjgjpttoft is as follow,: ammim at a point distant the fonowivstwo�(2) amx*es distax" from & monument on the wAth side of New Suffolk *isnuia-at the tGr1Y corner 4f;bd*r lend Of %=U, f=wly of brockst (1) &uth 70 2' West 224-34 feet; (2) &%Mh 7* 304 208# West 110 feet$ from 9W point-of 4MW�abm a . I C tbo easterly bmWary-of the remise , ab0ft VMQ* 7& qb* 2(YL West SM f4ti VIVING TH='in',an easta ac h .-.TY dire'tion other. land Norris in a line P"Pendiallar to the aforesaid cour I se 49nXimately 55515,wt tbe .westerly boundary of Lead of Norris and to land now Or I marly of ti�duttttuck Base, RLWING T_%VM in a northerly direction along the westerly boundary of of Norris 800 feet; RMOM4 rrZWx in a westerly direction agroWland of Norris 4 ppraKlMMly 535 feet to the point or plac&, of MHOMMINC. SEE 44MU A AITACM WAao FOR AMMONAL PROVISIONS. Toarn=Wilb&A ligK file and intemt,if=y,of the party of the first part of, in and to any str"u AM roo& abuttift the xboft-described pramisel to the center lines thert0f. TOGETHER with the appmtenances, and also afl the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedwes dcalb in s&W pnmim.wd also the estate therein,which the party of the first part has or has power to cogrivey or dkpm of, whether WWadually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise, TO HAVZ AND JrO HOLD tbe preWses here!= granted unto the Pam of the stc%W part, the hors or Nxtessors AM steps of the party 'of the wood pan forever. AND do PM ot ft AM OW a 69 AN PM Of tht &91 Pad b"Sd 40ft W W&aa I i4i 4 wbev&y dw ID ftq,*hY 1 . =010,W A%VlW& 4Ai&ih�"' of'96 with Section U of thi Lks lAw, m"M*a the at die fiM part wm receive'tbe considerado'a for this conveyance and srW bold the tight tomeelve such considawke as a mo IvW to be appW AM for dw;,nn s of poyins dak tot of the improvemol ead wM ap* dar sun ArIA I*al�.paystmot of Ow gm of the improvennat before aft my put d Us teW of dw owe for *by OdAef Pa. The word wDarii"obal be construed as N It read "parW wbaxver $a sow of 0* r M WMW WHERZWo ft a the past W d*aftoW the day and ym Am Am aw. 74 Roger TW&Ino A Owl/ jHZ*tGR0UP '0 Holzmacher, McLendon and MluTell, P.C. 0 Holzmacher, McLendon and MuffeIL Inc. 0 H2M Labs, Inc. Engineers,Architects, Planners, Scientists 575 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, Tq.Y. 11747-5076 (516) 756-8000 0 (201) 575-5400 FAX:516-694-4122 October 10, 1988 Ms Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Reference: Norris Estates Wanat Dear Ms. Sco- az: .P We enclose a copy of the deed and easement from Norris to Richard Carr which is summarized as follows: Parcel I is the main condo parcel which together with Parcel 11 constitute Parcel A with respect to the application pending. The water supply easement over part of Parcel B is described beginning in the middle of page 2 (after a description of Parcel II) . Schedule A elaborates on the easement terms. The area covered by the easement is for the full width of Parcel B starting about 334 feet south of New Suffolk Avenue and extending 800 feet southerly. The area is 10 acres . The terms of the easement appear to be complete, including construction, operation and maintenance of up to 4 wells and appurtenant facilities. With regard to the easement effect on density of development of parcel B, we presume a clustered development should be designed leaving at least the 10 acres as open space. This does not seem to present any problem. The location of the easement and the water and waste- water system facilities proposed are shown on the drawing. The test and monitoring well locations are also shown on the plan. We do not have the vertical profile of the test wells but to the best of our knowledge the formation was sandy all the way to about elevation - 50 when the confining clay was encountered. Melville,N.Y. Riverhead,N.Y. 0 Fairfield,Nj. F2AGROUP Ms Valerie Scopaz October 10, 1988 Town Planner Page Two I also sent you a copy of the material and Mr. Emilita late on Friday. Another is enclosed in case the mails went astray. I also enclose a reverse osmosis optional water supply for Norris condos which Mr. Carr is willing to do if necessary. Also enclosed are 3 copies of the revised Norris Estates Condo Water & Service Plan and a possible revision to the Wanat (Heatherwood) water plant. We would appreciate a prompt and favorable response to the proposed project. If you need anything else, please advise. Very truly yours, HO�ZMACHER,, McLENDON MURRELL, P.C. SCM:m0 MSgkLen�tam, P.E. cc: R. Carr H. Raynor J. Hart, Esq. David Emilita J. Celender NORRIS ESTATE OPTIONAL WATER SUPPLY & TREATMENT SYSTEM The Developer/Owner has committed to an optional water supply and treatment system using reverse osmosis (RO) under two (2) conditions. (a) If it is required by the Town as a condition of approval for the water supply for the 132 units at Norris, or (b) If it is determined at a future date that consumptive water use is greater than calculated and a reduction in fresh water with drawn from the project site is necessary. The optional water system would consist of the following. Reverse osmosis has been a proven, even though expensive, technology for many years. Additional demands and research have resulted in improved membranes, including those better designed to convert saline water to fresh. The saline supply source is proposed to be two (2) 811 wells (WSA1 and WSA2 on site plan) approximately 250 feet deep with 8 inch casing and 6 inch diameter stainless steel screen 20 feet long. The proposed capacity, depending on final design of reverse osmosis components, will approximate 300 gallons per minute such that a 150 g-p-m product will be available at a 50 percent rejection rate. The other 150 gpm, as waste water, will be disposed of either by injection into the deeper aquifer at 300 feet or by piping to or near Peconic Bay. Piping to the Bay would be more economical but will be subject to the availability of easements for pumping and dispersion system. Either method of disposal would be subject to a discharge permit (SPDES) by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The proposed deep wells for reject water injection would consist of two (2) 300 feet deep wells, 8" in diameter each with 40 feet of 6 inch screen. Under normal operation one well will be used for recharge, with twice the screen length as the supply well and with only one half the flow. When the first. well develops excessive back pressure due to clogging, the second will be placed in service. The first well would be then treated, restored to capacity and placed in a standby mode. The standby wells and the injection wells would be constructed by cable tool method or by rotary -2- method with a cement grout seal between the drilled hole and the outside of the well casing to prevent any communication or hydraulic conductivity between the saline to brackish water below the clay and the reservoir of fresh water above the clay. A monitoring well will be installed just above the clay in the vicinity of each supply well and near each injection well so that water levels and quality samples can be collected to show there is no negative effect on water level or quality in the fresh aquifer. If easements can be obtained to direct the reverse osmosis reject to Peconic Bay, the simplest method of disposal would be through a pipe submerged at a bulkhead. If this is not available, it may be necessary to construct a dispersion pipe just below bay bottom. The quality of the wastewater would be less saline than the bay water, only twice that pumped from the brackish well . Multistage units, probably 3 stage, with 6 module rated at 30 gpm product water each will provide 150 gpm normal plus one reserve 30 gpm unit. They will be designed for saline well water anticipating about 50% the concentration of sea water or some 10, 000 mgl of sodium carbide and 14, 000 mg0l total needs. The brackish well water will be chemically treated to provide pH adjustment and scale control and then pass through a 5 micron mesh prefilter. High pressure pumps will deliver water to the membranes at about 800 - 900 psi. The schematic diagram of the treatment plant is attached. Should higher solinities be experienced in the future, higher pressures would be required. A typical RO membrane is designed and constructed with a production rating measured by flux of water through it - i.e. gal/day ft 2. The flux of a membrane depends on membrane physical characteristics and system condition (temperature, differential pressure across the membrane and salt concentration) . The flux value will gradually decrease during the lifetime of a membrane due to a slow densification of the membrane structure, which results in a decrease in the membrane pore diameters. This gradual flux reduction occurs in all membranes and it is permanent, not reversible. The membrane must be replaced when the flux has reached a minimal acceptable value. The flux versus time duration will plot as a straight line on log-log paper. The life span of a membrane may range from two months to two years, depending on flow and water conditions. -4- The most. common membrane used is made of cellulose acetate. These membranes have low water permeability and can. reject over 99 percent of the salts. The water flux is very low. The main types of mounting hardware employed in reverse osmosis equipment modules are classified as 1 ) tubular, 2) hollow fiber and 3) spiral wound. The most common saltwater/brine membrane type are made in the spiral would fashion. In the spiral-would mounting, a porous hollow tube is spirally wrapped with a porous sheet for the feed flow, and a membrane sheet and a porous sheet for the product water flow to give a spiral sandwich type wrapping. The spiral module is encased in a pressure vessel , and the feed flow through the porous sheet is in an axial direction to the porous tube. As the feed flow passes through the porous sheet, a portion of the flow passes through the membrane into the porous sheet annular space for the product water . From there the product water flows spirally to the porous center tube and is discharged from the conduit in the tube. The brine is discharged from the down stream end of the porous sheet for the feed flow. The modular RO system will have a production capacity of 150 gpm (reject 150 gpm) for a daily maximum flow capa�ity of 216, 000 gallons (a sixth 30 gpm unit will be in reserve) . In this way the unit will be able to produce the required 171 , 000 gpd of flow (0.9 gpm per dwelling unit) in roughly 19 hours of operation with 5 of the 6 modules in service. The units will be skid mounted for flexible installation. Thirty (30) gpm from each module will permit one of these units to be held in reserve in order to facilitate routine maintenance on one of the five operational Units and will act as a spare should one operational unit break down. The flow through the units is divided into stages. Each 30 gpm unit has 8 permeators which are staged 5-2-1 . In each module or unit the first stage has 60 gpm of raw water flow to it and the membranes allow 45 gpm to pass while rejecting 15 gpm. The second stage receives the 45 gpm and allows 35 gpm to pass while rejecting 10 gpm. The third stage allows 30 gpm of the 35 gpm to pass while rejecting 5 gpm. in each stage the product water has less and less total solids and the reject water has greater solids concentrations. Approximately 50 percent of the flow will pass the series of membranes and 50 percent will be rejected. Both inlet and outlet water will be equipped with a conductivity meter to indicate raw water total solids but with an arrangement to alternately test the reject water for increase in conductivity. The product water will be PH adjusted then chlorinated, using automatic chemical solution pumps to deliver caustic or soda ash and sodium hypochlorite to the demineralized water. After final treatment the water will flow to the storage tanks. -7- c -0 cm ri m c C X -4 m > m rn -4 m > Z =1 -4 0 in z Z. --40 MM rn rn tn rn > 0 M :E C- --I > >m rri A m 14 < z -4 z M m 0 P < M m z m > U) M r- m 0 z m 3 -0 Ln -4 com W 0', z W m ::� .c A m (n 0 1440 0 Z C-) (/) m > D W 3 3: U) m 0 I M 0 a) 30 > 0 m 0 > -n E: Ln n m --i.. C 0 > 0 w M r m m > m z z Z -40 > 0 m rq m z z A M c V) -4 > 00 M CD > -0 (4 00 0 > W 0 rn m m U) > -0-4 --1 r- (AM > r, m z m x r- cn 7: ttinqu �-T PELLETF'EHLI 1C A ORTDA swa Q—P/Mmw Comm 00 LAM 58.1 STAIN W KIM! ""*W" 001 ()p the /4f YY &y of Febzwry 1986 , before am 04 the day of 19 batom 0 swun0y am RO%A V40MM and perso"Hy cam LOUIS J. p rlg� J� to am known to be the individuals 4aciribed in and who to ine known to be the individual described in mW TA oLmuted tm foregoing Wanmmt� and imicnowledged "acuted the fafteciat blllfmeal� and &dmOwkdg4d th they otacuted the aw- evacaW dw ame. twy Awlic 10T)"KMVC STATE OF FLORIDA my c0mm'SSIO.N UPIRES OCT 17 1967 GU" OLUAAW-E UM STAIN 40 NSW YCIIA COUNTY OP S& STAIN 40 MNW VOK 4IWWI OP on the &Y of 19 befam me On tba dq of 19 W pmomay am -" ' ' vaamft com I I . � I . . to able vba� being by m dkdyp smN did depw mind *A mwisbwr vibms to the forwing wanme4 11 known. wbom I san linaaft IN toy do be rulda at No� moj:!o4 bob Od 4ebw.aimd, stir!7 do dud M 4 da, like amporadmp Afteromd in AM W" ftom the foregoing latIthadum t. dw- Ut kamm dw 'xg of W" aWq"-&R'm; oat pa saki affixed daMbal in uA who MWA@d ,tbe foregoing kftmma to Wd butruamat Is wiA ima�jbmt k was so am TM cW allned or4ar of the Mal ommuctorg am Zvors.. fim !lthbt WA sipw It cam d by 11W 4ikw. at dw son RIM admaw It mm as dwe SIECTION X BLOM TrrLIL NO. WT T&Wmlctw�a COVK-ry OIL TOWN to CUICW4 WM INWRAMM COMANT T. CARR— SIMMUS no 0 to"a Will 9 mu Distributed by PSIEMM PSUEMWMS HSQS. 4011111CA00 'rX%VM 20 CMW SMW P.O. WX 110 PAMUM. 4v- alp w 1177, _-,_r U. I_t 14: 1'j PELL ETPEHLI E $�4010 IL P. 0.1041 Vow LAWTU iwol� .uw;"; 04TRWAIM-TWI waritumm U440 ST LAWVKRS ONLY -PHiA w- Ldn VOW IV &Y Pf Feb ni�husdredasd eighty-six amm -z. OW&-- /P rX ]Q��q 444 UTWZEM PMER TRMSIM and LOUIS J. Z� JR. . both residing at 12100 R.F. 16th Avenue, t®rth Mi=i—, PL--M6j, n L <i9i'W cp, Ancillary Co- al*zoadwa of the hd WM=4 toftnWat of MUM A. NMUM, d&_wsed. who died a resident of Dade County, Florida, on )DMM )ecamber 31, 1985 and whose Will was admitted to probate by the Da& CmM �ircuit Court of Florida on 1/3/86 and whose Will waA admitted to ancilla *0� by the Surrogate's Court of the County of Suffolk cnrXIM186�,e of the rat 1 RICM ;��esiding at 444 Wt 86 Street, New York, NY 10023, party of the oemod pu% WITNESSETK dat ft party of the first part,by vinue i4 die powa sW ofib"Ity gim In nod by srAd ka wiR and testameak &ad in mWderation of ----------------------------------"Ian, I&W(W WAMCy 6f tM UUkW SWO, paid by dw party of tht NUCT wond part dcm btreby grant aad releaft unto the party of the se part, ow Mrs or sumuors and au4m of die party of the wood part forem. IMCH I: YW wtaio PW,pitce or paral of und, WAW" beildhig- =d Mr-09.1mWomm ell"k *Mstt. OCK MA Wq*DdK At YAttitucke TaAft of Southold, C0VfttY of Suffolk And State of York 1A_, bounded And dewxiW As folLms. r W-GDWM At a point on the easterly side of a twenty-fivo (25) fcat right- '3 LOW -way somstims bwwa As Peeve Avwhw- distant thereon South 17* 410 20" West 220.51 f set ficm the corner formed bY the intersection *f the southerly side of NM Suffolk AM Us '"'us And the "StAxly side of said rigbt-of-wyj RMW T%M, aliong the easterly Aide of A&M rl&-of-wy the follwing three (3) 'TIC" (2) South 16* 71 W1 Wet 5 50 85 feet i (2) South 7' 32' W1 Usst, 514.57'feet; and im Saki r -r-or wast 667-65 fact td land-now or 6 XX of r Mt= *long said land, South 86* 47' 40" East 609-45 feet to other land now formerly of Norris; .4-000 7MM-41c4t &Aid Lavi the fOUowirt two (2) couraw and distsnosA. (2) North 7' 311 10"Vest 423 feet; '(2) Horth:7* ,301- 2V1 East 1195.61 feet, Morjj or lfts, to other 1snd Of Druce A. H=risg THdUAL1=6 said land the following four (4)_Cou�rfts WA &stanosat . (1) No�th 730 *380 3(Y9 'West 121.88 feet; (2) North 774' 53' 20' kkst 96.70 feet, (3) �'Ywth77* 45" W West 91.78 feet, And (4) North 76" 27' 3W.I West 312-78 feet to the point or place of MZWING. IOQMW�With * 'Pon-exclusive right-of-way 50 Uet in Width running-fran the ly side of Now Suffolk Avenue 6outherlY along lands formarly of George Brooks Alag 1" being coriveYed hereein, a total distance of 400 feet for iq;ress ard SrAss and Installatlanof underground utilitie*,, utdch ri&%t_of ly bourided sod descr1W as follows. _,.y is anwe particu- F � EMMWat i point on the' southerly side Nw &"Dlk *vemn At a monuawnt at the northeasterly corner of Lind now of Norr" ;,v of &o* ""W 79 421 West I ROW= TOM the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) 6 224.34 feet; (2) South 7* 30' 20" �hst 175.66 feet; R12WW 7"NCE rnan easterly directicn on a line drawn perpendicular to the aforesaid course a istanCe Of 50 feet; RMING THL140� nortberly along a line which is 50 feet easterly f thO first VWQ courses above mentioned approximately 420 feet to the $out ly of ide Of NOw Suftolk Awwmj REWW TWjM =11 A41A344 ths SOUtArly side of '-6 -4:�L, FLLLL I t�LHIJ Lz.lj-� F SCHEDULE A SUBJECT TO the right of the party of the first part , their successors and assigns, to us* , maintain and replace the existing well located near the northeast corner of the premises described herein as Parcel 1 and the pipes running from said well to the residence located northerly of said well (Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-115-9-3) until such time as the party of the second part, his successors and assigns, connects said residence to the water supply system described in the aforesaid easement. RESERVING to the party of the first part , their successors and assigns, a right-of-way for ingress and egress . and underground utilities over the roads now existing or hereafter constructed on the premises described herein and a right-of-way over Reeve Avenue , such right-of-way to continue notwithstanding the subdivision of the promises owned by the party of the first part. and reserving to the party of the second part the right to relocate any of the roads now existing or hereafter constructed on the premises described herein. -'-I U- '��e 14:�U �LLLETPDwOj ESOS,'16-47--�-�j R.4 iew Suffolk Avenue i., ,jrox**lY 50 feet to the poid I t 6r * of BWMTIVG. PARCEL 11 ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of LUW* situate, lying no being at 4atticuck, Town of Ekiuthold, County of Suffolk and State of Now York. bounded and lescribed as follows: BW'DbUNG at the northwesterly corner of the premises about to be described, point of beginning is distant South 860 471 4WI &at 300.00 feet as measured long the northerly side of a 20 foot right-of-way, from a monument located in the terly side of a Private Road knc*m as "Comp Mineola Road' also known as 'Tteeve ". which monument is located 1099.50 feet southerl measured &IoM the terly side of the Private Road known as 'tamp Mineola L:;' frce the southerly ide of New Suffolk Avenue; RLHUNG T*= from said point or place of beginning, along land now or formerly of Norris, the following two (2) cokwaes aid distances: (1) South 860 471 40" East, 509-45 feet to a mcoxamts and (2) South 7* 321 IOPI FAst, 100.00 feet to a monument and land now or formerly �If Maloney I RUNNING nOM along said last mentioned land " along land aw or formerly Joquillard and along Iand now or formerly of Joharm H. 154a , North 86* 341 Westo 509.0a feet to land now or formexly of Laurence P. Rem; RLW= IHM along said last mentioned land, North go 00' 20" Uiesto 98.19 t to laW now or formerly of Norris at the point or place of BEWUM. MMM with a right of irqreas and egress to the party of the. second part, heirs and asa4pns, In, to aw over a strip of land twenty (20) feet In width, the northwesterly corner of the above described premises in a westerly v dn a 0 aquil kst t :' to heirs irection along the southerly side of Iand now or formerly of Bruce A. Morris to on easterly side of a Private Road, also known as 'tanp Mineola Road", also known : r " ae Reove Avenue". The northerly line of said right-of-way bears North 860 471 4W* at arnWd 'has a langth of 300.00 feeti and the south line is parallel thereto. BEIMN AND INWDED TO BE a porr-Ix, of ul.- .--*rrp premises conveyed to Bruce A. is by deed dated 9/23/83, recorded 9/30183 in the Suffolk County CleWs Office U Uber 9434, pqp 169. TOQMn with an casement over other Laid of Norris as described below in fawr the promises described herein for the party of the second part, bin heirs, asors and assigns, to drill, install and maintain a well and water affly stem x-A to lay, maintain and replace underground pipes end PAP and to enter upon promises described below to do such other things as may be necessary to instali uslatain such o7atem, together with the ri&6tt to construct and use four well ints within' the saiamt. herein granted. ?he party of the first part I for themselvej ir heirs, success=& and assigns, agree that no cesspools, sq*ic tanksp cc swerat eatment-facilities.,d any type shall be contructed or installe� within a. burwkeg ) foat ridius of w6ch iftlYpoints, wwA!pt those that exrently4ix"t. - rtbo t it becomes necessary for the yarty of the second part cz-his assigns t6 4ater the premises deoffibod below for ,the purpose of maintennom or xapairing 0* water systp the Of the =46mes to Y test=**the prlcrcanditicn.z �` ' �90- f ive (5) Matic of intent to enter the premises fir the above purposes a an ncy requiring earlier entry upon the pradsest is necessary. In the ant that water supply syf tam is not installed within five (5) yews from the te hereof. this easeveat abali be termirAted no shan no uqWr be a burdw Lvon I I I & I PTeMiSeS scribW be". The p s subjeict to the is acilbed as f6Uow:t VK%2*;W at a point distant the followixkg two (2) courses distances frm a monument on the south side of 5W Suffolk *ww.,%t the tQrIY corner ;of:6ther 1" of Norris, fm=wly of Brodga j (1) ,Smsth 7* West 224-34 foet# (2) South 7* 30' 2W' West 110 feet, froge sajW point-cf fjHNM�jjaq qbf VYL V the easterly bmsWary of the remims W 'Abft South 70 West 8W feit, tatum ram-in�-an easterly diree t=Mw6h other. land f Norris in a line IwTwAtWl= to the aforesaid 00=8e apprW-butely 555 feet ther .flesterly boundary of -land of Norris and to lad now pr4armerly of jj�j%ttjtucl BRUI RUNNING 19H= in a northerly direction &lWg the westerly boundary of of Norris 800 feet; RLMW lHaim in a Westerly direction across,lend of Norris roxinatelY 535 feat to the point or place ef A A3TACHW WAno FOR AmITIonAL pRovWICUS. Z, 14: 'ELLE'FCHLI C F.- IrOGZ==wi*#X AgK"and intemt.if any.of the Party Of the first part of, in and to any stycets and roW$ abutfift the abovcdwribed promises to the cericr lines thereof, TOGETHM witb dbt appurtessancts, and also &B the estate which the said decedent had at the time of .P- I� 's death in uld premises,and&W the estate therein, which the p" of the first part has or has power to cooM or dispost of, wbtdw WW&Wly, or by virtue of said wUI or otherwise, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 6* presslaft kreis granted unto the party of the second pad, the heirs or moce nors end snips of the p of the second Von forever. AM dw POY at 66 491"M ad dw VkM of Se Am "a b"so*a or Nwhsed I M' 8 dw 10 W#.#hy V".' Mces,WA aft I wbe-&y � I IZ witib Section 13 of Ihi tkn taw,covenants dat ft PWW of Se Avg part wM receive the consideration for *4 conveyance and wW bold the right to receive such coo4dersdon as a UW Ilmod to be&PPW fird W dw Purpose Of PAY4 00 cost Of the IMPMCMMI sod WM APAF dw Sam Ali jV impsy.-isi -40*em of tM improvesnent befom aft my part of the low of do SWU for say odler,Va. Tbe Vot'd 'v*,i.,;' be construed as "u .—.A &M-de Ow serwe of W. so 1101 M'WnW=WHMUW*dw of Me AM pik bu d*executed thb deed dw day ad year AM obove WN tmse ZTA Isi'nowo or: A4Roger Tffdg)im Ljouis J. Jr. 1A TL�r Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 71 FAX(516)76S-1823 JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 13, 1989 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board whereby they propose, on their own motion to change the zong on the property owned by Richar�&rr a e ��WW�;Mnue and Camp Mineola Road, Mattituck, from Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District to B-40 District. Please prepare an official report defining the conditions described in said petition and determine the area so affected by your recommendation, and transmit the same to me. Thank you. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Attachment cc: John J. Hart, Esq. rl-C 1.1�10_, r,�:�nlle Town Hall, S3095 Main Road 41 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 71 JUDITH T.TERRY FAX(516)765-1823 ' TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE(516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY 'THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JULY 5, 1989: WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest and in the promotion of the health, safety, morals or general welfare of the Town of Southold that certain premises at New Suffolk Avenue and Camp Mineola Road (also known as Reeve Avenue) , Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000- 122-5-4, owned by Richard Carr, hereinafter more fully described, be rezoned from Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District to Low Density Residential R-40 District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Zoning Code of the Town of Southold, including the Zoning Map forming a part thereof, be amended by the Town Board on its own motion by changing from Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District to Low Density Residential R-40 District, the following described premises: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suiffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of a twenty-five (25) foot right-of-way sometimes known as Reeve Avenue, distant thereon South 17 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds West 220.51 feet from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue and the easterly side of said right-of-way; RUNNING THENCE along the east- erly side of said right-of-way the following three (3) courses and distances: (1) South 16 degrees 7 minutes 00 seconds West 550. 85 feet; (2) South 7 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West 519.57 feet; and (3) South 7 degrees 7 minutes 00 seconds West 667.65 feet to land now or formerly of Reeve; THENCE along said land, North 86 degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds East 300. 00 feet; THENCE South 8 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds East 98. 19 feet; THENCE North 86 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West 509.00 feet to land now or formerly of Norris; THENCE along said land'the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) North 7 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds West 523 feet; (2) North 7 degrees 30 minutes 20 seconds East 1195.61 feet, more or less, to other land of Bruce A. Norris; THENCE along .said land the following four (4) courses and distances: (1) North 73 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds West 121.88 feet,; (2) North 77 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds West 96. 70 feet; (3) North 77 clegees 45 minutes 30 seconds West 91.78 feet; and (4) North 76 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds West 312.78 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to transmit this Resolution to the Southold Town Planning Board 'and the Suffolk County Department of Planning all in accordance with the Code of the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Charter. 4��udit ��rry Southold Town Cjerk July 10, 1989 10,�L-rl L q', Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T.TERRY FAX(516)765-1823 TOWN CLERK TFLEPHONE(516)765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JULY 5, 1989: RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review Act, and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617. 10, and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, in conducting an uncoordinated review of this unlisted action, has determined that there will be no significant effect on the environment. Descrip t"on of Action: Proposed change of zone, on the Town Board's own motion, on the parcel of 15nd owned by Richard Carr, under tax map No. 1000-122-5-4, from Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District to Low Density Residential R-40 District. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment because an Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and the Town Board has concluded that no significant adverse effect to the environment is likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned, inasmuch as the density allowed in the Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District is greater than the density allowed under the Low Density Residential R-40 District, therefore the change of zone will not have a detrimental effect on the environment, but rather will be an improvement thereon. Southold Town Clerk July 10, 1939 LOCATION MAP 3CALE�1 =6�00 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Puffolk County, New York 516 . 765-1001 Southold, N. Y. 11971 C—t–� IqF5� RECEIM OF For Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Lcash Ch 44"a-9 By, 4-�X'fg�=a 0 0 NOVEMBER 14, 1988 The Southold. Town Planning Board held a regular meeting on Monday, November 14, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold. PRESENT WERE: Bennett Orlowski,jr. , Chairman Member William Mullen Member G. Ritchie Latham Member Richard G. Ward Member Kenneth Edwards Town Planner Valerie Scopaz Assistant Planner Melissa Spiro Secretary Jill Thorp 7 : 30 Joint Planning Board/Town Board public hearing an Norris Estates/Carr/Wanat. Present for -this hearing were: Supervisor Frank J. Murphy, Councilwoman Ruth Oliva, Councilwoman Jean Cochran, Councilwoman Ellen Larsen, Councilman George Penny, Councilman Ray Edwards, Town Attorney James Schondebare, Town Clerk Judith Terry, Environmental Consultant David Emilita, Diane Schultz. Mr. Orlowski: Good Evening. I would like to call this meeting to order. This is a little different tonight. You will see two boards sitting in front of you. That is the Town Board down below and the? Planning Board up here. This is a joint Planning Board/Town Board public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Norris Estates and the Carr/Wanat Change of Zone. The Norris Estate Project is a condominium project in Mattituck. The Carr/Wanat project is an alternate to the Norris Estates project. We decided to hold this hearing for comments on the Environmental Impact Statement together. We have proof of publication in the Suffolk Times and also in the Long Island Traveler/Watchman. Everything is in order for this hearing. I will start out in asking for any comments. Since there is lot here tonight, we will start on my left. Is there Planni- Bo,--, i Page 2 November 14 , 1988 any comments from anybody over here. ( to the left) ? scTm #1000-122-5-4,1000-112-1-16 . Ronnie Wacker: Is this on the first one? Norris Estates? Mr. Orlowski: Yes. Mrs. Wacker: My name ,is Ronnie Wacker and I am representing the North Fork Environmental Council. I would like to say that I feel that the Norris property has problems. Not only is it a plain uninteresting parcel without trees and the physical attraction, but the water is not much good. In fact it stinks. It contains a great deal of iron and sulfur. While this does not oppose a hazard to life, it does have a disagreeable oder. Presuming that there will be enough people willing to put up with the smell or agreeable to the use of filtration systems; pumping of the water for additional residents would cause severe water problems for those living in the immediate vicinity, especially down in the Camp Mineola area. Many of them already suffer salt water intrusion, according to the man who dug the test wells on the Norris property. Pumping water for twenty five more houses would be brackish and foul smelling water for many more of the residents already in the area. Mr. Carr has applied for twenty four well permits from the County Health Department for the Norris Property. And for ninety four units on the Wanat property, where he hopes to use development rights from the Norris area. We question how he can transfer development rights he doesn't yet have. The Health Department may not grant permission to go ahead with pumping which would adversely affect so many of his neighbors. We contend that the Town, in interest of the health of the citizens in the area should rezone this nonconforming parcel to two acres. Which it has been designated in the latest master plan, but since the Town has zoned the Norris property hamlet density, this has raised Mr. Carr' s hopes of realizing a greater profit from the parcel then two acre zoning would allow him. We would like to suggest a compromise, that he be allowed to transfer the difference in the number of lots allowed in the two acre zoning and allowed in the one acre zoning. This may be about twelve lots. If he has twenty five there, half of that is twelve, twelve and a half, thirteen. Add them to the total number of lots allowed on the Wanat property. Another point we would like make is that, if Mr. Carr did develop the Norris property in hamlet density, which by law would allow him one hundred and thirty two units on twenty two acres, he would have to construct a central water and sewage treatment plant or bring in public water at tremendous expense. Now, in permitting him to transfer the development rights that he could use on the Norris property only if he spent a great deal of money, the Town in our thinking is making a present to Mr. Carr of the money he doesn' t have to spend for water treatment systems and thus permitting him to take those development rights to another property. He doesn' t have to spend this, so he could go over and use those development rights for Planning Bo Page 3 ember 14 , 1988 the other property. Which nobody would, has said no to, so far. I wonder how much the Town is willing to give away. Perhaps, a happy compromise would be two acres zoning on the Norris property and add the twelve lots to the Wanat parcel. Another reason we find the Environmental Impact Study deficient, is its assessment of traffic. The project surveyors metered the road, according to the witnesses in the area, right in front of the property. They did not count the number of cars that turned right immediately before the Norris property into one of the 'Largest marina' s on the North Fork, Strong' s Marina. Traffic would be extremely heavy for anyone traveling down that road to a new development. On both counts, we feel that the impact statement could be improved. The assessment of traffic and water. Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments from this side? Mr. Onufrak;: Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am Joseph Onufrak. I am an attorney representing CANDO, The Committee Against Norris Downzoning Organization. Which, you all know is a community group made up of individuals and other community groups, mostly neighborhood associations, which for almost fifteen years has been the leading opponent for condominiumization. For the record, I also happen to be a resident of the community. I live near the southwest portion of the Norris Estates. I will be very brief. I have had opportunities on behalf of CANDO to speak before this panel of public officials at the Master Plan hearings and at other meetings in the Town in the past, so I will be brief. The Town has, for a very long time, had a problem with respect to the Norris Estate site. There is a court decision that some thirteen or fourteen years old, which would argue for the right of the Town to rezone. Although that decision never indicated that the condominiums were an appropriate use of the property, never the less, it appears to the community group, CANDO, and to its constituents, that the proposal that Mr. Carr has offered in his Environmental Impact Statement for a yield transfer is an interesting and creative compromise, that we think this goes a long way in solving the community problems and the Towns problems. There is essentially three difficulties in consideration of this site for a long time. As Ronnie Wacker has indicated, there is a traffic problem. There is a water problem. There is essentially an Environmental problem. Generally a quality of life problem. We think that the compromises that are offered in Plan B, as it were in the Wanat and the Norris proposal, meet those objections. This is a compromise in the community point of view. We have long asked the Town to reconsider the concerns of the community based on what has happened in the neighboring community for nearly thirteen years, since the court discesion. We think that a dramatically lesser reduction of density will aid our water supply problems Plan. ig F rd Page November 14 , 1988 considerably. Although they won' t conclude our problems. We think a dramatic reduction in housing in the area will go a long way in dealing with the traffic problems, which we continue to be plagued with. New Suffolk Avenue at Main Road is nightmare right now. Substantially greater density would add to that nightmare. We think the present proposal with plan B will go a long way in solving that. The Third point is a residential one. That is a review of the neighborhood. A trip into the community, will help you to realize that the community is a residential one of single family homes. Although that is not an absolute reason why condominiumization is inappropriate, nevertheless, the proposal goes a long way to maintaining the quality of life and the consistency of the community. My comments for the record are based on the assumption that it is our understanding that the only issue that is being entertained today is the ability to transfer the density rights. If it is incorrect we would ask the Board to give the community group, this and other community groups, an opportunity to make a full presentation. We won' t bore you with that tonight, but we would like to make clear for the record. I have a letter that I have addressed to the Town Supervisor, the Planning Board chairman and the members of the Council and the Planning Board that state that point of order for the record. We would appreciate if the Chair would correct us if that is not the understanding. That is, no entertainment tonight will be made of the discussion of the rights, the merits of condominiumization of the Norris Estate. It goes strictly to the question of the Plan B and whether it is appropriate to transfer rights to the Wanat Estates. Mr. Orlowski: We are addressing the Impact Statement right now. This is comments on the Impact Statement, whether there is an impact on the Environment. The Environmental Impact Statement, if you have reviewed it, you can make comment on that right now. Mr. Onufrak: I am afraid, if you wouldn' t mind clarifying. I have made explicit point of statement, that I am not sure you are responsive to. Mr. Orlowski: Tonight we are dealing with the impact statement. O.K? Whether there exists an impact or not. So any comments should be addressing the Environmental Impact Statement. Not the project itself right now. Mr. Onufrak: Alright, that is understood. I will leave my comments as they are. Thank you very much. I have written, by mail today, a copy of this letter to the membership of the Planning Board and the Town Council. Supervisor Murphy: Can you sign the letter please? Mr. Onufrak: The mailed copies are signed. Supervisor Murphy: I will give this to Judy Terry. Planning BoW 0 Page 5 0 *Vember 14, 1988 Mr. Orlowski: Are there any other comments from this side? Mr. Sigman: My name is Ed Sigman. I live on the South side of the Norris Property. There is a line of four onefamily houses. I am speaking for all those people tonight. As you know I've had a lot to say in the past about this Norris problem. We probably wouldn' t be standing here tonight discussing it at all had we been able to get a fourth vote at the time we brought it before the Town Board. In reference of making it two acre zoning. Since we were not able to do that we feel that the change from ninety five condominiums coming down to twenty five condominiums if that' s what that property would be able support. We feel that it is a step in the right direction to solve the problem for the people living in that area. There is no doubt in our mind that if ninety five condominiums where built on those twenty seven acres that it would have to cause a problem for the people living in that area with their wells. only four hundred to five hundred feet: from the southwest corner of the Norris Property there is a well that was put in there a few years ago. That well will show more salt water today than it did three years ago when it was put in. So, our feeling was that if ninety five condominiums went in there it definitely would have to pull the salt water further from the bay than it has. We feel that at least we have a fighting chance with our wells if the Town were to support the twenty five houses or whatever it would hold on the Norris property. Thank You. Mr. Orlowski : Any other comments from this side? Hearing none any comments from the center section? Mr. Hart: Mr. Chairman, Mr. Supervisor, Gentlemen and Ladies. I am John Hart. I represent Mr. Carr. I am going to tell you that I think we have an opportunity here, today, to do something that would be in the best interest of the people of the Town of Southold. I think it is an opportunity that very rarely comes to a Town. Right now there are, under the zoning ordinances in the Town of Southold, a hundred and seventy three units that can be built on this property. I am talking about the property which is the Norris property and the Wanat property. What we propose, is to do something that is suggested by the Town and by the Planners in the Town. That is to reach a compromise. A compromise that would be in the best interest of the everybody in the Town. It would be in the best interest of the people who live near Camp Mineola Road and it Would be in the best interest everyone within the Town of Southold. That is to work out something that is unique. A new concept in the Town of Southold. Something that I think that your very able planners are conscious of and are supportive of. That is a new amalgam, so that we would have a combined unit of the both the Wanat and the Norris properties that would reduce from the one hundred and seventy three units as of right, at the moment. So as of the moment we have one hundred and thirty two units as of right. We go back to the Court determination, which determines that there are one hundred and thirty two units as of right on the Norris Plann. j Bc d Page E November 14 , 1988 property and the forty one units, as of right on the Wanat property. We propose that we shall reduce those by sixty six units. We suggest to you that this is a proposal that would give to the people on the Camp Mineola Road property twenty five units on twenty eight point two tenths units, approximately. And would give to the one hundred and seven units of the one hundred and seven acres on Wanat or one acre per unit. So that what we would have in total would be sixty six units less then is presently, legally allowable on those two units. We suggest to you that it is a proposal that makes a lot of sense both legally and environmentally. It is something can be looked at. We could weigh those. I think the Suffolk Times said that they weigh six pounds. I don' t know if they are worth six pounds or ten pounds or twenty pounds. There has been an enormous amount of time spent. There has been an enormous amount of time spent by the Developer, by your planners, and by everyone concerned with this. I would suggest to you that it is time to go ahead with it. And to make the change of zone final, to go forward and to put an end to something that has gone on for, at the moment, almost twenty years. Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments form the center section? Mrs. Simicich: Good Evening. my name is Katherine Simicich. I reside on. Supervisor Murphy: Cathy can you turn that down a little? Thank you. Mrs. Simicich: My husband and I reside on Bergen Avenue in Mattituck. We own forty five acres right now in vineyards. we were the original plaintiffs on this Norris business came up on Camp Mineola Road. We have moved to Bergen Avenue right now. We see this compromise coming our way. Our area is slated for a large development projected of three hundred homes or more in Aldrich Lane, Sound Avenue, Bergen Avenue, Cox Neck Road. samples of the development: Thornton Smith project, Farmveu, Long Meadow Estates to name a few. All these developments are to be built on two acres or more. The Carr/Wanat project on Bergen Avenue proposes to build one hundred seven homes on one hundred seven acres. This project will build homes on less than an acre, which is three quarters of an acre. We oppose the down zoning of this parcel. The Environment Impact is not conducive to the area where two acre zoning restrictions exist. Our concern is if Carr/Wanat is allowed to proceed with this development, future developments on large tracts of land in that area will demand the same considerations. We are not opposed to the present zoning regulations in our area of two acres. I have a few names on these letters that were signed I would like to present them to the Town Planning Board and we will come up with a few more. Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: O.K. Any other comments from the center section? Planning Bole Page 7 &ember 14 , 1988 Mr. Brady: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen of both Boards. My name is Warren Brady and I live on Sound to the west of this proposed development. I own five acres and also have a thirty five hundred foot by twenty five foot road going to Bergen Avenue, so Bergen Avenue has been my original address. In all the testing they have done for water in their area along Bergen Avenue, they have not gotten satisfactory water. I feel that if you set a precedent by allowing this downzoning on the Wanat property the other three to five acres in the area will insist on the same thing. I don' t think the Town of Southold is set up to handle the additional services required. To handle all these people, their garbage and the water problems. I feel the Board should give this serious consideration before allowing this down zoning. Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments for the center section? Mr. Hart: If I may answer Mr. Brady, of whom I 've known a long time. In sofaras MV. Brady' s concerns are important, and they are very important, I would tell you that it is the obligation of the developer to provide you, Warren, with any kind of water that you arc! entitled to. So that there will be denigration of any rights that you have. There is no question that there will be sufficient water and there will be, from whatever source, because they, Suffolk County Water Authority, may require us to build a deer) well and provide you with water. So that there will be no denigration of your rights whatsoever. I am certain working with the Town we will be able to provide whatever kinds of insurances you need. Mr. Brady: Thank you, Jack. However, I ain not really concerned with water. I am concerned with the entire community and burdening of the community with the services required with the increase of the population. That is my concern. Mr. Orlowski: Alright, this comments for the Board not a question and answer session. Mr. Wood: I am John Wood. I live on old Jule Lane. That is west of the Norris property. Between Norris and James Creek. I just heard the lawyer for Mr. Carr say, that if the development affects my water, will he be obligated to supply me with fresh water. Because right now I do have fresh water. People in my neighborhood are slowly going salt. If Mr. Carr builds up property and I think the regular zoning in the Town is two acres. I think you are putting twenty five on approximately twenty five acres. Will he be obligated to supply me with water if my water goes bad? Mr. Orlowski: That is question that this Board can' t answer and I don' t believe so. Mr. Wood: I just heard Mr. Carr say that he would supply this other gentlemen with water? Would he be obligated to supply me Plani g ard Page November 14 , 1988 with water. Another dilemma I have, maybe a simile could explain it. I wear a size eight shoes. You give me a pair of shoes that are size five on my left foot. When I complain about it you say, take it off your left foot and but it on your right foot and now you feel better. It seems that we are transferring a problem in one neighborhood right to the other neighborhood. Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments from the center section? Mr. Zuldessy: My name is William Zuldessy. I live on Bergen Avenue. I am hearing one hundred and twenty seven condos and hundreds of acres. I only own a quarter acre with another quarter acre next to me. It took almost twenty seven years to realize the dream of a lifetime to get out here. I understand that you can' t stop progress. In relation to what this other gentlemen was saying about shoes. I am six two and half, I go into a shoe store. I try on size eleven. But twelves feel so good, I buy size thirteen, which is my size. What I am trying to say, is time marches on and things will happen. But little guys like me and even Mr. Simicich will be drowned in. When I came here two years ago and really built a dream of a lifetime I ran into terrible water problems. I reiterate the same question this other gentlemen said. If I run into problems will the big guys take care of my water? Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments from the center section? Hearing none, any comments from anyone on my right? Mr. Ansen: Good Evening. My name is Dean Ansen I am a Environmental Consultant for CANDO. I briefly reviewed the Environmental report and I have several comments. I am going to follow up with written comments later, but my verbal comments are addressing two issues that have already been talked about tonight. Traffic and water supply. The traffic, there are two issues that I have with the Environmental Impact Statement. One is that under NEPA, National Environmental Policy Act, when you develop your base line in traffic you add in all your projects that are ahead of your project, then you add the existing condition to that. That is the base line in which you add the traffic of this project. That was not done. There are two projects that are ahead of this project. one is the Appel property and the other is the Kreh property. Both of those are housing developments with a total of thirteen units. Those should be added to existing traffic and then Mr. Carr' s added on top of that. Secondly, a number residents told me that during the traffic counting, when the meters were on the road, the hoses were not intact. That is they were not stretch across the road. So the counts were obviously not accurate. Other traffic engineers, when they take counts, will check their meters on at least a daily bases. My understanding is, for several days traffic meters were not counting cars. When the traffic projections were made, the existing Department of Transportation counts were used. These counts have been known to be in error up to twenty percent. Planning Bow Page 9 &ember 14 , 1988 With regard to the water supply, I think what we are seeing here is, and I will clock this when I get the rest of the data, is that as the pumpage rate is increased by the current residents, the salt water is intruding further and further inland. What we do is we put the pump station for Mr. Carr's property up in the northeast corner. I think we are going to see two things. one is, I think we are going to see further salt water intrusion. And- secondly, I think we are going to see an effect on Lake Marratooka. I think that will have a greater impact further north. These are my brief comments. I will follow up with more detail of written comments within the regulated comment period. Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments from this side? Mr. Cuddy: My name is Charles Cuddy. I am appear for myself at this point. I live nearby the Norris Property. I have a question for the Board, in fact I have two questions. The first one is, when does the public comments end? That is when does the public comment period finished. Is there a day certain that that is on? Mr. Orlowski: It ends November the nineteenth, but we have a request from the New York State Coastal Management for a extension of: time so that they can answer. This Board will probably extend it when we close this hearing. Mr. Cuddy: My second question is partly in form of a statement. I think it is laudable, if my understanding is correct and if it is not, my understanding is, and I think that Mr. Hart is suggesting this, that what is being done tonight is that these two Boards are considering the question of the transfer of development rights and the effect that the Environmental Impact Statement has upon that transfer. Not necessarily the entire merits, the condominium verses non-condominium. It is very important that there be an distinction that is made. The transfer of development rights, I think base upon what lawyers would call prima facie case, that is their Environmental Impact Statement convinces you that it is sufficient to go ahead and transfer these development rights because the water at that site is adequate. There are a number of people here, myself and others, that might take issue with that finding. If were made after full hearing, after a debate and so on. That is not what we are doing here tonight. At least, that is my understanding we are not doing that tonight. What I believe that is being done is that you are being asked to look at their statement and to decide, if on its face, if their statement is sufficient to cause that transfer. That is an important distinction. If that can be done, that is fine. If not, and if that is not what is really happening, you are saying this is the condominium project. This the transfer project. This is the whole thing rapped into one. I would request that there be additional time. Because there are a lot of people who have not understood that, including myself. I realize from your statement before, that Mr. Onufrak had asked you, what is being done. Maybe that is not Plan ig P rd Page November 14, 1988 clear. If that is not so, a number of people will, I am sure, offer opposition very different then what has been offered here tonight. I think that Mr. Hart is probably correct, that it is time to end fourteen years. I was there in December 1974, as other people were. Many of us would like to bring this to a conclusion. I am very hopeful that the point I am making is clear. That is, that we are just talking about the transfer of those development rights. Mr. Orlowski: The transfer is an alternate and addressed in the Impact Statement. From the Norris Impact Statement, which this Board is addressing. on the Norris project. The Town Board is here addressing the alternate, which is transferring the rights. Relieving one area and putting it into another area. So that is why we are here together. It appears, that I think the Board vote to extend it for another thirty ( 30) days, as requested by Coastal Management. Mr. Cuddy: If we could during that time, get further classification. Because, again it is important for those who have taken position for fourteen years. Opposed to the project. To know whether or not, in fact, we are talking about the marriage of the condominiums at that site or whether we are talking about the question, which is a refined question, of whether or not the water at this point is satisfactory based upon their reports. And if we can do that, that is fine. If you can get back to me and let me know. Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: O.K. Mr. Sigman: Mr. Chairman. I would like to ask that question in a different way. Because I don' t understand sometimes when lawyers talk what the answers are. I want to ask you a simple question. If you were to turn down the switch, would you be making a decision at the same time that says that Carr has the right to build the condominium on the Norris property. or would get another public hearing if you turned it down? will we get another public, where we can talk in reference to the condominium project? Mr. Schondebare: This is the SEQRA hearing on the whole total package condominiums and the alternate site of Wanat property. This is the SEQRA hearing on the Condominiums. As a proposed alternate plan, is the Carr/Wanat property. This is it. Now the Board finishes tonight. Ends comment period. That is just the end of the SEQRA process. You would still have with regards to the change of zone a further hearing. We are just doing SEQRA now. The SEQRA process, on what we are having hear tonight is on the condos. It is on the water. It is the condos as an alternate plan. It is also Carr/Wanat. It is both. Mr. Sigman: Let me ask you, even simpler if I can. If you were to turn down the switch and we said nothing tonight about the situation of the water on the Norris property. Would that mean Planning 0 rd Page 11 Qovember 14 , 1988 you are accepting the thought that we are in favor of ninety five condominiums on the Norris Property? Mr. Schondebare: I don't know how I can answer that one. Mr. Sigman: I can't ask it any simpler. Mr. Schondebare: I think you made your point clear, here tonight. That you are in favor of alternate, that you call plan B not plan A. But we are doing the SEQRA on plan A and the alternate site B. Mr. Sigman: Look, everyone of you people up there know that when you went around to find out about making your master plan for the entire area you know that the people that did the investigating for you said that that area at the Norris property should be two acre zoning. There must be a damn good reason that they said it should be two acre zoning. Because the water wouldn' t support ninety five condominiums. I said before tonight that I felt that coming along with a proposal of one acre lots over there would at least give us a fighting chance as far as our wells are concerned. I ' ll tell you right now, ninety five condominiums on that same twenty seven acres would never be able to have anything but trouble for our wells. if you have salt water coming in now with nothing being done with that property, not even being watered for farm land or anything. Where no water is being taken out of there and if houses are still getting salt water intrusion. Once you start to pull for ninety five condominiums at that point you got to suck more salt water in. We are saying, I don't want to say we, I am saying for the people that I was talking for, that we would be willing to accept one acre zoning or one acre lots because of, at least, we feel maybe the salt water wouldn' t come in in that fashion. But we know damn well with ninety five condominiums, with two and three bedrooms, the salt water has to come into that area. So I am saying that tonight because of the answer that you gave me. Since you aria saying that we could wake up and find bulldozers working in the back on ninety five condominiums. If you turn down the switch. We don't want to see any bulldozers. Mr. Orlowski: O.K. I am still on this side here (the right) . Are there any other comments from this side? Hearing none, are there any other comments? Mrs. Wacker: I just wanted to not exactly answer Ed Sigman. But it is my understanding that, according to the Environmental Impact Statement, that if the condominiums were to go in that there would have to be a central water system and sewage system. A public water system. I think that that is right. Isn' t it? Mr. Orlowski: Yes, it is. No further comments from the audience. Any comments from the members of the Town Board? Planni Bo I Page 1 November 14 , 1988 Mr. Brady: I would like to make another remark, if I may. One of the things that I have not heard discussed is that presently when you have vacant land every time it rains we are rechargifig the aquifer under that land. When you cover that land with houses and paved roads you reduce the amount of water that gets back into aquifer. So that magnifies this problem with water and salt water intrusion. We have not have serious droughts in recent years, but fifteen, twenty years ago the lake started to dry up in the area. we had a really serious drought. Now if that happens the Water Authority has to get the water from some were. They can' t pull it out of the skies. I don't think we are going to have any desalinization plants set up. My concern is that we just can' t handle real dense residential construction or any type of construction that is going to be density area due to our water situation. Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments. Mr. Onufrak: I would like both Council' s indulgement for just a moment. Again I am Joseph Onufrak. I am attorney for a very large community organization that represents in the vicinity of three hundred people. one of the major reasons that the master plan public hearing was so prolific with people, Ladies and Gentlemen, is because CANDO got them there. Before we go on I would like to speak to Mr. Hart, to who I made three public requests for a conversation. I would like a stipulation from Mr. Hart and Mr. Carr. Since the tone of the conversation that is involved tonight is inconsistent with discussions between the parties and Town officials. That in the event that the Board is not prepared to go forward with the transfer plan B. Which is what was proposed by the Town Board officials to us is the scope of this meeting. Then Mr. Hart and Mr. Carr would stipulate to another public hearing with respect to condominiumization of the Norris Estates. If that is not the case then I will ask for adjournment to bring in witnesses appropriate to the transaction, so that both Boards can be fully informed. We have been through this process now for a considerable period of time and there is little doubt that the reason asked by half a dozen people tonight is because, flatly and without question, the scope of the discussions today, even with respect to the minutes that have been handed out, go to the appropriateness of the alternate plan B. A review of the Environmental Impact Statement calls for Mr. Hart and Mr. Carr to advise that B will be the discussion of issue, not A. Mr. Hart: There is no question, Mr. Onufrak, that what we are talking about is the alternative plan. Mr. Onufrak: Do you stipulate for the record, that in the event. . . Mr. Hart: Yes. No question on it. Mr. Onufrak: Could have that writing please . Planning Boo Page 13 lb Member 14 , 1988 Mr. Hart: Yes, question about that. Mr. Onufrak:: Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: Is there anybody else? Comments from the Town Board? Supervisor Murphy: Ruth? Mrs. Oliva: I just have a couple of questions that I really would like to have answered. On the Norris property I commend the idea of the transfer of development rights. But I wondered even on the Norris property with one acre zoning. You do not have any test results as far as the quality of the water. I would really like to see more of a study done just to see if it could support one acre zoning and not affect the wells surrounding that area. Are we going to be drawing salt water in all over the place down there? Because it is just a insulated peninsula down there and other people have problems with water. I am wondering if it could support the one acre zoning onthat. As far as the Carr/Wanat property is concerned. I notice that the proposed. wells, again there is no criteria in here as far as the quality of water on the Carr/Wanat property, which I would like to see. I also notice that the three wells proposed are really in between the ponds and the two wetlands. I wonder what effect that would have on both the wetlands and the pond. And what the zone of influence would be surrounding that whole area. I do have questions about releasing brine into the Long Island Sound, even though it is a minute quantity, per se will be diluted. But then again we could have other projects come along wanting to do the same thing. And again the Town does not have a basic water system that we can say, from the middle of the Island we can pump out to you. Do we want all these tiny little water systems with nobody knowing who is going to operate and manage if they are drawn to exact specification. I have questions about that. I also have a question as to your zone change is for multiple. That and the end result can lead to condominiums on half acre zoning with public water system. Is this going to be single and separate lots or condominiums? If it perceives to be condominiums. I would like to see a cost analysis as to the assessed valuation of between single lots and condominiums. Condominiums are assessed at a lower value then single family homes. That will be a detriment to our own tax rolls. Supervisor Murphy: George, any comment? Mr. Penny: No. Supervisor Murphy: Jean? Mrs. Cochran : No. Supervisor Murphy: Ellen? Planr, g B --d Page November 14, 1988 Mrs. Larsen: The only comment that I would like to make is that, once again, when the public has the opportunity to speak on densities, high density areas, that traffic and water supply are raised again and again from the public in the neighboring areas. In regard to major subdivisions. of course, the public is concerned with the lack of open space, the loss of scenic areas of the Town and the increase in suburbanization of the Town as consequence of this increased development. These are the considerations from the public that I would like addressed. Supervisor Murphy: Raymond? Mr. Edwards: Nothing Francis, thank you. Supervisor Murphy: Ben, it' s all yours. Mr. Orlowski: Mr. Emilita do you have any comments? Mr. Emilita: No. - Mr. Orlowski: O.K. Any questions from the Board? Mr. Mullen? Mr. Mullen: No. Mr. Orlowski: Mr. Latham? Mr. Latham: No. Mr. Orlowski: Mr. Ward? Mr. Ward: Just one comment. Is the fact that the Carr/Wanat property if actually is the "M" zone with the restrictions on it per density. The "M" zone does give the Town a greater flexibility of clustering and doing less impact upon the overall property then going with a one acre or two acre zone. The overall impact in the surrounding community could be substantially reduced by a cluster subdivision. Mr. Orlowski: Mr. Edwards? Mr. Kenneth Edwards: No. Mr. Orlowski: Hearing no further comments from the Board. Would you consent to extending the comment period an additional thirty days? I ' ll ask the applicant. Mr. Carr? Mr. Carr: May I say a word? Mr. Orlowski: Yes. Mr. Carr: My name is Dick Carr. I am the applicant. This has been going on for the last three or four years and I realize the pressure on all the different groups. As a group and also the individuals that try to reach a compromise that fits everybody' s I Planning Bo 0 0 Page 15 0 *ember 14 , 1988 goal. I am afraid I can not do all of those things. I am trying to achieve something that is sensible, is practical, is financial feasible, meets the criteria of as many people as I can satisfy., obviously, even from tonight' s discussion we may be getting close but we are still not there. Every time the Town Board or the Planning has asked me to do something on a project I have developed in the Town of Southold, I've complied with. I have accepted every reguest, I have accepted every suggestion we have put into our plan. You cough, we get pneumonia in terms of the processing and the amount of money involved. I adopted this solution because I thought it was a better solution. It would be a quicker sc�lution. It would be better for everyone. once again I will accept a request for thirty day extension for more comments. I accept Mr. Onufrack' s request that public comment period is available, in fact, we are going to go ahead with the condominium program on Norris. But I also like to suggest that we developers also have some rights. It is our money. I bought these properties subject to what was legally permitted to be done. I realize everyone wants it to be done the way I want it to be done or what' s on the books to be done. There is going to be a point, I think, that the Town of Southold has to accept that we can' t keep accommodating inanimately. There is going to be groups of people, individuals, that do not like what we are purposing to do. The development is here. The wave is here. Moratoriums, postponements, delays are really not the answers. Guys like me have to be accommodated. We really want to accommodate you and of course the people you represent. so again I will accept. your request. I will accept Mr. Onufrak' s request for another public hearing if in fact we can not come to an agreement on the alternative plan. Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: O.K. As you all understand, you all have an additional thirty days, or will have, when the Board makes a motion to make comment to either Board on the Environmental Impact. That should extend it to the nineteenth of December. I will entertain that motion to the Board. Mr. Mullen: So moved. Mr. Ward: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded to extend it an additional thirty days from the nineteenth. Any questions an the motion? All those in favor? Vote of the Board; Ayes: Orlowski, Mullen, Latham, Ward, Edwards. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. I will declare this hearing closed and thank you for coming down. PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW JOHN J.HART ROBERT S.PELLETREAU JOHN J.ROE,111 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX I 10 (180."9431 FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11 7 7 2 RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD J.TIMOTHY SHEA (1950-1990) BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL. 5 16 447-8900 KEVIN A.SEAMAN ROBERT H.PELLETREAU VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' FAX 5 16 47 5-5661 BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG OF COUNSEL RUSSELL C.BURCHERI 0 DOUGILAS J.LEROSE BRIAN McCAFFREY 447-8906 JAMES G.HYLAND 0 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA 0 ALSO ADMITTED IN NEW JERSEY MF4 October 4. 1988 TOWN OWD Hon Bennett Orlowski, Jr . Planning Board Chairman Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: NORRIS ESTATES AND CARR/WANAT BOA Dear Chairman Orlowski : Please accept our thanks for the time given to our group at last evening' s Planning Board meeting. As discussed, we shall return in two (2) weeks, October 17 , 1988, for a final determination. Very truly yours. lz�ETR & PELLETREAU Cej rt JFH: jlm cc, Hon. Francis J . Murphy Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. Jean W. Cochran Hon George L. Penny IV *see additional Rider* IU(39) PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU Rider October 4. 1988 James Schondebare, Esq. Town Attorney Richard Ward. member of the Planning Board Richard Latham, member of the Planning Board William Mullen. member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards. member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry. Town Clerk Richard Carr Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell Att: Sam McLendon Dravo Van Houten, Inc Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering. P.C. Att: Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att: Michael Bontje Saland Real Estate Att: David Saland Young & Young Att: Howard Young IU/23 MEMORANDUM TO: The Planning Board FROM; Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner RE: Review of the Draft EIS for Norris Estates DATE: October 3 , 1988 The draft environmental impact statement could be im- proved by the addition of the following information: 1. The dimensions of the watershed easement could be shown on the proposed site plan. 2. The terms of the watershed easement could be spelled out in the text. Appendix B. (page B. 25) discusses the presence of such a deed restriction, but does not include a copy for our review. Questions that should be answered by this section are: -What are the terms of the restriction? -Has the adjoining property owner agreed to the place- ment of this restriction on his land? -How will control over this easement area by maintained? -Will this easement area have any effect on the proposed density of the larger parcel? -Where will the wells be placed within the easement area? 3. A map showing the locations of all the test wells on both the Norris Property and the Wanat Property should be included in the Executive Summary and Appendix B to facilitate understanding of the text. The wells should be numbered, and the same numbering system used on both the map, the site plan and in the text. 4. A diagram of the groundwater hydrology on the Norris property would be- helpful, along with the profiles of the test hole borings. MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Valerie Scopaz , Town Planner RE: Proposed draft Environmental Impact Statement for Norris Estates. DATE: October 3 , 1988 The Planning Board must determine whether to accept the proposed draft environmental impact statement as complete for public review. It has on file a memorandum from Dave Emiiita which states the information that Emilita feels is missing from the document. The Board has two options. One is to accept the document as it is written, then request the additional information as part of a supplement which would be subject to public review also. The other is to request the provision of the data that Mr. Emilita refers to in his memoranda of July 22nd and September 12th, at this time, then have one public review period on the complete document. S4, SZEPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & PLANNERS M 16 ;'988 N NG BRAWRD MEMORANDUM TO: Southold Town Planning Board FROM: David J.S. Emilita, Szepatowski Associates, Inc. RE: Draft EIS - Norris Estate Development DATE: 12 September 1988 Apparently without benefit of our memo of 22 July, a draft DEIS was submitted to you on 12 August. Should you move to accept this DEIS, many flaws will have to be corrected, in our opinion. Rather than delay the SEQR process further, we would advise accepting it for public review at this time. Our comments are keyed to the page numbers in the DEIS. Page 2.13 There are other approvals required (NYSDEC - LI Well Permit, Wetlands Permits, NYSDOS CZM Consistency Review) and the Suffolk County Planning Commission would also review the zone change. Page 3.5 to 3.8 CPWS-24 has been superseded by the Suffolk County Water Resources Management Plan and the North Fork Comprehensive Water Supply Plan, and should not be utilized as a primary information source. The concept of water budget area and permissive sustained yield must be updated with today's data. The! North Fork Water Supply Study shows that most of the Norris site is outside of the water budget area. The text needs to be modified and detailed to include the two more recent reports. Pages 3. 7 and 3.11 Allusions to other data are made without specific citations or copies of the other data. (e.g. nother research", second paragraph on p. 3.7 references to well logs, random samples of wells, etc. ) Conclusions are drawn without showing the data. 23 Narragansett Ave. )amestown, R1 02835 (401) 423-0430 Pages 3.12 and 3.13 The discussion does not correlate with the tabular data. The easterly well appears to have the worst water quality. The central well testing is incomplete. What are "aesthetic reasons"? What are ". . .a limited number of analysis from other studies in the area. . . "? A much more rigorous discussion of groundwater quality impacts is necessary. The discussion on pages 3.8 through 3.13 is totally unconvincing that there is sufficient water quantity of a quality that would cause no significant adverse impacts on groundwater in surrounding areas. Page 3.25 The discussion of the comprehensive plan should be brought up to date. The Southold Planning Board adopted an updated Master Plan in December of 1985 and amended it in August of 1987. The Zoning - ordinance Amendments have been and continue to be identified as the "Master Plann. This is a misnomer and should be corrected for the draft. Page 3.31 The discussion on water supply needs to be more detailed and maps of the salinity problem areas and Health Department waivers need to be shown. Page 4.2 The discussion on groundwater impacts needs to be rewritten entirely. The one paragraph conclusion presented can not be drawn from the earlier text statements. There needs to be a discussion on the groundwater quality recharged in the zones of concentration of all proposed well sites to begin to determine the long term viability of the wells. Page 4.15 The communication with the Mattituck Fire District needs to be shown. Page 4.16 Why, was 70 gpd selected? 100 to 110 is a normal planning figure. The location of the proposed well and distribution system needs to be shown. Page 4.18 to 4.21 Where is the recharge for the treatment plant? Where is it in relation to the well recharge zone? Pages 4.24- to 4.26 Surely a more accurate depiction of the municipal cost/benefit of multi-family developments can be found than a quote from the 1967 Comprehensive Plan. The impact on the school, firef police systems should be detailed and verified with the local authorities. Ltd. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & PLANNERS. Pages 5.5 and 5.56 The proposed water treatment plant appear to impact on Wetlands B, C, and D yet the text states that there will be no impact. This appears to be contradictory. In terms of environmental impact, the water plant could be placed in a better location. Page 5.57 to 5.58 The water analysis to justify the equipment proposed is not included in the text. Page 5.8 & rear pocket Which plan is being advocated, Niego Associates or Young and Young, for the Heather Hills site? Page 5.59 Evidence as to sufficiency of the storage and distribution systems from the Mattituck Fire District needs to be shown. Pages 6.1 to 6. 6 The impacts need to be shown on the site plan. There is no coordination between the plan and the impacts cited nor are mitigation measures shown. Appendix B Reference is made to the CPWS - 24 which is outdated information. This should be updated with current information, as stated in our second comment. S A Ltd. m ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & PLANNERS r% 19 SA I S41 SZEIPATOWSKI ASSOCIATES INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & PLANNERS S41 3P 1 6 1988 TOWN MEMORANDUM TO: Southold Town Planning Board FROM: David J.S. Emilita, Szepatowski Associates, Inc. RE: Draft EIS - Norris Estate Development DATE: 12 September 1988 Apparently without benefit of our memo of 22 July, a draft DEIS was submitted to you on 12 August. Should you move to accept this DEIS, many flaws will have to be corrected, in our opinion. Rather than delay the SEQR process further, we would advise accepting it for public review at this time. Our comments are keyed to the page numbers in the DEIS. Page 2.13 There are other approvals required (NYSDEC - LI Well Permit, Wetlands Permits, NYSDOS CZM Consistency Review) and the Suffolk County Planning Commission would also review the zone change. Page 3.5 to 3.8 CPWS-24 has been superseded by the Suffolk County Water Resources Management Plan and the North Fork Comprehensive Water SupRly Plan, and should not be utilized as a primary information source. The concept of water budget area and permissive sustained yield must be updated with today's data. The North Fork Water Supply Study shows that most of the Norris site is outside of the water budget area. The text needs to be modified and detailed to include the two more recent reports. Pages 3.7 and 3.11 Allusions to other data are made without specific citations or copies of the other data. (e.g. "other research", second paragraph on p. 3.7 references to well logs, random samples of wells, etc. ) Conclusions are drawn without showing the data. 23 Narragansett Ave. Jamestown, RI 02835 (401) 423-0430 Pages 3.12 and 3.13 The discussion does not correlate with the tabular data. The easterly well appears to have the worst water quality. The central well testing is incomplete. What are "aesthetic reasons"? What are " . . .a limited number of analysis from other studies in the area. . . "? A much more rigorous discussion of groundwater quality impacts is necessary. The discussion on pages 3. 8 through 3.13 is totally unconvincing that there is sufficient water quantity of a quality that would cause no significant adverse impacts on groundwater in surrounding areas. Page 3.25 The discussion of the comprehensive plan should be brought up to date. The Southold Planning Board adopted an updated Master Plan in December of 1985 and amended it in August of 1987. The Zoning ordinance Amendments have been and continue to be identified as the "Master Plan". This is a misnomer and should be corrected for the draft. Page 3.31 The discussion on water supply needs to be more detailed and maps of the salinity problem areas and Health Department waivers need to be shown. Page 4.2 The discussion on groundwater impacts needs to be rewritten entirely. The one paragraph conclusion presented can not be drawn from the earlier text statements. There needs to be a discussion on the groundwater quality recharged in the zones of concentration of all proposed well sites to begin to determine the long term viability of the wells. Page 4.15 The communication with the Mattituck Fire District needs to be shown. Page 4.16 why was 70 gpd selected? 100 to 110 is a normal planning figure. The location of the proposed well. and distribution system needs to be shown. Page 4.18 to 4.21 Where is the recharge for the treatment plant? Where is it in relation to the well recharge zone? Pages 4.24- to 4.26 Surely a more accurate depiction of the municipal cost/benefit of multi-family developments can be found than a quote from the 1967 Comprehensive Plan. The impact on the school, firer police systems should be detailed and verified with the Ltd. local authorities. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & PLANNERS Pages 5.5 and 5.56 The proposed water treatment plant appear to impact on Wetlands B, C, and D yet the text states that there will be no impact. This appears to be contradictory. In terms of environmental impact, the water plant could be placed in a better location. Page 5.57 to 5.58 The water analysis to justify the equipment proposed is not included in the text. Page 5.8 & rear pocket Which plan is being advocated, Niego Associates or Young and Young, for the Heather Hills site? Page 5.59 Evidence as to sufficiency of the storage and distribution systems from the Mattituck Fire District needs to be shown. Pages 6.1 to 6.6 The impacts need to be shown on the site plan. There is no coordination between the plan and the impacts cited nor are mitigation measures shown. Appendix B Reference is made to the CPWS - 24 which is outdated information. This should be updated with current information, as stated in our second comment. S411-td. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS & PLANNERS S41 00 SE S0--U-T-H-L''O*N 0 Tol P 1 0 �E'LOANTN 1URN NQ R September 12, 1988 To The Parties Listed On The Enclosed Distribution Sheet Re: Norris Estates Site, Mattituck, New York Gentlemen: I am an attorney, maintaining a home in Mattituck. I write as a member and as a representative of the Committee Against Norris Downzoning Organization ( "CANDO" ) , a community group comprised of hundreds of residents and numerous neighborhood associations of the New Suffolk Avenue, Lake Maratooka, Ole Jule Lane, and James Creek and Deep Hole Creek vicinities . CANDO' s members have been concerned for many years with the zoning and development of the Norris Estates site at New Suffolk Avenue, in Mattituck. CANDO has learned that the owner of the Norris Estates, Richard Carr, or the corporation he controls, has filed a preliminary draft environmental impact statement ( �'DEIS" ) with respect to the Norris Estates site. We understand further that he has offered alternative development proposals for the site in conjunction with a highly publicized plan to rezone the Wanat site on Bergen Avenue in Mattituck. CANDO does not have complete details of the proposals at this date. We do not oppose the concept of the !zoning rights transfer as we understand it through publicity in local newspapers . We are, however, aware that the Town has only a few weeks to review the DEIS, and we desire to remind the Town of certain community concerns . CANDO has consistently argued that the continuance of multiple-dwelling zoning on the Norris site is outmoded. The position of hundreds of members of the Mattituck community was set forth at length in the 1967 Public Hearings on the Southhold Master Plan. Community representatives, buttressed by expert testimony, challenged much of the "preliminary data" Mr. Carr had * 0 00 .. made available to the Town in support of a condominium plan prior to the hearing. The challenges included the following, among others: evidence that Mr. Carr's traffic analysis ignored key flow patterns (e.g. , Main Road at New Suffolk Avenue) and the reality of seasonal traffic problems and increasing Strong's marina traffic flow; evidence that the traffic analysis explained "favorable" traffic flow at intersections that in fact do not exist (near Lake Maratooka) ; expert testimony on increasing salt-water intrusion throughout the entire peninsula rather than merely at the Bay shore area, as Mr. Carr has alleged ( ironically, such intrusion included a well on the Norris site itself) . The analysis filed by Mr. Carr prior to the DEIS, and which probably represents the research which makes up the DEIS, has been and can be shown to be fatally flawed. CANDO hopes the Town and Planning Boards will remember these problems and other community challenges to Mr. Carr's analyses before the DEIS is accepted as complete. There is legitimate concern among our members that in the process of evaluating, and hopefully approving, the zoning rights transfer from the Norris site to the Bergen Avenue site, the Town should not make concessions to Mr. Carr which further the prospect of, or constitute approval of, any contingent plan for condominium development of the Norris Estates site. we are aware of the difficulty of the Town's task in resolving this protracted controversy. We ask you to continue to keep in focus the larger community interests as you permit Mr. Carr to complete the process to which he is due. To this end, we trust you will apprise the community of any actions contemplated in connection with Mr. Carr's interesting proposals , and afford us an opportunity to comment. Should any clarification of the community' s position be helpful, please feel free to contact the undersigned ( 212-632- 3025 ) or Edward Siegmann of Mattituck, CANDO's principal spokesman ( 516-298-5114 ) . Very truly yours, Jos ufrak -2- DISTRIBUTION TO: Hon. Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor Hon. Jean W. Cochran Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. George L. Penny IV James Schondebare, Esq. , Town Attorney Hon. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Richard Ward, Member of the Planning Board Richard Latham, Member of the Planning Board William Mullen, Member of the Planning Board Kenneth Edwards, Member of the Planning Board David Emilita Judith Terry, Town Clerk Edward Siegmann -3- PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERTS PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART 0 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD JOHN J.ROE,111 2 0950-19BO) FREOERICL ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11772 J1 TIMOTHY SHEA �.PII TH.PELLETREAU BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL. 616 447-8900 KEVIN A.SEAMAN 51 COUNSEL VANESSAM.SHEEHAN* rAX 516 475-56 3'jT"OLO T BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG '47 7N RUSSELL C.BURCHER)0 DOUGLAS J.LEROSE 447-8906 DENNIS 0.O'DOHERTY.JR. -OUTHOLO TOWN -ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA NNING BOAR OALSO ADMITTED IN NEWJERSFY August 25, 1988 Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Attn: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner RE: RICHARD T. CARR Dear Mrs. Scopaz: Please accept this letter as a confirmation of my telephone conversation of this date with Jill of your office regarding a meeting scheduled for September 22. 1988 at 2:00 P.M. at your office. Mr . Hart will be accompanied by Mr . Henry Raynor . Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, PELLETREAU & PELLETRFAU J net F. Haeberle Legal Assistant (for John J . Hart. Esq. ) JFH:hmm cc: Richard T. Carr Henry Raynor IU/43 An Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.0. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 71 TELEPHONE (516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 16, 1988 Henry Raynor -- 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Norris Estate� Development SCTM #1000-122-5-4 Dear Mr. Raynor: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, August 15 , 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town planning Board send the Draft Environmental Impact Statement to David Emilita, Planning Consultant, for his review. This was received by the Planning Board office on August 12, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board take a thirty ( 30) day extension for review of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. This will extend the review period, which would end on September 11, 1988, to October 11, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board ask that the correspondence from David Emilita, Planning Consultant, dated July 22, 1988, be discussed in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. V ry -truly yours BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN cc: David Emilita it Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119 71 TELEPHONE (516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Thomas C. Jorling, N.Y.S.D.E.C. Robert A. Greene, N.Y.S.D.E.C. Suffolk. county Dept. of Health FROM: Planning Board Office RE: Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Norris Estates (and the Carr-Wanat Change of Zone) DATE: August 12, 1988 Enclosed please find a copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Norris Estates Subdivision. This document has just been received for review by the Planning Board and the Town Board to determine whether it should be accepted as complete. Comments as to the completeness of this document must be received within thirty days of the date of this memorandum. 9 P T S Southold, N.Y. 11971 765-1939 June 21 , 1988 Stephen A. Costa, PE Chief Suffolk County Health Services Wastewater Management County Center Riverhead, NY 11901 Rtz Norris Estates- proposed major subdivision SCTM# 1000-122-5-4 1000-123-6-2 Carr/Wanat- proposed change of zone SCTM# 1000-112-1-16 Dear Mr. Costa, The Town is reviewing the above mentioned Projects concurrently. At this point in time the Town needs to know the yield that the Norris Property can sustain. We have been informed by the applicants for the above mentioned projects that Your office will not make a recommendation based on a Draft Environmental Impact Statement that has been submitted by the applicant. At this time, the Planning Board is in receipt of only a Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement, which has not yet been accepted as complete by our Environmental consultant. According to the Consultant, this preliminary document is incomplete with regard to the yield that can be sustained by the water supply. The Planning Board would like to know whether the Norris property can sustain the density that is Proposed before they review the change of zone Proposal. Please send us your comments on the above matter. Also include a listing of any additional information that your office needs to make a recommendation from either the Planning Board or the applicant. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, Z��jw&�' BENNETT oRLOwSyI, JR. CHAIRMAN cc: David Emilita ms RECEIVED BY SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARY DATE P. 0. Drawer A Jamesport, NY 11947 June 24, 1988 William Mullent Jr. , Member Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Mullen: Please find enclosed a copy of memos from Pelletreau & Pelletreau with regard to the Norris Estates and Wanant properties . I ncer Y, ry 6R a yrr, 1i "n HER:ml Enc. CC: William Mullen, Jr. Bayberry Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 ME140 ON NORRIS ESTATES SUB14ISSIONS January 30, 1986 Letter fro* Jobn� J., Hart to Bennett. Orlowski requesting 'thi�� fown of Southold to pass a resolution designating the Planning Board as lead,� agencr-4;1 January 31. 1986 Letter from John J. Hart to Bennett Orlowski asking the proposed master plan be amended to show the Norris zoning of M Light Multiple Residence. February 5. 1986 A second letter from John J. Hart to Bennett Orlowski asking the Planning Board to be lead agency. March 3, 1986 The Planning Board declares themselves lead agency with regard to SEQR on the Norris Estates. April 1. 1986 The original site plan was submitted to Bennett Orlowski by Henry Raynor. July 21. 1986 Scoping session held for Norris Estates. August 8. 1986 Letter from David Emilita to John J. Hart regarding the submission of a $2.000.00 DEIS review fee. �Wovember 6. 1986 Richard T. Carr. John J. Hart and Henry Raynor appear at the Town Board meeting. November 12. 1986 Henry Raynor sent a letter to Bennett Orlowski regarding the Suffolk County Department of Health Services preliminary evaluation and approvaI of Norris Estates. November 15. 1986 Henry Raynor sent a letter to Bennett Orlowski with the recommendations from the Mattituck Fire District. December 16, 1986 A letter was sent from Bennett Orlowski to He7y Raynor stating the Planning Board is no in a position to schedule a pre-submission conference until SEOR has been completed. January 7. 1987 John J. Hart sent a letter to the Town Board regarding density and water studies on the Norris site. Memo Norris Estates submissions Cont 'd. Page 2. 44 1C, 198i�`,_ Leiiei wai's" sent' from John J. Hart to the Town Board regarding traffic study updates. March 5. 1987 John J. Hart sent a letter to Bennett Orlowski in response to Rene Eastin's letter to the Planning Board dated February 11. 1987 regarding hydrology and geology on the Norris Estates site and surrounding area. November 30. 1987 Bennett Orlowski reguested the water results on the Norris Estates property. March 10, 1989 The water results were sent to the Town Board. April 5. 1988 John J. Hart wrote a letter to the Town Board regarding the parallel applications of both the Morris Estates property and the Wanat change of zone. April 11, 1988 Bennett Orlowski sent a letter to John J. Hart regarding the Town' s lead agency status. April 18. 1980 David Emilita sent a letter to John J. Hart regarding lead agency status. the DEIS and "as of right" development of the Norris Estates property. April 21. 1988 John J. Hart sent a reply letter to David Emilita regarding lead -agency status. DEIS and "as of right" development. April 26. 1988 John J. Hart sent a letter to David Emilita regarding the number of units referred to in the EIS (132 to 108) . * May 16, 1988 David Emilita sent a second letter to John J. Hart regarding "as of right" development. * May 24, 1988 John J. Hart sent a second letter to David Emilita regarding "as of right" development property. memo Morris Estates, SUbmissions Cont 'd. Page 3., ILI let- jun&'�'T�V'.x iqaVt`�.: John J. Ha senV"ai� ietter� td� Benn Orlowski requesting that the lead agency be the proper authority to ask the Suffolk make, 1 4M, County Department of Health Services to a recommendation. '4' - letter to Bennett John J. Hart' sent a June S. 1988, Orlowski reguesting a recommendation on the change of zone on the Wanat parcel- June 8. 1988 Bennett Orlowski sent a letter to David Emilita with a copy of the resolution passed by the Town Board on June 6. 1988 stating that the DEIS would be sent to Mr. Emilita for his review. Copies of these pieces of correspondence are also to be found in the Memo regarding the Wanat parcel. 0137U/2-4 MEMO ON CARR/WANAT CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION,— October 22. 1987 Change of Zone application was submitted.- tO the Town of Southold. Included in jhjs�,,,, package were 3 oopies of the Environsen ' tal V Assessment,` form, P 1: . 3,.copies ot`,�tbe", ,, 4 artA, W c6p' iesi. of- the survey: k ' 7- petit a chic for $500-oo to cover the filing fee and a check for $180.00 to cover David Emilita 's review of the EAF. November 30. 1987 Bennett Orlowski stated that the Planning Board would not comment on the change of zone because it needed the information regarding the water on the Norris Estates property from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. December 10. 1987 A letter from Henry Raynor to Judith Terry. Town Clerk. asking for a letter from the Town Board directed to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services since the Suffolk County Department of Health Services would not respond to an applicant ' s request for information. The Town was to pass a resolution to execute a letter to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services reguesting information pertaining to lot density and water supply regarding both the Norris Estates and the Wanat parcels. December 18. 1987 A letter was sent from Supervisor Murphy to Roy Reynolds at the Suffolk County Department of Health Services requesting the above. December 23. 1987 A letter was sent from Roy Reynolds at the Suffolk County Department of Health services to Supervisor Murphy regarding the applications on both Norris Estates and Wanat. January 22. 1988 A letter was sent from John J. Hart to Supervisor Murphy requesting the Change of Zone application be entertained prior to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services ' determination of water supply on the Norris Estates property. February 8. 1988 A letter from .Nalter Hazlitt regarding the Captain Kidd Water Company' s inability to supply water to the Wanat parcel was Memo Carr/Wanat Change of Zone Application Cont 'd. Page 2. delivered. to H2M to submit to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. February 26. 1988 A letter from Judith Terry. Town Clerk. along with a resolution of the Town Board was sent to John J. Hart stating that the change of zone is a type I action for SEQR and a positive declaration of the Wanat parcel was declared. The applicant was requested to prepare a DEIS on the Wanat parcel. March 8. 1988 A letter from John J. Hart to the Town Board quoted David Emilita as saying that the Wanat parcel would be listed as an alternative project on the Norris Estates DEIS. No separate DEIS would be necessary for the Wanat parcel. March 10, 1988 Test results on the water on the Norris Estates property was sent to the Town Board. April 5. 1988 There was a Town Board scoping session on the Wanat parcel which was attended by the applicant and various spokesmen for the applicant. * April 5. 1988 John J. Hart submitted a memo to the Town Board delineating parallel course of approvals for both the .-Kanat parcel and the Norris Estates parcel . * April 11. 1988 Bennett Orlowski sent a letter to John J. Hart stating that the Town Board was lead agency on Nanat; the Planning Board was lead agency on the Norris Estates property and the Hanat parcel would be listed as an alternative in the Norris Estates DEIS. * April 18. 1988 David Emilita sent a letter to John J. Hart regarding Norris Estates and Wanat and their lead agency status. the DEIS and "as of right" development on the Morris Estates parcel . Memo Carr/Kanat Change of zone Application Cont 'd. Page 3. April 21. 1988 John J. Hart sent a letter to David Emilita regarding an answer to the "as of rightu development and ETS on both the Norris Estates and Wanat parcels. May 10. 1988 Judith Terry, Town Clerk. requested a $350.00 check for David Emilita 's scoping session fee. May 13. 1988 A check for $350.00 was sent from Pelletreau & Pelletreau to Judith Terry to cover David Emilita 's fee. May 16. 1988 A second letter from David Emilita was sent to John J. Hart regarding "as of right" development on the Norris Estates parcel. May 24. 1988 A second letter from John J. Hart to David Emilita regarding "as of right" development and its legal terminology. June 1. 1988 The DEIS on the Norris Estates parcel listing the wanat parcel as an alternative was submitted to the Town Board by JAC Planning Corp. * June 1, 1988 John J. Hart sent a letter to Bennett Orlowski stating that the Suffolk County Department of Health Services will not make any recommendation based upon an applicant 's submission. The lead agency must forward the DEIS to them with a reguest for a recommendation. We requested them to do so. June 3. 1988 A letter and resolution from Judith Terry. Town Clerk. regarding a $2.000.00 payment for review of the DEIS on Wanat was sent to John J. Hart. $1. 650.00 was due and payable since the scoping session fee of $350.00 had already been submitted. * June 8. 1988 John J. Hart sent a letter to Bennett Orlowski stating that the DEIS: site plans; yield maps and Suffolk County Department 0 C rr/Wanat Change of Zone Application Cont 'd. Page 4. Eli of Healtli4� Servioiii�#ii3for3iitidii SEQR has already been submitted to the Planning Board: -therefore, a requesV Wa made for the Planning Board to give it:111 recommendationl6n thez change' of zone".-�' 7- a lication.- pp June IS. 1988 A check for $1.650.00 was sent to Judith Terry. Town Clerk. as had been requested to cover David Emilita 's review of the DEIS. Copies of these papers have also been included in the Memo regarding the Norris Estates parcel. 0137U/5-8 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S.PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART (1891-1943) JOHN J.ROE,111 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 RICHARDA.SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L,ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11772 (1950-1980) J TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL. 516 447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREAU KEVIN A SEAMAN VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' FAX 516 475-5651 OF COUNSEL BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG DIRECT DIAL RUSSELL C.BURCHERIO DOUGLAS J.LEROSE 447-8925 DENNIS D.O'DOHERTY,JR. PECEIVED BY 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA SOOTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD OALSO ADMITTED IN NEWJERSEY JUN 13 1988 L11 - June 8, 1988 Hon. Bennett Orlowski . Jr . Planning Board Director Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: NORRIS ESTATES and CARR/WANAT Dear Chairman Orlowski : At the request of the Planning Board, the applicant has submitted the following documents regarding the above properties : 1. A draft working copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement: 2 . Two (2) site plans; 3 . Two (2) yield maps: and 4 . The information requested from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services with regard to the SEQR proceedings. In addition. the applicant has scheduled an appearance before your Board on June 20, 19118 , At this time, we would respectfully request a recommendation from loe meek'%*�j the Board regarding the Change of Zone Application. wl'16-heV, Kindly telephone the undersigned if you have any questions . PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU June 8 . 1988 Hon. Bennett Orlowski . Jr . Page 2. Thank you for your cooperation and courtesy. Very truly yours, PMLETREAU & PELLETREAU Jo J . JFH:hmm cc: Hon. Francis J . Murphy. Supervisor Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran Councilwoman Ellen Larsen Councilwoman Ruth Oliva Councilman George L. Penny. IV Justice Raymond W. Edwards Judith Terry. Town Clerk of the Town of Southold Mr . David Emilita Mr . Richard T. Carr 1U/28-29 rot,,( P D T D S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 June 8, 1988 Divid Emilita Szepatowski ASsociates,Inc. 23 Narragansett Avenue Jamestown, Rhode Island 02835 RE: Norris Estate Preliminary DEIS SCTM #1000-122-5-4 Dear Mr. Emilita: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, June 6, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board send the Preliminary working Draft Environmental Impact Statement to David Emilita, Planning Consultant, for his review. This parcel is for 28.147 acres located at Mattituck. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. YVer y yours, '�uzo'- BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. CHAIRMAN cc: John Hart it & 1 0 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S.PELLETREAU (18gi-1943) JOHN J.HART 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 RICHARD A SCHOENFELD JOHN J.ROE,I I (19�1980) FREDERIC L ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEWYORK 11772 J TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL 516447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLETREAU KEVIN A.SEAMAN FAX 516 475-5651 OF COUNSEL VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG DIRECT DIAL RUSSELL C.BURCHERI DOUGLAS J.LEROSE DENNIS 0,O'DOHERTY,JR. 447-8925 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA OALSO ADMtTTED IN NEWJERSEY RECEIVED BY Ex ress Mail 111� June 1, 1988 Hon. Bennett Orlowski. Jr . Planning Board Director Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: NORRIS ESTATES and CARR/WANAT Dear Chairman Orlowski : The Draft Environmental Impact Statement as requested by the Planning Board is being delivered to your office under separate cover. We have been informed by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services that they will not make a recommendation based upon a submission by the applicant. It is their request that the Lead Agency forward the DEIS to them with a request for a recommendation. We would appreciate your following their procedure. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you have any further questions. please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours. P ETREAU/S PELLETREAU 0 n J ry. Esq. h m mm Encl . cc: Hon. Francis J. Murphy Hon. Jean W. Cochran Hon. Raymond W. Edwards Hon. Ruth Oliva Hon. Ellen Larsen Hon. George L. Penny. IV Ms. Judith Terry. Town Clerk Mr. David Emilita. Town Consultant IU/28 P TO Ln S Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 June 2, 1988 Dave Emlita Szepatowski Associates, Inc. 23 Narragansett Avenue Jamestown, Rhode Island 02835 RE: DEIS of Norris Estates SCTM #1000-122-5-4 Dear Dave, Enclosed please find the Draft Enviornmental Impact Statement of Norris Estates for your review. The Planning Board office received this on June 1, 1988, however a cover letter was not received. As soon as we receive a cover letter, we will forward a copy to you. The Planning Board, at its next regular meeting, June 6, intends to have a resolution asking for your review. At that time the resolution will be forwarded to you. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Ver ly BENNETT OR CHAIRMAN Eno: jt PE�LETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 RICHARDA SCHOENFELD JOHN J.ROE,111 (1950-1900) FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11772 J.TIMOTHY SHEA REAU BRUCE T.WALLACE TFL. 516 447-8900 ROBERT H.PELLET KEVIN A SEAMAN FAX 516 475-5651 OF COUNSEL VANESSAM SHEEHAN- BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG DIRECT DIAL RUSSELL C.BURCHERI 0 447-8925 fp DOUGLASJ LEROSE DENNIS 0.O'DOHERTY,JR. 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA OALSO ADMITTED IN NEW JERSEY April -?l, 1988 David J .S. Emilita, Principal Planner AICP SAI Limited 23 Narragansett Avenue Jamestown, Rhode Island 02835 Re: April 18, L988 Letter - Wanat - Norris Dear Mr . Emilita : This is In response to your letter to me dated April 18, 1988, which was received by us on April 20, 1988 . From reading your paragraph numbered. l. we conclude that there will be a single draft EIS covering both sites of a two-sited project . It is our understanding that the Wanat site will be treated as a project alternative for the draft EIS for Norris . We disagree with the conclusions reached in your paragraph numbered 2 . The Norris property, by reason of the rezoning to multiple use, which was affirmed by the courts. has acquired a legal "as of right" development yield . This is subject only to " legitimate" concerns regarding water. sewage, traffic and other items of legal impact. Your paragraph numbered 3 is confusing. I enclose herewith a letter dated April 11, 1988 addressed to me from the Planning Board of the Town, of Southold . That letter indicates that a copy was also sent to you. The second paragriph of the April llth letter indicates that the Planning Board understands that the Town Board remains the lead agency on the change of zone of the Wanat property. This was my understanding. We do not disagree that the Town Board must approve or disapprove the zone change . C-(-'. -Z)a ql,�� PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU David J .S. Emilita. Principal Planner Page 2 April 21, . 1988 It is the intent of the developer to proceed in good faith to provide a draft EIS for the Wanat property as an alternative to Norris . In the event the change of zone on Wanat is granted, the developer will covenant with the Town as to the combined density on both parcels. In the event the zone change is not granted for Wanat, it is the intent of the developer to proceed with its "as of right" development of the Norris property. it is our understanding, assuming the zone change on the Wanat parcel, that the Planning Board 1will be considering the s,�te plans for both parcels . I realize that this is a f�rst . I hope that we are able to iron out our technical difficulties and reach a conclusion that is in the best interests of the parties and the Town. Sincerely yours, ,RqL�ETREAU & PELLETREAU \,A --4— Qjc�----j � I an i . H. r it JJH:ma Enclosure cc: Judith Terry. Town Clerk James A. Schondebare. Esq. , Town Attorney Valerie Scopaz. Town Planner P. S . It is my understanding that an informal meeting to iron out details will be set up with Henry Raynor and Janet Haeberle, from our office. 0001C/41-42 RE(7EIVEr F P D APR 14 .988 'D PELLETREAU & PELLETREA S y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 April 11, 1988 John J. Hart, Esq. Pelletreau & Pell.etreau 20 Church Street BoX 110 Patchogue, NY 11772 RE: Proposed Major subdivision of Norris Estates Mattituck SCTM # 1000-122-5-4 Dear Mr. Hart: The Planning Board, at its April 7th work session, was informed of the results of the scoping session held before the Town Board on April 5, 1988. The Planning Board understands that it remains the lead agency on the above named subdivision propsal. It also understands that the Town Board' s the lead agency on a petition to change the zone of the Carr-Wanat property fro�,,'W' Residential and Agricultural to "M" Light Multiple Residence . Furthermore , it is understood, that when the draft Environmental Impact Statement for Norris Estates is submitted to the Planning Board for its review, the "Alternatives" section of the DEIS will contain a detailed reference to the proposed Carr-Wanat petition as one of the possible alternatives . Very truly yours , /4- BENNETT ORLOWSKI ,JR.' CHAIRMAN cc: Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor Councilwoman Cochran Councilwoman Oliva Councilwoman Larsen Councilman Penny Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk James A. Schondebare, Town Attorney David Emilita , Szepatowski Associates Henry Raynor, Representative , Richard T. Carr PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SHYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 RICHAROA SCHOENFELD JOHN J.ROE.111 (1960-1980) FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEWYORK 11772 J,TIMOTHY SHEA ROBERT H.PELLETREAU BRUCE T WALLACE TEL 516447-8900 KEVIN A.SEAMAN FAX 510 475-56SI OF COUNSEL VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG DIRECT DIAL RUSSELL C.BURCHERI 0 447-8906 DOUGLAS J.LEROSE DENNIS 0.O'DOHERTY,JR. 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA *ALSO ADMITTED IN NEW JERSEY April 26. 1988 David J .S. Emilita. AICP c/o SAI 23 Naragansett Avenue Jamestown. Rhode Island 02835 Re: Norris Estate, Southold, New York Dear Mr . Emilita: Please accept this letter as a clarification of one point of our letter dated April 5, 1988. a copy of which is attached. In paragraph 4 of page 2. we refer to the development of the Norris property with 132 units, which is the maximum "as of right" development of the property. The Environmental Impact Statement for the Norris Estate ' s project will address the construction of 108 multi-family units, not 132. We offer this by way of clarification. Thank you for your consideration. Very tcniv youra. (�gLLETREAU & PELLETREAU 6oh J .� r JFH: Iyn Enclosure cc: Valerie Scopaz Town Planner Town of Southold Olu(S) PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERTS PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART 20 CHURCH STREET-BOX 110 RICHARDA SCHOENFELD JOHN J ROE,Oil (M50-1980) FREDERIC L ATWOOD PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11772 i TIMOTHY SHEA ROBERT H.PELLETREAU BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL 516447-8900 KEVIN A.SEAMAN FAX 516 475-5651 or COUNSEL VANESSAM SHEEHAN* BENJAMIN L�HERZWEIG DIRECT DIAL RUSSELL C BURCHER1 447-8925 DOUGLAS J,LCROSC DENNIS D.O*DOHERTY.JR, -ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA *ALSO ADMITTED IN NEW JERSEY April 5. 1988 Hon. Francis J . Murphy Supervisor. Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Hon. Jean W. Cochran Hon. Ruth Oliva P.O. Box 285 Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11.971 53095 Main Road Southold. N.Y. 117?i Hon. Raymond W. Edwards P.O. Box 511 Hon. Ellen Larsen FishorA Island, N .Y. 06390 Town Hall 53095 Main Road Hon. Bennett Orlowski. Jr . Southold. N.Y. 11971 Planning Board Chairman Town of Southold Hon. George L. Penny, IV Main Road P.O. Box 57 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Greenport, N.Y. 11944 Re: Carr-Wanat Application for Change of Zone Dear Supervitior Murphy, Members of the Town Board and Planning Board Chairman Orlowski : I am writing this letter to you to confirm my undorst.anding of the result of the "Ecoping" nossion held at the Town Hall on Tuesday. April 5. 1988 wlit.h the Town Board . An Application for a Change of Zone from "All Rosidential Agricultural Dist.rict to I'M" Light Multiple-Residence District for Richard T. Carr and Joseph A. Wanat was undor consideration at. this meeting. PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU supervisor Murphy and Members of Town Board Page 2 April 5, 1988 By Resolution adopted by the Town Board at a regular meeting held on February 23 , 1988. the Board. as "lead agency" requested Mr . Carr and Mr . Wanat to prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement (Exhibit "All ) . Attached to the Resolution was a State Environmental QualiLy Review PosilAve Declaration bearing date January, 198'S . prepared by Mr . Emilita which is also enclosed (Exhibit 111311 ) . The ResoluLion of February 23. 1988 was proceded on November 6. 1987 by a letter addressed to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation indicating that the Town Board was lead agency and requesting the Department ' s views on the project (Exhibit "C" ) . On December 18. 1987. the Town Board wrote to the Suffolk County Depart.ment of Health Services requesting information regarding the water supply at the "Norris" property. It is my further understanding that the Planning Board is the lead agency for the Norris propor-Ly and continues In that capacity. The applicant is. thorefore, proceeding on parallel courses which will provide the following: a draft Environmental Impact Statement to be presented to the Town Board for the 107 acre Carr-Wanat property. which will furnish the information requested showing the impact of 107 single family dwellings on the this parcel . We will also furniiih copies of the draft Environmental Impact Statement being -prepared for the Planning Board for the NorriH property. This will consider the development of the Norris property "as of right" with 132 units . In addition. there will be an alternative proposal which the Planning Board will roceiwse which will show 25 units on tho Norris property, to be coupled with the 107 iinits on the Carr-Wanat property. It the alternative solution on Lhe Norris pruperLy is adopted, it will reqi) ire action by the Planning Board to approve the site plan for Norris and a change of zone by the Town Board with simultaneous site plan approval by the Planning Board for Carr-Wanat . It is my tindorstanding Lhat this action will proceed on parallel tracks and that the decision-making process will be simultaneous . In the event. for wfiaLever reason, the change of zone for Carr-Wanat and the Norris 25 unit site plan are not approved, it is the intent of the applicant to proceed with its "as of right" application for Norris . which is already before the Planning Board. PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU supervisor Murphy and Members of Town Board Page 3 April 5. 1988 The applicant, Richard Carr , is going forward on his understanding of the resolutions of both the Town Board and the Planning Board and Is acting in reliance thereon. If this statement of our understanding of the determination of the Town Board and the Planning Board is in any way incorrect. ! please advise us immediately as the applicant is expending tens of thousands of dollars in reliance upon his understanding of the action taken by the Town Board and the Planning Board and statements made in connection therewith. We are hopeful that we will be in a pasition over the , next several weeks to furnish you with all the information that has been requested . Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, PELLETREAU & ,,PELLETREAU J ea. �A� K/q nj. Hart JJH:ma cc: Richard Carr Shamrock Associates James Schondebare. Esq. , Town Attorney David Emilita Valerie Scopaz , Town Planner Judith Terry. Town Clerk Team Members : Jean Celender Henry Raynor Holzmacher . McLendon & Murrell Att : Gary Loesch Dravo Van Houten, Inc. Att: Clem Cameron Niego Associates Att: Sol Niego Dunn Engineering. P.C. Att : Walter Dunn B. Laing Associates Att:Michael Bontje 2163C/1-3 SUFFOLK COUNTY FPT O� -6—,t, F,—qested DEPARTMENT OF NZALTH SIRTZ 6.91 DRINKING WATER surPLY SECTION Test Well S&UP'lag 11AR 10 3 01 '88 (3) _TEST WELL Appointment Date (2 ) _A Day Subd v si0l,�–N ie�� -.)� Time Stre% (8) 1 �cl, ( 30) Community Map Coordina (7 ) Township Code TBA TBR Location TEH THU TIS TOS TRI TSH TSI TSM (20) Comm NCOM _ZPRIV TAX MAF NUMBER ( 14) District Well Driller (13) Section ( 16 ) Block S. Phone 4 (17 ) Lot WELL INFORMATION r ( 1 ) Test Well # 2 r ( 23 ) Subdiv Lot # (31 ) Depth . . . . . . . . (33) Depth to Water (42 ) Casing Size SAMPLE INFORMATION (51 ) Sample Date Samp Type Bact % .!!! / &;Q I artial Chemi--3' + MBAS ( 54) Sample Tap L7 ) Time Start Ysmall SCO YSC Peat Time Stop Other ( 11 ) Elapsed Run Time ellvcf A Remarks j(/ (24 ) Gallons Per Minute 104- Depth Checked —/Yes — No Sanitarian 372�0 uc� CA 2 8,8 3 20 IfEB 22 W8 Lab No. Date Received in Lab Field No. Public Water Date: Private Water Time: Other Col. By: Date Completed f (Name not initials) Examined By Uo� SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY ,;CH MICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER 4e Owner or Name District Location -104�2,40tooll Point of Collection AW, Remarks MAR (1) Results Reported as Micrograms Per Liter. Partial Complete 0 Metals Only 13 Spec.Cond. 84 T Alkalinq (mg/I CaCO� 81 MBAS(nV/1) qmhos/cm pH 82 T. Hardrm (mg/I CaCC� b-8 ToW Hyd P(mg/Q Nitrites+ 83 Ca Hardnm [mg/I CaCN 90 Fluoride(mgA F) NftM(nV/1 NJ Free Ammonia(mgtI N) Mg Hardness (mg/I C&CO� 77 . NW#es(mgAN) Chbrides(mg/I CQ Suffetes(mg/l SO4) 120 Arsenic (1) 3 Iron(mg/1 Fel 125 Selenium (1) i Manganese frng/I Mn) 122 Cadmium (1) 2 Copper jmgA Cul 123 Lead (1) Sodium(mg/I Nal 126 Silver (1) bric(mg/I Znj 104 0momurn (1) 124 Mercury (1) 121 ftium (nV/1 Be) Director M NO.pm�l Lab No . TO- Rec 'd at Lab Field No -r-4--Z77- Public Water Date Private Water Time Other Col . B y Date Completed Examined By SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION OF MEDICAL LEGAL INVESTIGATIONS & FORENSIC SCIENCES PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY TRACE ORGANIC ANALYSIS OF WATER Ow r or District 00, Location Point of Collection Remarks : Compound pb Compound ppb_ 306 vinyl chloride . . . . . . . . 41 250 benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,1 305 methylene chloride . . . . / f 251 toluene . . . . . . . . . . . * 0 290 bromochloromethane 258 chlorobenzene . . . . . . . . 323 1 , 1 dichloroethane . . . . 259 ethylbenzene . i . . . . . . . . . . 4! 309 trans dichloroethylene . 254 o-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � j 300 chloroform . . . . . . . . . . . . A, 252 m-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4( 324 1, 2 dichloroethane . . . . � f 253 p-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<1 321 1 , 1 , 1 trichloroethane . 255 total xylenes . . . . . . . . . . - 304 carbon tetrachloride . . . 257 bromobenzene . . . . . . . . . . . 294 1 bromo 2 chloroethane .4 1 266 o-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . A. 405 1, 2 dichloropropane . . . 4! 267 m-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . Zf 310 1 , 1 , 2 trichloroethylene c r 268 p-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . 303 chlorodibromomethane f 265 total chlorotoluene . . . . 293 1 ,2 dibromoethane . . . . . 4,19 1 , 3 , 5 trimethylbenzene . 420 2 bromo 1 chloropropane 418 1 , 2 , 4 trimethylbenzene . 301 bromoform . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 m, p-dichlorobenzene . . . . 1111 311 tetrachloroethylene . . . 412 o-dichlorobenzene . . . . . . . 308 cis dichloroethylene 432 p-diethylbenzene . . . . . . . . 320 freon 113 431 1, 2 , 4 , 5 tetramethylbenz ' Z—f 292 dibromomethan e 437 1 , 2 ,4 trichlorobenzene . 307 1, 1 dichloroethylene . .4 f 438 1, 2 , 3 trichlorobenzene . 302 bromodichloromethane . �, ( 409 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 tetrachl 'oethane 406 2, 3 dichloropropene . . . 4—r 430 1, 2 , 2 , 3 tetrachl ' propane 407 cis dichloropropene . . . 295 s-tetrachloroethane 408 trans dichloropropene - 431 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 tetrachl 'propane 322 1 , 1 ,2 trichloroethane . f 433 1 , 2 , 3 trichloropropane Lab No. P- Rec ' d in L Field N 0 Public Water ( 51 ) Dat; Private Water Time Other Col . By W -;r7 77) Date C ted SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION OF MEDICAL LEGAL INVESTIGATIONS & FORENSIC SCIENCES PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY PESTICIQE ANALYSIS OF WATER 3 ) L a s t N am e 1,-L (2) First ( 4) Street No . (9) Street P (8 ) Community Sampl i ng fl At Mailing Address (20 ) — Pub Ncom Priv (14) District ( 15) Distance to Farm ft . ( 13) Section (30) Map Coordinates ( 16 ) Block ( 31) Well Depth f t . (17) Lot (57 ) Resample? Yes Key R No — Owner COMPOUND PPB MG/ L (223 ) Aldicarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78) Nitrate . . . . . . . . . . . ( 425) Aldicarb Sulfoxide (426 ) Aldicarb Sulfone . . . . . z ( 224) Carbofuran . . . . . . . . . . . (427 ) 3-Hydroxycarbofuran ( 428) Oxamyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z (429 ) Carbaryl . . . . . . . . . . . . . z (,A 3 0) Methomyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1347:6/86 SUFFOLK COUNTY DZPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICE Da e Requested DRINKING WATER SUPPLY SECTION , Test Well Saupling (3) TEST WELL Appointment Date Va / 28 / 57 (2) Nory-% S 6'si-c�+-es Day fyL o t,� S u b d i�i's ij�n a ( 9 ) Time I D % 30 A-/-\ Street ( 8) W 0- (30) Community Map Coordinates (7 ) Township Code TBA TBR Location 5m,�tu S-,de- 0,;k Wkk+e- TEH THU TIS V/TOS !ei&1Ao SW' eCV-� f-f TRI TSH TSI TSM (20) Comm NCOM L/ PRIV TAX MAP NUMBER ( 14 ) District 1000, Well Driller �n�v� ( 13) Section 2-7— - ( 16 ) Block 4;", Phone 149 5- lz�I k ( 17 ) Lot 14, WELL INFORXATION ( 1 ) Test Well # 1 Aj, 2 S 3 4 ( 23 ) Subdiv Lot # . (31 ) Depth . . . . . . . . Ce(0 ( 33) Depth to Water ;Lc> (42 ) Casing Size SAMPLE INFORNATION (51 ) Sample Date -J;?--a19-e7 Sample Type Bact ( 54) Sample Tap P U01 P k=C-4 Partial Chemical + HBAS Time Start Small SCO SC Pest Time Stop Other ( 11 ) Elapsed Run Time cxeo-eaej ,wx lAuell > > t_V (24 ) Gallons Per Minute Depth Checked Yes No &ell 4�z, rjak X/4) s tarian jr0q tA) 0 .ab No. I A,U 1 14 Date Received in Lab DEC 28 987 -ield No. 0 Public Water late: .a cg --c9 7 Private Water ime: AM Other I vz-,E A" Date Completed DEC 3 1987 '01. By: VA-7 (Name not initials) Examined By Ytt"00" SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH LA130RATORY CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER Owner or 4ame IV OAR 15 6 5 1 A r-&f? -7� District ocalion AV MAL-771104-1,11-L loint of Collection emarks: i) Results Reported as Micrograms Per Liter. Partial Me' Complete 13 Metals Only�C3 Spec.Cond 84 T. Ablinity Jmg/I CaM� 81 MBAS(mg/q �mhcts/crn pH 82 T. H"ess (mg/l CsCO3) -Be TotwFwp(mg/q Ndrhk+ 012-1 8.3 Ca Hardness (mg/I C&W� 90 Fluoride Jmgfi F1 Nkrales(mq1l NJ Free Ammonia(mg/1 NJ Ip Mg Hardirm (ml;/I CaCCq 77 Nlhea JmqA N) Chlorides(mg1l CQ S11 Suffales Jmg/1 S041 -3 120 Arsenic (1) kon(mg/l Fe) .311 1)1 5 Selenium 11) Manganese(mg/l Mn) /—on 122 Cadmium (1) Copper jmg11 CU) o:n" 0/6 1 123 Lead (1) I'ji Sodium(mg/1 Nal 01126 Siher (1) Zinc 1mg/l Zn) 104 Chromdurn (1) 1 24 Mercury (1) 1 21 Barium (mg/1 Be) Director ND.PHL-1 Lab No . TO-/.IPY?� Ree'd at Lab Field No . JJC�� Public' Water X Date Private Water Time Other A orl Date Completed =-�o Col . IFY yffdeVZAk Examined By SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION OF MEDICAL LEGAL INVESTIGATIONS & FORENSIC SCIENCES PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY TRACE ORGANIC ANALYSIS OF WATER Name E5TA7-i5 -rrf.0- I Owner or District k Location mew SuFP404-4e- AV-5 Point of Collection P&I M 10 Remarkst pb Compound p,pb Compound An! 306 vinyl chloride . . . . . . . . 250 benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xj 305 methylene chloride . . . . j 251 toluene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 290 bromochloromethane . . . . 258 chlorobenzene . . . . . . . . . . . .. 323 1 , 1 dichloroethane 259 ethylbenzene. . . . . . . . . . . . .< f 309 trans dichloroethylene . tt 254 o-xylene i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 300 chloroform . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 m-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 1, 2 dichloroethane ?53 p-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ! 321 1 , 1 , 1 trichloroethane 255 total xylenes . . . . . . . . . . 304 carbon tetrachloride . . . - 257 bromobenzene . . . . . . . . . . . 294 1 bromo 2 chloroethane - 266 o-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . . I 405 1, 2 dichloropropane 267 a-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . 310 1 , 1 , 2 trichloroethylene 268 p-chlorotoluetie . . . . . . . . 41 303 chlorodibromomethane 265 total chlorotoluene . . . . . 293 1 ,2 dibromoethane Irl 9 1 ,3, 5 trimethylbenzene . 420 2 bromo 1 chloropropane 418 1, 2, 4 trimethylbenzene . 301 bromoform . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 4� 415 m,p-dichlorobenzene . . . . 311 tetrachloroethylene .4( 412 6-dichlorobanzene . . . . . . 308 cis dichloroethylene 432 p-diethylbenzene . . . . . . . ..�. I 320 freon 113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. f 435 1, 2, 4, 5 tetramethylbenzy 292 dibromomethane . . . . 437 1 , 2,4 trichlorobenzene . 307 1, 1 dichloroethylene 438 1, 2, 3 trichlorobenzene . 302 bromodichloromethane 409 1 , 1 , 1 . 2 tetrachl 'oethane 406 2, 3 dichloropropene 430 1 , 2 , 2, 3 tetrachl1propane 407 cis dichloropropene 295 a-tetrachloroethane 408 trans dichloropropene - 431 1, 1 , 1 , 2 tetrachl1propane 322 1 , 1 , 2 trichloroethane . 433 1 , 2 , 3 trichloropropane IZ87386 Rec'd In Lab 'z0i i niab # Public Water Field No. Private Water (51) Date I 1P 7 Other Time ae, Date Completed,)7131142 RUVI Col. By VrA Vz-&-A- SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION OF MEDICAL LEGAL INVESTIGATIONS & FORENSIC SCIENCES PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY PESTICIDE ANALYSIS OF WATER (3) Last Name (2) First (4) Street No. —(9) Street F F OL-K A udF (8) Community 14A r 7'1'T(IC-114, - / SamplingPoint P011,110 Mailing Address (20) —Pub—Ncorn A-� Priv / (14) District .115 a (15) Dist ance to Farm ft. / (113) Section I (30) Map Coordinates—/ / (16) Block (31) Well Depth — It. / (17) Lot (57) Resample? Yes Key R No / Remarks Last Result / Owner COMPOUND PPB MG/L (223) Aldicarb.......... ..................... (431) Metham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (425) Aldicarb Sulfoxide............. (078) Nitrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (426) Aldicarb Sultone......................... (224) Carbofuran............................... (427) 3-Hydroxycarbofuran........ (4, B) Oxamyl........................ Carbaryl... ..........I.................... I I-Naphthol.................... �4, 0� Melhomyl...... ............... e I I Lab No. Date Received In Lab -C8 W7 Field No. Public Water Date: Private Water Time: Otfier Col. By: V46'A yzleA Date Completed (Name not Initials) Examined By SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER Owner or Name )VO A 14 15 E 5 r—/-! -r-44 9;6 District Location NEW SUFF04-K—, AEVE's.- M,47-717-424�K Point of Collection P-0," P Remarks: BA 5 (1) Results Reported as Micrograms Per Liter. Partial Complete 13 Metals Only 13 Spec.Cond. I qmhos/cm 84 T. Alkali* jmg/I C*CW st MW lffwQ pH R T. H"w (nVA CaCC9 as TOW"P(WO NOW t Cat Hardness [mg/I CaCO� 90 Fluoride jmgA n Nitrates fnVII N) L 83 Free Ammonia jmg1l N) Mg Hardness (mg/I C" 77 Willes jmgA N) J Chlorides(mg/I CQ Suffales(mg/I SO4) 120 Arsenic (1) Iron(mg/I Fe) b 125 Selenium (1) i Manganese(mg/I Mn) 01 122 Cadmium (1) 2 Copper(mg/I Cu) 10 123 Lead (1) J Sodium(mg/I No) 126 Silver (1) 3 Zinc jmg/I Zn) 1D4 Chromium (1) 124 Metwy (1) 121 Badurn (mg/I Bell Carl-4. .4ww Director No.PHL-1 Is 0 7 Lab No . TO Roe I d, -at Lab Field No . Public Water Date IN-L-M_ff=e:7 Private Water Time A-Al Other Col. iy USAY94M Date Completed Q_,10_18J C �,� ;< Examined By T SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION OF MEDICAL LEGAL INVESTIGATIONS & FORENSIC SCIENCES PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY TRACE ORGANIC ANALYSIS OF WATER Name Owner or District I- W, Location WEW SOF AVE- A A r_rL relCk Point of Collection Pum 14 Remarks : Compound pb Compound pb 306 vinyl chloride . .. . . . . . . .41 250 benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L 305 methylene chloride . . . . 251 toluene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4p 290 bromochloromethane 258 chlorobanzene. . . . . . . . . . . 323 1 , 1 dichloroethane . . . . 41 259 othylbenzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . j 309 trans dichloroethylene . e 254 o-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 chloroform . . . . . .. 252 m-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ''o .4 . .�.1 324 1, 2 dichloroethane 253 p-xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 . 7 � i55 total xylenes . . . . . . . . . . - 321 1 , 1 , 1 trichloroethane a 304 carbon tetrachloride . . . _� l 257 bromobenzene . . . . . . . . . . . :q 294 1 bromo 2 chloroethane _wt 266 o-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . .4 1 405 1, 2 dichloropropane 267 a-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . ZI ,94 310 1 , 1 , 2 trichloroethylene 268- p-chlorotoluene . . . . . . . . .�. I :��P 303 chlorodibromomethane 265 total chlorotoluelle 293 1 , 2 dibromoethane . . . . . . . 419 1 ,3 ,5 trimethylbenzene . f Yr,� 420 2 bromo 1 chloropropane 7_ 7 418 1, 2,4 trimetbylbenzene . 301 bromoform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 m,p-dichlorobenzene 311 tetrachloroetbylene 7— 412 0-dichlorobenzene Z 308 cis dichloroethylene 1 432 p-,diethylbenzone 320 freon 113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 1, 2. 4 , 5 tetramethylbenz ' .41 292 dibromomethane . . . . . . . . . i 437 1 ,2,4 trichlorobenzone 307 1, 1 dichloroethylene . . 438 1.2, 3 trichlorobenzene 4 1^1 302 bromodichloromethane . . 409 1 , 1 , lp2 tetrachl 'oethane 4 406 2, 3 dichloropropene . . . 430 1. 2 . 2, 3 tetrachl ' propane 407 cis dichloropropene 295 s-tetrachloroethane 408 trans dichloropropene . 431 1, 1 , 1 , 2 tetrachl 'propane 322 1 , 1 , 2 trichloroethane - 433 1 , 2 , 3 trichloropropane . _ I 12873V Rec'd in Lab , .ab 0 EMS Irt('6 - Public Water Fie d No. AN Private Water (51) Date - -.A— 12-=& Other Time —----- Date Completed I Col. By ydrA vxdEg SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION OF MEDICAL LEGAL INVESTIGATIONS & FORENSIC SCIENCES PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY PESTICIDE ANALYSIS OF WATER (3) Last Name 0 A IX 1-5 E 5 1-6165 f, LA)- Gk (2) First (4) Street No. —(9) Street -T OF EQ W- V AL (8) Community 14 J1 7-7-17'414-AC — / SamplingPoint Mailing Address (20) - Pub_Ncorn Priv 1 (114) District (15) Distance to Farm ft. / (13) Section (30) Map Coordinates / (116) Block (31) Well Depth / (17) Lot (57) Resample? Yes Key R No / Remarks Last Result / Owner COMPOUND PPB / MG/L (2231 Aldicarb.............!....... / (431) Metharn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (425) Aldicarb Sulloxide......... L / (078) Nitrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (426) Aldicarb Sulfone...... .................. Z (224) Carboturan............................... (427) 3-Hydroxycarbofuran........ ........... (4, 81 Oxamyl.................... 9) Carbaryl.. . ...............................-.t-L- 4) 1-Naphthol................ 4 0) Melhomyl.................. TO Pi�F qO Y 0 U�a INFORMATION MEMORANDUM To: Judith Terry, Town Clerk From: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner RE: Carr/Wanat Change of Zone Application Date: March :11, 1988 I am in receipt of Mr. John J. Hart's letter to the Town Board dated March 8, 1988. The letter states that they are preparing a statement which would be part of the Norris Estate DEIS. The Norris Estate DEIS is for a subdivision. The Carr/Wanat DEIS that the Town Board requested is for a change of zone. I do not think that the applicant can on his own, answer the Town Board's request for a DEIS by supplementing a DEIS that is before the Planning Board for another matter. Perhaps, the Town Board should -consult with Mr. Emilita and the Town Attorney, then respond to Mr. Hart's letter so as to clear any possible misunderstanding Furthermore, the test well results should be sent to Mr. s Emil ita for his review a/ylell. Enc. attached letter cc: Planning Board it -07 /906- /dl� ez�� /4� IV-ell ,/I 11,6 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERTS PELLETS! Oa9l-194W JOHN J.HART ?0 CHURCH STREET' eOX Ito RICHARD A.SCHOENF JOHN J.ROE.I I I FREDERIC I.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE,NEW YORK 11772 0950-1980) J.TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL. 516 447-8900 ROBERT H�PELLETRI KEVIN A.SEAMAN FAX 516/475-5651 OF COUNSEL VANESSA M.SHEEHAN' BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG DIRECT DIAL RUSSELL C.BURCHERIO 447-8906 DOUGLAS J LEROSE DENNIS 0.O'DOHERTY.JAL 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA OALSOADMITTEO IN NEWJERSEY March 8 , 1988 Hon. Francis J. Murphy Supervisor. Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Council Members: Hon. Jean W. Cochran P.O. Box 285 Southold, New York 11971 Hon. Raymond. W. Edwards P.O. Box 511 Fishers Island, New York 06390 Hon. George L. Penny. IV P.O. Box 57 Greenport, New York 11944 N -L. W� N Hon. James Schondebare �;;NQ BOARD P.O. Box 1,018 Southold. New York 11971 Hon. Paul Stoutenburgh Skunk Lane Cutchogue, New York 11935 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Planning Board Director Town of Southold Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 RE: CARR/WANAT CHANGE OF ZONE Mattituck, New York Dear Supervisor Murphy, Council Members and Mr . Orlowski : We are in receipt of a letter from Judith Terry dated February 26 , 1988 . -a copy of which, is attached, requesting the PELLETREAU 8: PELLETREAU Page 2 Match B . 198B Re: Mattituck, NY petitioner to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the above proposed Change of Zone property. We are presently accumulating the information necessary to prepare such a statement, however , a separate DEIS should not be necessary'. At the request of the ,Town' s Environmental Consultant, David Emilita, we are coordinating the Wanat and .Norris Estates ' Environmental Impact Statements . The Wanat property will be presented as an alternative plan for the Norris istates preject . The DEIS on the Norris Estates property has already been filed with the Town. Should you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to contact the undrsigned. Very truly yours, N�ETREAU & PELLETREAU 'oh J . Hat JFH:hmm Encl. 1U/29-30 Town Hall, 53095 Main Roa P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 JUDITH T,TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 26, 1988 Janet Haeberle Pelletrau & Pelletreau 20 Church Street - Box 110 Patchogue, New York 11772 Dear Ms. Haeberle: Enclosed is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board determining that the Carr-Wanat change of zone proposal is a Type I action and is likely to have a significant effect on the environment, as well as a copy of the Positive Declaration. The petition is hereby requested to prepare a draft environmental impact statement. Please submit same to me upon completion. Thank you. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk Enclosures PELLETREAU a PELLETREAU MAP, t' 97 PETER V. SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S. PELLETREAU JOHN J. HART 20 CHURCH STREET - 5OX 110 (1891-JOA3) JOHN J. ROE,111 RICHARD A.SCHOENFELD FREDERIC _.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE. NEW YORK 11772 (1950-1980) J.TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T WALLACE TEL. 516 475-5656 ROBERT H. PELLETREAU KEVIN A.SEAMAN OF COUNSEL VANESSA M. SHEEHAN- BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG -ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA March 5 . 1987 Hon. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 RE: NORRIS ESTATES Dear Chairman Orlowski: This letter is in response to the letter dated February 11, 1987 addressed to the Planning Board by Ren6 Eastin, Ph.D. . Consultant for hydrology and geology. As a general comment, it is clear that the writer of that letter has painted a picture with a very broad brush. His comments could apply to any property in the Town of Southold. On the other hand, H2M (Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell - quoted by the writer in his second paragraph) made a specific and exhaustive study of the water conditions on the Norris site. They have found that there is sufficient good water on the Norris site. not only for the proposed development, but for additional users as well . As a matter of fact, there is a fresh water lens at the Norris site, almost 100 feet in depth. It is unfortunate, as stated in Mr . Eastin' s third paragraph, that there was substantial small-lot development near the shore line in the past. This over-utilization (in some cases with a density of four to the acre) has created the problem to which Mr . Eastin alludes . In his fourth paragraph, Mr. Eastin talks of the loss of ground water by "surface runoff" . As you are aware, there is a requirement that there be 100% site retention of runoff . ,tx PELLETREAU 8t PELLETREAU March 5, 1987 Hon. Bennett Orlowski, Jr . Page 2 . The runoff from the site will be returned to the ground on the site. In addition to the runoff, there will be a return to the ground of the effluent from the tertiary system. Quality of the water returned to the ground, as Mr . Eastin points out, will be superior to that recharged when septic tanks are used. Mr . Eastin suggests clustering as a means of conserving ground water . The proposed Norris Development will of course be clustered. Again, there will be no "runoff into the Bays" as we will retain all surface water on the site. There is difference of opinion that "paved and developed areas also increase surface runoff" ; there is a school of thought that contends that paved areas increase the percentage of recharge when properly directed. In paragaph six of his letter, Mr. Eastin suggests measures which the Planning Board. the Developer and the Health Department of Suffolk County are examining with respect to the Norris site . Rather than dealing in generalities the Developer. his Engineers, the Planning Board and the Health Department and other interested agencies have been dealing in specifics. They are all concerned that the site be developed properly in accordance with the existing long-standing zoning and that all concerns regarding water . sewage, traffic and environmental impact be addressed and exact answers be furnished. Mr . Eastin' s suggestion that we erect a barrier around the Town of Southold to prevent further development is selfish and unrealistic. The proposed development of the Norris property (which has never been zoned two acres) , with the proper safeguards imposed by the Health Department. the Planning Board and other agencies having jurisdiction, will in all probability use less water than the prior farm irrigation for potatoes . We would again restate our position. We have specific answers for specific questions and are prepared to develop the property in accordance with the zoning and with the law. 16 PELLETREAU et PELLETREAU March 5, 1987 Hon. Bennett Orlowski , Jr. Page 3 . Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours , JE JTREY ETREAU oh J . JJH:hmm Enclosures cc: Hon. Francis J . Murphy Supervisor Town of Southold Old Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Council Members : Hon. Jean W. Cochran P.O. Box 285 Southold, New York 11971 Hon. Raymond W. Edwards P.O. Box 511 Fishers Island, New York 06390 Hon. George L. Penny, IV P.O. Box 57 Greenport, New York 11944 Hon. James Schondebare P.O. Box 1018 Southold, New York 11971 Hon. Paul Stoutenburgh Skunk Lane Cutchogue, New York 11935 Richard Carr c/o Shamrock Property Corp. 350 Fifth Avenue Room 1826 New York, New York 10118 1C/1-3 *., 0 * 1 'JAN 2 5 1988 PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V.SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROSE:RTS PELLETREAU JOHN J.HART 20 CHU RCH STRE ET-BOX 110 RICHARDA SCHOENFELD JOHNJ.ROE,111 (.950-1980) FREDERIC L ATWOOD PATCHOGUE. NEW YORK 11772 J TIMOTHY SHEA ROBERT H.PELLETREAU BRUCE T WALLACE TEL 516447-8900 KEVIN A.SEAMAN FAX 516/475-5651 OF COUNSEL VANESSAM.SHEEHAN' BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG DIRECT DIAL RUSSELL C.BURCHERIO 447-8906 DOUGLAS J LEROSE DENNIS D.O-OOHERYY.JR. 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA OALSO ADMITTED IN NEWJERSEY January 22, 1988 Hon. Francis J . Murphy supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 RE: HEATHER HILLS Dear Supervisor Murphy: We have received the enclosed letter dated November 30, 1987, from the Planning Board. We feel that the position taken by the Department of Health Services in its letter of December 23 . 1987. a copy of which is enclosed. saying that "the proposed population densities appear to be in conformance with Article VI of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code" indicates that the zone change. which is a density function, can be addressed prior to the determination regarding water supply at the Norris property. As a matter of fact, it is our understanding that the Environmentalist employed by the Town has recommended that the proposal regarding the increase of density on the Wanat site be included in the alternative section of the Environmental impact Statement for the Norris property. We, therefore, respectfully request the application for the change of zone on the Wanat property be entertained prior to the determination by the Department of Health Services of the water supply at Norris . PELLETREAU 8c PELLETREAU January 22. 1988 Hon. Francis J . Murphy Page 2 . We appreciate your attention to this matter . Very truly yours, TR 6 PELLETREAU J .YJoh t JFH:hmm cc: Counselwoman Jean W. Cochran Counselwoman Ellen Larsen Counselwoman Ruth Oliva Counselman George L. Penny, IV justice Raymond W. Edwards Bennett Orlowski. Jr . . Chairman of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold Judith Terry. Town Clerk of the Town of Southold Mr . Richard T. Carr 1U/11-12 PLXNNirq G�b 6�kif D TOIW'N WSOU HOLD SLIEFIQ'�K'ZC 0 LUNY T Y Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 November 30, 1987 Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Richard I. Carr and Joseph A. Wan. Change of Zone request Dear Mrs. Terry: The Planning Board declines to comment on this change of zone reques because the applicant so far has not supplied it with crucial information from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services regarding water supply at the Norris property. Consequently, there has been no decision on the allowable yield for the Norris property. The Planning Board feels that the Norris yield figure must be determined before it can realistically judge the proposed transfer of yield to this new site. When the applicant provides the requested information, the Planning Board will proceed with its review and send its comments on to the Town Board. Very truly yours, &AALt� C*Lm�vu BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CVAICR=, SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD cc: John J. Hart, Esq. VHenry E. Raynor, Jr. RECEIVED JAN- 61988 P-METRW A.PELLETjREAU COUNTY OF SUFFOLK "" FOR YOUR INFORIdATION PETER F.CONALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DAVID HARRIS.M.D..M.P.H. TO: Francis J. !tupkv DATE: Deca-ber 23, 1987 Sunerviscr Tc);.m liall 53095 Main Rd. M. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 RE: DEC 2 9199 Carr-ilanat - change of Zone & Norris Estates z 4. 10 0 R"�- �-112-1�16 & 10100-122-5-4 & 1000-123-6-2 LD Dearr1r. Murphy: We are in receipt of your letter dated December i8. 1987 concerning the above referenced project. ED1. This Department has no objection to your designation of lead agency status. El2. Insufficient information is available for technical comments. 3. There is no record of an application to this Department. r] A more accurate project location is needed. (Suffolk County Tax Map No. ) 4 . This Department has received an application and it is; [] complete incomplete Other: 5 . It appears that the project can be served by: Sewage Disposal System [] Sewer System and Treatment Works E] Subsurface Sewage Disposal System(s) Other: wwM-067 couhry CENTEft plyk""CA0 h V 11901 (OVER) ( 516 ) 548-331� . ater SuRply System A Public Water Supply System individual water Supply System(s ) other: 6. Comments : The Health Department's primary environmental concern pertaining to development is that the applicant comply with the requirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code especially Articles V and VI, and relevant construction standards for water supply and sanitary sewage disposal. These considerations are to be reviewed completely at the time of application. Full considera- tion in placement of water supply wells and disposal systems is given to State and Town wetland requirements. The Health Depart-* ment maintains jurisdiction over final location of disposal and well systems and the applicant should not undertake to construct any water supply or disposal system without Health Department approval. Other portions of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code also apply to commercial development such as Articles VII and XII. The Lead Agency is requested to forward a copy of this form to the applicant with its findings. Applications have been received for both ihe Carr and Norris Estates Subdivisions. Tuenty-five residential parcels are proposed for Norris Estates and 95 parcels for the Carr Subdivision. Individual water supply wells and sewage disposal facilities are proposed for both projects. This Department is awaiting test well and test hole results, prior to prooessing the application further. The proposed population densities appear to be in conformance with Article VI of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. Further comment may be provided upon completion of the application review. Name 12e— .17 < 19, 3. Phone 548-3312 YOUNG o& YOUNG 4W OSTRANDER AVENUE JAN 2 101 1988 RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK xx9or $16-727-2303 ALDEN W.YOUNG HOWARD W.YOUNG P�&"Wnat Engimm%Lmid Suvftym L�a &.,.ym January 19, 1988 Town of Southold Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 ATT: Ms. Valerie Scopaz RE: Norris Estates Camp Mineola Road Mattituck, T/O Southold, N.Y. Richard Carr (Wanat) Bergen Avenue Mattituck, T/O Southold, N.Y. Dear Valerie: I met with 'You in early December to briefly discuss the above captioned subdivisions in hopes of obtaining your input prior to formal submission. At that time, I left a copy of each of the subdivisions with you, and the understanding that you would review and com- ment on these projects. Please let me know if any progress has been made, or if you need any additional data from us. Very truly yours, Howard W. Young Hw Encl . cc: Mr. Richard Carr Mr. David Saland JAN PELLETREAU St PELLETREAU PETER V. SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT S PELLETREAU JOHN J. HART 20 CHURCH STREET - BOX 110 (1891-1043) JOHN J.ROE,111 RICHARD A SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE.NEW YORK 11772 (1950-1960) J.TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T.WALLACE TEL. 516 475 5656 ROBERT H. PELLETREAU KEVIN A.SEAMAN OF COUNSEL VANESSA M. SHEEHAN- BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG -ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA January 16, 1987 Hon. Francis J . Murphy Supervisor Town of Southold Old Main Road Mattituck. New York 11952 Council Members: Hon. Jean W. Cochran P.O. Box 285 Southold, New York 11971 Hon. Raymond W. Edwards P.O. Box 511 Fishers Island, New York 06390 Hon. George L. Penny, IV P.O. Box 57 Greenport. New York 11944 Hon. James Schondebare P.O. Box 1018 Southold, New York 11971 Hon. Paul Stoutenburgh Skunk Lane Cutchogue, New York 11935 Mr . Bennett Orlowski, Jr . Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 Re: Norris Estates Dear Supervisor Murphy, Council Members and Mr . Orlowski : This letter is intended to provide you with an update on the status of our preparation of the traffic impact study for the proposed Norris Estates Condominiums. PELLETREAU 8t PELLETREAU January 16. 1987 Supervisor Murphy. council members and Mr. Orlowski: Re: Norris Estates Page 2 . Dunn Engineering, P.C. , collected detailed traffic engineering data during August, 1986. Included in this data were: (a) 24 hour machine counts: and (b) intersection turning movement counts . It should be noted that the August traffic conditions generally represent the highest traffic in this section of the Town of Southold ., At present. they are completing their detailed intersection capacity analyses at the surrounding intersections. They are also addressing the concerns of the community as expressed by the residents in relation to Camp Mineola Road and the access location for the site. Based upon preliminary findings, it is anticipated that the proposed development will have no adverse traffic impact on the adjacent roadway network. Detailed analyses and conclusions are attached hereto. If you have any questions, or require any other information, please contact me. Very truly yours. PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU Joh94 b - J . Hart JFH:hmm Encl . lu/9-10 r f 4 ' JAN 2 0 19 A T T A C H M E N T / 1 MACHINE TRAFFIC COUNTS AUGUST 1986 I I DU4M EENGINEERINc 0 SITE .40 - NERSUF FILE: (K FILE) L HOUR, 2 r-HAN4E. 4ilzi CCU SUFFiFiVENR 9 ME JULE LANE AND REEVE AYENUE CORRECTION FACTOR: 1.00 WEE!< OF MONDAY AIN 4, 1986 HOUR MAY 4 TUESDAY 3 NEEMEEM 6 THURSDAY 7 FRIDAY I SATURDAY 2 SUNDAY 3 Wr--XDAY AYERAeE SEEMS E V E N E W E W E W E 4 E V E IZAH 2 1 5 1 3 0 3 3 4 4 4 9 0 4 4 3 1 3 1 1 1 5 3 1 o 1 0 6 6 4 8 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 11 1 8 7 6 2 4 6 6 5 6 3 3 to it 7 17 Il is 12 to to 16 1? 13 1 3 104 14 4 20 33 23 31 211 23 'M 27 30 33 28 27 lb 21 27 30 5 26 29 39 29 311 32 44 38 44 34 41 46 20 20 37 36 6 Z9 66 46 51 441 50 41 39 40 51 33 at 41 40 44 31 7 77 61 59 33 46 49 64 39 73 60 77 84 41 33 63 37 a 67 19 49 50 .91 62 77 63 70 72 64 Is 67 56 64 61 9 63 59 16 59 65 53 78 56 73 69 96 65 66 72 67 59 10 31 46 62 62 63 fit 1 69 70 55 62 62 62 72 78 95 .60 11 59 37 32 37 474 63 37 76 72 74 77 96 89 sh 59 63 12PN 31 60 32 61 cr 59 72 92 72 B2 74 82 at 83 39 69 1 78 52 80 73 33 32 60 71 90 95 84 76 74 96 72 69 2 31 32 39 32 62 47 63 60 63 67 76 73 60 60 56 32 3 44 40 24 37 52 49 38 50 6L 62 65 64 56 42 48 40" 4 30 47 47 33 30 48 37 49 2 49 71 35 44 69 52 45 5 44 30 34 48 45 37 39 48 64 42 43 30 39 so 45 41 6 26 39 26 28 V 22 34 31 33 47 39 38 33 a 30 34 7 17 24 19 28 24 31 21 26 47 55 35 41 22 th 26 33 a lb 17 24 12 IS 13 22 21 27 40 23 33 16 22 21 21 9 8 14 6 14 -4p 11 13 a ZD 17 32 36 10 11 11 13 10 4 8 3 7 il 6 3 to 17 17 Is 13 4 7 7 to 11 1 1 3 3 S 7 0 3 7 9 6 a 1 2 4 5 ITMS 834 87.0 749 780 8011 803 916 902 1064 1078 1106 1140 906 926 976 882 CONBINED TOTALS 12 3 6 5 7 1 4 2 8 1 1 12 12 4 2 6 3 9 is a 10 it 9 3 71 24 -10 26 22 34 34 26 4 fit 56 53 52 63 m 37 57 55 69 66 B2 98 87 57 73 6 105 97 99 80 99 134 91 95 T 11 Z�: 114 95 12'- 17. !61 102 40 9 12 D 142 !42 122 123 125 9 1124 1!5 ilb 174 M4 !61 2-3 1% ;0 1.9 9q 117 !Z4 124 ISO 1) 159 !21 11 115 109 117 1 146 173 1755 124 1 106 154 154 Ish .2 111 111 164 129 I lZO I mr 105 131 185 160 170 141 2 MT 71 109 123 134" 149 12D 108 i 84 .1 !01 102 121 129 104 96 4 97 ao 95 iO5 i0b 126 ill� 97 5 74 82 9'7 07 106 74 89 86 6 64 54 55 65 82 77 64 7 41 4 47 i 024 76 59 a 7 22 43 67 78 42 7 6B io 11 io !0 15 —----—------—— 17;LT A T T A C H M E N T # 2 INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS AUGUST 1986 Vtt-ilULt4/ ULUM.E U u Lq* T 'IN ",rERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NEW SQFF-ZLr— 'AQr=&lQE @ MPr7_7,_ArTc0Y_A Tzoo�Q DATE TIME NEW SUFPOL4. A%ldKjQ'E DAY COMPILED By -p-Z, METHOD OF COUNT sNorth TRAFFIC CONTROL 7 > C7 NEW 5%ar;0Lf- AU6NUE DUNN ENGINEERiNG - P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH - N , v ka L t: V U L U fVl-t: ka U (72" , ,INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NEW SQ�r'F-CLr- 'A\lr=NlQE @ mprZTZAToo�cA TzoAo. DATE TIME NEW SuFFaL4'A%XkaQ-lE DAY Pl. COMPILED BY -p 7. METHOD OF COUNT Ncrth TRAFFIC CONTROL N > oc Fol C) UNN ENGINEERING . P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . Y n i %a L. v %i L U ivi-= ' JNTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NIEW 5QF7-CLW'- *A\lr=klQE @ MPrZTZATcCy-A TzoAD DATE , Tims 0 A Y �'104t�:AC, COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT Ncrth TRAFFIC CONTROL > OUNN ENGINEERING . P - C - WES7HAMPTON BEACH . N . Y Vr,- rilk.; Lr. V %J L U [Vl-t= 'I. NTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NEW ',A0lr= ,JQE @ MPr7-TLkTc0Y-A Tza�o DATE TIME DAY c4 rj" 1 r4 COMPILED BY 1p.Z. METHOD OF COUNT -q:*— Ncrth TRAFFIC CONTROL (L�Ka5 3 ic ............4........., -7 10Cp C. N T (L ri > DUNN ENGINEERING .' P - C - WESTHAMPTON BEACH . VthlULt;0VULUM-L L; UWT ',. INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NGVj 5-JIF-FCI-r— -AQC=&�OE @ MAZTZATCOY-A IZOAD DATE TIME NEW SUFFOLK- AQ6NJQE D A Y -5 A T Ji?-DA COMPILECi By METHOD OF COUNT North =TRAFFIC CONTROL alp RAFFIC 1. Dip > r -1 > r4 New SU�7�:�,L A7�J7OE71 DUNN ENGINEERING , P - C WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . V = rlJULt: 4/ ULUM-t- L; UWI 1NTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION DATE -7-19-Y(v T I M E MEW SUV-POLK A\IC-. DAY n'4 COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT <� North TRAFFIC CONTROL %0 (A f)T-DF SiGios '7 3), 1 -0 M ) - Im 24 32, 10 (7 F93-7 0 7% 0 3> 2Z 7a DUNN ENGINEERING , P - C WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . ' Vt: rllk.; L = VULUM-t: UUt* I - INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NEW SUFFUle- AASt4Qr= e tANl?L?.AjooY-A 1p-QAD D A T L: T I M E I.Z V.,r, NIEW St3r-POLV. A%J6. DAY SA-rug DA� COMPILED By METHOD OF COUNT sNorth W CD TRAFFIC CONTROL 0 3> 3:1 cr >< >< 0 7v 70 Poo Roo I DUNN ENGINEERING , P - C WESTHAMPTON sEACH , N . VLHI (..; LL*V0LUM-E COONT I N.TERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS L 0 C A T 10 N KEVI SUF�:OL14 RAEt'�\IC= (2 tAkl�.7-AlCOY-A p-OP�D DATE J-11- B-Cp T I M E Z..S F. tAF.W SUl;r-004 A46. 0 A Y SA'T Q7.0 A, COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL M 70 19 18 3;1 --& 0 cp 3> 713 7 DUNN ENGINEERING , P - C WESTHAMPTON 13EACH , N . VhHl (; LE4j/ C) LUM-E COWT 'INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS L 0 C A T 10 N NEW SUFFOLIC' ANEI`,1QC- (2 tAN?-7A70b\4-A V.QND DATE- T I M E NEW SUr-r-OLK A\16. DAY COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL -F oe I LRAFFIC CONT 1!5 0 -F 3 )0 70 > 0 cr < < 0 7% Iz 3> L�� > 70 LiLJ- 0 9 lop 'D VJCW DUNN ENGINEERING , P � c WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . VEHIGLE610LUM-E COANT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS L 0 C A T 10 N NEV4 -SUfF0L[/- D A T E _719-V T I M E NEW 5 Ur-r-QLV- Aq6- D A Y SA'T uq OA� COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT <— North w TRAFF IC CONTROL j W 10 ?a 11 1 — 5 4 0 0 TK 13 ?>', is 70 to DUNN ENGINEERING . P - C WES -rHAMPTON BEACH . N . VEHICLE*VOLUM-E COONT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS L 0 C A T 10 N SUIF5CL4 A�Sg%lrz e Kk'�-ZAlotY-A 12LoAlD DATE -7.7cfl(io TIME 5-6v taew sur-r-OLK ANX. D A Y COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT N sor t h Ll IJ TRAFFIC CONTROL 0 70 IQ -3-7 �4 op 3=9 0 70 t4cw 5ulp-roz:�:Atq�c- DUNN ENGINEERING . P - C WESTHAMPTON B5ACH . N . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS L 0 C A T 10 N I%tW SQ'plFoLyl A%-jQQr- & A�ZW�� Dlzl\lc- DATE TIME 2--Q 1449-W SuvrOLY- A4C:KJQG DAY ShTQqC)A-j COMPI[LED By METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL -7 IE z 4 0 DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NP-v� Sc --r-50LY— Aqc-Qor-- ARWA Dz,�c- DATE 9- 1-1-Rb TIME N4C-W SU�:VOM AQC- DAY SA-vu9DA-1 COMPiLED BY METHOD OF * COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL r ro rl > 73 NCv,; Su;:T-0LV- MG DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NEW 5 F101-r— A\)CK3uG ao Algw�4 DATE -1-ig.eic TIME DAY SAT6Q(,pj NIGW SJFV:OLr- AQC-. COMPiLED BY S.iz. METHOD OF COUNT ' North TRAFFIC CONTROL _j �tOU:� A\J 0� DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NE\�J SUVIFOLY— ��,;CN3\JG Z A�RWA� D�ZWG DATE -7-�9-&(o TIMEZ-:Sl> DAY SATuQDA� COMPiLEo sy 5 ,141 METHOD OF COUNT North 10 TRAFFIC CONTROL W N rl 2)Lr A 777 DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NE\M SQV�:OLK- A�;CNIUE C� AQwA-j DR'\J6 DATE -7- \9-8b TIME '3-LI DAY SkruZDA COMPiLEo sy METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL L4 rn a o 7- NE-1.0 'LO��POLt AqCPQC DUNN ENGINEERING . P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NEW 5UT7-0Lke-' AQEUUG A�RWAJ D9-kQC- DATE DAY 5N-Tk3q-uAl COMPiLED 13Y S.ir_ mLQ METHOD OF COUNT North LA TRAFFIC CONTROL rri Ln DUNN ENGINEERING . P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION A�4EWOE:: 9 A%R%JJAI WZlQG DATE TIME 'S-bp.�A. NEW SQ'�i7OLK A%�G. DAY sAT,.jqiDAJ COMPiLEo ey METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFPIC CONTROL 0 V,rl rc�� -;loV-V:0 t4 AME DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . Y . VEHICLE*VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION Ic PAUSS 12D . Cz CArMP MWE-CLA V-D, DATE TIME C-AH-P tAkQEOLA IW COMPiLED BY V .D. METHOD OF COUNT North -TRAFFIC CONT ROL 0 rc—P,H—P DUNN ENGINEERING . P - C WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . 3LE IOLUME COUNT VEHIO INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION gP-AQs5 im CAHP PAINC-GLA Z0 DATE -7-2&8b TIME DAY CAWP m%A360LA ICA-b COMPiLED BY yD METHOD OF COUNT .North TRAFFIC CONTROL 7'z 70 cl 15 70 0 > Z-7 CAMPMW(�OL.k tcA-D OUNN ENGINEERING , P - C WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . VEHICLE *JOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION KZA\j55 -eD QCAh-p i-A(QE-oLA V-D. 0 ATE T I M E DAY -TuC-SDAI CAmP HiNIC-OL4 12OA-D COMPiLED BY METHOD OF COUNT North 0 TR.AFFIC CONTROL . 7Q v 3b 3-S CAHP t1kMC-CLA TZCAD DUNN ENGINEERING , P - C WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . VEHICLE *VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION I<RAQ5S RL. @ CAHP mwmA 1w , DATE -7-29-8b T I ME -5--b D A Y -rueSt)Al CA,-4';> tAW60LA I?oA;D COMPiLED sy METHOD OF COUNT North TR.AFFIC CONTROL 314 26 Z5 V% CAMP mkk)r--cLA izcf�ll> DUNN ENGINEERING , P - C WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . VEHICLE 90L. UME COUNR INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS I LOCATION KlCvj Su�FOLle- ME f P-T ZS DATE -7-18-fS(o TIME D A Y 5�R\DAJ COMPILED BY Rz. METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL 0 7 N r8 ZO N 0 393 3,41 53 CD AQE DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEA.CH , N . Y . VEHICLE fOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NEW SQPPOLK- MC- r P-�-- 2S DATE -7-JB-Bb TIME 8-9A-tA, DAY COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL !STOJP 4E;*� 0 1 ... ---L-r-77-77-1 rl FIT, F6-3 3- 1 N) Llzb 38Q 41 3-7 )�F00 DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICA VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NC\;J S0lPV-UlL,4- cc- vnuie 2-s DATE J-16-rob TIKE (4-6 DAY COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT North TRA FFIC CONTROL To 76 0 c- r -971 m U) NEW ME QUC- . DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N - Y VEHICLE tOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION W G\pj �SU�t �:OLK' A\JC-N�OE (2- 'ZS DATE TIME S-L- -p.m. DAY '5� COMPfLED BY 0000f METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL stop S��\3 711 C> Or r14051 �j 8 03 (055 NE�j So-��-OLr- C-N C 6 DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VOLUME CONT VEHICL INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NEW S\JrFCL�- AQEQQC Co, -F-00W 7-5 DATE -7-19-86 TIKE jj-�2.ipy DAY COMPILED By L? METHOD OF COUNT North TRA FFIC CONTROL Ak 0 C 30 rT) ri 5—Tz-I F,3-6-3-1 '7(o 0 132 mEw suFFoL K A QCMUE DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . y , VEHICA VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION SOT�FOL�- AQEQ\-)C e V-00-vc- Zs DATE -1-19-86 TIME i-Z-%T.t, DAY COMPILED BY L? METHOD OF COUNT North TRA FFIC CONTROL 0. —qK-I FI-29-7-1 kp 837 w OF S-)5FCLr- AmE. DUNN ENGINEERING, P - C- WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION -NEW 5U�-�Wf- A,-�EWE ROQ-VE Z5 D A T E -7-10-8(3 T IRE Z-3-ptA DAY COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT North TRA FFIC CONTROL q 6L4 L4 85 543 r,3-5 37 ro %0 LAI ri 5OFFOLK A\*. DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N. Y - VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION -NCW sgfFc)L�- A\�CMQC- -IP-OUTE 2-5 DATE -J-t�-86 TIME 3-Lj -p DAY -,SATUI�DAJ COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT North r oD TRA FFIC CONTROL 5T"p r—71 607 =1147-3 -76 6(os Ln 99 mew suPl�wC-M DUNN ENGINEERING, P. C. WESTHAMPTON BEACH. N. Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COAT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION SEW SUFFOLIC- WrQUG -ROUTG Z5 DATE 1-19-8b TIME p.m. DAY SAT0120A i COMPILED BY L:P. METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL 3me S60 5-7-7 1-7 rl 2-1 F-3191 8LI b '7 25 [;;�Tsur7-ar- A\J6NJE- DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION NFW MEMOG V-OVTC- 'ZS D A T E TIME S-bpm, D A Y SATrua 0A COMPILED By METHOD OF COUNT North I TRAFFIC CONTROL "To? :51 (,1 ) 16 rl 2-_ ri 1-7-0-1 rT) r-3 rog 1 5106 NCW S\3f:rOLW�- A\36mule DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION D A T E T I M E D A Y COMPILED BY Pz METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL DUNN ENGINEERING . P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION JV.�-, A14/7�r./c k� DATE TIME D A Y 4, COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT North 1-14Ajur3 4- TRAFFIC CONTROL "N6 DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS L 0 C A T 10 N D A T E p/.'-3 0/?�& T I M E DAY oe Z)q k COMPILED By T, METHOD OF COUNT North A14 M)Iq 4- TRAFFIC CONTROL 7� DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION 4-7V,� Ald 7�, -4)C< DATE 9/Zc.4w/ TIME�2-31'�V DAY COMPILED Y METHOD OF COUNT North #.WL)/qL- TRAFFIC CONTROL �A) Lo DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS -R.,, "7 LOCATION D A T E T I M E DAY COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT North w4x)vql- TRAFFIC CONTROL OP 6 1 pa In Alu�"JL)e DUNN ENGINEERING . P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION �ff14f #'f/7/njc-c DATE TIME D A Y COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT N h ort) TRAFFIC CONTROL 7Z) OUNN ENGINEERING . P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS L 0 C A T 10 N ldvd. &-7- A�17i)e-e DATE TIME 1) A Y COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT North J4/viML TRAFFIC CONTROL AO�d aw 0 In OUNN ENGINEERING . P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION DATE TIME 0 A Y COMPI*LED 13Y METHOD OF COUNT North 9AIL)A I- TRAFFIC CONTROL AJ DUNN ENGINEERING , P - C - WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS L 0 C A T 10 N DATE jV1 T I M E DAY COMPILED BY METHOD OF COUNT North 1�4AJ(JA�- TRAFFIC CONTROL rop /'a-3 ry) DUNN ENGINEERING . P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHICLE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION 7�ourg C26- 141e, !F�Sr 1�477',:-,)C'i� DATE TIME 0 A Y 4�)AJ COMPfLED By METHOD OF COUNT North 11-114 lu aq�- TRAFFIP CONTROL CIAI DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . Y . VE: H I C L E VOLUME CONT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION Ale. 4-/7/ 77UC)t DATE rrl T I M E DAY COMPI'LED BY CK METHOD OF COU NT N Do:rt h )��lv aA(-- TRAFFIC CONTROL I In A? DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . VEHAE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION D A T E T I M E D A Y COMPI LED BY C� METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL 17 4W rF DUNN ENGINEERING , P C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N - Y VEHICLE VOLUME C (*JNT 'INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION DATE TIME DAY COMPILED BY 0/�/ METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL 74 DUNN ENGINEERING . P . C.. WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . Y VEHICIE VOLUME C (*JNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION DATE TIME DAY COMPfLED BY METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y VEHICfE VOLUME C *JNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION _/J4 7r, 7-a CC D ATE t 0 lyt� TIME DAY lid COMPiLED 13Y METHOD OF COUNT North TRAFFIC CONTROL <1 7- Al,�5r DUNN ENGINEERING , P. C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH . N . Y . VEHIC41E VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION DATE TIME DAY ')4 COMPiLED BY METHOD OF COUNT North 114 TRAFFIC CONTROL DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y VEHICTE VOLUME COUNT INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS LOCATION D A T E T I M E 31-,§- D A Y COMPiLED BY METHOD OF COUNT North -wl�6'wz- TRAFFIC CO NTROL .6-3 DUNN ENGINEERING , P . C . WESTHAMPTON BEACH , N . Y . ,e A T T A C H M E N T # 3 SITE GENERATED TRAFFIC 0 �4 v 0 Lrl C4 cc w Aj 0 U3 COJ 14 go V2 00% m 0 OW r no ow 0 0 > 9 4AN 20 1W I PELLETREAU at PELLETREAU PETER V SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT 5 PELLETREAU JOHN J. HART 20 CHURCH STREET - BOX 110 (189t-ICS43) JOHN 0.ROE,III RICHARD A.5 HOENFELD FREDERIC L.ATWOOD PATCHOGUE. NEW YORK 11772 (1950 ]GOO) J.TIMOTHY SHEA TEL.516 475 5556 BRUCE T WALLACE ROBERT H. PELLCTREAU KEVIN A.SEAMAN OF COUNSEL VANESSA M. SHEEHAN- BENJAMIN L.HERZWEIG -ALSO ADMITTED IN FLORIDA January 15, 1987 Mr . Bennett Orlowski, Jr . Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 RE: Norris Estates Mattituck. New York 11952 Dear Mr . Orlowski : Enclosed please find a copy of the letter sent to the Town of Southold Board Members on January 7. 1987 regarding the above property. We are forwarding this to you for your information. Very truly yours, ETREAU & PELLETREAU A-t P3 t F. J e Haeberle Legal Assistant JFH:hmm Enclosures lu/8 oeo J� PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU PETER V. SNYDER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW ROBERT 5 PLLLETREAV JOHN J. HART 20 CHURCH STREET 5OX 110 Iso.-1043) JOHN J,ROt,111 RICHARD A SCHOENFELD FREDERIC L ATWOOD PATCHOGUE. NEW YORK 11772 11950-198W J TIMOTHY SHEA BRUCE T WALLACE TEL.518 475-565e KEVIN A.SEAMAN ROBERT M, PELLETREAU VANESSA M. SHEEHAN- OF COUNSEL BENJAMIN L.HZRXWEIG -ALI1O ADMITTED IN FLORIDA January 7 . 1987 Hon. Francis J . Murphy supervisor Town of Southold Old Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 council Members: Hon. Jean W. Cochran P.O. Box 285 Southold, New York 11971 Hon. Raymond W. Edwards P.O. Box 511 Fishers Island. New York 06390 Hon. George L. Penny, IV P.O. Box 57 Greenport. New York 11944 Hon. James Schondebare P.O. Box 1018 Southold. New York 11971 Hon. Paul Stoutenburgh Skunk Lane Cutchogue. New York 11935 Re: Norris Estates Dear supervisor Murphy and Council Members: This letter is being written to you in connection with the application of Richard Carr to develop the Norris property in accordance with its present zoning and with that proposed in the new master plan. This particular parcel. which was the object of prolonged and expensive litigation and on which the developer has expended great sums of money, has been tested and re-tested so that it PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU Re: Norris Estates Page 2 January 7. 1987 can provide for the Hamlet of mattituck, within the constraints of the Hamlet Density zoning, the residential density appropriate to the area. As you are aware. at the time of the original zoning. there was a restrictive covenant filed running with the land which binds subsequent owners of both the parcel rezoned for multiple density and that remaining in the Norris estate. The overall density proposed will be 1. 6 units per acre on the entire parcel . This density is substantially lower than the density in the existing housing to the south of the premises . H2M. the consulting engineers, have been diligent in addressing the concerns voiced by the residents to the south concerning the effect upon the surrounding community of the proposed development with respect to water supply and sewage disposal . It is interesting to note that the proposed use will consume less water than that used in the past for farming purposes. Projections. assuming full time occupancy of each of the units indicate there would be a net water usage of 21,372 gallons per day. In fact, a study made of similar units within the Town of Southold indicates that the full time occupancy rate is only 15%. or 3 . 206 gallons per day. There have been a number of wells drilled on the property. The proposed primary well will be located in the northeast quadrant of the easement area . Based upon the projected drawdown of water (using 21, 372 gallons per day) , there is no measurable effect on the water supply. The engineers have also concluded that there will be no discernable impact upon Lake Maratooka . (In arriving at these conclusions, the engineers used not the 15% occupancy rate, but a full time 100% occupancy rate. ) The wells drilled indicate the following. Water is reached at 20 feet; the water . sand and gravel stratum continues for another 50 feet - there is then another 50 feet of clay. The depth of the clay stratum has not been plumbed. The depth of the clay lense would mitigate against any salt water intrusion. There has been continuing correspondence between the Suffolk County Department of Health Services and H2M concerning water quality. quantities of water , ground water levels and PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU Re: Norris Estates Page 3 January 7. 1987 contours . H2M has concluded that the project is good from a water supply viewpoint since it offers a nucleus or base for public water in the area. The Suffolk County Department of Health Services has requested (1) that the project be coordinated with the Suffolk County Nater Authority: (2) that the engineers evaluate the impact of the proposed water supply pumpage on the quantity and quality of neighboring private wells; and (3) that they evaluate pump test data to determine effects of pumpage on the movement of the fresh-water/salt-water interface: and (4) that there be an evaluation of the proposed sewage treatment ground water discharge on private wells . It is apparent that the County of Suffolk Department of Health Services is diligent in insuring that the interests of the residents of the community are addressed . There will not be approval of any proposal without satisfactory determination of the water and sewage issues . There is an existing mechanism which addresses the issues raised by those in the community who oppose the present zoning and the master plan. The Town and the courts have recognized the need in the community for the Norris site development. Hamlet density has wisely been provided for in the Hamlets of the Town of Southold . Most of the proposed increased density use is east of the Hamlet of Mattituck. There are residents in the Hamlet of Mattituck who would welcome the kind of housing that is proposed on the Norris site. No site is perfect . Any application will be met with opposition by someone. There is. unfortunately a "not in my backyard" syndrome which would eliminate all change . This attitude is understandable. but not defensible. There is a need for the kind of housing which is proposed on the Norris site and there are adequate safeguards already in place which will insure that the residents of the adjoining properties are not adversely affected in any measureable way. Rather . the values of adjoining properties will be enhanced by a first rate. first class development with its own water system and with its own tertiary sewage treatment plant . The sewage treatment plant will produce an effluent which must meet drinking water standards . The effluent will be returned to the ground in an area at the northern end of the property so PELLETREAU & PELLETREAU Re: Norris Estates Page T January 7. 1987 that the Southeast flow will by-pass any residential areas presently existing to the south. Ne will, as other data is received from the va-rious engineers and consultants, pass the information on to you. Thank you for your attention and concern. Kincerely OPI RT JJH:ma 01C(2-5) LASER FICHE FORM SUBDIVISIONS Promect Type: Mab Status: Withdrawn C6rn F(A�7)4- SCTM # : 1000 - 122.-5-4 Prooect Name: Norris Estates Location: Camp Mineola Blvd. And New Suffolk Ave., Mattituck Hamlet: Mattituck Applicant Name: Richard Carr Owner Name: Bruce Norris Zone 1 : M- t-,n -' Approval Date: PLAT Signed Date: 1\jc�-)— OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information Zone 2: Zone 3: C and R's : Homeowners Association R and M Agreement: Address: Camp Mineola Blvd. And New Suffolk Ave., Mattituc County Filing Date: SCANNED APR 10 21006 Records Management SCAN Date: p r 0. OREGON it U C PTAIN�KlDt�5-' Q: EAST ........ 1195 11935 50' WIDE R,OW* 12.5'S TRIP FOR FUTURE WIDENING Al. REE VE A VE. 667,65' L N ,7`j2-Ob"E 519.57' '91 229' CA A4 M TIT Cw "4�v 6'04..4 LOT NLIA48ER --------(i - �7_ 9v (Typ) 77�7 40,075 +5.F 41b,O7b"±SF,' 41 5�O�t S.F. J"' 41,0,00;tS.F. 90 43,500t S.F. 40/QOo SF "v bi I /I �J / I - �;?"' �"2�� 184' NIF VERA F. LAUREL 22-9 22 CICHANOWICZ H TYPICAL 150' 150 150, �"jiw - - -- -- - -nw l- , L DWELLING T� u LU 9b. 4�.00O�S'F. N CATION MAP 19' \ \ \ 0 N 0 40, LO .00,9 0 t S.F. k a N. T.S. @7 Ile 250, 5a V1L`DiNGSE)WACK", ....... ... 1 , \ I j?,0OO;tS-F �40,500±5.F V50±S.F NIF ALINE DO VE VE(TYPICAL) 4 05 NIFJOHAAWA M SIEGMANN i 4 LU Z) j @ 0' S I TE DATA PIS ��A*;'_'It� I (09 Ac) 800-.SF. o'-.g CK TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28. 15ACRES LIIV& TOTAL NOMBER OF LOTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 25 41,000z�.F IDU MINIMUM LOT SIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 000 SF 140 150, z4i4l 170- 1 399, 1,91' "4 .X.f4z 53 OOOf S.F. ZONING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R-40 Aq rl NORRIS NO' NIF W11 LIAM C. LENGTH OF PROPOSED ROAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E50OLF r..... M NXF 17- 1 - . , , I \ .1 1 , @e DISTRICT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MA TT I TUCK-CU TCHOGUE HARRY M. 8 \��" , SCHCOL ARI FIVE F JA0411LLARD LU SF 19 - 41000.�SF 44,110- 61,DOD -5.F 401009:t Q. NIFBRUCE A. 'ca CO NORRIS GENERAL NOTES ----------- APPLICANT FOR THIS PROJECT IS THE SHAMROCK PROPERTIES 191' T14E 40,300.�S'�.\ R96" CORPORA TION OF 350 FIFTHA VE. , RM 1826, N. Y. , N. Y. tO118, X�77A'G,--X-- 95.61' ---- - - - -- 2. ALL PROPOSED UTILITIES SHALL BE UNDERGROUND. "go 0300' OF - W A 7. i,5= 50'RIGHT AY NIF FRANCIS 8 -- ---- - 0:0 --5123,00 1 PROPERTY LINE p4 (TYP.) N/k BRUCE A, NORRIS 3. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MARYMALONEY n TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. 040 -4 KEN 4. THE SURVEY DATA WAS 7 FROM A SURVEY BY YOUNG AND.YOUNG OF 'RIVERHEAD, MY 5. THE CONTOURS SHOWN HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO MEAN SEA LEVEL . PLAN 6. THE STORMWATER RECHARGE BASINS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE SCALE /00' STORAGE FOR THE RUNOFF FROM A-SIX INCH W) RAINFALL FOR THE 50' R. O. W. 7. THE RECHARGE BASIN SHALL BE FENCED PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL TOWN REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. a. ALL PRECAUTIONS SHALL BE TAKEN DURfNG 'CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT EROSION, FLOODING, OR ANY OTHER HAZARDOUS CONDITION. 9. ALL LOTS IN THIS SUBDIVISION ARE 40, 000 SF AND GREATER, AND ARE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 6 OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE. 1 1991 p6y\%J� S.C. T.M. 1000-122-05-004 DATE REVISION OF NEW 4-3-90 LOTS2 rhRU5 TOPROVIDE150'MIN MORRIS HS TA THS 9 BUILDING LINE 4-12-90 LOTS 6 THRU 14 1 MATTITUCK, TOWN 0)- SOUTHOLD, NE-WYORK 1, (516) 737-3378 4-27-90 ROAD �llqKo_UrADAED L Or 26, S(OURH J.11.qMt1 H Assuritflas Ei imiNArED RECREA rION AREA consulting engineers 11�VVI'! 6-14-90 L OrS 13 AND 16 F1144ARGED 1- 8 - 91 ROAD LA YOUT, FUMINA TED LOT 26 10. 3505 Veterans Memorial Hwy., Suite M Ronkonkoma, N.Y 11779 SCALE: PROJ NO , DA TE ASSHOWN 9004 MAR'CH 1990 SKHTCHPLAN - YIHLDMAP XCEPTOA Jr4 0, 0 0 0 S.A=. MINJ L NAS�AU SUFFOLK BLUEPMNri�G